No we are not. Given his historical ties to eugenics, it is hard to know if he only says what people want to hear, while his actual goal is the opposite.
Microsoft has often had that reputation and I don't think it completely fair. In the first place, when Microsoft was a tiny firm (1970s) their BASIC interpreter was considered the highest quality available. There is a reason that many of the earliest consumer "microcomputers" had their software. Gates (probably) had much more to do with this early success; I admit I don't know his history in detail, however. It is true (at least the story I recall) that Microsoft's great success was largely luck, IBM shopping for an OS for their new PC. Their first choice was out of the office or something, so they went to #2 on their list, some small company in Redmond..
Finally, in defense of software (and yes, I worked in the industry a few decades): it is never perfect especially so for a gargantuan complex system like Windows (or even Office, or....) Everybody gripes about this bug or that, but in practice, it will never be totally bug-free. Thousands of programmer do the best they can, but...
Mind you, my defense of Bill the Gates and his (former) firm are from the "old days." I too am dismayed by his dubious philanthropy. Perhaps he does some good, but he has enough dubious projects, and that is obvious even to the casual observer. Beware.
The facts may not matter to those who make policy, but it will fuel quackcine hesitancy. This may make the quackcine related policies ineffective to the point of them being abandoned. Bill can have his dream and I can have mine :-)
At this point, all unvaccinated people are unvaccinated by choice. In fact they may have had to fight for that status. As a group they are less fearful of the coronavirus, and take ownership of their health. All that must be considered when interpreting these results.
You make the important point that the unvaccinated are composed entirely of those who made a health decision contrary to mainstream. This is a very different demographic than those who accept medical advice uncritically, and probably much healthier.
Agreed. I would say that the unvaxxed (or genetically manipulated) are probably doing other things, things we have done for quite a while to be responsible for our own health and well being. I feel for the people forced to do so to keep their jobs. Possibly a small number but they count as well.
The unvaccinated also are seemingly far more likely to carry on with pre-covid normal life than the vaccinated. This makes them an even more distinct group and shows that all of these interventions are even more worthless than anyone thinks they are.
Many of my patients who chose not to be vaccinated are quite high risk. In fact in my experience on average they may be higher risk. I realize that this could be the particular vaguries of my situation
How can you know your patient's risk status without also knowing the nutritional quality of the food they eat, what supplements they take, and how regularly they exercise? According to an analysis of NHANES data a few years ago, only 12% of population were metabolically healthy. I appear "high risk", due to being overweight and having lived with blood glucose disregulation since the mid-80's, but eat healthy foods, take high quality supplements, walk 2-5 miles most days, and take no medications. None of my doctors have time to discuss what constitutes a healthy lifestyle with me.
I chose not to get the vaccine specifically because I have three autoimmune conditions, all in remission, and I don't want any more, thank you very much.
My D level is in the 69 ng/mL, and I have an early treatment protocol to take if I develop COVID-19 symptoms and the food, oximeter, etc. I need to isolate. It's been 28 months now and I still haven't gotten COVID-19. Nor did my husband, who traveled extensively throughout Alaska throughout 2020 and 2021. Neither of us tested positive for antibodies showing past infection. Sadly, he died of fast growing cancer 10 months after getting a single dose of the Janssen vaccine, neuroendocrine tumors of pancreas, liver, and intestine. It originated in the pancreas.
And here's the interesting part. No cancer was present in his CT scan two weeks after his Jannsen vaccination. Symptoms developed 4 months post Jannsen. He was dead 10 months post Jannsen. I believe the vaccine killed him. Frankly, any confidence I had in our government agencies, pharmaceutical industry, medical journals, and healthcare system are gone. I want to see these people investigated, charged, prosecuted, and imprisoned for what they did to our family, all for a gain of function coronavirus that has the same death rate as influenza.
Sounds to me that they are making a smart decision. It appears that whatever condition you have, the vax makes it worse. Have you asked any of them why?
Yes, I was thinking as I read the comments of my friend's dad, who already had congestive heart failure pre-covid and said he would rather die than take these shots. He is not in good health and doesn't eat well. He is stubborn though and in this case (not getting the shots) the stubbornness was probably highly protective. When he got covid, thankfully he got monoclonal antibodies before his symptoms escalated. He then (as someone I might have expected to die) sailed through Covid. I really think if he'd been vaccinated it would have been a different story. But the point is the unvaccinated are a pretty diverse group.
Many of us are willing to resist. Some of us to the death, perhaps. Not advocating violence, merely observing that historically it often crops up sooner or later as a former democracy morphs into a dystopian dictatorship.
One of Python's classics. I nominate as one of the all time best, "Bookshop" on their album "Monty Python's Contractual Obligation." * (Disclaimer: please make sure you have washing facilities and a change of clothing before you listen. 😛 )
A perfect, if somewhat surrealistic example of trying your utmost to help someone and being defeated in the end. Not all that different from trying to deprogram the vaxxed, actually.
*Probably available for free listen on Youtube et al. you cheapshit bastard. 😎
Pre-COVID, I planned to get, on average, ~1.5 seasonal respiratory bugs per year.
The way the natural immunity data is shaping up, it looks like that will still be just about right. Every new chart and study makes me feel very good that I caught COVID (probably Alpha) before I was eligible for vaccination as I would've been eagerly in line for it otherwise.
Also it amuses me greatly that the people apparently most grateful for their vaccinations are those for whom vaccination appears to have had the least benefit.
I didn't want the vax, but it looked like i might have to to stay at work at one point, so I thought maybe I can prove natural immunity and got one of those expensive T-Detect tests. That turned out negative. Fortunately for me, I could avoid the jab with weekly testing.
Then, I watched pretty much every one around me at work get it. Except me. My wife and daughter are in the same camp.
Natural immunity from infection is not the only way. Either innate immunity, or immunity from some prior coronavirus appears to work too.
I've gotten other colds over the past two years, just not covid. Or, if I did, it wasn't picked up by the weekly tests and I didn't know I had it.
In the UK Challenge study nearly half could not be directly infected and nobody knows why. There are people with innate immunity who were likely damaged by the vaccine. The failure to address unequal risk is remarkable.
They don't seem interested in finding out. One would think in a world with big data we could research the issue. It started on the Process cruise stopped in Japan where a elderly couple had the male become ill and his wife never became ill. That should have been a rather curious piece of data that has worried me a lot because it got little attention. Not everybody on these closed environments like ships becomes infected. We don't know why.
That is the nub of my two year angst with this bullshit. What amazes me, is that there are way to many people that do not understand this distinction. For the most part there is an inverse relationship with "perceived" risk and actual risk based on age. There's a lot of twenty and thirty somethings still unaware of risk...and living in fear.
I've been in VERY close contact with five or six people who tested positive or got very sick with covid, and quarantined, but never got it.
Here's a thought I had for el gato or some cat way smarter or sneakier than me.
Lots of people don't seem to get it that easily, as we saw in that princess cruise quarantined in Japan near the beginning.
Identify those people, and get (or buy) blood samples and test for every single parameter we can. Then use those machine learning, neural net, deep learning, AI, black box and whatever other hot topic tedx techniques to analyze what they have in common.
I feel like someone (like Elizabeth Holmes) could raise a lot of money claiming they were doing this.
I can tell you right now some of the most important factors in people who don't come down with Covid even after exposure, Martin.
They don't have high levels of polyunsaturated fatty acid levels in their blood. You can keep these fatty acid levels low by reducing stress, using supplements like daily aspirin and/or niacinamide, and kicking seed oils out of your diet.
They do have optimal Vit. D levels.
They have healthy mitochondria producing an abundance of energy (ATP) via oxidative phosphorylation. It takes a lot of energy for your immune system to fight off a virus like SARS-CoV-2. That generally takes healthy thyroid hormone levels.
Their bodies do not rely on excessive glycolysis for energy. Glycolysis is "cancer metabolism" and it's something you see a lot of in people with all the comorbidities that make Covid especially severe. Glycolysis is essentially an inefficient way of producing energy, so you don't have enough energy to fight off the virus.
The simplest way to say it is: take care of your mitochondria and they will take care of you.
Interesting comments! I can only lay claim to one each semester of high school and community college biology, so I only follow the barest outline of what you describe. I thought I'd throw this in: I read that bast have big and/or powerful mitochondria and are mostly immune to the viruses that live in them. This at least in part is why they were/are of research interest to virologists.
I match all of the criteria you mentioned (I'm assuming you're a Ray Peat fan) and still had covid in January. Granted, that's the only time I've been sick in three years, and it was pretty mild.
At my daughters' workplace, only one unvaccinated employee has tested positive for covid so far. Only one vaccinated employee has not. Workplace of around 20 people, I think 6-7 are unvaccinated.
Our family of 9 has had a few down with some flu-like thing in the past 3 weeks - possibly covid, but none of us has tested positive so who knows?
Same here! I had some kind of nasal congestion coughing thing a few weeks ago that I couldn't shake (and gave in and got some antibiotics) and now my wife seems to have a mild flu - fever, vomiting, some coughing and lots of aches and pains.
No positive tests between us though.
Other than my mom.
I no longer trust much, so am suspicious about all of this.
Number one, why do these idiots have to broadcast their new contagion? Number two, why are they all uniformly grateful for the jab? The level of cognitive dissonance and willful ignorance is astounding to me. The past two years has been, and I expect for years to come will be, like watching a million car train wreck in slow motion and having no ability to do anything about it, even when one’s own loved ones are riding in the train cars.
