watching the same people say “my body my choice” and “your body, the government’s choice” at the same time is like watching a patient with a brain injury become so unable to rotate shapes in their head that they cannot recognize their own shoes if you turn them sideways…
it’s really pretty dazzling.
or perhaps it’s only oppression when THEY do it?
when WE do it, it’s for your own good…
going to keep posting this meme until it stops being true…
The Dems/leftists are being perfectly consistent. Consent is only required when you agree with their policies. Consent is not required when you oppose their policies. You gotta admit, that's consistency. Ronald Reagan said it best (as usual): "A liberal is someone who will fight to the death for your right to agree with him." This is, indeed, a fight to the death.
Same for the right wing. Anti cannabis, anti personal choice.
Both parties are full of authoritarians, it's just that they have different opinions on what is absolute vs personal.
Oh Reagan, people love to quote that, forgetting that it was Reagan that brought more and more power to the corporations. There's a funny political analyst that calls every president after Reagan as a term of Reagan... Example: Clinton served the 5th and 6th terms of reaganism.
Neocons and neoliberals both serve the same masters.
“When I am weaker than you, I ask you for Freedom because that is according to your principles; when I am stronger than you, I take away your Freedom because that is according to my principles.”
my sisters-both went to a rally sometime in 2018 I believe- they both have signs that say just that. The one sister will not even TALK to my daughter and I when we visited my mom last fall for her 95th. Just because she THINKS we aren't vaccinated, calls us "anti-vaxxers" on line, but not once has she ever had the guts to have the conversation with us. Mental case at this point.
I hate to read about family situations like this but you are better off without her in your life. This is toxic behavior at it's core, and it's akin to an abusive relationship. You owe no loyalty to people who behave like this simply due to an accident of birth, and please don't let anyone guilt you into it. People that love each other reach out with compassion or at least agree to disagree. Pray for her and do what you need to protect your immediate family, they are your first priority.
This. My “family” are the people who I love to spend time with and for whom I would go the extra mile, as they would for me. “Relatives” who consistently take a shit on me are not my family and I’m better off without them in my life.
Thank you for this. Yes, it DOES bother me. But it goes back to childhood and her perceptions of "never being treated fairly" in the scheme of things. Started WAY early...and ruined many holidays because of it. I have tried hard through the years to foster some type of sister-hood with her, but haven't been successful. Could list many attempts- gifts on b'days and xmas, cards (never reciprocated) trips to Disneyland and other places she wanted to see out west. Was going to help her re-locate. Got her jobs in a sunny climate to get her out of Ohio. Hugged her and told her I loved her even though we think differently when it comes to politics, but would never discuss individual issues because we would probably agree on many. And there you have it. No, I am not feeling guilty. I have tried my best and that's good enough for a clear conscious! :-)
I have the same issue. Some ancient resentment that is likely unremembered by the resentful is a permanent mental block preventing the resentful from ever being a good person. She makes it her life’s work to cause trouble.
Pray for her and be ready to reach out with love when the time is right. You'll know when that happens. Praying for her is not just for her benefit but yours too!
They can't talk face to face, this opens them up to being challenged, which they cannot tolerate because they cannot rationally defend themselves. They probably feel like they're walking through a hall of mirrors.
Good analogy. Nope she can't. Just name calls and makes references on her FB site to try and engage us. We don't which makes her even MORE frazzled I think. It's actually pretty entertaining to watch. But it's sad at the same time because she's family.
We feel a lifelong moral obligation to family. We don’t want them “lost” here or later. But we cannot always save those who cannot/don’t accept that they’re in danger.
I understand the amusement factor here, but in reality, I think most people can actually hold opposing thoughts.
I can understand two opposing points of view and see merit in both, but to have deep-seated opposing BELIEFS? Well, a belief is just another thought process, albeit a larger one, and it can be altered (or not) as the owner sees fit. So I suppose it can be done. How often this happens, though, and how well it is achieved, depends on the brain's ability. I do wonder if people who have less flexible and intelligent brains struggle to deal with this opposition well - which is why we see such weirdness from them? Of course they could just be brainwashed so that's why they're weird now!!
Programming NPCs to practice doublethink is part of the brainwashing, so I think your latter point is the correct one :-)
“Whatever was true now was true from everlasting to everlasting. It was quite simple. All that was needed was an unending series of victories over your own memory. ’Reality control’, they called it: in Newspeak, ’doublethink.’ …
“His mind slid away into the labyrinthine world of doublethink. To know and not to know, to be conscious of complete truthfulness while telling carefully constructed lies, to hold simultaneously two opinions which cancelled out, knowing them to be contradictory and believing in both of them, to use logic against logic, to repudiate morality while laying claim to it, to believe that democracy was impossible and that the Party was the guardian of democracy, to forget whatever it was necessary to forget, then to draw it back into memory again at the moment when it was needed, and then promptly to forget it again: and
above all, to apply the same process to the process itself. That was the ultimate subtlety: consciously to induce unconsciousness, and then, once again, to become unconscious of the act of hypnosis you had just performed. Even to understand the word ’doublethink’ involved the use of doublethink.”
I’ve seen some weird shit at the corner of 18th & K NW in DC. Things I still cannot comprehend in a universe governed with physics and metaphysics. Of course if you “abandon all hope, ye who enter here,” it seems perfectly acceptable.
