Sometimes I struggle with whether it is better to try to create wealth that can be measured in money, or to shun the monetary system because it is a fraud. But when I study the Austrians, I am reminded that wealth acquired through serving customers (genuinely, and not by bankster-privilege) is a measure of advancing civilization. It increases the availability of leisure, which then may be applied to endeavors further out on the limbs of the division of labor, which can then be applied to further wealth-creation, or the rewards (earned by production) of consumption. And so, I exhort myself in the mirror to build it even as they tear it down, to push the stone up the hill while the capricious gods punish us for the sins of humanity in its foolishness and venality, to not be deterred by material suffering, or even psychic distress, in my efforts to make life just a little better for the people I serve.
Screw you, Zizek. We all walk alone, and you get the companion you deserve.
Our house operates under the "make just enough money to not have to worry day to day about money" and "Do not give one rip about what other humans think about how you live your life, what you wear, drive...". My husband has utterly mastered both. I am 90% there. People will never understand quitting work early even though we could have continued on making money for 25 more years. We decided we had enough, bought a boat and sailed off. The philosopher is a dope. Pity his acolytes.
I am trying to reframe the season of paying off the mafia for the privilege of being permitted to run my business for another year. When I write that check, I tell myself, “This is the bully, the abuser, the prison guard, that you can’t escape, but whom you do not allow to destroy your spirit. They can attack you out of envy and stupidity, but they can’t understand you, and it is affront to them that you continue to build what they seek to control and destroy.”
If I were King of the Forest (not prince, not duke, not earl!)...I would eliminate tax withholding and move election day to the 1st day after the annual tax deadline...
In Canada, the mafia is the government with their social reengineering bullshit that cost so much money and is so utterly ineffective; unless, of course, the effect you want is to maintain the bureaucracy, which it’s doing brilliantly.
Oh brother isn't that the truth! Esp. the part of your existence (your biz) being an affront to them. It is like they take the cash from your hand and pull that hand in and punch you straight in the face while holding that hand.
I always remind myself it's just "give to Caesar what is Caesar's." Caesar can have my money because he needs it so desperately, but he can't have my joy. Ever.
His companion is "taking" that which he neither earned or deserves from others like us who do contribute.
I would venture, for these people, there's a strong quadrilateral valence of indolence, piosity, misery and inauthenticity that orbits a nucleus of acquiescence by the majority, in a culture where nihilism is a twisted virtue. Where rational positions and words are allowed to offend someone, but the imposition itself gives the very same people a false sense of meaning to their lives.
That is sort of out of body because it requires others to feed the crazies center of gravity; to feel important for living in mom's basement and having no real sense of accomplishment.
Their accomplishment is to avoid accomplishment by virtue of either acceptance or encouragement externally, with no effort. They can remain in a safe "virtual reality" of a mental state, where the void is filled by being a net "taker". They require this from without, because they lack a key to a healthy human mind and body:
They seek getting their essence tickled outside of their body, because in our culture, it's become acceptable to be a loser and joy kill.
Purpose indeed: telling a child, you can be anything you want to be is an act cruelty. Give them purpose. They are starving for purpose. If you don’t tell them what to do, they will drink poison. Abandonment.
One of my fantasies is to give a high school or college commencement address. I start with EXACTLY what you said. "Graduates, you've been lied to. You cannot be anything you want if you put your mind to it."
Logically, it doesn't make any sense, similar to "living your truth."
I can't fly without an apparatus. I can't breathe underwater for similar reasons. I was never going to be an NBA star. Some people are too tall to fit into fighter jets. Others are too big to be jockeys. We all have physical limitations. My parents never said that I could be anything I wanted to be, they were constantly warning me to have something to fall back on in my pursuits of writing and the arts.
I've usually heard "you can be anything you want to be ..." as a power display by the speaker, given the typical (as I've heard it) context. It's condescending.
I like Mainer99's post! Sharing the truth seems to be a little bit more, democratic.