It was bad enough that Newsome invited New Zealand's dictator for a face-to-face meeting, but if Newsome actually took the spike, again, after supposedly getting Guillain-Barré syndrome last booster, he is proving to be one of the dumbest people in the world.
Let me guess, Newsome now needs another quick 15 day trip to Mexico, again, to try and fix this medical emergency. What a 🤡.
Honestly, all you have to do is listen to Newsome speak and see his dopey looking face and you know what a dim bulb he is. Only fraud and cheating in elections would keep such a moron in office.
No way that 🤡 took another booster. I highly doubt he ever took the actual vaccine, but then again, maybe he actually did. I would be very surprised if he did, though.
Oh, but I must disagree. It's the only reasonable explanation for what happened to him last October. Saline wouldn't have done the trick.
Here's a link to the LA Times article from last November. I saved it because it's a perfect example of a crafty (or perhaps merely innocent?) writer telling you the (likely) true story if you read between the lines or believe what is officially denied. The author is even helpful enough to specify precisely what is untrue, as well as who is spreading the calumny. You see, there is no truth to the rumors that Gruesome suffered a bad reaction to a Covid booster. That is misinformation spread by anti-vaxxers. There is a perfectly reasonable explanation for why Gruesome, who normally is a publicity hound, decided to skip out on an climate conference in Scotland, an all-star gala that is surely every Woke Progressive's dream. It turns out he'd forgotten a planned vacation with his family in Mexico. 😏
We should’ve ALL done like the Amish… they had Covid… Some of the elderly passed, just like with flu season. FAUCI flu came and went in about a month. And this was all before the vaccination even started…
The delusion of those who support quackcination is that Big pHARMa can protect them with a toxic quackcine, or the 'authorities' which compel compliance with its meddling NPIs (non pharmaceutical interventions) are effective. That otherwise our immune systems are inadequate. Perhaps they are, but injecting people with toxins is not the way to remedy the situation.
This will keep happening until people can let go of this dependence on Big pHARMa via the state for their health.
I notice that EPIC apparently makes it hard to find the COVID vaccination status. How unexpected ... not.
I worked at an academic medical hospital that decided to replace their legacy, home-built system with EPIC. After it was implemented I noticed a few things about it.
First, what I saw is my version of EPIC wasn't the same as what the nurses on the floor saw. That caused a lot of confusion between us.
Secondly, I also had occasion to need to look into a patient's medical record to determine whether a significant change is lab values could be explained by treatment of by a medical emergency. (An example was a sudden drop in hemoglobin values in a few hours. Was that due to bleeding (bad) or dilution by administration of fluids (not bad)?) Finding that information was difficult.
Thirdly, reading through patient notes was an exercise in massive redundancy, since every provider adding a note appended it to the bottom of a cut-and-paste regurgitation of every note anyone else had ever written.
And fourthly. their tracking of medications made it nearly impossible to know what was current and what had been discontinued.
the fact that hybrid people's immunity is effective against covid infection looks to be well established by the first few bar charts. i.e. the hybrid person's immune system still works.
but some are also saying that covid jabs are damaging people's immune systems. yet, again, it seems that the initial vaccination didn't mess these people up all that much.
so, the immune system damage we're talking about must be in other areas. some people say cancer cases are up, autoimmune cases are up, and reinfection by previously handled viral infections are up.
we need studies like this Israeli one to tell us about those situations too.
It may potentially be the case that the shots DO damage the immune system, but that they also provide some degree of protection against COVID for a while, which partly cancels out the immune damage so that you don't see it when looking only at COVID case rates.
In order to determine if this is true, one would need to check their rates of infection from *non-COVID* diseases compared to the uninjected - if it's significantly higher, that would support the hypothesis of immune damage.
You apparently haven't heard of monkeypox. You apparently haven't heard about how the shots revive Epstein-Barr and Lyme Disease and shingles and MS.
We already know that the vaxxes make you vulnerable to all kinds of viral and fungal and bacterial infections and that they become difficult to impossible to clear once you're vaxxed. That's why they call it VAIDS (vax-induced AIDS).
"potentially be the case..." You need to read more. Dissection by honest, bright observers like el gato and many others of the highly doctored official data has convincingly shown the vaxx to be immune system damaging. The public health authorities, since they are actually perpetrators of this biological warfare, will never do the study you hope for: i.e. comparison studies of vaxxed vs. unvaxxed re: Covid infection rates, cancer rates, all cause mortality rates, auto-immune disease rates. Eventually, the truth seekers will do those studies. Steve Kirsch and others are inching toward that point.
So your response doesn't seem to really interact with what I wrote...
I was replying to a post saying that the vax doesn't seem to cause damage because of the graphs showing "vax+infection" still produced a reduction in future case rate. In response, I wrote that perhaps the vax DOES cause damage but also gives a temporary benefit against COVID that offsets the damage when you look ONLY at COVID infection rates. (This would explain both the graphs in the article and the other evidence that suggests damage.)
I would say that you're quite right that it would take someone like Steve Kirsch or other independent investigators to actually get a study done to confirm or refute this theory.
TB, here's an autopsy study (finally!) that just came out April 1.
"Real-time RT-PCR identified a significantly increased rate of generalized viral dissemination within organ systems in vaccinated cases versus nonvaccinated cases..."
So organs got hit far worse in the vaxxed than in the unvaxxed. Dolores Cahill said the cause of death in the vaxxed, after the early deaths from allergic reactions and inflammation, would be due to organ failure.
"Vaccinated cases also showed high viral loads... especially in the upper airways and lungs. This was accompanied by high rates of pulmonal bacterial or mycotic superinfections..."
This was in mostly elderly people who died in 2021. But this is occurring in everyone who is vaxxed. It will occur in younger, healthier people at a lower rate, leaving them alive for now.
I did realize something important though. We've seen at least two studies showing that it's roughly 60% of vaccinated people who are getting all the damage. The other 40% continue to have decent immune responses and show no signs of excess clotting.
I remembered that case study of the two nurses with long covid. Spring came, their allergies kicked up, and they started taking antihistamines for their allergies. The antihistamines cured the long covid.
We saw something similar with nursing home patients taking famotidine and cetirizine. Though there were outbreaks in their nursing homes, these patients never caught Covid.
My hypothesis is that there are a number of these drugs, both over-the-counter and prescription, that are protective against spike proteins or destroy them completely. You all know that huge numbers of people in the West, especially middle-aged and older Americans, are on multiple drugs. They may all have gotten "accidental" protection against vax damage.
Fluoxetine (Prozac) has also been shown to help against Covid. And birth control pills might help because they contain progestin, a synthetic form of progesterone. Hans Selye showed that progesterone eliminated lipid nanoparticles from the bodies of mice before they could release toxic contents. Mice who didn't receive progesterone died of the toxin. Most of the mice who received progesterone pretreatment lived (never even got sick).
Also, many women take progesterone as they get closer to menopause and after to counter estrogen dominance. I would expect that to be protective.
There are probably more of these drugs and supplements and natural substances protecting people than we suspect.
I knew about the repurposed treatment drugs being talked about (eg fluoxetine/fluvoxamine), and it wouldn't be too surprising if some of them work against the spike protein specifically (and thus would help with any harm from the injections).
Maybe you need 2 jabs for the OAS to be properly established. And for it to screw up your immune system seriously. I agree, further studies would be really helpful & interesting.
I'd also like an update to encompass the third and fourth jabs, as well as the emergence of omicron. Maybe we will get that in about 6 months?
Yes, I remember Geert Vanden Bossche saying that people who only got one dose of mRNA weren’t necessarily primed completely, but that two doses or more would prime them and set them up for OAS with future variants.
The most disturbing thing is the inability to generate N antibodies. And then if you decide to take paxlovid? It is shocking that we continue with this nonsense.
None of my vaxxed friends are talking about the vaxx anymore. No mention of boosters. Most of them are back to normal life Even eating inside restaurants. Mostly they are on to Ukraine.
Do any of you have vaxxed friends and is any of this penetrating their skulls so that they actually mention anything? Even in passing? To me its like they have sworm OMERTA on the entire subject
None of the vaxxed folks bring up the vaccine. I always bring up the government and the pharma companies making money on a vaccine that has done more harm than good and have hidden the truth and wrecked whatever goodwill and trust the public had. The last time I had a booster talk was to ask a man I know how many times he intended to get boosted especially in light of having had COVID. He didn't say, but he was thinking about it. Other than that ZIPPO! Nobody talks Ukraine either except to say how crazy Putin is. I tell them we wouldn't take it kindly if Canada allowed Chinese troops and missiles to be set at our border. Not that I love Putin. I saw he made comments the other day that were something like "if we only had guarantees from a world governance body that Ukraine wouldn't join NATO". I thought - yep. that's what we need. Oy. Smells to high heaven this little skirmish. But that is another topic.
Putin is very very smart. He did several things with that sentence. One, he told Nato (read Biden/US) broke its promise to never put NATO on its bordering countries. Two, He was warning George Soros (who runs Ukraine), as well as the WEF and its agenda for a global world government, that if they DON:T BACK OFF, and don't allow him to have Donbas (because they agreed 15 years ago to pursue this through negotiations, which UKRAINE and the West has NEVER honored,) that he will WRECK Their plans for ONE World GOVERNMENT/aka the Great Reset. .
On the other subject, the vaccine, I am glad to know its just not me noticing. I like what you say...and I think your strategy of talking about Big Pharma, the money they have made for a useless jab, and the incredible loss of trust they have engendered is a good way of conversing about it.
