But what if I really "believe" and "trust" the science of chain-link fences?!?! CNN says that makes a difference.

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Safety is a social construct. Or something.

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Just mask the deer ticks. Easy peasy

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"Aug 3 2021, Marty Makary, professor of health policy at Johns Hopkins University:

"We have downgraded #Covid19 to a mild seasonal virus... Covid-19 will become the 5th seasonal #corona virus that will circulate for decades to come."

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The unvaccinated deer must be removed from society! Delicious, unvaccinated deer...

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or be tested weekly i guess

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Okay, I have one question: Who the hell during the middle of a "pandemic" has the time to study this! And if we have the time to study *this* who the hell believes there's a crisis? (Okay, I guess technically, that's two questions.)

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I’m not even a kitten so it’s very difficult for me to understand these complex medical concepts. I’m hoping you can help explain this whole vaccine thing. It seems rather widely acknowledged at this point that the vaccines don’t prevent infection nor do the prevent transmission. There seems reason to believe they may help mitigate the severity of symptoms in those who become infected. Correct me if I’m wrong, but that seems the very definition of a prophylactic treatment rather than a vaccine. If so, why do we care whether people are vaccinated? My vaccination won’t protect you and vice versa. Are we are worried about the medical system being overwhelmed by really sick infected people? That never seemed to have happened and doesn’t seem a concern in places like Sweden where no one is dying from

covid despite no mask or vaccine mandates and no lockdowns.

I’m also not a doctor, but if the vaccines are really treatments, why aren’t other treatments also being mandated? What about remdesivir or monoclonal antibodies or steroids or vitamin d or ivermectin or others? I’m very confused.

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I've never seen a deer in a mask, have you?

Game, Set, Match El Gato Malo -- gg.

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test the raccoons as a control group.

100% masking there.

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Rocky Variant

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Actually, yes. Until quite recently the white tails and their elk cousins on the walls in my local barbershop sported surgical masks.

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Public health officials have been lying from the outset, about masks, lockdowns, school closures and the likelihood of a lab leak… Public Health is a completely discredited field, like astrology or phrenology.

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Oh, I forgot to add anthropology.

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why are we not talking about forest lockdowns? we now have two forests, one is giddy with infected unmasked deer prancing about sniffing each other’s butts in close quarters, and a second forest full of piss n’ vinegar, sourly distant, looking on with dramatic jowls of disapproval and unadulterated rage, calling for the hunting and killing of their reckless brethren while touting the need for early enforced hibernation. Come end of year, 1-2% of infected deer may find themselves mounted heads, permanently looking down at our collective failings from their elevated place of honor on many a lodge’s walls

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But zero covid is totally achievable. We just have to build a giant ark and ship all the animals out to sea for 40 days.

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This MAY be a dumb question.. have you ever seen Covid, a full sequence, not computer generated ANYWHERE?

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I'm not sure why you have a problem with computer generated? Using current technology, it is simply not possible to do a genomic sequence from a single viral particle. So the process is to use a sample which has many copies of the virus, and then to sequence snippets from many virus copies. These fractional genome sequences are then stitched together by computer, to create a complete genomic sequence of the virus, and is held in computer code only. Why does this worry you?

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Sounds like you are getting HOT under the collar there. 1) my question wasn't really to you but that's okay.

This is what I am referring to and AND what it means... is all. Don't take offense but you come off as VERY rude!


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Interesting to watch CNN carrying water for the CIA attempt to bill China $6 trillion for covid damages. I figured the spooks would need to throw Lord God Fauci under the bus first, in order to step around the gain of function work paid for by BMGF and NIH, but maybe he cut a deal to go along with it in order to save his ass. Still, this will be part of a larger effort in the near future to heat up Xinjiang con, the Hong King con and send India over the border, while the US plays footsy with Taipei, all in an effort to take China down, similar to the attempt to take Russia down in April over Ukraine con. Well, that went so well in Ukie land that I guess they had to do it all over again, this time in Asia. Here's my Law of Empire in Terminal Decline: Every action taken by the Imperial core to stop or slow Imperial decline only serves to accelerate and expand the scope of decline.

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Who is the deer whisperer that spread it from humans to deer? Seriously who gets close to live deer...something seems off about this 'deer data'

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yea, what is the transmission mechanism... Deer eating dirty kleenex?