But I’m not going to do that. Nothing but Bad Company there.
protecting the life, liberty and pursuit of existence o fhte unborn is not big government, it is the rights of man, starting when they are conceived....
the unborn have rights, like any other human life.
Some people do not believe that. Just as they do not believe in positive value of covid vaccines. You either believe in freedom and bodily autonomy, or you don't. You cannot have it both ways. You can have whatever you imagine between your ears, but you cannot force it on others. Freedom!
I disagree. Reading “you can have whatever you imagine between your ears, but you cannot force it on others,” sounds like “you can believe in your god, but you cannot speak of your god in the public square lest it offend those who do not believe,” see? The president before Trump said people had a right to “worship” but made a distinction between “worship” and “religion.” When one cannot “force” another to even accidentally hear the word of God because these words constitute an “injury to the ears” then it becomes a free speech issue.
And that is without even bringing up how SCOTUS managed to locate a ghost (penumbra) within the due process clause that somehow transformed the unborn but alive child into “right to privacy” while tossing both baby and “right to life Liberty and pursuit of happiness” into the medical waste and experiment labs of universities and NIH. All while simultaneously providing millions of campaign donations from Planned Parenthood into Congressional coffers to guarantee…federal grants to Planned Parenthood. Funny how that works, in a kind of Soylent Green kinda way. Nothing wasted there, lots of “re-use recycling” of human flesh and tax money. Very low carbon, etc. Bill & Melinda approved too.
If I found myself in agreement with that crowd EVER, I’d be re-examining my thinking in a hurry.
One of my pet peeves is proselytizing. It proves whatever narrative being pushed is invalid at minimum. God definitely does not need a marketing team. The "word of God"? Do you mean the bible? If you were minimally familiar with it, you would know many of the simplest things put forth in it. Such as, 1) Man becomes a living soul at birth, upon taking the first breath, 2) A pregnant woman constitutes one life. But maybe you don't mean the bible. Just what is between your ears. You are entitled to that, because it is who you are. And if it were enough for you, there would be no need to push it upon others. For me, fraudulent religionist lies are injurious, and I don't want to accidentally be a part of it. The covid vaccines are a part of a crime against humanity, injurious, deadly and fraudulent, and I want no part of them either.
No one tried to use the Bible to justify a pro-life stance. Common sense tells us the unborn child is a separate entity from the mother; with its own DNA, blood type, heartbeat, gender, personality, and instincts. Even so, you are misquoting the Bible. “From birth I was cast on you; from my mother’s womb you have been my God.“
"Do you mean the bible? If you were minimally familiar with it, you would know many of the simplest things put forth in it. Such as, 1) Man becomes a living soul at birth, upon taking the first breath, 2) A pregnant woman constitutes one life."
You're joking, yes? Very funny! Or maybe you're talking about "the Bible" that the nice TV box told you about.
One of my dearest friends, who was wont to call me functionally crazy because I believed (still do) that Christianity is true, was against abortion rights (still is)
because not murdering one's helpless offspring is ethical, civilized behavior.
The bare minimum required of a belief system ought to include not torturing tiny, helpless members of ones own species to death. And as far as I know from Stoic atheism to Christianity, they do. Some sicko types, of course do not: civilizations based on that sort fall apart.
Could I have the references for 1 and 2 please as I believe you are misquoting.
It is wrong to intentionally kill an innocent human being. Abortion kills an innocent human being. Therefore abortion is wrong. The only differences between the unborn and a toddler are size, level of development, environment, and degree of dependency. They are both human.
I did not quote at all. You believe what you believe, and I doubt the bible verses have any relevance to that belief. Regardless, the point is that tyrants tell people that they must take vaccines because "science" - even when denying the very substance of science and invalidating science. And tyrants also dictate their own beliefs upon others, in this case pregnant women. Some don't need to pretend that the bible gives them the authority to do so when not even being familiar with the bible. And what they are doing is invalidating the bible, while pretending that the bible that they don't know is God. They do not have the authority, and must not be allowed to dictate their beliefs to others, or legislate those beliefs.
Now I quote because you asked:
Genesis 2:7 KJV
7 And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.
Exodus 21:22-23 KJV
22 If men strive, and hurt a woman with child, so that her fruit depart from her, and yet no mischief follow: he shall be surely punished, according as the woman's husband will lay upon him; and he shall pay as the judges determine.
23 And if any mischief follow, then thou shalt give life for life...
But they’re being honest: they say “Republicans have no business interfering in your private medical decisions”. In their view, Democrats have every such right. And they see this as morally defensible because Democrats are “the good guys” and Republicans are “the bad guys”.
What would “progressives” be without rank hypocrisy and the ability simultaneously to hold two mutually exclusive views?
"My body, my choice" has always been about exactly one thing because Democrats are more than happy to lock you up for doing the wrong kinds of drugs or perhaps selling said body.
The leftist hordes may be divided into two cadres:
1. Community Organizers.
This lot know exactly what they are doing. They not only see the contradiction, they intend it because they know that this sort of blatant hypocrisy, combined with corruption of language, pushed long enough and hard enough, will create an intellectual and rhetorical tower of babel and thus societal chaos, thereby galvanizing their flock and induce even the agnostic to demand "order", which they will provide, good and hard.
