The parents are gaslit and threatened. Pushed around. Told their child may commit suicide. Told lies about it. Books are around to plausibly explain this. So called science is pushed. Vaccines get the damage started that allows them to prey on these children. The internet grooms it. The therapists and doctors are in on it. If a parent is totally stuck in the left, they have little resistance or they have been dealt an evil spell of some sort. It was planned. I’m smack dab in the middle of it as a grandparent whose views are dismissed. When the parents wake up some day, my heart hurts to think of what will happen. Why I suddenly left the Dem cult when I knew exactly what this was.
Well, it’s not like they value the lives of children…certainly not when they’re in the womb. If they don’t value unborn children, and wish to have the “right” to “unborn a bunch of cells” even after birth, it’s not much of a stretch to understand how willing they are to sacrifice them “at the altar of the next_thing”!
Plenty of girls slip through the cracks. Lesbians often have children from hetro relationships before they hook up with other women. I myself am probably 'neurodivergent', certainly a tomboy and had no problem having 3 kids of my own.
It's easy to wheedle out the boys. A lot of this is directed at young girls at this point, especially the sterilization stuff. Most boys and men (like over 90%) keep their tackle.
Reading the tea leaves here: the picture of Johanna Olson-Kennedy, MD, shows the beaming doctor, appearing to be basking in the beatific saintliness of her calling. This appears to be a religion for these people, with willing converts (and there is no greater zealot than a new convert). Recalling a directive to ‘smile when you say that’ (because it confuses people and they begin to question themselves).
Yup. The amount of these centers that perform these types of atrocities went from 8 in the entire country in 2015 to almost 500 now. Hmmm....I wonder why?
Here. I don't want to ruin your day...but everyone should take a peak at it:
Please note that heath insurance companies are mandated by Obamacare to cover these grotesque procedures. Prior to Obamacare no insurer covered these procedures.
So cyberpunk! This is basically on the same level of that mentally ill kid who had his ears, nose, and lips cut off because he wanted to express his true alien form (along with face tattoos). Definitely living his best life due to benevolent butchers and encouraging progressive governments.
Hollywood went public with this garbage early and often. Poor little Chastity Bono was a beautiful little girl.. Charlize Theron is another one who mutilated their kids. The evil is so evil it’s hard to believe. Thank God Trump won and the mentally stable are now in control. They need to take the phrase bi-partisan and toss it out. No quarter can be given.
No men wanting to date her gives me hope for humanity. Plus if she’s a chip off the old block that is her murderous mother it’s an even better idea to steer clear. Mommy KIA Daddy IIRC
That was Annette Bening. From Matt Walsh's FB: Annette Bening recently said that having a transgender child has made her “so much more interesting.” Let that sink in for a moment. She’s not just saying her child’s experience has enriched her life; she’s claiming that her life is now more fascinating because of her child’s transition. This is a textbook example of narcissism, where a child is treated not as a person, but as an accessory to enhance the parent’s image. It’s as if having a “trans child” has become a trendy way to self-promote.
This is the ultimate program for insane leftist medical professionals. It’s hugely profitable. They have a patient for life. They get to virtue signal to their insane leftist friends. Like the mandating of C19 injections, it’s never about the wellbeing of the patient. It’s about money, power, and control.
This evil and preying on the most innocent part of humanity just sickens me…the people I recently tried to explain to regarding what happens to these children crossing the border unaccompanied was met with more hatred for the “orange man” than anything else. “Oh! You’re being fed lies!” *sigh*
Corruption/power/domination over the helpless….be it human, animal, whatEVER. Something SERIOUSLY wrong with what just recently (to me, anyways) seemed to rear its ugly head and be embraced as ‘normal’.
It’s just a horrible happenstance of so many people who have completely embraced the “woke” agenda and what better way to show allegiance and virtue than by trans-ing your kids. Of course I completely agree with and identify some mothers being affected by Munchhausen by proxy. My mother was a borderline until I was 12. Thankfully , once I hit puberty her control hit my wall of “my way not yours”.
Take Megan Fox. No one has THREE trans kids. She became irrelevant so the next best thing for publicity is 3 trans kids! I’ve always been of the opinion she was completely unstable…much of Hollywood is.
It’s going to take a while to root all this travesty against our young and vulnerable but at least Trump has moved strongly against it.
Indeed. I had no idea the amount of loot driving this "movement" until I read Sharyl Atkisson's latest book. The amount of money Pharma makes off "gender affirming care" is astronomical, bordering on criminal, not for the amount, but for the way it drives the treatment approaches.
I was one of the first psychotherapists to be reported to my board for recommending Watchful Waiting for questioning youth. A trans-activist therapist reported me in 2020 because I was not publicly prescribing affirmation. Luckily, they dismissed the case on free speech grounds (there was no patient involved). I see the trans board demands as a logical extension of the gay and lesbian convention in which therapists are never allowed to treat a patient for questioning or collateral comorbidities. They call that Conversion Therapy in order to bully therapists into their ideological compliance. LGBT delusion from ideological blindness and the associated bullying masquerading as caring advocacy has been going on for fifty years. The trans situation just took things to another level. That level is extremely dangerous.
Thank you for speaking out. My grandchild started talking about GD identity issues when puberty started and had been in therapy due to issues that were manifesting and very concerning from the age of 10. My son eventually got custody but about the age of 16 my grandchild basically had a meltdown and was no longer able to attend public school and had to be placed in a therapeutic residential treatment school environment. All they want to focus on for therapy was GD. My son held out and refused to allow HRT for his own daughter before she turned 18 but once 18, my Grandchild made the decision to switch gender. I have always believed that the underlying trauma and mental health issues due to her birth mother‘s actual diagnosis of Munchausen by proxy was the real issue and GD was a symptom of it, but the horse is out of the barn now. I completely agree with what amounts to brainwashing kids in puberty and before. Heck when I was 11 I would’ve preferred to be a boy myself. I was a tomboy then. But I wasn’t allowed to play sports. They didn’t even have girls sports at my school back then. Anyway We need to teach kids that it’s OK to not know exactly who you are when you’re in puberty and to learn to love and accept ourselves, the way, we are as a primary therapeutic focus !
That said there are a whole lot of kids now who DO identify as Trans. My grandchild is one of them. It tore my heart apart, but the only way to continue to be a part of his life and supportive influence (or Lighthouse on the stormy shore as it were), was to learn how to speak to him in his chosen gender role and support his choices moving forward. He’s in his 20s now and wants to go forward with surgery and continuing HRT. The conundrum for me is yes I agree with everything about influencing, children in puberty and even earlier childhood. But once people have reached the age of legal consent, they do have the freedom to determine what they are going to do with their bodies, and I believe we need to not vilify them— political agendas aside. we have to find a way to care for these wounded people! They are not particularly evil in and of themselves, but they’ve been traumatized by others and are doing the best they can to survive. They’ve been caught in the crossfires of a system that created them (somewhat like Frankenstein‘s monster if you will) but they are not inhuman and we need to find a way to care for them. Removing their sources of stable treatment is not going to help. I think laws need to be made about the age of consent and so forth and I totally agree with that and the political agenda of LGBTQ influence is something to look at as far as how it is influenced things too far in the extreme. But in terms of supporting gay and lesbian, and all the other shades of confusion, we need to remember that they are people, and in a climate of persecution and bigotry, and so forth, they have reacted in a dramatic way to try to protect themselves as a community due to the hate that has been spewed against them. It’s another form of racism except in this case it doesn’t matter what the color of an LGBTQ person‘s skin is if they identify in that community, they are a target.
I agree wholeheartedly the therapeutic profession needs to come back to true North and start healing people and especially CHILDREN from within before these extreme measures are considered. But as the grandmother of a now trans person, I am concerned for their well-being and their ability to live safely in this climate of bigotry. How do we overcome this? They are people who have suffered greatly. They need love too. They’re not deviant. They’re hurting but they are also beautiful, intelligent souls with love and talent to give. How can they then contribute to the world ? Let’s find a way to accept people and create a better system to help children who are the victims of dysfunction, which is rampant in our society. Pointing the finger and blaming, doesn’t solve the problem. We need to proceed to dialogue with compassion and respect in spite of the differences of opinion (religious and political beliefs ) that we have with each other. I’m doing my best to walk this balance beam.
