How so? Nothing seems different around me at all. I’m one of few that didn’t vax. Curious so I can recognize it. Im not on social media though. Nobody is questioning anything in my view. Cheers.
In about 6 months DeSantis will be campaigning for POTUS. It appears the pandemic response including the vaxx and fraud are going to be major issues he plans to run on. No other politician could do that because, to one degree or another, they are complicit.
When you have Elon Musk tweeting that he had a bad reaction and that someone close to him has a serious vaxx injury, I think its safe to assume this would raise visibility.
But the most important change lately is that the counter narrative has gained credibility.
The two shot and done are the key population that we need in order for our voices to be loud enough to get accountability. My gut tells me we need 20% of Americans who will demand accountability. We can make that happen. What can I say; we have to keep it in front of them without being obnoxious.
Don't forget they are victims of the lawlessness. Those who were reluctant about the shots are usually open to the possibility that the jabs are not good.
Lastly, Trump is a liability and he will quash accountability. He would eventually pivot and point fingers, but it will be disingenuous. He'd rather blame the syringes than take blame for his involvement.
A word of warning about DeSantis, that many are ignoring! Have a look at who his associates have been in the past. He pals around with neocons, and those in the old guard. We have zero idea of any of his foreign policies and he’s keeping mum. I agree he’s a great governor, but he is completely an unknown factor in foreign politics. I believe he will be a good president some day, but he needs to surround himself with true America First folks, not neocons who are profiting off of warfare.
JudyC- right now, there is no greater war than the attack on our young people via the massive 24/7 campaign to jab all our college kids. I have 2 kids in this age group and it has been exhausting to keep them semi-informed. This is a domestic war that demands our priority. All other foreign issues come in second, imo. Let's get these cardiotoxic jabs OFF the market and change the laws to make pharma liable for all vaccines (including ALL on the CDC pediatric schedule). It's the ONLY way to regain trust in medical products that are maiming and killing thousands. To this day, Trump is defending the damn jabs. C'mon!! Let's focus on saving our kids and grandkids.
JudyC and others - I, too have become a one issue voter. Sometimes it is repugnant, as here in Australia, sometimes it's only the clowns and bigots who are listening - it gives them a chance to shout about something. Did I vote for clowns and bigots? Yes. Did it send a shiver down my spine? Yes! But this medical freedom thing is about whether or not you own your own body, or whether they have the right to modify you to suit the state. Peer pressure will be huge, as in Brave New World, "We all do this!" But the bottom line is: the state believes it has this right. For now, I am a one issue voter. This may change - as - digital currency is coming to the fore, with social credit scores close behind.
Agree! Gato's results tend to support yet another wild conspiracy theory: There has to be a reason for this whole insane fiasco. How about de-population? Our lords and masters, or spokes-beings for the great and the good, have made it abundantly clear that in their considered opinion, there are too many "useless eaters". Attempting to simply kill off three or four few billion redundant peons might, A. be somewhat noticeable and B. generate actual rebellion. Which would never do!
So why not create the biggest, most effective propaganda campaign in human history, to enable the application of the most draconian regulatory regime in modern era? And perpetuate the greatest fraud ever!
All with the purpose of injecting a significant portion of the world's population with a fertility reducing genetic weapon. OK, so the shot eliminated a few million of the sheeple, but that was never the goal - merely a side benefit.
Regardless, of what this is or isn't, there is no question that we can't do anything about it. I remember worrying about the sun going nova in billions of years, and I can't do anything about that.
Read some Katherine Watt. She'll give you the history of the century of laws indicating that our bodies were sold to the banks decades ago, and the government developed the right to experiment - first on the military, then on citizenry. Bars to these, approval by Congress, removed. There is no informed consent, when the DOD decides this is "national defence," and bodies are messy bioterror things that need "cleaning up." I know - sounds far out (and yes, goes along with the depopulation thing, too - 20% reduction consistently on average - sounds like the results someone wanted).
I agree. Seems the world around me is going forward. Mandates for colleges in my state remain. Some still were masks. The papers/msm have stopped talking about COVID on a daily basis. And our state cdc director who was all in on the government narrative has been promoted to the 2nd in command post at the federal cdc. As a member of the ACIP he voted to add the vax to the children’s schedule. And the feds are looking to make it an annual shot like the flu vaccine. So how many states will mandate the kids get the jab annually-following the feds non-binding “recommendation”? 🙄
The COVID beat goes on….part of the new normal now.
I think we in this space live in a sort of echo chamber. Preaching to the choir. It’s upsetting actually. Most outside our space aren’t looking and would have no idea how to find what we know or even interpret it at this point. Nobody wants to listen.
I agree. Even the MFM seems stuck in its focus on all things vaccine related (which is important) but ignores the bigger agenda that is advancing relative to the digital surveillance state/technocracy of “public/private” partnerships that will run on social impact markets with us as one of the commodities. That is, the digital prison is being built while we are in the echo chamber debating the vaccine in hopes of holding somebody accountable. Critical time is passing on raising awareness about the digital prison and what centra bank digital currency and health passports/digital ID will mean. I expect that the masses will just accept it when the authorities tell us it will help us survive the next pandemic.
My sinking feeling is that once the fin/tech elite have their ducks in a row for employing these measures that they have been herding us towards for the better part of a decade....they will find a way to create chaos or a problem that will need the “solution” they offer. And once again fear will have the masses stampeding into the digital prison they are currently constructing.
Makes me feel like my time would be best spent trying to find like minded people in real life that understand the importance of self reliance.
Well said Laura, I suspect many people in their 20's thru 40's think the "digital prison " is actually a convenience. Our plague of technology is upon us.
Laura I have thought the exact same thing! The machine marches on and no credible army of resistance is being built. We look to the west but they come from the north. I have felt a sense of impending doom. My hope is in the Lord but my days of thinking things on planet earth will go back to "normal" are over.
I do fantasize of an Amish-type community where we could live free of govt policies. It is doable here in Oregon in terms of land, and other natural resources. But then again, how many are willing to go back to the basics? Most people don't realize that we are in a war against everything we hold dear.
This online space is a good place to start. Through a number of modalities and different social arenas in a disorganized fashion we will be able to find others like ourselves close by...or alternatively go to those places where we can interact.
I have to agree. In Canada, 80% of the population is rejecting further shots. I know people who've had 4-5 shots got sick with covid, quite a few multiple times, look at healthy no-shot me and ask themselves 'why did I do this?' We are a small but mighty group one reason being because we are the TRUTH.
In addition, as discouraging as it is to read about some garbage study claiming the benefits (and NO downside) of the shots, this is also very indicative of desperation.
I'm going to again quote Eugyppius: 'don't do their job for them by despairing of an end' and also Norman Cousins: 'as long as you're alive, the battle isn't lost'.
If it wasn't for these 'echo chambers', I would have gone insane by now. I DO SHARE with my mostly complacent relatives in Puerto Rico, and with a few trusted friends here in Oregon. I don't have IG or Twitter. My only means is by emails or FB. Despite lots of legitimate data already shared, no one seems as upset or disgusted as I am. I thank God for my husband with whom I share the same views. Otherwise, it would very a very lonely journey.
This is my greatest worry as I have young adult kids in their 'target'
Which state are you in?
In Puerto Rico (my homeland), they added the jabs to their green PVAC sheet. I'm heartbroken. I live in Oregon where all public colleges still require them (orig dose plus booster).
I’m in Maine. Pretty sure our Governor is in cahoots with the likes of Gates, et al. Lord knows our DOE has long been captured by the tech sector and our education system has worsened as a result. But certain politicians say, despite no positive outcomes after millions supporting ideas by the tech sector, press on.
This mindset is the same relative to the COVID narrative. And In following the $$$ I see the intersections re:education and the healthcare fiasco quite clearly. I believe that a coup is underway and like you….my daughters are in the “target” age group.
During the pandemic our CDC director essentially achieved celebrity status. He was appointed to that position by our then new governor despite having a suspect and rocky past in such a position in another state. Not to mention he was a Soros fellow. He along with our then newly appointed Heath and Human Services Director have substantial ties to those pushing the COVID Narrative for their own benefit.
The upshot….college mandates remain in effect for at least the first two shots in our state.
I was fortunate (and also disturbingly unfortunate) that I found a doctor who gave me exemptions for my daughters after my mother died from the vaccine. I will be haunted for life by how she suffered and the neglect. The only silver lining is that with my own research (studies coming out, our family history, the lack of research done by the drug companies) supporting that claim and my mother’s death provided a basis for the exemptions. I know several families who have not wanted the shots but have succumbed due to the college mandates. Hard to convince an 18 year old to put their life on hold given the pressure (societal and peer) when they lack world experience and are accustomed to believing stuff on their phones. My unique history of being a breast cancer survivor injured by big pharma and other experiences made me more attuned to the fraud from the outset, that and fighting the Gates funded education “reform” in the 2-3 years leading up to the pandemic.
I wish you luck. The good and interesting thing is having attended the university this fall, my daughter has become more attuned to noticing the rampant brainwashing. I had shown her info on ivermectin. She wrote me a short while after being on campus and asked how hard it is to find that info. I told her not hard at all. She then said that is what shocks her is everyone spouting the “horse dewormer” nonsense with no awareness that it is a novel peace prize drug and is used in humans. And she said she feels like a spy because everyone assumes you are vaccinated. That realization on her part made me soooo happy and hopeful that she has learned a valuable lesson. Prior to my mom’s bad reaction (and I had warned her—but she felt damned if she did and damned if she didn’t and never judged me for not taking it….and sadly, I diagnosed her accurately after over a week she spent in the hospital but she had been essentially starved and we ran out of time….she had cardiac arrest due to dehydration), our daughters had suffered alot of pressure, disappointment and frustration around their unvaccinated status. As a coach people tried to get me fired. My in-laws think I am a conspiracy theorist and don’t mention my mother since her death (and they knew her well) and continue to get the latest shots. The last three years have taken a toll and sometimes I wonder if I will recover. I can’t go back and yet many just want life to resume with these vaccines as the new normal.
Our state CDC director has been promoted to the # 2 spot at the federal CDC. He was also one of the 15 on the advisory committee to the federal CDC that recommended the COVID shot be out on the children’s schedule. So I will not let down my guard. This is far from over.
At this point, having followed the MFM, I am skeptical that their resistance will have any real success. And even if the vaccines were pulled tomorrow, the real goals of the fin:tech elite are moving ahead—-CBDC, health passport or digital ID, education as a pipeline for the coming gig economy of the 4th Industrial Revolution. And the predatory philanthropists seem to be obsessed with transhumanism. Craziness abounds these days. Ugh.
Good luck and I’ll try to answer any other questions you might have about what is happening in Maine. Be well.