I agree with your comment about the commencement speech “power display” Hana. That has always occurred to me as well. Naturally, the commencement speaker has had some sort of of outsized success in life and the you can do anything you want comment seems self congratulatory. They seem to be saying that they chose to be successful because it was in their capacity to excel. Yeah OK; So much for humility. Successful people all know they were lucky. All of them, even the asholes.
“ mild success can be explained by skills and labour. Wild success is attributable to variance.”
To put it a bit more succinctly, there are the doers and there are the talkers. The former create the wealth and value which sustain and elevate a society while the latter sit around (usually in a Starbucks) talking and scheming ways to capture some or all of that value for which they contributed nothing to the creation of.
After all, someone has to pay for those $6 lattes and $20 plates of free-range avocado toast.
I don't think the monetary *system* is a fraud. We use the IOUs of banks as money. As long as the banks are solvent (i.e. have enough assets to pay their liabilities), all's well.
People often get confused about economics because economists, like accountants, often convert everything to a monetary unit of account. It makes it look as though creating wealth is creating money (and worse still vice-versa). In reality, only production of something tangible is actually adding to the world's wealth. Creating new money creates exactly as much anti-wealth (liabilities for one person) as wealth (debt assets for another).
You're not really creating money from money. A bank's just giving someone a new IOU. It's backed by the bank's assets (which includes debts owed to the bank).
Here's how it usually works in practice. Imagine I borrow $100 from the bank. Nothing new has been produced, but I get to extract something from the market, so at first it looks like pure inflation. However, in order to repay my debt to the bank, I need to sell something to get $100. What I sell replaces the thing I bought. And now I don't get to spend that money again: it gets destroyed when I repay the loan. In summary, all that's happened is that I've replaced one thing in the market with another.
Even if I default, the bank still owes the holder of the new money, so the bank has to sell something in the market to keep that promise.
Once you start seeing the economy as barter of "raw" net worth (the things you own plus the things you're owed minus the things you owe), everything becomes incredibly simple. The only slight complication is that people/institutions sometimes become insolvent: they don't have enough assets to pay their liabilities, so the creditors just have to write off some of their debt assets without getting what they were promised in return.
What I refer to as the "monetary system" is the Fed-fiat infrastructure in the US, which I do perceive as fraudulent. Fractional reserve banking isn't outright fraudulent, I don't think, as long as it is fully disclosed, but the incentives created by the Fed make it so.
I certainly think there's a huge problem with the way the Fed's behaved. In 2008, they acted to transfer private losses to, essentially, taxpayers and/or recipients of public services.
I'd like to see central banks only create money in exchange for something tangible (essentially acting as a pawn shop), and certainly not for the liabilities of an institution which is insolvent to the tune of $30+ trillion. The Fed's effective insolvency is what I see as the biggest scam.
And make no mistake, the entire "climate change" religion is this philosophy's holy grail. Dire predictions, no matter how many failed to materialize, are made again and again. As the old predictions get memory holed, new ones that are equally unfalsifiable are put forth and we are all shamed if we do not follow the edicts that supposedly save us all from calamity.
Of course they never articulate the reversal of human progress against human poverty and misery that capitalism has advanced that is absolutely necessary if we are to follow their lunacy.
"Yes, us entitled, wealthy aristocrats, who are beneficiaries of wealth created by capitalism are here to save humanity and the first order of business is to increase human suffering and misery by denying humanity the use of the most efficient sources of energy because if we do not, we will all most certainly be punished by mother earth. And we cannot have that. Now excuse me as I take this private jet to promote my climate religion to the peons that must follow our edicts."
The audacity of these communist A holes is remarkable.
I notice it trickles down to the "zoomer" classes who congregate in cities the elitists control. They readily adopt the attitudes of the lords and ladies they venerate. Hence their contempt for farmers, truckers, small business owners...anyone who doesn't work behind screens for the state or a big "woke" corporation can take a flying leap. "I've got mine. Ha ha. Sucks to be you." They view everyone else as eggs to be broken for the Greater Good.