Straight male fetishists (men with a fetish for lesbians and a fetish for pretending to BE lesbians) bought their way into the gay rights movement in the late 1990's. Autogynephiles.
Thank you for doing the right thing. I wish that was the standard of care. I would have gladly sought professional assistance when we went through this with my kid if I had thought there was a supportive path that didn’t push hormones and puberty blockers. (My kid is fine and happy in their birth sex now. Using non-gendered pronouns only for internet anonymity reasons.)
This sort of censorship and coercion exists throughout the medical industry and has overtaken many areas of research. The danger is real, the damage extensive. MDs must prescribe drugs to healthy patients based on ever changing diagnostic guidelines based more on drug sales figures than repeatable, verifiable science. Going against the "guidelines" (which are actual mandates) can cost an MD their license and certifications. I've had a few honest MDs admit that they "have to say" certain things, even when in their professional judgment and experience it's bad advice. Many MDs simply accept the "guidelines" without question. Others know better than to question. Neither serves the best interest of the patient. Only by being your own advocate can you stand a chance. Ask questions. Be prepared to be "fired" by MDs. There are still some that will walk the fine line - not deviate from the "guidance" but who will do so with a wink - like the MD that told me "I have to say this...." and left it at that (in contrast to the MD that fired me because I said "no" to drugs without further justification based on actual data).
I went many decades without a "primary care" doc. I seldom went to MDs. If I broke a bone, the occasional sinus infection. Exception being an annual visit with an ophthalmologist. By age 60 I was being constantly berated for not having a primary care physician "at my age" and finally my insurance carrier demanded it. The current doc and I have reached a balance - he regurgitates, I resist, we discuss (he is willing to discuss). He suggests drugs, I decline. I counter with the need for substantiating data. He orders a test, which so far turns up that I am a healthy old white male. It's become part of the harmony of life ;-)
It is time to end the medical board monopoly, and remove the licensure cartel. There are many ways a free market for medicine can give us better doctors and weed out the cranks and charlatans.
Between this nonsense and the Covid debacle, who can trust a physician? I’d love to see a database of docs who opposed both these manias so I could find a potentially trustworthy doctor. Bonus points if they can demonstrate they got into medical school without the assistance of affirmative action.
I definitely don't trust them. All my long-time good ones have retired (they weren't retirement age, but they all read the tea leaves). I now use a naturopathic doctor unless an emergency (ie I had an emergency appendectomy in June and, admittedly, was thankful for the doctors). I have had such wonderful doctors in the past and it's just sickening to see what's happened to the profession - my great-grandfather was a country doctor who got paid in chickens as often as not.
My mom who was born in the 40s told me about their country doc--he ran a boys home for orphans and his office was in his basement. He gave those boys hell regularly--probably had to haha--my dad was good friends with some of them and they were something--Dad included. My mom and her mom were in his office waiting first thing in the morning and the door at the top of the steps was left open. The doc was on the war path, marching up and down the hall, yelling, in his underwear! Nobody thought much about any of it but were thankful for the bit of entertainment. The relationships were so different then--my mom was born on the birthday of the doctor who delivered her and he asked to name her--my grandmother let him!
I’m so praying for a parallel health system instead of this Rotten Rockefeller BS that pushes petroleum based pharmaceutical on everyone. I hate that Monstercare (Medicare) forces people, who don’t have an educated medical advocate, into all kinds of unnecessary procedures and pills. Why can’t I use my stolen funds to hire a darn witch doctor if that’s what I want?!
Yes. It really grinds my gears when the same medical industrial complex that will give testerone to a 12 year old girl wont let me as a medically diagnosed low T man get my TRT med without constant hoop jumping that defies basic biological facts. (ie, test low for t, get on t, oh your t is fine now, t crashes, test low for t, etc etc). I had to abandon that system and go to a private pay doctor.
My cousin is hyperthyroid and is a nurse. She's had a lot of trouble with her med dosage--it's too high making her too sluggish and she's threatened to stop it entirely. But for so many people that are hypothyroid, they want to underdose, keeping those people sluggish. Maybe that's the goal--and for you too. There's definitely motivation to not have/get rid of manly men.
NEURO-DIVERGENT....The term “neurodivergent” came from the related term “neurodiversity.” Judy Singer, an Australian sociologist, coined the word “neurodiversity” in 1998 to recognize that everyone’s brain develops in a unique way.
when one uses the term "neuro-divergent" in the clinical sense, it means "neuro development outside of the bell curve of typical norms." sure, lots of people have some traits of autism, asperger's, anxiety, confusion, emotional mal or non-dev etc, but there are norms and there are those who struggle to fit within norms.
it seems to me that a lot of the point of this trans-indoctrination is to seek out the "edge" kids who would have been able to hack it if they had put in a little work or just let puberty take its course and lock them out of healthy development and into a life of hormonal hijacking and gender wreckage. these are the ones i referred to as "the wobbly kids."
this is the behavior of a cult. it's seeking to prey upon awkward kids at an awkward stage and to lock them into it for life.
The really scary thing is, locate and document a human who was not at some point a wobbly kid. I will wager you can't. We all were (and are) wobbly at some point. Uncertain and insecure about ourselves. Except for sociopaths and psychopaths. Otherwise, we all have doubts about ourselves, our identity, and our purpose. This is what youth is largely about - figuring out who we are.
And that's the crime: part of kid-ness is doubt, and figuring it out. These bastids are exploiting that natural part of childhood - doubt - and preventing the figuring it out stage. And some getting quite wealthy doing so.
I see this as well, and have a pathologically ‘wobbly’ kid in my caseload at the moment. What I find interesting about this trend is the frequency of mother-generated gender questioning plus maternal background of trauma and/or sexual perversions among primary relatives. Nothing new about multi-generational family pathology - and this concept needs to be actively applied to the trans kid epidemic on a cause/effect basis. While I believe the current trend is partially a fad I also view it as simply a new variety of an age-old human desire: seeking fame.
I read about these types all the time on the @PITT substack. I am thankful everyday that my kids were out of the typical age indoctrination when this really blew up. You see both would be classified by your clinical definition.
I always think about how many pre-teen/teenagers are around that haven’t had “issues” questioning things, upset about their life, body whatever. The saddest thing is that they are mutilating their bodies in their hopes to be “happy”.
I hear you. My son is 30. He had his struggles with school and authority. He also had Scouting, which reinforced responsibility, skills through practice, work, thinking beyond one's self, and honor. Kids today will not have that opportunity, sadly.
He had the ADHD fraud to deal with, and the general decline of moral and ethical standards. He learned some lessons the hard way - not unlike his dad ;-).
I recall in high school, at a private school with a high ranking, he had an issue with a teacher. He was struggling to pass the class. He made a deal with the teacher to make up some insufficient work, and to do extra work to get a passing grade. The deal was made in the presence of both parents, the head of school and the school counselor. In the end the teacher reneged. I was not happy. The teacher lied - claiming he made no such deal - and the two witnesses refused to correct the lie. My spoke only once - at the head of school who CLEARLY recalled the deal - and offered him a chance to do the right thing. He failed. Instead of a scene, we quietly left - and in the following conversation I advised my young son that next time he made a deal, to get it in writing. A lesson I did not learn until I was much older (and that cost me a lot more than a grade). I realized the lesson was more valuable than the grade. But we took him out of that school subsequently, and I made it clear it was due to the poor ethical example provided by the head of school and staff. The other valuable lesson - actions have consequences - is something my son already had learned.
Even if one has a relatively idyllic childhood (i.e. a happy, loving home with virtuous parents), puberty and just before is where the misery hits the social fan.
One absolutely does not fit in with the other minds, and is mentally capable enough to perceive the socially-isolating mismatch. Generally, being disconnected from one's body is a lifelong struggle.
Then along comes a wicked liar and says "I have an expensive medical procedure which will fix your problem". It'll make us a mint. Another set of wicked liars realizes that if you can create sexual freaks who are forced to live as permanent edge cases, their own perversions will become background noise.
I'd be dead now if either of those kinds of people had gotten their hands on me.
