All the Trump sycophants are complaining, yet Trump's appointees, Kavanaugh and Barrett sided with the 4 nut jobs on the court. I'm voting Trump, but does anyone really think Trump is going to change any of this crap moving forward? Our choices for President are literally a douche and a turd sandwich again.

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What else could we expect? They sat on their hands for 2 years as literally every amendment was neutered during c19. This is exactly what I suspected was going to happen.

They're simply not following the constitution and The Framers most important warning:

NEVER trade freedom for safety.

They should've "looked" for cases to curtail the tyranny...but they didn't out of FEAR itself, FEAR of social tyranny and FEAR of public opinion repercussions.

That is weak sauce...they were derelict when We The People needed them most.

And now they can't even uphold our most sacred RIGHT.

I have nothing but contempt for this court. They are disgrace to everything this country used to stand for.

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Alito's dissent was masterful. Everyone should read it if they haven't already. Hopefully he won't "die suddenly" any time soon.

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Totally. Just got done reading it.

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I'm going to copy and paste this post for my Substack Reader Comments. It summarizes how I feel. The Supreme Court could have nipped this in the bud in the first two weeks of the lockdowns.

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thx Bill

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And so goes perhaps the last shred of legitimacy of the Federal government.

The experiment has truly failed.

Adieu l’ancien regime.

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Yup. Americans took it in the ass...and liked it.

From abundance to bondage in less than 2 generations.

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😭 But true. Heartbreaking. I’m going to say we Boomers had a big hand in this. Although of my 3 children two know exactly what’s going on. The other - well, I have hope.

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The experiment has not failed. WE have failed the experiment. The premise is as pristine as ever. We weak minded souls allowed evil to divide and conquer us! It is, ultimately, on us.

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What do you mean "WE", Kemo Sabe?

My only support and vote in well over twenty years was for Ron Paul, and I've been engaging with progressives on both sides of the aisle for even longer.

It was the vast herds of tax cattle supporting their own enslavement, collectively known as boobus Americanus, that have failed, not us.

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Fair enough. I am a fan of both Paul’s. Huge fan of Rand.

My statement was a “team focused” one. As an athlete and coach when things were not going well mutual accountability were critical for team success. Whether I had a good game, or a teammate did was inconsequential if our team lost. There is no individual glory in team sports when teams lose. I realize I need to do more to push Mr Trump into our White House.

That is all.

Time to rally all the troops, no individual winners here. Either a massive win or a mortal defeat.

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I hear you. I too was involved in sports and coached Little League for many years and share your perspective. Good on you.

The use of the term "we" in such matters is just a linguistic peeve of mine, as it assigns responsibility for our current depraved state of affairs collectively to us all, when it is in fact attributable to clearly defined parties.

Language in our time has been so perverted and degraded by leftist euphemism, deception and almost incomprehensible levels of projection and hypocrisy that if must be resisted, even in small, seemingly trivial ways.


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Standing has been used by the Democraps a lot in the past, when the court was solidly leftist. That Barrett and Roberts are siding with the hardcore leftists is disappointing but not the least surprising. The truly sad part is the Republicans in Congress appear to be out to set a new record for Heads Buried in the Sand but Still Breathing and Accepting Campaign Donations.

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You're right Mickey. I haven't seen very many Republicans even mention this atrocious decision.

We're lost

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Just the other cheek of the same arse.

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does not matter who sits in the wh. they have to dance along the tune of the overlords. the handlers, the insiders, whatever you call them.

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Yup. Trump won't put any pressure on them if he wins because HE IS COMPLICIT....and it opens up Pandoras box.

And also because it's more than likely only 5-10% of the American public knows about this suit...and most wouldn't even give a shit.

I have never been so disgusted with my country in my entire life.

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When so many elites in America and around the world oppose Trump its hard to believe its because he is complicit.

Pandora's box may open and expose the corrupt, wicked elites, and their minions.

This SCOTUS decision is a lost battle, but its not a lost war.

Since I believe God is moving against evil forces... I have never been more hopeful for my country in my entire life. In fact, I have hope for many nations.

It is darkest before the dawn and dawn brings light.

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agree. i'm the last person who will give up.

i wouldn't be able to look my kids in the eye if i did

often it is times/events just like this that create opportunity.

let's find it!