And you know, since the Money Big Pharma has made comes from OUR POCKETS (because the government has no money, they just pass whatever they spend on to us via taxes or inflation). it cannot be stressed enough to people. Big Pharma took NO RISK, Accepted NO LIABILITY, and we cannot tell even what WE are paying for these useless jabs, as the government did not tell us what the per shot dollar amount was/is.
Could you please think of a conversational gambit I could use along these lines if I get an opportunity....something like :you know, do you know of any other companies in the world that ...blah blah blah? And "Maybe its time we re-assess how vaccines are made/sold/given away/etc.
I'd appreciate the help...I'm not good at thiinking on my feet.
I'm really not sure. When the most rich and most powerful contrive to make something happen and they bear no responsibility should things go South and some of those rich and powerful are politicians? I'm not sure how to start that conversation that will yield good ideas. Not that many haven't had that very conversation.
I have pivoted the last 6 months or so from talking about the vaccine. People don't want to hear it. I do talk about how the pharmaceutical industry is playing in a rigged game at our expense on all levels. They get rich on our backs. D's used to hate big business. I try to jerk that chain that during the last decade they have stored away. I mention how the FDA makes money on the drugs. How does it protect us if they have a financial benefit not to? Some people listen. It's a no brainer.
Thank you as always for your commitment to truth! I have a question about OAS -- if a vaccinated person’s body produces only the spike protein antibody in response to any similar-seeming virus (even if mutations to the spike protein render those antibodies ineffective), how does that person’s body eventually clear the virus? I am guessing the body has multiple layers of defense and OAS only blunts the effectiveness of the first-line antibodies (so the vaccinated continue to get sick but eventually clear it), but I am not a scientist so would appreciate any clarification - this puzzle is bugging me :-).
Coco. I share your interest in your question. For some time now, I have been thinking that we might be overplaying the risks of the vaccines, just as the covidians did with covid.
Let me explain:
Is covid real? Yes. Has it caused the death of many people? Yes (although early treatment would have prevented some, maybe most of these deaths). Is covid an existential crisis for humanity that threatens our very existence as an species? No. Not by a long margin.
Are vaccines safe and effective? No. Have they saved any life at all? Probably not (if we compare them with other alternatives, such as early treatment). Are all vaccinated people going to die in 2-5 years? I don't know. But I am almost sure not.
Regarding your question. How do vaccinated people clear new variants of covid? Evidently because their immune system is still capable of doing it, but it probably takes longer and, contrary to what they think, probably suffer worse symptoms than what they would if they had not been vaccinated.
So far all the research I have seen by el gato malo (and other sources) is consistent with the previous paragraphs. Vaccines were a terrible idea, but they are not the end of the world.
The problem is it's way too soon to come to that conclusion, Manuel. And it's dangerous to stick your head in the sand about this.
Every attempt at a coronavirus vaccine, and there have been a bunch, has killed all the animal test subjects. That's because the vax spike protein remains in the tissues and triggers autoimmune attack upon reexposure to the wild virus. With enough autoimmune attacks, you get organ failure and sepsis. That's with every. single. attempt.
Studies have already shown the ADE and autoimmune attacks are happening. We already have documented organ failure deaths from them, including in a 40-year-old doctor in Tennessee who died weeks after his second shot in February 2021. He had never tested positive for Covid but, of course, he was exposed constantly to the virus in the hospital he worked at. His exposures after his second shot finished him off quickly. Most people will take a few years.
MIT scientist Stephanie Seneff, one of the most highly-cited scientists in the world, said in an interview after her April 2021 review of studies on the vax that the first thing scientists wanted to know from her was what the vax developers had done to address the coronavirus vax ADE/autoimmune problem. They were shocked when she told them the developers hadn't done anything about it.
On Twitter, in a discussion about this fact, @Jikkyleaks (a scientist) called the vax developers "narcissistic, arrogant amateurs". She called them that because the vax developers had never before developed a vaccine. They were bioweapons developers for the DoD. They didn't have a clue what they were doing as they developed these gene manipulation shots.
We have documented that the vax causes amyloidosis. Go look up the prognosis for amyloidosis patients. Dr. Kevin McCairn, a neuroscientist who did one of the first studies on the spike proteins, found Lewy bodies in six weeks in the brains of 100% of the macaques innoculated with spike protein. Lewy bodies are associated with deposition of amyloid-β in the brain. He explained then and has explained since that the amyloid proteins wouldn't just be forming in the brain, but in every organ of the body.
But you don't have to die of amyloidosis or organ failure from autoimmune attack/ADE in order to die of these shots. These are diabolical bioweapons. When the mRNA from the shots is injected into your arm, it quickly enters the bloodstream and delivers the mRNA throughout your body. The mRNA is designed to seize control of the machinery of your cells and *not give it back* for a prolonged period. During that time, your cells can't carry out any of their normal responsibilities, such as killing off cancer cells or repairing DNA. Stephanie Seneff compares part of this process to a particularly vicious type of leukemia.
If you read Stephanie Seneff's paper on exactly how the shots disable your immune system, you will come away from it with the realization that the shots will cause lots and lots of cancers. Two of my sisters-in-law in their 50s developed breast cancer right after their shots, even though one had had a clean mammogram only weeks earlier. My niece, aged 27, had leukemia since age 18, but well managed with drugs. She was living a normal life with some extra prescriptions. But the leukemia flared up and killed her within a week after her first shot.
Again, read this paper by Stephanie Seneff and Peter McCullough on how the shots "reprogram" your immune system to understand why we are going to be seeing a lot of cancers in the next few years among the vaxxed:
I've mentioned that the vax spike proteins cause neurodegenerative diseases via amyloid proteins, and I've mentioned the reprogramming of the immune system and how that will result in cancers. But there is an even worse mechanism in play with these shots.
When the spike protein was injected, all by itself, into hamsters, it had significant effects on the metabolism of the cells. In particular, it inhibited the synthesis of mitochondria, and caused the existing mitochondria to fragment.
Mitochondria are the things in the cell that produce large quantities of ATP (the energy your cells run on) by oxidizing nutrients, while consuming oxygen and producing water and carbon dioxide. If you don't have mitochondria producing that carbon dioxide as a byproduct of producing ATP, you can't breathe. That's what causes the famous shortness of breath after vaxxing. The spike protein reduced the production of ATP by mitochondria and
increased glycolysis — the alternative, much less efficient, way to produce ATP without using oxygen.
This metabolic change towards getting energy through glycolysis is a characteristic feature of cancer cells and of neurons in neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s. It's also the characteristic metabolism of diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and virtually every chronic disease you can think of.
For example, here's how it causes arthritis. You get some kind of low-grade infection. Since you rely on inefficient glycolysis for energy, your immune system lacks the energy to complete clear the infection. So you just go through life with chronic low-grade inflammation eating away at your joint cartilage.
If you develop cancer in normal ways, you can reverse it simply by flipping your metabolism back to normal oxidative mitochondrial production of energy. I could give you a recipe to do it. But the things that usually work don't work in people who've gotten the shots. I believe it's because your cells keep producing the spike protein, and the spike proteins keep destroying your mitochondria.
Let me tell you more about friends who've gotten the shots. One developed jaundice soon after and large tumors in her salivary glands. Another developed burning mouth syndrome and terrible digestive problems due to a chlamydia infection she has been unable to clear in the year and a half since her shots.
Other friends have developed autoimmune disorders like Sjogren's and MS. One had a shingles outbreak on her face and into her ear. Another developed shortness of breath shortly after her first booster and her doctor treated her for bronchitis. But nothing has helped.
None of these friends associate their new illnesses with the shots. And none of them have been able to find a treatment that helped with their new disorder. Stuff that normally works doesn't work when the underlying cause is the vax.
In addition, we now have data from multiple countries, states, counties and industries showing roughly 21% all-cause excess mortality everywhere vax rates have been high. Ed Dowd, a hedge fund manager who got data from the insurance and funeral industries, points out that in the last quarter of 2021, 65,000 people aged 40-45 died, and the rise in their death rate began in August 2021, with the vax mandates. That's like a Vietnam war for millennials in five months. The excess deaths have continued into 2022.
Massachusetts death certificate data shows a disproportionate number of these excess deaths, especially in the young, are coming from clots, heart attacks and myocarditis. Scientist Dolores Cahill has explained how the heart attacks are essentially organ failure in response to autoimmune attacks caused by the shots.
Unlike the people who created the shots, Dolores Cahill is an immunologist who has developed vaccines herself. And she is another highly-cited scientist who has worked at the Max Planck Institute and London College Dublin.
I feel people have a right to know about the dangers facing them if they got the shot. They especially have a right to know because there may be things they can do to mitigate the dangers. For example, they've just started using H.E.L.P. apharesis to filter the fibrin clots out of vaxxed people's blood before the damage is irreversible.
Dr. Robert Malone is treating himself daily with antihistamines in an attempt to keep his spike protein burden low. Multiple studies now have shown they remove spike proteins from the body. Are your vaxxed loved ones doing that? I didn't think so.
For the treatment to work, you have to use both an H1 and H2 antihistamine. Dr. Malone is using famotidine (Pepcid AC) in the mornings and an H2 antihistamine at night (the kind that makes you sleepy, like cyproheptidine).
Dr. Groz, a naturopath, is using olive leaf extract to remove spike protein from the body. Others are using ivermectin (which is safer for your mitochondria if you take it with either tetracycline or Vit. K2).
