Not just the undersea damage, but the Russian oil price caps were planned for the purpose of causing Russia to stop natural gas exports to Europe. The price caps were implemented with the right timing for Russia to stop gas exports in time for Europe to run out of gas for heating in mid December. This was all planned. They wanted all this to happen.

The elites understand that the Haber process is enormously energy intensive and that raising electricity prices would end production of nitrogen fertilizer, the key fertilizer, the plant's source of fixed nitrogen, it is for plants what protein is for us. Carnivorous plants live in low nitrogen soil and kill insects just for the fixed nitrogen. Plant and animal life cannot live without fixed nitrogen, which comes from bacteria, or the Haber process invented in the 20th century.

They planned the electricity shortage knowing it would mean a food shortage. All planned.

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OK, but why a food shortage on top of electricity and nat gas shortages? Doesn't that make sitting EU leftist pols even more liable to right-wing replacement?

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Food shortages can in part be dealt with by replacing meat with more plant food. You can eat the crops normally grown for livestock. This happened in Germany in the last year of WW1, the turnip winter, where they ate turnips normally grown as feed.

They will use the food shortage to force a move away from meat and towards all the weird food choices they have always favored. Also as an excuse to take control of the distribution of food.

If they wanted to they could subsidize the eletricity being used to make nitrogen fertilizer, it would not cost that much in the grand scheme of things. It would actually save society money in the long run. This option is available to them and they ignore it, they want the fertilzer plants to shut down.

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And no more livestock making traditional fertilizer

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All the subsidy in the world will not import a single cubic meter of gas from a disabled pipeline.

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There are sources of electrical generation besides natural gas. I believe nitrogen fertilizer manufacturing should receive electricity at subsidized prices.

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This strikes me as something that is going to be deeply unpopular.

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Its easier to push unpopular things through by describing them as necessary.

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Perfect way to drive the region’s Countrymen straight into helplessness. Helpless citizens do what they are told.

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Also it’s far removed in consequences enough that the normies won’t see it was always the plan.

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Plants and the bugs all around them.

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Leaves the question unanswered. Their motive isn’t unknown, but the reaction of the masses would logically be to oust the elitist scum and elect some decent humans.

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ehh, not when there are no elections because of the food, electricity, and natural gas emergencies!

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Hegelian Dialect. They control both sides, or goad them into fighting. Once all the destruction happens they swoop in and take over the controls.

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Hitler was leftist scum.

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Or from nitrogen-fixing plants like legumes

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I’m calling for the impeachment of Biden for committing environmental terrorism. Akin to Saddam Hussein lighting the oil wells. He dumped trillions of tons of natural gas into the marine environment.

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He needs one count for everyday he’s not enforced border laws.

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Now, now. Calls for border closures are wasist. Obama just said so.

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Nextdoor says so, too. Too many people believe whatever the MSM and TNI feeds 'em. Every. Single. Day.

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Nextdoor Nazis… probably bots… I got off!

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Left always uses absurdisms. There is a vast difference in controlling and closing.

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Actually, it's bubbling up to the atmosphere. But I'm all for impeaching Biden and then some.

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NO! It’s killing the fish!!! OCEAN POLLUTION!!! RACISM!!!! LOOT THE 7/11!!!

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I don't know how much methane is absorbed into ocean water. I suspect very little. And, yes, the poor fish in the area are likely all dead. I'm also not really concerned about the methane released into the atmosphere (unless it doesn't disperse and explodes).

Seriously, I live in the Philadelphia suburbs and a bunch of racist, xenophobic white supremacists just trashed a WaWa. Oh, wait.

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They're heading south to redecorate Florida.

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Well we gotta get the environmental nut jobs onboard, they throw the loudest temper tantrums…

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It was just a clot that ruptured the pipe. Oh wait, isn't that the other issue?

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Ya mean both femoral arteries. Umm I meant both nordstream arteries. I am so confused now.

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So confusing, I know, huh?

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Occam's razor:

It was the US...