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Yes, its for the children that we fight for.

I believe our enemies are mortally wounded, so expect them to lash out in their death throes before their demise.

Thanks to God, we've already won.

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Agreed. I cannot, for the life of me, figure why so many so called conservatives have such animus towards Trump. He has acquired an army of enemies here and abroad. What has happened to him since before his election and still weaponized against him. I did not like every decision he made, but in sum, you detractors would seem to be happy to have demented schmoe have another term to assign us all to the trash can of history.

I just don’t understand so many people. Please show me your perfect President who can bring peace and prosperity better than Pres Trump.

I truly would like to hear. Not some telephone game whispers about him being the grand dragon of some evil cabal. I am just focused on saving our country from the brink of disaster. I hope y’all are able to reason more cogently than the SC 6 who will live in infamy.

Alito for Pres!

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It’s just theatre. It’s to make us think there’s a difference and a choice. There isn’t. Personally, I believe that’s why ‘they’ let Trump run - he’s polarizing, he’s the consummate actor, we, the little people, believe he’s standing up for us. Bologna. He. Is. One. Of. Them.

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You can cling to hope or hopelessness... your choice.

As for me, I choose hope.

My hope is in Almighty God, not Trump. I do however honor Trump and trust him.

What is about to happen is unprecedented... and good.

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Not at all clinging to hopelessness. I believe God has got this. I also believe he expects us to do our part and that includes seeing things for what they are so we can discern.

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none of the candidates will make a difference. But trumps turning with the wind makes it difficult for everyone. I remember Putin saying something of the kind in the Tucker interview. The whole mess might come to a stand still when he is elected, because no one knows which way he will decide

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I agreed with everything you said until you said Trump was one of them.

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"It’s just theatre."

Get popcorn and enjoy the show.

Its all part of the plan to rid us of evil.

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It's pretty damn dark!!!!

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(turns the light on)

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In a democracy, an inattentive and uneducated electorate gets f#cked. Unfortunately, just like demographic pools for health insurance, you get thrown in with the great unwashed. In the former you get corrupt politicians. In the latter you get high premiums for services you rarely need. Thank goodness virtue is its own reward.

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Like sheep, we've gone astray, perhaps what we need now is a Good Shepherd.

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Ryan, I agree with you. I’m sitting here, disgusted, in tears.

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I’m in agreement with you.

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There's good reason to be upset

Without an unadulterated 1A none of the other amendments mean much

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yep -- i reckon the court got the message that "the govt needs to censor cause Terrorism" or some such thing.

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Yeah, which in a reasonable world might be a good assumption. Here in clown world, however, it's far more likely mommy government will create another virus or run a false flag, then censor people who talk about it. Best case... Best case is that they use it to censor people who have the temerity to say things like "women don't have dicks".

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I'm going to save that one and use it myself.

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IIRC I first saw it right after the USA PATRIOT Act passed -- and it's aged extremely well.

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Stealing it....

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"might" be a good assumption. In reality it never is, SC.

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Brilliant! Thank you, Simulationcommander!

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Very true, and some of us who railed against the destruction of the 4th and 5th Amendment protections following Sep 11 endured insult, mockery, and worse from our fellow "Americans." "Americans" demonstrated in very clear terms they don't give a rat's a$$ about the republic and its foundational ideals..."cuz Terrorism."

That's what made the majority's conduct so easy to predict at the outset of the COVID operation. They'd proved it years before.

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'As we act, let us not become the Evil we deplore...

Barbara Lee... September 14th, 2001 as she cast the ONLY NO vote on the Patriot Act...


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I'm going to go darker and speculate their children were threatened.

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There's no other way to make sense of this without going darker. I suspect Cavanaugh and Barrett were simply bought off with money or something. And the 3 good guys who can't be bought were threatened with bad things happening to their loved ones if they didn't keep quiet about it being rigged. If someone has a better explanation, I would love to hear it.

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Yeah, ABC has officially become a WTF!!! She must be in abeyance to tyrant Biden. Her weak tea opinions are intellectually fraudulent and morally reprehensible. That old piece of parchment? I just blow my nose upon it.

Not sure how some of you crow about Trump. He has been subject to the same govt censorship this kangaroo court SC majority had inflicted upon all of us. But, some are easily duped by the old “divide and conquer” strategy. DT is our only hope. He ain’t perfect, far from, but I vote policies for me. Not, “would I like to be bedded by him, like some many dim dems and RINOs.