My cousin admitted in 2020 that he didn't care if lockdown killed people. "It's capitalism's fault that people have to work for a living. Too bad lots of Americans must die of starvation. Once communism is established everything will be fine."
I'd just shared with Cousin Commie-Crap that the lockdown's financial hit would hurt the disabled like me it was supposed to be helping. He was too brainless as well as heartless to realize he'd just admitted he was fine with everyone like me dying.
It is a religion, and it's also similar to those that believe in the "end of days." That it's all coming soon, and they make actual predictions and then push the goalposts.
I can tell from his tweets that he is fat, ugly, and pissed off because he's crap in bed. No wonder he's miserable. He probably holds a grudge against a disappointed lover who liked cats.
Exactly, I didn't believe him because he looks a lot like me. Although I am fatter than he is, uglier, and I am pissed off at the government. I unlike him however, just finished a portrait featuring two cats.
I learned my lesson on leaves as a kid. Playing back in the woods, hearing the call of nature and deciding to forgo a trip home. Leaves are very abrasive.
Look what’s happening w/ all the tranny drag shows: if a man took his kids to a strip club he’d be arrested & his kids hauled off by CYFD. But some Karen takes her kids to a drag show, hooting & hollering & it’s FINE.
Well, if the last 3 years of insanity & so very many going all in on all of it - jabs, masks, lockdowns, distancing, firing people, demonizing anyone who questioned all of it - is any indication, they’ll be all for it
The only thing worth "struggle" is getting the damn dull can opener to work so you can dish out my cat food. BTW, it's a fact that communists/progressives and other knee-jerk leftists are all, repeat, ALL mentally ill and incurably unhappy, especially with themselves, and that their lives are totally based on unwarranted assumptions. They do NOT make good cat sitters.
I am certain Slavoj Žižek has never replaced a timing belt in a car. The probability that a "fan" of Žižek having never changed a timing belt is very high.
You are of course correct. 🙂. That was just a placeholder. I was positing that fascination with Žižek and his kind of "boredom" is connected with an unwillingness to interact with the physical world. What we used to call laziness.
He's a hegelian philosopher, the child of an economist and an accountant. He is also heavily influenced by Jacques Lacan and was very critical ofthe communist regime in Jugoslvaia and of communism in general, so any arguement that he doesn't know what communism is just reveals the ignorance on the part of the critic (or that the critic is too lazy to look up who Zizek is).
Look up his debate with Jordan Peterson in 2019 to see the man in action, he is a far cry from how Gato presents him above.
Personally, I'm not a fan of his because I detest the teachings of Lacan and the other post-structuralists, but I'm also not a fan of using quote-mining to smear someone, as Gato does here.
I don't begrudge a defense. He is a BS artist peddling a kind of pop philosophy designed to titillate and seduce. I mean that literally. I am familiar with his work. He has said a lot of things about communism. He is no Solzhenitsyn. The English language Wikipedia entry for Žižek is most unkind (and deserved if you ask me).
My critique, which was a valid form of ad hominem, is that the dude has never done manual labor. It's obvious.
But, Rikard, you are a thoughtful and intelligent commenter. Your remarks go to Gato's treatment, and I don't begrudge the comment or its placement.
They hate you, but want to rule you like Big Brother deep down inside
Might be inevitable and not only because Big Brother conspires to dumb us down and suck us joyless, but also because of our countries own mental laziness and mass-cultural distractions that make deep and cogent thought…
Disagree respectfully. I've never seen a maladaptive behavior that didn't have an "antisocial" component that manifested itself in projection as a signal they despise you, as a result of a festering self loathing.
Just my observation in real life vs. what textbooks would have people believe.
