Happy New Year gato! Honey badger don’t care. May we all channel the audacity into word and meme tornados, they are mightier than knives and swords.

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❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️"Meme tornado" ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

As gato says (IIRC), meme them till they cry, then meme them crying.

I say, then meme tornado them sobbing on their dirty floor.

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You know what would be audacious?

Organizing 10 mil little tornadoes as a massive typhoon that peacefully descends on D.C.

We have the "movable type" of the 21st century. We should post our demands/memes to get their attention at their "door".

What's the message?:

We belong, we're watching and we're not going away because we will push "print" and let it play on loop until they scream for mercy.

See the cat that guys talking about has an advantage; he's not concerned about mutual assured destruction - the bear is. The cat already knows how it ends because he knows the bear must "weigh" MAD during the moment.

If we were to be millions of cats we could loose the burden of MAD and back down the bear.

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What if they had an income tax and nearly everybody decided not to pay?

The beast would quickly starve, without anyone having to visit the vile Maryland swamp and put their life at risk, not least from the pervasive stench of swine.

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Unfortunately, they don't wait for your money to come in before they go ahead and spend it all and print more to dissolve the value of what you are holding on to.

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That is why we need real money, completely beyond the control of the State.

The FED has nearly destroyed the currency and the petrodollar is dying, so I doubt we will have to wait much longer for the opportunity to replace the dollar.

We are living in the modern version of the reign of Diocletian, but few of us know it.

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Well I'd prefer that...but that's why they armed agents....;)

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Yeah. When in doubt send "agents" with guns, kill whoever is home, and steal everything you can carry. Kinda like BLM, without the fire.

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I always get slammed for this, but what if they had an election and everybody decided not to vote?

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I have not voted since writing in Ron Paul in 2012.

I refuse to participate in a political regime that elevates vermin to power, providing only a lesser of two evils as options, and believe that mass refusal to vote is perhaps the best way to remove the last veneer of legitimacy the State can cling to.

"There’s really no point to voting. If it made any difference, it would probably be illegal."

~ H. L. Mencken

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Good for you. I voted for a lot of 3rd party candidates, which was an exercise in futility. The contempt they hold voters in should convince more of us to quit the sham/scam. I didn't vote for president last time.

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Absolutely Yuri! The appropriate well expressed word is always more powerful than any Sword..

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Assuming you also have a sword

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Or something better!

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Ryan..."a" sword??

It's like you don't know me at all...

*maniacal grin*

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Lol. I think we're cut from the same cloth; civilized rebels!

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That’s why they always resort to name calling, because they have nothing but hate to back up their arguments, they have zero humor and they don’t know how to use words to express a concept.

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AI can't handle human irony and sarcasm, lol. Meme the hell out of "Um!"

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Knives, swords and high explosives are more permanent however and produce fertilizer as a useful byproduct. Just sayin’. С Новым Годом.

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Good message but the painted fingernails were a little distracting.

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It looks as if his daughter(s) were having fun with Dad's fingernails.

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Okay, let’s go with that 🤔

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Mine used to spend hours putting little girl barrettes (you know, the plastic bows in various shapes, in pink and blue and yellow) all through Daddy's hair--this was 'giving Daddy a permanent'. But then, back then, he had plenty of hair for this.

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My son never did that to me for ovious reasons. No, what he did do was this:

Daddy is at home, sleeping on the couch (because Daddy had a full-time day-job and delivered newpapers at night too) and snoring like a nuke-alert.

The boy, about 5 years of age, feels sorry for Daddy who has to sleep alone on the couch - no plushies and Mommy is busy doing Mommy-stuff. What to do? Easy! Fetch favourite plushie and put over Daddy's face.

Sounds cute, no?

Problem was, Daddy had a phobia back then. Of spiders. The plushie was of a black spider, about 16" across from the tips of the legs.

So when Daddy notices in his sleep that someone is lowering something towards his face and opens his eyes -

Cured me of my phobia of spiders at least.

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Yep, that's pretty much my assumption. From his overall appearance I'd say he's kinda oblivious to what others think or surmise.

