One of the things you didn't touch on was the fact that worldwide EVERY nation (except perhaps Sweden, Brazil and parts of Africa) followed the same plan. When has that ever happened in the past? In terms of 'this is a military response,' why would those who were against the West do the same thing as the West?

Also... if I recall correctly, by the time there was a "vaxxine" available, it was already known that this was only a problem for those over 75 or so, and that it still had a 94% survival rate for them. Why the push to get every human on the planet vaxxinated if something else wasn't going on besides just "C0VID?"

At the time, the military response was a hidden part of the plan. But who else what involved and what is their agenda? I suspect that it's the UN/WHO/WEF and "The Great Reset."

I suppose the final question is "why are governments still running a plan that is killing their citizens? "

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there are lots of other interesting tells as well such as when billy gates suddenly knew to buy 1/3 of bioNtech in sept 2019, event 201 prep, and 20 other "odd coincidences" where an awful lot of pieces got moved into oddly opportune positions.

the whole thing stinks like a red lobster dumpster.

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And the convenient death of Kary Mullis in August of 2019. He invented the PCR test and said it should never be used for diagnosis, and he despised Foucho. How many healthy surfers die of pneumonia in August in Southern California? Lt. Columbo should look into Mullis' death.

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Yup..those "SUDDEN COINCIDENCES" are ominous if we want to get to the bottom of it. So I doubt our Congress can touch this with a ten foot pole..

unless we put our heads together and are very sneaky about it?

Ideas for how to get this investigation underway without creating blowback? ie

by the time it comes out...everyone knows so people are safe?

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99% of congress are complicit in all of it. Rand Paul and Ron Johnson are the only 2 i've ever publically heard speak against the narrative. Pigs will fly before anything other than grandstanding or maningless gestures emerges from the US congress.

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Although Ed Dowd says there are enough aware people, and the damage so tremendous, that they won't be able to get away on legal loopholes ...

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I've not tried this yet, but I know someone who has and claims it works in terms of getting things underway.

Right now, one of the problems are all the people who love the vaxx. Except for those who had issues. One possible tactic is to say "There are lots of celebrities and athletes who have had vaxx issues, as well as normal people." Many of the vaxxed will agree. That's when you throw part two at them. "Everyone who has been injured by the vaxx is a victim of Big Pharma." Well, what's not to like there? Seems like EVERYONE loves the victim ideology. And then... the last part. "Everyone who has taken the vaxx is a potential victim, and something must be done NOW to stop Big Pharma hurting people like you and me." Or some variation thereof.

Lots of people angry at Big Pharma could create blowback.

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the thing is we need a big plan to counter their nefarious agenda. I suggest people read The Decentralist Manifesto written by Ralph Borsodi many years ago.

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Impossible to find... but I have read some passages; his ideas are not without flaws either; the idea of a world defense system (military), for instance. An agrarian world destroys forests, wetlands, and things that belong to Earth, not us. There is still top down leadership and hierarchy in who owns assets. It's better than what we have now - and takes some ideas that have worked in the past - like bringing back artisans and craftspersons. But any system is only as good so long as its ideals are not corrupted by top-down greed. What are the safeguards for it not happening with this system? I wish the entire book were available. So far, no. I'd think that by now, someone would have made a PDF of it! Thanks for mentioning the book.

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ummm perhaps you did not read the Decentralist Manifesto through to the end? Decentralized commons rent public finance and public banks keys to local power and control and to break-up of monopoly. we will have a webinar on this in March, let me know if you want to be notified of details - alannahartzok@gmail.com

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Thank you BB for your helpful reply about the book. I conclude it’s not so useful right now with ideas around top-down leadership. ‘This Life…Why Mortality Makes us Free’ more recently written by Martin Hagglund attempts to address what it is to be free. The human fragile concept of ‘freedom’, as he proposes, is clearly not understood as demonstrated by the multiple global and lock step government responses to the US DOD plandemic. Exploitative top-down ‘systems’ rely on subservience and unfreedom, often subtle but mostly not. Understanding the human right to freedom and what that represents is critical right now.

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Thanks for the reference.Big overt rat poison pushers, on the big payroll, as pro rat jabbers, will not be taking the poison themselves… expose them, one by one, so ‘be among them’ ‘well disguised’ to expose their hypocrisy and lies. Not easy, ‘never-mind’, says Leonard C

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There was no viral pandemic.

Facts are facts- there was no pandemic. The data and evidence is conclusive. Those of us who have been involved in these things for years knew the fraud was coming down the tracks in Jan. of 2020. Those who were new to these pandemic frauds, including many who now sit at the forefront of the "Covid oppositional movement", also got swept up in the hysteria and believed that there was some "novel pathogen" and did not recognize the massive propaganda campaign that was underway.

For the West it started in Italy.

Theories like “a suddenly-super-spreading, deadlier-than-flu virus waited for government permission to create excess death" are patently absurd.

The false narrative that there was a "super spreading" virus was launched into and onto the Western psyche via the media reports on what was "happening" in N Italy.

Unfortunately people, including many that are "Covid dissenters", took this at face value and looked for and created esoteric explanations for this "viral spread."

There was no viral event in N Italy in Spring 2020. What occurred there was/is an artifact of pollution problems, radical alterations in health policies, decimation of the health systems (austerity measures) and other factors.

The Po River Valley is the 2nd most polluted place in all of Europe behind a certain area in Poland which heavily relies on coal fired power plants. The air quality in N Italy has been deteriorating for many years now and they have been having a steady and consistent increase in interstitial pneumonia rates in their (aging) population. This is well documented yet few of the "Covid sceptics" looked into this.

It should also be noted that the manufacturing base in N Italy (Milan) has become one of the European hubs for high production and the particulate matter egested from this high tech production is particularly persistent in the upper respiratory system. This problem has been documented in this region in recent years.

And why no "viral spread" in Central or Southern Italy which have similar demographics? There are several reasons for this which I will leave for another time.

And Why Italy to launch the Covid hysteria in the West? It's no coincidence that Draghi was president of the European Central Bank between 2001-2019.

"Covid" is all fraud- there was no unique viral pathogen, no 'lab leak, no GoF no Wuhan boogeyman and no pandemic.

Covid-19 is not a widespread medical emergency, it is a money laundering scheme, a massive psychological operation and a smoke screen for a complete overhaul and restructuring of the current social and economic world order.

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There is most certainly a huge fraud associated with covid. I know that because of all the secrets and lies. And any or all of the claims you make may be true. But I would be wary of making all these claims as certainties. We do not know beyond a shadow of doubt exactly what happened and how.

The only things we know beyond a shadow of doubt is that more money changed hands than ever before in history, and governments, companies and individuals lied, buried secrets and killed and injured a great many people. Exactly what happened is, sadly, only educated guesswork.

In my view is far better to stick to claims which stand up to the harshest skeptic's questions.

