They will strip you naked leaving you with nothing but a mask next time.

I am a firm believer that the power of the mask alone was to focus FEAR of all sorts through the object (the mask) itself in an effort to CONTROL us.

A positive feedback loop of FOCUS that led to the most negative of outcomes known to man.

They CONTROLLED the population with a single object that tightened the focus of fear over time.

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masks are particularly effective not just because they evoke and remind of crisis but because they alienate by breaking non-verbal communication and humanization. you cannot smile at one another.

combined with lockdowns/social limits/stay at home etc it's a very powerful combo to keep humans from feeling community.

isolated humans fare poorly against fear and authority.

we need support and community to stand up to such things well.

and when we allow it to be taken, societies fall.

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This explains why, in addition to masking, they did everything possible to keep everyone isolated especially during the holidays. So much propaganda during Christmas/Thanksgiving/July4th etc... telling everyone not to gather under any circumstances or you will kill grandma. Stay in your pod alone and eat zee bugs.

It really is amazing everything they threw at us and how it was done in near perfect lockstep. This was all very clearly coordinated from day one.

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how much of this was planned that way and how much of this was simply emergent outcomes of the things that tended to drive ongoing issues and adherence tending to linger is an open and interesting question.

to be sure, some of this was planned by nudge units etc but whether and to what extend actual alienation and submission was a goal rather than a by product is unlear.

keep in mind that these are not super-genius supervillains. it's the government and they are mostly gormless and stupid. not always, but often. be careful ascribing so much vision, planning, and 8d chess capability to them. a lot of it is just bumbling around trying to find something that resonates and a lot of them were deranged by fear too.

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I agree that the majority of those in government are fundamentally low IQ perhaps even overcome with fear and they certainly inept. However, I still can't rationally explain the worldwide lockstep lockdown occurring at the exact moment, the lockstep launch of the media fearmongering worldwide, the big tech censorship/fearmongering, masks introduced in lockstep, social distancing in lockstep, allowing big box stores to remain open while shutting down small biz, moving Covid+ into nursing homes to drive up the numbers, making remdesivir, vents, and end-of-life opiates the standard of care for people with regular pneumonia, and of course, the rushed mass mRNA vaxx campaign replete with fudged data, outright lies about reducing transmission/adverse events and silencing anyone who disagrees. Bumbling idiots are not capable of pulling off such a feat WORLDWIDE. Nationally? Perhaps. But this was all western nations working in tandem. I don't see how it's possible to guess your way through shutting down the entire world and do it with such precision and at the same time. Event 201 is also a red flag. Wargaming the exact scenario that happened to occur exactly as written just two months later?

It all screams occams razor. I'm curious who was pulling the strings from the top?

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Yes, all planned. Event 201 w/ CIA having prominent role. Operation lockstep (might have the name of that wrong). All the WEF agenda 2030 items, climate change focus, Klaus Schwab’s book Covid 19/ great reset. Every world leader in the west talking about it being a time for a great reset. It was planned and orchestrated. These are not coincidences. Was used to push us into the great reset. Not a conspiracy, you can look all of it up. Everyone needs to resist any attempts at digital id’s and push back on the agenda 2030 items, including “smart cities”.

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Much was clearly coordinated, and by the national political party. Was the crisis planned? I wont' say. But the decision to exploit it put in motion a coordinated planning process to fully exploit it. If you read the "shutdown" mandates issued in 46 states and territories they are nearly word for word identical. Each state had different (bogus) citations for "emergency authority" to conform with that state's specific way of identifying laws. Beyond that, identical - right down to replicating the same typos. You can see this in many state legislative bills and laws as well. This is the danger of national parties of which our first president warned. Circumventing the distributed nature of our representative republic to establish a national policy (one made by unelected party "leadership").

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Ah ha. But I do feel like the gormless turned goonish somewhere along the way.

Define evil as you will...but it came-a-creeping...

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El Gato:

Indeed the average apparatchik is as you say; but on the other hand Klaus et al have been running people through their brainwashing course for quite a while, and many of those Young Graduates have assumed positions of power throughout the world.

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"gormless" a new word for my vocab! TY

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Yep, and you can read all about it right here. They talk about who to suck up to, how to get people to go along with the jabs, how to downplay vax injuries, on and on and on it goes.........


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i get the sense that so much of this got rolling because this whole "communications ecosystem" was fundamentally flawed. it started with the premise "jabs good, maximize jabs" as an irrefutable foundational tenet. it then turned "messaging people" loose as though this were unassailable settled science and so the whole problem it sought to solve was not "how can we best assess risk and reward and plot a course" but rather "how to we crush dissent and maximize adherence?" that is not compatible with science or health but the people running it did not know that. so they ran amok.

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They 'ran amok?' You mean, they are running amok. If anything, the process is ramping up as people become aware. And the mainstream news coincidentally timed to divert people's attention from the truth to 'balloons and UFO's'.

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Yes. The False Premise(tm) is the essential ingredient.

"jabs good". "your mask protects me". "your freedom is a threat to my safety". "we can trade liberty for security and safety". "it's for their own good". "Trust us, we know what is best for you".

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In the beginning I thought that maybe the virus was accidentally released. I no longer believe that. Everything was so expertly rolled out and coordinated worldwide, a near impossible feat and a certain impossible feat if trying to pull it off at the last minute. Then there was event 201.

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I'm pretty sure it was bad cat himself who convinced me with the paperwork showing how quickly the OG 'vax' was ready -- yet it took like two years to nail down an Omi variant..........

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fwiw, i still suspect the release was accidental.

i think they were working on GoF as part of a vaccine program at a lab with deeply slipshod safety. but i also think they knew it was loose long before they told the public. folks like gates were making awfully savvy moves back in fall 2019, you had the wuhan games, event 201, etc. that military games in wuhan is really pretty interesting. if you fear it's going to flatten you, what better play that "invite militaries from all over the world to send athletes to get sick too." if china did that on purpose, that was a seriously aggressive choice...

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Brilliant, SimulationCommander. Thanks for posting this link. Yes, this is the next phase they're working on, as clearly in their world there is a 'vaccine crisis.'

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Some freaks just don't need human contact it seems. Isolation had NO emotional impact on them.

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I could be a professional hermit just fine (although I have a family and friends - I am just an introvert and very happy alone even for long periods of time). But I was FURIOUS. That was the emotional impact for me.

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Same here. We live on a rather secluded property where I rarely see anyone even before the lockdowns so the lockdowns weren't a huge change for me personally. That being said, like you I was livid that they locked everyone down and ruined so many businesses etc... and once the two weeks passed and we were still locked down I was fit to be tied. I knew then that this was not about stopping a virus at all.

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It seemed pretty obvious to me because I could find no rational link between between actions and promised outcomes. I could find an immediate link between a specific political agenda and the actions of closing guns stores and putting a damper on a booming economy in a presidential election year. Just an observation.

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If they wanted to wear Hazmat suits at all times and live in a small sterile room forever I'd have supported that and said, "You do you." Even if it's a stupid way to live it's their choice as adults. But they demanded everyone else live that way to keep them safe. Why? The boy in the plastic bubble was safe. It made 0 sense. I got sick of the behavior. Not just brainless but heartless to everyone else.

