Please someone explain to me how people that are supposedly educated in statistics, science, epidemiology and public health can't figure out how to give us accurate and true reporting on Covid data? Why are we, the "common" people, figuring this all out and finding their errors? Why are the ones who are supposed to know what they are doing, not doing this correctly? Are "they" that stupid and ignorant or is this purposeful? Egad, this is too much...

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“It is difficult to get a man to understand something when his salary depends on his not understanding it.” —Upton Sinclair

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so very true MAA.

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Please re-send this quote from time to time, Margaret, to remind us!

"Data vs. butter".

"Bullets vs. butter"

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Haha, I have already and will continue to do so!

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I'm just going to say this. I started out my career in the pharma industry. Within a few years, I realized there was no future in being smart and seeing nuance and pointing out bad conclusions, if one wanted to stay in that industry. I worked in several other industries over the years, where my bosses wanted to know the actual truth rather than the presupposed narrative.

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be thankful you had the good sense and morals to escape the treachery known as big pharma

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Purposeful. PhDs may not be the brightest; but, they are not stupid.

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I think because government priority is not about true science, it is about defending the vaccines, and vaccinating as many moving, living breathing biological forms as possible. The corporate media is glad to lend it's support to this priority. And most MSM journalists wouldn't know how to assess a study anyway.

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Ditto Nova, they are vaxxing up zoo animals now too like crazy...guess they will tackle any species they can get their vicious hands on. Guess the experiment is on the animals too:{

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Oh goody, just what we needed--a zoonotic twist to vaxx induced mutation!

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tell me about it......

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They are paid to lie. It's quite simple, our news media isn't news, it's propaganda, and if you don't come up with the desired results, you don't work for them.

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The chilling question that arises for me is how far back in human history has this been happening anyway? Maybe now all that is happening is brazenness and overreach, so we see it for what it is, but maybe always has been?

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Without giving too much away, you’ll find many of the seeds of manipulation (e.g., “the noble lie”) present in Plato’s “Republic,” a topic I plan to explore in a future essay.

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Good question!

It is brazenness; not overreach. Remember the world, Earth, is not enough for them. They already have gone out into SPACE!

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Can we please send them ALL out into space.....and then leave them there?

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It's purposeful.

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Everyone involved with making a paper like this happen has been captured by the mass psychosis where the virus means certain doom and the vaccine is the only possible solution.

I can guarantee you they would not make a paper like this on a regular non-ideological subject, but when you have this type of devout belief you will be literally blind to anything that disproves it.

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It's PAID FOR $$$$.

$cience For $ale

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Bravissimo, gato, for dynamiting a 'study' badly in need of dynamiting. The trend everywhere seems to be to desperately make a case for vaxing. Goes way beyond 'spin'. Goes to the point of twisting the truth to a degree no one would have thought possible in the fields of science and medicine.

Incidentally, if you haven't been notified yet, Switzerland is now publishing vaxed vs unvaxed data in English:


And for the time being they are giving raw numbers for hospitalization and death by age band.

However, the numbers are already pointing toward vaxed and unvaxed elderly dying at similar rates. Coincidentally, the govt is now shifting toward a policy of boosters for everyone starting in December. (Two weeks ago, boosters were only recommended for at-risk groups.)

So this may a temporary window of raw number transparency. May be closed abruptly if the data doesn't please the folks in charge.

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FUBAR just got updated: File Under Brandon Approved Research

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And I always used it as Fucked Up Beyond All Reality!

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that's what it was when I was growing up on a base. Like the new permutation.

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update awesome!

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The equivalent story in the Sports page would be "400 Varsity players take on 10 scrappy 8-year-old girls in football" then you have to read the fine print to see the girls won the game. Science!

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LOL that is the best comment I read in a while !

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How you have the patience to weed through the mess of stats/study is beyond me. I frankly couldn't care less what these Covidians have to say about vaxx since the premise of injections is flawed from the get-go. Who exactly are they trying to convince with there number salads? People are only getting injected to avoid being run out of society, most have no idea what they're doing and are risking today to see tomorrow. Crazy times keep meowing.

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I think along somewhat similar lines.