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I was shocked hearing the stories about doctors not treating patients at all if it wasn’t covid,....patients dying of other malady’s because no treatment. The ventilators being used even after, and the worst,....dying alone. That’s no doctoring in my universe.

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I said I was shocked, now mortified thanks. This is just in USA too. Nothing about the nursing homes being abandoned and leaving people that couldn’t walk to die with no water or food. That happened in Quebec. The army had to go in. Disgusting.

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Exactly. I just facepalm when someone like Gato writes a whole article coming to the conclusion that "governments knew this was a gain of function lab escape". It's revealing more than anything. Gee, if this were a lab leak, it sure was fortuitous for those folks at Event 201, Davos, and the WEF. The timing! What are the freaking odds? And I don't recall him ever addressing the fact that the numbers for the majority of the "pandemic" were driven by fraudulent testing, though he acknowledges the murders. And Gato's constant harping on China, as though their "social credit system" rivals any of the fascism going on here. Here you have to beg someone for the opportunity to *pay* an exorbitant price to put a roof over your head if you have bad marks in one of your myriad of 𝐞𝐱𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 credit rating systems, and people across the West are 𝐜𝐮𝐫𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐥𝐲 being visited by police and imprisoned for the content of their tweets. China has pulled more peole out of poverty in the last 3 decades than anyone, anywhere in the history of the world. They have the highest rate of home ownership in the world, and it is possible for *anyone* to open a small business in China. That doesn't really square with a party of commies who wants to enslave and kill their own population. But, you know, whatever. Don't let facts stand in the way of a good boogieman story.

Gato's style of writing is amusing enough, but it's so voluminous and repetitive you can wind up spending all your time being *led* down rabbit holes instead of getting actual research done. Don't fall into the cult of personality and trust his conclusions on anything based solely on his own assertions.

You'll have to come up with your own moral to this story, but this is patently dishonest writing.

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Are you serious? So the whole "welding people into their apartments" and drones outside of apartments repeating "suppress your soul's desire for freedom" and the white bears clubbing people with the same stun staves that compassionate Chinese animal control uses to spear dogs to death and sealing neighborhoods with military police and using those same military police on people who try t o get their money out of banks and Uighyur concentration camps and fuck, I could do this all day?

That "doesn't square with a party of commies who want to enslave and kill their own population?"

I'm normally wittier than this, but what the fuck is wrong with you?

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But how do you explain the overrun hospitals and mass death in Milan Montreal NYC in the spring 2020? In the latter two I have doctor friends who had never seen anything like it in all their years.

I’m intrigued by your analysis but I still am more in the bioweapon camp (accidentally released or not).

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Have you looked into the details of the data and evidence for the claims of overrun hospitals?

Can you bring your friends on to discuss the details of their claims? I've been in numerous conversations with doctors who make this claim yet they never have any evidence.

Hospitals and ICU's were at all-time record lows for occupancy rates in NYC including the "hotspots" like Elmhurst.

There was no mass death in any of those places outside of institutional settings- none whatsoever in the general populace.

In Quebec they sent in the military to drag cadavers out of nursing homes as they were abandoned. If there was such a transmissible "virus" why no x-cess anywhere in Canada? Have you looked into the data on this?

The false narrative that there was a "super spreading" virus was launched into and onto the Western psyche via the media reports on what was "happening" in N Italy. Unfortunately people, including many that are "Covid dissenters", took this at face value and looked for and created esoteric explanations for this "viral spread." There was no viral event in N Italy in Spring 2020. What occurred there was/is an artifact of pollution problems, radical alterations in health policies, decimation of the health systems (austerity measures) and other social factors. The Po River Valley is the 2nd most polluted place in all of Europe behind a certain area in Poland which relies heavily on coal fired power plants.

The air quality in N Italy has been deteriorating for many years now and they have been having a steady and consistent increase in interstitial pneumonia rates in their (aging) population. It should also be noted that the manufacturing base in N Italy (Milan) is now one of the European hubs for high tech production and the particulate matter resulting from the high tech pollutants is particularly persistent in the upper respiratory system. This problem has been documented in this region in recent years.

And why not Central or Southern Italy which have similar demographics? There are several reasons for this which you could look into.

And why Italy to launch the Covid hysteria in the West? It's no coincidence that Draghi was president of the European Central Bank between 2011-2019.

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Allen, it is true that the mass death only happened in institutional settings and was mostly iatrogenic.

But many people I know experienced a slightly out-of-the-ordinary illness in particular hotspots in spring 2020 over the span of about 2-3 weeks. They recovered at home and wouldn't have thought anything of it had there not been mass panic.

But it's a bit like swine flu. That people were falling ill all at once is empirically true. That it posed a threat or required an unprecedented public health response is not. As you know they tried to manufacture a pandemic with swine flu but failed. Covid was round 2.

The fact that there was no pandemic doesn't mean there was no disease outbreak..it just wasn't a big deal and it was our interventions (and in some cases, lack of) that caused the death spikes.

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Also in late Dec 2019 Jan 2020 I had a brutal respiratory virus that sent me to the doctor 2 times in a week. “What about this virus thing in China?’, I asked. My doctor just laughed. Worst chest cold I ever experienced in my life.

Worth mentioning that I had just returned from multi country trip in Europe.

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I can only go by their eyewitness accounts. I’m not sure what else will do - photos, data which can largely be fabricated, etc.

These are Doctor friends who aren’t likely captured - they may not be all that bright in spite of their honorarium - but these people in Montreal and NYC who work in hospitals saw flooded ER’s. For a short period. Take that for what it’s worth.

This is a multivariate analysis and while what you repeated is likely of some value, I’d caution against such a hardheaded, one-sided view on this massively complicated event.

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I don't do hardheaded, one-sided view on this or anything.

I research the evidence and data as well as do multiple first hand interviews.

You might start with listening to interviews from Nicole Sirotek who was a frontline nurse in two of NYC's "hotspot" hospitals. You might add to that the copious data amassed by Jessica Hockett on NYC hospital usage in 2020.

Then examine Rancourt's long papers on mortality.

I could list of several hundred other resources/data/evidence/first hand accounts.

Your friends accounts are at best devoid of context.

Can you get the exact hospitals and dates they are referencing?

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I believe you.

Dr. Zelenko was seeing genuine illness in his communities in late Feb/early March 2020.

I saw clusters of illness here in London and my family experienced it in Spain. My mother even got given HCQ as this was just before lockdowns and all the mass panic.

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I agree but there were still unusual clusters of illness in particular hotspots that preceded any lockdowns or restrictions. I experienced it firsthand here in London and so did my family in Spain and my friends in NYC.

So what mechanism created these "outbreaks"? Let's say it isn't viral spread. Is it a poison? The spike protein? Some other environmental threat? The synchronicity and the out-of-the-ordinary combinations of symptoms that people experienced in these hotspots require an explanation.