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Safe and effective strategy.

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us navy amphib group is operating in the baltic as this happened.

but, the seal team was likely employed from a submarine which has not surfaced since picking them up from helos off the east coast. a submersible to move the seals can be carried by the larger conventional sub.

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There's a US submarine with a marine interface (the Jimmy Carter, replacement of the Parchee). Much better than an attached submersible.

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A very good article. I skimmed it quickly and was disappointed at not seeing more recognition of the Federal Reserve as the nexus of Anglo control of the American empire. Who owns the Federal Reserve? And who owns those institutions?

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Absolutely nothing of this scale happens in that water without the express approval of the US. Period.

Now- you’re Putin & it’s your move. No, really, you’re it. The hand’s been dealt- call or fold.

I got 8-5 on call and the fallout from this won’t be the happy dance the US Puppet has scheduled in the day book JCOS (the same idiots that planned the Afghan withdrawal) designed to save face.

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I agree, the morons currently planning this stuff always seem to think they’re in a vacuum. There are all sorts of retaliations possible: more blown up factories, cyber attacks, satellite attacks, grid outages, etc. It’s not like out southern border is secure. If the morons don’t care about their citizens, and don’t fear their citizens will catch on, then I guess it’s low risk from their (moronic, immoral) perspective.

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The Russians don't need to do a damn thing but get another bowl of popcorn and watch the US and EU destroy themselves for lack of energy. With oil and gas prices high they can sell all they need to Asia and the Global South.

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Not true, they still are actively engaged in an engrossing, losing (if you trust our media propaganda) war. They supposedly are hemorrhaging trips by the day. Tick tock

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They are just trapped in their own legalistic bureaucratic BS. The referendums and the allowing of ukropig shelling nucler power plants and civilian houses is part of the internal reasoning they need to declare the "my allowed 300 spartans no-war" an "anti terrorist operation" (which looks more like a regular war). The pyrrhic Kharkov offensive by the pigs was a massive adavance against poorly manned positions, the russians just retreated (while destroying thousands of enemy troops, easier when you're defending).

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but wouldnt the russians suspect that something like this would happen and be watching the pipeline...

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Maybe it’s just me, but didn’t Putin just get finished warning the entire world about just who they were pushing around last week? Geee- wonder why?

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Have you ever heard parking lot deals?

What makes you so sure this wasn't agreed upon between the US and Russia?

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Are you saying that you think Putin and the Russian military sabotage the pipeline on purpose but that would really hurt the Russians ability to use it as a bargaining chip. The Russian military must have the ability to monitor the pipeline I know if there is some activity submarines or ships near it . Russian military intelligence must have suspected that someone might try something like this?

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Where? In? The? Actual? F? Did I ever say that RUS did it?

The friggin’ USNAVSPECWAR just trained it!

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Maybe something was set up to blow a while back.

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But by who and why

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The US. Both Nuland & Biden bragged about it.

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When did they brag

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Why Victoria Nuland Is Dangerous and Should Not Be Confirmed


Victoria Nuland threatens to shut down Nord Stream 2 if Russia …


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Sep 28, 2022·edited Sep 28, 2022

The area where the explosions took place is right outside swedish and danish waters, so the russians couldn't watch it without us watching them. Google-pedia "Bornholm" or "Nordstream", the pipeline passes right outside the island of Bornholm. You can also check [https://www.nord-stream.com/] for information about the pipelines.

And if a russian ship had been present even remotely, I think all the media would have jumped it when they were told about it by military/politicians.

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but the point is that the Russians must have suspected that someone would try to sabotage the one thing they had as a major bargaining chip. So why wouldnt they have surveillance on the pipeline 24/7 after all its their pipleine. The whole thing is so insane. its worse than the 9/11 plane attacks

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Because the pipeline runs through Nato member's waters, ad well as international.