I think the whole debate/discussion/drama should be about the Immune system. NOT about vaccines.

The vaccines are the 'alarm bell' that awakes the Fire Brigade to go to action.

The Fire Brigade: the IMMUNE SYSTEM is what is is all about, really and therefore what all the public discussion should be about.

And then perhaps we could demand a fair go for the Immune system.

Measures to allow it to have what it needs/wants.

Measures to permit it to have help from anti-virals.

Recognition of the sterling work it does without any help at all: > 99% protection.

Recognition that it is being improperly/imperfectly booted into action.

And so on.

A shift in the focus to what is really the proper focus would be in everyone's interest I think.

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You win. A great summary of what we should be focused on. I am doing my best to use the research I can find to optimize my immune system. I had cancer during a very stressful period in my life that began a journey to discover the amazing complexity of the ability to heal our own bodies with the help of natural supplements. Not a man-made chemical with the potential to alter our dna forever.

And how can we trust the scientists to create medicinals to supposedly protect us from disease when they can't even collect and interpret data.

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Remember that the "Spike Protein" is actually an endothelial toxin. And mutable. You won't get this in your focus. The current shots are about as protective as a 2015 'Flu shot, but not harmless.

I have been recommending "Kostoff, R N, et al: Why are we vaccinating children against Covid-19? https://doi.org/10.1016/j.toxrep.2021.08.010 since I found it.

The epidemiology/ statistics course in our curriculum was stunningly boring and given at the wrong stage. It was also on a short day and could be substituted for a day of skiing in favourable conditions.

Be aware that the "VaxxPass" is not about viral "safety," it is a digital government surveillance and control tool. Compare the Chinese "Social Credit Score" app, write back if you detect a difference.

My other background is chemistry so I am more critical of diagnostic laboratory flaws than El Gato's fine statistical analyses. I repeatedly get comments rejected from JAMA Online (Not up to Our Community Standards) when I request that they reveal the criteria for "Laboratory Confirmed" Covid. GIGO.

Occasionally you can find the journal sources for these "studies" and read the peer reviews, which are mostly anonymous; you need to be a member of the in-group to guess who the referees are. If anybody in the community can identify actual people involved it would be useful to inform the cat. Eventually the truth will emerge, and it will be helpful to identify the compliant and the conspirators.

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Love number salads, going to steal that one but at least I am an honest thief!

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all is welcome with attribution!

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I agree with you!!!👍

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whoops "there" s/b "their" can't edit these posts.

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got it, happens to me all the time...

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“we’re just playing computer games and torturing data until it confesses.” This is one of the best synopses of the fraud that has passed as data “analysis” to date.

Reminds me of the agricorps-industry–funded studies Marion Nestle explores in “Food Politics” and ”Unsavory Truth: How Food Companies Skew the Science of What We Eat.” These “studies” are intentionally engineered to generate buzzworthy press releases for the particular food.

She has an “Industry-Funded Study of the Week” series (e.g., https://www.foodpolitics.com/2021/10/industry-funded-study-of-the-week-would-you-believe-jackfruit/) that highlights conflicts of interests, discloses funding, and assesses the study’s conclusions.

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Hope she choked on one of her Tollhouse Morsels!

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Haha, but you may have missed that Marion Nestle is a good guy! She is exposing the corruption, not promoting it.

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OOPs. big oops on my part, read too quickly. At least I admit when I am wrong. I take it back-morsels for everyone. Thanks MAA

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The UKHSA data shows a similar outcome. While the jabs don't prevent infection in the fully vaxxed age 30 and older, they do provide protection against hospitalization and death when normalized for the population (fully vaxxed versus unvaxxed by age cohort). But 79.7% of the actual people who actually died were fully vaxxed and only 17.1% were unvaxxed.

No one wants to become ill or be hospitalized, but the end goal of the jabs was to "not die".



I expect the data and narrative manipulation will worsen in the coming weeks.

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Figures lie and liars figure.

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Nevertheless, they know the MSM will not be deterred from reporting the bogus results just because a cat got muddy paw prints all over it.

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Excellent, puss.

This is the kind of corrosive analysis or cross-examination that we need to educate people, and slap the pimps and parrots - aka "them".

