Feb 17, 2023·edited Feb 17, 2023

They will strip you naked leaving you with nothing but a mask next time.

I am a firm believer that the power of the mask alone was to focus FEAR of all sorts through the object (the mask) itself in an effort to CONTROL us.

A positive feedback loop of FOCUS that led to the most negative of outcomes known to man.

They CONTROLLED the population with a single object that tightened the focus of fear over time.

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As for what fear is happening about East Palestine, it isn't fear I feel, it is fury.

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So, I guess the world really DOES need salty old assholes like me who question everything?

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I love everything about this piece! It hits it all and we don’t even really need to discuss the data. I wasn’t willing to trade liberty for safety in 2000 and I didn’t cave in 2021 either. And I didn’t need any experts telling me what I already knew. The natural immunity thing was the final deception and I decided to go all out on social media. Lost a ton of very smart friends almost immediately. Their fucking loss. I just feel sorry for their kids. I’m endlessly grateful for substack and other niche communities both on and offline. I would never have gotten here without COVID. And I don’t plan to forget it.

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Feb 17, 2023Liked by el gato malo

Abrogating potus duties to defer to fauci and let him run the pandemic response seems like something driven by fear of making the wrong decisions . Fear in the leadership ranks is just as destructive as fear-driven groupthink.

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Re: Statue of Liberty crying

When Scott Adams "apologized" for being a Big Fraidy Cat about Covid he asked "How did you know those strangers were the correct ones?"


The answer is that There's No "We're Scared" Exception to the Constitution. The reason one should have chosen otherwise is that no one should ever be forced or even coerced into abrogating their rights.

Because "you cannot give up “just a little free speech." You can't give up just a little of any or your rights.

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What's really fascinating is how people seem to only fear what they are told to fear. We're closer to nuclear war than ever in my lifetime (almost 50).

I don't want my kids to suffer through radiation poisoning before dying a horrible death. I don't want them to "survive" in some post-apocalyptic rape and murder fest. I don't want their skin to be seared off their bones.

But normies don't seem to be scared of this at all. Not because it isn't scary. Because they have not been told to fear it... And when they are told to fear it, I'll fear them even more than the prospect of nuclear war, because I've seen how they behave when they are afraid. This is such a twisted house of mirrors.

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The weird thing is "natural immunity" would have been a concept explained in any undergraduate biology survey class. Didn't these idiots all go to college?

Thank fuck I didn't, I guess.

On a different front, we saw the same thing 20 years ago when the entire USA happily tossed its hard-fought civil rights protections in the wake of the 9/11 attacks. I was recently taken to task in a Substack comments section when I, as a civil rights absolutist, expressed my disgust with that reaction, and suggested your "principles" aren't really principles if you can dismiss them so easily.

"But we were scared," was the justification.

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Here in Michigan everyone is talking about the latest "mass shooting" that took place on Michigan State's campus last week. How all the students are saying that they were so afraid as they didn't know where to hide, and so forth. And of course it turns out that the shooter (who killed himself) was well known to law enforcement and the community as a troubled person with a history of inappropriately using firearms, etc. And you know what is going to happen next. MORE calls for gun control.

Well, here is a radical thought. Instead of teaching students to cower in fear, why not encourage them to arm themselves or at least those in authority? Teach them responsible use of firearms and how and when to defend themselves. Because every one of these "mass shootings" has something in common. They ALL pick soft targets where they know people aren't going to be shooting back. Think about it. How many "mass shootings" have taken place at an airport? None, that I know of! And yet, how many travelers pass through major airports at any given time? They don't pick airports for the simple reason is that airports have ARMED security who will shoot back. Naw, better to go to the local shopping mall or school, much easier pickings.

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Networks and connectedness have been challenging to find in rural New England. Covid Puritanism is the name of connection here. Gatekeepers abound. It’s hard to network so staying sane has meant a certain level of isolation which doesn’t bode well for the next go around.

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True,that!! I come from a family that doesn't follow the crowd and I am greatful I was trained to think for myself and do research about particular subjects and situations. Plus staying away from MSM is essential for staying grounded and upbeat about life in general.

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A large group of nurses banded together in a major medical system in Iowa and said that they WILL NOT be getting the COVID “vaccine”. If you mandate it, we will ALL be leaving.

Guess what, they didn’t mandate it.

This is what unions should have done, but instead they jumped in line with the Democrats in charge of the country in supporting/imposing vaccine mandates. Unions aren’t what they used to be. They are pure Democratic machinery at this point; they do not protect and negotiate on behalf of the workers anymore. They are a fundraising arm of the Democrats and little more than that.

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I refused to shelter in place as I knew where it led. Government solutions are never the answer. The grief and anger “friends” poured on me at that stage as I tried to tell them to ignore and live their lives was weird and much has continued unabated these last several years as my family and I have refused all attempts at control. I realized then and now the anger was actually fear - fear of pain. A society raised to avoid pain and or hardship is no society at all but a pack living only on instinct. No better than animals.

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What I have ever lacked in courage I've always supplied by unrelenting stubbornness. You make do with what you have.

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It's not true that prior to this nobody advocated getting a vaccine for a disease you've already had. The childhood vaccine schedule is enforced whether your child has had the disease or not. Schools will not allow attendance based on acquired immunity.

Has your child had whooping cough? Yes. Too bad, get the pertussis shot. As an aside, that pertussis shot, which is not sterilizing, meaning it creates a bunch of asymptomatic carriers, is thought to be responsible for rising rates of pertussis. But of course, that gets blamed on unvaccinated people.

Has your child had chicken pox? Yes. Too bad, get the shot. As another aside, the highest rate of adverse event reporting for childhood vaccines, until the covid jabs, came after the combined MMR and chicken pox shot.

The truth is that irrationality, financial conflicts of interest, poor evidence base and conflict with reality has existed for a loooooooong time in the drug industry and the vaccine program. The people at the top were getting lazy and taking it for granted that they had hoodwinked the population. So perhaps they thought they could push it further with Covid. Fortunately that has made visible what was really hard for a lot of people to see before. Those of us who have been calling it out for decades and advocating for vaccine injured children for decades now have a much larger cohort!

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Most people are completely unaware of any of this. They just float from one PSYOP to the next and do what “the experts” tell them to do.

How did we get so stupid?

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