Also because sabotaging pipelines is an act of war; they are sacrosanct. No sane government would do such a thing because it opens the door to underwater retaliation. All developed countries are vulnerable. Russia can take out the new Norway-Poland pipeline. They can take out the Transatlantic internet cable. They can take out US oil in the Gulf of Mexico.

Anybody know where poseidon has been hanging lately?

It was a phenomenally stupid thing to do.

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Agree. And don't forget that the administration communicated with China on a couple of issues with major implications; then to only have China tell Russia the next day.

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Russia could wait until Spring, when they might have more friends.

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Do you think the US did it without China's go ahead. I doubt it.

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Did you forget the winkie emoji? There’s no way- think, man. Xi would immediately call Putin & take Taiwan while making claims against US hegemony. Check, mate, match.

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Have you thought about this possibility? :

Why couldn't it be an agreement between the US and Russia?

Both get what they want and Putin saves face.

There is plenty of precedence for parking lot deals like this.

You probably didn't...because you're sure you have it figured out.

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Putin has no reason to save face.

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Well, he has cut away so much of it in a bid for youthfoolish looks that he COULD employ such measures. Especially since he likes to cut off his nose.

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I would agree with that except I'm suspicious as "Mifly" is about Russia not thinking (and preparing) for this contingency.

Either way I'm sure the administration will make a meal of it. Like shooting a 9 on a par 3.

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I think Russia is pretty prepared for any contingency. They've already demonstrated that while they'd like to have it, they don't need Germany's business.

As far as potential retaliation:

The US & UK have pipelines in international waters too.

Lavrov already mentioned 70 military & 200 civilian satellites as potential targets.

I read the US has already offered to "help" Germany. Of course, our LNG travels by huge ship. Anyone know where Poseidon is hanging these days?

Our leaders, in a single word? Hubris.

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Roll me some of that & send it over, dude.

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Hey King - why don't you grow a pair and stop hiding behind your handle?

I betcha you're real successful in life...and miserable....

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My bet is that 50% is as good as you’ve ever done anyway. Oh wait, yeah, 1/3 - right about the “real successful” & wrong about the handle & misery. Now run along, genius.

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Hey big shot. You might want a little winkie emoji for assuming the administration is not that stupid.

Little naive imo.

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Disagree. Pretty sure that's okay here without hostility.

I like to think out of the box. It has served me well. You know imagination.

That doesn't make me right. But I'm sure not going to be cock sure about it.

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Oof. El Gato missed the litter box pretty bad here doing a ctrl c + v from politico...

"russia is suddenly on the back foot in ukraine and losing territory and face at a rapid rate. lines broke, casualties are high, and this new call up of barely trained conscripts is going to be catastrophic. they are neither prepared nor equipped for this. they are getting walked into a wood chipper and further losses are just going to weaken the russian position."

A more accurate take on events in UA and Russia the past month and what happens now can be found here...


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Sep 27, 2022·edited Sep 27, 2022

Find it amazing that intelligent people will call out MSM lies on one item but believe MSM's narrative on another. Especially after the shenanigan's of the past two plus years, definitely leaves me perplexed. Gell-Mann theory anyone?

Here's a thought, any narrative which appears on both "sides" of MSM, you should immediately look for alternative news outlets because the fact that both "sides:" agree mean, both sides got the same memo.

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Wise advice. And then one has to dig and see if that alternative outlet has been bought off too. They spent over $300 million buying "influencers" to push the toxic jabs. They're doing the same with this war to make things appear as they're not to justify the continued looting and laundering of US tax dollars through Kiev.

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Brian Berletic (New Atlas on telegram, YT, Rumble) has lots of videos tracing the money of color revolutions (he always includes a list of pertinent articles in the video description). The Duran, Larry Johnson, Moon over Alabama, and a a slew of other journalists / citizen-journalists who are connecting the dots between unrests, civilian slaughter and three-letter agencies.

For example, now understand why Middle Eastern countries never raised a ruckus over the Uyghur detentions. Never made sense. Well maybe it has to do with the terrorist training that some Uyghur's received at the behest of you-know-who and some of the worst ISIS bombings where carried out by Uyghur Isis fighters.