Once you select a protocol for safe regular removal of spike protein, you have to rebuild your mitochondria. There are many ways to do that too, but one simple way is to take niacinamide daily with a glass of orange juice.
Another way is to take aspirin daily.
But nobody knows this stuff so everybody is just sticking their heads in the sand and pretending that disaster isn't upon us. Meanwhile, 65k people in their early 40s died in just a few months.
Let me put it this way, Manuel. If the spike proteins in the shots are actually the same spike protein as in the studies, I believe all my vaxxed loved ones (which are ALL of my loved ones except my wife and 1 brother) are goners. My best hope for them would be to give them some extra years with blood filtering, antihistamines, help for their mitochondria, etc.
But the whole thing is so appalling that I had thought for over a year that maybe the whole thing was a psyop. Maybe the shots were all placebos. Or maybe they were injecting polyethylene glycol (to make people think they got a real shot) and/or empty lipid nanoparticles (maybe to see where they collect in the body).
For over a year, I figured the odds that the shots were placebo were about 90%. What made me recalculate the odds was the excess mortality that emerged from life insurance company data. There's a report out by the Society of Actuaries. They looked at the life insurance data and confirmed that there's roughly 20-21% excess mortality in working-age people since August 2021, when the vax mandates were announced.
If the excess mortality had died out at the end of 2021, I could have discounted it as the effects of polyethylene glycol or empty lipid nanoparticles. But it continued into 2022.
Ed Dowd, the hedge fund manager I mentioned, first got this data from a former colleague at BlackRock who is an insurance company analyst. Big Wall St. shareholders in life insurance companies were getting worried about excess claims. The excess claims threaten the survival of the insurance companies. They are not set up to insure people under conditions of biowarfare.
That threw me. It's not impossible that people running a psyop could enlist the help of insurance company CEOs. Maybe all the actuaries would go along with the hoax. But it doesn't seem likely, especially because this information was kept hidden. In a psyop, you'd want this info to get out.
I also looked at ongoing vax studies. Again, I had figured that scientists were probably getting the vaxxes for their studies, or the spike proteins, from the government. If that were the case, the government could provide special shots or spikes and the study results might have nothing to do with what would happen to normal people who got the shot at their local Walgreens.
But that's not what I'm seeing. A study at Penn, for example, collected a bunch of blood and lymph node samples from participants before and after the shots. But people had to go out and get the shots on their own, from their doctors or local drug stores. They weren't given their shots by the scientists running the study.
So I still think there's a possibility most people were given a placebo. But now I put the odds at roughly 10% instead of 90%.
I think it's more likely that our public health authorities are incompetent or even malevolent. Incompetent seems more likely, because they took the shots themselves.
Thanks a lot for this great post! I'm filing it for future reference and sending it to friends. You've done a great job tying up all these loose ends and presenting it in an understandable way!
Arnold, that was a very illuminating post, thank you.
Just one question: you write that Robert Malone is using famotidine in the mornings and an H2 antihistamine at night. The thing is, famotidine IS an H2 antihistamine (see: So then, which H1 antihistamine is Dr. Malone taking to complement his H2 antihistamine?
I didn't find Dr. Malone's antihistamine regimen on his Substack, and a general (though admittedly brief) Web search wasn't any more successful. Would you be so kind as to link us to his recommendations regarding the taking of both H1 and H2 antihistamines for SARS-CoV-2 ? Thank you.
Here's another piece on famotidine, again for actual Covid. But look at what it does.
"All 10 patients said that symptoms quickly improved within 24-48 hours of starting famotidine and had mostly cleared up after 14 days.
"Improvement was evident across all symptom categories assessed, but respiratory symptoms, such as cough and shortness of breath [also headache and loss of taste/smell], improved more rapidly than systemic symptoms, such as fatigue."
That's key, because regaining your sense of smell means you've gotten the spike proteins out of your olfactory bulb. If you gotten the spike proteins out of that, you're getting the spike proteins out of all your tissue.
I know I saw a study that showed antihistamines remove spike protein from tissue. Still looking for it.
Fatigue is slower to recover from, because that's due to your spike-damaged mitochondria. But once you get rid of the spike, there's lots you can do to rebuild your mitochondria.
Username, I believe Dr. Malone talked about his famotidine protocol on his Joe Rogan appearance in early February. There are lots of people on Twitter talking about lots of appearances in which he talked about it.
He also announced on the show that he was doing a clinical trial of famotidine and celecoxib (an NSAID) for treating SARS-CoV-2. He said the study was being paid for by DTRA (the Defense Threat Reduction Agency). It's being run by the company Lidos. He said he had data that ivermectin improved the results of the combination, but the FDA created such roadblocks to adding an ivermectin arm to the trial that the DoD decided not to fight them. (That shocked me.)
You can see all the disinfo agents rising up in unison in the media and on Twitter to trash Malone for the interview, in which he said the shots were dangerous.
Malone also talked about using famotidine at a Defeat the Mandates DC rally that seems to have been in January.
Malone apparently found famotidine as a likely cure by searching in a DARPA computer program.
Here's what Malone has published on famotidine. He talks about a case study and the dosage used. Unlike the other study, in which researchers said both an H1 and H2 antihistamine had to be used, Malone appears to have used only famotidine.
Username, I didn't double check to see whether famotidine is an H1 or H2. Sorry. I just know he said in a recent interview that he's continuing to take famotidine and I assumed it was an H1.
There was a Spanish study about a year ago that showed you needed both an H1 and H2 antihistamine to remove spike proteins from the body. They used cetirizine and something else. I remember the cetirizine because I recommended Zyrtec to a friend, but I can't find the link. I had to use google translate to read it.
There was active discussion about what antihistamines people were using in the comments of @YoDoctorYo's account on Twitter. Doctor Yo and his partner, Dr. Bruce Patterson
@brucep13, have been successfully treating long covid for a year now and Dr. Yo's account was quite popular. Unfortunately, I just learned when I went there to get you some links that Twitter has just suspended Dr. Yo (because they suspend everyone who tells the truth), but you might want to follow Dr. Patterson and keep an eye on his comments.
Also, Walter Chestnut did a lot of work showing that the spike protein dysregulates copper/iron levels and that this dysregulation leads to many Covid symptoms. I don't remember the details except that they convinced me anti-histamines were worth a further look. Anti-histamines were able to correct those levels to normal.
Walter has a blog here on substack you might want to follow, and he may be able to repost that work. Here's where to find Walter:
The vaccine doesn't work! Get vaccinated!
Clown world.
Bill Gates admits the quackcine doesn't block infection and doesn't offer much in the way of duration, but it still saved millions of lives!
He is still hopeful that in the future they will work. Dream on Bill.
Are we sure he wants them to work?
No we are not. Given his historical ties to eugenics, it is hard to know if he only says what people want to hear, while his actual goal is the opposite.
I'm voting that he says only what he thinks people want to hear, while making more money and selling his crappy software.
Microsoft has often had that reputation and I don't think it completely fair. In the first place, when Microsoft was a tiny firm (1970s) their BASIC interpreter was considered the highest quality available. There is a reason that many of the earliest consumer "microcomputers" had their software. Gates (probably) had much more to do with this early success; I admit I don't know his history in detail, however. It is true (at least the story I recall) that Microsoft's great success was largely luck, IBM shopping for an OS for their new PC. Their first choice was out of the office or something, so they went to #2 on their list, some small company in Redmond..
Finally, in defense of software (and yes, I worked in the industry a few decades): it is never perfect especially so for a gargantuan complex system like Windows (or even Office, or....) Everybody gripes about this bug or that, but in practice, it will never be totally bug-free. Thousands of programmer do the best they can, but...
Mind you, my defense of Bill the Gates and his (former) firm are from the "old days." I too am dismayed by his dubious philanthropy. Perhaps he does some good, but he has enough dubious projects, and that is obvious even to the casual observer. Beware.
Wasn't Gates' mom on the board of IBM and she helped Billy get the software that turned into Windows from IBM itself?
As I remember he weasled the code from his business partner. His business partner was Steve Jobs. You know, the smart one. Not the thief.
I'm voting that he says only what he thinks people want to hear, while making more money and selling his crappy software.
100%... but just as a gateway to H+.
Did you see they offered for him to sign the Great Barrington Declaration? <smirk>
Dream for him, nightmare for the rest of us.
Well, at least he says the CoVID (Certificate of Vaccination ID - quackcine passport) is useless.
"The idea of checking if people are quackcinated, if you have breakthrough infections, what's the point?"
Pretty shocking statement coming from him. Unfortunately the facts won't matter when it comes to setting public health policies.
The facts may not matter to those who make policy, but it will fuel quackcine hesitancy. This may make the quackcine related policies ineffective to the point of them being abandoned. Bill can have his dream and I can have mine :-)
Such a shame WEF pussied out and disabled comments. They used to be so entertaining to read!
Hopefully people are still able to give them a peice of their mind on Twitter.
I find it very interesting that the masses cannot comment on ANY of BG's Tweets. Big tech protecting their investors?
Shame, I love a good smackdown....
It doesn't work because we are on Omicron now.
Take a booster because we are on Omicron now.
At this point, all unvaccinated people are unvaccinated by choice. In fact they may have had to fight for that status. As a group they are less fearful of the coronavirus, and take ownership of their health. All that must be considered when interpreting these results.
You make the important point that the unvaccinated are composed entirely of those who made a health decision contrary to mainstream. This is a very different demographic than those who accept medical advice uncritically, and probably much healthier.
