In a lot of ways, I am the same, although the opposite expression. I never have worn my mandated mask in the street, because I don't want people to think I am compliant to tyranny.

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I believe we will definitely face this threat again. I believe that those who would wield power over others used this opportunity for a trial run to observe who complied and who resisted. I believe that from the perspective of those of us who stand for individual rights and freedom, the world failed the test. Too many allowed their own fears to drive them to give up their rights, while many others found that by aligning with the right side, they too gained power over others, with the side benefit of telling themselves that they are the righteous and deserve this power.

We will face this threat again. The next “emergency” may look different. But the proposed solutions will be the same, with similar promises of safety, virtue and power if you comply, and public shaming, rejection and isolation if you resist.

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This is everything I've been trying to explain to people, that not all cults are easily recognizable and that we have a political cult forming, but it's not around "Orange Man." Thank you for putting it so eloquently. I love your writing, and, in this particular case, I love the term "axis mundi."

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It's a side-street to your point, but I'll never stop being dismayed that the internet can elevate people like David Hogg, Rebekah Jones, etc into........anything. Let alone a person to follow, revere, defend, etc.

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i try to look at it the other way.

this is a valuable service. the cure for idiots is not censorship, it's giving them a soapbox, a megaphone, and asking them to tell you what's on their mind.

if nothing else, at least it acts as a sorting hat to let you see who they are.

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Of you can believe absurdity you can commit atrocity

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Like alcoholics, unless and until they admit they have a problem (or ARE the problem…), they'll never get better.

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You know, if I were one of the people running this op, I would sure be thinking about Mao's "Let a Thousand Flowers Bloom" op within the larger op of the Cultural Revolution. By that, I mean, let the op start to wind down, let people get used to a little bit less of the new abnormal, and then slam the whole thing back down again in six months or so, but make it even more cult-like than before. All the thin edges of the biofacist wedge are in place now, if not fully invoked --lockdowns, mRNA, vaccine passports, work-around to Nuremberg code, etc. The op can be ratcheted up and down now, at will.

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And sadly, it's not just affecting the U.S. Cult-like dogmatism for masks has taken over where I live as well.

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and here in the mountains in the south of Spain.

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In response to my comment that "you are vax'd, you are safe, don't you want to see other peoples' faces" a friend, a previously sociable person, responded "I don't care if I never see the faces of people I don't know ever again." It made me want to cry. This little experiment really has dehumanized people, particularly in large urban areas, so much. If you strip people of their humanity then they are nothing but an annoyance.

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I realized last night that the CDC mask rule change was an admission of defeat.

Whatever they were trying to accomplish...for whatever reasons...they failed.

No vaccine mandates. No vaccine passports. No masks. The pandemic is over.

And I do think the CDC's admission of defeat will help other countries. If the US power center is backing down, how can they justify the nonsense?

But the fight isn't over. The 'ro will likely return in the fall. And the CDC will do their hair on fire dance and demand everyone get a booster injection.

Get ready for round two.

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had a thought...perhaps I'll carry copies of the HIPAA law, the Nuremberg Code, and the Constitution to hand out to anyone fool enough to ask for proof of "vaccination".

Here's my proof of freedom, darlin'. Move along and have a nice day.

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Masks, cilices for the selfies times.

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this shit show-ed the true psycho colors of many indeed... the title reminds me of Lionel Lebron: https://youtu.be/d8U3R8T0R1k

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