Great write up. This is exactly what im going to show anyone with an open mind on the vaccines. Perfect. Thanks cat.

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So many minds, so few open... Very, very unfortunately it seems to me that a lot of people only get their mind opened by way of having been injured by their jab(s) and then, when they go for help, getting the gaslighting treatment. I have come across a good number of testimonies in this line:



December 7, 2022


JOE DIRT: Hey guys, little health update here. I just got back from the neurologist, took me four months to get an appointment to see him, by the end of the appointment he had told me three times that it's a mental health issue and I need to seek a therapist to address my mental health issue and that he sees no neurological, nothing wrong with me neurologically.

Guys, I can't walk some days. I shake constantly, my face freezes. This is bullsh*t. This system is broken and they are lying to people.

The good news is I didn't have the cops called on me today because my past three neurological visits the cops are called on me, 911. So that's good news.

The other good news is, I'm done with doctors because they don't know what's they're doing, it's a racket, it's the biggest ponzi scheme ever created. I got, I looked at my insurance bill the other day and I got charged 25,000 for a 6,000 procedure, and the 6,000 was the national average. So I saw a 26,000 charge. I also saw when I checked my health records today that they said I have heart disease, which I don't have. That was on there. Heart disease? I wasn't informed that I have heart disease. But at the same time they're telling me that I need mental health help. So.

Guys, long covid is real, vaccine injury is real. I've been tested for everything, they have nothing, they can't find anything. My body shuts down, it's breaking down. I'm fuc*ing slowly dying. I mean, we're all slowly dying but I'm like, I'm like, my body is failing, guys. But it's in my head! So I'm going go talk to a counselor and I'm going to tell them that I'm depressed. He says, How are you dealing with depression? I said, I'm dealing with depression fine, my issue is you doctors can't get a diagnosis, that's what my issue is. And the insurance company is ripping me off. He says, well do you want to go see—? What do you recommend? I don't even know anymore. I don't care. I'm done with doctors. I will die from this. And it is what it is.

And I will not be able to get any kind of workers' comp or workers' long-term disability, short-term disability. I won't be able to get any of that, even though I wake up and I can't move my legs some days, at all. I can't walk some days, guys, keep that in mind here. My legs are inoperational for two days in a row when I'm on the flare. So I can't get long-term disability, I can't get short-term disability. I can't even get a goddamned handicapped sticker! This is what this guy tells me.

Guys, this system is broken, it's fu*king rigged, these people are robbing us of our money and they don't give a fu*k about us. OK? Vaccine injury is real. Fu*k y'all.



* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

November 16, 2022



JOE DIRT: Hey guys, Joe Dirt here. Just want to give an update of my health situation if you didn't know. I did get sick back in 2020 with covid, got the shot mandated soon after. I've had nothing but issues since, from not being able to use my legs to incredible pain all over my body to my face twitching and freezing like Bell's palsy to really bad tinnitus in my ears, bad balance issues, dizzy all the time, guys, really bad balance issues, digestive issues, heart issues, lung issues. It has attacked every system of my body. I get flare ups where my feet and my hands swell up and then I get this neurological itch all over my body.

It's really crazy, guys. If this hasn't happened to you be grateful. If you do know people that it has happened, be patient. It is very frustrating not being able to get a diagnosis. I've been to every kind of doctor out there, nobody has answers, nobody knows what's going on. I've had one neurologist tell me that it is a mental health issue at the same time that my face was frozen in place like Bell's palsy. I looked him right in the face and I was like a rabid dog, guys. Let's just say I'm probably breaking the records for the most neurologists who call 911 in my area. I've been called, 911's been called on me three times because of some of the things doctors have said.

The health care system is a disaster, guys, they're not willing to admit about injury from this stuff. They do not know, guys. It is real and I have suffered tremendously. And I've been going under the logic of wake up, get up, and show up, and that's really all I can do at this point.

So just wanted to give you guys an update. These injuries and this long-term stuff is real. If you didn't know that this was going on with me, now you know. I have all kinds of issues from shaking [inaudible] my bones hurting. It's crazy. There's sometimes I can't move my legs, guys. Literally, I can't move my legs. So it's real. And you know, shout out to all the people dealing with it, it's tough but we're going to make it through this. And don't rely on doctors because they don't know what's going on, guys. So. God bless. Dirt. Out.



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if you can reach this guy, tell him to check the FLCCC website. they have protocols for vaccine injuries

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Mandated "vaccination" After having covid - ouch. Maybe Dr Kory can help this person, at least help him feel respected, even as everyone is learning as they figure this out.

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I believe Dr Kory has been treating long Covid and Injection Injuries. I am so sorry to read this and will pray for you.

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The scary part is that this was publicly pointed out and recognized as factual by many on the conservative side shortly after the data started being available. Yet the "pay no attention to the man behind the curtain" and "you must believe what we tell you, not what your eyes actually see" started flowing from the CDC and the media, the WHO and governments, almost immediately, and is still going on. Fear and loathing, indeed.

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All three of them?