Apropos of nothing: to prove that cats are hard-wired to work hard (when not sleeping), get a pile of crinkle-cut paper and a long stick, and imitate a rat crawling under the pachysandra. Best cat toy ever!
well, his biggest objection is that wealth is self perpetuating and the "compound interest" makes it impossible for any to catch up and so the differentials are hereditary and durable.
then you look at all the richest people in the US and realize they are self-made and that a world of equity markets has blown this feudal mindset with it's bad, assumptive exponential math to bits.
A Ginni Coefficient of Zero is meaningless if everyone is equally poor.
As stated on this forum previously:
"I think the honorable gentlemen knows that I have the same contempt for his Socialist policies as the people of East Europe who have experienced it [...]. I think I must have hit the right nail on the head when I pointed out that the logic of those policies are they’d rather have the poor poorer. Once they start to talk about the gap, they’d rather the gap be [indicates an everything lower gap]. Not up here [indicates an everybody higher gap]. But that [indicates an everything lower gap] So long as the gap is smaller, they’d rather have the poor poorer. "
It's a great rebuttal. Brutal takedown, in fact. Should be required viewing for every voter.
I don't feel like looking up the reference, but once some social science researcher (yeah, I know) did a study to get at that exact question: would you rather see everybody richer but with a large wealth disparity, or everybody poorer with a small wealth disparity. And indeed self-identified "progressives" preferred the latter. Jealousy is a core guiding principle of progressivism.
Sometimes I struggle with whether it is better to try to create wealth that can be measured in money, or to shun the monetary system because it is a fraud. But when I study the Austrians, I am reminded that wealth acquired through serving customers (genuinely, and not by bankster-privilege) is a measure of advancing civilization. It increases the availability of leisure, which then may be applied to endeavors further out on the limbs of the division of labor, which can then be applied to further wealth-creation, or the rewards (earned by production) of consumption. And so, I exhort myself in the mirror to build it even as they tear it down, to push the stone up the hill while the capricious gods punish us for the sins of humanity in its foolishness and venality, to not be deterred by material suffering, or even psychic distress, in my efforts to make life just a little better for the people I serve.
Screw you, Zizek. We all walk alone, and you get the companion you deserve.
well said.
pareto optimality in free markets of free people for the win!
(even if it winds up producing so much plenty that we can afford to keep some fat philosophical nihilists around to criticize it)
Why is it not _Purreto_ Optimal?
Nice pun.
I think you meant to say, "Very punny."
Driveling wastrels like Slobface Reject as a kind of luxury pestilence? Well, he beats bubonic plague and famine, I suppose, but that's a low bar.
The old hard times, good times problem.
Our house operates under the "make just enough money to not have to worry day to day about money" and "Do not give one rip about what other humans think about how you live your life, what you wear, drive...". My husband has utterly mastered both. I am 90% there. People will never understand quitting work early even though we could have continued on making money for 25 more years. We decided we had enough, bought a boat and sailed off. The philosopher is a dope. Pity his acolytes.
God bless the entrepreneurs and capitalists...
I am trying to reframe the season of paying off the mafia for the privilege of being permitted to run my business for another year. When I write that check, I tell myself, “This is the bully, the abuser, the prison guard, that you can’t escape, but whom you do not allow to destroy your spirit. They can attack you out of envy and stupidity, but they can’t understand you, and it is affront to them that you continue to build what they seek to control and destroy.”
If I were King of the Forest (not prince, not duke, not earl!)...I would eliminate tax withholding and move election day to the 1st day after the annual tax deadline...
And publish a full accounting of how last year's taxes were spent, a month before.
Even though he regretted it, the withholding tax is a MAJOR stain on Friedman's legacy.
Or learn the law and what is actually taxed. Grow some courage and act only as required by the law once you have confirmed it.
In Canada, the mafia is the government with their social reengineering bullshit that cost so much money and is so utterly ineffective; unless, of course, the effect you want is to maintain the bureaucracy, which it’s doing brilliantly.
Part of that affront is resenting that they need you, at least for now. Soon they may be able to freeze your accounts out of hand.
Wow Sarah! You are on a roll.