Agreed. I would say that the unvaxxed (or genetically manipulated) are probably doing other things, things we have done for quite a while to be responsible for our own health and well being. I feel for the people forced to do so to keep their jobs. Possibly a small number but they count as well.
The unvaccinated also are seemingly far more likely to carry on with pre-covid normal life than the vaccinated. This makes them an even more distinct group and shows that all of these interventions are even more worthless than anyone thinks they are.
while that might seem to make sense, it is NOT what i have seen in my own practice.
Forgive me, toolate, the semantics escape me here: WHAT has NOT been what you've seen in your practice? (Too many replies flying about....)
Many of my patients who chose not to be vaccinated are quite high risk. In fact in my experience on average they may be higher risk. I realize that this could be the particular vaguries of my situation
How can you know your patient's risk status without also knowing the nutritional quality of the food they eat, what supplements they take, and how regularly they exercise? According to an analysis of NHANES data a few years ago, only 12% of population were metabolically healthy. I appear "high risk", due to being overweight and having lived with blood glucose disregulation since the mid-80's, but eat healthy foods, take high quality supplements, walk 2-5 miles most days, and take no medications. None of my doctors have time to discuss what constitutes a healthy lifestyle with me.
I chose not to get the vaccine specifically because I have three autoimmune conditions, all in remission, and I don't want any more, thank you very much.
My D level is in the 69 ng/mL, and I have an early treatment protocol to take if I develop COVID-19 symptoms and the food, oximeter, etc. I need to isolate. It's been 28 months now and I still haven't gotten COVID-19. Nor did my husband, who traveled extensively throughout Alaska throughout 2020 and 2021. Neither of us tested positive for antibodies showing past infection. Sadly, he died of fast growing cancer 10 months after getting a single dose of the Janssen vaccine, neuroendocrine tumors of pancreas, liver, and intestine. It originated in the pancreas.
And here's the interesting part. No cancer was present in his CT scan two weeks after his Jannsen vaccination. Symptoms developed 4 months post Jannsen. He was dead 10 months post Jannsen. I believe the vaccine killed him. Frankly, any confidence I had in our government agencies, pharmaceutical industry, medical journals, and healthcare system are gone. I want to see these people investigated, charged, prosecuted, and imprisoned for what they did to our family, all for a gain of function coronavirus that has the same death rate as influenza.
Amen, sister.
You sound like an outlier to me. Congrats.
Sounds to me that they are making a smart decision. It appears that whatever condition you have, the vax makes it worse. Have you asked any of them why?
Yes, I was thinking as I read the comments of my friend's dad, who already had congestive heart failure pre-covid and said he would rather die than take these shots. He is not in good health and doesn't eat well. He is stubborn though and in this case (not getting the shots) the stubbornness was probably highly protective. When he got covid, thankfully he got monoclonal antibodies before his symptoms escalated. He then (as someone I might have expected to die) sailed through Covid. I really think if he'd been vaccinated it would have been a different story. But the point is the unvaccinated are a pretty diverse group.
That is a heartening story. Thank you for sharing.
AKA: Being Your Own Advocate. I’ve been this kind of patient for a long time.
We will have to CONTINUE to fight for that status, & more oppression to suppress that is coming
Many of us are willing to resist. Some of us to the death, perhaps. Not advocating violence, merely observing that historically it often crops up sooner or later as a former democracy morphs into a dystopian dictatorship.
I will resist to death. I will not be subject to bondage
Except the only studies show vaccine hesitancy U shaped with respect to education, the same is likely true of health.
Very good point
And yet trying to explain this to the idolators of the Great Golden Syringe immediately devolves into an unfunny version of the "Dead parrot sketch".
"It's not 'safe and effective'! It's OAS! This immunity is no more! It has ceased to be! It's expired and gone to meet its Science!"
Made me laugh, thank you, I needed that after reading the unstoppable Jessica Rose's latest Substac article just now.
One of Python's classics. I nominate as one of the all time best, "Bookshop" on their album "Monty Python's Contractual Obligation." * (Disclaimer: please make sure you have washing facilities and a change of clothing before you listen. 😛 )
A perfect, if somewhat surrealistic example of trying your utmost to help someone and being defeated in the end. Not all that different from trying to deprogram the vaxxed, actually.
*Probably available for free listen on Youtube et al. you cheapshit bastard. 😎
Pre-COVID, I planned to get, on average, ~1.5 seasonal respiratory bugs per year.
The way the natural immunity data is shaping up, it looks like that will still be just about right. Every new chart and study makes me feel very good that I caught COVID (probably Alpha) before I was eligible for vaccination as I would've been eagerly in line for it otherwise.
Also it amuses me greatly that the people apparently most grateful for their vaccinations are those for whom vaccination appears to have had the least benefit.
Yeah, the "sick, but I'm so grateful I'm vxxed and boosted" line is baffling to say the least.
I haven't even had a cold since covid started. If anything, I've been less sick than ever.
Ironic that observation
I didn't want the vax, but it looked like i might have to to stay at work at one point, so I thought maybe I can prove natural immunity and got one of those expensive T-Detect tests. That turned out negative. Fortunately for me, I could avoid the jab with weekly testing.
Then, I watched pretty much every one around me at work get it. Except me. My wife and daughter are in the same camp.
Natural immunity from infection is not the only way. Either innate immunity, or immunity from some prior coronavirus appears to work too.
I've gotten other colds over the past two years, just not covid. Or, if I did, it wasn't picked up by the weekly tests and I didn't know I had it.
In the UK Challenge study nearly half could not be directly infected and nobody knows why. There are people with innate immunity who were likely damaged by the vaccine. The failure to address unequal risk is remarkable.
This is a very, very important comment.
I did not realize that nearly half of the population shares this.
Maybe AI will figure it out.
They don't seem interested in finding out. One would think in a world with big data we could research the issue. It started on the Process cruise stopped in Japan where a elderly couple had the male become ill and his wife never became ill. That should have been a rather curious piece of data that has worried me a lot because it got little attention. Not everybody on these closed environments like ships becomes infected. We don't know why.
Yup! We are on exactly the same page, as demonstrated by my comment above talking about the diamond princess and big data.
Not if harreri (sp) has anything to do about it. He's all for getting rid of the useless eaters.
That is the nub of my two year angst with this bullshit. What amazes me, is that there are way to many people that do not understand this distinction. For the most part there is an inverse relationship with "perceived" risk and actual risk based on age. There's a lot of twenty and thirty somethings still unaware of risk...and living in fear.
Serolgy studies in Taiwan showed cross immunity to covid 19 from SARS 2003...
Well, I wasn't in Taiwan in 2003.
I've been in VERY close contact with five or six people who tested positive or got very sick with covid, and quarantined, but never got it.
Here's a thought I had for el gato or some cat way smarter or sneakier than me.
Lots of people don't seem to get it that easily, as we saw in that princess cruise quarantined in Japan near the beginning.
Identify those people, and get (or buy) blood samples and test for every single parameter we can. Then use those machine learning, neural net, deep learning, AI, black box and whatever other hot topic tedx techniques to analyze what they have in common.
I feel like someone (like Elizabeth Holmes) could raise a lot of money claiming they were doing this.
I can tell you right now some of the most important factors in people who don't come down with Covid even after exposure, Martin.
They don't have high levels of polyunsaturated fatty acid levels in their blood. You can keep these fatty acid levels low by reducing stress, using supplements like daily aspirin and/or niacinamide, and kicking seed oils out of your diet.
They do have optimal Vit. D levels.
They have healthy mitochondria producing an abundance of energy (ATP) via oxidative phosphorylation. It takes a lot of energy for your immune system to fight off a virus like SARS-CoV-2. That generally takes healthy thyroid hormone levels.
Their bodies do not rely on excessive glycolysis for energy. Glycolysis is "cancer metabolism" and it's something you see a lot of in people with all the comorbidities that make Covid especially severe. Glycolysis is essentially an inefficient way of producing energy, so you don't have enough energy to fight off the virus.
The simplest way to say it is: take care of your mitochondria and they will take care of you.
Well said! I agree. But I do think a healthy "tan" helps.
Interesting comments! I can only lay claim to one each semester of high school and community college biology, so I only follow the barest outline of what you describe. I thought I'd throw this in: I read that bast have big and/or powerful mitochondria and are mostly immune to the viruses that live in them. This at least in part is why they were/are of research interest to virologists.
I think Satan means bats.
Thank you, Duchess. I'm like, bast? What's a bast?
I don't know what you mean by bast.
I match all of the criteria you mentioned (I'm assuming you're a Ray Peat fan) and still had covid in January. Granted, that's the only time I've been sick in three years, and it was pretty mild.
At my daughters' workplace, only one unvaccinated employee has tested positive for covid so far. Only one vaccinated employee has not. Workplace of around 20 people, I think 6-7 are unvaccinated.
Our family of 9 has had a few down with some flu-like thing in the past 3 weeks - possibly covid, but none of us has tested positive so who knows?
Same here! I had some kind of nasal congestion coughing thing a few weeks ago that I couldn't shake (and gave in and got some antibiotics) and now my wife seems to have a mild flu - fever, vomiting, some coughing and lots of aches and pains.
No positive tests between us though.
Other than my mom.
I no longer trust much, so am suspicious about all of this.
Well said! There's a reason kids come home with snotty noses in grade school.
Only the supreme arrogance and murderous tendencies of these psychopaths makes them think they can do better than God.