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You open with the following statement: "over generations, the standard of safety applied to widespread vaccine use has been extremely stringent."

That's a jaw dropping statement that is patently false- nothing could be further from the truth and this is all well documented.

I have to question if you have you looked into the history of vaccines at all if you believe what you just wrote which you must if you wrote it.

Anyone who has studied the topic in depth knows that every aspect of the "vaccine story", starting back in the 1800's up to present, is complete fraud. There has never been a product of any kind so filled with historical misinformation, purposeful deception and outright fraud.

To put it simply injecting toxic crap into your body will always damage your body. To put faith in any of these so-called products and to believe anything the Pharma Industry (whose history is fraught with deception, corruption and outright mass murder) asserts is a form of madness.

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Midwestern Doctor has an amazing and long piece on this. Quite the eye opener

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if you read the Turtles book, or the Dissolving illusions, or Dr Mullins' death by injection, this is indeed what happened. Vaccines are no good at preventing. The outbreak of measles in NY some years ago was front page news, and the unjabbed were blamed, but in the text it said that a third of the cases were fully jabbed. It was blamed on a Wild String of measles. At least it was not a lab made string !

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Turtles All The Way Down is an eye opening and fascinating history of how “science” is manipulated to “prove” safe and effective. It is comprehensive, well documented and very understandable, and to my knowledge hasn’t been disputed by anyone. The authors chose to remain anonymous so their reputations could not be destroyed, which seems to be the typical response when the information presented can’t be disputed.

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My goodness, the first chapter destroyed any remaining trust I had in medical research. I mean, demolished. That book should be handed out to women as soon as they find out they are pregnant. I would have made very different choices regarding "standard vaccination" had I read that book 25 years ago.

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Should be handed out except in countries with mandatory quakcination. Then you become suicidal.

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To my knowledge, they never disclosed the strain of measles responsible for the 2018-19 NY cases. (They made that disclosure in CA a few years prior and it showed vax strain in many of those cases.)

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just like strain of pox that was in the jabs. I think this was in Chad or Sudan a few years ago. All sick were caused by the jabs.

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And vaccine strain polio outbreaks

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I recall when they were talking about measles outbreaks years ago, vax zealots responded to the high number of vaxxed infections with "that was the fault if the unvaxxed, vaccines only work if you have 100% vaccination".

Even then with the BS.

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they don't even listen to their own crap. It is exactly what I told 2 of my jab happy friends. If you are jabbed, you are protected right? Yes. Then what does it matter if I am not? And then they: but there will come variants that you will bring along. Oh and then your jab does not protect you? Abrupt silence. Change of subject.

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This variety of insanity has been dolled up in the garb of Science(TM) as “layered protection.”

At the national convention of physics teachers and professors held last month in Portland, Oregon, attendees had to take the fake PCR test, wear a mask, and show their Aryan I mean jab papers. When I pointed out to fellow journal editors that these measures all violated international law and the Nuremberg Code, they were perplexed. Two editors then held a private discussion about my alleged mental illness -- which email chain was sent to me in a misdirected reply.

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OMG you immediately knew what they thought of you! so sorry to read this. THEY are the mentally ill after all the evidence that is available!

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People have been brainwashed by media to believe only mentally ill conspiracy theorist hippies, racists, criminals and idiots say "I know my rights" or some variation (like "these measures violate international law and the Nuremburg code") and it is the duty of the authorities to disabuse these people of such illusions as "rights" by any means they please, necessary or not. How many times have we seen characters on tv and in movies take a stand on their rights only to have the "hero" (often a gritty cop who "plays by his own rules" ie: he doesn't recognize the validity if the bill of rights) proudly stomp them as the audience laughs and cheers--and often regards any audience members who don't as being as "entitled" as the guy who just got stomped onscreen and deserving of similar treatment?

As a result,we have a population that sees anyone standing on their rights in any way as an entitled hippie, a right-wing militiaman, or some kind of criminal with "something to hide", the latter being the only people who ever benefit from the idea of " civil rights". Good people comply without question. Only stupid and/or dangerous people dont. That is the official narrative.

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For me, “jab-happy friends” is an oxymoron. When I criticize the holy water, the jab happy end the friendship.

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Some of my friends from years past do allow me to "rant" as they say. I have ended several "friendships" when I was called stupid, infuriating, or told "you know better than that." I do have a few newer friends who are on the same page as I, but we have little else in common, unfortunately.

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it is hard, but one of them is my hair dresser. Either I cope or I have to find another one !

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Any chance you have the URL for that?

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Welcome to scandalously long & multi-pronged saga 🙂 --> https://amidwesterndoctor.substack.com/p/the-smallpox-pandemic-response-was.

Follow the white rabbit at your own discretion 😇

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Two quick points, and I will get back to my generally unfettered enjoyment of all things Bad Cat. If one examines not just smallpox, but also a bunch, and I mean a BUNCH, of other vaccine success stories, he will find himself puzzled. Given that I am trying to cut down on my Internet cursing, I would hesitate to say they are all bullshit, but... (Oops!) Anyway, not only was the vaccination propaganda scenario during the Great Covid Dumpster Fire (GCDF) similar to smallpox, but so was the entire approach to the narrative. As another example, Zika was handled almost the same way--right down to propaganda--as was the GCDF, and smallpox, and...