One thing coming to light from the trans movement, is how so many with non-standard sexualities are bog-standard perverts. Gay sex is not their jam because they got a brain-and-endocrine misdirection that prevents forming a sexual pair-bond with member of their own species. Sad, but I now suspect as microcopic in number as true body dysphoric (the ones who need to self-blind, amputate etc.) or hermaphrodites.
Guys get stuck, gals get broken, and the only way they can get off is a piece of strange. Making this an identity is tragic.
To get back to the theme of the post, the incentive for the predators is camouflage. All the apex predators in nature make use of it. Why should humans be any different.
I'm dyslexic. I discovered this when a senior in college. Mostly by accident I was subjected to the standardized testing used to evaluate such conditions; a female acquaintance with some influence needed subjects to complete here degree. When reviewing the results with her professor, he was in disbelief that someone who scored as I did was a graduating senior. Such testing did not exist when I was in grade school - a lucky thing.
I remember school officials trying to convince my mom that, because I read slowly and showed little interest in recreational reading, that I was "slow" and perhaps even retarded (that word still in use). I am extremely fortunate that my mother knew better and was not one to be bullied by authority - or anyone else. The real gift I had was that both my parents reinforced, always, that the only limits were how hard I was willing to work. This is what "wobbly" kids need.
Some years back someone asked how I overcame the "disability" of dyslexia. It was an honest question from a younger man struggling with the condition. I told him I never viewed it as a disability, only as a difference. I completely RULE at scrabble. I can do those word jumble puzzles faster than anyone else. I can spot patterns and inconsistencies in mathematical expressions readily, usually before most other people. Billboards and other text without context are generally very entertaining. I can get through any text that is interesting enough to be worth the effort. What you might call normal reading takes me longer than it will most, but my comprehension will be high (unless it's boring). I can't spot transpositions that lead to incorrect spelling but I have automation to do that (a prediction I mad in the early 1970s to a high school teacher who called me an insane idiot for thinking such a thing - hah).
I believe in diversity. We are all unique. Be who you are (and question anyone who seems to need to tell you who you are).
These insane people are taking a 6 sigma issue and trying to normalize it into a 2 sigma issue. It is not. Using some rough knowledge of statistics, if homosexual people are approximately what's remainder of a 2 sigma representation of population and trans even as high as 3 sigma, this practice of affirming every confused youth, even if restricted to the homosexual cohort, will be massively more damaging to the minds and bodies of far more people than which would be potentially saved by its practice.
This, for sure. I experienced gender dysphoria when I was around 9, grew out of it like most do. But I was also a weird, quiet kid, probably somewhere on the spectrum. Lived through serious depression, diagnosed with ADHD, OCD, etc as a teenager and young man. Went through various phases struggling for identity. Now I am a person that my teenage self could not have imagined, an evangelical Christian, a husband, father, pediatric nurse. The futures of those poor kids sucked in to the gender whirlpool are being shit on, their normal development stripped away from them by forces they can’t comprehend or fight on their own
I had a high school teacher tell me I'd never be anything, and a counselor advise me NOT to apply to universities but to consider manual labor. I ignored them all. For the teacher who called me "illiterate" I sent signed copies of my first publications and a dozen roses. I don't know if I could have envisioned then where I am today, but I know I refused to believe anyone who told me what I was NOT capable of doing. I knew better. I had to - mom insisted ;-).
Yes, and the Covid policies created a lot of wobbly kids due to social structures and routines being yanked out from under them and online “friends” becoming the only “legal” way to socialize. It’s criminal the repercussions from the Covid years.
¡Por supuesto, Gatito! While we're at it, how about let's take a thorough look at the mommies who are so willingly trotting their child-sacrifices off to the nearest AMA-approved chop shop?
BTW, I remember that "repressed memory" bullshit only too well.
There is also a recorded IQ drop in users of puberty blocking drugs. About 10 points. Given that many asperger's types are in the higher range, it smacks of a Harrison Bergeron attempt to shove kids into the median of the curve.
What possible motivations would the medical industry have for locking kids out of healthy development and into a lifetime dependence on hormone treatments and other drugs? I can't think of a single thing....$$$$...nope not one thing...$$$$...power....???
When you point to the sign, it should be "academics" there i/o journalists. They were always muckrakers, but did not go toxic until the educational-industrial complex subverted their trade.
Give that researcher the Nobel prize for Obviousness.
Past recipients include the team that studied middle aged males who sit and think for a living, concluding that the group that engaged in regular physical exercise had improved cardiovascular health indications compared with the group that didn't exercise.
i’l just say this, it’s hitting gifted kids harder than many other demos b/c gifted includes high-functioning autism. gifted kids are quirky by nature. other kids don’t like smart kids (by nature). i follow a parents’ group, when the giftie moms talk it’s remarkable. they’ll say things like “the entire gifted class thinks they’re trans.” that’s social contagion and if you do the math, it’s eugenics that cuts off the smartest, most creative kids from reproducing.
My daughter works in behavioral health(most of her clients are 18-34) ...they are already busting the seams of local mental health facilities here in Tucson, Az area...
it’s so difficult for those working the frontlines of behavioral health. they’re given edicts that are contradictory to their training, but if they don’t follow them they’ll lose their licensure. it angers me just to think about it.
we already have the mental health epidemic that the pandemic caused. i know a lot of therapists point to 2020 as the real start of the trans epidemic. kids were stuck inside with no supervision and had only anon predators on Reddit/Tumblr to talk to. suddenly everyone decided they’re trans. that’s obvious social contagion. it’s insulting to be told otherwise by “professionals.”
bingo. there is a loss of IQ that’s immediate and there is also neurological stunting which stops normal brain development in its tracks. so you’ll have gifties who already have a difficult time fitting in, being sentenced for life to a body and brain that’ll never develop properly.
Yes, my kid who was identified as trans for a year before reversing course (never saw a professional or affirmed by us but we continued to love and guide fiercely) is gifted.
Wow, that must’ve been quite a roller coaster. I wish my grandchild could have made it through without sticking to the trans identity, but that didn’t happen. My son refused to allow HRT during puberty Once they reached the edge of consent they chose to proceed so I’ve had to learn how to assimilate that. I still love the person regardless of what identity they’re choosing, but in these times, that’s a really hard place to be. We had no contact for two years until I could accept and speak supportively using the chosen pronouns.
“If anyone causes one of these little ones—those who believe in me—to stumble, it would be better for them if a large millstone were hung around their neck and they were thrown into the sea” (Mark 9:42)
It’s demonic. It attacks children at the actual time in their lives when they are figuring out who they are. These demons then tell them how to think. It is the evil of evils. Vaporizing retribution is not enough punishment for these ghouls.
Consider the upside. These kids become totally dependent on drugs and thearapies, thus become readily compliant with whatever "authorities" need them to comply. These kids become powerless adults controlled by others, unable to resist or disrupt the objectives of the overlords. A population of slaves unable to understand freedom, let alone seek it.
I mean, if you're the overlords, this is a pretty good outcome ;-)
This may be 'out there' for some, but I've wondered if an aspect of this is to have a ready supply of people some of whom over time will shoot up a school or fast food joint. It helps continue to push other agendas that the same type of people go for. I don't think it's an originating reason for it. It's cause would be more along the lines of when you no longer believe in a God, you automatically tend to put yourself in that position.
It may seem "out there" but I can certainly see why one might wonder.
In some states, minors do not need parent's consent to take these measures that lead to permanent alterations. With or without parent's consent, Kids 15 and younger are being physically altered. As a society, we do not trust the judgement of a 15 year old kid to vote, to buy tobacco, or alcohol, operate a motor vehicle or consensually have sex, but their judgement is sound on making permanent, irreversible physical modifications that render then sterile? That's absurd. And as the pushback increases, the absurdity reaches new extremes. When I step back from the emotion and consider the arguments on merit, I begin to wonder about the real objectives.
Joseph Mengele might be proud. He got unwilling subjects to toy with. Now, these doctors have lots of willing patients and the best (or worst) part is: they pay for it!