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Same. I just wanted to go the damn grocery store, buy some food and breath fresh air the whole time, but nooooo I had to follow the rules. At one point I just stopped going out at all because I was so damn tired of it all. I was in a blue state in a blue city so the madness was unending and people acted like total assholes.

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We cannot allow that. Isolation hurts us all! You being a hermit will ultimately lead to the decline of humanity and total domination by the overlords of Amazon because EVERYONE will isolate and then who will maintain our infrastructure so the Amazon truck can deliver food, entertainment, booze and pot? And keep the distractions up?

Your isolation hurts me. You shall conform to the approved social interactions!

yeah makes as much sense as 2020, right?

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I’m the same, but lockdowns pushed me off so much, I went out every day to whatever was open. Of course, small stores were closed but I could walk through the grocery store or Walmart with hundreds of others. It was the stupidest thing I’ve ever been part of in my life.

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If I'm honest I can probably come up with something more stupid I've been involved with....tequila shots were probably involved...but I'm with you. It was absurd. Still is in many ways.

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I think there’s a difference between “I’m choosing to stay home alone tonight” and “you can’t visit your grandmother because you are going to kill her.”

I’m still furious.

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Ya think? Probably because you actually think :-).

There's no justification for the later. One is a choice, the other is based upon a false premise (aka fraud).

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I resemble all of the above!

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Funny thing that. I too could pass for a hermit living under a bridge if left to my own devices and preferences. For most of what passes for "adult life" (the last 4.5 decades) I have structured my life to deny my hermitness. I make my living being out with people. I have always sought collaborations and opportunities to be part of groups with a common interest or purpose. I have always known that isolation is bad for me and for the human race. I think this feeling is not uncommon. Which is why forced isolation was both damaging to folk's mental health and so effective as a political tool.

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Feb 20, 2023
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I knew three people who died during COVID; two from cancer one from liver disease. All three deaths came after they each were vaccinated. Maybe just coincidence.

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You and the other introverts speaking up here have a natural immunity to "it doesn't affect me so not my problem" affliction. You see the harm it does to other and react appropriately. The tactic depends on certain critical mass who don't have that kind of empathy.

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Yea and it was right after the elections. They didn’t want us talking about that

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I hate Trump now because he keeps pushing the DANGEROUS and INEFFECTIVE toxxine, but the "election" of Bidet was ridiculously obvious fraud.


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Valid point you make!

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How many of us adhered to that? I know in 2020 at least the family and firends I was associated with did gather together. There were a few holdouts and notable exceptions. 2021...though was another matter entirely. It was fun to have disagreements with family members at Thanksgiving about masks...while no one wore one.

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Our family ignored all of it and laughed at all the idiots eating Thanksgiving outside in icy cold November, ha. However, I know a TON of people who followed the rules to a T. I got invites to parties, weddings and gatherings that required proof of vaccine. I naturally declined. People are nuts.

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I agree. I didn't comply with any of the madness. Stayed home almost 100% of the time. I still don't go out much. I just can't deal with the demonic insanity.

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We had a small Christmas Eve service. My parents' idea. My brother yelled at my parents. I had taken a break from communicating with him by saying it was their lives and they don't have many years left so it was wrong to keep them from LIVING by forcing them into solitary confinement. He accused me of wanting to kill them and said I was selfish and ignorant of science. (He has worked for Eli Lilly and other Pharma companies over the years. Sigh.) We are reconciled but still avoid One Topic.

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My family is totally divided as well. Half understands the truth. The other half is fully indoctrinated. I have seen my the indoctrinated half since 2019 including immediate family members and they really have no desire to reconnect. Most of my friends have been lost as well. These are the same people who would have hauled me off to the gulag for being unvaxxed so good riddance.

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My family loves me, but thinks I'm nuts. They never gave me the cootie treatment.

Like many conservatives they believe the narrative that the "vaccine" protects users against death by reducing symptoms. Liberals believe it provides herd immunity.

Now they believe things are back to normal.

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That's good if it is at least half and half. I think some of them are "changing jerseys" now.

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I've had a similar experience, but picked up a lot of new friends too.

Sane friends. People who don't let themselves be injected with whatever the government/Pfizer says.

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I have a friend who is an atheist who I know has bought into all this Covid BS. The first time it was mentioned he said he didn't want to talk about it, and then recently asked for some material on masks. I don't push it on him, but when he asks me how I spend my days, I am not going to lie him. It also sounds like he has bought into trans rights. I have stated in the past that many who become atheists still have a religion, it is just government or some other thing that replaced their worship of God.

I've wanted to draw another cartoon that shows two people in suits going door to door and their spiel is "have you heard the great news about the vaccine."

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Have you heard of ‘Anne Can’t stand it?’ Check out her substack, she does cartoons and could make your men in suits going door to door selling the vaccine as your savior into a reality

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I know my dad for sure if he were alive would have told everyone to pound sand in regards to staying at home with his rheumatoid arthritis. He had been given a life expectancy of living to 60 and would have thought it would be stupid to spend those years of his life in isolation. He lived to be 66 years old I think.

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Well.... so did they die?

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If we are referring to my dad, he did die in 2007. He was told he wasn't going to live past 60, which I think that birthday was in 2001. He would have had many angry thoughts concerning 2020-2023. We did have a big bash for him.

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My wife works for a company that works for the US Navy. The nature of her work requires a certain amount work that can not be done remotely. Of course all businesses were ordered to shutter the offices, including her's. The company got a letter signed by the secretary of defense informing them to resume normal operations. One day after, several of her team were stopped by police near the office and told to return home (they all did). The next day each member of her team was given a letter signed by the secretary of the Navy stating that their presences in the office was essential for national defense. For several weeks they had to show that letter to the police check point to get to the office.

They had to carry papers showing that they were authorized to work. This wasn't 1930s Germany or the Soviet Union. This was Santa Clara, California in 2020.

That's when I knew Orwell was not a fiction writer but a time traveler who had already seen 2020.

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The mask has other effects that promote division and enable creating hate. A faceless generality is easier to hate than an actual person you have met face to face. This is why isolation was so critical. Masks help preserve the isolation - even if you must see other people if you can't see their faces it is easier to not see them as fellow humans. The other signal is the "us" identifier: those wearing the proper face covering are complying, being part of "us" and those who refuse, or make fun of the mandate (e.g. wearing a gorilla mask) are clearly "not us".

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You'd think folks would have remembered Theodore Seuss" characters, "there's stars on thars."

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maybe you're stumbling onto the real reason Seuss was cancelled.

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particularly effective for Fausti, who produced the 2006 retro research on the "spanish flu" which determined most deaths were caused by bacterial pneumonia caused by muzzling.

Most folks wear masks most of the time anyway. Whether they can truly "breathe" through them cause they're invisible to many, I won't venture to say.

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"because they alienate by breaking non-verbal communication and humanization. you cannot smile at one another."

My concern is that there were all those Crazy First Kisses That Never Got Planted, so many First Loves lost.

*shrug* I'm a romantic.

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I feel bad for the younger kids of dating age. Imagine trying to navigate dating in this mess.

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I feel so bad for all those babies who could not see people's faces... what will become of them?

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I suspect that we will face a generation of "autistic-like" behaviors in the youngest kids who are still being forced to mask (i.e. Head Start, and some preschools). One of the key flags for autism is the inability to "read" faces, to infer emotion by looking at someone. Sadly, prior to the covid hysteria, we were already creating generations of automatons who stare at their smartphones and nothing else. I'm sad for the future of humanity.