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All cited and much much more are covered by MidW Doc 😉 Be kindly encouraged to explore in depth the awful awesome fractal-ish world The Forgotten Side of Medicine is. Be kindly warned that taking a deep dive there most probably will ruin your commendable anti-cursing resolution 🤭

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No worries! I have bookmarked (and saved to Evernote) MidW Doc's article for later consumption. I should probably mention that I am already pretty far down the vaccines-are-bad rabbit hole, dating back to 2009, when I began my own examination of the ubiquitous flu shot. I refuse to admit that I share a condo with the Mad Hatter and/or Cheshire Cat, but let's just say we are more than passing acquaintances and leave it at that.

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https://www.cidrap.umn.edu/measles/us-measles-cases-hit-1234-brooklyn-outbreak-called-over - 73 % of cases were in unvaccinated children, this says, so 27 % were.

can't find the article with the wild string of measles

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It's strain, not string. For future reference.

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thank you ! That was not a typo, but a wrong word. Always happy when people check my English!

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Mahatma Gandhi considered vaccines to be the the greatest fraud in the history of mankind and wrote things like "Vaccination is a barbarous practice, and it is one of the most fatal of all the delusions" ... maybe he knew way back then that those 'standards of safety' were not that extremely stringent, after all.

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It certainly is a Simple way to Kill off Great Masses of People in a very Controlled Manner.

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I’m guessing that the relentless booster push is to weaken immunity and defenses to the point where the next release really does cause massive waves 🌊 of death, hospitals overwhelmed etc. And the connection to the jab/boosters will be laughed at by the “experts”. I’ll be on my mountain land in a rocking chair shaking my head.

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Wow. I didn’t know that. For sure someone who wasn’t captured by the vampire demons who run the world….

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I agree. Malo Gato needs to do substantially more research on the pre-licensure testing of all childhood vaccines!!!!! I've told Malo Gato this before and have obviously been ignored. Malo Gato is very smart and I know if he applied himself to this study, he would come away agreeing with us. ICANdecide.org has done all the work. Study their website. The safety testing of childhood vaccines has always been deplorable.

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I'm just relieved to have all you awesome people joining together and providing a community where discussion makes us all so much more intelligent. I've been deep reading since around 1998 , when my son and myself were both injured , and experienced the same dead eyed denial in spite of zero results from testing for cause.

I also accompany friends and family to medical stuff , and have stopped some ibad outcomes . What I have witnessed hasn't made my confidence improve .

Knowledge is Power.

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If you wish, Scientia potestas est. Francis Bacon, 1597

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There is a lawsuit that was won , FOIA for all trials used to base the birth to six months schedule upon. Del Bigtree , RFK jr , Aaron Siri Esq discovered that the documents received in response had nothing whatsoever to do with the subject. IE zero basis.

Pharma rep training videos taught that they were " training parents to be obedient".

You see , until you are 24 months old , your body CANNOT make antibodies . It's impossible. It's why breastfeeding and colostrum are SO important. Yet here we are with an entire younger population with ZERO natural immunity to pass on !!

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DIdn't know that. VERY MANY THANKS! So glad that my girls nursed for so long (16 mos, 19 mos 24 mos). Two of them are now mothers. Whose babies nursed.

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I respect your opinion and comment Allen. I mean that. And I certainly have changed my mind about many vaccines during the last 3 years.

But if we focus just on the overall benefits of vaccines do we lose the forest for the trees if we start on this footing while we're trying to stop one of history's biggest frauds and atrocity?

That is a genuine question that I feel is legitimate.

Please don't take this the wrong way. I'm wondering what you think is the best starting point to convince our neighbors to WANT accountability for the abomination of the last 3 years?

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Ryan, as is often the case, is spot on. Irrespective of what one thinks of vaccinology (my grandfather had polio with lifelong consequences -- I have some personal stake here) if we use this moment to just say "no vaccines for anyone, ever" we will likely all just be ignored -- like the RFK's of the world have been for decades.

There is real injury, visible increasingly, to many people happening NOW from spikeshots. This may be the one opportunity to recruit people into being thoughtful about the entire debacle foisted on us because, as GM points out, it has been far more abusive than prior vaccine programs.

If the issue gets recognized and starts getting real attention, then other, broader issues can be brought up and dealt with. Otherwise, the attempt to boil the ocean approach will likely lead to where all such approaches always lead.

There is a religious fervor to a number of groups on the "good side". Some may be right (all are sure they are) but that does not really matter if nothing ever happens at all. The practical approach is to take advantage of staggering numbers and demonstrable levels of harm as GM is doing here to capture the populace into even seeing that there are issues.

Just one man's opinion. I respect everyone's right to wish for what they wish for, but just want to make sure this opportunity to actually fix SOMETHING does not circle down the drain.