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Feels to me like dog-whistling for the "viruses don't exist!" gang, to derail the comments and take people's minds off the important issues.

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What about the most sneaky of strategic ploys:

An US Chapel Hill (Baric, et al) created chimeric coronavirus spike protein https://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/patent/US-9884895-B2 gets intentionally released in Wuhan, between the market and the University where all the major laboratory buildings of the US government funded (through their intermidiary Ecohealth alliance) Chinese cooperative in gain-of-function SARS coronavirus research Wuhan Institute of virology, approximately during the October 2019 military games in Wuhan. Since the evidence of WIV involvement in gain-of-function SARS bat viruses is undeniable, how could China ever proof their innocence? It would be a genius strategy. For what? Don't know. Bringing China economy down, interrupting certain political actions....pretence for war...etc.

What do you think?

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Excellent analysis!

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" a money laundering scheme ..." etc - In a 2020 context you probably need to add "and prevent Trump (by radically re-arranging voting procedures and enabling vote rigging) from being re-elected" - but this is 2023 - post "vaccine" roll out, post mass death, perhaps mass sterilization - "overhaul and restructuring" doesn't seem to speak adequately to the 2023 world.

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I thought cats liked seafood???

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Cats are smart enough not to eat rotten meat

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Not my cat, she's very weird.

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I have a dog that likes tomatoes so you never know.

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I've had cats that liked tomato sauce, green beans, peanut butter, and saltine crackers. This cat does not like anything that is not certain brands of crunchy food, and Churu treats. She will not eat tuna or chicken if you give it to her. The only human food she has ever liked was a certain sourdough bread.

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Haha, sounds like she trained you well!

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Off topic, but I have to share - my dog (R.I.P. *sniff*) loved cheese, naturally; but she wouldn't eat individual processed 'cheese' slices. She would mouth it and play a bit with it but I'm pretty sure that she didn't even recognize it as food! LOL (and yikes! what's in that stuff?)

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Very smart dog,..to me if it’s not aged 2 years or more, it’s not cheese.

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In my extensive experience, cats like practically anything including cabbage if they can steal it off your plate!

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Yeah, that's what I mean. My cat is weird.

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Jan 30, 2023
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I'm allergic to shellfish so I haven't had the displeasure. I'll take your word for it.

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@Don- well, Zack IS right alling Red Lobster that. It's gotten terrible, not that they were world class to begin with.

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I believe it! Ages ago, on our tenth wedding anniversary, we had lobster at a nice restaurant. I'd never had it before, growing up poor in the Midwest. It was delicious, but I nearly asphyxiated on the way home and since then I don't go anywhere near lobster.

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Damar Hamlin and he's on our team. It was a rough few weeks in this area. Don't forget they were forced to take the shot.

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Jan 30, 2023
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@Zack- do we even know what caused his MI? Was it a congenital condition they didn't know about or has it been confirmed, as much as they will confirm, that it was the shots?

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I think you might be missing a large part of the entire enterprise fraud:


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Feb 3, 2023
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I suspected the same thing at day one. We printed money to hand out to the sheeple. The poor African countries didn't have that luxury, yet obeyed the draconian measures. My theory is: The IMF & World Bank have made a slave out of all nations by landing them more money than they can afford to repay. The Banksters ordered all slave nations to obey. If you didn't pay your mort-gage you will be on the streets? Do the bank manager comes in and physically throw you out? No, but, the police will. Similarly, a nation that upsets the banksters will be bombed, and we have many evidences of that.

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it's not a theory. the IMF has been burdening emerging economies with unsustainable debt that triggered structural adjustment programs (saps) in which public utilities are force privatized for decades. my understanding is that the IMF stepped in during the economic shut downs and gave loans with the requirement they mandate vaccines which seems to me why some nations continue the mandate despite the evidence showing they are not effective.

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Good point! I think you would enjoy “Confessions of an Economic Hitman,” by John Perkins.

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Feb 3, 2023
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umm, did you want to leave this number out in the open?

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it's not me, it's spam.

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Yes. I agree that “when you see government actually evidence some competence at lockstep omerta, it’s usually security services at work.”

Note also that putting security in charge both 1. avoids the incompetent, slow regulators and 2. allows each government to side step all long-established democratic regulatory practices such as notice and public comment in the US administrative procedure act etc.

But also agree that the broad international lockstep was “security services-PLUS”, ie the five-eyes governments and military connections around the world were allied with the Pharma interests and their international public relations firms, churning out those talking points (mostly in English, which also explains some variations here and there). Would love to see those fingerprints around the world.

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Look at the pyramid of extreme wealth concentration. The question now is how to create a fair and free economy that will end the monopoly game played by those wizard wetikos at the height of their power before they do any more damage. please read The Decentralist Manifesto by Ralph Borsodi and join us at www.theIU.org

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I am disgusted that I work for one of these international public relations firms (as a freelancer, in a role where I do not devise, strategize or execute campaigns, but I am disgusted nonetheless).

Without the collusion of media and the utilisation of PR and public affairs consultants, it wouldn't have been possible to brainwash the masses.

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Wow, you might have a good story to tell. I suspect a lot of the extremism, including the nastiness of the POTUS mandates, came hot off the presses of the international PR companies’ junior staff, while the government officials sat at home “teleworking” and not even giving the private sector drafts a moment’s review (while they did their house chores.) I wish someone would do an investigative piece on this… Including the $$$$

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There was no viral event that caused mass death. The 6 week "spike" seen in Spring 2020 was entirely due to administrative slaughter and hospicide- this is well documented. To remain ignorant on this matter and/or sidestep these facts is inexcusable at this point for anyone who sits at the head of the table of the "Covid dissidents."

Read the article below:

The manufactured perception that there was a global medical emergency, beginning in March 2020, was an artifact of mass media manipulation, behavioral conditioning techniques and social engineering. All of this was made possible through institutional programming and accelerated media messaging disallowing basic cognitive processes and eliminating critical thinking possibilities.

With this incessant and overwhelming media drumbeat of the Virus Narrative, and the world unified in its response to the ‘Covid Pandemic’, no other stories were permitted to exist in the media or the public conscience.

Without any external threat like a ‘Killer Virus’ this massive financial collapse would have immediately caused panic and threatened dollar credibility. Without the Covid-19 smokescreen this widespread Ponzi Scheme and the ongoing historical wealth transfer would be seen for what they are- ongoing theft by the financial aristocracy.


As the “War on Terror” illustrated, these deep events are constructed to exploit as many different lines of acquisition as possible. With the “Covid Pandemic” replacing the phony “War on Terror” yet another revamped “worldwide crisis” miraculously morphs into a ruling class multi-purpose golden opportunity.

While the immediate necessity was to staunch the bleeding of the global financial system many other purposes were and are to be served by this multifaceted operation. None of this is accidental. All of this is hidden in plain sight, planned and executed as evidenced in multiple tabletop exercises such as “Event 201” and delineated in numerous documents such as “The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.”