I have had this discussion with a few people lately and, interestingly, Mel Gibson brought it up in his interview with Joe Rogan. We live in a society of child sacrifice comparable to ba'al or molech worshipers. Tens of millions of abortions, mutilations, and systemic, purposeful, removal of childlike innocence are all of that spirit. Note how we are likely to be the last country on earth to keep injecting that witch's brew of mRNA and LNP into our 6 month old babies! Our kids are sicker than ever and we refuse to figure out why because they are being sacrificed to the pHarma gods. I am grateful that DJT is calling attention to some of these issues but until we become willing to truly address root causes it is mostly window dressing. Please pray for our children and the soul of our nation. Thank you! I am so glad that we now have this forum where these things are allowed to be discussed.
"In 6th grade i was pretty sure girls had cooties and thought my friends who had started liking them were traitors. over the summer, it all changed. but imagine if some goon had leaned on me and said “yes, absolutely! you feel that way because you’re a girl!” and tried to prevent my hormonal expression."
This is why I find the medical transition of minors particularly horrifying. I remember vividly being a 12-year-old girl whose body matured a lot faster than her mind. Suddenly, I had the body of a woman - but still had the brain of a child. I had zero interest in being a teenager, being fashionable, having boyfriends, going on dates, being popular, wearing makeup, etc.. - I just wanted to build forts in the woods with my friends and be a kid forever.
The boys my age would chant "she's got BOOBIES!" and snap my bra strap; while at the same time I was getting unwanted sexual attention from older boys and men, which was terrifying to me. I didn't see any upside to this puberty thing at all so if someone had told me "oh, that means you're trans! here, have some hormones and surgeries!" I would have jumped at the offer.
By the time I was 15, my brain had caught up to my body and I quite enjoyed being female. I still liked a lot of stereotypical "boy" things, but that was fine - it meant I had lots of friends who were boys, some of whom turned into boyfriends. I was a weird girl, but definitely a girl nonetheless.
What you describe is magnified for girls on the spectrum because in terms of emotional development they’re about three years behind. This is true for both my granddaughter and my grandniece, both of whom think they’re transgender. My granddaughter is almost 19, and just this past year she started the teenage emotional stuff. The grandniece is 14, very mature physically, and a child emotionally.
I have a daughter who is on the spectrum; so there is a nonzero chance that I am slightly on it as well (I was diagnosed with ADHD as an adult; but there is a lot of overlap between the two). I was definitely lagging behind my peers in terms of emotional and social development; as my daughter did also (thankfully, she has never questioned her gender).
I reject both "D"s in ADHD. I find it neither a deficiency nor a disorder. One of the most rational papers I've read on the subject noted the necessary evolutionary differences between humans in an agrarian society and those nomadic hunter-gatherer type situations. Each requires different skill sets. What we call "attention deficit" can be an asset when hunting - where the hunter can become another animals prey. The ability to shift attention rapidly can mean the difference between eating and being eaten. The ability to do repetitive, even tedious tasks with concentration is essential to successful farming and ranching. This analysis made a lot of sense.
As one with a short tolerance for repetitive and tedious - what my generation called "short attention span" - I've turned this to my advantage. I'm would not survive as a farmer, but as a musician and technologist seeking always to learn something new, my nature can be an asset rather than a deficit.
The disorder is the need to view anything outside of some arbitrary "norm" or substantially different as my opinion ;-).
That it is typically diagnosed by a child's behavior in a CLASSROOM is also outrageous. Sit here kid for a half a day at a time and pay attention to everything I tell you. Just what every kid wants to do.
Moreover often the desired behavior is mindless compliance. ADHD had not been invented when I was in grade school, and I'm thankful for that. Nor was dyslexia understood (I will argue that it still is not well understood). I am thankful for that. What they do to kids so diagnosed should be criminal.
Thank you for writing this. In my opinion, this trans-kid crap is the worst thing in the woke basket that has been pushed at us since the start of Covid. This proves that just because you are a crazy pervert doesn’t mean you can’t get a medical degree. The fact that medical “associations” and “boards” can support this evil, crazy trans ideology and force doctors into compliance boggles the mind.
That being said, what can we do about it; how can we stop this as soon as possible. Who are the faceless people behind these boards and associations? We need to know their names, who they are, and how they got into position; so they can be punished.
Where are the good doctors; why the hell aren’t they speaking out - forcefully, and in mass?
Why are health insurance companies paying for this?
Don't your questions provide the answer? Or at least part of it. Follow the money. For the rest, the ideology and the people pushing it, I have only this. That evil inhabits earth and we are witness to it.
You are correct, somewhere in this daisy-chain of destruction is a big payday for someone. We all know about the 'payday' from the recently-pardoned Anthony Fauci's history with Big Pharma, and with
"Why are health insurance companies paying for this?"
Because it's profitable. That's the only reason health insurance companies do things.
Perhaps they're getting a cut of the drug money. Perhaps it's the long-term profit from permanent dependence, or government subsidies, or kickbacks of other sorts - I haven't done the research, but I am confident that the motivation is profit. Somehow!
I 'liked' it despite the subject matter. I am someone who has been following this and fighting this for almost a decade now. So many women and men who fought this in the teens and early 20's were permabanned from social media, had their websites taken down by providers or had their discussion boards removed from host sites, threatened personally, reported to law enforcement, lost jobs, etc. it is good to see widespread acknowledgement of the issue at this time. Perhaps these abuses will finally end.
Your words, particularly about the woman whose three sons are all "trans," reminded me of a leftie co-worker of mine from the '00s who told me that her friend had just had a baby and was disappointed because he was a boy. I wonder what happened to that poor child.
Well, this is a very considerable reason for why Trump won and fer absolutely damn sure that "She's for they/them; Trump is for you" was the most devastatingly effective political ad in history.
Any Dr that changes my grandkids gender will have their gender changed by me. Dad's, step up and be the protector you are supposed to be. Whatever it takes, whatever the cost. Harm my kids and you will be harmed, should be the mantra. Fear of retribution will make them think twice.
Which is possibly why a large portion of these poor kids are raised by single moms. Maybe they can't handle having a male in the house so they make them their "daughters", also potentially to make them so that they always need "mommy's help" and will never leave them to be alone.
Let's just call this what it is:
EVIL at the lowest depths of hell, for profit.
No reason to sugar coat.
Weaponized empathy, mental illness and greed is a powerful potion.
I call it child sacrifice 2020’s style. Seeing the suffering first hand. Just one of the child sacrifice programs the west is engaged in.
Could you imagine having more concern about what you're wearing for the next cool kids gathering than mutilating your child?!
Imagine, having a soul so black, treating this decision as if it's less important than finding this year's new black.
To sacrifice your children at the alter of the next_thing...and be casual about it.
The parents are gaslit and threatened. Pushed around. Told their child may commit suicide. Told lies about it. Books are around to plausibly explain this. So called science is pushed. Vaccines get the damage started that allows them to prey on these children. The internet grooms it. The therapists and doctors are in on it. If a parent is totally stuck in the left, they have little resistance or they have been dealt an evil spell of some sort. It was planned. I’m smack dab in the middle of it as a grandparent whose views are dismissed. When the parents wake up some day, my heart hurts to think of what will happen. Why I suddenly left the Dem cult when I knew exactly what this was.
Well, it’s not like they value the lives of children…certainly not when they’re in the womb. If they don’t value unborn children, and wish to have the “right” to “unborn a bunch of cells” even after birth, it’s not much of a stretch to understand how willing they are to sacrifice them “at the altar of the next_thing”!
Party of death
Allowing doctors to do these procedures/treatments makes less sense than allowing barbers to do bloodlettings.
Well, it definitely borders on Eugenics as the vast number of children sterilized are either gay or neurodivergent.
Gay or neurodivergent kids have a low likelihood of reproducing anyway. Why eliminate the likelihood by sterilizing them, as well?
Plenty of girls slip through the cracks. Lesbians often have children from hetro relationships before they hook up with other women. I myself am probably 'neurodivergent', certainly a tomboy and had no problem having 3 kids of my own.
It's easy to wheedle out the boys. A lot of this is directed at young girls at this point, especially the sterilization stuff. Most boys and men (like over 90%) keep their tackle.
Money that's why.
Reading the tea leaves here: the picture of Johanna Olson-Kennedy, MD, shows the beaming doctor, appearing to be basking in the beatific saintliness of her calling. This appears to be a religion for these people, with willing converts (and there is no greater zealot than a new convert). Recalling a directive to ‘smile when you say that’ (because it confuses people and they begin to question themselves).