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It's better to get a broader perspective and in the case of Putin's invasion of Ukraine there's plenty to choose among with reporters from different parts of the world to YouTube channels like Crux doing a synopsis of news.

When the lies start appearing, it's easy to learn to dismiss. Russia does feature top propaganda efforts from the Soviet days The mobilization draft isn't syncing well with it's "all going according to the plan" as one Russian, Constantin from "Inside Russia" attests. But his YouTube channel offered that standard line with a wink and a nod. He didn't want to be imprisoned for a decade for daring to speak outside of the official Putin dogma. Oh, he's now fled the country too, joining hundreds of thousands of other men who flew the Putin draft coop.

He's actually live now from leaving Russia:


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Sep 27, 2022·edited Sep 27, 2022

I am with you on this, I think Russia is doing well in this conflict. Western propaganda media tells you otherwise though.

For a better perspective of the conflict, I think the following Youtubers give you a more accurate picture of it:

The Duran

Jackson Hinkle

Garland Nixon


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It's amazing that the US spent hundreds of millions (along with Gates foundation and UK wellcome trust) buying influencers for propaganda campaigns to sell the toxic jabs. They're also (USAID front groups) spending hundreds of millions on influencer propaganda for the war. UA banned all media in the country that doesn't parrot the official narrative. All western press repeat the UA lies as truth, and people don't ask questions. Little victories are amplified into massive war-changing moves to keep the USD spigot going from the taxpayers to Kiev. But on the independent media front It becomes increasingly difficult to know who's bought and who is trying to stay objective and loyal to the truth.

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You sound bitter about the armed forces of Ukraine's shocking victories in the "Battle of Kyiv" and the "Battle of Kharkiv."

Reagan Doctrine lives. Those "little victories" are shocking the world. It's why Ukraine gets so much good tidings from people all over the world. No one likes an imperialist bully and Putin is certainly that and a KGB thug.

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Yes, very bitter. I have horses in this race, and they're losing. It's blinding my objectivity and trapping me in a mirage of Putin Propaganda.

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You're pretty big to admit you're bitterness. Imagine how bitter Putin is with his three-day war leading to over 50,000 KIA and tens of thousands of casualties. He's now so desperate, they are nabbing people off the streets and probably are looking at instilling martial law.

Your citations are completely false: from what you alleged I read to your claim the AC is correct about the "Battle of Kharkiv." They are not. It's garbage. I stand by it.

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Okay horsey. Point made. Keep feeding in whatever pastures make you feel good. Got it.

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The USA took lots of drug dealers and minor offenders from prison and put them in Army fatigues 50 years ago. It is not surprising that a nation confronted with an attacking army funded and supplied by the USA and NATO would be compelled to reinstitute the draft and rehabilitate some prisoners.

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No one likes an imperialist bully and the USA certainly meets that definition. George H.W. Bush was the head of the CIA. Does that make him a CIA thug? It is stupid to believe State Media when the world is in such danger.

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What I know of the limited group you mention is all Putinoid propaganda. I would put up those folks doing actual real military analysis on the ground up against any of them.


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You mean like a red blooded Army Colonial who has studied military strategy and history for decades in Col Douglas McGregor who authored that piece you never read? That's a good start.

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Hey Horsey, we missed you and the other Langley Bro "Benjaminn" over on Jeff's Substack yesterday and today! Just like to say "Hi" ;)

RUSSIAsteria: Best Nord Stream Didn't Kill Itself Memes (And We Know Who Did It!)

- Nord Stream had information that would have led to Hillary Clinton's arrest, we know who did it, love the smell of gas in the morning and more Nord Stream memes as the pipeline did not kill itself!


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Stratpol as well. It is in French though. The guy who owns the channel was a French military who lives in Russia since 2000. He is very objective in his analysis.

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Do you have a link for this?