The Covid Operation itself covers many objectives:



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the global financial cartel is the root of nearly all that ails humanity and has been for a very long time. I literally called the global economic shutdowns in Nov '11 after learning the the bankers meeting in jackson hole, wy called for a global economic reset to avoid a deflationary cycle.

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And now, the dollar is dying and they have to cover it up.

So... a fake pandemic and now war.

BTW... great Off-Guardian article.

Unfortunately, no liberal will accept it because it's Off Guardian, not one of their Trusted Media Outlets. Sad.

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"Covid-19, the disease, is nothing more than a disease of ATTRIBUTION."

That is ignorant, defamatory BULLSHIT, tantamount to denying vaxx injuries.

How many readers here have had Alpha or Delta? If you think your case could have been flu or a cold, please let us know.

Similarly, if your symptoms were very different and unique in your health history, please chime in. I had Delta, and would LOVE to see Michael Bryant (the article author) infected with it --just to see if he has enough honor to admit he was deplorably wrong. Although there is a small chance the illness is some obscure but known malady, millions of doctors and scientists (who would LOVE to be credited with identifying the culprit) have failed completely for three years now. What does that tell you?

Few people will dispute the distorted numbers and absurd tests, but Covid-19 itself IS REAL -- only the causitive agent is up for grabs.

-- The "Other" Don

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Agreed Don. Many people were sicker than they've ever been.

Does not for a second justify any of the measures, but to claim that these clusters of disease never happened or were "rebranded flu" is completely absurd.

Whatever it was, it was experienced by many. It's a bit like H1N1. I had it in 2010 not really knowing what it was but it was the sickest I've ever been. Several of my work colleagues reported the same. They tried to manufacture a crisis out of that one but failed -- doesn't mean there wasn't a real outbreak of something.

We have to remember covid is the disease, not the viral agent. Covid exists even if you think virology is fake science. We could argue that from omicron onwards the disease itself became something else entirely and shouldn't have been called covid anymore, but that's another debate.

Millions have been sick in ways that differed from the ordinary. That fact stands..Just because poorly designed tests were used to inflate case numbers doesn't mean there weren't any real cases.

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And killing off their working-age citizens? And future working-age citizens? Beggars the imagination.

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They don’t need the indigenous populations. There’s billions of others elsewhere that are being moved in under (Soros) Open Borders. Just look at UK Dinghies. Nearly a million new comers just last year.

FYI Open borders for Hong Kongers? Now part of CCP!

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Plus... white Christians are uppity and have a Certain Standard of Living that those in charge want to eliminate. So yeah, replacement third world people are already here.

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They decided we could no longer be trusted after Trump was elected. (And I didn't even vote for him the first time. I voted for Jill Stein. But, after I saw how the media and the powers that be treated legitimately elected President Trump, and how he kept us out of wars, I changed my mind.)

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Someone once said something about "telling a lie big enough often enough people will believe it." I wonder who could have said such a thing?

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sounds like Obama or one of his fawning criminal cohorts

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It's historically attributed to Hitler.

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"If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State."


Joseph Goebbels

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Joseph Goebbels, his propaganda minister.

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Reason for immigrants, who aren’t vaxxxxed so don’t spread their mRNA fluff.

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I'm Swedish. We also had the military all over the public health apparatus. I believe the mass death in our care homes was because the government responded to this event as a CBRN-attack. If this is the case, there are secret protocols that might be activated on the basis that this is a military attack and hence a threat to the kingdom. The only law limiting powers of the "deep-state"in that case is that it has to follow the principle of proportionality. In other words, using CBRN protocols and enforcing triage protocols that ends up killing 5-6k older people and using a unified media to scare the living shit out of people with obvious propaganda is perfectly legal. The only people with oversight is the friggin military intelligence leadership. You can find the public facing part of the operation by searching for "Operation Gloria" It's amazing no presstitute in Sweden has even been curious about this.

https://www.foi.se/en/foi/about-foi/organization/board.html FOI would be one of the main agency's involved and these two ended up on their board after 2020-03. Taha was in charge of the response from the Nation board of health and welfare

Taha Hirbod Alexandersson

Associate professor, National Board of Health and Welfare

Ingela Mathiasson

Brigadier General

And get this. Ingela Mathiasson is a logistics nerd. Maybe nothing but interesting.

Published Sept. 20, 2019


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Thank you for a Swedish perspective. You guys escaped the harshest restrictions but you didn't escape covid protocols in hospitals or care homes, you didn't escape media panic and propaganda, and you didn't escape bans on your freedoms or coercive vaccination strategies... it's a myth to pretend otherwise.

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Well. This whole question is something akin to "Sweden was only partially covered in shit" Which is ofc true but hardly anything to be proud of.

https://www.svt.se/nyheter/inrikes/forslaget-nytt-brott-ska-inforas-for-spioneri. In this Article about gutting both freedom of speech and journalism the former interior minister (most despotic guy in power in my life time ) says something interesting.

Google translated: "- There is no order today in the form of government for what decisions the government can make and what powers it has in extraordinary civil crises, says Minister of Justice Morgan Johansson." First of all the pandemic has somehow shown we need to show our international partners that we will jail people for reporting on wtf the government and anyone involved with it - are doing.

Then he goes on to complain that imminent threat of war or a state of war is required for him to "act faster" He might just be lying here ofc. But it's also possible the government found out that the military and other agency's involved in this basically had lawful authority to decide on what to do and to sideline the government. Furthermore they can classify things that no elected official would be able to access or see.

The people I mentioned was most likely put on the board of FOI to get lawful access to classified information. And to put them under a special protection that such persons enjoy.

Cheers for taking an interest. And yes, we might look a bit better but it still stinks.

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Perhaps the question is "what are we going to do about governments that are running a plan that is killing their citizens?" I think you nailed the perps already Who/WEF and not the whole of the UN system, just the nefarious parts controlled by big money / power.

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Well, there are those that see the UN as an arm of the WEF.

As for what are we going to do... yeah, that's a good question. I wish I had the answer.

Perhaps the first step is to turn off the MSM.

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Catherine Austin Fitts on Solari.com making suggestions / steps to try and change current path. I think it is step 17 this week which is about store cards. But lots of other suggestions.

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I stopped using my credit card last spring. Cash or debit card.

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Really like Catherine Austin Fitts. BIG thumbs up.

BTW... do you have a link to the suggestions, or is it a subscriber only thing? Couldn't find it on the site.

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To depopulate the world is the answer it comes down to. Question is,....are we going to allow it to continue? Is anyone doing anything about the heavy metals coming from the chemical trails? What about gaits and all the farms he bought, what’s he putting in our food to decrease our immune system for next time? The only country putting out massive amounts of pollutants all the time is China, then India and Nigeria. It was gaits idea to put more chemicals in the atmosphere to block the sun. Watch Hubermans video on light therapy to learn how important the sun is to our immune system. That’s the goal....to knock out immune systems. We’ve seen how covid lockdowns really hurt the children. This is the plan for 2025 .