Narcissistic behavior
For a fun time, look up the etymology and the original meaning of "hubris" as the ancient greeks used it, and also "arrogance" for the romans.
It fits our rulers better than their skin, even.
That’s the problem with many public policies, people and governments feel they can do better than God.
Number one, why do these idiots have to broadcast their new contagion? Number two, why are they all uniformly grateful for the jab? The level of cognitive dissonance and willful ignorance is astounding to me. The past two years has been, and I expect for years to come will be, like watching a million car train wreck in slow motion and having no ability to do anything about it, even when one’s own loved ones are riding in the train cars.
Meanwhile here in Florida, adults in mid-life (25-54) are dying at rates ~25-35% higher than they were in 2019, and no one seems to be asking why.
Coincidence. Or Trump. Or, they need more boosters. I'm sure "The View" will get to your question eventually.
Reference, please? That is an important observation if true
It was bad enough that Newsome invited New Zealand's dictator for a face-to-face meeting, but if Newsome actually took the spike, again, after supposedly getting Guillain-Barré syndrome last booster, he is proving to be one of the dumbest people in the world.
Let me guess, Newsome now needs another quick 15 day trip to Mexico, again, to try and fix this medical emergency. What a 🤡.
Honestly, all you have to do is listen to Newsome speak and see his dopey looking face and you know what a dim bulb he is. Only fraud and cheating in elections would keep such a moron in office.
No way that 🤡 took another booster. I highly doubt he ever took the actual vaccine, but then again, maybe he actually did. I would be very surprised if he did, though.
Oh, but I must disagree. It's the only reasonable explanation for what happened to him last October. Saline wouldn't have done the trick.
Here's a link to the LA Times article from last November. I saved it because it's a perfect example of a crafty (or perhaps merely innocent?) writer telling you the (likely) true story if you read between the lines or believe what is officially denied. The author is even helpful enough to specify precisely what is untrue, as well as who is spreading the calumny. You see, there is no truth to the rumors that Gruesome suffered a bad reaction to a Covid booster. That is misinformation spread by anti-vaxxers. There is a perfectly reasonable explanation for why Gruesome, who normally is a publicity hound, decided to skip out on an climate conference in Scotland, an all-star gala that is surely every Woke Progressive's dream. It turns out he'd forgotten a planned vacation with his family in Mexico. 😏
Kirsch thinks Newsom is vaxx damaged, from last year.
We should’ve ALL done like the Amish… they had Covid… Some of the elderly passed, just like with flu season. FAUCI flu came and went in about a month. And this was all before the vaccination even started…
The delusion of those who support quackcination is that Big pHARMa can protect them with a toxic quackcine, or the 'authorities' which compel compliance with its meddling NPIs (non pharmaceutical interventions) are effective. That otherwise our immune systems are inadequate. Perhaps they are, but injecting people with toxins is not the way to remedy the situation.
This will keep happening until people can let go of this dependence on Big pHARMa via the state for their health.
I notice that EPIC apparently makes it hard to find the COVID vaccination status. How unexpected ... not.
I worked at an academic medical hospital that decided to replace their legacy, home-built system with EPIC. After it was implemented I noticed a few things about it.
First, what I saw is my version of EPIC wasn't the same as what the nurses on the floor saw. That caused a lot of confusion between us.
Secondly, I also had occasion to need to look into a patient's medical record to determine whether a significant change is lab values could be explained by treatment of by a medical emergency. (An example was a sudden drop in hemoglobin values in a few hours. Was that due to bleeding (bad) or dilution by administration of fluids (not bad)?) Finding that information was difficult.
Thirdly, reading through patient notes was an exercise in massive redundancy, since every provider adding a note appended it to the bottom of a cut-and-paste regurgitation of every note anyone else had ever written.
And fourthly. their tracking of medications made it nearly impossible to know what was current and what had been discontinued.
This was the worst EHR I have ever seen.
the fact that hybrid people's immunity is effective against covid infection looks to be well established by the first few bar charts. i.e. the hybrid person's immune system still works.
but some are also saying that covid jabs are damaging people's immune systems. yet, again, it seems that the initial vaccination didn't mess these people up all that much.
so, the immune system damage we're talking about must be in other areas. some people say cancer cases are up, autoimmune cases are up, and reinfection by previously handled viral infections are up.
we need studies like this Israeli one to tell us about those situations too.
Even the initial shot impairs precisely the part of your immune system needed to fight severe Covid, Anon.
I think it's a big mistake to consider us into the long-term with Covid or these shots. We have not seen the worst of any of this yet.
It may potentially be the case that the shots DO damage the immune system, but that they also provide some degree of protection against COVID for a while, which partly cancels out the immune damage so that you don't see it when looking only at COVID case rates.
In order to determine if this is true, one would need to check their rates of infection from *non-COVID* diseases compared to the uninjected - if it's significantly higher, that would support the hypothesis of immune damage.
You apparently haven't heard of monkeypox. You apparently haven't heard about how the shots revive Epstein-Barr and Lyme Disease and shingles and MS.
We already know that the vaxxes make you vulnerable to all kinds of viral and fungal and bacterial infections and that they become difficult to impossible to clear once you're vaxxed. That's why they call it VAIDS (vax-induced AIDS).
"potentially be the case..." You need to read more. Dissection by honest, bright observers like el gato and many others of the highly doctored official data has convincingly shown the vaxx to be immune system damaging. The public health authorities, since they are actually perpetrators of this biological warfare, will never do the study you hope for: i.e. comparison studies of vaxxed vs. unvaxxed re: Covid infection rates, cancer rates, all cause mortality rates, auto-immune disease rates. Eventually, the truth seekers will do those studies. Steve Kirsch and others are inching toward that point.
So your response doesn't seem to really interact with what I wrote...
I was replying to a post saying that the vax doesn't seem to cause damage because of the graphs showing "vax+infection" still produced a reduction in future case rate. In response, I wrote that perhaps the vax DOES cause damage but also gives a temporary benefit against COVID that offsets the damage when you look ONLY at COVID infection rates. (This would explain both the graphs in the article and the other evidence that suggests damage.)
I would say that you're quite right that it would take someone like Steve Kirsch or other independent investigators to actually get a study done to confirm or refute this theory.
TB, here's an autopsy study (finally!) that just came out April 1.
"Real-time RT-PCR identified a significantly increased rate of generalized viral dissemination within organ systems in vaccinated cases versus nonvaccinated cases..."
So organs got hit far worse in the vaxxed than in the unvaxxed. Dolores Cahill said the cause of death in the vaxxed, after the early deaths from allergic reactions and inflammation, would be due to organ failure.
"Vaccinated cases also showed high viral loads... especially in the upper airways and lungs. This was accompanied by high rates of pulmonal bacterial or mycotic superinfections..."
This was in mostly elderly people who died in 2021. But this is occurring in everyone who is vaxxed. It will occur in younger, healthier people at a lower rate, leaving them alive for now.
I did realize something important though. We've seen at least two studies showing that it's roughly 60% of vaccinated people who are getting all the damage. The other 40% continue to have decent immune responses and show no signs of excess clotting.
I remembered that case study of the two nurses with long covid. Spring came, their allergies kicked up, and they started taking antihistamines for their allergies. The antihistamines cured the long covid.
We saw something similar with nursing home patients taking famotidine and cetirizine. Though there were outbreaks in their nursing homes, these patients never caught Covid.
My hypothesis is that there are a number of these drugs, both over-the-counter and prescription, that are protective against spike proteins or destroy them completely. You all know that huge numbers of people in the West, especially middle-aged and older Americans, are on multiple drugs. They may all have gotten "accidental" protection against vax damage.
Fluoxetine (Prozac) has also been shown to help against Covid. And birth control pills might help because they contain progestin, a synthetic form of progesterone. Hans Selye showed that progesterone eliminated lipid nanoparticles from the bodies of mice before they could release toxic contents. Mice who didn't receive progesterone died of the toxin. Most of the mice who received progesterone pretreatment lived (never even got sick).
Also, many women take progesterone as they get closer to menopause and after to counter estrogen dominance. I would expect that to be protective.
There are probably more of these drugs and supplements and natural substances protecting people than we suspect.
Interesting info, thanks.
I knew about the repurposed treatment drugs being talked about (eg fluoxetine/fluvoxamine), and it wouldn't be too surprising if some of them work against the spike protein specifically (and thus would help with any harm from the injections).
Maybe you need 2 jabs for the OAS to be properly established. And for it to screw up your immune system seriously. I agree, further studies would be really helpful & interesting.
I'd also like an update to encompass the third and fourth jabs, as well as the emergence of omicron. Maybe we will get that in about 6 months?
Yes, I remember Geert Vanden Bossche saying that people who only got one dose of mRNA weren’t necessarily primed completely, but that two doses or more would prime them and set them up for OAS with future variants.
The most disturbing thing is the inability to generate N antibodies. And then if you decide to take paxlovid? It is shocking that we continue with this nonsense.
Have you seen the latest data dump from Pfizer? The part about the how when they tested their experimental vaccine on pregnant women 82% of the pregnant miscarried so they stopped counting? Here:
But they are not trying to control the population. Really. Stop saying that.
None of my vaxxed friends are talking about the vaxx anymore. No mention of boosters. Most of them are back to normal life Even eating inside restaurants. Mostly they are on to Ukraine.