Spot on in a profound way in two excellent post.
Thank you!
Oh brother isn't that the truth! Esp. the part of your existence (your biz) being an affront to them. It is like they take the cash from your hand and pull that hand in and punch you straight in the face while holding that hand.
I always remind myself it's just "give to Caesar what is Caesar's." Caesar can have my money because he needs it so desperately, but he can't have my joy. Ever.
Caesar needs to watch it though as he might get stabbing pains in his heart. This might be myocarditis from the vaccines or it might be Brutus.
"Do you hear me now, Hank Rearden, the greatest of the victims I have avenged?"
Because if it were Purreto the percentage would be 85.
More like Ochenta y Cinco, I'd think.
His companion is "taking" that which he neither earned or deserves from others like us who do contribute.
I would venture, for these people, there's a strong quadrilateral valence of indolence, piosity, misery and inauthenticity that orbits a nucleus of acquiescence by the majority, in a culture where nihilism is a twisted virtue. Where rational positions and words are allowed to offend someone, but the imposition itself gives the very same people a false sense of meaning to their lives.
That is sort of out of body because it requires others to feed the crazies center of gravity; to feel important for living in mom's basement and having no real sense of accomplishment.
Their accomplishment is to avoid accomplishment by virtue of either acceptance or encouragement externally, with no effort. They can remain in a safe "virtual reality" of a mental state, where the void is filled by being a net "taker". They require this from without, because they lack a key to a healthy human mind and body:
They seek getting their essence tickled outside of their body, because in our culture, it's become acceptable to be a loser and joy kill.
Purpose indeed: telling a child, you can be anything you want to be is an act cruelty. Give them purpose. They are starving for purpose. If you don’t tell them what to do, they will drink poison. Abandonment.
One of my fantasies is to give a high school or college commencement address. I start with EXACTLY what you said. "Graduates, you've been lied to. You cannot be anything you want if you put your mind to it."
Logically, it doesn't make any sense, similar to "living your truth."
I can't fly without an apparatus. I can't breathe underwater for similar reasons. I was never going to be an NBA star. Some people are too tall to fit into fighter jets. Others are too big to be jockeys. We all have physical limitations. My parents never said that I could be anything I wanted to be, they were constantly warning me to have something to fall back on in my pursuits of writing and the arts.
I wish you would've spoken at my commencement. It would have saved me 43 years of thinking I could become Ultra Man, if I just tried hard enough.
Maybe you're really an avatar, on a bad trip, who was MK Ultra'd?...:)
I am just an unpaid extra in the movie of your life.
I almost chose "Optimus Prime" because I didn't know if anyone would get an Ultra Man reference.
Buy yourself a large decanter of 360 reminds me in size and shape as a #BetaCapsule.
"You can be nothing you want, and everything you don't, if you only put your mind to it."
I've usually heard "you can be anything you want to be ..." as a power display by the speaker, given the typical (as I've heard it) context. It's condescending.
I like Mainer99's post! Sharing the truth seems to be a little bit more, democratic.
I agree with your comment about the commencement speech “power display” Hana. That has always occurred to me as well. Naturally, the commencement speaker has had some sort of of outsized success in life and the you can do anything you want comment seems self congratulatory. They seem to be saying that they chose to be successful because it was in their capacity to excel. Yeah OK; So much for humility. Successful people all know they were lucky. All of them, even the asholes.
“ mild success can be explained by skills and labour. Wild success is attributable to variance.”
Nassim Talib, Fooled by Randomness.
very well said
Here here!
Well said.
To put it a bit more succinctly, there are the doers and there are the talkers. The former create the wealth and value which sustain and elevate a society while the latter sit around (usually in a Starbucks) talking and scheming ways to capture some or all of that value for which they contributed nothing to the creation of.
After all, someone has to pay for those $6 lattes and $20 plates of free-range avocado toast.
As usual Brad you nailed it
No, *you* nailed it. I just put a brad in it.