She doesn’t look normal.
I see a hint of gender dysphoria.
More than a few of the gender docs are transitioners themselves.
Yup. The amount of these centers that perform these types of atrocities went from 8 in the entire country in 2015 to almost 500 now. Hmmm....I wonder why?
Here. I don't want to ruin your day...but everyone should take a peak at it:
This is the kind of stuff I'm talking about.
Please note that heath insurance companies are mandated by Obamacare to cover these grotesque procedures. Prior to Obamacare no insurer covered these procedures.
I might want to revisit that "organ donor" designation on my license. I was thinking kidneys and corneas, not scrotum and colon. Daum.
Truth bomb RG just dropped
So cyberpunk! This is basically on the same level of that mentally ill kid who had his ears, nose, and lips cut off because he wanted to express his true alien form (along with face tattoos). Definitely living his best life due to benevolent butchers and encouraging progressive governments.
Hollywood went public with this garbage early and often. Poor little Chastity Bono was a beautiful little girl.. Charlize Theron is another one who mutilated their kids. The evil is so evil it’s hard to believe. Thank God Trump won and the mentally stable are now in control. They need to take the phrase bi-partisan and toss it out. No quarter can be given.
Charlize Theron has been speaking out publicly lately about how no men are willing to date her. Why might that be?
(Insert my shocked pikachu face here)
No men wanting to date her gives me hope for humanity. Plus if she’s a chip off the old block that is her murderous mother it’s an even better idea to steer clear. Mommy KIA Daddy IIRC
I would very much like to draw the Blood Eagle on the back of those who push this on kids.
Not have a headsman do it - I'd happily volunteer to wear the red hood.
The only question these warped parents are asking themselves is:
How can I make this about me?
Then they take to social media to broadcast their mental illness.
Oh no, 12 year old "Suzie" is crying because she's confused.....we must tear down society to dry the tears.
Agree, completely. I read about one of these Hollywood Mom Monsters making the statement, "Having a trans kid makes ME so much more interesting."
The truth will out.
That was Annette Bening. From Matt Walsh's FB: Annette Bening recently said that having a transgender child has made her “so much more interesting.” Let that sink in for a moment. She’s not just saying her child’s experience has enriched her life; she’s claiming that her life is now more fascinating because of her child’s transition. This is a textbook example of narcissism, where a child is treated not as a person, but as an accessory to enhance the parent’s image. It’s as if having a “trans child” has become a trendy way to self-promote.
Puke. Makes me sick to my stomach
Moronsters is what i call them
That’s incredible and so disturbing.
What a coincidence that so many unstable (female) celebrities in Hollywood all have trans children! What are the odds?
This is the ultimate program for insane leftist medical professionals. It’s hugely profitable. They have a patient for life. They get to virtue signal to their insane leftist friends. Like the mandating of C19 injections, it’s never about the wellbeing of the patient. It’s about money, power, and control.
I call it eugenics that is being broadly supported by the “be kind” crew. Too bad they don’t realize they’re supporting eugenics.
This evil and preying on the most innocent part of humanity just sickens me…the people I recently tried to explain to regarding what happens to these children crossing the border unaccompanied was met with more hatred for the “orange man” than anything else. “Oh! You’re being fed lies!” *sigh*
Corruption/power/domination over the helpless….be it human, animal, whatEVER. Something SERIOUSLY wrong with what just recently (to me, anyways) seemed to rear its ugly head and be embraced as ‘normal’.
100% agreed. The number of the beast, sicks, sicks, sicks (sic).
It’s just a horrible happenstance of so many people who have completely embraced the “woke” agenda and what better way to show allegiance and virtue than by trans-ing your kids. Of course I completely agree with and identify some mothers being affected by Munchhausen by proxy. My mother was a borderline until I was 12. Thankfully , once I hit puberty her control hit my wall of “my way not yours”.
Take Megan Fox. No one has THREE trans kids. She became irrelevant so the next best thing for publicity is 3 trans kids! I’ve always been of the opinion she was completely unstable…much of Hollywood is.
It’s going to take a while to root all this travesty against our young and vulnerable but at least Trump has moved strongly against it.
When one looks at her background according to Wikipedia it was hardly stable.
Mind you you her full name, Megan Denise Fox, will anagram to 'demeaning of sex' so there's that too!
She was in the film 'Transformers'. She has taken it seriously to the expense of her children.
Yeah, but the bishop says it's ok.
The man in the long dress or bi-shop.
Indeed. I had no idea the amount of loot driving this "movement" until I read Sharyl Atkisson's latest book. The amount of money Pharma makes off "gender affirming care" is astronomical, bordering on criminal, not for the amount, but for the way it drives the treatment approaches.
I was one of the first psychotherapists to be reported to my board for recommending Watchful Waiting for questioning youth. A trans-activist therapist reported me in 2020 because I was not publicly prescribing affirmation. Luckily, they dismissed the case on free speech grounds (there was no patient involved). I see the trans board demands as a logical extension of the gay and lesbian convention in which therapists are never allowed to treat a patient for questioning or collateral comorbidities. They call that Conversion Therapy in order to bully therapists into their ideological compliance. LGBT delusion from ideological blindness and the associated bullying masquerading as caring advocacy has been going on for fifty years. The trans situation just took things to another level. That level is extremely dangerous.
Thank you for having the fortitude to stick to your principles.
Here is my video from 2019 on this topic. Not one of my better presentations as I was suffering the cumulative effects of the battles then, when few of us dissidents were on the front lines.
Thank you for speaking out. My grandchild started talking about GD identity issues when puberty started and had been in therapy due to issues that were manifesting and very concerning from the age of 10. My son eventually got custody but about the age of 16 my grandchild basically had a meltdown and was no longer able to attend public school and had to be placed in a therapeutic residential treatment school environment. All they want to focus on for therapy was GD. My son held out and refused to allow HRT for his own daughter before she turned 18 but once 18, my Grandchild made the decision to switch gender. I have always believed that the underlying trauma and mental health issues due to her birth mother‘s actual diagnosis of Munchausen by proxy was the real issue and GD was a symptom of it, but the horse is out of the barn now. I completely agree with what amounts to brainwashing kids in puberty and before. Heck when I was 11 I would’ve preferred to be a boy myself. I was a tomboy then. But I wasn’t allowed to play sports. They didn’t even have girls sports at my school back then. Anyway We need to teach kids that it’s OK to not know exactly who you are when you’re in puberty and to learn to love and accept ourselves, the way, we are as a primary therapeutic focus !
That said there are a whole lot of kids now who DO identify as Trans. My grandchild is one of them. It tore my heart apart, but the only way to continue to be a part of his life and supportive influence (or Lighthouse on the stormy shore as it were), was to learn how to speak to him in his chosen gender role and support his choices moving forward. He’s in his 20s now and wants to go forward with surgery and continuing HRT. The conundrum for me is yes I agree with everything about influencing, children in puberty and even earlier childhood. But once people have reached the age of legal consent, they do have the freedom to determine what they are going to do with their bodies, and I believe we need to not vilify them— political agendas aside. we have to find a way to care for these wounded people! They are not particularly evil in and of themselves, but they’ve been traumatized by others and are doing the best they can to survive. They’ve been caught in the crossfires of a system that created them (somewhat like Frankenstein‘s monster if you will) but they are not inhuman and we need to find a way to care for them. Removing their sources of stable treatment is not going to help. I think laws need to be made about the age of consent and so forth and I totally agree with that and the political agenda of LGBTQ influence is something to look at as far as how it is influenced things too far in the extreme. But in terms of supporting gay and lesbian, and all the other shades of confusion, we need to remember that they are people, and in a climate of persecution and bigotry, and so forth, they have reacted in a dramatic way to try to protect themselves as a community due to the hate that has been spewed against them. It’s another form of racism except in this case it doesn’t matter what the color of an LGBTQ person‘s skin is if they identify in that community, they are a target.