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People who you do not want to date wore masks

Never been easier...

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Imagine in a few years when these young people want to mate & breed.

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Very well said.

I believe it is also to make people who had doubts or knew better to "live" a LIE.

There is no bigger beat-down in life than to be forced to live a lie.

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And the people who enforced the mask were the most ignorant among us. Some fat, stupid cashier at the local grocery store: "Sir, please make sure your mask covers your nose." You've already been blackmailed to wear a mask for the few minutes it takes to buy food you need for survival, now this. Does anyone else feel undying contempt for those creeps.

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The contempt I feel when I see anyone _still_ wearing a mask is bottomless.

My consolation is that masks are their own punishment. Little particles of fiber, molds, excess CO2 making them anxious. Good.

On the street, I always try to look them in the eye and shake my head. It beats any words I can say.

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If it's in my presence I invite them not to wear them and assure them they don't have to wear them around me. It's up to them.

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Hey now, some fat stupid people also fight against masks...you know..because it blocks our pie holes from eating.

I get what you are saying. There was a hypocritical disconnect between some people's demands and what they were exhibiting. I said to my doctor back in april when she tried to get me to take the covid vaccine that "shouldn't we be more concerned with my diet and health?

Throughout most of my run in's with mask enforcers, most of them have been thin or average weight and I assume they are relatively intelligent as one was a doctor and the other was a banker...okay maybe not the banker.

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I claim solidarity with all fat stupid people who did their best to refuse mask mandates. And, I find myself in opposition to all thin smart people who enforced the mandates.

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Nearly all of the people who challenged me on masks were angry, thin white women oddly.

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Yes. It's very hard to let go.

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Feb 19, 2023
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It's quite a different thing to endure harassment than the fear of what could happen. I find that usually the reality is not nearly as bad as the possibility of it.It's sounds like you acquitted yourself well. In truth, they are the ones acting unreasonable not us. We aren't scooping people up in private parks, we aren't the ones screaming at them in grocery stores. In fact, a lot of us throughout and before this just wanted to be left alone. I imagine a lot of those who came from this country from another one wanted two things. To be left alone, and a chance to make something of themselves.

One note: You can catch Covid again. Just as you can get the cold or a flu again. But natural immunity works better against these things than vaccinated immunity. Another reason why the vaccine for upper respiratory diseases is not effective...there is always another variant around the corner.

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I remember having basically the same experience with a store manager. It was big enough that it drew the attention of dozens of customers. I won't forget that. And I'm planning my revenge by exposing the fools and dedicating myself to changing our politics that allows such atrocities.

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Anyone who loved those creepy masks had issues. Seriously.

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there are people with real trauma by this crap...my oldest sister is one of them. Despite the fact that I posted a video of Vinay Prassad reviewing the Cochrane report on the uselessness of masks. I even tagged her on FB. She will never stop wearing them in stores, airplanes, etc. Another one lost to the covid hysteria. No amount of reason and data will convince her otherwise. She even took the flu shot recently and is convinced that it helped her. UGH!!

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She is lost not to Covid hysteria, but a more basic "germ hysteria" which I believe was one of the side effects of this. When you start viewing people as "filthy plaguespreaders" then you are bound to maintain that thought.

A similar problem is occurring in regards to the vaccine. There is worry of "vaccine shedding?" that occurs through sweat and other bodily fluids are swapped. Sorry, but if a beautiful vaccinated woman is interested in me (as unlikely as it is...substantially less less than the death rate of Covid) then I am going to take where it leads me. Life is too short to view people as vectors for disease.

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Early on in CovidMania™️, I said to a friend, “masks, masks, masks, they act like we’re all walking viruses”. She replied, “well we are!” That was the moment we started to not be friends although it took another year or so of insanity for the rift to be complete. I imagine she’s still boosting and masking away.

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One friend I had was the "go along to move along" type. He had a box of masks in his car, so where they were needed, he would wear one, otherwise you could find him, without one, puffing on a cigar. He also send me a link to the George Carlin bit about germs way back at the beginning of the pandemic. His few brain cells still left following the daily marijauna vaping he did still I think remembers to not trust the establishment. But once the narrative clicked fully in place, he was onboard. He's been vaccinated, not sure about boosted, but definitely vaccinated.

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As a Christian I do not find giving others the Cootie treatment compatible with my faith. Even if they were sick with an honest-to-goodness plague and needed help it would be wrong to distance myself. I still hug my vaccinated parents. I may not have them much longer. :(

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This whole idea of "preventative measures" is ridiculous. You want to coerce parents to isolate themselves due a disease they "might" get. Unless someone is old, has dementia, or another mental condition, should it not be up to assess and decide how much risk they are willing to afford in this life?

I want to go back to the salad days of diving boards, no bike helmets, riding in the front seat as a kid, and drinking from a garden hose.

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I've been traumatized too. A lot of people have, including those who reject the Narrative. Reality is very frightening. Our governments and a bunch of billionaires want to kill and enslave us for the heck of it.

My faith is the only thing sustaining me.

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I was just at an health food store and most of the patrons there were wearing masks, some more than one mask. You know they have all had a billion jabs, too. The irony of not breathing fresh air and jabbing yourself 5X with an experimental gene therapy while shopping in a HEALTH food store is so thick it's actually sludge. Oh, and they were all coughing and blowing their noses because their immune systems are now shot.

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It’s not about health, it’s about signaling to other Covidians that you stand in solidarity with them. I live near a small college city. Most of the masked I see there are college-aged. Outside, often alone.

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"A symbol of solidarity and a reminder that things can never go back to the way they were." The two reasons Andy Cuomo gave for why people should continue wearing masks indefinitely.

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I'm still waiting for my 20 y.o. to watch the video of Vinat Prassad re: the Cochrane report on ineffectiveness of masks that I semt her 3 days ago when she tested (home test) positive for covid. I'm giving her the FLCCC protocol of Ivm, etc. It's a flu. So be it. You should see her coming to the common areas wearing a freaking cloth 😷 🤬

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Gen Z is the absolute worst because they live through social media, and schools have done an excellent job of indoctrination in the last 15 years.

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yup...the more woke they are, the less analytical skills they seem to have. It's virtue-signalling at its best.

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And they probably still have their precious security wanky from childhood days!

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As always, you are completely correct. It was onethe hardest things I ever did going to the grocery store being the only one there without a mask on. The first time I went I wanted to cry the whole time but I held firm infused to comply. And what do you know, little by little I stopped being the only one. Each week it was more and more of us unmasked until the tipping point was reached, and most of us were unmasked.

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We formed groups to go into stores in large numbers, all unmasked, to overwhelm the Karens. It was a lot of fun and I made a lot of friends doing that.

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Love it!

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I didn't have that experience. I never wore a mask in my condominium, where it was required. They had nothing over me. However, in the local stores, I had major fights with owners who blackballed me, meaning I couldn't buy food. And a medical centre that refused to allow me to even enter to get my mother's prescription because I refused the mask. I'm holding a grudge. I am suspicious of your claim that you managed to evade all of this. How? How come they didn't throw you out?

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I'm with you. I got denied service by a cashier if I didn't wear a mask properly. And the hospital wouldn't let me go past the information desk. I was so angry because it made me feel raped, having to do this against my will. I'm also asthmatic which made breathing really difficult.

