In other words, Pfizer did NOT run any chronic (6 months or longer) clinical studies on their vaccines. If I recall correctly from my days at the research lab, a 90-day (three month) study was considered subchronic. Also, I have not heard anything at all about the types of studies that were conducted either by Pfizer or the other manufacturers. Specifically, I would want to know about studies (either clinical or preclinical) involving reproductive and fertility parameters, oncogenicity, carcinogenicity, neurotoxicity, cardiovascular and pulmonary parameters, safety and efficacy, among other things. What kind of long-term effects are we looking at? Even in short-lived species like rats, 90 days isn't enough to determine this sort of thing, you want at least a two year study. As I said I spent nearly 4 decades in the business; if someone wants to talk vaccine safety with me, then they'd better be able to demonstrate they know and understand the terms I just used above, and that includes my present employer. Don't just quote something you got off the CDC website, show me you know your stuff.

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What I understand so far:

1. The PCR test was never intended to be a method to diagnose COVID.

2. Using this test to dx COVID yields a 90% False Positive rate.

3. The PCR test cannot distinguish between COVID or any other coronavirus or the flu.

Bearing this in mind, how can variants possibly be diagnosed from a PCR test? How can any coronavirus or flu be eliminated as the cause of the person's illness?

I think this is a bigger hoax than people realize.

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I have some anecdotal evidence for you.

Leeds United players all took the booster either last week or after Saturday’s game against Arsenal. https://archive.md/caTiZ#selection-807.42-807.125

They just had to cancel their next game against Liverpool on December 26th due to positive tests: https://www.theguardian.com/football/2021/dec/23/liverpool-v-leeds-and-wolves-v-watford-off-on-boxing-day-due-to-covid-premier-league

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Dec 23, 2021·edited Dec 23, 2021

The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again expecting a different result. In California healthcare workers are now mandated to take a booster in order to keep the workforce working. As a physician working in public health I am embarrassed by the panicked lack of data driven decision making before putting in place potentially unsound mandates. Thank you for this information, it fits with the breakthrough data patterns I am seeing by mining public health websites.

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The vaccinated are lucky that Omicron is only a cold. The question is: does an infection with Omicron “reset” the immune system of the vaccinated, thus washing away the Original Antigenic Sin induced by the Covid vaccine?

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I’d be curious to see how the vaccinated who come down with Omicron respond to future variants. Hopefully fighting off Omicron overcomes some of the OAS.

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I heard a public health official on NPR yesterday state that the immune suppression from the booster wasn’t as long lived or significant as it was for the first dose. She was trying to convince people to get the booster even if they were heading out to meet family in the near future. I was primarily surprised because it was the first time I had heard anybody in public health acknowledge the risk from immune suppression. I was also surprised because I had no idea that studies had been done on immune suppression from boosters. Where did she get this information?

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SHEEPLE WATCH….https://youtu.be/NHgoeIdti-A

from Just an Observer

Director General “It is better to use the booster shots on the dying elderly than use them to kill the children like some countries are doing.” 2:40

This wasn’t a Freudian slip. It is  the way the discussions and debates within in WHO have taken place over the last two years and normal conversation. It is unfolding before our eyes with these deadly spike protein magnetic graphene injections are being mandated.

…Bill Gates, “if we are doing a real good job vaccinating, we may reduce the world population by 10% to 15%”. See “Innovating to Zero!” speech to the TED2010 annual conference, Long Beach, California, February 18, 2010).



People like Sam Parker have been warning us.

Sam Parker May 10, 2020


Here, just the key elements as a precursor to what the world is living now, and what is to come, if we don’t stop it – to demonstrate how this entirely criminal sham has been planned. Parts of the scenario are:

A massive vaccination program, probably through compulsory vaccination – Bill Gates’ dream and brainchild is vaccinating 7 billion people.

Massive population reduction, a eugenics plan – in part through vaccination and other means (Ref. Bill Gates, “if we are doing a real good job vaccinating, we may reduce the world population by 10% to 15%”. See “Innovating to Zero!” speech to the TED2010 annual conference, Long Beach, California, February 18, 2010).

Bill Gates has been advocating for years the need for a massive population reduction – and indeed the more than 20 years of the BMGF’s extensive vaccination programs in Africa, India and other places around the world have seen a record of involuntary sterilization of women between 14 and 49 years.

An electronic ID for every person on the planet – in the form of a nano chip, possibly injected along with the mandatory vaccination. This nano-chip could be remotely uploaded with all personal data.

