Sep 11, 2021Liked by el gato malo

Gato and gato-pals:

You write here about vaccine mandates, propaganda, and bureaucratic stupidity. So here's my own story about it in my country:

I live in Lithuania, a small EU country on the Baltic Sea. I know you're familiar with our country's history and struggle for independence from the authoritarianism of the USSR.

In the last 2 months, my country has imposed a new and different authoritarian regime of severe restrictions against people who are not vaccinated.

Here's a sample of how life is now. The vaccine pass in our country is called "The Opportunity Pass". If you don't have an Opportunity Pass:

- You cannot visit any cafes or restaurants, indoors or outdoors.

- You may only shop in small stores (<1500 m2) which have direct entrance to the street and whose main activity is to sell food, veterinary goods, pharmaceuticals, glasses and contact lenses, or farming supplies. You may not enter stores that mainly sell other products. You may not enter larger stores.

- You cannot receive any beauty services (hair, nails, salons, etc).

- You cannot use any repair services which last longer than 15 minutes.

- You cannot enter any indoor spaces, seminars, conferences, or cultural events.

- You cannot attend any outdoor events which have more than 500 people.

- You cannot sit and read in libraries. You may only use the library to pick up and return books.

- You cannot travel by train.

- You cannot enter financial service providers (banks, insurance) unless the purpose is to receive pensions or social benefits for compulsory or essential financial services where the service lasts no more than 15 minutes.

- Students cannot enter university without the Pass.

- You cannot visit patients in medical facilities or senior care/residential homes, except terminally-ill patients and children under 14 years of age at the permission of the treating physician.

- You cannot have scheduled inpatient medical care.

Crazy, no?

Lithuania is definitely one of the more restrictive countries in Europe right now. And some of the rules we have are uniquely crazy.

But we're not the only one with a Covid Pass. By my count, 14 of the 27 European Union countries have begun imposing domestic Covid Pass restrictions.

Given the significance of the changes, I think there hasn't been much analysis or reporting published in English-language media and forums about what has happened. So earlier this week I made a post on Reddit (r/LockdownSkepticism) about the transformation. In the post, I described the new restrictions and how they have upended the life of my family.

The post was banned after 11 hours.

Reason: self-censorship. Reddit wrote to me: "we are being extra careful about misinformation at the moment", and "We cannot verify the claims in your post".

Huh? The law of my country is the law of my country. It's no secret. You can see the rules yourself on the official government website. They are facts, not claims. They're definitely not "misinformation". You might like the rules of the law, you might dislike them, but their existence is as incontrovertible as it gets.

But there's a silver lining thanks to the Streisand effect. By censoring my post, Reddit ended up making it even more interesting and click-baity: "10 facts about what's happening in Europe that they don't want you to know!". :-)

Very nicely, my post got passed around samizdat-style. Amazingly, it ended up boomeranging back and actually attracted attention here in my country.

So I cleaned up the formatting, added further information and some pictures, and then put the post up online - not on Reddit, obviously - so that people can see it and pass it around.

I'd like to share the link here. Please take a look.

And here's my request, to Mr. Gato and to all the Gato pals reading this:

If you think the article I wrote about the Opportunity Pass is interesting, I'd like to ask your help to please forward this message on. I'm not social media savvy, I have no platform, and my first and only long post on Reddit got banned. So any help you can give to get attention would be really, really great.

Let people know what's happening.

Sunlight is the best disinfectant.


The link to the article I wrote is:


(My email is at the bottom of the article if Gato or anyone would like to contact me. Thanks!)

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Gluboco I thought it is bad in the UK but my heart goes out to you and your family in this appalling situation. I have tried to get your post amplified, also please email it to the Daily Sceptic group of journalists (headed up by Toby Young, the chairman of the Free Speech Union in the UK). They publish a daily update and they have a wide readership in the UK.

For all of us we can only hope that this house of cards will eventually implode as the truth continues to emerge. Strength to you and your family.




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What you describe is a dystopian nightmare. We're all dealing with some degree of this, but your story is horrifying. I'm truly worried for you and your young family and will keep you in my thoughts and prayers. What you're doing takes tremendous courage. You mentioned that Estonia has spoken out against these Orwellian Opportunity Passes and in favor of individual freedom. Presuming that that's not just lip service, is asking for political asylum from persecution and human rights violations something that you could approach them with? Barring that, and this is only partially tongue in cheek, if you can make it across our Southern border, as an illegal alien you're automatically eligible for benefits and are immune to Covid mandates. We're in a boatload of trouble ourselves, but if anyone can beat these fascists back, it's America. And we could use a fighter like you on our side. ;)

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i was just talking to a londoner. she doesn't trust it. look for bojo to say "well, shucks, I wanted to do this, but the Delta variant....and the NIH heroes...and the science.... so for the sake of us all, I have to ask you one last time."