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You state: "...to just say "no vaccines for anyone, ever."

That is not what is being said here. What is being said is examine the mountains of evidence both historical and present day and one will see that vaccines have done nothing but harm the human biological system.

That then leads to no vaccines (industrial poisons) for anyone ever.

BTW the religious fervor most defintely belongs to the proponents of vaccines- they accept these monstrosities as articles of faith.

Those who are in staunch opposition to these barbaric injections have not only seen the damage they have done but have studied all facets of this "product" intensely and thoroughly for many years. I'm sure you or the author here, can't say the same.

The practical approach is to stop injecting industrial toxins into one's body.

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From She Who Fights Robots, as if on cue --> https://tessa.substack.com/p/we-made-mistakes 👌

🗨 The people who [...] are naive and often complacent, and who are still in denial of what is going on, are slowly coming out of denial—but very slowly, as they are still scared to accept the raw, mob-like nature of the society we live in.

🗨 He is walking his own journey—not my journey, his journey. I wish he walked faster!!! But he is walking his journey.

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An attempt to boil the ocean all at once is a perfect metaphor 👌 Let's not succumb to perfect vs good. Baby steps at a time, patiently & methodically. No other way leads out of this ungodly mess 🤷


PS Treat 'mess' as a placeholder. Iatrogenocide (h/t Toby Rogers of uTobian) captures the essence way better—alas my preferred term lives well outside normie Overton. For the moment, hopefully brief 😉

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My first exposure to vaccine damaged children was in 1995. I said some pretty awful things such as, it’s unfortunate but some will have to be sacrificed. The families actually received payouts from government and manufacturers. My skin still burns when I reflect on the exact words. I spent the next five years examining vaccines. And my opinion is only stronger today. Vaccines for self limiting illnesses are a fraud. Vaccines for serious illness don’t work very well and should be used with extreme caution.

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The best starting point is to point to the long history of fraud in the Pharma/Medical Cartel of which vaccines are an integral part.

Then illustrate how this Cartel killed people in nursing homes and hospitals.

Then illustrate how this Cartel is killing people with these mRNA injections which are a rather natural extension of what that system has been doing for well over a century.

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I'd like to give our esteemed bad cat host the benefit of the doubt here.

Even many people posting here and to other substacks were not well informed about vaccines, were neutral to positive in our opinions about vaccines and got vaccines, e.g. tetanus, not covid. I include myself in this group.

The last few years have completely changed my position. I had no idea how many shots kids were/are being given today. I'm 65 and I have 2 spots on my arm from the small pox vaccine, I may have had a TB vaccine while in grade school around grade 3(?)...I don't remember, and I once got a tetnus shot but that's it.

The important point from Gato's article is that even by standards used for traditional vaccines, the covid shots should have been stopped long ago. They are much more harmful.

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read this.

make up your own mind.


i think that the "turtles" crowd has chosen a very poor source book to anchor their beliefs.

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I'm not familiar with 'turtles' and have read your post - it's very good, thank you. In my comment above, I did not say that I would eliminate all vaccines but I seriously believe that kids get too many. A very thorough, honest review should be done without any conflicts of interest but I don't think this will happen at least not without major reforms to our public health systems both in Canada and the US.

Absent such a review, as in all things medical, everyone needs to make an educated informed choice with eyes wide open.

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Here's where I am in my personal experience. Without going into all the details, 10 years ago, in the case of heart arrhythmia, one factor in determining whether one should take a blood thinner was age over 75. Recently the age has been lowered to 65. I have to question whether that was done out of true concern for a persons health or whether it was done to increase sales of the newer blood thinners? After the last 3 years, you have to be truly naive to not ask the question.

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it is pretty amazing that people take as gospel that vaccines are "the greatest public health triumph" in history. we've been told this for so long that no one looks into it.

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My mom was crowing about the jabs and how she had zero hesitation- "what about Polio" Great comparison mom. That's when I knew she was lost forever.

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The key point is that safety goals have shifted significantly. None of them are ‘safe’ but this one is an outlier whichever way you look at it.

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You are correct that this vaccine is more dangerous than any other. That is the reason why more people are realizing the problem with all vaccines. At the same time, ironically, the pre-licensure testing was better for the COVID19 shots than for most childhood vaccines! The pre-licensure testing on the COVID19 shots was an RCT and had an inert placebo arm, none of the other vaccines on the childhood schedule has had an inert placebo arm! Were you aware that the testing for the COVID19 shots were of better quality than for the other childhood vaccines? Please go to ICANdecide.org and study their research/FOIA's/lawsuits against the government that reveals the truth. Now when more people are waking up to the truth let's finally liberate our children from vaccinations, so that our nation can grow strong and healthy!

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I would accept just allowing our children (or their parents) to choose whether or not they are vaccinated instead of being mandated by the government. I should not have to prove my child is vaccinated to attend anything.

While homeschooling was the best decision I was forced to make, I should not have ever been put into that position.

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Yes, that is exactly what the forest among the trees people are missing.