They are machiavellian to the core and are unfettered by any ethical principle or consideration of justice, decency or human rights.
2. Useful Idiots
These are the vast herds of tax cattle which H.L. Mencken called "boobus Americanus"*. They will believe what they are told, regardless of how preposterous and how many times the "narrative" changes to completely contradict previous iterations.
"Don't wear masks!" "You must wear masks!" "The jabs will stop the pandemic!" "You need another booster". Etc., etc., etc. ad nauseam.
The rise of this societal socialist bowel movement of a mass of a gullible, ignorant and supine population yoked up and led by a ruthless, utterly relentless and brutal cadre of wannabe nomenklatura and commissars is the current apogee of a century of socialist (a.k.a. progressive) expansion of the State into an omnipotent leviathan.
It has taken them 100 years to destroy our Republic and indoctrinate, infantilize, stupefy and terrify some half the population and get them to vote against their own liberty and prosperity for chimeras of security and "free" shit.
Should this lot secure a commanding majority, and they are doing everything in their power to do exactly that, the party will really get started.
You ain't seen nothing yet.
* If you are not American, know that I am inclusive and recognize boobus Britannicus and Canadius as well.
I love the way the left talks about their opinion as being too important not to suspend every rule of democracy to put it into's their opinion Geez....and they can't even see it from the other makes them look even stupider than they already look and that is very stupid!!!
Do you think we could ban nose rings as well? They always remind me of livestock, and the two hanging things as drools of snot. On the other hand, banning things is their forte.
The craziest part is the Dems in California are trying to push through AB 1400 right now which would mandate state healthcare for all. The state would be in total control of you health decisions. No choice at all. And as goes California, so goes the rest of the nation eventually.
No vaccine has ever been proven to be safe and effective and the idea they're responsible for the sharp decline of "infectious" diseases is pure propaganda. (The Smallpox and polio vaccines were complete and utter failures and the polio vaccine, which contains toxic Aluminum, can actually cause "polio-like" symptoms- most cases of "polio" were actually due to DDT poisoning. Read "Dissolving Illusions" for the real historical truth.) Consent to be poisoned by vaccines should be a non-starter. The problem is the Deep State has brainwashed society for power, profit and depopulation of the 3rd world. With the COVID clot shots, they're not trying to depopulate the rest of the world as well.
If I read that discussion correctly, it looks like Omicron was here BEFORE the the OG and Delta variant. This just gets more and more murky and nefarious looking. Thankfully bigger brains than mine are sussing out how to follow all these clues and untangle the knotted thread of lies we’ve been fed. 🙏🏻
I don’t accept that any of the variants are different enough from each other that they have the most remote chance of “escaping immunity”.
We knew in spring 2020 that those recovered from SARS-CoV-1 infection in 2003 had circulating T-cells fully capable of recognising SARS-CoV-2.
Those two agents differ by around 20% at the protein level. No problem.
The most-different variants from the Wuhan sequence of SARS-CoV-2 are under 1% different. I believe Omicron is now the most different but it’s an order of magnitude less different from the original sequence than the difference between -CoV-1 & -CoV-2.
Unvaccinated people don’t become clinically unwell after second exposure to -CoV-2 variants.
This is as expected immunology 101.
That some vaccinated people appear to is very concerning. “Vaccines, Jim, but not as we know them”.
All of this virus stuff gets very confusing for me. I remember when this time of the year, people *always* got sick and it was either, "I have a cold" or "I have the flu". Now I notice that *anyone* who is sick tells me, "I have covid" whether tested or not. It was a brilliant plan wasn't it? Now we have "variants" of "covid" to be "scared" of all of the time instead of what I think a lot of this really is... colds and flu. Just like it's been for hundreds of years. (And personally, I've had enough of all of it. If I get sick, unless I'm half dead, I'm going to stick with tradition and say I have a cold or flu)
Abortion is a complicated issue and there is no obvious Libertarian position because of the debate over the rights of the mother versus those of the fetus/ child. Probably better decided at the local community level rather than by the Federal government.
Yes, in fact no law could be detailed enough to cover the immense variety of issues, complications, and parameters around each individual decision IMO. In a perfect world, the mother would have support from the father, their families, and their trusted communities to do what's right in that situation. I dream of that kind of society.
The forced pronouns thing is very similar. It is compelled speech. And if you don't buy in, you're a transphobe. Who cares what pronoun anyone uses to describe you when you're not even within earshot? Not me.
That and the refusal to acknowledge that the creature with its own beating heart also has its own unique DNA, neither of which belongs to the body of the mother, so if we're going to say, 'my body, my choice,' fine; just make sure it's only *your* body that's being affected.
I love people fighting against these immoral kill shots....
But I bet few could accept this whole depopulation warfare is a chastisement allowed by God because of a billion slaughtered unborn babies, 63 m here in greatest country on earth .
Praying Rosary outside abortion clinics I heard America is under judgment. Decades ago. Guess what... they were right
John Adams knew only a moral populace could remain free because they govern themselves in order to not offend God. But having removed all traces of a Deity from public discourse and law, whom do the people fear enough to hold their worst vices in check? Nobody but the State in the form of police, and now social media.