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My theory is that the vaxx didn't work quite as well as expected, and there were too many who opted out. Consequently, there are not enough dead people yet.

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I think a lot of people evaded the jab one way or another but they don't really talk about it so much. I know quite a lot of unjabbed people but none of us have ever been counted. They can count the jabbed perhaps, but not the unjabbed, who are mostly invisible. So I wonder what the true numbers and % of the unjabbed actually are. I suspect the number is much larger than we think.

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Oh and now all the vaccines children get are now going to be mRNA based.....we know what that does.

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Agree but do we need to ask why they, the bad guys, would want to do stupid stuff that would knock our their own immune systems as well? Or do they think they are immune? ha ha.

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For arguments sake, my guess is that the bad guys aren't being subjected to the same rules that we are, meaning they're not taking mRNA anything, not eating bugs and are getting normal medical care. So their immune system is fine.

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NHS dentist wait times for infected teeth is 3 months after the 3 month wait for first appointment.

Private seen within a week treatment following week. Two weeks total unless oral surgery required. Sent to specialist oral surgeon. NHS sent to a dentist with a bit more training.

So yeah. With 10%/7 million on the waiting list, the rich are getting treatments and the poor none.

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A H, The diabolical Genetic engineered Poison Jab ended up Blowing up in their face.. they did not think it would work this good.. my guess..

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Governments have had to settle for killing foreigners for a long time. Now, they finally got to kill their own citizens, which apparently is much more satisfying.

I think it's fun for them.

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As to why China or Russia would go along with the charade, remember that the US has frequently declared China to be an enemy, and has certainly acted as if that were the case. So perhaps they were simply following the maxim, "Never Interfere With an Enemy While He’s in the Process of Destroying Himself." We must not blame either Russia or China for that. The responsibility rests in our own system.

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Well, China and Russia might be participating in the WHO/ UN/ WEF shenanigans like the rest of the world. And both might benefit if the West was destroyed.

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Of course you benefit if a true enemy destroys himself, but the decision is his, not yours. We should stop blaming Russia and China for participating in the WHO/ UN/ WEF shenanigans. It's a distraction. The problem is internal to the US and it's power elite, of which Bill Gates and George Soros are very influential members.

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No, China has a tremendous amount of money and influence in how the WEF goes about its business. You have only to see the televised segments of their last gathering to see how much kissing of Mandarin ass goes on there.

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McKinsey works for all the countries who did it and also for plizer, and for others ?

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Publicis probably too.

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Because the house of cards is still shakily standing.

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@Counselor: Kinda like The Swamp. I think Trump grossly underestimated how deep and murky it was (is) and it threw him for a loop.

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Brazil followed it. It's a federation so individual states had different levels of stringency but I don't know where the myth comes from that Bolsonaro prevented lockdowns or restrictions. I mean, Trump was a sceptic and yet he didn't prevent lockdowns.

Sweden enacted restrictions too, and made all over-16 education remote. People were strongly nudged to WFH and restrict their socialising. Gatherings were banned, hospitality had curfews and was required to do table-service only, they shut their borders to non-EU passport holders, required testing at a certain point, and pushed mass vaccination.

I believe only Nicaragua and Tanzania openly defied the pandemic narrative back in 2020.

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I was speaking mainly about vaxxination. I didn't think Brazil was quite on the "all vaxx all the time" program like the West.

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Correct. Happily for the Brazilian people, although Bolsonaro got a lot of flack for it, he refused initially to buy into Pfizer’s immunity from liability clauses! So the vaccines took a while… And included the Chinese one initially.

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Yes, the individual states of Brazil had a lot of power, but I was actually in Brazil for two months in early 2021, and it was on and off. Nothing like Perú or Chile. Also, there was plenty of ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine available in the pharmacies. And in March 2021, a young lung Doctor who had studied in the US told me there was zero need for me to get a vaccine since I had had Covid in November 2020…

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That's fair but that description covers a lot of countries and regions. The other commentator made it seem like Brazil was an outlier.

For example, my parents live in Madrid. The regional government there reopened everything in June 2020 and there were never any further lockdowns and never any vax passes.

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But oddly Spain required vaccination for travelers even in 2022. Like USA 😡

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Yeah, Spain introduced that requirement for a set amount of time. And for most of 2021 it outright banned entry to non-EU travellers (except those from China, Middle East, and a few LatAm countries).

It was much the same in other EU countries though. Complete BS.

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Nicaragua, Tanzania and Belarus, to be exact.

South Dakota does come close though. Barely any statewide restrictions, and NO statewide restrictions after May 11, 2020. Though there were some local restrictions and mask mandates at the school district level if I recall. Cops even TASED someone at a school board meeting for refusing to wear a mask. That would never have happened in Nicaragua, Tanzania, or Belarus.

And Brazil, or rather parts of it, had one of the longest school closures in the world, led only by the Philippines and California I think. Which didn't do a lick of good.

Tanzania VERY briefly closed schools in the beginning, at least in some parts of the country, but after that, NO restrictions at all.

Nicaragua actually encouraged mass gatherings from the get go. So they are the best one of all for NOT being fooled.

To paraphrase the Wu-Tang Clan: "This is a gathering of the masses, that come to pay respects to the Wuhan Flu".

Oh, and Turkmenistan apparently banned masks and even the use of the word "coronavirus" for a good chunk of the pandemic. Then later they unfortunately succumbed to pressure and instituted a jab mandate, go figure. But they get an honorable mention for the beginning at least.

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Don't forget Belarus and Nicaragua! They also refused to toe the line as well.

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Insert meme of the Leo DeCaprio character clapping here.

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Human rights NGOs like Amnesty International remained silent about this war. In many cases they took the side of governments crushing consent. They are complicit: https://yuribezmenov.substack.com/p/how-to-control-your-souls-desire

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And how about the ACLU? When it counted, AWOL. And so many writers organizations, previously champions of free speech... crickets.

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Because ACLU, Amnesty International and many others like it are political organizations, and only want to serve those with similar politics.

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They were also paid handsomely and such were the conditions of payment.

Several years ago I worked for a non-profit in the SeaTac area. They were always in need of money so I inquired one day why they didn't apply for grants from the very large famous philanthropists in the area. Their answer is that if they took that money, they would have to run their charity according to the rules of the donor and they wanted to reserve the right to serve their population and hire the people they wanted without interference of people like Gates.

ACLU, Amnesty, etc have been co-opted. They stand for nothing but their salaries at this point.

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Because they're not really nor have they ever been truly a human rights organization. They've got their pet interests. Every group does.

And every group is compromised by whom they take money from, and no group has the courage to defy the interests of funders.

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Yep. At least they’re in the open now. No more pretending.

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Oh, they're still pretending. Just right out in the open.