Graphene Oxide in the injections to test human tolerance

Digitized money, no more cash.

Universal rolling out of 5G, later to be followed by 6G.

This is leading to a total control of every individual on the planet. It is sold to the public as the Internet of Things (IOT), meaning self-driving cars, robotized kitchen equipment, artificial intelligence (AI) for the production and delivery of everything. What the sales pitch doesn’t say, is how humans would be marginalized and enslaved. To carry this masterplan forward, high frequency electromagnet waves are needed. Therefore, rolling out of 5G is a must, no matter what the health impact on humans, fauna and flora may be – and no matter how it may influence viral infections, like possibly the current COVID19.

This is a precursor for understanding how things are being planned. It may help connecting the dots for what is coming.

It may also help us understand what is happening right now, in the first phase of the Lock Down scenario. It portrays in vivid colors the criminal nature of the Dark Deep State, itself a division of the Rockefeller Empire.

The World is being misled concerning the causes and consequences of the corona crisis.

The COVID-19 crisis is marked by a public health “emergency” under WHO auspices which is being used as a pretext and a justification to triggering a worldwide process of economic, social and political restructuring. 

Social engineering is being applied. Governments are pressured into extending the lockdown, despite its devastating economic and social consequences.

What is happening is unprecedented in World history. 

Prominent scientists support the lockdown without batting an eyelid, as a “solution” to a global health emergency.

Amply documented, the estimates of the COVID-19 disease including mortality are grossly manipulated. 

In turn, people are obeying their governments. Why? Because they are afraid? 

Causes versus solutions?

The closing down of national economies applied worldwide will inevitably result in poverty, mass unemployment and an increase in mortality. It’s an act of economic warfare. 

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Meanwhile, cities across the US keep mandating vaccines for 5 year olds.

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As I understand it, the conventional public health argument seems to go that even if omicron is mild, more infections will result in more opportunities for people to become sick and die.

The fact that the conventional public health recommendation continues to be "get vaccinated" is troubling in light of the possibility that vaccines provide negative efficacy against omicron (and lack of evidence-- from what I can tell-- that they mitigate symptoms or even that the degree to which they would mitigate symptoms from this mildest variant-- especially among the low-risk-- would offset the potential to increase chances of infection).

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Not to endorse Pfizer at all with its equivocal results and possible harms, but you may notice that there is NO POINT in the timecourse of vaxx, in which the Moderna vaxx does NOT risk a fraction of their population in re: Omicron. At every stage, SOME people are getting owned by Omicron under Moderna regime. EVERY population's immune systems make WIDE BERTH for Omicron under Moderna. With Moderna, the whole entire calendar IS the worry-window. Sad! As long as the governmedia continues to insist that vaxx mix-n-match is a legit thing, that one "approved" is as good as the other, a deception the PFDA prefers, you will keep seeing stories of "I am (Pfizer) vaxxed and boostered, waiting for #4" coupled alongside (but not the same person) "OMG I am fully vaxxed and in the hospital with Omicron." This is how these seemingly contradictory stories can arise. Media will never ask the hospitalized WHICH vaxx for fear that they may say that their sponsor's product harmed them.

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Mr. Gato- in the interest of you not wasting time doing something that someone else is already doing. This dashboard includes the case, hospitalization, and death data for all the UK reports going back to when they started giving detailed data: https://public.tableau.com/views/UKReportsRiskRatios/UKCharts?:language=en-US&:display_count=n&:origin=viz_share_link

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You are really smart. I don't understand a lot of this. I used to, but it has all gotten so complicated. But I appreciate your work, and all you do to get to the final conclusions, which I do understand, and make me sad.

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Dec 23, 2021·edited Dec 23, 2021

What I believe is that people are getting sick and dying from experimental mRNA vaccine toxemia. The Omicron "virus" just like the Corona "virus were never isolated, purified and sequenced from a sick person or persons with said illness. These so called pathogenic "viruses" only exist in computer models and not in reality. Germ-Viral Theory is still a scam theory based on junk science since its inception. Louis Pasteur was a conman, plagiarist and a mediocre chemist. See www.thebigvirushoax.com

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By the way eugyppius on substack has been doing weekly updates with graphs if you want to see what week 50 looks like:


spoiler alert, the boosters for the 80+ & 70+ seem to have had a minor effect and show a slight benefit for the vaxxed for now.

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Your hypothesis especially about the surge in double vaxxed cases makes sense. Thanks for publishing that as a possible explanation for that conundrum

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