The State says a mother can turn on her own offspring without punishment but if a man calls a stupid teenager an “immigrant” it’s a racial epithet and he’s unemployed within hours and in a jail cell.
What governs these people and situations? What morality applies? Do they fear damnation for bad acts? Not at all. Society “shouts” for abortions (not something that ever ends well, historically speaking, that’s undeniable) and Tik Tok is more thorough than the Gestapo at rounding up parents upset by accidental allergic reactions.
What an efficient system we have created. God? What God? Haha, only idiots believe in objective truth.
We all know that the desire to remove God from the public square was an absolute necessity for Marxists in China/USSR. Both societies [have] murdered millions in pursuit of a “fair” distribution of goods. Breaking a few eggs to make an omelette, etc, trying to CONTROL human nature, out of a belief in the perfectability of humans. When I say people should be free to practice religion in the public square, I don’t mean that I personally want to shout Bible quotes in a shopping mall. I mean, my religion informs my world view. The elites in Davos have no notion of anything transcendent in the universe. We are just bags of flesh awaiting their orders.
They are the Gods. Look for the videos of that ball club owner scoffing at the idea that anyone gives a shit about the Uyghers (who are unwilling organ donors on demand for globalists) or the lady in Davos bemoaning the fact that we, the great unwashed, have no “trust in our elites.”
When you shed all notions of a Deity, you don’t get rid of God. You only make way for the NEW gods. And those who resist must GO. It’s always this way.
Which God though? Because most people calling themselves "Christians" have been mistakenly worshipping Ba'al. "Christ" is a job title, not a name.
It means "Annointed of Ba'al." Joshua/Yeshua was betrayed by The Magdalene whilst he was dying on the cross, and unable to do anything about it. She "Annonted him with oil" as the "Christ" of Ba'al. Prior to this, he was "the Anti-Christ." Mary, who was a temple prostitute of the Cult of Ba'al, held the title of "The Magdalene." And thus the greatest betrayer of Joshua's teachings, dooming his sincere students and all who came after to mistakenly follow the Satanic cult it has always been.
Pay attention to words:
"In the Name of God, Amen." So the name of the God you are praying to is Amen-Ra. Clear cut.
"Papal Bulls." Yes, Ba'al Cult decrees.
Eating and drinking "the body and blood of Christ" (not "the body and blood of Joshua," since the act of Annointing him changed him from himself into a sacred vessel for the Ba'al Cult).
The notion that even though everything has been -a complete lie and fabrication- for the past 2000+ years, the "Christian religion" would remain untouched is...well, it would be sadly amusing, if not for the destruction, misery, and wasted time/resources of Billions of sincere people.
But, this is the Apocalypse (the "Unveiling," and you knew it wouldn't be easy.
Discard "Christianity" for the Satanic garbage it is, and try to find the message of Joshua within the dross.
Some people care about the Uyghers, but for most it's not enough to stop buying Nike or Apple or any company with slave labor in their supply chain. The NBA certainly doesn't care and actively prostrates themselves to China. But perhaps Chamath was playing 4D chess: by disavowing any care, he forces people to respond and vocalize their Uygher support.
The Dems/leftists are being perfectly consistent. Consent is only required when you agree with their policies. Consent is not required when you oppose their policies. You gotta admit, that's consistency. Ronald Reagan said it best (as usual): "A liberal is someone who will fight to the death for your right to agree with him." This is, indeed, a fight to the death.
Same for the right wing. Anti cannabis, anti personal choice.
Both parties are full of authoritarians, it's just that they have different opinions on what is absolute vs personal.
Oh Reagan, people love to quote that, forgetting that it was Reagan that brought more and more power to the corporations. There's a funny political analyst that calls every president after Reagan as a term of Reagan... Example: Clinton served the 5th and 6th terms of reaganism.
Neocons and neoliberals both serve the same masters.
Yes but the libs are currently way worse. Would love to see Republicans pivot on cannabis and other issues to a more libertarian position.
show 'em the money and they pivot like Steph Curry
nobody wants to buy your drugs here, Margaret
She's not selling anything as useful as drugs.
“When I am weaker than you, I ask you for Freedom because that is according to your principles; when I am stronger than you, I take away your Freedom because that is according to my principles.”
― Frank Herbert
my sisters-both went to a rally sometime in 2018 I believe- they both have signs that say just that. The one sister will not even TALK to my daughter and I when we visited my mom last fall for her 95th. Just because she THINKS we aren't vaccinated, calls us "anti-vaxxers" on line, but not once has she ever had the guts to have the conversation with us. Mental case at this point.
I hate to read about family situations like this but you are better off without her in your life. This is toxic behavior at it's core, and it's akin to an abusive relationship. You owe no loyalty to people who behave like this simply due to an accident of birth, and please don't let anyone guilt you into it. People that love each other reach out with compassion or at least agree to disagree. Pray for her and do what you need to protect your immediate family, they are your first priority.
This. My “family” are the people who I love to spend time with and for whom I would go the extra mile, as they would for me. “Relatives” who consistently take a shit on me are not my family and I’m better off without them in my life.