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I am a Brit in the UK and this is welcome. The other reason may be there has been very strong condemnation from a lot of MPs including their own Conservative backbenchers and the Covid recovery group of Conservative MPs opposed to lockdowns & vaccine passports. Plus - the lead they've had in the polls for months is disappearing (although that is also due to the swingeing tax increase they just announced), and Reform UK (what used to be the Brexit party that was a big driver for them doing Brexit) polling is increasing, clearly from unhappy Conservative voters.

The role of the unions driving this debacle in the UK over the last 18 months is slowly starting to come out - it is a critical factor:


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Excellent article, thanks! The unions in the US have been just as complicit. It is blowing back on them. Between the school closures, mask mandates and CRT brain washing in the schools, thousands of parents are waking up to the cesspools that pass for public education and have started to push back. Many are choosing to homeschool, rather than continue to expose their children to the toxicity that is public school indoctrination. Since school funding depends on enrollment numbers, this is going to hurt them where it counts. Public sector unions have always been a pustule on the body politic. May they implode from their own hubris and greed.

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That is really good to hear, and I agree completely. We have had terrible times in the UK over the last 50 years when the socialists in government and the unions have gained too much power.

The economic mismanagement etc of the 70s being a glaring example, resulting in a 3 day week, power cuts, an IMF bailout & top rates of tax at 98% or so. Mrs Thatcher successfully fought and won against a lot of that (although I don't agree with everything that was done, particularly the decimation of the mines & the impact it had on the mining communities) but sadly the unions (including now the middle class white collar civil service & medical ones) have wreaked havoc during the last 18 month debacle. We finally seem to be seeing Boris trying to outwit them by removing elements of the terrible Corona virus act that allows lockdowns including school closures) - I hope so.

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Gluboco - my heart and prayers go out to you, your family and, well, all people everywhere dealing with this intentional fiasco.

I don't know which faith, if any, that you follow. I'm Christian and I think two very important scriptures to keep in mind at the moment are

Ephesians 6:10-18

"Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the saints." Praise God!


Revelation 13:16-18 "He also forced everyone, small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on his right hand or on his forehead, so that no one could buy or sell unless he had the mark, which is the name of the beast or the number of his name. This calls for wisdom. If anyone has insight, let him calculate the number of the beast, for it is man’s number. His number is 666."

--> I DO NOT believe the vax passport is the mark of the beast (yet) nor do I believe that it is inherently evil (yet), but I DO believe it is preparing and inuring people around our globe to eagerly seek and accept it when it is offered. Beware.

God be with you and your family ... and your country! Stand strong with Him.

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I would like to know how many base pairings there are in the mRNA that they inject. If its 666 - I would freak out.

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shj - I don't know, but others on this feed probably do. Personally, I think it will be a prefix or suffix added to everyone's unique personal ID number and, that appending it only happen after you swear an oath of [worshipful] loyalty to it/him/her. We are getting mighty close to that right now (with government and humanism replacing God in the hearts and minds of many) -- will things relax and subside or will they continue to worsen from this point?

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What a well written piece - thank you for sharing it. My heart aches for you and your family. This dystopian nightmare you are living will be reality for us all in the near future if we don't all stand united against it. I am terrified that most people just go along to get along.

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I just posted it on Twitter.

I am so sorry this is happening. It is unmitigated evil. We are having issues in the US but nothing like this.

I will pray for you and your family. Our lives on earth were not meant to be lives like this.

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I will share it too. Very sorry for your situation. Your govt makes my mandate crazy little state governor (and Biden) look open minded. Wish I could help.

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I will definitely share. I am sorry you are going through this.

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Thank you for posting this comment. I'm so sorry that you and your wife have this worry.

I've shared your article on my Fakebook and Twitter accounts and sent it via email to family.

WRT moving to Sweden...I believe that Sweden is prohibited by their constitution from imposing many of the restrictions taken in other EU countries. They may be the safest bet.

I wish you and your family well. I'm so sorry.

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I would also recommend you post this video with translation. In early August, the CDC Director Rochelle Walensky told Wolf Blitzer on CNN that the jabs do not stop infection or transmission of the Delta variant and that the fully vaxxed and unvaxxed have similar viral loads. In short, they will not...cannot...stop the pandemic. They may make it worse. They may prolong it.


In this second video, she tells Savannah Guthrie on NBC news (a major US broadcast network) that they do not have data to support the boosters...they have hope.