(I'll be leaving the room now)
This was freaking eloquent. Outstanding!
Nihilism is the core value--of demons.
I want to make material things. IRL. Valuable things that cannot be easily frozen or deleted with a few strokes of a key.
god invented leisure so we'd have time to spend with cats.
On the seventh day God rested with a cat on his lap and it was good.
Not All Treasure is Silver and Gold, mate.
I don't think the monetary *system* is a fraud. We use the IOUs of banks as money. As long as the banks are solvent (i.e. have enough assets to pay their liabilities), all's well.
People often get confused about economics because economists, like accountants, often convert everything to a monetary unit of account. It makes it look as though creating wealth is creating money (and worse still vice-versa). In reality, only production of something tangible is actually adding to the world's wealth. Creating new money creates exactly as much anti-wealth (liabilities for one person) as wealth (debt assets for another).
That's the problem: creating money from money by owning does not create more or better product or service, so what gives the new money its value?
You're not really creating money from money. A bank's just giving someone a new IOU. It's backed by the bank's assets (which includes debts owed to the bank).
Here's how it usually works in practice. Imagine I borrow $100 from the bank. Nothing new has been produced, but I get to extract something from the market, so at first it looks like pure inflation. However, in order to repay my debt to the bank, I need to sell something to get $100. What I sell replaces the thing I bought. And now I don't get to spend that money again: it gets destroyed when I repay the loan. In summary, all that's happened is that I've replaced one thing in the market with another.
Even if I default, the bank still owes the holder of the new money, so the bank has to sell something in the market to keep that promise.
Once you start seeing the economy as barter of "raw" net worth (the things you own plus the things you're owed minus the things you owe), everything becomes incredibly simple. The only slight complication is that people/institutions sometimes become insolvent: they don't have enough assets to pay their liabilities, so the creditors just have to write off some of their debt assets without getting what they were promised in return.
What I refer to as the "monetary system" is the Fed-fiat infrastructure in the US, which I do perceive as fraudulent. Fractional reserve banking isn't outright fraudulent, I don't think, as long as it is fully disclosed, but the incentives created by the Fed make it so.
I certainly think there's a huge problem with the way the Fed's behaved. In 2008, they acted to transfer private losses to, essentially, taxpayers and/or recipients of public services.
I'd like to see central banks only create money in exchange for something tangible (essentially acting as a pawn shop), and certainly not for the liabilities of an institution which is insolvent to the tune of $30+ trillion. The Fed's effective insolvency is what I see as the biggest scam.
Send him to Canada to try out their new solution for depression
In ESG parlance, the phrase you're seeking is Carbon Neutral.
Those big "footprints" would indeed like to neutralize us , with their boots stamping on our face.
I don't think many people would shed a tear if Trudeau attempted to prove reincarnation existed.
I mean he did have his chance during his 9 day celebration of Navratri he made such a big deal of.
On the other hand, why add to the sarcoptic mange mite population?
And make no mistake, the entire "climate change" religion is this philosophy's holy grail. Dire predictions, no matter how many failed to materialize, are made again and again. As the old predictions get memory holed, new ones that are equally unfalsifiable are put forth and we are all shamed if we do not follow the edicts that supposedly save us all from calamity.
Of course they never articulate the reversal of human progress against human poverty and misery that capitalism has advanced that is absolutely necessary if we are to follow their lunacy.
"Yes, us entitled, wealthy aristocrats, who are beneficiaries of wealth created by capitalism are here to save humanity and the first order of business is to increase human suffering and misery by denying humanity the use of the most efficient sources of energy because if we do not, we will all most certainly be punished by mother earth. And we cannot have that. Now excuse me as I take this private jet to promote my climate religion to the peons that must follow our edicts."
The audacity of these communist A holes is remarkable.