I'm with you 100%. I knew about the toxicity of vaccines since my firstborn reacted horribly to her multiple shots at 3 months (I'll never know which vax caused the AE; possibly all 3). I've been educating myself ever since (20 years already). Have fought alongside Del Bigtree/ICAN and thousands of "anti-vaxxers" to save our state's religious exemption which I used from the get go. Even though my kids were partially vaxxed, I never shared that info with schools. I know friends whose kids were growing normally and healthy but at the 2 y.o. vaxx visit, turned autistic. Now I am fully "anti-vaxxer". JB Handley's book "How to defeat the Autism Epidemic" is an excellent resource with plenty of history of the toxic things. My kids still listen to me, thank God!! But the arguments have been intense and more than I care to count. This is not about pride but about SAVING THEM from a life of disability and pain. Like I told my 20 y.o. daughter before her then-pending appt at Walgreens: your death would destroy me but that's not what I'm afraid of. What scares me is that you end up severely injured and living a life of pain, full of visits to doctors who will NEVER be able to help you. And if that happens, none of your friends will be by your side. I will be the ONLY one taking care of you and suffering alongside you. ---- Somehow, this statement (in tears) seemed to have made her pause. The pressure she felt to conform was brutal. Until I guardian angel got me a 'card'. I'll do anything to save my kids. When daughter questioned me for the 'illegal act', my reply: "you know what was also illegal? Protecting jews from the nazis!". She finally went her way and took the card. I also made her promise me that she would get an RE at her university in Portland, OR. All I'm doing is BUYING TIME until we can stop these things and the insanity of the mandates. My 18 y.o. track athlete is closer to me and does not want the jabs. Fortunately, he doesn't care for college. Wants to join a welding program at the local community college which does not have mandates. Both kids know that NO degree is worth a life of vax injury and pain. They know that this is temporary. I've told them about the dangers of digital IDs and losing cash and privacy. I'm not new to the evil agendas. Part of me wants to establish a secluded, totally independent community like the Amish. Fantasy, I know. In the meantime, and at 58 y.o., fighting this evil is the hill I'm willing to die on. I don't really care for people my age who "trust the science". I want to save ALL KIDS. They deserve to live lives FULLY and freely. I'm so glad to be in such great company. Keep up the fight, dear momma!!
Just leaving the pool after the class this morning, I overheard a guy in his 30s saying his sister recently had a stroke, and that was the second big thing (I didn't hear what the first was). He said something along the lines of "when it rains it pours". A friend went to a funeral last week for her female friend in her 40s, heart attack. I wasn't hearing about things like this in my community until recently. Things are becoming more obvious.
I sure hope so. Not hoping for more hurt but that dot connections start blazing in peoples observations. Mostly I’m hearing from seniors who just shrug shoulders thinking we’re just old so sh1t happens.
My practice is hardly for everybody, but I offer gratitude from my deepest self to the immortal souls of those who have left the planet in conjunction with the jabs. They have done an invaluable service to humanity, and as you soberly acknowledge there are more in line. Likewise blessings on the souls still suffering in body; their service is present and ongoing. I’m sure if given the choice now they’d rather not be where they are, but the ones or/and their family members that have been jerked awake are contributing to the energy needed to shift the tide. Amen.
I'd love to believe that people are making connections - but - as I observe people around me, they can find a number of rationalisations for why this is happening to their loved ones. Connecting it to a shot which may have been 6 months ago (even though it was more likely to have been less than 2 weeks) is extremely challenging cognitive dissonance.
I feel a little more tension around us in my area and something is just beginning to rumble underneath the fear and silence of the injected (some of them, at least), but I certainly don’t detect that some great awakening regarding these kill shots is yet imminent.
How is that tension manifested in your experience? My circle of human engagement may be smaller than yours or others. I’m listening hard and some damage is occurring but as far as I can tell no connection but if there is it’s still the “third rail” of discussion.
I feel it around the friends we have at our small parish. It’s like a silence in the room (when we’re at gatherings outside of Mass) -- a silence that is there, making its presence known even amidst happy chatter. For it’s a fairly mixed group we’re in with a majority completely red-pilled and the rest not speaking about these troubles at all. Does that make sense?
Kind of. I’m probably the only unvaxxed in my circle snd church. Many know I’m unjabbed and they carefully don’t talk about the jabs around me but do talk about illnesses. Of course they aren’t connecting yet. Thanks. I’m not sure how to approach the truth with them. Even now. Most were frightened out of their wits by the disease and seems late now. My daughter told me to quit sending her stuff (I only sent 2 articles about boosters). Its sad.
Agreed. I had a colleague at work tell me just last week that she was going to get a booster. She has minor surgery coming up and her doctors insisted on it. 🤦
Nobody is questioning anything. That's the tell. None of them are talking about something that was all they were talking about a mere 12 months ago. No one talks about the past 3 years in polite company. The closest you get to recognition is when someone refers to something as being 'before covid'. They are trying to avoid or memory hole the past 3 years entirely. 85% of them are vaxxed. It's not like they are proud about it any longer.
I think lots are aware of what happened but still ignoring it, trying at least. When these ball players drop on the field, you see the faces of the others. It does not take much to read them. I think most people hope for the best and just try to live on. I am in a barely jabbed town so little has changed here. At walmart yesterday in town, I saw may be 3 people masked and all the rest ignoring them. I just wonder, if I had run into the scam, if I would have been this calm !
One of the things I was thinking about was changing the narrative.
Right now its "you may have taken a jab that could kill you." Aka they are responsible for their own decision
Perhaps the way to frame it is "Pfi$er and Moderna are corrupt, incompetent companies that are doing illegal things that are hurting people, and may end up hurting you." Aka they are victims of big pharma/gov/msm/ their jobs.
The world’s population is going to take a big dive. Elon Musk was talking about this years ago, because the trend was already there, even before their planned virus & eugenic shot was rolled out. The world our children and grandchildren live in will not be the one we knew. Think about it. Why do you think the push for AI is so strong…there won’t be enough people to sustain civilization without it, unless we all go back to pre-industrial revolution style living.
Agreed. In that case I'm for pre-industrialized living. Has anyone ever thought that the Borg on Star Trek was just them telling us in advance what they were going to do in order to satisfy their morallity code?
I have been looking at the birth registry figures for my own state (Victoria) and the monthly births for 2022 vs previous years do not seem realistic vs the excess mortality. The end of 2022 was looking like a baby boom until the December figure was released which looks like a mass depopulation event.
What about Nigeria or one of the African countries that had very low Covid 19 rates due to normal usage of Ivermectin. Was the vaxxx used sparingly there & does their govt track birth rates?
Sounds like (their claim) that it's not that it actually takes them a year, just that they only update it once a year and so December is wrong for the entire year until they fix it at the same time as posting the NEXT year's data.
But regardless of the difference in lockdowns, ALL states have bought into the "safe and effective" narrative along with the federal government, health authorities, medical associations plus the MSM and vaccinations rates are stupidly high across the nation. The damage to fertility (+ excess mortality and general health decline) will not be isolated to particular states nor territories.
"...looks like a mass depopulation event." I saw a couple of other Substacks talk about this a while back, and I believe someone from Australia said that there is a huge lag in reporting in Australia. Since a few months have passed since, I'm not sure that explanation works any longer.
Her article was based on the national figures shortly before the ABS put the caveat about the figures not being complete for 2021 (see their excuse that Adelaidian has posted above).
Given that the ABS had not delayed the national birth figures up to that point and that there has been no update for over 2 months now, so it's well over a year of Friday, it's hard not to consider that the national birth figures are being deliberately withheld.
My depopulation comment was in the context of the Victorian birth figure for December 2022. According to the Victorian site, births and deaths are submitted by doctors and midwives within 21 days of the event so the December figure may be low if the Christmas/New Year period caused a greater than normal delay in reporting. But previous years do not show this December dip - certainly not to the extent shown for 2022
Do you think there's hope for Australians to sue the doctors who gave the shots, and then for the doctors to sue the gov't for making / misleading them into doing it?
That's what ICAN / The Highwire are working on, Jeffrey Jaxen talked about this letter, a doctor's union notified their members that they don't have indemnity for giving the vaccines, which have risks.
"Recent correspondence from government advisers outlined that a medical indemnity scheme for health professionals administering the COVID-19 vaccines was never established per se.
For further information please review our letter below titled:
Administering of COVID-19 vaccination is likely not an indemnified action - this is notice of your obligations, rights, and potential risks.
The letter contains direct links to referenced correspondence. This letter can be shared as a means to inform colleagues of the potential liability risks associated with participation in the provisionally approved COVID-19 Vaccination rollout."
I have reminded my doctor "buddies" who have taken the blue pill - or the shot that the vaccine protection laws protect the Pharma companies. and likely the government doctors will wiggle out under some obscure federal tort claim action.. But you doctors who pushed the shots (not vaccines) might find yourself in a courtroom someday. You will be the sacrificial goat as the Pharma boys enjoy their billions... and you become destitute. A "reckoning" is coming.. and it may start in a courtroom.
Aussies in general have bought the "safe & effective" narrative hook, line and sinker. We will be the last to take any significant action given that all the state governments, national governments, health authorities and medical associations, as well as the entire mainstream media, not only supported the narrative but actively promoted it. Add in the huge percentage of the population that has not only allowed themselves AND THEIR KIDS to be doubled tapped but boosted as well and you have a collective commitment that will not face up to having been fooled so badly.
It won't be until a major legal action succeeds elsewhere that most Australians will openly question what has taken place. I know many who still resent Novak Djokovic being allowed to play here after refusing to get vaccinated for last year's Australian Open
Amazingly, Big Gov doesn't seem able to do things benefitting "Main St.) but the have enough people to deliberately screw up the numbers in tools designed to give us warning of Bad Trends. Wonder if we could look around to OTHER places the "numbers" seem screwy and get "early warning" about other areas of Big Gov "interest"
I understand that labor intensive things sometimes are handed to CCP (in China) and wonder how much the CCP is affecting things here. JB and Co. will/would certainly use them, and also continues the fact that the enemy always accuses us of, what in actuality THEY are doing, it's almost immutable fact
What does this all mean for the future fertility prospects of all the young children who have been jabbed, who have yet to go through puberty? I know we don’t really know the answer but I fear it could be devastating.
I have thought of this often. Those Facebook photos of kids on their 12th birthdays getting jabbed, posted proudly by their parents. How would a parent feel to know that what they thought was a good deed was actually sterilizing their child. This is true.. the question is at what risk level. All these well-intentioned, naive parents risked their children’s long-term health, for naught. Most parents I know fall in this camp. How could I be the one to tell them? They would not believe me anyway. I did try to warn a few, it did not go well. I have told my daughter it is possible most of her friends will not be able to have kids. We went to great lengths to keep her from covid mandates, and there is a reason.
as an outsider who's sobbed much face-down-on-beds (stripped as well as well-sheeted) and vacillated between different suicidal fantasies because of the pain of being different no matter how hard i tried, I GET THEIR PAIN and FEARS.
what do you do once you realize the pasture you've been running in isn't free but a ranch and you're all food???
some will fight because they've nothing left to lose anymore (raising my hand as many of us were culled long ago and i've lost many of my friends to suicide despair and differences).
if i had stuff i might kick back and enjoy what i've got because i've no kids. but on the off-hand chance we all come back til we don't anymore, i'd rather fight to the death so it's more fun interesting and free NOW as well as if i come back later.
i grew up around a lot of Jews and took on their fear of another Holocaust. who knew they'd get their new state so they could go right back IN to one on their own terms this time???
i get it why people wanna move on. but i'm on society's bottom and next move is homelessness...
nothing to lose...
when i first lost Everything 11 years ago i knew it could go either way as others had Nothing to Lose.
but aren't we PAST that???...
lost in mordor...
--erika (in what's left of san francisco)
p.s. good morning didn't mean to add to the stomach aches. i feel you, ¡EL GATO!, on those stomach aches. humanity right now is so much constant low level queasiness. my hitachi magic wand just broke and i could care less.
I hear, and more prominently feel all of this. HSP (Highly Sensitive Person - see Elaine Aron, PhD books). You might be, too.
Will not comply. Going down fighting. More than a dozen family + friends already on the other side, all prior to Plandemic. The veil is thin. Only the body dies. Very little is lost. Nothing to fear in the big picture, tho to be truthful I’m heavily against the prospect of physical pain, if it happens that way. Might not have a choice? Existence is as promised by the spiritual master from Nazareth: eternal.