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I ran into a woman in the foyer of a doctor's office who was asthmatic and she was not wearing a mask for that very reason. I talked with her for a good bit before the office reopened. I was just happy to see a maskless face.

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I did not wear a mask into stores, and I only got yelled at once in a small hardware store where all the employees were pissed off having to wear them all day. So their bitterness got directed at me.

Every time I was in a big box store, I would be searching for one other person not wearing a mask. When I found her, we'd smile at each other. :-)

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I've noticed this mass hysteria only afflicted certain areas. Where I live, it hit for a few months for most, and only lingered with a few silly ladies. The female sex is most vulnerable to this insanity (speaking as a member) because--overall--we are more squeamish than men. A lot of intact families (run by men) and active churches (run by men) out here along with the predominately male industries of farming and trucking.

Could "the Patriarchy" ward off Covid hysteria?

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Thanks! I am still worried about saying such things myself, even though I think you're absolutely correct.

Men and women think differently, and that's due to biology, not culture. Evolution selected for bigger, more analytical males who can defend territory and build things. On the other hand, women were selected to be more nurturing and to make sure all the children got fed and treated equally. Without both sides, we die out.

Currently, the government in both the US and Canada is essentially female, resulting in lots of problems, such as an overly hysterical reaction to a relatively weak virus, and support for open borders.

Call me sexist, but biology is reality.

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Paul, you write with with British spellings; perhaps Michelle is elsewhere? For sure, here in Puget Sound country nobody ever once yelled at me, corrected me, asked me politely to put my mask back on, or even visibly frowned my direction as far as I could notice.

My experience was pretty much the same as Michelle's: every week a few more people ignoring Governor Inslee's ridiculous, illegal mask mandate.

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They can't physically throw you out or it's assault. If they so much as _touch_ you, it's assault. Good to have someone taking video on a phone.

They'll call the police, but you either leave before then, or wait around to press charges for assault if they touched you and you have proof.

If you really want to buy something, you can leave the money at the register and leave with the thing. Hell, in San Francisco you don't even need to leave the money anymore!

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I don't think you're right, at least not here in Canada. I checked with top legal people for advice on this issue. If you're asked to leave a private establishment, and don't, then you're trespassing. You can be thrown out.

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It's definitely true in the US:


"You are never allowed to physically remove someone from your office; it could be viewed as a criminal act (assault and/or battery) for which you could be arrested and prosecuted. If there is an injury, the individual could also sue you."

Pretty sure you cannot initiate assault on a peaceful person in Canada either:


"You can't initiate physical contact with somebody unless there's a justifiable reason to do so."

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I at first was pretty strict. I stopped going to Kroger saying to myself "If they want me to wear a mask...they'll just have to find another patron." I went to local grocery stores will less selection. Finally though, late at night before closing (I like to shop at night anyhow) I went in. The security guard wearing a mask waved me through, and inside it was about 50/50 masked. What was really amazing were the couples where one was masked and one wasn't.

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Right. You see, what I'm trying to get at is that we had to scurry around like rats in the night to beat the mandate. I mean, it's not much of a victory when the mandate stays in place and we don't affect change. They had us over a barrel in those cases where we needed something, like food, and had no other option. They could blackmail us. And, even when I found a store that was non-compliant, we always knew that they could drop the hammer whenever they wanted to. Like they did on the hero restauranteur Adamson here in Toronto who defied the lock-down order and the city (that prick de Villa) called the police in. What a scene! Violence! I'm concerned about the next time they pull this. We have to have a real plan. Because this is a fight to the death, if we fight. If we comply, or even look to evade the state pressure, like smart-aleck adolescents, we are doomed. We have to confront this head-on to win. And only a decisive win will work. I'm working on that now and will open my Substack soon to find friends. I've been writing on my own website for over two years, challenging politicians and sell-outs. www.covidmakebelieve.com. But now I'm sure we have to think big or get crushed. I'm glad I didn't wear a mask during the mandates and I'm happy I took the blows, but it's not enough. Not nearly enough. This war is for keeps. Winner gets the planet.

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In Georgia, we didn't have to scurry. Our governor spoke out of both sides of his mouth. He was against mask and other mandates, but then took a tour of Georgia to show proper mask etiquette. My strategy of going into a grocery store at night was meant as an idea to avoid being overwhelmed by the population of a grocery during the day and at least initially, the run ins you could expect from going into the store unmasked. You could go into the store unmasked during the day, and eventually that's what I ended up doing.

For Georgia that was part of the problem, there was no actual mandate in many parts of it. I went to a venue in Smyna Georgia where mandates were in place and you only had to get your temp taken, and wear a mask in the foyer of the venue. Once inside, everyone was unmasked. This is what bothered me, is the hypocrisy and arbitrary and capricious nature of the mandates.

As far as the war for the planet, we'll all be dead, and the planet will belong to whoever comes up next. I get what your getting at here and I agree, we should take on these measures head on. It's by far worse in Canada than it is here in the states. Not all the states are the same. Florida handled the pandemic around the best although Noem also did well in South Dakota.

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But states won't have any power to fight the W.H.O. accord that Biden is about to sign abdicating all health decisions in the wvent of anothwr plandemic.

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Yup. It is with a little shame as a proud man that I was terrified a few times.

Which is exactly why people didn't.

Bravo to you Michelle!

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Thank you.

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Hey, this guy went around cutting off man buns. He got 37 before he was arrested. Maybe if they try the mask thing again, we should run around (in big groups) yanking off people's masks!


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I'd just rather walk around with a hat that says "this hat is as effective at stopping Covid as your mask...and it covers my bald spot."

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Exactly! And "social distancing" was NOT about stopping viral spread. It was about eliminating human to human physical contact, a vital part of a healthy mind. Talk about weapons of mass destruction!

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Minor nitpick: human interaction is only healthy if the humans involved are healthy. Any group which is formed around a common denominator (say sharing a neurosis or a trauma) normalises and emphasises that denominator.

So a group of people all sharing the belief that they are the "wrong" sex (f.e.) will all have that belief strengthened, not challenged, and as what we do and say in and as a group is how we define what is normal (sociologially and psychologically speaking), the group will then try to spread that definition of normal to all other groups they interact with.

You can replace the common denominator-examples with any others, the behaviour is universally human.

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And it still remains, and I bet Anthony Fauci is happy about it. fist Bumps and elbow rubs courtesy of Anthony Fauci.

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I got kicked out of nearly every place I went to here in seattle because I would not wear a mask. Most of the times I just ignored them and continued shopping while they tried to shame me into compliance. Didn’t care and laughed in their face. I will never do it no matter what they say.

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Good for you! Talk about being in the Lion's Den!!

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I didn't realize things were so bad in Seattle. I wish you had videod some of these run ins, they would have served as inspiration for others to also not comply.

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No Nikki Haley fundraisers for YOU!


Oh, that's right. She bent on masks...for now. Long as you have a forged vax passport, she'll let you in.

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Listened to Dave Smith podcast concerning the Nikki Haley political ad. He has a point. She is trying to win the game by playing by their rules. It doesn't matter her race and nationality. And certainly I would never show up based on the vaccine policy alone.

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She *always* played by "their rules": Deep State, neo"con", globalist.