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Where has the ACLU gone? Not only absent in the mandatory vax war but also J6. There was a time liberals sang;

Where Have All the Flowers Gone

Song by Peter, Paul and Mary

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El Gato: a week ago this appeared in Science. It seems to the non-expert a thorough examination of the lab leak vs. natural origins theory. I get that there is zero evidence of an intermediary between bats and humans--not to mention an 1,000 mile separation between the caves and Wuhan. Has anybody taken on and refuted this article yet?


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It appears to be dated 7/26/2022, or am I missing something? And one of the authors, the senior author, Kristian Andersen, is one of the small group who were communicating with Fauci almost immediately, saying the virus appeared to be engineered.

Also, your statements about the intermediary links and the distance also apply to the original SARS virus, yet no one blinks at the missing evidence in either case.

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Andersen is not a coronavirus specialist, he works with filoviruses, specifically Ebola. He is linked to the research going on in the lab in Sierra Leone that is the potential source of the West Africa Ebola outbreak in 2014, the one with a strain from Zaire 3000km away that had never been seen in West Africa. Useful guy to consult if you have a lab leak of research you funded and need to convince people it had a natural origin.

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Yes, and he famously email Fauci suggesting that Covid appeared manmade--and then flipped on a dime when Fauci offered him some research money to clam up.

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Rasmussen still has it as her pinned tweet, and if you scroll her timeline she is as dismissive as ever of lab leak. I was just wondering if anybody had comprehensively deconstructed / fisked her piece in Science.

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Feb 3, 2023
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Great post!

It is getting warmer, as they say, and we are getting closer to the truth!

I personally do not call it a "lab leak" as this term implies an unintentional development of events, an accident of sorts.

Of course they knew the virus came from a lab. They financed and directed its development after all.


The uncertainty centers around exactly who, when, and where released the ready to go virus. Also it is not clear exactly what was the exact purpose.

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I suppose they knew and were setting up for it. It’s like they all don’t have a choice? They talked about it decades ago, we seen the pictures of all the coffins made for the occasion. Did you ever see that Aztec picture of a pit with people lined up to jump into it then you see their souls rising up and going into the giant snakes mouth? It reminds me of that.....a fight for our souls.....they are the real energy of the world.

I refuse to believe we would be bored without the interventions of Mass killing new paradigms There is so much still to explore about this world. Just when travel got easier and we were all going to learn of other lands animals and cultures, they shut us down. Not at all fair.

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Purpose? World Control, the ages old desire to Rule the World. Big Wetiko Ego Problem on this planet.

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Depopulation. Look up Deagle 2025.

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Could be -- I am open to that as you know, but not yet convinced 100%

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It is a dark conclusion, and honestly, I hope I'm wrong.

However, during the swine flu debacle, I believe that vaccine was stopped when a small number of people died. Now... thousands have died, there are horrible side effects, our excess death numbers are up and the "left the workforce" people are not crypto millionaires but are vaxx disabled. Yet the government has not stopped the vaxxing. Then add in hospital protocols that literally kill people, and governors putting COVID patients in nursing homes and you have to really wonder if the government is totally OK with lots of citizens dying.

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I tend to agree with you in my more depressive moods.... following through that line of thinking, the virus was negligible as far as death toll concerned, since the virus- or better: fear of the virus- was only the pretext for the real killing apparatus: the Pandemic responses. Lockdowns and repeated injabinations are the real and far more effective mechanisms to reduce numbers. And reductions of people need not mean instant culling. A simple decline in the birth rate at more or less global level (as looked at by our own Gato) will reduce population levels more drastically than just culling of the elderly or comorbid by iatrogenic means.

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Yes, COVID and vaccine is one big crime scene

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I am open minded and can accept any conclusion, but so far the evidence is scant and we need to know more

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"Also it is not clear exactly what was the exact purpose."

Was this only rethorical or genuine?

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The DoD takeover of public health is all laid out in emergency declarations written into laws for decades. This has been planned and gradually implemented by the military long before Covid-19. And all of it is public open source.

Read the substacks of Sasha Latypova, https://sashalatypova.substack.com/

Karen Kingston https://karenkingston.substack.com/

and Katherine Watt https://bailiwicknews.substack.com/?utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email

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"All warfare is based on deception."

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There's certainly no question that the military was involved at the psyop level - nudge units and so on are known to have played a prominent role. There's also the way everything turned on dime in March 2020, from 'just the flu bro' to 'we're all gonna die unless we go into lockdown'.

National security state of exception or not, though, the military does not call the shots in Western countries. So while the military was certainly being used, and likely to great effect, they were being used by someone higher up in the chain of command.

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well, or those higher up the chain were effectively dazzled/swayed by the dire fears and pronouncements of the intelligence community/security state.

these groups tend to act as eyes and ears and if they tell you this is dire and scary and that if you don't act the world might end (and if you don't act and things go bad, we'll call you out and blame you) they can corner leaders and force them into actions.

this is why the power of the IC in particular is so gravely to be regarded.

if they choose to lie to leaders, government becomes GIGO.

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Yes, agreed. Trump would have been one of those men bedazzled by the IC. And, the American Intelligence Community (the Empire) and accomplices in the Five Eyes states, do a lot of bedazzling and they have the means to enforce their bedazzlement when their persuasion is not sufficient.

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Name one president in the past century who wouldn’t have been “bedazzled “ by the IC. Look what 43 did after 9/11 due to the “intelligence.”

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Can we get rid of the damned "Patriot" Act?

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JFK was out to destroy the CIA, which is why they killed him and his brother Bobby.

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You got it right!

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I was actually thinking JFK might have been an exception.

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And that's why he's not around.

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They also drove Nixon from the White House. And made sure Carter was limited to one term. The assassination attempt on Reagan is suspicious.

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43 wasn't one of the good guys and then McCain and Romney were the next candidates (shudder).

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So there isn't anything special about Trump, and he is not playing 3-D Chess? We need a true man of the West from the hinterlands with an army of men and women who have no connections to the Empire.

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I think "Trump is playing 4-D chess" and well as "trust the plan" and "Q" were all psyops as well to keep the conservative proles from getting angry.

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Yep, a cynical replay of the 'Nesara' bullshit of circa 2001-2002. Just believe and some white hat will give you money...

One of my friends worked with a guy who got hung up on Q. He tanked his business and waited for the gov to gib him. The govt finally did. The same 1200 bux they gave all taxpayers. I had to LOL.

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yeah and well, can you say JFK?

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Great...now I can't get that damned 80s(?) Commercial out of my head 😑

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Dammit mannnnnn!!! 😵‍💫

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Speaking of outfits, did NO ONE notice the "Gato de Guerra" in the first picture was out of uniform??? Wearing your ballistic goggles up on your helmet for a photo op is not kosher.

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IK, this is something to go with your outfit...