Thank you for this. Yes, it DOES bother me. But it goes back to childhood and her perceptions of "never being treated fairly" in the scheme of things. Started WAY early...and ruined many holidays because of it. I have tried hard through the years to foster some type of sister-hood with her, but haven't been successful. Could list many attempts- gifts on b'days and xmas, cards (never reciprocated) trips to Disneyland and other places she wanted to see out west. Was going to help her re-locate. Got her jobs in a sunny climate to get her out of Ohio. Hugged her and told her I loved her even though we think differently when it comes to politics, but would never discuss individual issues because we would probably agree on many. And there you have it. No, I am not feeling guilty. I have tried my best and that's good enough for a clear conscious! :-)
I have the same issue. Some ancient resentment that is likely unremembered by the resentful is a permanent mental block preventing the resentful from ever being a good person. She makes it her life’s work to cause trouble.
she's a miserable person
Pray for her and be ready to reach out with love when the time is right. You'll know when that happens. Praying for her is not just for her benefit but yours too!
Good advice- and thank you!
Seems like you are a true Christian . Sometimes the message will it be heard .
Beautifully said and thank you!
They can't talk face to face, this opens them up to being challenged, which they cannot tolerate because they cannot rationally defend themselves. They probably feel like they're walking through a hall of mirrors.
Good analogy. Nope she can't. Just name calls and makes references on her FB site to try and engage us. We don't which makes her even MORE frazzled I think. It's actually pretty entertaining to watch. But it's sad at the same time because she's family.
We feel a lifelong moral obligation to family. We don’t want them “lost” here or later. But we cannot always save those who cannot/don’t accept that they’re in danger.
I block such “family”.
"Doublethink means the power of holding two contradictory beliefs in one’s mind simultaneously, and accepting both of them."
That’s cognitive dissonance.
I understand the amusement factor here, but in reality, I think most people can actually hold opposing thoughts.
I can understand two opposing points of view and see merit in both, but to have deep-seated opposing BELIEFS? Well, a belief is just another thought process, albeit a larger one, and it can be altered (or not) as the owner sees fit. So I suppose it can be done. How often this happens, though, and how well it is achieved, depends on the brain's ability. I do wonder if people who have less flexible and intelligent brains struggle to deal with this opposition well - which is why we see such weirdness from them? Of course they could just be brainwashed so that's why they're weird now!!
Programming NPCs to practice doublethink is part of the brainwashing, so I think your latter point is the correct one :-)
“Whatever was true now was true from everlasting to everlasting. It was quite simple. All that was needed was an unending series of victories over your own memory. ’Reality control’, they called it: in Newspeak, ’doublethink.’ …
“His mind slid away into the labyrinthine world of doublethink. To know and not to know, to be conscious of complete truthfulness while telling carefully constructed lies, to hold simultaneously two opinions which cancelled out, knowing them to be contradictory and believing in both of them, to use logic against logic, to repudiate morality while laying claim to it, to believe that democracy was impossible and that the Party was the guardian of democracy, to forget whatever it was necessary to forget, then to draw it back into memory again at the moment when it was needed, and then promptly to forget it again: and
above all, to apply the same process to the process itself. That was the ultimate subtlety: consciously to induce unconsciousness, and then, once again, to become unconscious of the act of hypnosis you had just performed. Even to understand the word ’doublethink’ involved the use of doublethink.”
They're actually remarkably consistent on this.
Republicans have no right to __________.
Democrats always have the right to ________________.
Filibuster, rinse, and repeat.
"It's not ____________ when WE do it!"
“But when I do it, it’s cute!”
As a side note, every time I see the name of your substack, this image gets more relevant:
I’ve seen some weird shit at the corner of 18th & K NW in DC. Things I still cannot comprehend in a universe governed with physics and metaphysics. Of course if you “abandon all hope, ye who enter here,” it seems perfectly acceptable.
But I’m not going to do that. Nothing but Bad Company there.
Tell me that you are not a thief
Oh but I am bad company
It's the way I play dirty for dirty
Oh, somebody double-crossed me
Double-cross, double-cross
OMG, I LOVE IT!!! Thank you so much for sharing that. So perfect for my blog!
After the last two years, I think we can all relate to poor Alice!
We have all been dragged far, far down the rabbit hole.
Logic and rationality are racist, comrade.
Every time you say that, a leftist gets its balls crushed
How can they have something they lack crushed?
protecting the life, liberty and pursuit of existence o fhte unborn is not big government, it is the rights of man, starting when they are conceived....
the unborn have rights, like any other human life.
When the murder of the innocent is accepted by the majority, every other possible evil becomes morally permissible.
Some people do not believe that. Just as they do not believe in positive value of covid vaccines. You either believe in freedom and bodily autonomy, or you don't. You cannot have it both ways. You can have whatever you imagine between your ears, but you cannot force it on others. Freedom!
I disagree. Reading “you can have whatever you imagine between your ears, but you cannot force it on others,” sounds like “you can believe in your god, but you cannot speak of your god in the public square lest it offend those who do not believe,” see? The president before Trump said people had a right to “worship” but made a distinction between “worship” and “religion.” When one cannot “force” another to even accidentally hear the word of God because these words constitute an “injury to the ears” then it becomes a free speech issue.
