Where they haven’t disabled comments, they are using AI to enforce what they want you to say. Try to post on economic theory, or any conservative position on anything really, on a platform like Microsoft news. You can’t do it. You will waste thirty minutes trying to figure out what it is the AI doesn’t like about your post before finally giving up.

“The further a society drifts from the truth the more it will hate those who speak it.” -attributed to Orwell

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On a Yahooo article criticizing Roger Waters for being a hateful fascist anti-semite, I commented that "Roger Waters is Pink Floyd." (They even disingenuinely posted a photo of him dressed in a Nazi-like full-length leather coat from a performance of "The Wall", as if he dressed like an SS man for giggles in his free tume). Within minutes it was stricken for "violating community guidelines" or some such.

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Seriously they took a picture of him performing and characterized him as a Nazi because of it?

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The poorly written article (Yahoo is all about the DIE) was mainly about how awful a human being Roger Waters is. They called him an anti-semite but only offered as proof his support for the Palestinians. And yes, they posted a picture of him wearing a coat from "The Wall" performance without explanation, making it seem that he wears Nazi clothing in his everyday life. It was a picture like this: http://www.eclipse-magazine.it/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/Roger-Waters-the-wall-live-2013.jpg

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Everything from yahoo is poorly written because their writers are recruited from the high school social studies remedial section

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A friend of mine who often had articles published by them on the world of Finance said they often would put a title on an article that had absolutely nothing to do with what he wrote, usually inserting Trump in it too

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Ah, click bait glorious click bait.

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Can you imagine such a big company using click bait ‘journalism’?

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I assumed it was AI generated

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I think the AI would probably do a better job

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"They called him an anti-semite"

He's pretty vocally pro-BDS and anti-Israel.

"how awful a human being Roger Waters is."

I think he actually might be pretty awful.

I'm a pretty big Floyd fan but sometimes you have to separate the art from the artist.

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I often have to do this.

The Billy Joel of my youth who said "don't take any shit from anyone" to end his concerts really had nothing to say about Lockdowns and Covid, did he?

I am glad I was never a big Kiss Fan. I would love to hear a new edited version of "I want to rock and roll all night, and party every day" that spoke of the inability to do so because I wasn't vaccinated.

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did one of Kiss wish ill of the unvaccinated? Just tell me who to be mad at. I don't want any of that to be forgotten.

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Anti-Israel <> anti-semite. Never has, never will. Millions of Jewish people have been leading and marching in protests of the genocide in Gaza and the atrocious record of racism and occupation by the murderous Zionists. I watch many Jewish journalists and historians decrying this. How can opposing a country founded by atheist terrorists be considered anti-semitic? What is happening in Israel now is putting Jews everywhere in danger.

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Detestable yeejits

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"(They even disingenuinely posted a photo of him dressed in a Nazi-like full-length leather coat from a performance of "The Wall", as if he dressed like an SS man for giggles in his free tume)"

Um... He actually did dress like that at a concert. In Germany. Where it's an actual crime to do Nazi Things.


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Full length leather coats are for Nazis only? The Bolsheviks donned them, too. I'd buy one right now, if I could find one! Minus the red lapels or Nazi insignia, of course.

Check closely...those are marching hammers, not a swastika on the sleeve.

They went after Waters because he spoke on the behalf of the Palestinians. That's it. Also, not sure that Gilmour's significant other is an unbiased source.

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Check out this beauty: https://www.vintageleatherjackets.org/threads/ex-soviet-leather-jackets.22783/

Of course, it's a cheap commie rip-off. In his book "A Writer at War" Vasily Grossman recounts that early in the war, the Red Army captured a German motorcyclist wearing a leather coat of unimaginable quality and craftsmanship. Word got out, and officers popped in to see for themselves. I'm sure it ended up being in closet of Colonel Ivanov before too long.

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So don't try. Talk to someone face to face in your community. Hit your local rag. Hell, start your own local rag. Freaking graffiti what you need to say! Just keep saying it. No matter what.

#pumpupthevolume 😉😊

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The local rags are owned by the same people who own the big rags. In the town nearest me, in a county that went 90%+ for Trump in 2020, they will not publish letters to the editor about several topics including abortion and gun control. They will only publish on these topics from their approved “freelance” writers. I canceled my subscription. The problem- most people are a captive audience and haven’t seen through the web of lies yet.