It’s a sure thing I wasn’t in my thinking mind when I raised my hand for this trip at this time on the planet. That choice came from some different level of existence/consciousness.
I know, wacky, out there talk. Disregard if it offends or unsettles. If anything registers as plausible, know you’re here for a reason. Anymore I’m thinkin’ my purpose is solely (no pun intended) to shine my wacky little light for the duration of my trip. ‘Specially since I still don’t know what I want to be when I grow up, now in the ‘senior’ cohort.
Hang in there.
You cracked me up: “ my hitachi magic wand just broke and i could care less.” 😂
God’s blessings on the remainder of your short trip here (they’re ALL short trips on the scale of eternity) and your eternal one as well. 🙏
Gordon Lightfoot song: 'freedom's just another word for nothing left to lose', from his Bobby McGee song.
That's both depressing and emancipating at the same time.
Perhaps you're in a city that's not good for your mental/spiritual health. If you can change that, do so.
At least realizing that the pasture you thought was free is not free makes you aware of your situation. Once aware, you can try to figure out how to escape the pasture or at least how best to live in the pasture, even how best to die in the pasture (and i don't mean suicide), I mean maintaining your morals and ethics while in a difficult place. I don't know how many, if any holocaust victims committed suicide, but I think most did not.
Also in northern VA, HQ for the DC swamp. All my kids’ friends (9 and 13) are jab+. I’ve heard a few of the young girls (13-14) having issues w menstrual cycles, but at this age their cycles are just starting up so it could be nothing.
I don't think virtue signaling is always the case.
I know someone who at the time had custody of her granddaughter, who was 14 or so. The adult had her best friend and her best friends son apparently die of C0VID at the hospital. I believe they were murdered by the hospital, but that's another story.
In any case, she was terrified that her granddaughter would get C0VID and die. That's why she did it. I don't think everyone was virtue signaling, I think that outwardly smart people just got brainwashed by the fear porn and did something stupid.
I've an acquaintance who was just asking for prayers because her 17 year-old son's third round with covid is so aweful. He's that kid who's in the band,straight A,college courses,and already taking a paramedics course on the side...
She let him get vaxxed at 15. I haven't said anything. 😕
What can you say? This is the longest, saddest "I told you so" in the history of mankind. Aside from my wife and three kids, everyone on both sides of our families is shot up. No issues yet, but we all know it's just a matter of time.
We of Georgia welcome sensible blue state long as None of those policies follow you here. Rude to say? Perhaps, but I live where we look down south into the city with a " WTH are they thinking??" mentality.
I hope you got to move and work far enough out of Atlanta....oh,the traffic!
I won’t vote Blue again for a very long time, if ever. And we share the same hope, that GA does not become like CA, or anything even close.
Atlanta is bluer than I would prefer.. but still, I don’t feel the creepy 1984-style intolerance like I did in CA. People seem to keep politics below human interactions, where they should be. Anyway, no Blue votes from me. I wrote about this too:
Well done and I've subscribed ( although I'm getting overwhelmed with too much to I'll be remiss ,probably, in writing responses well or often. )
I myself am a refugee. Kinda. Both my family lines cone from purple Maine, although I moved here to the mountainous region some 30 years ago.
When I followed the MN who would become my husband here ( he was a Gainesville native) all those years ago- I recall vividly taking a big breath and being overcome with a sense of belonging.
" I've come home!" Bever have I regretted that utterance .
I hope that you too feel welcomed,feel included,feel your roots extend into the earth here. It's worth fighting for.
Thank you for your writings! Wishing you the best in your journey.
Being from NYS & living in the South for 8 years (job-related) & now in the Chicagoland area for 38 years (again job-related) - I realize I am a monachopsis(t) & I am
finally okay with this - my conservative, common-sense, discerning Christian parents were this most of their lives & were still amazing examples to me of folks that were kind & good. May I be even half of what I saw exhibited by them with a firm resolve to civilly stand for what I believe & have researched & shed the light in the darkness.
My UK granddaughter, in Nov, while we were visiting from US, sitting beside me, asked, 'Mummy, shall I get my jab now that I'm 12?" Mummy's response was on the level of a Kamala speech. And this is my first-born!
At least, daughter told me that 'we have no intention' of making kids take jabs. Although children had just taken flu snozzles the previous week. Kids? Flu?
Thinking further on this, following that newspiece of this week, in which the jabbed wish to blame us unjabbed for not telling them they shouldn't take the jab (???)---did our daughter ever contact parents (her father actually being a research scientist) about the 'whether' of taking the vax before taking the vax? No. About kids taking flu snozzles? No. Her Facebook page, yes.
Bulgaria, just like Romania, is suffering from emigration. Most of the people who emigrate to the western countries are young people under in their 20's and under 40's. Most of their kids are born as citizens of their new home country. Nowadays if you go in the villages and small towns, there are ostly old people (over 50's and 60's) with a smattering of children whose parents are working in the west and very very few young 20's and 30's.
I wonder if this bolsters or impedes the birth rate in the final analysis. Typically, immigrant families tend to have more kids once they are assimilated, which would help conceal a reduction trend. On the other hand, if immigration is not sufficient to replace the child bearing population… hard to say
Immigrants from eastern europe do not have many children. Most families I know in my age bracket (20 to 40) have 1 or 2 children. This is similar with the trend in their countries of origin where the people who chose not to emigrate mostly have 1 or 2 children.
Yes, a downward trend that pre-dates the jabs and the pandemic, and 2021 and 2022 are not outliers, but declined at the same rate as before the pandemic.
(that's a classic reference to a sherlock holmes mystery where the question was: WHY DID THE DOG NOT BARK AT NIGHT? meaning the dog knew the murderer.)
I would be interested in utilization of fertility clinics. Should use be on the rise that would add another data point in favor of a biological reason for the drop in births. No change or a decrease would imply non-biological reasons (ie, fear to have kids in this culture, with the potential of WWIII on the horizon, intentional reduction of births, reduction in marriage rates, etc etc)
Absent the obvious best choice data that you have already pointed out, it’s tough to work through the differential diagnosis of what could have caused the fertility drop.
Not that the powers that be would be super interested, or even able, to release the data required to run down all the possibilities.
Also it would be too soon for any signals from fertility clinics to show up - couples who are trying to conceive take a few years before they turn to a clinic. It they started trying for a baby mid 2021 they'd probably still be trying 'naturally', or just about.
The volume of online searches or sales of natural fertility supplements might be a better indicator.
A 12% drop in fertity was found in tests on mink that Pfizer conducted. I think that was published in their original assesment, but most people didn't take any notice of that.
I guess there are quite a few people who are often opinion that the world us overpopulated and we're in position to do something about it, and did so by funding COVID, o owing if would "escape" and getting hydroxychloroquine and other therapeutics stopped and replaced with mRNA.
You are on to something there--the vague knowledge and compliance--as if to say, "There are too many people anyway...."
We've been fed "food shortages" forever, even though we have the ability to produce plenty of food in healthy ways. We have a food "sharing" problem and a greed problem. Yet we have Gates and his crew hard at work creating the very shortages they predict. It's about control and tacit agreement, even in the horror of it all. They poison our bodies and our groundwater with toxic pesticides, plan for us to eat bugs (that survive pesticides better than we do, pound for pound), and congratulate themselves on saving us from ourselves. Bleeeeech!
Then we have "the too many people" storyline. We know that when survival rates go up, people naturally have fewer children and focus on developing the ones they have. It's part of our animalistic survival instinct. But instead of reducing squalor and misery, our "elite superiors" push the "too many people" story so we turn on each other.
(Incidentally, I have heard this sad acquiescence to extermination from professors in a medical school and even from a peaceful Buddhist! As if, oh well, we aren't handling ourselves so nature is doing it. Except it isn't nature. It is the evil machinations of a small number of death-worshipping sociopaths who consider their lives more valuable than ours! And if they take comfort in our stupidity and compliance, then we're really helping them along.)
AVITAL LIVNY: When the vaccinating— so-called vaccinating, sorry, that's the terminology that I'm using because I'm dealing with people that use it and I have to talk to them even though I don't think of it as vaccines anymore— but when it started in Israel, soon after, I think, two months or three months after, I already started hearing about people experiencing side effects, people that I know around me. The numbers went up as time went by. And I also started noticing people on FaceBook posting posts telling about what happened to them after getting the shots. And the dozens became hundreds, and yet in the Israeli media there was nothing. Everything is perfect, no side effects.
And also I noticed that whenever somebody posted a post telling about what he experienced, the side effects he experienced, he immediately got comments like "Fake News," "Lies of Unvaccinated People," "Anti-Vaxx People," and I knew right away that the only way to stop this, and to bring the truth out, is only with video testimonies because once you see the person's face, speaking from his heart about his tragedy, in your guts you know when it's not fake. You know.
But all the organizations that were involved at the time with the testimonies and with collecting the details and the data, when I contacted them they told me that it was impossible to get people to testify on camera since they were afraid. So I waited. I was hoping that somebody will do it. But eventually when I saw that the Israeli government is not stopping, that they're not going to investigate any of those reports and, on the contrary, they went full power ahead and started giving the shots to the 16 and 18 year-old teenagers, as a mother of two, I decided that I have to try and do it myself.
I went inside private groups on FaceBook of people who got injured from the vaccine, this was the title of the groups, and started going over, there were already thousands of testimonies there, posts, comments. I went over thousands of them and contacted hundreds of them though Messenger, introducing myself and telling them about the project that I was going to do. But almost all of them didn't want to do it, they were too afraid to come out with their stories.
And Ilana [Ilana Rachel Daniel, previous speaker ] mentioned it before, you have to understand that the atmosphere in Israel since the so-called vaccination started is so violent, so toxic. A lot of hate, fear. Families are falling apart, getting divided between vaccinated and unvaccinated, and no wonder since, as Ilana told you our own prime minister, the incitement against the unvaccinated is unbelievable. And he was caught on camera saying, at the beginning of his being prime minister, he was saying that the unvaccinated people are like people going on the street with a machine gun spraying a deadly virus all over. And as she said, he was saying, when they started giving the shots to children in schools, "I want the parents of the vaccinated children to fight with the parents of the unvaccinated children."
So, no wonder people were afraid for their jobs, of what their colleagues and friends would say, and they didn't want to come out with their stories. So in order to give them a sense of confidence and safety, I gave them my word that I will not publish anything before I have at least 40 testimonies.
Three and half months later, the project was ready. It became a heartbreaking documentary of an hour and seven minutes. It was released five months ago, already translated to 15 different languages. Only in our website it was, it got more than 2 million views. And still, on the Israeli media, nothing. The majority of the Israeli people never heard of the testimonies project. You get the feeling that they want to shut it down, they want no one to know of the side effects.
As Ilana said, there was this post of the Israeli Minister of Health, they deleted thousands of comments of people saying what happened to them, instead of reaching out to them and checking the information.
Not a lot of people know but in Israel, there is no normal system, until not long ago, there was no normal effective system to collect data and reports of side effects, unlike the American VAERS [Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System]. People who, most of the people don't even know that they should or are supposed to report. And the people from my project when they tried to send in a report they told me it was impossible At the time you had limitation of words, and you could only choose from several side effects. So if you had something different you couldn't put in the report. And the most important thing, no transparency. So you have no idea what happened to your report, you cannot see other reports and compare data. The whole idea of transparency in the American system, the VAERS, is that researchers, doctors, scientists, they can go inside the data, they can do their statistics and see if there are patterns. In some of the side effects indicate, that this is probably this is from the vaccination, from the shot. In Israel, we are the laboratory of the world but we don't have a system like that.