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I've read a lot of credible stuff about how Russia has specifically not called it a war, etc, but is now ready to actually DO WAR. It's more credible to me, anyway, than the MSM "Russia is losing every day" line. This part stuck out to me too - but I still don't think Russia would explode the pipelines since it did give them some way to screw with NATO

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No. Russia definitely didn't destroy the pipelines. The Western Alliance of US/UK/NATO already admitted they did it. See Polish Globalist psycho Radosław Sikorski - an EU MEP's tweet thanking the U.S. for it. He's part of the "civic party" and husband of American empire CFR snake Anne Applebaum. They just don't give a damn that the world knows they are economic and ecological terrorists.


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Oh my. I guess the US taxpayers will have to give TRILLIONS more to the war effort.

Good think they are hiring 87,000 more IRS agents.

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that is 4000 more swat teams to go after brandon's political enemies.....

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Oh man. This is nuts.

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These same people will complain that methane, natural gas, is killing the planet...while they blow up the pipelines.

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Yes, this is correct. Russia isn't "losing," they are making tactical decisions.

It is beyond appalling our globohomopedo satanist administration is able to spend our tax dollars and future generations' tax dollars (if we have future American generations) on its corrupt money, drug, bioweapons and Human trafficking laundering enterprises in Ukraine and destroying Western civilization with it. Meanwhile the billionaires and collaborators in unelected federal agencies are running their arrogant schemes mostly unchecked, and the Pentagon is in the pocket of the CCP, killing and maiming soldiers and pilots while it polishes up the logistics of handing over infrastructure, military bases and hardware to them.

We fight on with election integrity, forensic audits, and vigilance. If we have midterms that are not seized pursuant to Biden's to date redacted election control Executive Order it is God's continued mighty hand blessing America.

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Sep 27, 2022·edited Sep 27, 2022

Yet more Putinoid denial. Putin isn't doing any anti-homo thing. Go to a Russian prison and you will learn how Putin allows massive homo rape.

Have first hand knowledge about election fraud and I've uncovered it leading to prosecution and conviction. I'm safe in concluding Putin's Soviet-style "election" in occupied areas of Ukraine is fraudulent.

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I feel like a fly drawn to fresh horse shit, here. Please share with us, Horsey, where you gained such information about Russian prisons.

Are you really Joe Biden?

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So if Putin put a few biolabs in Mexico you would be okay with it?...What exactly prompted all the interest the u.s. has in Ukraine now?...asking for a friend.

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I'm not saying Putin is a good guy, just speaking to the Ukraine stuff. Putin is not about individual rights in a republic or any of that, he is about controlling who gets what. He says truths for beating up the bullshit going on and he says some very correct things about American admin hypocrisy and lies but he nor about to see Russia have Western liberties to the degree we demand here in the U.S. Crap, having Syrians and the muslims recruited to go to Ukraine and shit like that? I don't have lots of illusions about him. He did appreciate Trump's no nonsense approach.

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Yeah, I found that bit really annoying. Out of character for El Gato.

Scott Ritter for one, who not only got banned from Twitter for his analysis on Ukraine (then had his identity stolen on Twitter) but was then placed on a “hit list” compiled by a Ukrainian government agency who’s salaries are being paid with U.S. funds. His analysis and other writing can be found at Consortium News.

I have no doubt we damaged the pipelines. Especially with people like Nuland once again in such prominent positions. She of the “fuck the EU” 2014 video--she’s a woman of her word on that point, at least. Europeans will surely be fucked this winter--no matter what happens now.

Nuland and co. want so desperately to have a “mission” for NATO like Serbia. Only problem: Russia has the equipment, know-how and determination to not be pushed around.

I would recommend Michael Tracey’s latest on how we really came to get involved in WWII, and the European casualties we left in our wake.

Was it Biden that said “we will fight Russia to the last Ukrainian”? Here we go.

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Absolutely my thought. Our propaganda machine is churning on all cylinders with the Ukraine war just like COVID, just like the climate “crisis”.