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So true. I live in an Indianapolis suburb with a consistent republican stronghold. In early 2023, my neighbors and I discovered there was a convicted child sex offender serving his probation right above an ice cream/candy store, which just so happens to be within 100 feet of our neighborhood’s most famous park/playground and directly above an ice cream shop/candy store. To make matters worse, he admitted to all 6 of his felony charges in a post-Miranda rights interview with the detectives (noted in the affidavit for probable cause), who already had incontrovertible digital evidence of his crimes. Nevertheless, he served no jail time, did no community service, and paid no restitution to the victims in his videos, most of whom were children younger than 12 and some as young as three and four years old. We naively assumed the local or national news might find it appalling that such unduly lenient sentencing occurred, that federal crimes like child exploitation are being prosecuted at the local level wherein unnecessary plea deals are finagled and supposed “mandatory sentencing restrictions” are, in fact NOT mandatory. But to our horror, no journalists would take the story (and believe me when I say we have been persistent in our efforts), presumably because of the sex offender’s white house familial ties to Biden's former chief of staff. A year later we are STILL censored or BANNED from Facebook and Next Door for simply stating publicly available information.

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The end result of such things - mob justice.

To quote the Declaration of Independence, “whereby the Legislative powers, incapable of Annihilation, have returned to the People at large for their exercise...”

It’s only a matter of time now...

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and rightly so

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Makes vigilanteeism understandable, doesn’t it?

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If the sex offender has been convicted then the records are in the public domain and he should be named.

Which former chief of staff is involved? I suspect you are not far enough south to indulge in "tarred by association" but exposing political corruption (ie telling the truth) is part of the theme of today's cattitude.

I always try to name the judges and lawyers involved in my comments, even going so far as to search the cases.

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I'll do you one better; here's a link to the affidavit for probable cause, the sentencing agreement, and his probation stipulations: https://drive.proton.me/urls/TA1F2ADDY8#Rw8almjxs58t

PLEASE NOTE: information is public record upon request, and I have written communication that verifies I can legally distribute these documents. In addition, I strongly encourage exercising caution when reading the affidavit for probable cause, as the details are truly sickening. Both my husband and I are CSA victims and still had a hard time getting through it (he threw up.) Ron Klain is the chief of staff and his cousin. The family denies they were favored in any way, shape, or form. Ron's involvement is entirely speculation and not confirmed, considering the pre-sentencing agreement is shielded from FOIA requests (people can use "mental health" as an excuse to avoid public scrutiny of their actions, aka accountability. I am saying this because two close friends, neighbors, and fellow advocates have been threatened with lawsuits for doing what I'm doing now. Surprisingly, I have not been personally threatened with legal action (which is shocking given I'm arguably the "loudest") but have been knocked off of/suspended by Facebook/Instagram/next door.

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Unfortunate that this exists and that you have to have it in your community.

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oh that's horrifying indeed. The neighborhood banging of pans comes to mind. https://youtu.be/qUro5f4bi2k?si=5OBNG9AkYG1kmH_P

And Whitney Webb may connect the dots.

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I meant most popular park/playground*

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No, the problem is not that people are a captive audience. The problem is that people are sheeples, they WANT to be led, and refuse to think critically!

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"People who need leaders are not qualified to select them."

~ Michael Malice

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The sheep will invariably board a train for a one-way trip that terminates at places like Dachau, Auschwitz, or Treblinka.

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Let those that want sheep dogs be as they will until something happens to red pill them.

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So create your own "captive audience". Publish your own. Yes it's tough. Yes it's going to cost some dosh. Yes, it's what they did in the old days! But you have 2x things they didn't have back in the old days- the internet, despite censorship, it's still full of people that embrace the sharing of free information. Which brings up #2- peeps are hungrier than ever for truth. Because despite the saturation of content available, and stressed lifestyles, people know they are getting BSd. They know it, but don't have trust in their own BS detector! Plus their tired AF! But regardless, be their BD detector- that's what "journalists" were originally. They called out the kings, queens, politicians, corporate cats and banking grifters. They called "BS" when everyone else was too scared.🤔🤔😊

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Unsubscribing to establishment media gives me an unbelievable dopamine hit.