I agree wholeheartedly the therapeutic profession needs to come back to true North and start healing people and especially CHILDREN from within before these extreme measures are considered. But as the grandmother of a now trans person, I am concerned for their well-being and their ability to live safely in this climate of bigotry. How do we overcome this? They are people who have suffered greatly. They need love too. They’re not deviant. They’re hurting but they are also beautiful, intelligent souls with love and talent to give. How can they then contribute to the world ? Let’s find a way to accept people and create a better system to help children who are the victims of dysfunction, which is rampant in our society. Pointing the finger and blaming, doesn’t solve the problem. We need to proceed to dialogue with compassion and respect in spite of the differences of opinion (religious and political beliefs ) that we have with each other. I’m doing my best to walk this balance beam.
Drop the T.
Straight male fetishists (men with a fetish for lesbians and a fetish for pretending to BE lesbians) bought their way into the gay rights movement in the late 1990's. Autogynephiles.
Trans has nothing to do with gay.
Thank you for doing the right thing. I wish that was the standard of care. I would have gladly sought professional assistance when we went through this with my kid if I had thought there was a supportive path that didn’t push hormones and puberty blockers. (My kid is fine and happy in their birth sex now. Using non-gendered pronouns only for internet anonymity reasons.)
This sort of censorship and coercion exists throughout the medical industry and has overtaken many areas of research. The danger is real, the damage extensive. MDs must prescribe drugs to healthy patients based on ever changing diagnostic guidelines based more on drug sales figures than repeatable, verifiable science. Going against the "guidelines" (which are actual mandates) can cost an MD their license and certifications. I've had a few honest MDs admit that they "have to say" certain things, even when in their professional judgment and experience it's bad advice. Many MDs simply accept the "guidelines" without question. Others know better than to question. Neither serves the best interest of the patient. Only by being your own advocate can you stand a chance. Ask questions. Be prepared to be "fired" by MDs. There are still some that will walk the fine line - not deviate from the "guidance" but who will do so with a wink - like the MD that told me "I have to say this...." and left it at that (in contrast to the MD that fired me because I said "no" to drugs without further justification based on actual data).
Just a small share that may help a reader. I was fired by a doctor a little while back, and you know what? I feel very good about it.
I went many decades without a "primary care" doc. I seldom went to MDs. If I broke a bone, the occasional sinus infection. Exception being an annual visit with an ophthalmologist. By age 60 I was being constantly berated for not having a primary care physician "at my age" and finally my insurance carrier demanded it. The current doc and I have reached a balance - he regurgitates, I resist, we discuss (he is willing to discuss). He suggests drugs, I decline. I counter with the need for substantiating data. He orders a test, which so far turns up that I am a healthy old white male. It's become part of the harmony of life ;-)
Very well said. One thing leading to another towards the pit of destruction.
A generation or so ago, virtue signaling parents would adopt an African kid. Now, a "stunning and brave" transkid is the ultimate fashion accessory.
It is time to end the medical board monopoly, and remove the licensure cartel. There are many ways a free market for medicine can give us better doctors and weed out the cranks and charlatans.
Between this nonsense and the Covid debacle, who can trust a physician? I’d love to see a database of docs who opposed both these manias so I could find a potentially trustworthy doctor. Bonus points if they can demonstrate they got into medical school without the assistance of affirmative action.
I definitely don't trust them. All my long-time good ones have retired (they weren't retirement age, but they all read the tea leaves). I now use a naturopathic doctor unless an emergency (ie I had an emergency appendectomy in June and, admittedly, was thankful for the doctors). I have had such wonderful doctors in the past and it's just sickening to see what's happened to the profession - my great-grandfather was a country doctor who got paid in chickens as often as not.
I am a homeopath, and I very rarely need to engage with the MDs at all these days, either.
My mom who was born in the 40s told me about their country doc--he ran a boys home for orphans and his office was in his basement. He gave those boys hell regularly--probably had to haha--my dad was good friends with some of them and they were something--Dad included. My mom and her mom were in his office waiting first thing in the morning and the door at the top of the steps was left open. The doc was on the war path, marching up and down the hall, yelling, in his underwear! Nobody thought much about any of it but were thankful for the bit of entertainment. The relationships were so different then--my mom was born on the birthday of the doctor who delivered her and he asked to name her--my grandmother let him!
Art, THIS is why I don’t practice as an AEMT anymore. I don’t trust ANY OF THEM anymore.
I’m so praying for a parallel health system instead of this Rotten Rockefeller BS that pushes petroleum based pharmaceutical on everyone. I hate that Monstercare (Medicare) forces people, who don’t have an educated medical advocate, into all kinds of unnecessary procedures and pills. Why can’t I use my stolen funds to hire a darn witch doctor if that’s what I want?!
Yes. It really grinds my gears when the same medical industrial complex that will give testerone to a 12 year old girl wont let me as a medically diagnosed low T man get my TRT med without constant hoop jumping that defies basic biological facts. (ie, test low for t, get on t, oh your t is fine now, t crashes, test low for t, etc etc). I had to abandon that system and go to a private pay doctor.
My cousin is hyperthyroid and is a nurse. She's had a lot of trouble with her med dosage--it's too high making her too sluggish and she's threatened to stop it entirely. But for so many people that are hypothyroid, they want to underdose, keeping those people sluggish. Maybe that's the goal--and for you too. There's definitely motivation to not have/get rid of manly men.
NEURO-DIVERGENT....The term “neurodivergent” came from the related term “neurodiversity.” Judy Singer, an Australian sociologist, coined the word “neurodiversity” in 1998 to recognize that everyone’s brain develops in a unique way.
NO SHIT!!! What a revelation!!
when one uses the term "neuro-divergent" in the clinical sense, it means "neuro development outside of the bell curve of typical norms." sure, lots of people have some traits of autism, asperger's, anxiety, confusion, emotional mal or non-dev etc, but there are norms and there are those who struggle to fit within norms.
it seems to me that a lot of the point of this trans-indoctrination is to seek out the "edge" kids who would have been able to hack it if they had put in a little work or just let puberty take its course and lock them out of healthy development and into a life of hormonal hijacking and gender wreckage. these are the ones i referred to as "the wobbly kids."
this is the behavior of a cult. it's seeking to prey upon awkward kids at an awkward stage and to lock them into it for life.
Exactly. It’s wicked. Wobbly kids often have psychologically diminished parents.
The really scary thing is, locate and document a human who was not at some point a wobbly kid. I will wager you can't. We all were (and are) wobbly at some point. Uncertain and insecure about ourselves. Except for sociopaths and psychopaths. Otherwise, we all have doubts about ourselves, our identity, and our purpose. This is what youth is largely about - figuring out who we are.
And that's the crime: part of kid-ness is doubt, and figuring it out. These bastids are exploiting that natural part of childhood - doubt - and preventing the figuring it out stage. And some getting quite wealthy doing so.
Yes, at their MOST vulnerable time.
I see this as well, and have a pathologically ‘wobbly’ kid in my caseload at the moment. What I find interesting about this trend is the frequency of mother-generated gender questioning plus maternal background of trauma and/or sexual perversions among primary relatives. Nothing new about multi-generational family pathology - and this concept needs to be actively applied to the trans kid epidemic on a cause/effect basis. While I believe the current trend is partially a fad I also view it as simply a new variety of an age-old human desire: seeking fame.
I read about these types all the time on the @PITT substack. I am thankful everyday that my kids were out of the typical age indoctrination when this really blew up. You see both would be classified by your clinical definition.
I always think about how many pre-teen/teenagers are around that haven’t had “issues” questioning things, upset about their life, body whatever. The saddest thing is that they are mutilating their bodies in their hopes to be “happy”.
I hear you. My son is 30. He had his struggles with school and authority. He also had Scouting, which reinforced responsibility, skills through practice, work, thinking beyond one's self, and honor. Kids today will not have that opportunity, sadly.
He had the ADHD fraud to deal with, and the general decline of moral and ethical standards. He learned some lessons the hard way - not unlike his dad ;-).
I recall in high school, at a private school with a high ranking, he had an issue with a teacher. He was struggling to pass the class. He made a deal with the teacher to make up some insufficient work, and to do extra work to get a passing grade. The deal was made in the presence of both parents, the head of school and the school counselor. In the end the teacher reneged. I was not happy. The teacher lied - claiming he made no such deal - and the two witnesses refused to correct the lie. My spoke only once - at the head of school who CLEARLY recalled the deal - and offered him a chance to do the right thing. He failed. Instead of a scene, we quietly left - and in the following conversation I advised my young son that next time he made a deal, to get it in writing. A lesson I did not learn until I was much older (and that cost me a lot more than a grade). I realized the lesson was more valuable than the grade. But we took him out of that school subsequently, and I made it clear it was due to the poor ethical example provided by the head of school and staff. The other valuable lesson - actions have consequences - is something my son already had learned.