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At least they tried :) . Here in Poland it's hard to come by anything but "safe and effective" mantra. You won't find any data because no one seems to collect it. It's much easier to lie when there is no data that can expose it.

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..."but i also suspect that efficacy is rapidly waning."

I didn't go look at the study, but at least from the information you presented here, there is absolutely no taking into account how long ago people got vaccinated. As you point out, efficacy wanes.

If some of their cohort is from the early days when Alpha was predominant, that makes the whole thing even more worthless.

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Anectodotal but my friend the nurse says that the unvaxxed end up in ICU and the vaxxed are in the hospital for oxygen etc and go home in a few days. Most morbidly obese in both cohorts.

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I read that some hospitals sent home all the vaxxed unless they were about to die. And they took in unvaxxed even if they were not very sick. Just to fit the statistics. I read 2 vaxxed people who sued a NY hospital where they were going and sent home barely able to stand and breathe.

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Amazing work, bad cat. Your post is a great reminder that unwinding bad math is neither easy nor concise. Hence, the hard times ahead.

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Quite interesting to see that the Brussels and Liege provinces are doing relatively better than the rest. These two provinces a) Witnessed a lot of cases in the first wave and b) Have been reluctant to vaccination, at least initially. They have been criticized for the above by the various governments. As is the case with Sweden, they may have lost the 100 meters dash, but will win the marathon, because they built natural immunity.

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And there was also the inundation that kept lots of people off the shots. I like your comparison. I think it is totally right

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Wow that is wild. 13% positivity rate. Though deaths are down so again another data point that vaccines do reduce deaths from xovid

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Thing is all the people at risk have already died. Dad has a feeling he and mom are about the only octogenarian left in town

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Whenever a paper has odd inclusion criteria, or a study has an odd study design...

I bet the bastards cherry picked the inclusion criteria until they got the results they wanted.

And HID all other data.

Is it possible to file a FOIA to get their entire dataset?

What does it take to file a FOIA?

Does it take a team of lawyers and lots of money?!!

Every BS smelling study, we use FOIA and get ALL the raw data and analyze it ourselves!!

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When speaking with anyone who is pro vaccine mandates the most common objection I hear (to a contrary view) is "What about all the healthy young people with no pre-existing medical conditions who die from C19?". These specific cases have been pushed so hard by the MSM in every country that it's actually become one of their most successful propaganda pieces. It seems to be the final 'sticking point' once you peel pack all the layers of an individual's argument. I hear it again, and again, and again and again. It doesn't matter if you break down the death statistics by age & co-morbodities, people still look at you like you are IGNORING this undisputed 'fact' which proves how deadly the virus is. Do we have international data on the % of young, healthy individuals (no co-morbities) have died from C19?

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There are three concealed "facts" : 1) nobody talks about infective vs lethal doses of the virus- if I had a toddler cough or sneeze in my face from a foot or so during examination, I would subsequently have a cold. Wearing a mask while driving alone in your car indicates extreme fear or stupidity, and the same applies in the open air; 2) you are not allowed to know that adequate Vit.D levels are protective, 30 ng/ml appears to be a good level to restrict the killer virus to its usual manifestation, a cold; 3) in many enlightened, advanced , and progressive jurisdictions the use of proven, long-established and very safe, or if prone to side-effects or warnings, very well understood medications are forbidden and sanctions applied against the miscreant who acts for the patient. Search Dr. Daniel Nagase's experience if you think I could make this up.

So, it is important to support the narrative with anecdotes to keep up the fear. I think the Wuhan lab and clinical deaths were high viral loads, but there is no way for us to confirm that, or maybe they just had to go to start the story. Because the diagnosis has been so corrupt, chemically, clinically, and politically, I now have a hard time believing anybody's data. The "1st Tier" medical journals and the "Newspapers of Record" would not countenance any of the discussion in this string, so you need to develop your own calibration and "Sniff Tests."

As always , I could be wrong, but not worried enough to take a "ClotShot" and slink back to work.

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I would like to know this information as well. Although I doubt it will do one spec of good when I am confronted by a vaxxer. It will be just another excuse to call me a conspiracy monger or a white supremacist.

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