And that is without even bringing up how SCOTUS managed to locate a ghost (penumbra) within the due process clause that somehow transformed the unborn but alive child into “right to privacy” while tossing both baby and “right to life Liberty and pursuit of happiness” into the medical waste and experiment labs of universities and NIH. All while simultaneously providing millions of campaign donations from Planned Parenthood into Congressional coffers to guarantee…federal grants to Planned Parenthood. Funny how that works, in a kind of Soylent Green kinda way. Nothing wasted there, lots of “re-use recycling” of human flesh and tax money. Very low carbon, etc. Bill & Melinda approved too.
If I found myself in agreement with that crowd EVER, I’d be re-examining my thinking in a hurry.
One of my pet peeves is proselytizing. It proves whatever narrative being pushed is invalid at minimum. God definitely does not need a marketing team. The "word of God"? Do you mean the bible? If you were minimally familiar with it, you would know many of the simplest things put forth in it. Such as, 1) Man becomes a living soul at birth, upon taking the first breath, 2) A pregnant woman constitutes one life. But maybe you don't mean the bible. Just what is between your ears. You are entitled to that, because it is who you are. And if it were enough for you, there would be no need to push it upon others. For me, fraudulent religionist lies are injurious, and I don't want to accidentally be a part of it. The covid vaccines are a part of a crime against humanity, injurious, deadly and fraudulent, and I want no part of them either.
No one tried to use the Bible to justify a pro-life stance. Common sense tells us the unborn child is a separate entity from the mother; with its own DNA, blood type, heartbeat, gender, personality, and instincts. Even so, you are misquoting the Bible. “From birth I was cast on you; from my mother’s womb you have been my God.“
Nobody needs the Bible to prove the anti-abortion stance.
It’s Science, which is very popular these days.
Funny how you say proselytizing is one of your pet peeves. 🙄
"Do you mean the bible? If you were minimally familiar with it, you would know many of the simplest things put forth in it. Such as, 1) Man becomes a living soul at birth, upon taking the first breath, 2) A pregnant woman constitutes one life."
You're joking, yes? Very funny! Or maybe you're talking about "the Bible" that the nice TV box told you about.
One of my dearest friends, who was wont to call me functionally crazy because I believed (still do) that Christianity is true, was against abortion rights (still is)
because not murdering one's helpless offspring is ethical, civilized behavior.
The bare minimum required of a belief system ought to include not torturing tiny, helpless members of ones own species to death. And as far as I know from Stoic atheism to Christianity, they do. Some sicko types, of course do not: civilizations based on that sort fall apart.
Could I have the references for 1 and 2 please as I believe you are misquoting.
It is wrong to intentionally kill an innocent human being. Abortion kills an innocent human being. Therefore abortion is wrong. The only differences between the unborn and a toddler are size, level of development, environment, and degree of dependency. They are both human.
I did not quote at all. You believe what you believe, and I doubt the bible verses have any relevance to that belief. Regardless, the point is that tyrants tell people that they must take vaccines because "science" - even when denying the very substance of science and invalidating science. And tyrants also dictate their own beliefs upon others, in this case pregnant women. Some don't need to pretend that the bible gives them the authority to do so when not even being familiar with the bible. And what they are doing is invalidating the bible, while pretending that the bible that they don't know is God. They do not have the authority, and must not be allowed to dictate their beliefs to others, or legislate those beliefs.
Now I quote because you asked:
Genesis 2:7 KJV
7 And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.
Exodus 21:22-23 KJV
22 If men strive, and hurt a woman with child, so that her fruit depart from her, and yet no mischief follow: he shall be surely punished, according as the woman's husband will lay upon him; and he shall pay as the judges determine.
23 And if any mischief follow, then thou shalt give life for life...
What I like about the references is what they show about how precious life is.
some people in 1942 saw personhood as definabl....
bad precedent, there are freedoms and there are responsibilities to do no harm.
believe what you will os freedom, excusing atrocity is what voltaire dais about believing absrurdity.
vaccine, with unaudited test data, has positive value to very few compared to the number that are coerced.
I'm pro-choice on abortion and pro-choice/ anti mandate for vaccines. No cognitive dissonance or doublethink here.
This is a battle over the Memes of Production.
But they’re being honest: they say “Republicans have no business interfering in your private medical decisions”. In their view, Democrats have every such right. And they see this as morally defensible because Democrats are “the good guys” and Republicans are “the bad guys”.
What would “progressives” be without rank hypocrisy and the ability simultaneously to hold two mutually exclusive views?
It's like trying to watch Biden complete a full sentence........
"My body, my choice" has always been about exactly one thing because Democrats are more than happy to lock you up for doing the wrong kinds of drugs or perhaps selling said body.
The leftist hordes may be divided into two cadres:
1. Community Organizers.
This lot know exactly what they are doing. They not only see the contradiction, they intend it because they know that this sort of blatant hypocrisy, combined with corruption of language, pushed long enough and hard enough, will create an intellectual and rhetorical tower of babel and thus societal chaos, thereby galvanizing their flock and induce even the agnostic to demand "order", which they will provide, good and hard.
They are machiavellian to the core and are unfettered by any ethical principle or consideration of justice, decency or human rights.