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I agree, GC.

Russia's taking on a NATO- financed force that can't help itself from digging into the cookie jar such that most of the money and weapons never make it to the front line. Another gravy train for the Robafellers and their ilk will be milked for all it's worth. They're just trying to prolong it and/or create another cash flow.

The Russians already cleaned up the biolabs that Hunter et al were invested in, not to mention cleaning up the tunnels where the Nazis have been entrenched for decades at least, the Dark side's HQ, which is why they're so desperate.

Putin's in the catbird seat despite media blather.

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the russian defeatt in nw donbas was largely pulling out of land they took early/easy which is not worth losing men and equipment over. the 'russian' troops were primarily militia defending donbas as they have been since 2014.

the west and the afghanistan winners are applying us high cost shock and awe to russia who have less trillions in pork to run ads for!

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More incoherent denial. Russia abandoned thousands of vehicles including tanks, artillery and armor in Kharkiv.

They were not militia and Kharkiv is not the Donbas. In the Donbas right now, the armed forces of Ukraine are engaging Russia's remaining best troops in Lyman. They fight is going on in both oblasts of the Donbas right now.

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I got this deed to this bridge....

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You guys all follow the Putin party line, literally. Then you act offended when someone merely mentions how you all march on the straight and narrow, Ed.

In Russia, they are not buying it and there the State controls all media outlets!

So I guess there is nothing happening in the Donbas and there's no fight going on around Lyman.

It's just some Russia militia walking around peacefully picking up voter's ballots. 🤡

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Sep 27, 2022·edited Sep 27, 2022

That's a piece of garbage that article was highlighted on Jeff Childers substack and it's literally an inversion of reality.

For those who want to know a little of what's actually happening on the ground, you can see these folks who are putting in a real effort, not stupid inverted propaganda like the American Conservative. That article is embarrassing.



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We miss you over on Jeff's Substack - say hi to Benjaminn for me ;)

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That channel? lol okay, thanks!

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Two channels. Pick one and then see how your alleged AC inverted battlefield reality fares.

It won't be to your liking.

Gato malo is not nuts. He stated the simple reality on the ground. He knows. Try to catch up!

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I'll try my bestest!

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Wishing you the best of luck!

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Yeah, that isn’t what I’m hearing in the underground, either. I’m hearing Russia can wait it out for quite a while. And are Xi and Modi going to stand by?

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Agreed. Well off the mark, but that's what happens when one reads only the propaganda press.

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Even Nuland, the Ukrainian told the press what the US would do back in January.


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A Most Evil Bitch of the Obamaite & Clintonista Cartels.

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You forgot she was in R's administration????

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You are correct! The Bushie Cartel too. Nuland has bonivides for all the Deep State Cartels and swims effortlessly thru the DC Swamp Sewage.


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My stupid tablet auto corrected W to R. I meant George W Bush

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dubya was a neocon more than a gopper! he had cheney who is neocon personified.

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Really makes you understand TDS, doesn't it?

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But now a hero of the left because he supports his daughter? Neocons rock now, I guess.

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the uni-party is neocon.

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Ty. I wondered who R was?!? 😆

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My auto correct does this all the time. I forget to proofread, and lo and behold, A stupid post.

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Again, she was in George W Bush admin. Stupid autocorrect.

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Double wow.

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Sep 27, 2022·edited Sep 27, 2022

What’s weird to me, is that we supposedly sit on the cusp of WW3, which supposedly means an end to humanity for the most part. You’d think our “Representatives” would be most concerned about this, yet they’re babbling on about Italy, and Mexicans, and “misinformation”…

Kind of reminds me of the beginning of COVID, when they were all in on the scam, and had gay sex orgies in airports, while the rest of us were supposed to cower under our beds with 47 masks on.

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I don’t know. I saw right through COVID but I’m not sure how to take this Ukraine war thing...

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Very plausible. ​

​Is the motive somehow to keep the dollar the reserve ​currency? Weaken Russia? Keep Europe in line?