And in the American VAERS it's mostly doctors who send in the reports. In Israel, a woman in my project, her name is Esty, she got heart problems, she asked her doctor, "Are you going to report this?" he told her, "It's not my job to report. If you want, go ahead and report it." Most of the doctors are not willing even to write on the same page on the injury, where they're supposed to put the data, that that this person two days ago had also he got the Pfizer shot. They're not willing to write it down. So as I said, you have the feeling that they try to shut it down.
"it would be useful to find something control groupy to stand as a counter-case."
Get in touch with - they are running the best control group of unvaxxed (and vaxxed with regrets) that they can get. I am sure they would be happy to share the data with you.
This is really scary. The teens rushed to get this thing to stay in with the in crowd. My son’s unschooling circle was split, but *almost every girl he knows got it.* Both my boys want children, and they realize they are going to have to think hard about the preconditions of any romantic relationships at this point. There is so much heartbreak ahead if this is what it looks like.
Agree, scary. I worry about the same thing for mine. Get them in the vaxcontrolgroup for sure and get them membership cards to carry. One day, those might be worth a lot…
Thank you for your excellent research! Sadly, I think they're more likely to declare this an unintended benefit of the vaccines than an unforeseen side effect. Remember how Viagra went from a failed heart drug to an extremely successful ED treatment? We're probably a year away from politicians taking credit for solving the overpopulation crisis & helping combat climate change in such a cheap & nonviolent way. Look, everybody, now you can have all the sex you want w/ whomever you want because pregnancy's not a thing anymore! Finally, male birth control! Now everybody can party because nobody wanted kids anyway.
My point here is that I think it's obvious these vaccines are the greatest public health catastrophe ever & the worse policy mistake since WWI, but so what? Why would any of that change anything? Facts are just noise; the ideas we use to interpret facts are everything.
We live in a world in which the vast majority of our leaders believe that humans are an evil to be minimized if not eradicated; thus, telling them they've just eliminated & potentially eradicated us is NOT going to upset them or get them to change course. They'll just change the spin.
Remember when we learned these vaccines did not stop infections or transmission? Did anybody change course? Anybody admit error? Nope, they STILL demanded vaccines even though their primary argument for vaccination was false! The facts changed, but their opinions didn't.
I'm telling you that even if we prove these jabs made everyone infertile (that is, even if it's much much worse than you think), it won't do much of anything. Our leaders simply do NOT want us to reproduce as they see our gradual dying off as the only way to save the planet, so they aren't going to care that they succeeded.
This is why you should never let anyone who believes in overpopulation anywhere near power! They'll always wind up killing you because they'll never care about saving you, so killing you will be a "happy" accident of their policies or a "necessary" evil. (Look, you can't have kids, but you didn't die of COVID, so it was a great tradeoff!).
Do I think they knew these jabs would do this? Who knows, but I do know that they didn't care. There's nobody in public health who would have stopped these jabs even if they KNEW they caused infertility. Public health would have seen lying about such things as a small price to pay for the greater good. Like how they lie about your risk of AIDS so they don't "stigmatize" gay people or drug users. They flat out lie about AIDS because they claim these lies are "necessary" to ensure everyone gets treatment. Why wouldn't they lie about the jabs? Once someone tells you that they are a liar, that they believe there job is to lie to promote some "greater good," why would you believe anything they say? You KNOW they are liars; isn't that enough?
Please, people, please understand that they don't care - they won't stop the jabs merely because they'll kill or maim people. They truly believe that ANY price is a price worth paying.
I'm not sure how much more statistics can tell us, because it is a tangled web of overlapping lies, deception, heartbreak and fear we are dealing with.
here's my story: My wife lost a baby, as in died in the womb, last fall, and another one a year previous, who was much farther along. Both were supposedly completely healthy pregancies, and then suddenly both babies died and had to be delivered, dead. Fucking horrible.
Neither my wife nor I nor anyone in our immediate family are vaccinated. But she is a public school teacher who had to fight long and hard for a religious exemption, and she was and is surrounded by people who are vaxxed up. I've heard about the possibility of "shedding" but don't really understand it, so I don't know what happened, and, apparently neither do the doctors.
Also, consider that when she was still a teenager, my wife, who is Kenyan, was forcibly vaccinated with a "tetanus" vaccine. Since that time she has had irregular and painful periods, and has had multiple miscarriages and, now, deal babies in utero. We have one living child who is a medical miracle; she had so many complications before and after birth.....
my sister in law, who is still in Kenya, recently was forced to get one of the Covid "vaccines" in order to sit the national exam to get into college. Even though there is a national database in Kenya for all vaccinations, whatever she received, and we will never know , has not been recorded in that database. So she doesn't even get "credit" for being jabbed, but she was allowed to take the exam on the basis of whatever poison they shot her up with, and now mis in college.
My wife's "tetanus" shot similarly was not recorded in any official way. She will never know what she received. What she does know that her schoolmates whom she is still in contact with have by and large had problems conceiving or bringing babies to full term, while the girls from the village who were too poor to afford the school fees haven't had similar problems.
Nowhere will any of this show up in any data base, but, for us at least, the implications are serious and the ramifications are as yet fully unknown but painful beyond belief.
There are so many signals, so many anecdotes, and, yes, so many statistics that are screaming for attention but they won't ever get any. And even if they get any, by the time they see the light of day and have been excreted by the media, they will have lost all sense of import, all sense of urgency, and be lost in the noise....just more data to be added to the heap of figures that we are bombarded with each day.
About the quality of the data. A small but telling anecdote: I have a family member who received a covid vaccination in a Walgreen's in the US. They gave him a paper receipt / record of some sort, and then later in 2021 when he needed to have a proper QR code, and went back to Walgreen's to get it, there was no record of him in their customer data base! They told him to call some 1800 number. He called and called and was left waiting in phone trees. Finally, because he really needed the QR code proof of vaccination, he took another jab.
About the quality of our mainstream media, I can only agree.
About shedding. I'm not a medical doctor, I couldn't say anything much about it, but I transcribed an excerpt from an interview Dr. Peter McCullough did with Dr. Michelle Perro which you might find of interest, since Dr. Perro has a lot to say about what can be done to mitigate shedding. You can find the interview here:
I appreciate your taking the time to comment and provide me with those links. I read your transcript and the doctors do touch on the issue. I'm not sure what the solution would be for a pregnant woman though: isolate for 9 months? and her in Michigan, all the hospitals and doctors' offices and anything remotely involved with "health" are still all masked up and vaxxed up, so, at some point, the women are going to be "cared" for by individuals who are mini-bio labs.....even some of the midwives here have drunk the Kool-aid, by the gallon....
It's a mess... Thanks for what you and everyone else is doing to resist and bear witness to the truth and God bless you all.
Sounds like it will. I heard from someone living in Yuma that they have to drive to Phoenix for urgent care because the local hospitals are overrun with migrants. Pregnant women will walk over (no barriers) and have their babies in Yuma.
yeah, i'm ¡EL GATO!'s gargoyle now, perched over here to harangue the hell outta him if he starts getting starry eyed over Musk again. i publicly stated he's Brother Kin and got so excited about his work fight insight and wisdom--so sweet hot or mean---whether or not he wants it, i belong to him and am His Nightmare now. (smile)
(us Puerto Rican girls are a trip but we're something else one-on-one even if we're halfies quarteries etc)
i go to Jeff Childers' site too (so i don't have to read Zerohedge and get incited to panic), but try to mostly write only on Papa G's (John Michael Greer's) open covid Ecosophia dreamwidth so i can focus on my part in the Parallel System and build this new local art "thing" inspired by Warhol, Basquiat, Dapper Dan and the artists mages and philosophers are all over at John Michael Greer's site. there are more "regular normal" people here so i just check in and out.
i was worried about ¡EL GATO! when he woo'ed Musk for his twitter position back (people will stop/will HAVE TO STOP fighting all or any of this once they're offered a job because we're coming down to only 2 choices people see: "save America or die homeless incarcerated or in agony" are really the only upcoming choices left to make without un-doing oneself's life.... )
but the fact that ¡EL GATO! didn't jump on the hot take regarding veritas/pfizer show makes me ...PURR again... even with my own stomachache about all this and where it's going.
My understanding is that South Africa may be worth a look. Whilst one of the highest shots rate in Africa, the continent as a whole has one of the lowest rates of shots uptake. S.A. was keeping very good records for VAERS data, right up until mid 2022.
The problem with many of the African countries is the age confounding. You could compare the age groups ,though,and as their population does tend to be under 50 ,it might be worthwhile?
I don't know how many people are aware of all this. No one talks about it. But I shiver for all these jabbed young people.
People know something bad is up, the tension is getting stronger.
How so? Nothing seems different around me at all. I’m one of few that didn’t vax. Curious so I can recognize it. Im not on social media though. Nobody is questioning anything in my view. Cheers.
Janet -
Hang in there. Tides don't rise all at once.
In about 6 months DeSantis will be campaigning for POTUS. It appears the pandemic response including the vaxx and fraud are going to be major issues he plans to run on. No other politician could do that because, to one degree or another, they are complicit.
When you have Elon Musk tweeting that he had a bad reaction and that someone close to him has a serious vaxx injury, I think its safe to assume this would raise visibility.
But the most important change lately is that the counter narrative has gained credibility.
The two shot and done are the key population that we need in order for our voices to be loud enough to get accountability. My gut tells me we need 20% of Americans who will demand accountability. We can make that happen. What can I say; we have to keep it in front of them without being obnoxious.
Don't forget they are victims of the lawlessness. Those who were reluctant about the shots are usually open to the possibility that the jabs are not good.
Lastly, Trump is a liability and he will quash accountability. He would eventually pivot and point fingers, but it will be disingenuous. He'd rather blame the syringes than take blame for his involvement.
A word of warning about DeSantis, that many are ignoring! Have a look at who his associates have been in the past. He pals around with neocons, and those in the old guard. We have zero idea of any of his foreign policies and he’s keeping mum. I agree he’s a great governor, but he is completely an unknown factor in foreign politics. I believe he will be a good president some day, but he needs to surround himself with true America First folks, not neocons who are profiting off of warfare.
Agree with America 1st comment
JudyC- right now, there is no greater war than the attack on our young people via the massive 24/7 campaign to jab all our college kids. I have 2 kids in this age group and it has been exhausting to keep them semi-informed. This is a domestic war that demands our priority. All other foreign issues come in second, imo. Let's get these cardiotoxic jabs OFF the market and change the laws to make pharma liable for all vaccines (including ALL on the CDC pediatric schedule). It's the ONLY way to regain trust in medical products that are maiming and killing thousands. To this day, Trump is defending the damn jabs. C'mon!! Let's focus on saving our kids and grandkids.
Amen. My twins are almost 12 and I can't imagine what I would do if they were in college.
JudyC and others - I, too have become a one issue voter. Sometimes it is repugnant, as here in Australia, sometimes it's only the clowns and bigots who are listening - it gives them a chance to shout about something. Did I vote for clowns and bigots? Yes. Did it send a shiver down my spine? Yes! But this medical freedom thing is about whether or not you own your own body, or whether they have the right to modify you to suit the state. Peer pressure will be huge, as in Brave New World, "We all do this!" But the bottom line is: the state believes it has this right. For now, I am a one issue voter. This may change - as - digital currency is coming to the fore, with social credit scores close behind.