* Aided The Big Steal

* Race-gender-identity fluffer; betrays voters who elected her:

* Says she’s a "Brown girl in a black & white world"

* Says she’s “Too brown, too female, too conservative”

* Spread the Bubba noose hoax (Jussie Smollett 2.0)

* Removed “racist” Confederate flag

* Experimental vaccine tyrant

* Wants deluge immigration for "cheap labor"

* Opposed border walls

* Claims "Legal immigrants are more patriotic than most Americans”

* Defended Obama’s open-border policy

* America Last, India First

* One-Way "Free Trade"

* Opposed transgender bathroom bill to protect children

* Neo “Con”; never saw a country she didn’t want to invade & “fix”

* “Inspired by Hillary Clinton”

Nikki Haley is nothing but Mitt Romney in pumps.

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You had me at "politician."

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That was something I did do. When in places that "required masks" I would walk around maskless and made a point to smile at people.

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I found that smiling and being friendly was key. You had to make them see you as a person and not a vector of disease.

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Not only that, but it was compensation from the bland isolation of those wearing masks.

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I did that some, too. It was interesting experiment. Some people would smile back (under their masks). Others would scowl like, how dare you!! I didn't care either way. I was like, bring it if you dare. Can't say I was in a good mood those days ;)

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Speaking of control, hope everyone here knows "conservative" Nikki Haley requires vaccination to attend her meetings, but "no longer" requires masks.


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What a faker she is!

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Thanks for that info. I was not aware. She has fallen off my list.

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Yep. Nikki "no longer" requires masks ... that is, until the next hysteria she buys off on. Last thing we need is a "Republican" vax tyrant. She can't be trusted.

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The only person I can think of who's more fake, with "Indian" heritage, would be Elizabeth Warren.

I hope to all the skygods that DeSantis is too smart to pick her as a running mate.

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Many of the responses refer to the ‘they’. The ‘they’ does not exist.. it’s an abstraction. If you look for the ‘they’ you’ll not find such an entity. All that can be found are individuals. If you keep this in mind you can avoid the tyranny of the ‘they’.

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Tyranny of the "other." I agree.

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I agree 100%. In the beginning I couldn't really figure out what the real purpose of the masks were as it clearly made no sense to wear a gaping piece of cloth on your face and think it would stop a virus. Never mind, wearing one into a restaurant only to take it off and eat for two hours.

I believe the masks served several purposes:

Create fear by having mask wearers look deathly and dystopian. Masks are a constant reminder that the virus might get you.

Test the waters to see what they could make us do. Remember one mask, then two masks, then three masks, then Fauci suggesting wearing goggles? We failed this big time.

Make people especially children wear masks both inside and outside in order to prime future compliance for the vaccine.

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Did you notice how the absurdities became more intricate over time?

This is textbook

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Yes, the second they started mask mandates, arresting people for swimming in the ocean, roping off playground, they lost me on the whole pandemic. I knew it was a psyop. Couple that with the fact that natural immunity out of the blue for the first time in history no longer exists and I saw clearly what was happening. Still flummoxed as to why so many other people didn't. I guess we are the land of the stupid?

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We have been "programmed" for decades through television. Most dangerous invention ever. The entertainment distracted us from going out and communicating with our neighbors and doing some good in the world. The advertisements were another form of programming telling us we needed the latest whatever. I stopped watching TV decades ago. I also don't get the "flu" shot every year. The Bad Guys have been preparing us for compliance for a very long time. Fear is definitely one of their greatest weapons. My strong faith in Jesus Christ is the only salvation I need. No fear in my heart because I know for certain Where my soul is going when my time on earth is over. Just feeling profound sadness at all the deaths , especially of the young children - at least the little ones go directly to heaven when they die. Judgement Day is coming. I hope you are all similarly prepared.

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This all seemed so obvious to my family and me. I don’t like to believe it’s because people are stupid but I don’t really have another reason.

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I am still trying to grasp just how stupid the population at large is. As 'my covid bubble' refers to above, the lie about vaxxes vs acquired immunity was beyond moronic in my opinion! And almost everyone bought into that? WHAT the heck !!

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Yeah, when have you ever been told natural immunity means nothing?

It's "science" right?

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Yup. Everything you said. Nailed it

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I don’t get it. A person will hangout in a bar for 2 hours one day and two days later go to Costco and put on a mask. Must be some nasty critters at big box stores.

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That's the beauty of control through a "default" object. They narrow the focus so that you either become a champion, ignore or accept the absurdities.

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Very astute summary. I think you've nailed the real reasons exactly.

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thats why i never wore one and made an effort to smile at all the fearful eyes in the store

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You know who couldn't stand guys like us who walked around without a masks more than anyone?

Men that hated the masks, but who had too much to "lose" by resisting. This tightened the FOCUS on the go along to get along crowd because they were almost always alphas.

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I was once in the grocery store in a state with mask mandates. At the height of it, I walked in with a mask and then took it off in front of a bunch of people including some guys. They looked shell shocked but then I witnessed a few people take their masks off. We gave each other a nod and went about shopping. This was in a state where employees would kick you out for not wearing a mask. Imagine how different things would have been if more people just took off their masks.

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Same experiences.

10-15% is all it took to render it unenforceable.

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My fave grocery store Covid Protest was to walk backwards against the arrows on the floor.

There's no way I was walking all the way around, down the next aisle then back - spreading my germs all over - just to get that jar of Sweet Gherkins a mere 3 meters hence.

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I bet you caught Covid and died for walking the wrong way, too!

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No. But the Grocery Cops were all over me.

Those Grocery Cops play hard ball.

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I still gesture near the hand disinfectant and pretend to toss some over my left shoulder to keep the covid demons away. LOL, I can't resist after another substacker mentioned doing that. Makes me chuckle to myself every time.

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Hell, I make a point of breaking _every_ stupid rule I can now, all the time.

Everyone knows which rules are stupid, they're mostly just too cowardly to object.

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Even now I tear down and throw out signs recommending masks.

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Funny and very thoughtful of you pi guy!🤣🤣

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Many who took off their masks were kicked out of the store ... so there is that. It *perhaps* made a statement but then you had to go find another store that might not kick you out. Also, it affirmed the righteousness of a lot of masked shoppers in those stores who witnessed the maskless shopper being kicked out. To most shoppers in blue states/cities, the maskless shopper was stupid, selfish, dangerous, a conspiracy theorists and usually all of those things. I think going maskless sometimes made things worse in terms of making a statement. If a strong majority of shoppers refused to mask, it could be meaningful, but I sort of doubt it. At least back then. Now it could be different.

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Feb 17, 2023
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We put our money where our mouth is. Any store/restaurant that had vax passes we vowed never to set foot in again and we never did. Any place that still requires masks or anything like that I won't go near.

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Correct, Meijer is one of those stores I will never go to again. The leader in virtue signal masking. Suppose that executive still exists, making millions while she forced masks on autistic children?

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there was definitely a secret club element among us non mask wearers - nods, a little smile, standing up a bit straighter.

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Absolutely, it was always pure joy to meet another human being.

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I always thought we'd try and do unmask mobs at stores, etc. Get a group and all go in without masks.

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I remember a group that was going around and doing that. About 20 ppl would gather and walk in with no masks and start all kinds of trouble. Staff would try to throw them out. It was pretty crazy.

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I did this over and over with various groups. It was wonderful!