By any measure the covid jabs are far more dangerous than previous vaccines. That doesn't mean that the other vaccines are safe, or that their benefits outweigh the risk, but that this "vaccine" is at least an order of magnitude worse. Had it been held to previous standards it would have been immediately pulled.

I'm no fan of the childhood vax schedule and don't agree with gato's conclusions. But that's an irrelevant side issue that was not the point of the post, yet it has completely derailed people into missing the main point.

We humans are so easily led by emotion, it's no wonder we are manipulated like sheep.

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The childhood vaccination schedule can never be an "irrelevant side issue" when malo gato starts this post as malo gato did. The childhood vaccination schedule was put front and center in this post. Vaccines have always been less rigorously tested pre-licensure than drugs. Drugs have traditionally required 2 RCT's although recently that's been relaxed somewhat. Childhood vaccines have never required RCT's. Malo Gato is flat out incorrect in his opening paragraph. It is not up to his usual standards and is a representation of the mass hypnosis our society has been under for more than 100 years concerning vaccines. 54% of US children today with a chronic disorder. My generation 6%. Childhood vaccine schedule tripled after Pharma given liability protection for vaccines (1986) 1 in 25 boys in New Jersey (where record keeping is better) on the autism spectrum. This current vaccine attack on mainly adults must result in our finally waking up and stopping the ongoing serious vaccine injury to our infants and children! Accurate emotions focus our intellect to do righteous battle. Any injury to an adult is much more obvious than the injuries done to infants and children. Now with so many adults vaccine injured, vaccines injury finally has a voice. If those adults had listened to the emotional mothers with vaccine injured children, they would have saved themselves from the COVID19 vaccine injuries.

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You completely missed the point.

I agree with you regarding the childhood vax schedule and think it does far more harm than good. I know all the stats, believe me I'm living it with my son and learned this lesson the hard way. However, whether we like it or not, this is controversial and there is data on both sides.

Gato's point was that with the Covid vax it's not controversial as the adverse event signature is at least 10x, if not far more, than *anything* we have seen before (and that includes childhood vaxxes). That's the point of the article, not that the childhood vax schedule is safe.

Because Gato framed something in a context you didn't like, you completely ignored everything else and the point of the post went right over your head.

People really need to set their hobby horses aside and actually read things in context rather then getting all in a huff over the first few sentences. It makes communication impossible otherwise.

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OK, Maybe you are better at this than me and will be able to convince Malo Gato to see the light about the childhood vaccine schedule. He is too influential to get this piece wrong. The fact that childhood vaccines given to healthy infants and children were not tested as rigorously as drugs given to sick adults pre-licensure is 100% true and Malo Gato needs to know this clearly. And the whole vaccine and pregnancy thing is completely absurd. No pre-licensure testing on pregnant women and yet flu and TDap recommended for pregnant women. All this needs to come to light and needs to stop. Thank you for your help in being a better messenger!

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As a reminder, vaccines are not considered to be "drugs" but rather considered to be "biologics" - one outcome of this artful naming protocol is the vax companies don't have to follow the same set of testing guidelines as drug trials. (and the testing on drugs is fraught with issues as well, of course.)

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So to synthesize the two viewpoints, vaccines have never been safe, and the claims of safety and efficacy are fraudulent. And yet the safety signals from these mRNA jabs are light years worse than the safety signals from those earlier vaccines. A corrupt system has somehow gotten even worse. What do they have in store for us next?

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I recently heard Catherine Austin Fitts refer to their future plans as a "digital concentration camp."

I imagine it somewhat like this:


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Wow. Depressing. Every time I think some of this shit is in my head then I see more proof I'm not crazy!

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Exactly! It's not a nightmare. Sadly, it's reality.

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Ain't that the truth.

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Thank you! I came here to say something similar but you said it perfectly!

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I know someone who managed the clinical trials for the C0VID vaxx for Pfi$er. Talking to her about it in the past was a bizarre experience to say the least, especially since she's supposed to be "educated." We no longer talk about it because our attitudes are too different.

Her overall sentiment before Paxlovid: "It is a pandemic. There is NO other treatment for C0VID. If you get C0VID and are not vaxxed you will die. End of story. If there are people that have adverse effects, they are minimal, and negligible. Billions of people have taken these vaxxes with no problems, and they have been saved from dying of C0VID. By questioning the vaxxes, people are doing a great disservice to humanity, since questioning them might stop people from volunteering in clinical trials."

As for problems in clinical trials.... we discussed this as well. "Clinical trials are extremely complicated, and are beyond the scope of those not in the industry. They simply don't understand how things are run. Also.. if someone is questioning a clinical trial, you need to look at their background. They obviously have an agenda and are questioning the trials for personal gain."

Unfortunately, I'm sure many in her field feel the same way.

In her defense, she really does believe the C0VID is fatal, and that if you don't get vaxxed you will die. Even though she knows that I had it, treated it with supplements and obviously didn't die.

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She sounds exactly like someone who is in a cult. A lot of "we know what's best", "only we properly understand", and "never question our great leaders" going on there, nothing more.