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No man can fix what's wrong in America, or the world.

Perhaps its now time to rely on God to fix things for a brighter future.

Choose hope or hopelessness, but choose wisely.

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I agree. I also believe that He expects us to do our part. So mine is non-compliance.

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How did this happen? Were Barrett and Cavanaugh bribed? Were the 3 good guys warned to keep quiet when they found out the ruling was rigged? I'm serious. I really can't explain this, and I wish someone would. Why does this story appear on neither Fox nor CNN???

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Why does this story appear on neither Fox nor CNN?

No mainstream media outlet is going to provide us with the most important and relevant news/truth.

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Trump took the recommendations of the Federalist Society – – and you start to wonder about them now too.

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Start? They should be banished to the dustbin

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They banished God to the dust bin, how's that working out so far?

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Did you wonder after Roe was overturned???

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Trump had a great opportunity to change the trajectory of our nation. He promised as much and he failed bigly.

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it is very difficult to work against a tidal wave of criminals. He tried

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Let's say I'm elected to command a huge ocean liner. I have zero knowledge of how a liner operates. There are 3000 or so people on the liner who make it work. I don't like the direction the liner is being taken and I don't trust the people doing the steering. The people steering and working the propulsion of the liner hate my guts. I order the ship turned 90 degrees and order a reduction in speed....Nothing happens.

I order the pilot brought to me. I order him to turn. He says OK.........Nothing happens. I'm being ignored. I again assert my status as commander and order a turn.......Nothing happens.......I call security. They say they'll come. I wait......no one shows up. What exactly are my options? Unless I know how to do make the engines turn and how to steer the huge liner, I have very few options. Welcome to the world of President Donald J. Trump.

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Hopefully DJT learned a few things from that experience. I believe he has. At this point he’s our only choice to reverse certain damaging executive orders, help put laws and new executive orders in place to buy us time to stop the border invasion, leave the WHO, leave UN, fix Title 9, stop the transgender madness, close down federal departments like education & energy, bring on energy independent & last but not least stop the movement towards WW3.

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Add ridding us of the FED, IRS, and 90% of the alphabet agencies.

With God + Trump + a MAGA Congress, America's best is yet to come.

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Maybe. I’m not going to hold my breath. Unlike 2016 Trump has surrounded himself with establishment neocons. Trump is calling into the gay clubhouse during their event planning. Is he really going to put a stop to the groomers?


Just last week Trump proposed green cards for diplomas. Is he really going to kick out the illegals and build a wall?

I’m pretty sure Trump learned a few things from his first stint in the WH, I just don’t think it’s what we are hoping for. If Trump gets elected we will get some small wins and people will be “happy” but the roots of the problem will still be there. Neither Trump nor Biden nor RFK Jr. will be fixing that.

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"Neither Trump nor Biden nor RFK Jr. will be fixing that."

True enough, but with God -- all things are possible!!!

God does the impossible, and improbable, everyday.

Trump delivered on every promise he made, plus more, in his first term. I have no reason to believe he won't do the same when he returns to office.

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Your first mistake was to not replace the key positions with people you know and can trust. This is literally how every corporation works when there is a change in management.

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Even in corporate management you sometimes don't know who will fail until they fail.

Trump did manage to expose many, many, backstabbers, TDS sufferers, and anti-America people in the Administration, Congress, and Courts.

He accomplished some great things in spite of those who tried perpetually to stop him.

Trump's next term, with God's help, should be GREAT.

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Trump will get'er done when he returns. He now has an awake populace support.

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It was a fairly important job. Trying isn’t good enough. You either succeed or you fail.

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What you perceive as failure is turning to good.

America hasn't been this awake since the 1776 Revolution.

How'd that turn out?

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I hope you’re right and I agree that a lot of people are awake to more things. But the boomer Republicans are still fast asleep. If you’re on team D you’re wrong and if you’re on team R you’re also wrong. Both team are being paid to destroy the US.

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You talk as if Trump is done... he is not. The current trajectory will not last.

It is not failing bigly to awaken the masses!!!

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There won't be any Trump moving forward after this ruling.

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If the US keeps on provoking Russia, there may only be a smoking crater in DC going forward.