Agree! Gato's results tend to support yet another wild conspiracy theory: There has to be a reason for this whole insane fiasco. How about de-population? Our lords and masters, or spokes-beings for the great and the good, have made it abundantly clear that in their considered opinion, there are too many "useless eaters". Attempting to simply kill off three or four few billion redundant peons might, A. be somewhat noticeable and B. generate actual rebellion. Which would never do!
So why not create the biggest, most effective propaganda campaign in human history, to enable the application of the most draconian regulatory regime in modern era? And perpetuate the greatest fraud ever!
All with the purpose of injecting a significant portion of the world's population with a fertility reducing genetic weapon. OK, so the shot eliminated a few million of the sheeple, but that was never the goal - merely a side benefit.
Now where did I put my tinfoil hat?
Ha! You can have one of mine, I have plenty of them, my wife keeps wondering why the damn tinfoil keeps disappearing 🤫
We have single handedly driven up the price of tinfoil!
need physicist.
How probable is the polar flip & micronova event?
Big disaster but survivable for say ... 10%. don't know how reliable this is.
Regardless, of what this is or isn't, there is no question that we can't do anything about it. I remember worrying about the sun going nova in billions of years, and I can't do anything about that.
My sentiments exactly!
Read some Katherine Watt. She'll give you the history of the century of laws indicating that our bodies were sold to the banks decades ago, and the government developed the right to experiment - first on the military, then on citizenry. Bars to these, approval by Congress, removed. There is no informed consent, when the DOD decides this is "national defence," and bodies are messy bioterror things that need "cleaning up." I know - sounds far out (and yes, goes along with the depopulation thing, too - 20% reduction consistently on average - sounds like the results someone wanted).
All of this!
Desantis isn't personally wealthy.
He will be beholden to those who finance him. Keep that in mind.
I agree. Seems the world around me is going forward. Mandates for colleges in my state remain. Some still were masks. The papers/msm have stopped talking about COVID on a daily basis. And our state cdc director who was all in on the government narrative has been promoted to the 2nd in command post at the federal cdc. As a member of the ACIP he voted to add the vax to the children’s schedule. And the feds are looking to make it an annual shot like the flu vaccine. So how many states will mandate the kids get the jab annually-following the feds non-binding “recommendation”? 🙄
The COVID beat goes on….part of the new normal now.
I think we in this space live in a sort of echo chamber. Preaching to the choir. It’s upsetting actually. Most outside our space aren’t looking and would have no idea how to find what we know or even interpret it at this point. Nobody wants to listen.
I agree. Even the MFM seems stuck in its focus on all things vaccine related (which is important) but ignores the bigger agenda that is advancing relative to the digital surveillance state/technocracy of “public/private” partnerships that will run on social impact markets with us as one of the commodities. That is, the digital prison is being built while we are in the echo chamber debating the vaccine in hopes of holding somebody accountable. Critical time is passing on raising awareness about the digital prison and what centra bank digital currency and health passports/digital ID will mean. I expect that the masses will just accept it when the authorities tell us it will help us survive the next pandemic.
My sinking feeling is that once the fin/tech elite have their ducks in a row for employing these measures that they have been herding us towards for the better part of a decade....they will find a way to create chaos or a problem that will need the “solution” they offer. And once again fear will have the masses stampeding into the digital prison they are currently constructing.
Makes me feel like my time would be best spent trying to find like minded people in real life that understand the importance of self reliance.
Well said Laura, I suspect many people in their 20's thru 40's think the "digital prison " is actually a convenience. Our plague of technology is upon us.
Laura I have thought the exact same thing! The machine marches on and no credible army of resistance is being built. We look to the west but they come from the north. I have felt a sense of impending doom. My hope is in the Lord but my days of thinking things on planet earth will go back to "normal" are over.
I do fantasize of an Amish-type community where we could live free of govt policies. It is doable here in Oregon in terms of land, and other natural resources. But then again, how many are willing to go back to the basics? Most people don't realize that we are in a war against everything we hold dear.
Please see: Mike glover - field craft survival.
This online space is a good place to start. Through a number of modalities and different social arenas in a disorganized fashion we will be able to find others like ourselves close by...or alternatively go to those places where we can interact.
I ask myself sometimes if I really want to know any more about this. I sure know enough now not to put my own body into the evil “system”..
I have been having the same feelings these days.
I'm a little more optimistic. On most days.
I have to agree. In Canada, 80% of the population is rejecting further shots. I know people who've had 4-5 shots got sick with covid, quite a few multiple times, look at healthy no-shot me and ask themselves 'why did I do this?' We are a small but mighty group one reason being because we are the TRUTH.
In addition, as discouraging as it is to read about some garbage study claiming the benefits (and NO downside) of the shots, this is also very indicative of desperation.
I'm going to again quote Eugyppius: 'don't do their job for them by despairing of an end' and also Norman Cousins: 'as long as you're alive, the battle isn't lost'.
If it wasn't for these 'echo chambers', I would have gone insane by now. I DO SHARE with my mostly complacent relatives in Puerto Rico, and with a few trusted friends here in Oregon. I don't have IG or Twitter. My only means is by emails or FB. Despite lots of legitimate data already shared, no one seems as upset or disgusted as I am. I thank God for my husband with whom I share the same views. Otherwise, it would very a very lonely journey.
So glad you are here.
This is my greatest worry as I have young adult kids in their 'target'
Which state are you in?
In Puerto Rico (my homeland), they added the jabs to their green PVAC sheet. I'm heartbroken. I live in Oregon where all public colleges still require them (orig dose plus booster).
I’m in Maine. Pretty sure our Governor is in cahoots with the likes of Gates, et al. Lord knows our DOE has long been captured by the tech sector and our education system has worsened as a result. But certain politicians say, despite no positive outcomes after millions supporting ideas by the tech sector, press on.
This mindset is the same relative to the COVID narrative. And In following the $$$ I see the intersections re:education and the healthcare fiasco quite clearly. I believe that a coup is underway and like you….my daughters are in the “target” age group.
During the pandemic our CDC director essentially achieved celebrity status. He was appointed to that position by our then new governor despite having a suspect and rocky past in such a position in another state. Not to mention he was a Soros fellow. He along with our then newly appointed Heath and Human Services Director have substantial ties to those pushing the COVID Narrative for their own benefit.
The upshot….college mandates remain in effect for at least the first two shots in our state.
I was fortunate (and also disturbingly unfortunate) that I found a doctor who gave me exemptions for my daughters after my mother died from the vaccine. I will be haunted for life by how she suffered and the neglect. The only silver lining is that with my own research (studies coming out, our family history, the lack of research done by the drug companies) supporting that claim and my mother’s death provided a basis for the exemptions. I know several families who have not wanted the shots but have succumbed due to the college mandates. Hard to convince an 18 year old to put their life on hold given the pressure (societal and peer) when they lack world experience and are accustomed to believing stuff on their phones. My unique history of being a breast cancer survivor injured by big pharma and other experiences made me more attuned to the fraud from the outset, that and fighting the Gates funded education “reform” in the 2-3 years leading up to the pandemic.
I wish you luck. The good and interesting thing is having attended the university this fall, my daughter has become more attuned to noticing the rampant brainwashing. I had shown her info on ivermectin. She wrote me a short while after being on campus and asked how hard it is to find that info. I told her not hard at all. She then said that is what shocks her is everyone spouting the “horse dewormer” nonsense with no awareness that it is a novel peace prize drug and is used in humans. And she said she feels like a spy because everyone assumes you are vaccinated. That realization on her part made me soooo happy and hopeful that she has learned a valuable lesson. Prior to my mom’s bad reaction (and I had warned her—but she felt damned if she did and damned if she didn’t and never judged me for not taking it….and sadly, I diagnosed her accurately after over a week she spent in the hospital but she had been essentially starved and we ran out of time….she had cardiac arrest due to dehydration), our daughters had suffered alot of pressure, disappointment and frustration around their unvaccinated status. As a coach people tried to get me fired. My in-laws think I am a conspiracy theorist and don’t mention my mother since her death (and they knew her well) and continue to get the latest shots. The last three years have taken a toll and sometimes I wonder if I will recover. I can’t go back and yet many just want life to resume with these vaccines as the new normal.
Our state CDC director has been promoted to the # 2 spot at the federal CDC. He was also one of the 15 on the advisory committee to the federal CDC that recommended the COVID shot be out on the children’s schedule. So I will not let down my guard. This is far from over.
At this point, having followed the MFM, I am skeptical that their resistance will have any real success. And even if the vaccines were pulled tomorrow, the real goals of the fin:tech elite are moving ahead—-CBDC, health passport or digital ID, education as a pipeline for the coming gig economy of the 4th Industrial Revolution. And the predatory philanthropists seem to be obsessed with transhumanism. Craziness abounds these days. Ugh.
Good luck and I’ll try to answer any other questions you might have about what is happening in Maine. Be well.
I'm with you 100%. I knew about the toxicity of vaccines since my firstborn reacted horribly to her multiple shots at 3 months (I'll never know which vax caused the AE; possibly all 3). I've been educating myself ever since (20 years already). Have fought alongside Del Bigtree/ICAN and thousands of "anti-vaxxers" to save our state's religious exemption which I used from the get go. Even though my kids were partially vaxxed, I never shared that info with schools. I know friends whose kids were growing normally and healthy but at the 2 y.o. vaxx visit, turned autistic. Now I am fully "anti-vaxxer". JB Handley's book "How to defeat the Autism Epidemic" is an excellent resource with plenty of history of the toxic things. My kids still listen to me, thank God!! But the arguments have been intense and more than I care to count. This is not about pride but about SAVING THEM from a life of disability and pain. Like I told my 20 y.o. daughter before her then-pending appt at Walgreens: your death would destroy me but that's not what I'm afraid of. What scares me is that you end up severely injured and living a life of pain, full of visits to doctors who will NEVER be able to help you. And if that happens, none of your friends will be by your side. I will be the ONLY one taking care of you and suffering alongside you. ---- Somehow, this statement (in tears) seemed to have made her pause. The pressure she felt to conform was brutal. Until I guardian angel got me a 'card'. I'll do anything to save my kids. When daughter questioned me for the 'illegal act', my reply: "you know what was also illegal? Protecting jews from the nazis!". She finally went her way and took the card. I also made her promise me that she would get an RE at her university in Portland, OR. All I'm doing is BUYING TIME until we can stop these things and the insanity of the mandates. My 18 y.o. track athlete is closer to me and does not want the jabs. Fortunately, he doesn't care for college. Wants to join a welding program at the local community college which does not have mandates. Both kids know that NO degree is worth a life of vax injury and pain. They know that this is temporary. I've told them about the dangers of digital IDs and losing cash and privacy. I'm not new to the evil agendas. Part of me wants to establish a secluded, totally independent community like the Amish. Fantasy, I know. In the meantime, and at 58 y.o., fighting this evil is the hill I'm willing to die on. I don't really care for people my age who "trust the science". I want to save ALL KIDS. They deserve to live lives FULLY and freely. I'm so glad to be in such great company. Keep up the fight, dear momma!!
Just leaving the pool after the class this morning, I overheard a guy in his 30s saying his sister recently had a stroke, and that was the second big thing (I didn't hear what the first was). He said something along the lines of "when it rains it pours". A friend went to a funeral last week for her female friend in her 40s, heart attack. I wasn't hearing about things like this in my community until recently. Things are becoming more obvious.
I sure hope so. Not hoping for more hurt but that dot connections start blazing in peoples observations. Mostly I’m hearing from seniors who just shrug shoulders thinking we’re just old so sh1t happens.
“I sure hope so. Not hoping for more hurt...”