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In the late 1960s and the '70s there were street sheets in the hippy and activist gettos, mostly printed out on mimeographs. There was no internet, email, in those days. These sheets told the pertinent news that was happening in that community. They were passed out and around and hung in stores and co-ops. This gave rise to small community papers that expanded to rags like the Chicago Reader. It also birthed small radio stations. Of course, the successful ones became the media we are fighting now. But, in the age of the internet we have all the tools we need to make our own digital street sheets, "radio" broadcasts, and zines, aside from the google owned and other tech monopolists, even if, and particularly if the "POWERS that be" decide to throttle all the outlets. with fees and licenses.

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Our local paper doesn't even have a letters to the editor section anymore. What does that tell you?!

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So you're saying to let your enemies control the most effective means of disseminating information quickly.

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No I'm saying that people have been communicating with each other since we figured our odds of survival were greater together than seperate. It's no different now. If one tool gets taken over, we find a different tool. People will find a way, especially the tighter the oppression gets. The only way people will stop communicating with each other, in any form, will be if they are all dead.😐

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Seems like saying that we don't need guns, we can just fight back using knives!

Knives are better than nothing, but I'd rather not cede use of firearms without a very good reason.

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We have two, The Westward Independent (see COAP on Substack), now on its seventh issue, and The Citizen, a creature of Black Press which is undergoing reorganisation or sale to an American company, or something.

The Citizen is good for obits, climate catastrophe news, and local amateur sports reports. I like the description of writers from high school social studies classes.

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I've never tried to post on a platform like Microsoft news. For the uninitiated, are you telling me that they now have AI censorship bots built-in to stifle free discourse?

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Yes. If the AI doesn’t like what you’ve written it will not post. There’s no review or taking it down nowadays. If you ask the AI why the post violates community standards it will tell you basically that the post is mean. So, economics is mean. I’m a professional, a licensed CPA. I don’t call people names like a middle schooler, I present facts and statistics. The AI says I’m not being nice. 🤷‍♂️

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Can confirm, this happens in the Netherlands as well. The state news sites will either refuse to post a comment (and no, we are not childish about our criticisms either) or will hide it so it says it's there but it's not visible. Dirty tricks.

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Yes. Same at Wall Street Journal. They delete comments that don’t meet their “specs”. I cancelled my subscription.

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I did. Same reason.

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Wowwwww. That's pretty breathtaking. I had no idea that MSM had become *that* bad in terms of stifling discourse. No wonder the brainwashed masses are so very very brainwashed indeed ...!

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TBF, economics IS the dismal science ; )

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Freakonomics was fun!

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Microsoft news is such crud, an embarrassment.

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So just leave.

Let the pinheads have those forums.

They will continue to shrink until all that remains are loyal comrade freaks.

Fact is some make better serfs than Free Men. Heck, some joyously wallow in serfdom.

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Great take as ever, but I would not neglect that the Cabal's doing everything in their power to stifle dissent.

Writers struggling to find an audience are removed from Google’s index (Substack links deindexing), taken away from their right to'reach' anyone on Twitter, and banned from advertising on Amazon if they, like myself, I kid you not, write about "highly debated social topics," which is a no-no for the censorial regime in power. It made my December 2023 book "As America Crumbles...: A Grim Chronicle Exploring the Evil Source of America’s Catastrophic Decline" https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CQR71WN3 ineligible for advertising.

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The overall quality of search results is transparently terrible... and getting worse.

Google is practically unusable as a tool for serious research at this point.

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I worked with Google's products—not for Google—for over a decade and had firsthand insight into the ugly, rotten underbelly of that monstrous leviathan. My point was not that I was using Google for research, but rather that 91.62% of people who are using Google for searches will never find or see the work of the people Google de-indexed.

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Great opportunity for a decentralized search engine.

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Don’t get me wrong, you are 100% correct in theory. However, like many things in 2024, anything short of well-timed collective consumer boycotting or aggressive government policy overhauls will have little to no impact.

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Sounds like cursing the darkness and performing CPR on a dead system.

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Try presearch for results like it's 2008 again.. my cyber-angels like the distributed nodes & tech tools but results are the whole deal for me! https://presearch.io/about

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I haven’t used it for a year

I’m sure I’m not alone

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Stop using their platforms. I haven't used Google search in years. Build your community meet regularly for coffee, and be an evangelist for those who expose the evil actors in this world. The simple act of convincing someone to start following El Gato is an excellent start.