There's always a silver lining if you look hard enough.

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no doubt. We have one Justice that thought 100k children died from c19 and KBJ who cannot identify her own sex!

and don't get me started on Kavanaugh and Barrett

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Somehow that WASN'T dangerous covid misinformation, though!

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gotta tell you brother, i'm fucking pissed

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This bad SCOTUS decision will not stop Trump.

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It's opened the door for blatant censorship of everything election-related for the next five months. Government could get you banned for showing a 'cheap fake' video of Biden getting into his SUV, or saying that he's got dementia, or even saying there was no insurrection or that Trump isn't racist.

There's literally no limit to the control. If you think that won't affect the election, I've got bad news for you.

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The bad news is today remains as it was yesterday. Trump is winning it all. We are winning. Truth is coming out. Evil is being exposed. The traitors are terrified. The NWO is panicked. MSM is dead. Fear is leaving us and moving to them. This SCOTUS decision, bad as it is, changes nothing.

I believe censorship is un-American, and unconstitutional, regardless of whether it comes from government or social media platforms. I believe it will be visited again with a better outcome. Fear not.

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I think we all understand that in a free and fair election, Trump would win in a laugher.

But it's the 'free and fair' part that has me worried. The Swamp has been perfecting stealing elections for decades, both overseas and in the USA.

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yikes. this is really worrysome

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Seriously, what's to stop them from banning people who play the entire video of the "very fine people" hoax? Or people who show the video of Biden getting into the SUV?

This allows them total control of information on social media.

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German citizens are being arrested for saying the words "Germany for Germans". I would think this is headed our way very soon.

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Look again.. There is a 3rd choice.

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Kennedy? He might save us from vaccine mandates, but he will kill us just as fast by destroying the fossil fuel industry and over-regulating businesses that supply our basic needs.

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RFK and $hanahan are NOT against vaccines at all. Here’s what Junior actually has said, “I’m pro-vaccine.” Then, “I don’t think we oughta be mandating medical interventions for unwilling Americans unless we know precisely that that vaccine is gonna end up helping people rather than hurting them.” https://rumble.com/v2samua-robert-f.-kennedy-jr.-summarizes-his-views-on-childhood-vaccines-in-3-minut.html

I don’t think I have to tell you how naive (yet predatory) he sounds. After what we’ve been through since early 2020, we don’t want ANYTHING mandated. ANY THING period. I don’t care who thinks it’s “safe and effective.” If his running mate is Exhibit A of his discernment skills, he’s done.

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Amen, Gaye. Amen!

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Re: running mate.. you are correct

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What exactly are you hoping for, sir? Jesus Christ as the next president?

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As someone who wasted a vote for Gary Johnson in '16, not yet realizing how corrupt the establishment is, I won't be making that mistake again. Like him or not, Trump is our only option for even the smallest hope that we get out of all these messes our government continually creates for us. The time spent going to vote for RFK, as noble as he is, will be wasted.

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Add me to the list of people who voted for Johnson. My mistake.

But the president isn't all powerful. He can't just declare who the next Supreme Court justice will be. There is constant wheeling and dealing. And Trump was an outsider and had to fight his way through an entire bureaucracy that fought him at every turn. It won't get a lot better when he gets reelected, but at least we won't see it get worse at the rate it's been happening lately.

If enough people support Trump, and vote him a Congress that will support him, we WILL see a turnaround. In the end, it's on us, not Trump.

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What do you mean it was a mistake? I've been told over and over that my vote for Gary Johnson in a state won by Hillary Clinton is why Donald Trump got elected!

Turns out it was my best vote ever!

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Well, when you look at it that way.....

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When SimulationCommander looks at it that way... it makes zero sense.

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Who told you such nonsense?

How is your vote for Gary Johnson in a state won by Hillary Clinton have anything to do with Donald Trump being elected in 2016?

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Hillary supporters. Over and over and over and over.

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There's that damned electoral college again. The college eliminates the individual vote. It's easy to see how a vote for Johnson in a given state could shift this.

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I find it odd that Trump was praised for his SCOTUS picks by conservatives and Christians when Roe was overturned and scorned by them when a decision does not go their way! People like this are a ship without a rudder, they are pushed about by prevailing winds with little to no self control. It won't be long until such people find themselves smashed upon the rocks and drowning in the sea of their own confusion.