Do any of you have vaxxed friends and is any of this penetrating their skulls so that they actually mention anything? Even in passing? To me its like they have sworm OMERTA on the entire subject
None of the vaxxed folks bring up the vaccine. I always bring up the government and the pharma companies making money on a vaccine that has done more harm than good and have hidden the truth and wrecked whatever goodwill and trust the public had. The last time I had a booster talk was to ask a man I know how many times he intended to get boosted especially in light of having had COVID. He didn't say, but he was thinking about it. Other than that ZIPPO! Nobody talks Ukraine either except to say how crazy Putin is. I tell them we wouldn't take it kindly if Canada allowed Chinese troops and missiles to be set at our border. Not that I love Putin. I saw he made comments the other day that were something like "if we only had guarantees from a world governance body that Ukraine wouldn't join NATO". I thought - yep. that's what we need. Oy. Smells to high heaven this little skirmish. But that is another topic.
Putin is very very smart. He did several things with that sentence. One, he told Nato (read Biden/US) broke its promise to never put NATO on its bordering countries. Two, He was warning George Soros (who runs Ukraine), as well as the WEF and its agenda for a global world government, that if they DON:T BACK OFF, and don't allow him to have Donbas (because they agreed 15 years ago to pursue this through negotiations, which UKRAINE and the West has NEVER honored,) that he will WRECK Their plans for ONE World GOVERNMENT/aka the Great Reset. .
On the other subject, the vaccine, I am glad to know its just not me noticing. I like what you say...and I think your strategy of talking about Big Pharma, the money they have made for a useless jab, and the incredible loss of trust they have engendered is a good way of conversing about it.
And you know, since the Money Big Pharma has made comes from OUR POCKETS (because the government has no money, they just pass whatever they spend on to us via taxes or inflation). it cannot be stressed enough to people. Big Pharma took NO RISK, Accepted NO LIABILITY, and we cannot tell even what WE are paying for these useless jabs, as the government did not tell us what the per shot dollar amount was/is.
Could you please think of a conversational gambit I could use along these lines if I get an opportunity....something like :you know, do you know of any other companies in the world that ...blah blah blah? And "Maybe its time we re-assess how vaccines are made/sold/given away/etc.
I'd appreciate the help...I'm not good at thiinking on my feet.
I'm really not sure. When the most rich and most powerful contrive to make something happen and they bear no responsibility should things go South and some of those rich and powerful are politicians? I'm not sure how to start that conversation that will yield good ideas. Not that many haven't had that very conversation.
I have pivoted the last 6 months or so from talking about the vaccine. People don't want to hear it. I do talk about how the pharmaceutical industry is playing in a rigged game at our expense on all levels. They get rich on our backs. D's used to hate big business. I try to jerk that chain that during the last decade they have stored away. I mention how the FDA makes money on the drugs. How does it protect us if they have a financial benefit not to? Some people listen. It's a no brainer.
I like that!!! Keeping please? You are really perceptive...and yes, re-activating the previous programming is genius!
I am Jack’s complete lack of surprise…
Thank you as always for your commitment to truth! I have a question about OAS -- if a vaccinated person’s body produces only the spike protein antibody in response to any similar-seeming virus (even if mutations to the spike protein render those antibodies ineffective), how does that person’s body eventually clear the virus? I am guessing the body has multiple layers of defense and OAS only blunts the effectiveness of the first-line antibodies (so the vaccinated continue to get sick but eventually clear it), but I am not a scientist so would appreciate any clarification - this puzzle is bugging me :-).
Coco. I share your interest in your question. For some time now, I have been thinking that we might be overplaying the risks of the vaccines, just as the covidians did with covid.
Let me explain:
Is covid real? Yes. Has it caused the death of many people? Yes (although early treatment would have prevented some, maybe most of these deaths). Is covid an existential crisis for humanity that threatens our very existence as an species? No. Not by a long margin.
Are vaccines safe and effective? No. Have they saved any life at all? Probably not (if we compare them with other alternatives, such as early treatment). Are all vaccinated people going to die in 2-5 years? I don't know. But I am almost sure not.
Regarding your question. How do vaccinated people clear new variants of covid? Evidently because their immune system is still capable of doing it, but it probably takes longer and, contrary to what they think, probably suffer worse symptoms than what they would if they had not been vaccinated.
So far all the research I have seen by el gato malo (and other sources) is consistent with the previous paragraphs. Vaccines were a terrible idea, but they are not the end of the world.
The problem is it's way too soon to come to that conclusion, Manuel. And it's dangerous to stick your head in the sand about this.
Every attempt at a coronavirus vaccine, and there have been a bunch, has killed all the animal test subjects. That's because the vax spike protein remains in the tissues and triggers autoimmune attack upon reexposure to the wild virus. With enough autoimmune attacks, you get organ failure and sepsis. That's with every. single. attempt.
Studies have already shown the ADE and autoimmune attacks are happening. We already have documented organ failure deaths from them, including in a 40-year-old doctor in Tennessee who died weeks after his second shot in February 2021. He had never tested positive for Covid but, of course, he was exposed constantly to the virus in the hospital he worked at. His exposures after his second shot finished him off quickly. Most people will take a few years.
MIT scientist Stephanie Seneff, one of the most highly-cited scientists in the world, said in an interview after her April 2021 review of studies on the vax that the first thing scientists wanted to know from her was what the vax developers had done to address the coronavirus vax ADE/autoimmune problem. They were shocked when she told them the developers hadn't done anything about it.
On Twitter, in a discussion about this fact, @Jikkyleaks (a scientist) called the vax developers "narcissistic, arrogant amateurs". She called them that because the vax developers had never before developed a vaccine. They were bioweapons developers for the DoD. They didn't have a clue what they were doing as they developed these gene manipulation shots.
We have documented that the vax causes amyloidosis. Go look up the prognosis for amyloidosis patients. Dr. Kevin McCairn, a neuroscientist who did one of the first studies on the spike proteins, found Lewy bodies in six weeks in the brains of 100% of the macaques innoculated with spike protein. Lewy bodies are associated with deposition of amyloid-β in the brain. He explained then and has explained since that the amyloid proteins wouldn't just be forming in the brain, but in every organ of the body.
But you don't have to die of amyloidosis or organ failure from autoimmune attack/ADE in order to die of these shots. These are diabolical bioweapons. When the mRNA from the shots is injected into your arm, it quickly enters the bloodstream and delivers the mRNA throughout your body. The mRNA is designed to seize control of the machinery of your cells and *not give it back* for a prolonged period. During that time, your cells can't carry out any of their normal responsibilities, such as killing off cancer cells or repairing DNA. Stephanie Seneff compares part of this process to a particularly vicious type of leukemia.
If you read Stephanie Seneff's paper on exactly how the shots disable your immune system, you will come away from it with the realization that the shots will cause lots and lots of cancers. Two of my sisters-in-law in their 50s developed breast cancer right after their shots, even though one had had a clean mammogram only weeks earlier. My niece, aged 27, had leukemia since age 18, but well managed with drugs. She was living a normal life with some extra prescriptions. But the leukemia flared up and killed her within a week after her first shot.
Again, read this paper by Stephanie Seneff and Peter McCullough on how the shots "reprogram" your immune system to understand why we are going to be seeing a lot of cancers in the next few years among the vaxxed:
I've mentioned that the vax spike proteins cause neurodegenerative diseases via amyloid proteins, and I've mentioned the reprogramming of the immune system and how that will result in cancers. But there is an even worse mechanism in play with these shots.
When the spike protein was injected, all by itself, into hamsters, it had significant effects on the metabolism of the cells. In particular, it inhibited the synthesis of mitochondria, and caused the existing mitochondria to fragment.
Mitochondria are the things in the cell that produce large quantities of ATP (the energy your cells run on) by oxidizing nutrients, while consuming oxygen and producing water and carbon dioxide. If you don't have mitochondria producing that carbon dioxide as a byproduct of producing ATP, you can't breathe. That's what causes the famous shortness of breath after vaxxing. The spike protein reduced the production of ATP by mitochondria and
increased glycolysis — the alternative, much less efficient, way to produce ATP without using oxygen.
This metabolic change towards getting energy through glycolysis is a characteristic feature of cancer cells and of neurons in neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s. It's also the characteristic metabolism of diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and virtually every chronic disease you can think of.
For example, here's how it causes arthritis. You get some kind of low-grade infection. Since you rely on inefficient glycolysis for energy, your immune system lacks the energy to complete clear the infection. So you just go through life with chronic low-grade inflammation eating away at your joint cartilage.
If you develop cancer in normal ways, you can reverse it simply by flipping your metabolism back to normal oxidative mitochondrial production of energy. I could give you a recipe to do it. But the things that usually work don't work in people who've gotten the shots. I believe it's because your cells keep producing the spike protein, and the spike proteins keep destroying your mitochondria.
Let me tell you more about friends who've gotten the shots. One developed jaundice soon after and large tumors in her salivary glands. Another developed burning mouth syndrome and terrible digestive problems due to a chlamydia infection she has been unable to clear in the year and a half since her shots.
Other friends have developed autoimmune disorders like Sjogren's and MS. One had a shingles outbreak on her face and into her ear. Another developed shortness of breath shortly after her first booster and her doctor treated her for bronchitis. But nothing has helped.
None of these friends associate their new illnesses with the shots. And none of them have been able to find a treatment that helped with their new disorder. Stuff that normally works doesn't work when the underlying cause is the vax.