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This is certainly possible, but the glee showed by the WEF combined with such precursors as Event 201 suggests to me that it was that class who pulled the trigger, and the national security state simply implemented its instructions.

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i suspect it was a broad emergence of opportunism and aligned incentive combined with some good old fashioned miscalibration and fear and not some grand 8d chess design or plan.

the other interesting moving piece was the wuhan military games.


in fall 2019, china hosted a big military athletic games for scores of nations around the world. they all sent athletes to compete. in wuhan. during covid outbreak but before it was called "emergency" or even broadly known.

could this have been seen by the west as an attempt at direct military attack?

i have no idea, but i can certainly see how it could be spun that way...

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I do not think the Chinese made them ill. The Chinese complained that the Americans spread it at their military games in Wuhan. And Chinese CDC at Event 201 was to ensure they’ll play ball.

And boy did they. Remember all those fake videos of people dropping dead from it? Big hospitals being built ? Spraying disinfectant?

Of course they’re in on it. Always have been. Up to know they’ve bern the beta test site for social credit system. Just as attempts are now here for the same.

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Damn right.


It might be tempting to dismiss China’s incredible run as simply good fortune, but that would be a huge mistake. Remember extremely early in the pandemic, when covid was exclusively a Chinese problem? Remember all those videos showing people dropping dead in the streets? Here’s a quick reminder:

Yet covid caused nothing like this anywhere in the world. The videos were completely fake, and a huge psyops campaign like that doesn’t happen on accident. The Chinese government faked the videos that kicked off the panic around the world. China falsely claimed that lockdowns stopped the virus cold, setting the way for bought governments around the world to mimic China’s response. China then rode the ensuing wave of chaos to the precipice of becoming the world’s largest superpower. And now they’re performing a follow-up act with lockdowns in Shanghai, no doubt hoping we will jump off that cliff again.

As far as I know, no government official has spoken about these faked videos and what they mean. Perhaps the Chinese have a incriminating paper trails leading to our ‘public servants’ like they do with Tony Fauci. I’m 100% positive the Chinese bribery trail runs in our government much, much further than the Biden family. It’s time that important people start asking important questions — is ANYBODY going to hold China accountable for their actions?

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This has bothered me as well...why seemingly no one dared say anything against China. In addition to this, if we hand a hand in it all and China is more of a victim, why didn't they rat the US out? And rat out Biden? Ultimately, they all seem to be cooperating on the lie.

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How do you know the fake videos weren't made by the US government?

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There is some evidence it was circulating well before Oct 2019.

Which isn't to say it wasn't spread at the Games, but that wasn't the first emergence.

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In the Fall semester of 2019 at UC Davis in California near the SF Bay area (my son was a student there), I now believe the weird "respiratory flu" that hit the campus hard was actually what they're calling covid. In 2018 the Chinese student population was about 4,500, and in 2019 I'll bet it was even higher. AND....a great many of these Chinese students came from Wuhan area. The doctors at the university med center couldn't figure out what everyone was sick with, and my son said their comment was "Something weird is going around and we don't know what it is." My son and his girlfriend both got sick in late November. He described it as "a gnarly flu" and it took about 2 weeks to clear. His girlfriend had asthma and at one point due to that was having breathing problems. She went to the E.R. and got some nebulizer treatments with some kind of steroids and they also put her on ivermectin, interestingly. They didn't know what else to do. She got better too, although for her it took about a month to totally clear.

So when all the press came out in early 2020 about the cruise ship and then later all the dire reports about Italy, I had high suspicions that this was what was going around the Davis campus that fall of 2019. And that is when I started reading and researching and realized things were weird and didn't add up.

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There's also the Chinese interpretation, which is that the virus came from Ft. Derrick and was spread by the US mil via the games in Wuhan.

I tend to doubt it was intentional, however. Accidental leak followed by opportunism seems more likely. I just think the military was a tool used by the opportunists.

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Once upon a time, I watched a movie called Plandemic featuring Dr. Judy Miskovits. This was in '20. She worked with Fauci. Hated him. Was persecuted by the government. Said the virus came from either Ft. Dietrich (IIRC) or Chapel Hill. I think in the end, she will be proven correct.

As for it not being intentional.... I don't know. Perhaps there is a timeline in terms of implementing their WEF system that we don't know about, and we are behind because Hillary was not president. So they HAD to do it now.

Or not. I really don't know.

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I bought Dr. Miskovits' book. It's very interesting, and it's astounding how she was treated by the U.S. government as she began to speak out about what she was seeing. They went after her.

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Aah. You still have faith in the ethical foundations of our military.

Sweet. But the Lockstep programme was published, I believe, in 2016.

So I suspect planned.

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Yes, Fauci giving the speech (a commencement address?) in 2017 that a pandemic was going to happen and was going to test a president like nothing else.

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El Gato Malo dear - watch your acronyms .What is IC and GIGO please?

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Intelligence Community

Garbage In Garbage Out

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Wasn’t there one Senator who voted against the war in Iraq? The IC told us all about WMDs and everyone believed it. Later they tried to act like they didn’t (looking at you, HRC) but the record stands. Not difficult at all to believe there’s a military connection here just like there is in Ukraine. Who knows how they’ll weaponize climate change.

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I believe climate change is for the purpose of commodifying carbon. Just like USD lost peg to gold, it is currently losing peg to oil. It took approx 30 years to move all the pieces in place to shift from gold backing to oil backing. It is taking about 30 years to move USD from oil backing to carbon.

Why carbon? Because gov likes to print money which will lose peg to any value base that is limited supply (the reason anyone would trust it). The difference with carbon is that it is near infinite real supply whose market supply via manufactured cap & trade market is constrained only by policy so it will never lose peg because all they have to do is change policy.

Oh, and it has the added neo-feudal benefit of controlling people's activities through co2 footprint credit score.

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Wow! Interesting thoughts to process. It makes sense.

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The deep state...the five eyes in every country. We know who is responsible. Its just

a question of how do we get them to expose themselves through hearings?

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Exactly and who might that be? And how do we counter their power and control? We are the many, they are the few, what are the many to do? I have ideas, do you?

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Who? - "IC" ? - = Intelligence Community

(GIGO = "garbage (bad data) in garbage (bad decisions) out" )

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Yes and they're trying to fool us with the Pfizer Bad tactic right now. Firewalling off the military involvement by not talking about the OTA contracts and emergency powers.

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Personally, I don't mind the Pfizer bad tactic for the moment, especially if it leads the vaxxed to question the vaxx and STOP TAKING THEM.

If we can get the majority of people on board with "yeah, I know people who are the victim of the vaxx and I'm scared about my health," well, we can then move forward and reveal the other parts to them. It's just difficult, because we're 200 steps in front of them at this point.

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Pfizer bad - if you mean the investigative outing of the Pfizer research CGO - this was not contrived in any way but important for outing the military industrial, big pharma, banking etc etc. complex.