2. Useful Idiots
These are the vast herds of tax cattle which H.L. Mencken called "boobus Americanus"*. They will believe what they are told, regardless of how preposterous and how many times the "narrative" changes to completely contradict previous iterations.
"Don't wear masks!" "You must wear masks!" "The jabs will stop the pandemic!" "You need another booster". Etc., etc., etc. ad nauseam.
The rise of this societal socialist bowel movement of a mass of a gullible, ignorant and supine population yoked up and led by a ruthless, utterly relentless and brutal cadre of wannabe nomenklatura and commissars is the current apogee of a century of socialist (a.k.a. progressive) expansion of the State into an omnipotent leviathan.
It has taken them 100 years to destroy our Republic and indoctrinate, infantilize, stupefy and terrify some half the population and get them to vote against their own liberty and prosperity for chimeras of security and "free" shit.
Should this lot secure a commanding majority, and they are doing everything in their power to do exactly that, the party will really get started.
You ain't seen nothing yet.
* If you are not American, know that I am inclusive and recognize boobus Britannicus and Canadius as well.
I love the way the left talks about their opinion as being too important not to suspend every rule of democracy to put it into's their opinion Geez....and they can't even see it from the other makes them look even stupider than they already look and that is very stupid!!!
Nail on head once again, kitten. My other fallback for causing mental contortions can be summed up in this soyjak:
Brilliant, thank you!
That sums up our "elite" class perfectly.
‘Freedom convoy’ of truckers opposing vaccine mandate leaves Metro Vancouver for Ottawa.
Once the gubmint became the payer and manager of healthcare, every medical decision became public.
Just imagine telling these lefties
Do you think we could ban nose rings as well? They always remind me of livestock, and the two hanging things as drools of snot. On the other hand, banning things is their forte.
Cognitive dissonance puts gravity in the corner.
It's all about MEME Me
The craziest part is the Dems in California are trying to push through AB 1400 right now which would mandate state healthcare for all. The state would be in total control of you health decisions. No choice at all. And as goes California, so goes the rest of the nation eventually.
No vaccine has ever been proven to be safe and effective and the idea they're responsible for the sharp decline of "infectious" diseases is pure propaganda. (The Smallpox and polio vaccines were complete and utter failures and the polio vaccine, which contains toxic Aluminum, can actually cause "polio-like" symptoms- most cases of "polio" were actually due to DDT poisoning. Read "Dissolving Illusions" for the real historical truth.) Consent to be poisoned by vaccines should be a non-starter. The problem is the Deep State has brainwashed society for power, profit and depopulation of the 3rd world. With the COVID clot shots, they're not trying to depopulate the rest of the world as well.
Have you seen this little gem?
If I read that discussion correctly, it looks like Omicron was here BEFORE the the OG and Delta variant. This just gets more and more murky and nefarious looking. Thankfully bigger brains than mine are sussing out how to follow all these clues and untangle the knotted thread of lies we’ve been fed. 🙏🏻
I don’t accept that any of the variants are different enough from each other that they have the most remote chance of “escaping immunity”.
We knew in spring 2020 that those recovered from SARS-CoV-1 infection in 2003 had circulating T-cells fully capable of recognising SARS-CoV-2.
Those two agents differ by around 20% at the protein level. No problem.
The most-different variants from the Wuhan sequence of SARS-CoV-2 are under 1% different. I believe Omicron is now the most different but it’s an order of magnitude less different from the original sequence than the difference between -CoV-1 & -CoV-2.
Unvaccinated people don’t become clinically unwell after second exposure to -CoV-2 variants.
This is as expected immunology 101.
That some vaccinated people appear to is very concerning. “Vaccines, Jim, but not as we know them”.
All of this virus stuff gets very confusing for me. I remember when this time of the year, people *always* got sick and it was either, "I have a cold" or "I have the flu". Now I notice that *anyone* who is sick tells me, "I have covid" whether tested or not. It was a brilliant plan wasn't it? Now we have "variants" of "covid" to be "scared" of all of the time instead of what I think a lot of this really is... colds and flu. Just like it's been for hundreds of years. (And personally, I've had enough of all of it. If I get sick, unless I'm half dead, I'm going to stick with tradition and say I have a cold or flu)
We need to take back normal, or it will never come. It’s small acts like this, multiplied by vast numbers that can really pack a big wallop. 💪🏻💥
And check out the the source data at the bottom of chart 3. Explains who created c19
“Conspiracy realist” !!
Hopefully all this goes mainstream soon. Guessing some already know and perhaps why they’ve backed off restrictions in UK and Ireland.
We are the mainstream, we have to become it.
All the main media & the top layer of the internet are bought off or are collaborating.
We can’t cry about this or give up.
Our adversaries are playing a logical hand.
The more who wake, the greater the risk for the perpetrators.
Got it! Thank you
Abortion is a complicated issue and there is no obvious Libertarian position because of the debate over the rights of the mother versus those of the fetus/ child. Probably better decided at the local community level rather than by the Federal government.
Yes, in fact no law could be detailed enough to cover the immense variety of issues, complications, and parameters around each individual decision IMO. In a perfect world, the mother would have support from the father, their families, and their trusted communities to do what's right in that situation. I dream of that kind of society.