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She doesn't sound like a trained scientist, that's for sure.

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got a former friend like that. has all the credentials. has the lamp but does not light it.

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Clinical trial managers are not experimental scientists. They're usually MDs who have little background in anything other than trial design.

This is one of the problems with hyperspecialization.

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No, she's NOT a trained scientist and does not have a science background as far as I know. To be honest, we lost touch for many years after she got married (to a surgeon), so I'm not really sure how she got into managing clinical trials.

Basically, as I understand it, she does paperwork, writes reports and visits sites. I don't really want to say "pharma paper pusher" but... that's kind of what it seems like to me. Paper pusher with a whole lot of travel.

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Shibumi, if you have contact with this friend, tell her to look at Pfizer's preliminary clinical trial results first published in Dec. 2020 found here:


Specifically, look at table 2 in the article. It shows that there were 179 cases of covid in total (placebo & treated) out of about 40,000 people in the trail. Of those 179, only 8 people had symptoms. No deaths were reported.

From table 1, it looks like the maximum age was 91 and obese people were part of the study.

That's coming from an 'official study'. She can't argue with it.

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But doesn't she have multiple degrees in scientific fields? My bachelor's degree is in science, and I still think like a scientist (despite never getting anywhere near a lab, other than a friend's lab).

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I highly suspect you are operating under an extremely idealized version of what you think the pharmaceutical/industrial scientific process is, and I don't mean this as an insult.

"Free inquiry" and the Scientific Method do not enter into the picture once money has exchanged hands - the question shifts from "does this work?" to "how can I make this work?" and more often than that "how do I make it LOOK like this works?"

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I have a friend who managed clinical trials at various levels throughout her career. She graduated with a BSc in biology, i.e., 4 year undergraduate degree. She thinks she's a scientist. I also graduated with a BSc., a 4 year undergrad degree, honors as a matter of fact. I know I'm not a scientist.

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Oh, she is most definitely in a cult.

Before Biden was in the white house: Questioning vaxx and looking for info

Biden in white house: 110% on board with vaxxing

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Amazing how they suddenly had all the good info they needed in late January 2021.

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Trump says get a vaxx = bad

Joe says get a vaxx= yay, double plus good!!!!

I was stunned by it to be honest.

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I've lost count of the multi-degreed, over educated completely brainwashed idiots I've encountered since their fragile minds were shattered by Orange Man Bad, Russia Russia Russia, and the C19 swindle.

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My guess-- and it's a guess-- is that there are several factors involved here.

One is conformity. Are you in general a conformist? Do you go along to get along? If yes, you're vaxxed.

Another issue is exposure to the media. Do you watch tv constantly? Are you a news junkie? I think these people are likely to be vaxxed.

Are you over 50? Most people over 50 went along because of fear of death.

Are you a high trust person or are you naturally suspicious? If you're high trust, you're vaxxed.

There are other factors as well, but I think those are the two big ones.

It looks like the paranoid non-conformists who don't want tv might inherit the earth. LOL.

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I'm no psychologist, just a stone cold sober observer of full blown nuts.

Pathetic. empty, sad powerless existences. Then the nuts among us found a cause or two.

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Do you see a generational divide here? I am overly educated, as are most of my friends, but I am a late tail boomer and they are smack dab in the middle, ten or more years older than I am. I was appalled at how quickly they enthralled by the slogans and BS.

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That is EXACTLY what I see. I'm around the same age you are, and know lots of people who are older. They are all convinced C0VID= death except for a handful.

As for the younger people...well, my husband works with people from their late 20's to 60s. All of them took the vaxx. The only ones who might not be injected are the black guys that work in the manufacturing plant. EVERYONE else went along with the program, even though his company is small enough that they did not have to meet any federal requirements.

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Interesting! Thanks, Shibumi.

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Yes. As a Gen X, just a few days ago I realized that the vast majority of substack writers I follow, and others who dissent from 'the narrative' are my peers and a few of the youngest Boomers.

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Opposite for me. The newly retired had more time to research is my take, and paid a price for not getting the vax but at least not job loss like workers.

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Thanks, Polly. That’s what I assumed would be the case, but anecdotally turned out not to be.

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I think I remember you from the Bad Orange PLACE.

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I had an absolutely similar experience....several times... with health care professionals who are friends or with my own providers. Best description of the interactions: I say, “look at the data”. They avert their eyes, stick their fingers in their ears, and start saying, “no, no, no” continuously in a loud voice until I leave.

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Throughout the pandemic, there has been numerous examples of this "intellectually inconsistent" thinking. She believes she has survived because she was vaccinated. So how does she credit your survival? Was it luck? Was it that you didn't actually have Covid at all? Does she even know what the death rate statistics are?

It's like the person that swears by the mask. Before they donned the mask, they got sick all the time, but now that they wear a mask, well, they have never been healthier. So what about all the unmasked people who never got sick? Were they lucky? Did they quarantine themselves? Did they actually never get Covid?