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I think that's pushing it a bit. But you may have a point. 'Conservative' justices seem to be focused on the constitution and not politics, as they should be.

'Liberal' judges practice law from the bench, which is sick. That's how they do it in China and Russia.

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'Liberal' judges, like Chief Justice Roberts, practiced law from the bench, which is sick, when he changed words in a case before the Court and gave us Obama-Care. Legislating from the bench gave us Roe, and Same-Sex-Marriage, based on politics where no law was in place granting either.

That is how they do it in China and Russia, and the good old USA.

Consider this, when the USA began removing God from our system we began to fall... and we are accelerating downward.

We cannot stop our decline on our own.

To the Republic.... Under God!!!

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Agreed. However, Roe v Wade decision was mere window dressing, given how SCOTUS also refused to ban vaccine mandates, and which leads to far MORE death, not just of pre-born, but of existing children and adults. SCOTUS (and all of them) are fully onboard with the EXTERMINATION agenda. Leave abortion to the states while simultaneously endorsing mass murder via mandated injections.

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I too voted for Gary but like you had no idea how putrid the government had become. Because they have TDS at least we get to see how despicable they are.

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Because they are Godless and have TDS at least we get to see how despicable they are.

This is known as the GREAT AWAKENING, and its working as planned.

It is darkest before the dawn!!! --?--

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I couldn't stomach voting for Gary Johnson...did yall not see how Unserious a person he was?

Libertarian I was, Libertarian I never shall be ever again.

Years of laughing in our faces by their choices.

RFKjr and his penchant for Green New Deal, Hillary, 2A hate ',and reparations did me in in his potential.

Uuuuugh I hate them all.

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I used to call myself a Libertarian. But I realized that they are not a serious party.

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Welcome to the GREAT AWAKENING.

RFK Jr's stance on big pharma and vaccines is great, but he has little more to offer the Republic but further decline.

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I voted for Kanye. I figured the whole entire election was a farce, why not have some fun with it? (Don't worry--I'm in Kentucky and there was never any doubt which way the vote would go here.) It's great watching people's faces when I tell them I voted for Kanye. Folks on both sides of the clown aisle are visibly distraught. This year I might write him in as my final act of civil disobedience before our whole ship sinks.

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Isn't there an active candidate called, "None of the Above" = ?

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Yes, though NOTA lacks the requisite charisma.

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lol-- I voted for Gary, too, once Bernie was gone. I can't believe ho naive I was....

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No. The only waste when it comes to voting is voting for the person that you don’t actually want to represent you. You cannot control who others vote for or what the establishment could possibly do to lie, cheat and steal to allow their candidate to win. Live true to yourself, and let everything else fall where it may.

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RFK has no chance of representing me or anyone else. That's the point. If he got 30% in the general and still lost, DC would do fuck all to placate his supporters. They don't care. They never will care. Your conscience is just a weakness as far as they are concerned.

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Maybe as far as they are concerned, but I have to live with my conscience.

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That's not the only thing you'll be living with.

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Not if you are unconscious. Unfortunately, you would then resemble sleazy Joe.

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There's that damned electoral college again. Me, in a red state, any vote other than red is lost.

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please do not count on Kennedy to do anything for this country, except jump in to destroy more of the only good shit left

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You're right. He won't change the direction, but he may reduce the "slope" temporarily.


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The three conservative cowards all have kids, right? I wonder if they were threatened.

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I've always wondered that about Roberts for sure. Though he was a W appointee so he is probably just showing his true colors now.

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I'm starting to like justice Gorsuch more and more, but one out of three is not encouraging. Unfortunately, the Irish Catholic justices always seem to trim liberal when it counts.

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RFK Jr? He's a real choice and can win. Busting the pharma cartel is his "raison d'être". Trump and Biden are both in bed pitching pharma cartel products to their bases.

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If you are a one issue voter you have a point, but I doubt a man from an American dynasty family is going to save the world. Whether Jr. admits it or not, he's been taught it is his world and we just happen to be living in it as well.

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Read his policies and explain which ones and why they are bad. I kind of like all of them


And half of the Kennedy family don't want him to run so he must be rufling some dynastic feathers.

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"Save the world?" isn't it a bit late for that?

Amelioration is the best we can hope for.