My practice is hardly for everybody, but I offer gratitude from my deepest self to the immortal souls of those who have left the planet in conjunction with the jabs. They have done an invaluable service to humanity, and as you soberly acknowledge there are more in line. Likewise blessings on the souls still suffering in body; their service is present and ongoing. I’m sure if given the choice now they’d rather not be where they are, but the ones or/and their family members that have been jerked awake are contributing to the energy needed to shift the tide. Amen.
For your consideration.
That's a beautiful perspective.
I'd love to believe that people are making connections - but - as I observe people around me, they can find a number of rationalisations for why this is happening to their loved ones. Connecting it to a shot which may have been 6 months ago (even though it was more likely to have been less than 2 weeks) is extremely challenging cognitive dissonance.
Right? Should “delayed onset” become a new catchphrase? Hashtag? Push just as hard from this side as ‘they’ do with safe and effective? 💀
I feel a little more tension around us in my area and something is just beginning to rumble underneath the fear and silence of the injected (some of them, at least), but I certainly don’t detect that some great awakening regarding these kill shots is yet imminent.
How is that tension manifested in your experience? My circle of human engagement may be smaller than yours or others. I’m listening hard and some damage is occurring but as far as I can tell no connection but if there is it’s still the “third rail” of discussion.
I feel it around the friends we have at our small parish. It’s like a silence in the room (when we’re at gatherings outside of Mass) -- a silence that is there, making its presence known even amidst happy chatter. For it’s a fairly mixed group we’re in with a majority completely red-pilled and the rest not speaking about these troubles at all. Does that make sense?
Kind of. I’m probably the only unvaxxed in my circle snd church. Many know I’m unjabbed and they carefully don’t talk about the jabs around me but do talk about illnesses. Of course they aren’t connecting yet. Thanks. I’m not sure how to approach the truth with them. Even now. Most were frightened out of their wits by the disease and seems late now. My daughter told me to quit sending her stuff (I only sent 2 articles about boosters). Its sad.
Agreed. I had a colleague at work tell me just last week that she was going to get a booster. She has minor surgery coming up and her doctors insisted on it. 🤦
Nobody is questioning anything. That's the tell. None of them are talking about something that was all they were talking about a mere 12 months ago. No one talks about the past 3 years in polite company. The closest you get to recognition is when someone refers to something as being 'before covid'. They are trying to avoid or memory hole the past 3 years entirely. 85% of them are vaxxed. It's not like they are proud about it any longer.
I’m willing to help in any way that I can.
I think lots are aware of what happened but still ignoring it, trying at least. When these ball players drop on the field, you see the faces of the others. It does not take much to read them. I think most people hope for the best and just try to live on. I am in a barely jabbed town so little has changed here. At walmart yesterday in town, I saw may be 3 people masked and all the rest ignoring them. I just wonder, if I had run into the scam, if I would have been this calm !
Here in Ontario I meet quite a few people who are waking up. Stats show that not many are getting jab no. 4 and 5
Nice try, impostor!
Talk about it, Ingrid. Tell everyone you know about it. That's how people are awakened.
The one rule about vaccine club is that you don't talk about vaccine club.
One of the things I was thinking about was changing the narrative.
Right now its "you may have taken a jab that could kill you." Aka they are responsible for their own decision
Perhaps the way to frame it is "Pfi$er and Moderna are corrupt, incompetent companies that are doing illegal things that are hurting people, and may end up hurting you." Aka they are victims of big pharma/gov/msm/ their jobs.
I like to say “we were all lied to!”. Seems to help to use “we” rather than say “you fell for a lie”
"You have taken a jab that could kill you" is exactly why people are in denial. Reframing the narrative is essential!
Which is why "there are a lot of people who even know are victims of Big Pharma" is a lot more appealing IMHO.
It's a first step.
They're not ready for "you are a victim of the DOD".
if its your 1st time here, you Have to Jab.
Nice try, scammer!
The world’s population is going to take a big dive. Elon Musk was talking about this years ago, because the trend was already there, even before their planned virus & eugenic shot was rolled out. The world our children and grandchildren live in will not be the one we knew. Think about it. Why do you think the push for AI is so strong…there won’t be enough people to sustain civilization without it, unless we all go back to pre-industrial revolution style living.
Agreed. In that case I'm for pre-industrialized living. Has anyone ever thought that the Borg on Star Trek was just them telling us in advance what they were going to do in order to satisfy their morallity code?
Sadly, the Australian Bureau of Statistics has stopped updating our birth statistics since the end of 2021 without even finishing off the year[ds]=ABS_ABS_TOPICS&df[id]=BIRTHS_MONTH_OCCURRENCE&df[ag]=ABS&df[vs]=1.0.0&hc[Measure]=Births&pd=1975%2C&dq=1..AUS.A&ly[cl]=TIME_PERIOD&ly[rw]=MONTH_OCCUR
Gee, I wonder what our government is hiding??
I have been looking at the birth registry figures for my own state (Victoria) and the monthly births for 2022 vs previous years do not seem realistic vs the excess mortality. The end of 2022 was looking like a baby boom until the December figure was released which looks like a mass depopulation event.
yeah, that looks awfully fishy, perhaps some sort of true up to estimations?
i struggle to see how that pattern is possible.
australia is also going to be a sort of demographic mess due to the length and severity of lockdowns. i suspect it may be difficult to wrangle.
What about Nigeria or one of the African countries that had very low Covid 19 rates due to normal usage of Ivermectin. Was the vaxxx used sparingly there & does their govt track birth rates?
This came to my mind as well. I wonder how well poor countries are able to track their vital stats?
Sounds like (their claim) that it's not that it actually takes them a year, just that they only update it once a year and so December is wrong for the entire year until they fix it at the same time as posting the NEXT year's data.
But regardless of the difference in lockdowns, ALL states have bought into the "safe and effective" narrative along with the federal government, health authorities, medical associations plus the MSM and vaccinations rates are stupidly high across the nation. The damage to fertility (+ excess mortality and general health decline) will not be isolated to particular states nor territories.
"...looks like a mass depopulation event." I saw a couple of other Substacks talk about this a while back, and I believe someone from Australia said that there is a huge lag in reporting in Australia. Since a few months have passed since, I'm not sure that explanation works any longer.
Jessica Rose’s Substack if I remember correctly
Her article was based on the national figures shortly before the ABS put the caveat about the figures not being complete for 2021 (see their excuse that Adelaidian has posted above).
Given that the ABS had not delayed the national birth figures up to that point and that there has been no update for over 2 months now, so it's well over a year of Friday, it's hard not to consider that the national birth figures are being deliberately withheld.
My depopulation comment was in the context of the Victorian birth figure for December 2022. According to the Victorian site, births and deaths are submitted by doctors and midwives within 21 days of the event so the December figure may be low if the Christmas/New Year period caused a greater than normal delay in reporting. But previous years do not show this December dip - certainly not to the extent shown for 2022
Do you think there's hope for Australians to sue the doctors who gave the shots, and then for the doctors to sue the gov't for making / misleading them into doing it?
That's what ICAN / The Highwire are working on, Jeffrey Jaxen talked about this letter, a doctor's union notified their members that they don't have indemnity for giving the vaccines, which have risks.
"Recent correspondence from government advisers outlined that a medical indemnity scheme for health professionals administering the COVID-19 vaccines was never established per se.
For further information please review our letter below titled:
Administering of COVID-19 vaccination is likely not an indemnified action - this is notice of your obligations, rights, and potential risks.
The letter contains direct links to referenced correspondence. This letter can be shared as a means to inform colleagues of the potential liability risks associated with participation in the provisionally approved COVID-19 Vaccination rollout."
I have reminded my doctor "buddies" who have taken the blue pill - or the shot that the vaccine protection laws protect the Pharma companies. and likely the government doctors will wiggle out under some obscure federal tort claim action.. But you doctors who pushed the shots (not vaccines) might find yourself in a courtroom someday. You will be the sacrificial goat as the Pharma boys enjoy their billions... and you become destitute. A "reckoning" is coming.. and it may start in a courtroom.
Aussies in general have bought the "safe & effective" narrative hook, line and sinker. We will be the last to take any significant action given that all the state governments, national governments, health authorities and medical associations, as well as the entire mainstream media, not only supported the narrative but actively promoted it. Add in the huge percentage of the population that has not only allowed themselves AND THEIR KIDS to be doubled tapped but boosted as well and you have a collective commitment that will not face up to having been fooled so badly.
It won't be until a major legal action succeeds elsewhere that most Australians will openly question what has taken place. I know many who still resent Novak Djokovic being allowed to play here after refusing to get vaccinated for last year's Australian Open
well imagine that. What are they hiding there down under?
Amazingly, Big Gov doesn't seem able to do things benefitting "Main St.) but the have enough people to deliberately screw up the numbers in tools designed to give us warning of Bad Trends. Wonder if we could look around to OTHER places the "numbers" seem screwy and get "early warning" about other areas of Big Gov "interest"
I understand that labor intensive things sometimes are handed to CCP (in China) and wonder how much the CCP is affecting things here. JB and Co. will/would certainly use them, and also continues the fact that the enemy always accuses us of, what in actuality THEY are doing, it's almost immutable fact
well said
What does this all mean for the future fertility prospects of all the young children who have been jabbed, who have yet to go through puberty? I know we don’t really know the answer but I fear it could be devastating.
I have thought of this often. Those Facebook photos of kids on their 12th birthdays getting jabbed, posted proudly by their parents. How would a parent feel to know that what they thought was a good deed was actually sterilizing their child. This is true.. the question is at what risk level. All these well-intentioned, naive parents risked their children’s long-term health, for naught. Most parents I know fall in this camp. How could I be the one to tell them? They would not believe me anyway. I did try to warn a few, it did not go well. I have told my daughter it is possible most of her friends will not be able to have kids. We went to great lengths to keep her from covid mandates, and there is a reason.
"...Facebook photos of kids on their 12th birthdays getting jabbed..."
They risked their kid's health for virtue signalling attaboys.
Yup. Especially in CA. Less for the attaboy, more to continue to be accepted by the rest of society.
as an outsider who's sobbed much face-down-on-beds (stripped as well as well-sheeted) and vacillated between different suicidal fantasies because of the pain of being different no matter how hard i tried, I GET THEIR PAIN and FEARS.
what do you do once you realize the pasture you've been running in isn't free but a ranch and you're all food???
some will fight because they've nothing left to lose anymore (raising my hand as many of us were culled long ago and i've lost many of my friends to suicide despair and differences).
if i had stuff i might kick back and enjoy what i've got because i've no kids. but on the off-hand chance we all come back til we don't anymore, i'd rather fight to the death so it's more fun interesting and free NOW as well as if i come back later.
i grew up around a lot of Jews and took on their fear of another Holocaust. who knew they'd get their new state so they could go right back IN to one on their own terms this time???
i get it why people wanna move on. but i'm on society's bottom and next move is homelessness...
nothing to lose...
when i first lost Everything 11 years ago i knew it could go either way as others had Nothing to Lose.
but aren't we PAST that???...
lost in mordor...
--erika (in what's left of san francisco)
p.s. good morning didn't mean to add to the stomach aches. i feel you, ¡EL GATO!, on those stomach aches. humanity right now is so much constant low level queasiness. my hitachi magic wand just broke and i could care less.
I hear, and more prominently feel all of this. HSP (Highly Sensitive Person - see Elaine Aron, PhD books). You might be, too.
Will not comply. Going down fighting. More than a dozen family + friends already on the other side, all prior to Plandemic. The veil is thin. Only the body dies. Very little is lost. Nothing to fear in the big picture, tho to be truthful I’m heavily against the prospect of physical pain, if it happens that way. Might not have a choice? Existence is as promised by the spiritual master from Nazareth: eternal.
