It’s my understanding that the “97-99% of deaths are in unvaccinated people” is from the last SIX months, back to January 1st, when practically no one was vaccinated. This is of course creating data figures that don’t matter to prove your point.

Did you know 100% of Covid deaths in July 2020 were in unvaccinated people? Shocking…

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If what is happening in Israel is demonstrative of the expectations for the vaccines in terms of preventing cases, and hence, transmission, then it’s clear the only potential vaccine benefit would be for the individual itself. Which means, talk of mandates, passports, and accusations of the unvaccinated become unwarranted.

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Thank you for this excellent compilation of data over the past year and internationally. Too bad the US journalists are not doing this work. We were taught to be skeptical of government sources always—and, of course, “follow the money.” I always learn something new reading your work.

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Excellent work, hermano. From people I know who were raised in the USSR, yes, the propaganda was everywhere, but no one believed it. Here in the US, the MiniTru propaganda is everywhere, and nearly everyone believes it. I suppose that is due to political infantilization and post-literate minds here.

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"The most plausible explanation for why there is such a strong demand to vaccinate even those who refuse to be vaccinated is so that there will be no control group."

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A few days ago, In Ontario, Canada, a journalist made the claim: "Want proof vaccines are working? Ottawa (the capital) had zero new cases yesterday!!"

I pointed out that new cases had bottomed out in July 2020 - without vaccines and masks - so that seasonality was likely a big factor in the declines both years. His reply? Silence.

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Here in La county masks are back, the nextdoor people are already accusing the unvaccinated. Orange county doesn’t have the same rule...

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I spent last summer being accused of killing grandma for sometimes not wearing a mask outdoors and this summer my Nextdoor people are telling me I'm killing children because I am opting to wait a few more months before vaccinating.

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If someone makes that accusation against me, I'll give them my modest reply: "Can you blame me? Child flesh freezes well, and it is delicious when breaded." If I can't rationalize with them, I can always take things to an extreme.

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And to think that less than four years ago I was arguing with someone about government funding for NPR (me on the pro side). I always knew they were liberal. I was fine with that. I'm not fine with outright lying and propaganda, but that seems to be what they're becoming.

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Same results: Looked everywhere after I saw AP "article" claiming only unvaxed folks hosp/dying in US. They had no citations in the article. Have still not seen any supporting data - in fact the opposite as you cite. They are now not even attempting to hide the lies. I mean look at who they are speaking to: the mindless ciphers. Anyone with a still independently-thinking brain is going to react in the exact opposite way they intend - and as dumb as the pop-authoritarians are they must know this. So they are NOT trying to influence the "deniers". They are trying to whip up the ciphers into a divisive discriminatory frenzy against the rational. It is the only explanation.

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only truth is true, everything else is a lie.

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all things covid on mainstream media is propaganda....

i rravelled this weekend, the only time i see tv news is in hotel rooms. i listen to fm radio and their propaganda is lame but daily reinforced!

albany cty is omg!! second highest positivity rate in nys!! at 16/1000!!

say lame propaganda stated 99% of c19 deaths are non vaccined.... not that 98% are also very frail to go in..... and i have never seen the 99% referred with a dtata set and contxt.

it is all propaganda, and biden the divider saying 'social media refuting' the propaganda is killing people is the worst propaganda this week!

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" new cases has increased by nearly 70% to almost 30,000 per day; hospitalizations are up 36%."

Citing the absolute number of 30,000, if accurate, is at least definitive and straightforward. But when a report cites increases or decreases in percentages, they should include the absolute numbers also. As far as we can tell from the NPR report, hospitalizations might be up from 3 patients to 4.

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The ONLY time I saw "proof" for the "all the cases are among the unvaxxed", they were using ONLY data from Jan-May, when most people couldn't get a shot.

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My church is now strongly encouraging masks again since we are in the Evil City (Las Vegas). I told the pastor that masks don’t work. He said, we have to do something. Members are gossiping about those who are in church but unvaccinated. I told them that I make a distinction between immunized and vaccinated. The goal is immunity, and those members are immune. They had the disease and they have proof of antibodies. That we should even be having this discussion in a church is vile, but the fact remains that they are not a threat. It’s absurd. 🤦‍♀️🙄

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Obscene indeed! With a fair amount of surreal on top.

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