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ACB can define man, can not delegate the human zygote to non person status….

Yes she is a DEI choice

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Let's blow them away and put RFK in. Can't agree with everything, but he's got a lot right.

Let's see - egomaniacal dementia, or just straight dementia? Let's pick the guy who can bench his body weight.

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A douche is to clean something out. Trump, with God's help, will clean things out.

I too am voting for Trump, but not to choose the lesser of 2-evils, but rather choosing what is Good over what is evil.

There is a plan for good, and it is working.

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The Orange traitor will definitely let you down.

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I hope you are right. I'm rooting for exactly what you say. Just make sure you have a fallback plan if he isn't the one to see the plan for good all the way thru.

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So much for check and balances.

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Trump's fault, eh. Lots of people gad to pick, choose and vet, senators had to question and approve knowing every Democrat would vote however they were directed, the Borg response. But that one guy, as flawed as he is and attacked and poorly advised as he was because great advisors would not suffer the attacks they would be subjected to if they came forward. Witness Peter Navarro being sent to jail for invoking executive privilege. Step up.

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I do not believe I stated it was Trump's fault and I do pretty much agree with everything else you have said. I do believe a more principled and less lazy person would be able to navigate the DC waters better than Trump has.

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Picking SCOTUS Justices is like picking baseball players in the draft.

A box of chocolates.

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Alex Berenson was looking for verdict against the govt to fortify his case.

Since the majority punted on the subject of standing, that makes Berenson's case the tip of the spear on this issue, and there's no way ANY of the Supes can say he lacks standing.

Plus, he can show actual damages. That case is now the one for everyone to get behind, otherwise leviathan runs amuck.

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Thanks! I said the same thing, but hadn't seen your message yet.

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The abridgment of speech is the damages itself. No need to show more. Yet with this ruling you wonder.

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Why not? Why can't Amy Commie Barrett and Cavanaugh just repeat what they just said. The plaintiffs have no standing. No different from the 2020 election fraud case. As a Presidential candidate, Trump had no standing to challenge cheating in a Presidental election. Texas and those 20 other states had no standing to challenge Pennsylvania or any other state for violating the constitution. I cannot explain what the F is going on here! If anyone can explain this, I would appreciate it.

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SCOTUS has a long history of ruling as narrowly as possible. This is what we are seeing: plaintiffs ask the court to enjoin the defendants from possible future actions.

We may be disappointed in this ruling, but it does not address the substance of the plaintiffs' arguments. That will happen when the main case wends its way up through the court system. SCOTUS's ruling in that case, which will almost certainly occur, is where the 'rubber meets the road.' That one is the one that really matters. Not this procedural ruling, which given SCOTUS's historical bias against setting broad precedents based on narrow evidence should not really surprise anyone.

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So I can extinguish my torch and put my pitchfork back in the tool shed?

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My advice is to still keep your pitch fork by your bed.

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Pi Guy, I have been at Defcon 2 for the last 4 years.

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lol, like

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This is an extremely useful comment.

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Good comment. It's intended to be slow and deliberate, and narrowly tailored as you say. It's going to take time for more plaintiffs to come forward.

Still, it feels like the plaintiffs were harmed and have standing. Gato makes the Brick analogy. Feels imminent now for these plaintiffs.

I think this "narrowly tailored" part could be as much about this specific target of censorship. Dr. Bhattacharya is pretty high profile amongst We the Little People for standing up to The Man in the first place. When they finally get it right, it might be too late for us to hear what dissenting voices wish to share.

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Yeah right. They'll get it "right" after it doesn't matter.

Just like they did with all the c19 bullshit.

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I think this is how it's supposed to work _except_ for the part where the court tortured the definition of "Would have done it on their own anyway."

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Nah it's utter fucking bullshit.

Do your rights and mine have standing?

If there has ever been an issue that required speed in our judicial system...it's free speech.

Remember this wasn't nebulous infractions or fringe curtailment.

IT WAS A FULL ON ASSAULT against our most important right.

You know the one that separates us from being our own rulers and bondage.


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Yeah. Actually, I'm not as complacent as I seem here. I realized this isn't the right outcome. But I think this might be a Last Straw for some people. I think people can tell for themselves that this was BigGov with its thumb on the scale.