All of the above?

​A dangerous game--Europeans will not be happy freezing this winter.​ Unintended consequences, and all....

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Yes. We are all going to be very very angry with the US. Already we are hunkered down for the winter coming. My yearly electricity bill, for example, has gone from the old £1,200 to £4,000. Anger is going to turn to hatred, and support for the CIA's war in Ukraine will fall.

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Are you kidding? 4,000?

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Yup. £4,000, and we already line dry, fill the washing machine full before washing, turn out lights, etc. I am now washing on cold as far as I can, trying to cook two or three meals at once when the oven is on, walking around in the dark, and cutting the times the kettle is boiled. And that's without the rise in gas prices for central heating: it is still mild here, but I wear a padded jacket indoors now and will move to wearing layers of them this winter.

The government is giving us all (I think) £400 towards the bill, and subsidising electricity for low users: this is being done with imaginary money from the magic money tree in order to try to hang on to votes.

Imagine the situation for businesses, especially restaurants, bars, clubs, hotels. Their costs have rocketed in the same way, and the customer base will collapse. Imagine the effect on future food prices.

There is a gleam of returning sense, in that England is going to frack.

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Destroying European currencies does drive dollar strength, buying a bit more time for... what exactly?

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powell is 'doing' the euro, the yen and the pound with the next .75% rate increase!

w/o freezing the eu the $$ is the soundest horse in line at the glue factory.

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Step one: Russia insists the USA dismantle and pull all our biolabs out of Ukraine... and this clown show began.

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I think your analysis is nearly perfect. There is one major issue for the US. That is that Russia will now win the war decisively with massive damage to the Ukraine. The confines of the “Special Military Operation” were very limiting for the Russian military. The SMO is basically a large expeditionary force with specific limitations in operational doctrine. Putin is, if nothing else, a lawyer very interested in doing things by the book if you examine his history as “commander in chief. . Russia has escalated the war, immediately after the pipeline destruction, to an anti terrorist operation. This may be enough to destroy Ukrainian chances of a win. If not, after the referendums, Russia will annex the “breakaway republics” and any attack on them will be an attack on the Russian Federation. After that the Ukraine will die a horrible death. The US orchestrated the economic attack on Russia. It failed miserably. This military attack guarantees western military failure unless someone uses nukes. Look for a false flag nuclear attack blamed on Russia if Ukraine faces defeat. The US has proven itself to be criminally ruthless.

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Agreed. If NYC gets nuked (there are signs in the subway now, letting people know what to do in the event it happens, at least in NJ area), I can absolutely believe this scenario.

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So Russia goaded the US to overplay our hand, just like Biden is trying to get us “MaGA republicans” to retaliate to his rhetoric so they can justifiably escalate in “defense”? Why couldn’t this pipe bombing just be a Russian false flag in the first place then if it makes it so easy for them to win the war?

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I concur: the WEF-puppeteered US is elementary, my dear gato.

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true that. btw maa i found this song, you're in it - about 3:11 https://visceraladventure.substack.com/p/the-sound-of-silenced-science

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I saw that awesome video and kind shoutout but appreciate the heads-up as I often miss these things!

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This will ultimately hurt Europe's economy badly.

If the United States did do this, it's about as shocking and even evil as you can get. They're willing to plunge Europe into darkness putting millions of people at risk during winter for this war?

If they're willing to do this to allies, maybe European countries will reconsider their alliances with the U.S.

Very dumb move.

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The "they" you are talking about are not Americans. They are extra-governmental entities that are working "through" the U.S. government.

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This. Absolutely this. No sane American wants this sh!t that they're shoveling.

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Hope so. Because this would be extraordinary.

I also just read that it's possible Germany allowed for sabotage to happen because the greens are in power. But this strikes me as implausible. Who knows?

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The US had been very obvious in its provocations on multiple occasions. Russia has not taken the bait so far.

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Well, they did invade Ukraine.