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To this day, people have no idea what the real stats are. And when you confront them with the real stats, they go into denial. I know. I had the conversation with a friend the other day. Told her the survival rate was around 98% for healthy people under 65. She countered with "well, we didn't know that."

I told her we did know that by the time the vaxxines came out. She still thinks vaxxing is the right thing to do.

As for the fact I survived C0VID w/o vaxxing... everyone knows that and can't really explain it. It's like their brain has short circuited. They also can't explain why I don't want to be vaxxed.

Brainwashing. It's real, and VERY powerful.

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I think of it as Desmet calls it "mass formation." I don't think hypnosis occurs, but I believe that when a large group of people believes something, the tendency is to adopt that belief. It is herd mentality, belief in the consensus, and whole lot of other things.

The death rate is actually lower at .09% overall, and yes it is higher if you are over 65, but low at .0003% for children. Also, we knew back in November/December when Covid was first spreading throughout the world what the death rate was not, and it was not "Spanish Flu" like numbers.

I knew the virus was already here because of two obvious questions, "can something exist without being discovered?" and "how long is a plane ride from China?" Whatever it was, was already here back in 2019.

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I carry around my lucky rock. I only got Covid once and didn’t die so it obviously works. Everyone should get a lucky rock like me.

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I also have this banana in my ear to stop the spread of Covid, it has worked remarkably well...also keeps the alligators off of Sesame Street.

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Hmm. Sounds like a religious belief in something that you don't understand.

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Kinda a hard to debate someone whose starting point is “if you get Covid you will die”. I also wouldn’t trust this person to work the fry station at Mickey D’S or bag my groceries, forget about running any sort of scientific trial.

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I still talk to people who get all worked up that my wife and I both didn't get the shot and we caught Covid.

Yeah, we felt icky for three days. It was not life-threatening ickyness.

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Wow. Thx for sharing

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“Q anon” “Patriots in control”

“We’re gonna make sure it’s never going to happen again!”


Realize a few things.

“Mistakes” were not “made”

This is intentional.

This is deliberate.

This is coordinated.

…This is being done TO you.

The media and the government go after people who “make mistakes”.

They cover it up when they’re in on it.

It’s been 3 years, if you haven’t figure out the genocide yet, then I’ve got nothing for you.

If any of you actually subscribe to the idea that government and media and big pharma, are going to just magically “be held accountable” after a 3 year coordinated murder campaign, you’re delusional.

Good luck.

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Turtles all the way down! Cats all the way up!

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Sturgeon's General Warning: may contain dangerous amounts of sarcaustic statements.

But the shots are safe and effective. You just have to recalibrate your metrics to objectivist and corporate capitalist ones:

Safe, because the makers and pushers aren't liable for any negative effects.

Effective, in lining their pockets with your money without your consent.

Just imagine if the EU and US were communist states like China! Then your civil liberties and rights would have been conditional to your obedience and compliance. Phew! Sure dodged a bullet there, didn't we!

Sure is an objectively good thing the objectively good capitalists of objectively good private business ventures totally never do business with communist states or islamic dictatorships. And just feel that warm sense of goodness from our liberal democratic system of governement, that would never compromise its ideals for power.

Sure is good we're protected from all that evil nationalism, ethno-centrism and populism like people wanting to vote on every damn thing.

Yup, dr Pangloss sure nailed it.

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Really like the new word, ‘sarcaustic’

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Hey sarcasm has been linked to cardiac arrest

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Go Rickard! You nailed it, too.

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Thank you.

Wish I could nail the guilty ones, roman style.

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And yet the folks who previously despised the government and pharma the most still see absolute nothing. People can’t accept a shred of negative data once the jab has been injected.

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Well, that’s not really true. It has more to do with your attitude, not your vax status. A lot of vax’d people are mad as hell. But, the true believers are running around with their fingers in their ears going “nah-nah-nah-nah-…”

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I would love to meet an angry jabbed person. I don’t know one. A few that won’t get a booster. But there is no anger whatsoever. And I’m pretty sure they wouldn’t change a thing the next time it happens.

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I have met several: When I criticize the holy water, they become angry, at me!

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Of course. Because you just got lucky and they are the smart ones following science.

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I’ve met several. There will be more.

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I know some frightened ones. But they’re not personally injured, so they are not angry.

Alex Mitchell (UK, lost a leg to AZ) is angry as hell.

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It's hard to read past that first sentence, but I know there are worthwhile truths once I get past it.

The other vaccines only seem relatively safe and effective in comparison because of the way they have been presented to the public over the past decades, and because of the way the covid shots are so blatantly obviously ineffective and unsafe.

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And due to vast under reporting of adverse events prior to covid vx. Most folks (including many doctors) didn't know VAERS existed, others flat out refuse to report... My kid had 3 AE, zero reported. Doctor refused to acknowledge first two, parent (me) overwhelmed jumping through hoops trying to get kids educated somewhere (without additional coerced, damaging medical assault).