I notice it trickles down to the "zoomer" classes who congregate in cities the elitists control. They readily adopt the attitudes of the lords and ladies they venerate. Hence their contempt for farmers, truckers, small business owners...anyone who doesn't work behind screens for the state or a big "woke" corporation can take a flying leap. "I've got mine. Ha ha. Sucks to be you." They view everyone else as eggs to be broken for the Greater Good.
My cousin admitted in 2020 that he didn't care if lockdown killed people. "It's capitalism's fault that people have to work for a living. Too bad lots of Americans must die of starvation. Once communism is established everything will be fine."
I'd just shared with Cousin Commie-Crap that the lockdown's financial hit would hurt the disabled like me it was supposed to be helping. He was too brainless as well as heartless to realize he'd just admitted he was fine with everyone like me dying.
I'm still angry at him.
It is a religion, and it's also similar to those that believe in the "end of days." That it's all coming soon, and they make actual predictions and then push the goalposts.
Kitty, I think you meant “war of the joyless upon the joyful “.
indeed i did.
thank you.
Thanks for the change. I printed your poem out to put on my bulletin board. I want to make sure I stay on the “for” side and away from the “against”.
Never trust a fat communist, never trust a skinny cook.
It's good advice!
I can tell from his tweets that he is fat, ugly, and pissed off because he's crap in bed. No wonder he's miserable. He probably holds a grudge against a disappointed lover who liked cats.
Exactly, I didn't believe him because he looks a lot like me. Although I am fatter than he is, uglier, and I am pissed off at the government. I unlike him however, just finished a portrait featuring two cats.
And you aren't wishing misery on the rest of the world.
He's on his fourth wife according to Wikipedia. When I say 'on' I mean he has had 3 previous wives. :)
classic. thx for laugh
He probably craps his bed though...:)
I have done that before...but usually make it to the bedside toilet.
Better to be in bed, when that happens, than in your car
That's why you have an extra pair of briefs in the glove compartment.
Lol. Beats leaves
I learned my lesson on leaves as a kid. Playing back in the woods, hearing the call of nature and deciding to forgo a trip home. Leaves are very abrasive.
This is what happens when mental health issues are espoused by civilizations as dogma.
Look what’s happening w/ all the tranny drag shows: if a man took his kids to a strip club he’d be arrested & his kids hauled off by CYFD. But some Karen takes her kids to a drag show, hooting & hollering & it’s FINE.
Not only is it FINE, it's encouraged and if you disagree, they say YOU are the immoral one.
We’re in Sodom & Gomorrah territory right now
How do you suppose the Karen's will react once they realize they're the property of Klaus Schwab and will have to eat raw beetles for his amusement?
Well, if the last 3 years of insanity & so very many going all in on all of it - jabs, masks, lockdowns, distancing, firing people, demonizing anyone who questioned all of it - is any indication, they’ll be all for it
Nicole Kiddman does it. Bring on the beetles!
Yes, the whole thing is ridiculous. So I ridiculed it.
Mental health problems might be solved by catma.
Tom Lehrer once described an intellectual as "someone who enjoys giving helpful advice, to people who are happier than he is."
Funny, smart guys are rare. Especially great pianists.
Trudeau & his Commies are giving out “dirt nap” pills for depression
The only thing worth "struggle" is getting the damn dull can opener to work so you can dish out my cat food. BTW, it's a fact that communists/progressives and other knee-jerk leftists are all, repeat, ALL mentally ill and incurably unhappy, especially with themselves, and that their lives are totally based on unwarranted assumptions. They do NOT make good cat sitters.
I am certain Slavoj Žižek has never replaced a timing belt in a car. The probability that a "fan" of Žižek having never changed a timing belt is very high.
Ummm.... lots folks haven't , yet we still contribute to society 🙄
You are of course correct. 🙂. That was just a placeholder. I was positing that fascination with Žižek and his kind of "boredom" is connected with an unwillingness to interact with the physical world. What we used to call laziness.
He's a hegelian philosopher, the child of an economist and an accountant. He is also heavily influenced by Jacques Lacan and was very critical ofthe communist regime in Jugoslvaia and of communism in general, so any arguement that he doesn't know what communism is just reveals the ignorance on the part of the critic (or that the critic is too lazy to look up who Zizek is).