Can confirm.
Even if one has a relatively idyllic childhood (i.e. a happy, loving home with virtuous parents), puberty and just before is where the misery hits the social fan.
One absolutely does not fit in with the other minds, and is mentally capable enough to perceive the socially-isolating mismatch. Generally, being disconnected from one's body is a lifelong struggle.
Then along comes a wicked liar and says "I have an expensive medical procedure which will fix your problem". It'll make us a mint. Another set of wicked liars realizes that if you can create sexual freaks who are forced to live as permanent edge cases, their own perversions will become background noise.
I'd be dead now if either of those kinds of people had gotten their hands on me.
One thing coming to light from the trans movement, is how so many with non-standard sexualities are bog-standard perverts. Gay sex is not their jam because they got a brain-and-endocrine misdirection that prevents forming a sexual pair-bond with member of their own species. Sad, but I now suspect as microcopic in number as true body dysphoric (the ones who need to self-blind, amputate etc.) or hermaphrodites.
Guys get stuck, gals get broken, and the only way they can get off is a piece of strange. Making this an identity is tragic.
To get back to the theme of the post, the incentive for the predators is camouflage. All the apex predators in nature make use of it. Why should humans be any different.
Times have changed. But in some ways not so much.
I'm dyslexic. I discovered this when a senior in college. Mostly by accident I was subjected to the standardized testing used to evaluate such conditions; a female acquaintance with some influence needed subjects to complete here degree. When reviewing the results with her professor, he was in disbelief that someone who scored as I did was a graduating senior. Such testing did not exist when I was in grade school - a lucky thing.
I remember school officials trying to convince my mom that, because I read slowly and showed little interest in recreational reading, that I was "slow" and perhaps even retarded (that word still in use). I am extremely fortunate that my mother knew better and was not one to be bullied by authority - or anyone else. The real gift I had was that both my parents reinforced, always, that the only limits were how hard I was willing to work. This is what "wobbly" kids need.
Some years back someone asked how I overcame the "disability" of dyslexia. It was an honest question from a younger man struggling with the condition. I told him I never viewed it as a disability, only as a difference. I completely RULE at scrabble. I can do those word jumble puzzles faster than anyone else. I can spot patterns and inconsistencies in mathematical expressions readily, usually before most other people. Billboards and other text without context are generally very entertaining. I can get through any text that is interesting enough to be worth the effort. What you might call normal reading takes me longer than it will most, but my comprehension will be high (unless it's boring). I can't spot transpositions that lead to incorrect spelling but I have automation to do that (a prediction I mad in the early 1970s to a high school teacher who called me an insane idiot for thinking such a thing - hah).
I believe in diversity. We are all unique. Be who you are (and question anyone who seems to need to tell you who you are).
These insane people are taking a 6 sigma issue and trying to normalize it into a 2 sigma issue. It is not. Using some rough knowledge of statistics, if homosexual people are approximately what's remainder of a 2 sigma representation of population and trans even as high as 3 sigma, this practice of affirming every confused youth, even if restricted to the homosexual cohort, will be massively more damaging to the minds and bodies of far more people than which would be potentially saved by its practice.
This, for sure. I experienced gender dysphoria when I was around 9, grew out of it like most do. But I was also a weird, quiet kid, probably somewhere on the spectrum. Lived through serious depression, diagnosed with ADHD, OCD, etc as a teenager and young man. Went through various phases struggling for identity. Now I am a person that my teenage self could not have imagined, an evangelical Christian, a husband, father, pediatric nurse. The futures of those poor kids sucked in to the gender whirlpool are being shit on, their normal development stripped away from them by forces they can’t comprehend or fight on their own
I had a high school teacher tell me I'd never be anything, and a counselor advise me NOT to apply to universities but to consider manual labor. I ignored them all. For the teacher who called me "illiterate" I sent signed copies of my first publications and a dozen roses. I don't know if I could have envisioned then where I am today, but I know I refused to believe anyone who told me what I was NOT capable of doing. I knew better. I had to - mom insisted ;-).
Yes, and the Covid policies created a lot of wobbly kids due to social structures and routines being yanked out from under them and online “friends” becoming the only “legal” way to socialize. It’s criminal the repercussions from the Covid years.
Good point
¡Por supuesto, Gatito! While we're at it, how about let's take a thorough look at the mommies who are so willingly trotting their child-sacrifices off to the nearest AMA-approved chop shop?
BTW, I remember that "repressed memory" bullshit only too well.
and the damage done. Never forget!
There is also a recorded IQ drop in users of puberty blocking drugs. About 10 points. Given that many asperger's types are in the higher range, it smacks of a Harrison Bergeron attempt to shove kids into the median of the curve.
What possible motivations would the medical industry have for locking kids out of healthy development and into a lifetime dependence on hormone treatments and other drugs? I can't think of a single thing....$$$$...nope not one thing...$$$$...power....???
The socioeconomics of dependence: discuss.
When you point to the sign, it should be "academics" there i/o journalists. They were always muckrakers, but did not go toxic until the educational-industrial complex subverted their trade.
Academia delenda est.
Salt the earth.
Give that researcher the Nobel prize for Obviousness.
Past recipients include the team that studied middle aged males who sit and think for a living, concluding that the group that engaged in regular physical exercise had improved cardiovascular health indications compared with the group that didn't exercise.
Sociologists have to justify their salaries somehow. 'Australian sociologist' anagrams to
- As Satanic urologist oil
I think they are just taking the piss. :)
i’l just say this, it’s hitting gifted kids harder than many other demos b/c gifted includes high-functioning autism. gifted kids are quirky by nature. other kids don’t like smart kids (by nature). i follow a parents’ group, when the giftie moms talk it’s remarkable. they’ll say things like “the entire gifted class thinks they’re trans.” that’s social contagion and if you do the math, it’s eugenics that cuts off the smartest, most creative kids from reproducing.
We. Are. In. Trouble.
We're going to have a mental health epidemic of young adults ten years from now.
My daughter works in behavioral health(most of her clients are 18-34) ...they are already busting the seams of local mental health facilities here in Tucson, Az area...
it’s so difficult for those working the frontlines of behavioral health. they’re given edicts that are contradictory to their training, but if they don’t follow them they’ll lose their licensure. it angers me just to think about it.
The disgusting part is, it's all deliberate.
we already have the mental health epidemic that the pandemic caused. i know a lot of therapists point to 2020 as the real start of the trans epidemic. kids were stuck inside with no supervision and had only anon predators on Reddit/Tumblr to talk to. suddenly everyone decided they’re trans. that’s obvious social contagion. it’s insulting to be told otherwise by “professionals.”
gives me the heaviest of hearts. AND ALL OF IT IS UNNECESSARY.
the kids would have a better chance of turning out somewhat functional if we just threw them in volcanoes like savage Incas in the jungles.
No need to wait 10 years, Ryan. It's already upon us.
I said this before in this thread, but puberty blockers are known to cause drops in IQ of 10 points on average.
bingo. there is a loss of IQ that’s immediate and there is also neurological stunting which stops normal brain development in its tracks. so you’ll have gifties who already have a difficult time fitting in, being sentenced for life to a body and brain that’ll never develop properly.
Yes, my kid who was identified as trans for a year before reversing course (never saw a professional or affirmed by us but we continued to love and guide fiercely) is gifted.
Wow, that must’ve been quite a roller coaster. I wish my grandchild could have made it through without sticking to the trans identity, but that didn’t happen. My son refused to allow HRT during puberty Once they reached the edge of consent they chose to proceed so I’ve had to learn how to assimilate that. I still love the person regardless of what identity they’re choosing, but in these times, that’s a really hard place to be. We had no contact for two years until I could accept and speak supportively using the chosen pronouns.
A rush to the bottom like so many other things.
We are going to need a lot of millstones.