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We don't need nuclear grade truth bombs to win The War On Truth.

We need thousands of "trench" grenades all over the battlefield.

Millions of pieces of "shrapnel" kill lies more efficiently than bombs.

Shrapnel are the ICBM'S in trench warefare for the the truth.

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Just so.

As the enemy owns the media and institutions, they have the strategic high ground.

Our opportunity thus lies in the tactical. Too many moles arising in too many places, making it impossible to whack them all, while leviathan lumbers its way to the tar pit.

The media Mujahadeen, as it were.

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what a way with words

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and to build new systems that are obviously better, such as Substack, that we simply share among ourselves.

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What we need to do now is connect the trenches in a labyrinth so we can communicate in real time. That way we can employ coordinated "swarm" tactics so that they are more concerned about where the next attack will be, instead of what the new narrative will be.

We stop the lies/narrative before they start by disrupting their communication. They won't be able to keep up because they are still under an anachronistic "command and control" system of communication. There's never been a better time in history for asymmetric warefare; we can have them aborting missions before they can draw them up.

Right now we're using the equivalent of hand signals, carrier pigeons and trumpets when we have the equivalent of Morse code.

The Leviathan will only be able to understand one message; the first message:

"What hath God wrought?"

They don't know yet that they're wading around with trench foot in their sewage of lies. I say we give the trench rats a feast!

Now is the time to strike

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Double Bingo

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Yes, all true. But they have now moved to biological and chemical warfare which is very different from trench warfare and calls for different weapons and tactics. Just sayin'. New idea for all of us.

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Well that's a whole other topic. Which is the scary one. But absolutely plausible. Mr poop his pants has already told us AR-15's are no match for F-15's. I take that as a threat.

In my example WE are just organizing to get the word out. To get traction and communicate amongst ourselves.

There's no single truth bomb that will change anything. Rather it's up to us to constantly chuck truth grenades along the front.

I used trenches as a visual. We need to create a labyrinth of trenches that connect all of us for better communication and coordination.

The shrapnel is just meant to represent what happens when folks are doing that locally. It gets attention and new people involved

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It seems I need to clarify.

My point is not that I am using Google; rather, it's about Google's de-indexing of Substack pages. From Dec 2022 to Dec 2023, Google had a 91.62% market share. So, the vast majority of people are using Google for searches, which makes it obvious that they will never find or see the work of the people Google de-indexed.

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I understood your point. That's why I mentioned being a evangelist and working inside your community and sphere of influence.

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Your last comment about the EU was completely on point. I was one of the 52% British citizens who voted to leave the EU in a final attempt to regain some sovereignty and control over our affairs. They labelled us as racists, fascists and idiots in desperation to keep the bloc intact because they know that once the dam bursts, this whole political experiment will come crashing down in a hurry. All over Europe, so-called right wing populists are being elected in ever increasing numbers - Italy, Germany, Holland, France. The end of the EU as it exists now is not far away

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"The end of the EU as it exists now is not far away

We can but hope!

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Good news

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Until there are positive incentives to making good decisions and being responsible, I refuse to listen to the finger wagging from elites about how I am the one who should be guilty because I'm the problem. I have never been in jail, I have paid taxes my entire life, I am married with 3 kids with no plans for divorce, and I make responsible decisions on a daily basis. I am human and make mistakes like anyone else but I am out of compassion for the homeless roaming the streets or the migrants on the street corner begging for sympathy from me. I hate that it's come to this but I feel I don't have much of a choice anymore.

Thanks Gato for all you do. You helped kickstart the free speech goliath during Covid when most sane voices were being shouted down.

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It’s becoming increasingly difficult to know who to trust, so I don’t listen and I don’t trust. They want my attention, they’re not getting it.

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I turned off every kind of legacy media April 2020 because of anxiety. The best action I have ever taken for myself. My alternative health sources, God and Substack saved me from being mired in the narrative and possibly murdered by dark forces around us. I trust nothing. Every so called truth I believed has crumbled. Even friends and family failed. I had retired friends who spent most of the day combing Covid reports online, TV and in papers. They still test. But I see what Gato sees in small ways.