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Greatest terror state in history. Standard operating procedure. The people of Europe will wake up now in larger numbers, their "leaders" will probably run cover for this evil that wants to destroy the continent.

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Thank the Democrats and their greatest cheating operation ever for this.

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many of the european governments and the european commission are part of this. it's not us vs europe vs russia. it's the governments and the eu/wef ilk against the 99.99%.

i do not beleive putin is losing or winning. i think he is dancing with zelensky and the west. sad but true.

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Well, something is screwy that's for dang sure.

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Or a clever move if anger can be directed at Russia to start a wider war. US gets rich again supplying Europe with weapons and then gets to loan beaucoup US dollars to rebuild Europe...if there's anything left of it.

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"but if you are losing militarily, you must find other leverage. i suspect this is why they cut off the gas. they want to dangle its return as a carrot for europe (and especially germany as ring leader) to “give peace a chance” and end this conflict before the russian military is embarrassed further to the point where it starts to threaten putin. "

Gato ebria... The milk you had last must have been fermented if you think that Russia is losing the war....

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Thank you for pointing that out. Consistently gaining territory. Inflicting KIA to the Ukrainians at 10x russian losses. barely trained conscripts? Those are reservists. They’ve already served. And it’s 1.5% of those available. Once the referenda are completed and those lands become part of Russia everything changes. At the very least they move to an anti terrorist stance and their former reserved approach vanishes.

I recommend Larry Johnson at Sonar21 or Bertletic at the new atlas channel or Moon of Alabama or the Duran for starters.

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"russia is suddenly on the back foot in ukraine and losing territory and face at a rapid rate"

Hard to tell from the hump back & forth between yours & linked commentary, but whoever believes this has not been following the action.

Russia strategically retreated from ~1% of the territory it holds while inflicting enormous casualties on Ukr. It did so in order to prepare for the referendums.

The 300,000 partial mobilization is of seasoned warriors with specific areas of expertise who will get a month of refresher training to fill them in Ukr & then will mostly backfill active troops. Make that regular army.

In the meantime, a quick look at a map of Kharkov shows a classic cauldron, or firebag, which Russia can re-activate if & when it chooses. Russia has zero reason to attack its own line. It would prefer to sell gas to Germany.

This is clearly an attack on Germany, cutting off their ability to negotiate with Russia.

Biden is on record -- & on video -- saying Nordstream 2 will never be allowed to go online. The US moved a warship into the area a couple months ago. This was obviously a US terrorist attack on its ally, Germany. Remember, the US has had no problem attacking its own citizens.

Remember, people. 2 can play this game. On the off chance Russia retaliates by taking out a few satellites, I've just completed a few online purchases of needed items not available locally.

The shit is getting real.

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What did you buy? I’m building a cart asap. Haha

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it was the german government in collusion with the usa.

the greens are terrified that the german population demands reopening of the pipelines.

now with the pipelines gone there is no way back.

the greens can continue with their complete destruction of the german economy.

the usa want the war to continue and now with the pipelines gone, the green german government can continue "aiding" ukraine.

there will be an investigation that will find only one possible culprit: russia....

and behind all of this there is gates and schwab...

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Sep 27, 2022·edited Sep 27, 2022

That makes the most sense to me

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If the germans, look for the ones who have heating/energy alternatives ... they do not plan on freezing.

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The Germans have been supporting these pipelines as an alternative to freezing. Whatever the cause, now they are screwed.

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Even if Putin is toppled, what options would his successor have? Seems escalation is likelier than capitulation no matter who's running the show now. I'm not convinced western elites have a good grasp on the Russian mindset. Going for Total Victory against a nuclear armed power seems less than ideal, but Nuclear Winter would solve global warming.

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I believe the goal is escalation. Covid (and the injections) have not killed off nearly enough people. Plus - ALL the western countries need some sort of plausible deniability when it becomes clear all these countries are bankrupt.

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The jabs will be giving back for a long time. Check out John Paul's Substack "Things hidden in complexity "(I think)...

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