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My brother-in-law paints his like that. He is not one of the letter people. He uses the colors to designate which string on the guitar his finger goes on. 🤔🤪

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Happened in my family. 😍

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Agreed, that was my first thought

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That’s what I thought as well 😄

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I didn’t even notice the nails until I read this message and had to go look. One of the classic fallacies is “shooting the messenger.” It behooves one to listen to the message without judging the messenger. You never know who it is you’re dealing with.

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Agreed. It’s just that they were kinda up front in the video with the way he was holding the microphone.

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Sent this to my sister who looks like a neighbor drained her bank account. All she had. She’s going to need this resolution and she won’t give a flying f@ck about his nails.

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So sorry to hear that!

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I totally missed them lol

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I didn’t notice the nails either until I read the comment (and also had to go back and look).

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the kiddos decided to give dad a MANicure

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I guess it’s just my weird sense of humor that it was even funnier because of the manicure.

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We share the same humor.

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absolutely! he’s a house cat, after all. mock the look, and you might get the knives.

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Kinda a mixed message. "Walk softly and carry a big house cat" perhaps?

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Almost didn't watch due to the nails.

Audacity or Vanity?

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Both and Neither!



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The nails bit puzzling? Yah, but audacious!

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I bet he had Cat Scratch Fever and in a weak moment had his nails done.

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I will consult my Ted Nugent dictionary to see if that is one of the covered definitions.

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Lol - the awesome message & the colorful fingernails seemed a mismatch.

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I sure hope not to see him among trantifas' reaction to the next 'sex matters' rally.

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Gato's been painting his claws for years. Thought everyone knew that.

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lol, years ago we had a neighbor with a mixed wolf-dog that he let would out into our shared fenced-in yard. We in turn had an indoor cat who liked to go on unauthorised walkabouts in this yard. Sometimes the two encountered each other, whereupon they’d each stake out their half of the yard and engage in what looked like a tug of war. Our neighbor, always mindfully watching (because, half-wolf) was astonished to see his dog backing up while our cat hissed and spat in his face. And while my cat’s claws were truly lethal--I’ve since learned to start trimming claws early and often--this contest was contact free. Valentine dominated with his personality

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My roommate had a half-wolf. Important, when you invite these animals into the home, that they are not alphas. Kazan was definitely beta or below. So - our puppies could back that wolf down (yeah, they were Dobermans, but they were sweet Dobers with no perspective on "butt kicking" - this was play.)

Kazan's jaws were easily double both of our pups, but - he wasn't alpha, so he said, no, thanks, yes sir, whatever you want sir.

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Great. Just great. My formerly docile house cat just watched this. Now I’m afraid to turn my back on her.

Happy New Year!!

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That's probably for the best. 😏

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I always have to smile remembering when we introduced a 5 lb. adopted cat to our 70 lb. German shorthaired pointer. She walked up to the big guy and belted him upside the head. She seemed contemptuous of this big oaf of a dog during all their life together, yet she wandered the house for 3 days yowling inconsolably after he died. Ya just never know! Their graves are side by side. (I hope she's not bedeviling Hickory Hill's Tag Along in the afterlife....)

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Being a tornado made of audacity, coiled spring and knives takes practice. Start practicing now.

We have the sweetest rescue from the shelter, who is 17 pounds of amiable civility, and had been an apartment cat his full two years.

He now has run of the yard here, and the other day he proudly brought in an angle worm that he had hunted and caught.

He still needs practice at being a cat, but he is getting there.

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This is adorable!

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Great life lesson concerning cats. Humans should learn from them. People you interact with subconsciously react to your expectations. Act like you belong there, and you will belong there.

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Pigs can be pretty badass too. There’s a video of a black bear climbing into a pigpen and the pigs just rush it and corner it. Bear goes all scary big rearing up snarling bear on them and they don’t back down. Bear climbs back out of pen again. Thinks about it a second time as the pigs are munching their food and one look from a pig like who are you kidding dude and bear gives up.