Instead i's my hope that there are enough of us who go all DDoS on their @$$es. Like how that, um... Irish PM Guy ended resigning after the Don't Hurt Peoples' Feelings Law went into effect and he was Patient Zero for the whole thing.

Perhaps I'm naïve but I think there are enough of us to overwhelm many attempts at censorship. I think we've achieved some sort of Critical Mass.

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The minority on the court agreed with you that the plaintiffs deserved injunctive relief and that there was evidence that the defendants would continue to misbehave, without needing to prove a-priori what will happen (impossible, of course; in civil society we call that a 'Catch-22'). The minority felt that past misbehavior was evidence enough that the misbehavior, unrestrained, would likely continue.

Alas the majority felt that was a bridge too far, so we have this ruling. But if the government gets too carried away with its continued malfeasance, the plaintiffs may well again seek relief and this next time, the court (after giving the defendants benefit of the doubt once, only to be spurned) might rule differently.

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Hope you’re right.

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Thank you Wild Bill, I was hoping for a reason. Although, I am nort hopeful

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Well Linda, think of it this way. What this ruling means is that the government can keep on de-catforming speech it does not like. As it does so, more and more fuel will be added to the plaintiffs' case, and the more obvious the need for relief will become.

Though the courts are not supposed to be political, we all know better. The more [they] are allowed to misbehave, the more amenable SCOTUS will be to eventually ruling in plaintiffs' favor.

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This is good context. Ultimately this is the federal government appealing a lower court's injunction on their ability to talk to (social) media while the case with the actual Constitutional challenges goes through. There is essentially zero chance the SCOTUS, regardless of who sits on it, is ever going to let stand a ruling as broad as the lower injunction (which amounts to roughly "the government can't talk to media ever") before the actual Constitutional challenges are in front of them and they can set the tests themselves for such a restriction.

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perzactly, excellent comment

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I agree with you, Wild Bill. This isn’t the end of this issue.

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I really hope you're right, but I don't believe so. I think Alex's case is doomed. He's being way too optimistic today.

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SCOTUS using the lack of standing is projection. They have no standing when the Deep State has blackmailing dirt on them and stands over them with the barrel of a gun.

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this. they understand what coercion means much more profoundly than losing social media companies losing section 230

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Our "conservative" justices are as useless as the rest of our "opposition" party. They might give us a small win on some inconsequential issue, but they are straight down-the-line leftist establishment hacks on the issues that truly matter. The day is soon approaching where We The People realize, en masse, that the only effective solution left is to hang them all.

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They will vote conservative, but they will never vote to take real power away from government.

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🤔 Smells like oxymoron around here

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lol, like

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Yeah, it reeks of it.

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got some sturdy trees here. and vultures too.

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none other is going to eat that kinda stuff LOL

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As we say in Florida, "Meat so nasty it would choke a gator".

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When I first saw the summary this morning, my immediate thought was, how can anyone NOT have standing here? And if these plaintiffs have no standing, then no one at all will ever have standing in this case. This is one of the most disappointing SCOTUS rulings I think I've ever witnessed, even Obergefell wasn't as foreboding as this. Talk about bending over for the deep state. I feel much the same way today as I did the day that Coney let Hillary off the hook for obvious violations of the law: "Too bad, peasants. You will never ever get justice."

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So if those being censored have no standing, do those of us who were deprived of hearing their views have standing? After all, millions of Americans who were prevented from hearing of (for example) vax dangers were injured or killed. Do they have standing?

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"Do they have standing?"

If I'm reading this correctly, not until a couple or three famous people's complaints get unjustly ignored initially - pour encourager les autres, and all that - and then enough of the Poors and Downtrodden likewise afflicted sue, whereupon _they_ have standing and maybe a miscarriage of justice is reversed in a few years. A decade. Whatever.

So, Nope. No one has standing any more until they're dead. Or something.

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Amy = SCOTUS Karen

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I shouldn't laugh. It isn't funny

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It's darkly funny. Go ahead.

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ACB is a woman. Women at heart are collectivist. The collectivist protects the hive from whom all blessings flow and does so at all costs even in the face of competing political or legal considerations.

It's that simple.

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ACB is an idiot.

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That could've been figured out from her lifestyle choices.

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That's grotesquely unfair. Antonin Scania had very similar "lifestyle choices" and was a brilliant legal scholar and staunch Constitutional originalist.