Had to deal with the police once, but they were actually sympathetic to us and did nothing.

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I think now it would be different. I mean, look at all the looters that can walk in and out of a store w their hands full of product.

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Me too.

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Yeah, being one of VERY few not wearing a mask at the height of the madness....we always gave a nod and/or a thumbs up to passers-by.

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Yep, I could see it in their eyes when they saw me without any mask on smiling like it was my wedding day.

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I loved smiling at those big alpha guys, staring at me mask free, a small framed engineer said no thank you and walked around mask free.

I was asked to leave twice and I will never go to those places again.

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My wife was the same way. Fearless

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alphas are scared of sigmas, i guess thats why i was never confronted

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They’re also afraid of resting b**** faces. That’s why I was never confronted.

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I was only confronted once, in an elevator with two nurses. One was masked, the other wore her mask under her chin. Masked One asked me if I had a mask. I said No and ignored her. I was a little worried because they were each much bigger than I am and it was Minneapolis in 2020. We were of different ethnicities, so I didn’t want to say more, being an evil white woman and all. My floor came quickly and that was that.

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Minneapolis area resident here, as well! :) Nicely done! I always answered no, and was truthful, because I didn't have a mask. And wouldn't wear one if they handed it to me.

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Yes!!! Even more terrifying, apparently, was a redhead with an RBF. I live in a terrified blue state & never wore a mask in public. And no one ever said a word. :)

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A bitch of a witch, ya swell demonatrix ! 😁

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me too! afraid of you that is

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Yes!! I have been told I am scary. And my face begs you to say something. Nobody had the balls. Lol. Go ahead....make my day!

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Yeah! Love it.

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Oh jeez 😳! Good one Queen!😘👍

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Post Office clerk told me that if I refused to wear a mask, she refused to serve me. I walked out.

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They hated that so much.

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Me too

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"They will strip you naked leaving you with nothing but a mask next time."

They're not going to like where I wear my mask...

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This is how I responded, “where exactly should I wear this mask to protect me...?” Some people didn’t appreciate my lack of taking them serious.

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Turns out that it doesn't matter where you wear it. It offers the same protection on your elbow as it does on your face.

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Probably the funniest comment regarding mask wearing I’ve ever read went like this:

Do you have underwear on? Do you have pants on? If you fart will anyone smell it?

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Sad thing is they would kick a 2 year old off a plane for having a bad mask day, but would let grown people fart unimpeded.

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My two best girlfriends (healthy moms in their later 40s) were “forbidden” from seeing me the first month of the pandemic. Their husbands didn’t like how I wasn’t taking it seriously.

They like to pretend they didn’t agree with their husbands but they were scared. I like to bring it up every now and again.

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Good for you, Mrs S! My wife hates going to the Drs office with me. It’s gotten so bad, it’s been heard in my house, “if you lose your job because you won’t wear a mask, I won’t support you!” Not a problem for me :). Told my boss today, “I’m still waiting for an apology.” I’m serious, it’s not a joke. Every company that doubled down needs to apologize to their employees

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I meant later 30s…makes the story better :)

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I sort of meant EVERYTHING not just clothing. But you get it...:)

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It's okay. You had me at "Pants Not Required."

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Killing me. Lol

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Agreed! I realized from the beginning - and loudly said so - that the mask was a constant reminder that you were supposed to be afraid.

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If you don't wear your loyalty on the lapel (like a pin that says "Abortion" when you attend Congress), how is anyone to know you are loyal to The Cause?

And if you don't partake of the magical rituals (like sabbath, communion or five daily prayers) publicly, how is anyone to know you are part of The Tribe?

And if you just want to be left alone and do your thing neither wrecking nor ruining something for others, especially if you thrive and prosper when doing so, how will the comp-trollers of the various groups, tribes, parties, corporations, cults, whatever maintain Control?

We're wired to be like that, because in a small group, a troop of five-six families roaming the tundra, stuff like the above benefits the group and everyone in it.

In our ant-hill collectives of modern city-scapes and online-functions making the world a tiny snowglobe, those mechanisms go into overdrive and haywire at the same time.

Sorry, haven't got any good realistic quick-fixes for it. Maybe our group-think systems will catch-up in a couple of centuries?

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excellent comment Rikard.

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Thank you, but award yourself a pat on the back, eh? I read your initial comment and got inspired by it!

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Masks served to instill a sense of ever-present fear in the public, making people all the more malleable. By forcing everyone to wear masks, public health officials managed to convince folks that we were facing the Bubonic plague 2.0 rather than a virus with an IFR under 0.2%.


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Brad -

I agree with you almost always. And I do here.

Although I would add it was also the FEAR of losing something (or the fear of paying the "price"), i.e., social status, job, access, etc.

The fear of social tyranny can be more powerful than shedding blood on a battlefield.

I have many colleagues and friends who knew this or eventually figured it out, but they continued wearing because of the ancillary fears.

Fear nonetheless....but very effective in CONTROL.

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I also think that masks are another element of CCP-type compliance that furthers the agenda towards a socialist/controlled society. Last weekend while walking at a fancy mall in WOKE Seattle with my family, I noticed a lot of masked up people. This is an open-air mall!! The wokest of the woke will push the masking agenda until digital passports and economy is in full swing. We must resist!!

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Yes, visited a blue city yesterday and still half the population is masked, even people outside walking alone with a mask on. Insanity.

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Just signed up. Please forgive me for not noticing (all this time) that you had a stack yourself.

Nobody ever said I was anodyne....or the most observant.

Looking forward to your work product.

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Thank you so much!

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The masks were vital to create the illusion of a horrific disease. There was no other day to day evidence of any illness, let alone a pandemic, anywhere except on TV. No one was sick, no one i knew was sick. So walking down the streets, the only visual cue that there was a pandemic was masks.

And whenever I spotted a fellow mask-free rebel - which was less than 1 in a 100 at the height of the insanity - I felt so happy; I experienced the psychology of feeling alone myself. Even though I will do what I know to be right even when 7 Billion people do the opposite, it's not a good feeling to be the only one. And it's a great sense of relief even just seeing one other.

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I hope I will. I wasn’t always as brave as I would have liked to have been. I doubted myself sometimes.

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I also still do not know a single person who got seriously ill from Wuhan Virus.

But I know one dead, one case of tachycardia requiring surgery, one case of myocarditis, and one sudden immune disorder after the vaxx. That's 4 serious vaxx effects in different people I know compared to zero from the virus.

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I know of at least three people who died with Covid, they were all in their 70's and had underlying conditions. A fourth one also died of Covid, I believe she was pregnant and was also overweight and in her 50's. As far as the vaccine goes, I know plenty of injured people, and I know plenty who are having a very hard time clearing Covid reinfections.

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I was one of the few unmasked waiting in line outside to vote. Even in the unseasonably warm november day, socially distanced, people were wearing masks outside. It was roughly 90% of people. Once you were inside the voting area, it was 99% masked...except me.

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I lost respect for most people I know during all this.

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Me too. I cut all ties to old high school friends on FB, and deleted anyone who peddled the jabs on their pages. I was emotionally spent and afraid for my mental health. My then 16 y.o. suffered immensely through ZOOM schooling all day. I was desperate. So, when I friend who had already moved to TX offered to take my kid and put him in the same school as her kids, I decided to pack my car, rent an apt near a great high school, and enroll him for the second half of his school year. Left my husband and my college daughter behind in Oregon because they had solid jobs and school that didn't need to be disrupted. Those 5 months (Jan-May) in Texas with my then sophomore SAVED both of us! Oregon was a hell hole. Still is in many ways but the family is together again, and I've managed to keep my naive Gen Z kids from being jabbed with the toxic therapies.