I also recommend you look at the Public Health England technical briefings that have focused on the Delta variant. The ratio of Delta infections in the unvaxxed to fully vaxxed has dropped from 7.4 (Technical briefing 17, 25 June) to 1.9 (Technical briefing 22, 3 September).


The "vaccines" will not stop the virus. The Opportunity Pass will not stop the pandemic.

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WS it Russia that Beat that crap by not going to any of these places requiring passport until the businesses told the government to butt out. Read today Boris has backed down?

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Except I don't think it's stupidity. I came to believe that we really are dealing with the unbelievable, i.e. an attempt to destroy the "old normal" together with the economy, so that it's easier to usher in the whole fourth industrial revolution and so on.

This is an old story (from last year) but it is rather in-depth and not sensationalist at all. (At least I tried)


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ruining the usa is a feature, not a bug, of the current cdc gestapo reign.

that hospital is the headline. i know one nyc metro hospital where the nurses worked all through the surges w/o vax and who know the risk reward for them is negative from the lacking in safety and immunity jabs.

the ny edict goes in effect soon and the headliners will be somewhat aghast!

feature not bug.

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Ed: Exactly! It's a feature, not a bug...

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I had a home birth 2 months ago. Can’t recommend it highly enough!

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I had my children at home, 27 and 29 years ago. Wonderful magical experiences. I didn’t like hospitals then and I don’t like them now.

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Just one question: How exactly do you "pause baby deliveries"? They just sort of come when they want to, no? (The thing is, I'm not surprised. I've noticed an attitude in medicine that your issues, even if trending toward the fatal, take a vacation when they become inconvenient to "medicine" and a doctor's schedule, so maybe they think they can "pause" deliveries.)

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True. I suppose they closed L&D and the women have to go elsewhere. Like they closed the best L&D in San Francisco in 2020 under the guise of covid and never opened it back up (Sutter did, mission Bernal hospital; had a state of the art L&D with labor tubs now collecting dust forevermore to usher women to their other hospital that’s …. Not great).

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Without a doubt current U.S. Democratic policies, and propaganda together with lockdowns over the world are the closest thing to pre WWII fascism since the fall of the iron curtain. Remember Fascism arose from progressive eugenicist utopian visions.

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There must be something to the vax not being such a good thing if so many medical people don’t want it and have to be forced.

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Follow the science!

"There must be something to the vax not being such a good thing if so many medical people don’t want it and have to be forced."

Not that science!!!

Sorry. Couldn't help myself.

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‘But they’re misinformed’! 🤮 glad they’re standing up and walking out.

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I am proud of the staff that is willing to give up their job to stop the mandates… not sure women are ready to start having their babies at home again.

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These are the same people that the media called heroes last year.

These are the same people who braved the virus everyday, who cared for the sick and dying, who got C19 and recovered, or who didn't after caring for sick people for 18 months.

These people are being vilified...like the people who kept the world running so all the CoronaKarens could stay home and stay safe.

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“Doing what we know works!”

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I started thinking about my own potential “firing” and realized I won’t have medical insurance if it happens. I guess maybe it doesn’t matter, since “they” are already saying the dirty, germy, unvaccinated shouldn’t even be able to visit a doctor in the first place.

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carrots - I wonder what all the nurses and the few doctors that are fired or quit will do after leaving. Will they "find each other" and create their own clinics / hospitals in competition with the officially "approved" ones? I rather hope they do and I KNOW where I would prefer to take my business - insured or not.

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What people say: "Don't make masks political."

What people mean: "Don't point out my fascism."

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"'maybe, with a little luck, some of those who have resigned will reconsider,' Cayer told reporters." Yes, because counting on luck is always the best way to organize and plan hospital care. Correct me if I am wrong, but throwing salt over one's shoulder and tossing pennies in fountains is a requirement for all hospital administrators before they get approval by the Joint Commission, right?

And it gets better: "'We are not alone. There are thousands of positions that are open north of the Thruway . . ." Well, they'd better bring the salt and pennies via semis then. They're going to need a lot of luck.

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Haha. I caught that too. Together with their helplessness in the face of Cuomo's The- Grandma- Killing- Woman- Abusing- Forced- to -Resign- in- Disgrace, former governor's illegal edict.

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Im SAD that it's come to this, but we HAVE to stand up for medical sovereignty. The BIDEN admin has lost their minds, thinking they can mandate.... NO justification for their bad policy. DRS and NURSES and STAFF at hospitals,clinics etc. Time to fight for freedom to choose. This is still the USA...

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Think they were humming Rage Against the Machine's "Killing in the Name Of" on the way out?

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