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Wonderful news. I haven't watched the news in a long long time. The other day I took my kids to an indoor playplace and they had the news channel on. Honestly, why do businesses put up a TV when you can't even hear what they are saying? What is even the point? Either you can be helicopter parenting your child or you bring your own screen--a phone, an e reader, heck maybe even a book or a magazine! Why do they feel the need to engage your eyeballs like that? Ugh. Anyway, it was non stop fire and brimstone images on a loop. I'm just glad I couldn't hear it! I was amazed that they managed to put so much fear into just the footage. Really evolved propoganda.

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Sometimes if I have access to the remote, I change the channel to HGTV. Nobody even looks up from their phones. 🤣. Lol. Another hint of nobody’s looking. When I was a Democrat I would change Fox to MSNBC or ask for a change. But that was then. Don’t listen to either of them.

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Jan 23, 2024
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If you are looking for truth, try the Bible. It’s great for removing anxiety too.

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I mentioned God. But I sent the comment before I put God first. Turning off everything gave me clarity and space to listen. Without turning off the clanging in my brain I may have missed what God had to show me. The anxiety was about a whole different thing than Covid so I feel it was the hand of God that initiated my whole truth journey and opened my eyes by using the suffering of this other life experience to lead to safety. He has always been with me. The Bible calms me every time. God works in mysterious ways, doesn’t He? Blessings.

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So you trust yourself. Sounds good to me!

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I forgot to add, ", old friend."

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Yeah, but I think what Rob is saying is that he can't even trust those nine hearts he's got so far...I mean ten.

Trust me.

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yeah I get it. I was kind of goofing around because now we are truly lost on a funny farm surrounded by fake plastic trees if we offshore our thinking.

so it's a good thing that all of us are having to do our own homework. we're better off for it. just means were better prepared/equipped for the inevitable

default should be that it's not true. that makes for a more efficient starting point. we probably shouldve been at that default 15 years ago.

Give a man a "shrunk wrapped" fish too long and they can't see that their source can no longer fish....they're simply "farmed" from the same fetid puddles

Teach a man to fish and he stays off the "farm" with all the other sheep - he becomes the Sheppard of a sea of information the "guppies" think come from puddles.

Trust your gut. Trust yourself. Trust your homework. Trust that you will recognize when you got the homework wrong. Trust your navigation.

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See, this is why I trust you, Ryan, even though I've never met you:

I think I've liked everything you've typed, that I have read.

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"...offshore our thinking."

That's a pretty good metaphor, if you're into that "no man is an island" kind of thing.

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We are more deeply developing rational/critical thinking skills, and that, armed with the “sniff test”, keeps us deplorable citizens of the battered Republic in harbors of a grim sanity. Unfortunately we must question EVERYTHING.

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I for one will wear “deplorable” as a badge of honor.

Screw our insect overlords.

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As will I! I have embraced “deplorable” for some years now..lol..

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Nicely said

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Rest in Pieces MSM.

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omg lol

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Journalism is dying because it has failed to tell the truth about almost everything. Any mainstream media source, in any form, I ignore. That is a forever contract for me. The NWO can go to the devil.

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best plan ever: ignore everything they say.

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"Journalism is dying because it has failed to tell the truth about almost everything..." and now we have the means to verify it. From the Lusitania, to Pearl Harbour, the Holofrost, Gulf of Tomkin, covid etc... the truth really is readily available.

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Preach it, gato. Great post.

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gato, in the spirit of this article, you're among the most gifted and insightful journalists I've encountered. Bravo to you, you deserve all of your success.

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This is reminiscent of 18th century America. Everyone knew they were under tyranny and the smartest among them gathered in pubs and planned the revolution over pints of ale. They ended up beating the gloriously-adorned redcoats like today's journalistic revolutionaries are beating the current crop of ivy league credentialed information tyrants. Ursula's death rattle notwithstanding, it's all over but for the funeral.

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Optimism appreciated. Make truth great again!

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There were no pubs in 16th century America which didn't exist.

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Point taken, 18th

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Whilst your argument is a bit tendentious, one must grant that 'tis true, the Green Dragon Tavern, which touts itself as the first pub in America, as well as the site at which the Boston Tea Party was plotted, was established in 1654.

I suppose Mr. Galt meant the 18th century. There was little appetite for revolution prior to the taxes promulgated by Parliament in the wake of the French and Indian War.

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Mr. Galt ought correct his centuries.

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1654 would still be 17th century.