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This one really touches me. Similar experience. My wife and i heard DeSantis talking in April of 20' and a week later we were moving to Florida.

Best decision of our lives and definitely for our children.

The schools were surrounding/promoting an evil spirit of fear with the children.

Nothing but contempt.

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I'm very impressed with your decisive action in the face of evil!

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Yeah me too. The scariest part of this is that if the non vaxx vaxx had taken another 2 years to be released a large portion of people would've forgotten WHY they were wearing a mask.

That is truly the only benefit of the non vaxx vaxx:

It appeased the masses.

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I fought this so hard but I felt like I was whistling into the wind. I told everyone, this is rewiring neurons. It's a dangerous tool. We are being played.

I couldn't get any traction, anywhere.

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Yeah it's a lesson our Founders warned us about incessantly; trading freedom for "safety ".

I am still working through how so many of my friends acquiesced knowing better.

It was hard not calling them wussy's.

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I cried and cried when my best friend went out and got two doses of the vax to go on a cruise. I begged her not to, said please wait, but that cruise was more important.

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I cried for my 3 sisters and all their kids who got jabbed. This was in Puerto Rico and the threat of losing their livelihoods was imminent. I'm angry to this day and have vowed to never go back to the Island unless hospitals stopped requiring vax cards in order to visit patients. I have friends who were NOT allowed to visit their adult children hospitalized because they are not jabbed. And ALL SCHOOL KIDS must be vaxxed or are forbidden from attending school. EVERY LITTLE school KID on that beautiful Island is jabbed and many are already boosted. I am heartbroken thinking about the waves of childhood cancers, autoimmune diseases, vax injuries, and deaths that will stem from this.

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This is so awful.

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Someone posited a few years ago that the masks were needed so that the facial recognition software could recognize you even if you covered (masked) your face. 😷 Interesting theory.

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I know during the Taiwan protests they all wore masks to avoid recognition. Antifa and BLM did the same during the summer of love riots in 2020.

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I had one mask in my car that I was using in the few times I wore a mask during the pandemic. It was given to me, and I really didn't even like it in my car. Because even having it felt like a form of low grade cognitive dissonance.

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Very early on, May 2020 - a Canadian education official - BC; urging staff to vigorously enforce mask wearing was quoted as saying "we want to create a mask wearing culture". Something to think about.

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Makes me sick. For someone who owned a business there was nothing so denigrating as people shouting me down about wearing a mask and hearing "we're all in it together " over the PA.

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.45 on the hip will shut them up. Or big knife. Check your local regulations ;)

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As far as I can tell, I could carry a hungry alligator on my hip down here in Florida without getting any shit.

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Lol! Ryan, if I was in Florida I'd be wearing a 9mm with an alligator holster on my hip! It's much lighter and cheaper to feed! :)

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This is encouraging. Can't believe this is published.

"The pharmaceutical industry is dangerous to health. Further proof with COVID-19"


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Please name and place the official. This is one of the necessary actions in resisting such nonsense.

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Start with teachers. That's a long list

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I think the muzzles were also an easy and effective way to identify anyone refusing the propaganda. If you walked anywhere without a muzzle you were instantly recognized as "the Other." Blood on the water to the Karens and Kirks who could close in for a feeding frenzy of self righteous shaming.

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I think it was also to give people the feeling / illusion that they had SOME power and control, were not totally helpless in the face of this Big Scary Thing. They could take some action.

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A visual to broadcast the message that danger is ever present.

Triggered amygdalae combined with blind allegiance proved to be disastrous.

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As for what fear is happening about East Palestine, it isn't fear I feel, it is fury.

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I think the reaction to the East Palestine poisoning is justified fury and disgust. Yes, there’s concern but not irrational fear.

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Not just the poisoning, but after the covid, everybody knows they will deny any damaged and dead just as they have denied those damaged and killed by the covid and jab bioweapons.

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Read the EPA page with daily accounts of what it did, who was there.

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So why don't they just mask up?

Geez - do I have to think of everything?

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I bet nobody’s recommending masks to ward off the toxicity there. They’d be appropriately laughed at or shot. More like hazmat required. Thanks again, experts!

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That dude from the state with the lab coat and the bow tie, I keep thinking, nobody phuking believes you people anymore.

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He’d make a great bobble head. Or voodoo doll.

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Did anyone see that the East Palestine government rolled out digital, track-able, wear-able medical ID's to residents back in Jan? What is going on??


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But that and the name East Palestine truly is a mind phuck.

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Somehow after this I don't expect very many people to sign up for that.

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TrusT Teh GoVeRnmEnT - East Palestine OH

short meme, 30 sec, John Talks:


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I dont mean to take away from Gato (excellent write up), but Damn if u need a laff, please see this --

meme, 2 mins, 2 years ago, Joey bye-dumb Rally Speech.


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Feb 17, 2023
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For the Feds, this is payback for all those Trump-voting Ohioans.

"You guys are all anti-gov't J6 sympathizers... and we're coming for you"

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Yep. If you vote the wrong way your government will just let you starve a die. Sad state of affairs to realize this.

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Bootie is a typical McKinsey monster. Create chaos, get paid to manage the narrative.

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So, I guess the world really DOES need salty old assholes like me who question everything?

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"So, I guess the world really DOES need salty old assholes"

* updates CV *

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Now that's some funny shit...:)))

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Salty Old Assholes would be a great band name. Has to be a bunch of 60 somethings though, unless you’re going for irony.

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I’m in if you need a 60 year old harmonica player!

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Me too! 65, bass, can still get it on my good foot!

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You're damn straight

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Never change.

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I love everything about this piece! It hits it all and we don’t even really need to discuss the data. I wasn’t willing to trade liberty for safety in 2000 and I didn’t cave in 2021 either. And I didn’t need any experts telling me what I already knew. The natural immunity thing was the final deception and I decided to go all out on social media. Lost a ton of very smart friends almost immediately. Their fucking loss. I just feel sorry for their kids. I’m endlessly grateful for substack and other niche communities both on and offline. I would never have gotten here without COVID. And I don’t plan to forget it.

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Thank you for speaking out.

PS Yep, their loss.

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stupid is as stupid does.

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Re: Statue of Liberty crying

When Scott Adams "apologized" for being a Big Fraidy Cat about Covid he asked "How did you know those strangers were the correct ones?"


The answer is that There's No "We're Scared" Exception to the Constitution. The reason one should have chosen otherwise is that no one should ever be forced or even coerced into abrogating their rights.

Because "you cannot give up “just a little free speech." You can't give up just a little of any or your rights.

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What's really fascinating is how people seem to only fear what they are told to fear. We're closer to nuclear war than ever in my lifetime (almost 50).

I don't want my kids to suffer through radiation poisoning before dying a horrible death. I don't want them to "survive" in some post-apocalyptic rape and murder fest. I don't want their skin to be seared off their bones.

But normies don't seem to be scared of this at all. Not because it isn't scary. Because they have not been told to fear it... And when they are told to fear it, I'll fear them even more than the prospect of nuclear war, because I've seen how they behave when they are afraid. This is such a twisted house of mirrors.