It’s a sure thing I wasn’t in my thinking mind when I raised my hand for this trip at this time on the planet. That choice came from some different level of existence/consciousness.
I know, wacky, out there talk. Disregard if it offends or unsettles. If anything registers as plausible, know you’re here for a reason. Anymore I’m thinkin’ my purpose is solely (no pun intended) to shine my wacky little light for the duration of my trip. ‘Specially since I still don’t know what I want to be when I grow up, now in the ‘senior’ cohort.
Hang in there.
You cracked me up: “ my hitachi magic wand just broke and i could care less.” 😂
God’s blessings on the remainder of your short trip here (they’re ALL short trips on the scale of eternity) and your eternal one as well. 🙏
Gordon Lightfoot song: 'freedom's just another word for nothing left to lose', from his Bobby McGee song.
That's both depressing and emancipating at the same time.
Perhaps you're in a city that's not good for your mental/spiritual health. If you can change that, do so.
At least realizing that the pasture you thought was free is not free makes you aware of your situation. Once aware, you can try to figure out how to escape the pasture or at least how best to live in the pasture, even how best to die in the pasture (and i don't mean suicide), I mean maintaining your morals and ethics while in a difficult place. I don't know how many, if any holocaust victims committed suicide, but I think most did not.
Also in northern VA, HQ for the DC swamp. All my kids’ friends (9 and 13) are jab+. I’ve heard a few of the young girls (13-14) having issues w menstrual cycles, but at this age their cycles are just starting up so it could be nothing.
I don't think virtue signaling is always the case.
I know someone who at the time had custody of her granddaughter, who was 14 or so. The adult had her best friend and her best friends son apparently die of C0VID at the hospital. I believe they were murdered by the hospital, but that's another story.
In any case, she was terrified that her granddaughter would get C0VID and die. That's why she did it. I don't think everyone was virtue signaling, I think that outwardly smart people just got brainwashed by the fear porn and did something stupid.
Yup. Fear for some. Also... a desire to “get back to normal” eg travel etc.
Yeah it’s disgusting.
I've an acquaintance who was just asking for prayers because her 17 year-old son's third round with covid is so aweful. He's that kid who's in the band,straight A,college courses,and already taking a paramedics course on the side...
She let him get vaxxed at 15. I haven't said anything. 😕
What can you say? This is the longest, saddest "I told you so" in the history of mankind. Aside from my wife and three kids, everyone on both sides of our families is shot up. No issues yet, but we all know it's just a matter of time.
My story below. It was very difficult to decline.
We of Georgia welcome sensible blue state long as None of those policies follow you here. Rude to say? Perhaps, but I live where we look down south into the city with a " WTH are they thinking??" mentality.
I hope you got to move and work far enough out of Atlanta....oh,the traffic!
I won’t vote Blue again for a very long time, if ever. And we share the same hope, that GA does not become like CA, or anything even close.
Atlanta is bluer than I would prefer.. but still, I don’t feel the creepy 1984-style intolerance like I did in CA. People seem to keep politics below human interactions, where they should be. Anyway, no Blue votes from me. I wrote about this too:
Well done and I've subscribed ( although I'm getting overwhelmed with too much to I'll be remiss ,probably, in writing responses well or often. )
Can I say it's a palpable relief?
I myself am a refugee. Kinda. Both my family lines cone from purple Maine, although I moved here to the mountainous region some 30 years ago.
When I followed the MN who would become my husband here ( he was a Gainesville native) all those years ago- I recall vividly taking a big breath and being overcome with a sense of belonging.
" I've come home!" Bever have I regretted that utterance .
I hope that you too feel welcomed,feel included,feel your roots extend into the earth here. It's worth fighting for.
Thank you for your writings! Wishing you the best in your journey.
Being from NYS & living in the South for 8 years (job-related) & now in the Chicagoland area for 38 years (again job-related) - I realize I am a monachopsis(t) & I am
finally okay with this - my conservative, common-sense, discerning Christian parents were this most of their lives & were still amazing examples to me of folks that were kind & good. May I be even half of what I saw exhibited by them with a firm resolve to civilly stand for what I believe & have researched & shed the light in the darkness.
My UK granddaughter, in Nov, while we were visiting from US, sitting beside me, asked, 'Mummy, shall I get my jab now that I'm 12?" Mummy's response was on the level of a Kamala speech. And this is my first-born!
The narrative will never allow infertility to be blamed on the jab. They will blame something else and many will believe
Smart money is they will somehow blame climate change on any fertility issues.
"Climate Change."
"Asymptomatic C0VID"
"Long C0VID"
Take your pick.
At least, daughter told me that 'we have no intention' of making kids take jabs. Although children had just taken flu snozzles the previous week. Kids? Flu?
Thinking further on this, following that newspiece of this week, in which the jabbed wish to blame us unjabbed for not telling them they shouldn't take the jab (???)---did our daughter ever contact parents (her father actually being a research scientist) about the 'whether' of taking the vax before taking the vax? No. About kids taking flu snozzles? No. Her Facebook page, yes.
...not to mention if they follow up later with recommended 3 gardasil jabs
In perpetuity from this generation to all future generations
Try find Bulgaria if you can, they had an extremely low uptake of mrna
That's an excellent idea.
2010 76105
2011 71402
2012 69678
2013 67061
2014 68083
2015 66370
2016 65446
2017 64359
2018 62576
2019 61882
2020 59440
2021 59069
Another one of these countries with a sad downward trend.
According to countrymeters, number of births for 2022 is 64,908 but this might be just some projection.
But that would indicate an upward trend while everyone else is trending down, no?
Indeed it would.
Indeed, and the secular downward trend before it pre-dates the pandemic.
Bulgaria, just like Romania, is suffering from emigration. Most of the people who emigrate to the western countries are young people under in their 20's and under 40's. Most of their kids are born as citizens of their new home country. Nowadays if you go in the villages and small towns, there are ostly old people (over 50's and 60's) with a smattering of children whose parents are working in the west and very very few young 20's and 30's.
I wonder if this bolsters or impedes the birth rate in the final analysis. Typically, immigrant families tend to have more kids once they are assimilated, which would help conceal a reduction trend. On the other hand, if immigration is not sufficient to replace the child bearing population… hard to say
Immigrants from eastern europe do not have many children. Most families I know in my age bracket (20 to 40) have 1 or 2 children. This is similar with the trend in their countries of origin where the people who chose not to emigrate mostly have 1 or 2 children.
They are having more emigration than immigration I think.
Yes, a downward trend that pre-dates the jabs and the pandemic, and 2021 and 2022 are not outliers, but declined at the same rate as before the pandemic.
Hungary, on the other hand...
It seems awfully strange that there are no dogs barking in the night.
Wish you could come take my neighbors dog! 😄
(that's a classic reference to a sherlock holmes mystery where the question was: WHY DID THE DOG NOT BARK AT NIGHT? meaning the dog knew the murderer.)
I would be interested in utilization of fertility clinics. Should use be on the rise that would add another data point in favor of a biological reason for the drop in births. No change or a decrease would imply non-biological reasons (ie, fear to have kids in this culture, with the potential of WWIII on the horizon, intentional reduction of births, reduction in marriage rates, etc etc)
lots of people jump to this but i don't think it's fruitful.
1. it's almost all private data and hard to aggregate
2. it's almost all cash pay
that injects a bit economic signal into the data.
Very true.
Absent the obvious best choice data that you have already pointed out, it’s tough to work through the differential diagnosis of what could have caused the fertility drop.
Not that the powers that be would be super interested, or even able, to release the data required to run down all the possibilities.
Also it would be too soon for any signals from fertility clinics to show up - couples who are trying to conceive take a few years before they turn to a clinic. It they started trying for a baby mid 2021 they'd probably still be trying 'naturally', or just about.
The volume of online searches or sales of natural fertility supplements might be a better indicator.
It's just more business for the medical industry. Not a problem - or won't be perceived as one.
A 12% drop in fertity was found in tests on mink that Pfizer conducted. I think that was published in their original assesment, but most people didn't take any notice of that.
I guess there are quite a few people who are often opinion that the world us overpopulated and we're in position to do something about it, and did so by funding COVID, o owing if would "escape" and getting hydroxychloroquine and other therapeutics stopped and replaced with mRNA.
do you have a link/source for that?
You are on to something there--the vague knowledge and compliance--as if to say, "There are too many people anyway...."
We've been fed "food shortages" forever, even though we have the ability to produce plenty of food in healthy ways. We have a food "sharing" problem and a greed problem. Yet we have Gates and his crew hard at work creating the very shortages they predict. It's about control and tacit agreement, even in the horror of it all. They poison our bodies and our groundwater with toxic pesticides, plan for us to eat bugs (that survive pesticides better than we do, pound for pound), and congratulate themselves on saving us from ourselves. Bleeeeech!
Then we have "the too many people" storyline. We know that when survival rates go up, people naturally have fewer children and focus on developing the ones they have. It's part of our animalistic survival instinct. But instead of reducing squalor and misery, our "elite superiors" push the "too many people" story so we turn on each other.
(Incidentally, I have heard this sad acquiescence to extermination from professors in a medical school and even from a peaceful Buddhist! As if, oh well, we aren't handling ourselves so nature is doing it. Except it isn't nature. It is the evil machinations of a small number of death-worshipping sociopaths who consider their lives more valuable than ours! And if they take comfort in our stupidity and compliance, then we're really helping them along.)
Are you thinking of this Wistar Rat study?
Nice article about the study in The Naked Emperor's Newletter:
Newly released Pfizer document - Vaccination Effects on Fertility in Rats from 2020
How about heavily jabbed Israel? Will Bill, Bibi, and Bourla kill more Jews than Hitler and Himmler?
Wouldn't surprise me.
AVITAL LIVNY is the initiator of the testimony Project, Israel
Watch: The Testimonies Project (Israel)
Avital Livny Giving Evidence About Testimony Project In Israel To Grand Jury Day 6
AVITAL LIVNY: When the vaccinating— so-called vaccinating, sorry, that's the terminology that I'm using because I'm dealing with people that use it and I have to talk to them even though I don't think of it as vaccines anymore— but when it started in Israel, soon after, I think, two months or three months after, I already started hearing about people experiencing side effects, people that I know around me. The numbers went up as time went by. And I also started noticing people on FaceBook posting posts telling about what happened to them after getting the shots. And the dozens became hundreds, and yet in the Israeli media there was nothing. Everything is perfect, no side effects.
And also I noticed that whenever somebody posted a post telling about what he experienced, the side effects he experienced, he immediately got comments like "Fake News," "Lies of Unvaccinated People," "Anti-Vaxx People," and I knew right away that the only way to stop this, and to bring the truth out, is only with video testimonies because once you see the person's face, speaking from his heart about his tragedy, in your guts you know when it's not fake. You know.
But all the organizations that were involved at the time with the testimonies and with collecting the details and the data, when I contacted them they told me that it was impossible to get people to testify on camera since they were afraid. So I waited. I was hoping that somebody will do it. But eventually when I saw that the Israeli government is not stopping, that they're not going to investigate any of those reports and, on the contrary, they went full power ahead and started giving the shots to the 16 and 18 year-old teenagers, as a mother of two, I decided that I have to try and do it myself.
I went inside private groups on FaceBook of people who got injured from the vaccine, this was the title of the groups, and started going over, there were already thousands of testimonies there, posts, comments. I went over thousands of them and contacted hundreds of them though Messenger, introducing myself and telling them about the project that I was going to do. But almost all of them didn't want to do it, they were too afraid to come out with their stories.