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And here’s another issue...where are the whistleblowers? Why and how did this happen and no one in the CDC stood up and said, “Stop in the name of all that is Holy!!!” The CDC had one job! One job! And they deliberately and completely screwed it up. Time to fire everyone, burn down the building and salt the earth it stood on.

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the 3 letter gang can say hi to them. they can be very convincing.

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For as long as it lasts, many of the have a home here at Substack.

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I didn’t make it past the first sentence and came to the comments hoping that the sentence gets its deserved rubbishing, which it has.

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Hi Bad Kitty! Sasha Latypova did a legal analysis with her lawyer friend showing DOD involvement with the mRNA “countermeasures”. The safety and production of the experimental jab doesn’t follow any standards for commercial medical products. It’s worth a read:


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The other day, Igor posted quite a bit of data that boils down to a risk of death of approximately 1 in 874 for the COVID shots.

Even if that's an order of magnitude or two off -- which it does not appear to be, but even if it is -- that's STILL incomprehensibly awful.

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If our rulers have learned anything, it's that Americans are fine with 1 in 874 dying as long as the teevee says it's fine. 1 in 87, and we might start to get nervous and stampede no matter what the teevee says.

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I have no idea where this actually came from, but I gotta respond to this with a quote from something that my Dad must've seen as a kid, and seems appropriate: "Whattaya mean, 'we,' White Man?"

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Apocryphal: Tonto, speaking to the Lone Ranger.

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I'm sure a lot of people will post that the vaxx was an intentional cull if humanity. Others will post that the culling view is preposterous.

My view is that if you are down range from someone shooting a gun in a forest, it doesn't matter if they are aiming at you or not, it sure feels like they are trying to kill you.

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my cousin's wife spent a year in a wheelchair from the 1976 swine flu vaccine. that did it for me. and yet in listening to the TWIV episode with Laurie Garrett where she talks about the 1976 debacle, she very clearly says that the military over reacted as it always does and that vaccine was bad BUT the covid vaccines are "miracles" and everyone should get two (or three or four or...).

i was stunned! first of all, i couldn't believe that they were having a conversation on air about a massive historical error with the CDC at fault. i would have thought that would qualify as engendering vaccine hesitancy.

but the conclusion was "that was then and this is now and that history has no bearing on current events."

how anyone could read or hear about that, or be as i was an eye witness to it, and not completely be suspicious of ALL of medicine going forward is beyond me. to me, ALL medical devices, procedures, drugs, vaccines, research, protocols, practitioners, insurers, etc are guilty until proven innocent and i can't understand how any rational person could think any differently

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One idea I'm exploring is the Covid response as a function of a declining civilization. To what extent people in the past had principles and cajones, I am not sure. But even in the last 20 years we've seen both these things decline precipitously. There's a reason we're seeing most other institutions also decline into some bizarre groupthinked reality alongside public health. We're facing systemic failure that's going to get worse before it gets better.

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I agree with you that the Covid response is a function of a declining civilization. Scientists who can't do science is a new phenomenon.

And as Bob Dylan sang, "you've got to serve someone." If it isn't the one, true God, people will devise their own gods and religions. So you get religious faith in masks, vaccines, and Saint Fauci.

Also, we have been fighting the seven deadly sins of Pride, Envy, Gluttony, Lust, Anger, Greed, Sloth since Adam and Eve.

Finally, the individual atomization and fantasy worlds that mobile phones enable doesn't help.

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Mid-pandemic, I saw a home-made lawn sign saying "In Fauci We Trust".

You nailed it.

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The US and the rest of the West needed the Soviet Union and the Eastern Block as a counterpart, and as something akin to a hard moral-political line you couldn't cross.

When that fell, and no-one single state or group was picked as the new Other due to the proliferation of the hilariously hybris-laden "End of History"-hypothesis (peak neo-liberalism as it is), there was no-one to hold up as something we are not and must not become.

Instead, politicians, bankers and business-leaders started holding up China and the Middle East as something to emulate.

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Rikard, you are rolling today! I hadn't thought about that.

Climate change couldn't move the needle back then. Fortunately, the predictions were wrong.

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Government going to government; money going to money. Corrupt people are going to do corrupt things. The FDA, the pharma companies, they tried this before, so that they tried it again is no surprise.

What I find interesting is the media's abdication of responsibility and people's blindness to it. I also find it ironic that in the 2020s, when people pretend to be so worldly and so jaded, they are so much more livestock-y than the people of the 1970s. Why is that?

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I'm not even sure we can convince the hyper-vocal minority in the "pro-vax" crowd of the safety issues. I think only their own death would convince them -- and then it would be too late.

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They and their families would blame it on eggs or shaking the comforter, or maybe even Covid. Not the almighty Shot, which they worship. Or if it was the Shot, it would have been worse without it!

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They are the same people that would accept an economic model that would kill chickens for the eggs.


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They don't want chicken eggs available either! Seems yolk protein may actually help neutralize the potency of the spike protein...


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What a scam

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Yep. Or gas stoves or gas cars or climate change or…..

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Maybe the Doug Brinole saga can. How's he doing?

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