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If I was ChiCom Comrade Xi, allied (controlling Resident Bid'emUp) with the Feral DC Coup Gov a nuclear war would be unnecessary as well as wasteful of perfectly good real estate.

However in addition to the VaXXX a take down of the Electrical Grid here in the USSA would be quite benficial. Hack or, more Effective, an EMP would decimate the current population by approx 90% over 1 year of No Electricity. Living in the 1880's was possible, but not with 2020 technology and the tranistion cannot be made for most within the first 3 months of such an event. CYA, All the Best, Some of Us will make it; But the Chinese will be arriving in droves to occupy the empty lands.

We coulda, woulda, shoulda prevented the Coup, or the Continuing Coup, but .......


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Yes, Biden is a traitor and is owned, but this is too black pilled. An EMP would be reciprocated, and China doesn't have much of a Navy to get this done.

What's far more likely is that Putin gets the international community to turn against us because of the Nordstream II bombing and we wind up economically isolated and impoverished until we get it together long enough to decorate some lamp posts.

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All of this!! 🙌🏼

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The weird thing is "natural immunity" would have been a concept explained in any undergraduate biology survey class. Didn't these idiots all go to college?

Thank fuck I didn't, I guess.

On a different front, we saw the same thing 20 years ago when the entire USA happily tossed its hard-fought civil rights protections in the wake of the 9/11 attacks. I was recently taken to task in a Substack comments section when I, as a civil rights absolutist, expressed my disgust with that reaction, and suggested your "principles" aren't really principles if you can dismiss them so easily.

"But we were scared," was the justification.

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Here in Michigan everyone is talking about the latest "mass shooting" that took place on Michigan State's campus last week. How all the students are saying that they were so afraid as they didn't know where to hide, and so forth. And of course it turns out that the shooter (who killed himself) was well known to law enforcement and the community as a troubled person with a history of inappropriately using firearms, etc. And you know what is going to happen next. MORE calls for gun control.

Well, here is a radical thought. Instead of teaching students to cower in fear, why not encourage them to arm themselves or at least those in authority? Teach them responsible use of firearms and how and when to defend themselves. Because every one of these "mass shootings" has something in common. They ALL pick soft targets where they know people aren't going to be shooting back. Think about it. How many "mass shootings" have taken place at an airport? None, that I know of! And yet, how many travelers pass through major airports at any given time? They don't pick airports for the simple reason is that airports have ARMED security who will shoot back. Naw, better to go to the local shopping mall or school, much easier pickings.

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There’s never been a mass shooting at a gun show.

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Same thing here despite harder weapon laws: the weapons used by criminals for criminal purposes, such as robberies, murder for pay, rape or "he was looking at me funny, he didn't show respect", are either smuggled here or stolen.

Actual legal weapons owned by real swedes - nordic if we're using racial terms- are never used for crimes.

But I guess details and facts about crimes are as hot a racially charged potato over there as it is here. To everyone's detriment.

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Was it Norway who had the psycho with the bow and arrow shooting 8-10 people in town, where the police were outlawed from owning guns. No Deterrents make for easy targets.

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Gee, i could search. here ya go:

Colion Noir --

Man Commits Mass Murder In Norway with Bow And Arrows


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Anyone who calls for gun control is your enemy. Plain and simple.

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John Lott. crime prevention research center. wrote a book: "More Guns, less Crime"


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Networks and connectedness have been challenging to find in rural New England. Covid Puritanism is the name of connection here. Gatekeepers abound. It’s hard to network so staying sane has meant a certain level of isolation which doesn’t bode well for the next go around.

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Look for your local MAFA chapter. Good local groups.

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What is this? How do I find them? Google just gave me a bunch of stuff on the mafia. I live in the heartland of what feels like the Covid response mafia where it’s cool to pay parents to jab their kids and coerced masking is a love letter.

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A large group of nurses banded together in a major medical system in Iowa and said that they WILL NOT be getting the COVID “vaccine”. If you mandate it, we will ALL be leaving.

Guess what, they didn’t mandate it.

This is what unions should have done, but instead they jumped in line with the Democrats in charge of the country in supporting/imposing vaccine mandates. Unions aren’t what they used to be. They are pure Democratic machinery at this point; they do not protect and negotiate on behalf of the workers anymore. They are a fundraising arm of the Democrats and little more than that.

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Which medical system in Iowa? It would be great to have some more specifics.

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True,that!! I come from a family that doesn't follow the crowd and I am greatful I was trained to think for myself and do research about particular subjects and situations. Plus staying away from MSM is essential for staying grounded and upbeat about life in general.

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I refused to shelter in place as I knew where it led. Government solutions are never the answer. The grief and anger “friends” poured on me at that stage as I tried to tell them to ignore and live their lives was weird and much has continued unabated these last several years as my family and I have refused all attempts at control. I realized then and now the anger was actually fear - fear of pain. A society raised to avoid pain and or hardship is no society at all but a pack living only on instinct. No better than animals.

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That's right, natural child birth women! It's going to hurt and you'll be fine and your baby will be alert!

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What I have ever lacked in courage I've always supplied by unrelenting stubbornness. You make do with what you have.

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It's not true that prior to this nobody advocated getting a vaccine for a disease you've already had. The childhood vaccine schedule is enforced whether your child has had the disease or not. Schools will not allow attendance based on acquired immunity.

Has your child had whooping cough? Yes. Too bad, get the pertussis shot. As an aside, that pertussis shot, which is not sterilizing, meaning it creates a bunch of asymptomatic carriers, is thought to be responsible for rising rates of pertussis. But of course, that gets blamed on unvaccinated people.

Has your child had chicken pox? Yes. Too bad, get the shot. As another aside, the highest rate of adverse event reporting for childhood vaccines, until the covid jabs, came after the combined MMR and chicken pox shot.

The truth is that irrationality, financial conflicts of interest, poor evidence base and conflict with reality has existed for a loooooooong time in the drug industry and the vaccine program. The people at the top were getting lazy and taking it for granted that they had hoodwinked the population. So perhaps they thought they could push it further with Covid. Fortunately that has made visible what was really hard for a lot of people to see before. Those of us who have been calling it out for decades and advocating for vaccine injured children for decades now have a much larger cohort!

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I started to question vaccines back in 2018. Why? I noticed this massive wave of propaganda--articles, videos, TV shows, Google searches--mocking "anti vaxxers" and using strawman caricatures of the real people with concerns. Most of those they ridiculed were parents with damaged kids. (Sickening!)

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I noticed that, that the "anti-vaxxers" turned out to be entirely different than the way they are portrayed in any discussion in the MSM (inevitably as emotional uneducated nutters and extremists). In the last 2 years I have gained a shining mountain of respect for anti-vaxxers.

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TPTB were aware of rising 'no likey vaxes' wave for at least a decade. What a waste of time and money trying to force crap on people.

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"people didn't get stupid, they got frightened"

Fear tends to shut down rational processing, so it does make people stupid in a real sense.

Which is why governments (and psychopaths, but that's redundant) prefer frightened people.

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conversely, maybe they were frightened because they were stupid.

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Most people are completely unaware of any of this. They just float from one PSYOP to the next and do what “the experts” tell them to do.

How did we get so stupid?

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