And Ilana [Ilana Rachel Daniel, previous speaker ] mentioned it before, you have to understand that the atmosphere in Israel since the so-called vaccination started is so violent, so toxic. A lot of hate, fear. Families are falling apart, getting divided between vaccinated and unvaccinated, and no wonder since, as Ilana told you our own prime minister, the incitement against the unvaccinated is unbelievable. And he was caught on camera saying, at the beginning of his being prime minister, he was saying that the unvaccinated people are like people going on the street with a machine gun spraying a deadly virus all over. And as she said, he was saying, when they started giving the shots to children in schools, "I want the parents of the vaccinated children to fight with the parents of the unvaccinated children."
So, no wonder people were afraid for their jobs, of what their colleagues and friends would say, and they didn't want to come out with their stories. So in order to give them a sense of confidence and safety, I gave them my word that I will not publish anything before I have at least 40 testimonies.
Three and half months later, the project was ready. It became a heartbreaking documentary of an hour and seven minutes. It was released five months ago, already translated to 15 different languages. Only in our website it was, it got more than 2 million views. And still, on the Israeli media, nothing. The majority of the Israeli people never heard of the testimonies project. You get the feeling that they want to shut it down, they want no one to know of the side effects.
As Ilana said, there was this post of the Israeli Minister of Health, they deleted thousands of comments of people saying what happened to them, instead of reaching out to them and checking the information.
Not a lot of people know but in Israel, there is no normal system, until not long ago, there was no normal effective system to collect data and reports of side effects, unlike the American VAERS [Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System]. People who, most of the people don't even know that they should or are supposed to report. And the people from my project when they tried to send in a report they told me it was impossible At the time you had limitation of words, and you could only choose from several side effects. So if you had something different you couldn't put in the report. And the most important thing, no transparency. So you have no idea what happened to your report, you cannot see other reports and compare data. The whole idea of transparency in the American system, the VAERS, is that researchers, doctors, scientists, they can go inside the data, they can do their statistics and see if there are patterns. In some of the side effects indicate, that this is probably this is from the vaccination, from the shot. In Israel, we are the laboratory of the world but we don't have a system like that.
And in the American VAERS it's mostly doctors who send in the reports. In Israel, a woman in my project, her name is Esty, she got heart problems, she asked her doctor, "Are you going to report this?" he told her, "It's not my job to report. If you want, go ahead and report it." Most of the doctors are not willing even to write on the same page on the injury, where they're supposed to put the data, that that this person two days ago had also he got the Pfizer shot. They're not willing to write it down. So as I said, you have the feeling that they try to shut it down.
The PM of Israel sounds as monstrous as Jacinda Ardern of NZ.
"it would be useful to find something control groupy to stand as a counter-case."
Get in touch with - they are running the best control group of unvaxxed (and vaxxed with regrets) that they can get. I am sure they would be happy to share the data with you.
This is really scary. The teens rushed to get this thing to stay in with the in crowd. My son’s unschooling circle was split, but *almost every girl he knows got it.* Both my boys want children, and they realize they are going to have to think hard about the preconditions of any romantic relationships at this point. There is so much heartbreak ahead if this is what it looks like.
Agree, scary. I worry about the same thing for mine. Get them in the vaxcontrolgroup for sure and get them membership cards to carry. One day, those might be worth a lot…
Thank you. This work is so valuable.
The noise being generated by politicians and media distracts people from looking at these trends and contemplating the consequences.
Thank you for your excellent research! Sadly, I think they're more likely to declare this an unintended benefit of the vaccines than an unforeseen side effect. Remember how Viagra went from a failed heart drug to an extremely successful ED treatment? We're probably a year away from politicians taking credit for solving the overpopulation crisis & helping combat climate change in such a cheap & nonviolent way. Look, everybody, now you can have all the sex you want w/ whomever you want because pregnancy's not a thing anymore! Finally, male birth control! Now everybody can party because nobody wanted kids anyway.
My point here is that I think it's obvious these vaccines are the greatest public health catastrophe ever & the worse policy mistake since WWI, but so what? Why would any of that change anything? Facts are just noise; the ideas we use to interpret facts are everything.
We live in a world in which the vast majority of our leaders believe that humans are an evil to be minimized if not eradicated; thus, telling them they've just eliminated & potentially eradicated us is NOT going to upset them or get them to change course. They'll just change the spin.
Remember when we learned these vaccines did not stop infections or transmission? Did anybody change course? Anybody admit error? Nope, they STILL demanded vaccines even though their primary argument for vaccination was false! The facts changed, but their opinions didn't.
I'm telling you that even if we prove these jabs made everyone infertile (that is, even if it's much much worse than you think), it won't do much of anything. Our leaders simply do NOT want us to reproduce as they see our gradual dying off as the only way to save the planet, so they aren't going to care that they succeeded.
This is why you should never let anyone who believes in overpopulation anywhere near power! They'll always wind up killing you because they'll never care about saving you, so killing you will be a "happy" accident of their policies or a "necessary" evil. (Look, you can't have kids, but you didn't die of COVID, so it was a great tradeoff!).
Do I think they knew these jabs would do this? Who knows, but I do know that they didn't care. There's nobody in public health who would have stopped these jabs even if they KNEW they caused infertility. Public health would have seen lying about such things as a small price to pay for the greater good. Like how they lie about your risk of AIDS so they don't "stigmatize" gay people or drug users. They flat out lie about AIDS because they claim these lies are "necessary" to ensure everyone gets treatment. Why wouldn't they lie about the jabs? Once someone tells you that they are a liar, that they believe there job is to lie to promote some "greater good," why would you believe anything they say? You KNOW they are liars; isn't that enough?
Please, people, please understand that they don't care - they won't stop the jabs merely because they'll kill or maim people. They truly believe that ANY price is a price worth paying.
"Noble lies".
Infertility and death as a feature, not a bug.
Wish I was joking.
Yup - you nailed it!
I'm not sure how much more statistics can tell us, because it is a tangled web of overlapping lies, deception, heartbreak and fear we are dealing with.
here's my story: My wife lost a baby, as in died in the womb, last fall, and another one a year previous, who was much farther along. Both were supposedly completely healthy pregancies, and then suddenly both babies died and had to be delivered, dead. Fucking horrible.
Neither my wife nor I nor anyone in our immediate family are vaccinated. But she is a public school teacher who had to fight long and hard for a religious exemption, and she was and is surrounded by people who are vaxxed up. I've heard about the possibility of "shedding" but don't really understand it, so I don't know what happened, and, apparently neither do the doctors.
Also, consider that when she was still a teenager, my wife, who is Kenyan, was forcibly vaccinated with a "tetanus" vaccine. Since that time she has had irregular and painful periods, and has had multiple miscarriages and, now, deal babies in utero. We have one living child who is a medical miracle; she had so many complications before and after birth.....
my sister in law, who is still in Kenya, recently was forced to get one of the Covid "vaccines" in order to sit the national exam to get into college. Even though there is a national database in Kenya for all vaccinations, whatever she received, and we will never know , has not been recorded in that database. So she doesn't even get "credit" for being jabbed, but she was allowed to take the exam on the basis of whatever poison they shot her up with, and now mis in college.
My wife's "tetanus" shot similarly was not recorded in any official way. She will never know what she received. What she does know that her schoolmates whom she is still in contact with have by and large had problems conceiving or bringing babies to full term, while the girls from the village who were too poor to afford the school fees haven't had similar problems.
Nowhere will any of this show up in any data base, but, for us at least, the implications are serious and the ramifications are as yet fully unknown but painful beyond belief.
There are so many signals, so many anecdotes, and, yes, so many statistics that are screaming for attention but they won't ever get any. And even if they get any, by the time they see the light of day and have been excreted by the media, they will have lost all sense of import, all sense of urgency, and be lost in the noise....just more data to be added to the heap of figures that we are bombarded with each day.
Thank you for sharing this here. My condolences.
About the quality of the data. A small but telling anecdote: I have a family member who received a covid vaccination in a Walgreen's in the US. They gave him a paper receipt / record of some sort, and then later in 2021 when he needed to have a proper QR code, and went back to Walgreen's to get it, there was no record of him in their customer data base! They told him to call some 1800 number. He called and called and was left waiting in phone trees. Finally, because he really needed the QR code proof of vaccination, he took another jab.
About the quality of our mainstream media, I can only agree.
About shedding. I'm not a medical doctor, I couldn't say anything much about it, but I transcribed an excerpt from an interview Dr. Peter McCullough did with Dr. Michelle Perro which you might find of interest, since Dr. Perro has a lot to say about what can be done to mitigate shedding. You can find the interview here:
"Maternal Instincts and the Health of Children"
The McCullough Report Podcast on America Outloud
by Dr. Peter McCullough
April 18, 2022
and my transcription of a brief excerpt from that interview is here:
with best wishes for you and your family's health
I appreciate your taking the time to comment and provide me with those links. I read your transcript and the doctors do touch on the issue. I'm not sure what the solution would be for a pregnant woman though: isolate for 9 months? and her in Michigan, all the hospitals and doctors' offices and anything remotely involved with "health" are still all masked up and vaxxed up, so, at some point, the women are going to be "cared" for by individuals who are mini-bio labs.....even some of the midwives here have drunk the Kool-aid, by the gallon....
It's a mess... Thanks for what you and everyone else is doing to resist and bear witness to the truth and God bless you all.
I wonder if this is why the US southern border is open -- migrants having babies will offset the signal.
Sounds like it will. I heard from someone living in Yuma that they have to drive to Phoenix for urgent care because the local hospitals are overrun with migrants. Pregnant women will walk over (no barriers) and have their babies in Yuma.
BINGO. Also offsets the signal from the numerous Americans that are too jab-injured (or dead) to work, by filling in the resulting labor shortages.
You're the only one on substack who didn't jump into the veritas fray. Impressive I must admit.
"He stayed cool, honey bunny..."
hey erika nice to see you here
Dear Transcriber!
yeah, i'm ¡EL GATO!'s gargoyle now, perched over here to harangue the hell outta him if he starts getting starry eyed over Musk again. i publicly stated he's Brother Kin and got so excited about his work fight insight and wisdom--so sweet hot or mean---whether or not he wants it, i belong to him and am His Nightmare now. (smile)
(us Puerto Rican girls are a trip but we're something else one-on-one even if we're halfies quarteries etc)
i go to Jeff Childers' site too (so i don't have to read Zerohedge and get incited to panic), but try to mostly write only on Papa G's (John Michael Greer's) open covid Ecosophia dreamwidth so i can focus on my part in the Parallel System and build this new local art "thing" inspired by Warhol, Basquiat, Dapper Dan and the artists mages and philosophers are all over at John Michael Greer's site. there are more "regular normal" people here so i just check in and out.
i was worried about ¡EL GATO! when he woo'ed Musk for his twitter position back (people will stop/will HAVE TO STOP fighting all or any of this once they're offered a job because we're coming down to only 2 choices people see: "save America or die homeless incarcerated or in agony" are really the only upcoming choices left to make without un-doing oneself's life.... )
but the fact that ¡EL GATO! didn't jump on the hot take regarding veritas/pfizer show makes me ...PURR again... even with my own stomachache about all this and where it's going.
My understanding is that South Africa may be worth a look. Whilst one of the highest shots rate in Africa, the continent as a whole has one of the lowest rates of shots uptake. S.A. was keeping very good records for VAERS data, right up until mid 2022.
They may have kept the birth data going.
The problem with many of the African countries is the age confounding. You could compare the age groups ,though,and as their population does tend to be under 50 ,it might be worthwhile?