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This post is heartening in some ways....but it's over optimistic about survival-of-the-fittest (ie the BEST) in mass communication. There are still lots of barriers (albeit different ones from pre-internet)

* there's the over-supply, 'information'-fatigue problem (that the internet has amplified)

* there's the click-bait syndrome....as in 'say something shocking' (even if it's bollocks) will get more clicks than 'say something original'.

* and then there's the problem that whilst Yes MSM tv/cable biased 'News' may be going down the toilet, insidiously biased tv drama is booming: https://grahamcunningham.substack.com/p/non-binary-sibling-is-entertaining

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Emotional porn, aka soap operas and their associated ilk, is still porn. To be avoided if not outright shunned.

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There’s no “new journalism”. There is journalism or propaganda/subversion. Modernism in all its forms must be countered positively with truth.

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Agreed 100%. The new problem is that the truth is distorted, obfuscated, and perverted, even by the public seeking it. Point in case Twitter's "Community Notes": everyone with a bias presents their own version of truth, sometimes not even sanctioned "truth" by those that create it in the psyop labs.

In my own research, I have to find at least four different sources for any data I dare to present, even though I dread that I might have been misled.

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The truth really does float to the top. When in doubt, trust your instincts. If you doubt your own instinct, then, well all I can suggest is grow your hair (ancient tribes believed long hair acted as a divining rod for intuition, and cutting edge science seems to support the hair follicles as photon transmitters. But hey,🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️ do your own research😉🤣😂). We used to trust ourselves. How else did we explore the world around us.🤔🤔😉😊

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The turd, as well, floats to the top.

Given your interest, one can glean from your one-line profile. I daresay the Rio Negro Manifesto, written by Pierre Restany, Sepp Baendereck, and Frans Krajcberg in Alto Rio Negro on August 3, 1968, is the only truth that matters. 'Nature is the oxygen of the soul, the driver of our capability to feel, think, and act.'

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I think that it is "Post Modernism" that's causing the problem...

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“they are hothouse flowers unceremoniously cast out into amazonian jungle and suddenly forced to compete with that which evolved here where life was hard and there was no sinecure, no safety.”


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Where’s that text found?

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Good question; it was there, and now I can't find it. Edited? I searched for the phrase, and,

https://boriquagato.substack.com › p › new-journalism-and-new-world-order

new journalism and new world order - by el gato malo

1 day ago they are hothouse flowers unceremoniously cast out into amazonian jungle and suddenly forced to compete with that which evolved here where life was hard and there was no sinecure, no safety. all had to strive. unlike before, getting the job was now the easy part but keeping it becomes the challenge because audience attention is no longer ...

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Ursula von Doom. Nice monniker. Here's another- Ursula Fond-of-Lying. Any more out there?

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😊😊😊😊 Its a freaking glorious time to be alive!!!😉 The landlords are seriously peaking out, because the natives are not just "ignorantly unruly", but they are also suffering from "disinformation, malinformation and, God forbid!! Misinformation"!!!!📣📣🤐🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️.

I say light a match, do a little dance, and burn tonight!!🎶🎶

Suck it media hacks! You that rose to power because you realised there were more of you hackneyed, flunky, a$$ kissers in the field, than actual Woodward and Bernstein type, REAL journalists!!!

The $#!% show is about to really get started, but I will throw in with my local community and rogue reporters, alt thinkers, writing to the beat of many drums, than submit, give up, or follow the current media pied pipers!!!

#BBCbs #CBSbs #ABCbs #duckyou! #wearemany #wearememory #weareaware #wewillnotforget #wewillnotforgive #mistakeswereNOTmade #getlocalised

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In spirit I agree but Bob Woodward is an Intel assett and the Watergate myth of adversarial press is promoted to cover up the real scandal which was Church & Pike Committees deep dives into CIA and Nixon sacrificed as distraction & detour & myth of journalism that endures.

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Yeah, I'm 99% sure your right re W&B, the thing is mythology and storytelling is powerful and motivating to the human spirit, even if its manufactured. That's why we have been telling stories to each other since the beginning. It's also why Hollywood is so powerfully corrupted.

But that's a double edged sword- W&B may be in fact BS, but it still resonates with the human spirit that remains uncontrollable, irreverent, disobedient, and rebellious, and it really only takes a hand full of dissendents to be the fly in the technocratic ointment, BTJMO 🤔🤷‍♀️😊

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