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No not fake but the narrative around is being used to ignore the ota contract and emergency powers that granted Pfizer civil immunity. No one wants to discuss that right now.

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They’re being thrown under the bus.

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Pfizer might have been a risk transference strategy.

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It's not unlikely that was the plan all along.

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Don't Be Fooled!

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This would certainly explain the hubris and self-righteousness that those public health "authorities" displayed once they had turned volte-face. Either they were further instructed to make it really convincing or they simply adopted that characteristic because they knew they were protected from prosecution?

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or because when you know you are arguing against the direction of facts and data, credentialism is the obvious go to play.

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(FYI - you have a spammer impersonating you)

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Or possibly worse than protected from prosecution: under threat from the security state. The lawlessness of dark ops has plagued us since the establishment of the security state under Truman.

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This is my bet.

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Disclosure of Top Secret information (or any classified information) is a crime. They apparently offered whistleblower Huff a job to get him under the classified prohibition. It is not difficult to enforce an agenda. This may be why the security state is making such an issue of the classified documents found at Trump, Biden, and Pence, many of which they may have planted. They are trying desperately to dissuade other disclosures. Like the Kennedy murder documents for instance? And this Covid event.

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But what about all of those downstream from the top, who also knew what they had previously been taught and taught in turn, those at lower levels at federal, state, and local public health agencies and departments? How did they eject their frontal lobes and simply go along with 'Opposite World?'

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1. It's my job

2. It's my job

3. It's my job

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For some at least:

"I ___, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God." Unless inconvenient, financially.

So much for "our lives, our fortunes, and our sacred honor," "to secure these rights," the only purpose of government stated in the Declaration of Independence.

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Could you ever find a better mechanism for the largest transfer of wealth in human history?

In just a mere few months?

Maybe that had something to do with it?

I would certainly recognize it as an opportunity if I were on the other side.

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Wealth transfer yes but POWER to Rule the World is ultimate motivation of these wetikos.

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I think ultimately this.

Follow motivations and only trust humans to behave according to their motivations. Money, power and blackmail are among the most basic, right after food, shelter, family and sex.

In this case the IC holds blackmail, gov't holds money, all of them pursue power. And do so symbiotically. A new wrinkle is the added leaky IC and military organizations, along with the "50 former" signing documents, signing on with propaganda outlets,, etc. This has allowed them to speak directly to the public via "experts" and "undisclosed sources say"

I think all the odd coincidences are just people taking advantage of existing tools to further their motivations. Not a grand conspiracy, just a coagulation of coinciding opportunities

Putting myself on the other side, with a family to support and/or a job in jeopardy. With a narrative fed to me every day around the water cooler and in meetings . . . yeah a lot of it is understandable from the human side. This does not refer to leaders, who I believe have been corrupted by power and money, and can be thought of as basically evil.

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There's something else to consider. There are those that think the US dollar is dying, and all of this is part of the coverup of that, including Ukraine.

Remember all the years of "social security will be bankrupt in X years?" Well, I think that time has come, and the plan was "kill off those on social security," which worked pretty well. The next part of the plan seems to be "kill off Americans who have a high standard of living." The next part is "replace Americans with low skill third world illegals who are OK with living in a van down by the river."

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well said Jeff

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Feb 3, 2023
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I just texted you from my cell fyi

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52 today. 3 glasses of wine so far and grilling filet mignon.

There's a distinct possibility I could confuse someone at this point. LOL.

Text me at 913.687.3631

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Sasha Latypova provides a framework to understand the DOD structure behind the Plandemic.


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She also did a Substack for the time-pressed, but I haven't got the link.

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I suggest another explanation- existing EUA legislation, as detailed by Sasha Latypova, gave the U.S. DOD-led "Operation Warp Speed," exemption from nearly all "vaccine" safety regulations, and also allowed imposition of extra-constitutional population control measures. Ultimate goal was implementation of Central Bank Digital Currency which required a pretext for issuance of global digital ID, that pretext being vaccine passports.

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Goes along with what Catherine Austin Fitts has been saying, with the addition of the 'need' for 'printing' so much more money that the already inevitable and pending collapse of the financial system/dollar would be hidden.

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One small thing every single person in the US can do is USE CASH as much as possible.

That will thwart the CBDCs, which will be digital slavery.

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Absolutely. Agree...

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Can we get rid of all EUA's right now? Today? Prevent it from ever happening again if a bioweapon is invovled? Just that?

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That seems to show the military had put together a coordinated response to a bioterrorism threat. The MRNA treatments and Rendesivir were key countermeasures. We knew that already.

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Well, now that is the issue isn't it? When they knew HCQ and anitbiotics were available and stockpiled...so who put their fingers down on the scale for lethal remdesivir and UNPROVEN MNRA that killed every animal in ever experiment for the past 10 years?

I can see where the IC /DARPA/DOD has to rely on someone with more knowledge...that is why they bought MODERNA...and BIONTECH (a joint CCP venture)....but someone had to coordinate this all.....

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Many didn’t at first—including me. I have for awhile. But it’s striking for me to see this and may be useful for others—the charting and visual of the “horse blanket”pdf especially.

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Yup, yup and yup.

Is the tinfoil hat on too tight? (Or more likely, not tight enough…)

Katharine Watt has an extensive compendium of resources on the biodefense angle here as well:


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I think this is a sober, and Occamesque approach. Five eyes and all of that make lockstep easy. What remains opaque is what you alluded to. Everybody with a shred of knowledge on the topic knows corona would be lousy bio weapons. Yet. Yet!! They used it as an a priori excuse to run (practice) the instigation of mil-ops. Why? Bored? Too many resources laying around underutilized? Revenge for populist revolt? Sheer human malignancy? Jim Jordon will never understand that I’m afraid.

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Re 'bored'--The bigger any government entity (esp. including public schools) gets, the more it has to search for 'busy work'. Cf: 'cancel gas stoves'.

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Then we must decentralize! Read Decentralist Manifesto by Ralph Borsodi

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This is my working theory as well. It would explain why Trump is still defending his actions. This operation became Top Secret. He would be subject to arrest if he reveals the operation now. One of the remaining questions is, might the US military or some other nefarious actor have released COVID intentionally so that all of this fun and games could follow?

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Short answer: yes.

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A complicating factor is that both the Chinese and many in the deep state wanted to make sure that Trump was not going to get reelected… I wonder, if people had known that the Chinese would go to such lengths, whether many supporters wouldn’t have cooled a bit. Maybe this was Trump worry?

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Certain elements of Congress do have authority to declassify if they wanted to.

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The pandemic was created by DARPA and had been in the works for 20+ years based on review of US patents from the Patent Archives. The war on America dates back to Eisenhower's speech on the military industrial complex but the real active beach head began with the CIA directed 9/11 followed by the Patriot Act.

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"trumped up moral imperative backed by increasingly overt threats and mandates."

Yeah, it's just the beginning.

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