Look up his debate with Jordan Peterson in 2019 to see the man in action, he is a far cry from how Gato presents him above.
Personally, I'm not a fan of his because I detest the teachings of Lacan and the other post-structuralists, but I'm also not a fan of using quote-mining to smear someone, as Gato does here.
I don't begrudge a defense. He is a BS artist peddling a kind of pop philosophy designed to titillate and seduce. I mean that literally. I am familiar with his work. He has said a lot of things about communism. He is no Solzhenitsyn. The English language Wikipedia entry for Žižek is most unkind (and deserved if you ask me).
My critique, which was a valid form of ad hominem, is that the dude has never done manual labor. It's obvious.
But, Rikard, you are a thoughtful and intelligent commenter. Your remarks go to Gato's treatment, and I don't begrudge the comment or its placement.
Or even just changed the oil.
They hate you, but want to rule you like Big Brother deep down inside
Might be inevitable and not only because Big Brother conspires to dumb us down and suck us joyless, but also because of our countries own mental laziness and mass-cultural distractions that make deep and cogent thought…
…a Big Bother.
"…a Big Bother."
Don't you go assuming genders, you sexist!
I would not do well in that world lol
You don't not think that could extend to others?
It would seem difficult to find anything redeemable about your fellow man/woman if you hate yourself.
Disagree respectfully. I've never seen a maladaptive behavior that didn't have an "antisocial" component that manifested itself in projection as a signal they despise you, as a result of a festering self loathing.
Just my observation in real life vs. what textbooks would have people believe.
Most these people needed to be sent out to cut their own switches when they were kids
Enough. We disagree. That's still okay right?
Get your curmudgeon on with someone else
I would take 1 year of joy and passion over 100 years of that guy's life!
Apropos of nothing: to prove that cats are hard-wired to work hard (when not sleeping), get a pile of crinkle-cut paper and a long stick, and imitate a rat crawling under the pachysandra. Best cat toy ever!
And the old brown-paper grocery bag. Nothing like a finger run along the top edge to get the juices flowing...
"he even quotes pickety, that most relentless of innumerate crackpots."
Plus he's another miserable human being, just like this one.
well, his biggest objection is that wealth is self perpetuating and the "compound interest" makes it impossible for any to catch up and so the differentials are hereditary and durable.
then you look at all the richest people in the US and realize they are self-made and that a world of equity markets has blown this feudal mindset with it's bad, assumptive exponential math to bits.
You'll never be a good party member pointing out that reality doesn't conform to his theory.
A Ginni Coefficient of Zero is meaningless if everyone is equally poor.
As stated on this forum previously:
"I think the honorable gentlemen knows that I have the same contempt for his Socialist policies as the people of East Europe who have experienced it [...]. I think I must have hit the right nail on the head when I pointed out that the logic of those policies are they’d rather have the poor poorer. Once they start to talk about the gap, they’d rather the gap be [indicates an everything lower gap]. Not up here [indicates an everybody higher gap]. But that [indicates an everything lower gap] So long as the gap is smaller, they’d rather have the poor poorer. "
It's a great rebuttal. Brutal takedown, in fact. Should be required viewing for every voter.
I don't feel like looking up the reference, but once some social science researcher (yeah, I know) did a study to get at that exact question: would you rather see everybody richer but with a large wealth disparity, or everybody poorer with a small wealth disparity. And indeed self-identified "progressives" preferred the latter. Jealousy is a core guiding principle of progressivism.
And yet, there are people in Britain who today blame Thatcher for any problem. Of course, there are Americans still blaming Reagan for any problem.
Here in Murica, you have a First Amendment Right to verbally share with everyone how wrong you are.
On Airstrip One, it's getting so that you can't even share when you're right.
But... the local cemetery won't let me build a pyramid!...stupid cemetery....