In addition, we now have data from multiple countries, states, counties and industries showing roughly 21% all-cause excess mortality everywhere vax rates have been high. Ed Dowd, a hedge fund manager who got data from the insurance and funeral industries, points out that in the last quarter of 2021, 65,000 people aged 40-45 died, and the rise in their death rate began in August 2021, with the vax mandates. That's like a Vietnam war for millennials in five months. The excess deaths have continued into 2022.
Massachusetts death certificate data shows a disproportionate number of these excess deaths, especially in the young, are coming from clots, heart attacks and myocarditis. Scientist Dolores Cahill has explained how the heart attacks are essentially organ failure in response to autoimmune attacks caused by the shots.
Unlike the people who created the shots, Dolores Cahill is an immunologist who has developed vaccines herself. And she is another highly-cited scientist who has worked at the Max Planck Institute and London College Dublin.
I feel people have a right to know about the dangers facing them if they got the shot. They especially have a right to know because there may be things they can do to mitigate the dangers. For example, they've just started using H.E.L.P. apharesis to filter the fibrin clots out of vaxxed people's blood before the damage is irreversible.
Dr. Robert Malone is treating himself daily with antihistamines in an attempt to keep his spike protein burden low. Multiple studies now have shown they remove spike proteins from the body. Are your vaxxed loved ones doing that? I didn't think so.
For the treatment to work, you have to use both an H1 and H2 antihistamine. Dr. Malone is using famotidine (Pepcid AC) in the mornings and an H2 antihistamine at night (the kind that makes you sleepy, like cyproheptidine).
Dr. Groz, a naturopath, is using olive leaf extract to remove spike protein from the body. Others are using ivermectin (which is safer for your mitochondria if you take it with either tetracycline or Vit. K2).
Once you select a protocol for safe regular removal of spike protein, you have to rebuild your mitochondria. There are many ways to do that too, but one simple way is to take niacinamide daily with a glass of orange juice.
Another way is to take aspirin daily.
But nobody knows this stuff so everybody is just sticking their heads in the sand and pretending that disaster isn't upon us. Meanwhile, 65k people in their early 40s died in just a few months.
Arnold. That is an impressive comment. It should be upgraded as a post so that we can analyze it properly and discuss about it. Gato, will you do it?
I do not completely agree with you, but I do agree that we need to discuss about the long term effect of the vaccines.
If you re-read my comment, you will notice my answer to the question, are vaccinated people doomed? I don't now. I am almost sure not.
But I am not completely sure either, and I want to know more.
Also, Arnold, telling people that we are stupid and bad for not reading a paper is not helping you cause. Don't do that to yourself.
Let me put it this way, Manuel. If the spike proteins in the shots are actually the same spike protein as in the studies, I believe all my vaxxed loved ones (which are ALL of my loved ones except my wife and 1 brother) are goners. My best hope for them would be to give them some extra years with blood filtering, antihistamines, help for their mitochondria, etc.
But the whole thing is so appalling that I had thought for over a year that maybe the whole thing was a psyop. Maybe the shots were all placebos. Or maybe they were injecting polyethylene glycol (to make people think they got a real shot) and/or empty lipid nanoparticles (maybe to see where they collect in the body).
For over a year, I figured the odds that the shots were placebo were about 90%. What made me recalculate the odds was the excess mortality that emerged from life insurance company data. There's a report out by the Society of Actuaries. They looked at the life insurance data and confirmed that there's roughly 20-21% excess mortality in working-age people since August 2021, when the vax mandates were announced.
If the excess mortality had died out at the end of 2021, I could have discounted it as the effects of polyethylene glycol or empty lipid nanoparticles. But it continued into 2022.
Ed Dowd, the hedge fund manager I mentioned, first got this data from a former colleague at BlackRock who is an insurance company analyst. Big Wall St. shareholders in life insurance companies were getting worried about excess claims. The excess claims threaten the survival of the insurance companies. They are not set up to insure people under conditions of biowarfare.
That threw me. It's not impossible that people running a psyop could enlist the help of insurance company CEOs. Maybe all the actuaries would go along with the hoax. But it doesn't seem likely, especially because this information was kept hidden. In a psyop, you'd want this info to get out.
I also looked at ongoing vax studies. Again, I had figured that scientists were probably getting the vaxxes for their studies, or the spike proteins, from the government. If that were the case, the government could provide special shots or spikes and the study results might have nothing to do with what would happen to normal people who got the shot at their local Walgreens.
But that's not what I'm seeing. A study at Penn, for example, collected a bunch of blood and lymph node samples from participants before and after the shots. But people had to go out and get the shots on their own, from their doctors or local drug stores. They weren't given their shots by the scientists running the study.
So I still think there's a possibility most people were given a placebo. But now I put the odds at roughly 10% instead of 90%.
I think it's more likely that our public health authorities are incompetent or even malevolent. Incompetent seems more likely, because they took the shots themselves.
Thanks a lot for this great post! I'm filing it for future reference and sending it to friends. You've done a great job tying up all these loose ends and presenting it in an understandable way!
Arnold, that was a very illuminating post, thank you.
Just one question: you write that Robert Malone is using famotidine in the mornings and an H2 antihistamine at night. The thing is, famotidine IS an H2 antihistamine (see: So then, which H1 antihistamine is Dr. Malone taking to complement his H2 antihistamine?
I didn't find Dr. Malone's antihistamine regimen on his Substack, and a general (though admittedly brief) Web search wasn't any more successful. Would you be so kind as to link us to his recommendations regarding the taking of both H1 and H2 antihistamines for SARS-CoV-2 ? Thank you.
Here's another piece on famotidine, again for actual Covid. But look at what it does.
"All 10 patients said that symptoms quickly improved within 24-48 hours of starting famotidine and had mostly cleared up after 14 days.
"Improvement was evident across all symptom categories assessed, but respiratory symptoms, such as cough and shortness of breath [also headache and loss of taste/smell], improved more rapidly than systemic symptoms, such as fatigue."
That's key, because regaining your sense of smell means you've gotten the spike proteins out of your olfactory bulb. If you gotten the spike proteins out of that, you're getting the spike proteins out of all your tissue.
I know I saw a study that showed antihistamines remove spike protein from tissue. Still looking for it.
Fatigue is slower to recover from, because that's due to your spike-damaged mitochondria. But once you get rid of the spike, there's lots you can do to rebuild your mitochondria.
Here's another Robert Malone piece on famotidine:
Username, I believe Dr. Malone talked about his famotidine protocol on his Joe Rogan appearance in early February. There are lots of people on Twitter talking about lots of appearances in which he talked about it.
He also announced on the show that he was doing a clinical trial of famotidine and celecoxib (an NSAID) for treating SARS-CoV-2. He said the study was being paid for by DTRA (the Defense Threat Reduction Agency). It's being run by the company Lidos. He said he had data that ivermectin improved the results of the combination, but the FDA created such roadblocks to adding an ivermectin arm to the trial that the DoD decided not to fight them. (That shocked me.)
You can see all the disinfo agents rising up in unison in the media and on Twitter to trash Malone for the interview, in which he said the shots were dangerous.
Malone also talked about using famotidine at a Defeat the Mandates DC rally that seems to have been in January.
Malone apparently found famotidine as a likely cure by searching in a DARPA computer program.
Here's what Malone has published on famotidine. He talks about a case study and the dosage used. Unlike the other study, in which researchers said both an H1 and H2 antihistamine had to be used, Malone appears to have used only famotidine.
Username, I didn't double check to see whether famotidine is an H1 or H2. Sorry. I just know he said in a recent interview that he's continuing to take famotidine and I assumed it was an H1.
There was a Spanish study about a year ago that showed you needed both an H1 and H2 antihistamine to remove spike proteins from the body. They used cetirizine and something else. I remember the cetirizine because I recommended Zyrtec to a friend, but I can't find the link. I had to use google translate to read it.
Here's another study, though, that shows anti-histamines work to reduce long Covid symptoms:
Here's a paper on repurposing antihistamines for Covid and how/why they'd work:
There was active discussion about what antihistamines people were using in the comments of @YoDoctorYo's account on Twitter. Doctor Yo and his partner, Dr. Bruce Patterson
@brucep13, have been successfully treating long covid for a year now and Dr. Yo's account was quite popular. Unfortunately, I just learned when I went there to get you some links that Twitter has just suspended Dr. Yo (because they suspend everyone who tells the truth), but you might want to follow Dr. Patterson and keep an eye on his comments.
Also, Walter Chestnut did a lot of work showing that the spike protein dysregulates copper/iron levels and that this dysregulation leads to many Covid symptoms. I don't remember the details except that they convinced me anti-histamines were worth a further look. Anti-histamines were able to correct those levels to normal.
Walter has a blog here on substack you might want to follow, and he may be able to repost that work. Here's where to find Walter:
If I can find the Dr. Malone video where he says he's still taking famotidine, I'll definitely post the link. I'll look for it today.
Here's a case study on antihistamines for long covid:!
The Spanish study was a full randomized-control trial study though. Wish I could find it for you.
Arnold, thanks very much for the additional information. Based on what you wrote, I found the following study:!. Could this be the Spanish study that you had in mind?
I also found this one which may not be exactly the one you were thinking of, but that seems to have a similar thrust:
Thank you for pointing the way to these articles.
Oh, that second study is juicy too. Great find, Username. Thank you.
Username, I'm so grateful. You found the Spanish study! That top link is it.
I'll take a look at the other one too.
I was desperate to find that study, both for you and for my files. Thanks much.
Thank you for all the details. What is this recipe for metabolic flipping that you mention?