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Just watched that. So funny. Pigs can kill you--and eat you. In our pig farm as kids, we were explicitly told by grandpa to stay away from the pigs. I’m sure cats could do the eating part after a “claw to the jugular “. 😼

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I have wild boar to contend with on my farm. I got them to be afraid of me (they weren’t) by going full psycho on them so they run away from me now. For a while I did large dog imitations but I ran into a group of them one time and they looked at me like uhuh where’s the big dog then? The barking didn’t have the same effect after that. But they know to give me a wide berth because I’m obviously insane.

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Good on you. I’m picturing this and you going “full Feral”. 😍👏🏻👏🏻. We raised pigs back then in fields with farrowing sheds and those small triangular wooden shelter huts. When dad needed a back treatment he’d go out and pick up the corner of one of those. I smile when I occasionally see those. Pigs living a “natural life”.

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Have you ever had wild boar bacon?

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No. They don't really do bacon in this country. (Me and my neighbours are planning on changing that though ... on-farm butchery incoming.) But I have had plenty of slow-cooked wild boar stew (in red wine) with chestnuts, one of their favourite foods. Local delicacy.

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Slow-roasted saddle of boar is also quite the dish. Impressive and delicious, especially when accompanied with an apple brandy or madeira gravy.

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Must say when I read your comment, my first thought was GOOD FOOD! It is also very good with boletes! Good luck on the food plans!

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Lolol. That is awesome

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I can confirm this for the exact same reasons. I grew up on a hog farm and was seriously warned about not letting them get you down and unconscious since you might wake up without limbs if you woke up at all. They can run faster than a smart ass farm boy too. Don’t ask me how I know. 😏😂

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Love it! Anyone who has trimmed their cats' claws knows full-well the knives and springs bit.

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I saw a video of a lady biting her cat’s neck like mama cat and she was able to trim his nails. Haven’t tried that myself …!

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Yes. Agreement with cats - "if you don't wiggle, I won't scruff you." They are adults, now, and heavy, so I am supporting them with a knee (not scruffing their whole weight). They're 3 now, and getting used to the routine, so scruffing them less. I used fingers, though, not mouth! A good firm lift on scruff will induce paralysis in paws - perfect for claw clipping. (for us, this is a 2-ape operation). But no towels needed.

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same here. My kitties are not wild or angry with nail clipping.

Miles moans like a tortured baby. Princess is the one ready to launch but her nails are like pins

Hubbs holds them very sweet, and I just maneuver around the cat to get to the paws and the claws. It is an operation.

And yet, my carpets look like shag.

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Thx for sharing. Learned something.

Wish me luck...about ready to try with my crazy critter!

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2 groomers sent my 22lb Maine coon home I groomed because of his claws.

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Happy New Year! Be bold in your assertions... People are already going to label you a whack-a-noodle anyway because the vast majority of the populus are programmed NPC's just bouncing off each other like bumper cars... BE a house cat!

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Please tell me he has a daughter and the were playing beauty parlor?

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Happy New Year, Gato and all the rest of the clan. All the best for 2024, it could be a rough ride.

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Happy New Year Bad Cat. Incredible post, again. Confidence is hard-wured into cats.

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I had a 10 pound cat that scared the living hell out of my 75 pound Belgian Malinois, who was a trained military working dog! If he came one step too close, she’d go after him and chase him away. Long after that kitty was gone (due to old age), he had a healthy regard for any cat he came across! He never forgot that lesson…

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My outdoor “living tornado made of knives, audacity, and coiled springs” roamed the darkened manse at 2 AM today after I fell asleep on the sofa. 🎉 He doesn’t really want to be inside but it was cold out, and when the drooling pet-fest was over he retired to a nearby chair to groom. The chair was empty when I came to, and I found him descending the stairs like a boss. No telling what happened during my siesta, but inside and out, he rules. 🔪 HNY to the BADDEST and MOST AUDACIOUS CAT alive! 😻

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Happy New Year to All.

Re that tornado and knives thingy--I'm a lousy physical fighter. But I'm extremely good at saying "no." I have, occasionally, through the years, during really difficult and sometimes scary moments, been under a lot of pressure to say "OK" and I will not deny the "no" required a lot of clenching of the guts to stand my ground. You find it when you need it (or get eaten which ain't the preferred outcome).

It's a revelatory moment, to be sure, when the big bad guys are really flummoxed by the "no."

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