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Did he have gaggle of foreign adopted kids?

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Two adopted children is a "gaggle?" There are legitimate reasons to question her abilities as a SCOTUS justice. Picking on her for what you term as "lifestyle choices" is juvenile and reflects far more on you than on her. Justice Scalia had 9 children, 2 more than Coney Barrett. Apparently only people who limit their family size to one or two children are acceptable. Or something.

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It has nothing to do with the size of her family, but rather the makeup. Were there no American children that needed adoption? Is that an America First action?

All tyrants prefer foreigners to their own kind.

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[fills in Bingo card]

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Oh Fu** that...

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It is the clone-group that must receive priority, not the rights of the individual-minority.

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“well, the media companies might have done it anyway” is a truly absurd standard by which to assess the harm of governments throwing their weight around.

it’s also quite perfectly self refuting.


Exactly. What are the odds that all the social media companies 'just decided' to start banning Hunter laptop links, or covid lab leak theory links? What are the odds THEY ALL DECIDED ON THE SAME EXACT DAY to rescind those covid lab leak theories ON THE DAY BIDEN SAID A LAB LEAK WAS POSSIBLE?

It's zero.

This were clearly actions directed by government, and I for one am shocked that government stood up for government and against the citizens -- again.

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*Captain Renault has entered the chat*

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lol, like

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"Your winnings, sir."

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When do the government bricks start crashing through the freely expressed windows of Substack?

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Yep. Better update my resume.

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Back to blogging?

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I think they already have. Censored/deleted comments, suspended commenters, "like" buttons turned off (mine's been off for over a month), etc.

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"I'm sorry, Mr. Groundskeeping *leans in, stretches lapel with hand in EG's direction* - could you repeat that for me, please? Maybe a little slower."

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Jun 27Edited

Substack is not a building with windows, it is a corral, where they can find us all at once.

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What about Alex Berenson's case? It is the last one, and he definitely has standing and a lot more ammo now that Elon opened up Twitter's files even more!

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Why am I not surprised. Literally no one in the federal government cares about anything besides preserving their (and their neighbor/colleagues’) power.

How was this complicated?

“Are you fucking kidding me?! I want an answer and I want it by the end of today.” Rob Flaherty, White House social media liaison, to Facebook on its inaction on taking down posts.

The again, this is the same court that punted on civil liberties during the lockdowns.

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And punted the 2020 election fuckery.

This is why relying on them is a mistake.

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After Roberts re-wrote the law to enable Obamacare, something never done before, I lost all respect for the Court. The Kelo decision, allowing eminent domain for commercial development, effectively giving property owners no recourse but to accept the diktats of government, it was clear the Court was going to side with the establishment in crucial cases. Under Roberts, the Court shirks its duty in cases where their decisions might be "too hot to handle" for their delicate hands. Nothing that comes out of SCOTUS should surprise us now; we truly are on our own and cannot rely on the courts to help us seek justice.

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excellent comment

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They lost me before that, with Citizens United. When a corp is a "citizen," but doesn't act like a citizen, can't vote like a citizen, but can fund their projects through lobbying - that's effed.

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Truth told, I didn't expect the impact of that decision would be so dramatic and detrimental.

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The lack of standing ruling is such a cop out. Just like all of the suits after the election fraud; lack of standing, it’s moot. The judicial system is so useless. Where is our far right dictator? How long will he keep us waiting? Let’s get those choppers flying already!!!

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like, alot

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good point

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The Court’s conservatives who voted with the government refuse to accept the obvious: the government is not acting in good faith. There is no reason for the government to discuss censorship with social media platforms. If the government believes that information posted on social media is wrong, it can present the evidence that supports its position. It can’t stop Americans from hearing contrary arguments. At least, it couldn’t do it until today.

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They refuse to accept they are our servants. It's as simple as that.

Fuck them. We need to find another way.

The whole fucking thing needs to be reduced to rubble.

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The ostensible reason for us Honor Their Edicts is that The Constitution assured us that they'll Respect our Constitutionally guaranteed rights.

They've decided they can ignore The Constitution. So should we. The contract is broken.


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Right man. There's gonna be a price to pay for that tho.

If not, you're new grand baby will be a slave with my children.

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We just have to continue to object and encourage others to be heard as well.

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