“If anyone causes one of these little ones—those who believe in me—to stumble, it would be better for them if a large millstone were hung around their neck and they were thrown into the sea” (Mark 9:42)
It’s demonic. It attacks children at the actual time in their lives when they are figuring out who they are. These demons then tell them how to think. It is the evil of evils. Vaporizing retribution is not enough punishment for these ghouls.
Consider the upside. These kids become totally dependent on drugs and thearapies, thus become readily compliant with whatever "authorities" need them to comply. These kids become powerless adults controlled by others, unable to resist or disrupt the objectives of the overlords. A population of slaves unable to understand freedom, let alone seek it.
I mean, if you're the overlords, this is a pretty good outcome ;-)
This may be 'out there' for some, but I've wondered if an aspect of this is to have a ready supply of people some of whom over time will shoot up a school or fast food joint. It helps continue to push other agendas that the same type of people go for. I don't think it's an originating reason for it. It's cause would be more along the lines of when you no longer believe in a God, you automatically tend to put yourself in that position.
It may seem "out there" but I can certainly see why one might wonder.
In some states, minors do not need parent's consent to take these measures that lead to permanent alterations. With or without parent's consent, Kids 15 and younger are being physically altered. As a society, we do not trust the judgement of a 15 year old kid to vote, to buy tobacco, or alcohol, operate a motor vehicle or consensually have sex, but their judgement is sound on making permanent, irreversible physical modifications that render then sterile? That's absurd. And as the pushback increases, the absurdity reaches new extremes. When I step back from the emotion and consider the arguments on merit, I begin to wonder about the real objectives.
Joseph Mengele might be proud. He got unwilling subjects to toy with. Now, these doctors have lots of willing patients and the best (or worst) part is: they pay for it!
So many horrors come though the medical industry!
I have had this discussion with a few people lately and, interestingly, Mel Gibson brought it up in his interview with Joe Rogan. We live in a society of child sacrifice comparable to ba'al or molech worshipers. Tens of millions of abortions, mutilations, and systemic, purposeful, removal of childlike innocence are all of that spirit. Note how we are likely to be the last country on earth to keep injecting that witch's brew of mRNA and LNP into our 6 month old babies! Our kids are sicker than ever and we refuse to figure out why because they are being sacrificed to the pHarma gods. I am grateful that DJT is calling attention to some of these issues but until we become willing to truly address root causes it is mostly window dressing. Please pray for our children and the soul of our nation. Thank you! I am so glad that we now have this forum where these things are allowed to be discussed.
"In 6th grade i was pretty sure girls had cooties and thought my friends who had started liking them were traitors. over the summer, it all changed. but imagine if some goon had leaned on me and said “yes, absolutely! you feel that way because you’re a girl!” and tried to prevent my hormonal expression."
This is why I find the medical transition of minors particularly horrifying. I remember vividly being a 12-year-old girl whose body matured a lot faster than her mind. Suddenly, I had the body of a woman - but still had the brain of a child. I had zero interest in being a teenager, being fashionable, having boyfriends, going on dates, being popular, wearing makeup, etc.. - I just wanted to build forts in the woods with my friends and be a kid forever.
The boys my age would chant "she's got BOOBIES!" and snap my bra strap; while at the same time I was getting unwanted sexual attention from older boys and men, which was terrifying to me. I didn't see any upside to this puberty thing at all so if someone had told me "oh, that means you're trans! here, have some hormones and surgeries!" I would have jumped at the offer.
By the time I was 15, my brain had caught up to my body and I quite enjoyed being female. I still liked a lot of stereotypical "boy" things, but that was fine - it meant I had lots of friends who were boys, some of whom turned into boyfriends. I was a weird girl, but definitely a girl nonetheless.
What you describe is magnified for girls on the spectrum because in terms of emotional development they’re about three years behind. This is true for both my granddaughter and my grandniece, both of whom think they’re transgender. My granddaughter is almost 19, and just this past year she started the teenage emotional stuff. The grandniece is 14, very mature physically, and a child emotionally.
I have a daughter who is on the spectrum; so there is a nonzero chance that I am slightly on it as well (I was diagnosed with ADHD as an adult; but there is a lot of overlap between the two). I was definitely lagging behind my peers in terms of emotional and social development; as my daughter did also (thankfully, she has never questioned her gender).
I reject both "D"s in ADHD. I find it neither a deficiency nor a disorder. One of the most rational papers I've read on the subject noted the necessary evolutionary differences between humans in an agrarian society and those nomadic hunter-gatherer type situations. Each requires different skill sets. What we call "attention deficit" can be an asset when hunting - where the hunter can become another animals prey. The ability to shift attention rapidly can mean the difference between eating and being eaten. The ability to do repetitive, even tedious tasks with concentration is essential to successful farming and ranching. This analysis made a lot of sense.
As one with a short tolerance for repetitive and tedious - what my generation called "short attention span" - I've turned this to my advantage. I'm would not survive as a farmer, but as a musician and technologist seeking always to learn something new, my nature can be an asset rather than a deficit.
The disorder is the need to view anything outside of some arbitrary "norm" or substantially different as my opinion ;-).
That it is typically diagnosed by a child's behavior in a CLASSROOM is also outrageous. Sit here kid for a half a day at a time and pay attention to everything I tell you. Just what every kid wants to do.
Moreover often the desired behavior is mindless compliance. ADHD had not been invented when I was in grade school, and I'm thankful for that. Nor was dyslexia understood (I will argue that it still is not well understood). I am thankful for that. What they do to kids so diagnosed should be criminal.
Please separate genetics from epigenetic adaptations to environments.
Thank you for writing this. In my opinion, this trans-kid crap is the worst thing in the woke basket that has been pushed at us since the start of Covid. This proves that just because you are a crazy pervert doesn’t mean you can’t get a medical degree. The fact that medical “associations” and “boards” can support this evil, crazy trans ideology and force doctors into compliance boggles the mind.
That being said, what can we do about it; how can we stop this as soon as possible. Who are the faceless people behind these boards and associations? We need to know their names, who they are, and how they got into position; so they can be punished.
Where are the good doctors; why the hell aren’t they speaking out - forcefully, and in mass?
Why are health insurance companies paying for this?
Don't your questions provide the answer? Or at least part of it. Follow the money. For the rest, the ideology and the people pushing it, I have only this. That evil inhabits earth and we are witness to it.
You are correct, somewhere in this daisy-chain of destruction is a big payday for someone. We all know about the 'payday' from the recently-pardoned Anthony Fauci's history with Big Pharma, and with
Because Obamacare forced them to pay for it.
"Why are health insurance companies paying for this?"
Because it's profitable. That's the only reason health insurance companies do things.
Perhaps they're getting a cut of the drug money. Perhaps it's the long-term profit from permanent dependence, or government subsidies, or kickbacks of other sorts - I haven't done the research, but I am confident that the motivation is profit. Somehow!
Please question your belief in good doctors.
Hard to use "like" to describe my feelings after reading this article. Monstrous harm being done to a generation of our youth
I 'liked' it despite the subject matter. I am someone who has been following this and fighting this for almost a decade now. So many women and men who fought this in the teens and early 20's were permabanned from social media, had their websites taken down by providers or had their discussion boards removed from host sites, threatened personally, reported to law enforcement, lost jobs, etc. it is good to see widespread acknowledgement of the issue at this time. Perhaps these abuses will finally end.
Your words, particularly about the woman whose three sons are all "trans," reminded me of a leftie co-worker of mine from the '00s who told me that her friend had just had a baby and was disappointed because he was a boy. I wonder what happened to that poor child.
Well, this is a very considerable reason for why Trump won and fer absolutely damn sure that "She's for they/them; Trump is for you" was the most devastatingly effective political ad in history.
Any Dr that changes my grandkids gender will have their gender changed by me. Dad's, step up and be the protector you are supposed to be. Whatever it takes, whatever the cost. Harm my kids and you will be harmed, should be the mantra. Fear of retribution will make them think twice.
Which is possibly why a large portion of these poor kids are raised by single moms. Maybe they can't handle having a male in the house so they make them their "daughters", also potentially to make them so that they always need "mommy's help" and will never leave them to be alone.
Also begs the question - why are more transitions from male to female….
💯% correct. Grow a pair and keep your kids/grandkids from this harm.
Yes! Please continue to preach about this awful stain on humanity. It must be stopped.