The forced pronouns thing is very similar. It is compelled speech. And if you don't buy in, you're a transphobe. Who cares what pronoun anyone uses to describe you when you're not even within earshot? Not me.
That and the refusal to acknowledge that the creature with its own beating heart also has its own unique DNA, neither of which belongs to the body of the mother, so if we're going to say, 'my body, my choice,' fine; just make sure it's only *your* body that's being affected.
Well this cuts both ways doesn't it? It's sad how few people in bodily autonomy as a principle, or really anything besides loyalty to the tribe.
It’s loyalty to a brand not a tribe. If they hadn’t seen it on a celebrity online or on tv, they’d look normal.
I don't see any difference. You can swap out tribe for something like party or nation and the point still stands.
If you think this is something specific to democrats or the left, you're part of the problem.
There is an emerging movement in Texas to find ways to codify elements of the Nuremburg Code into state law to empower individuals to stand up to the medical tyrants currently running roughshod over their health and freedoms. Read more here:
An unborn baby is not the woman's body.
I love people fighting against these immoral kill shots....
But I bet few could accept this whole depopulation warfare is a chastisement allowed by God because of a billion slaughtered unborn babies, 63 m here in greatest country on earth .
Praying Rosary outside abortion clinics I heard America is under judgment. Decades ago. Guess what... they were right
Oh, and I'm indpt... GOP are basically pretend pro lifers
If not for double standards, they would have no standards at all.
stats seem to indicate that various batches of Moderna, J&J and Pfizer have widely variable toxicity. Could this be possible, could these stats be showing this :
Oh!!! Look over there!!! Conservatives!!!
I love the last meme! Got my head bit off when I shared it, but it was totally worth it.
Your body, your choice, your responsibility, absolutely. Now, here is your bill, will that be cash or credit?
Everyone should be force-sterilized so they won’t clog the abortion clinics!
Brilliant! And common sense!!
I need this tee-shirt.
John Adams knew only a moral populace could remain free because they govern themselves in order to not offend God. But having removed all traces of a Deity from public discourse and law, whom do the people fear enough to hold their worst vices in check? Nobody but the State in the form of police, and now social media.
The State says a mother can turn on her own offspring without punishment but if a man calls a stupid teenager an “immigrant” it’s a racial epithet and he’s unemployed within hours and in a jail cell.
What governs these people and situations? What morality applies? Do they fear damnation for bad acts? Not at all. Society “shouts” for abortions (not something that ever ends well, historically speaking, that’s undeniable) and Tik Tok is more thorough than the Gestapo at rounding up parents upset by accidental allergic reactions.
What an efficient system we have created. God? What God? Haha, only idiots believe in objective truth.
We all know that the desire to remove God from the public square was an absolute necessity for Marxists in China/USSR. Both societies [have] murdered millions in pursuit of a “fair” distribution of goods. Breaking a few eggs to make an omelette, etc, trying to CONTROL human nature, out of a belief in the perfectability of humans. When I say people should be free to practice religion in the public square, I don’t mean that I personally want to shout Bible quotes in a shopping mall. I mean, my religion informs my world view. The elites in Davos have no notion of anything transcendent in the universe. We are just bags of flesh awaiting their orders.
They are the Gods. Look for the videos of that ball club owner scoffing at the idea that anyone gives a shit about the Uyghers (who are unwilling organ donors on demand for globalists) or the lady in Davos bemoaning the fact that we, the great unwashed, have no “trust in our elites.”
When you shed all notions of a Deity, you don’t get rid of God. You only make way for the NEW gods. And those who resist must GO. It’s always this way.
Which God though? Because most people calling themselves "Christians" have been mistakenly worshipping Ba'al. "Christ" is a job title, not a name.
It means "Annointed of Ba'al." Joshua/Yeshua was betrayed by The Magdalene whilst he was dying on the cross, and unable to do anything about it. She "Annonted him with oil" as the "Christ" of Ba'al. Prior to this, he was "the Anti-Christ." Mary, who was a temple prostitute of the Cult of Ba'al, held the title of "The Magdalene." And thus the greatest betrayer of Joshua's teachings, dooming his sincere students and all who came after to mistakenly follow the Satanic cult it has always been.
Pay attention to words:
"In the Name of God, Amen." So the name of the God you are praying to is Amen-Ra. Clear cut.
"Papal Bulls." Yes, Ba'al Cult decrees.
Eating and drinking "the body and blood of Christ" (not "the body and blood of Joshua," since the act of Annointing him changed him from himself into a sacred vessel for the Ba'al Cult).
The notion that even though everything has been -a complete lie and fabrication- for the past 2000+ years, the "Christian religion" would remain untouched is...well, it would be sadly amusing, if not for the destruction, misery, and wasted time/resources of Billions of sincere people.
But, this is the Apocalypse (the "Unveiling," and you knew it wouldn't be easy.
Discard "Christianity" for the Satanic garbage it is, and try to find the message of Joshua within the dross.
Some people care about the Uyghers, but for most it's not enough to stop buying Nike or Apple or any company with slave labor in their supply chain. The NBA certainly doesn't care and actively prostrates themselves to China. But perhaps Chamath was playing 4D chess: by disavowing any care, he forces people to respond and vocalize their Uygher support.
<insert ~guy pointing to brain~ meme here>