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Michigan: where the men are men and the deer are wary

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CDC mandating Santa stretching his harnesses and Rudy's nose masked.

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Or that "Zero Covid" is possible with a nearly infinite number of animal reservoirs.

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N95 underwear may have been on the 2020 bingo card, but wait until Feigl-Ding starts advocating for deer vaccination, or mass culling!

I wonder if this has any significance for Michigan's lackluster performance re:COVID considering our deer population.

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But! Polio! (Like all viruses an vaccines are the same)

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So what you're saying is that hunting deer is doing a service for humanity? I'm in!!!

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When someone screams that studies like this are not "peer reviewed" as a means to discount them, what do you tell them?

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that peer review is increasingly misunderstood and misused.

it has become a gating tool for ideologues to keep only certain views in journals.

it has become increasingly lax as the surisphere debacle showed us. (huge study, multiple top journals, peer reviewed, gutted on twitter as a complete fraud with fabricated data in 2 days)

you can, if you are properly connected, get a few pals to look at anything and rubber stamp it "peer reviewed."

it means little. it's like appealing to a blue checkmark on twitter.

and it was NEVER meant to mean true. it's the starting line, not the finish, peer review is not agreement or validation or replication.

using it like a truth standard is a fundamental misunderstanding of science and scientific method.

people mistaking peer review for "true" or "not peer reviewed for "somehow invalid" tend to be the ones least conversant in how the process actually works.

it's a useful shibboleth to weed out posers and those trying to hide behind credentialism.

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also, this is a patently obvious paper with simple, straightforward, objective tests and outcomes.

it's antibody samples. there is nothing complex nor controversial.

why would it need peer review?

that tends to be for publication in journals. it seems doubtful this paper is sufficiently exciting for that.

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this, on the other hand, is a hilarious pastiche of reason in a peer reviewed journal putting forward the idea that criticizing public health officials is a far right extremist plot and perhaps should be banned using hate crime laws.

is that peer review making it seem any less deranged?

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Yup. I assume this is also why the Replication Crisis (crises?) is spreading through all the sciences.

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Nice use of metaphor, hermano. Me gusta.

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How are they getting a viral load high enough when this aerosolized? The wind and fresh air would seem to disperse it enough you couldn’t get infected?!

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they may have gotten quite low loads. i saw no evidence they were sick, only that they had antibodies.

why, it's almost as if low dose outdoor exposure could be a source of low risk high efficacy immunity generation.

you know, like pretty much every other reparatory disease ever...

no idea if we'll ever have the data to really test and validate it, but i'd be willing to wager that stay at home stay indoors lockdown concentrates virus and leads to higher avg exposure and thus more severe disease.

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"why, it's almost as if low dose outdoor exposure could be a source of low risk high efficacy immunity generation.

you know, like pretty much every other reparatory disease ever...

no idea if we'll ever have the data to really test and validate it, but i'd be willing to wager that stay at home stay indoors lockdown concentrates virus and leads to higher avg exposure and thus more severe disease."

^100% Not sure why more people aren't talking about this. We don't know when covid emerged on the global stage.. I think a fair bet is that it was at least mid 2019. Society didn't shut down and hospitals didn't get overrun in 2019 in spite of a "rampant virus".. policy reactions have amplified negative effects. Also social media/"news" fear mongering is creating a proximity illusion. So many of my friends who are smart rational people have become terrified because of widely shared stories that highlight extreme anomalies.

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2.1% of donated blood samples in WA/OR had antibodies in MID-DECEMBER 2019. That's right before the holidays. We're all going to basketball games and bars and church.

We started our lockdowns at the end of March. Four months after we know the virus was around. Right through the height of transmission season and a normal flu season. AND WE DIDN'T EVEN NOTICE THE VIRUS until it swept through the nursing homes.

This is the truth that cannot be spoken. If we've ALREADY lived for the virus for months without noticing (at the low of community immunity!!), perhaps this isn't the plague that was advertised.

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And *this* sports fans is why the Bad Cat is a legend. Thinking about something as radical as a baseline scientific principle, and applying it to the current scenario! Wait. Does this mean that the Bad Cat is not an investor in Pfizer or Moderna or...?

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passive inoculation is same as a symptom cases since free & effect censor it

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Deer go to a ton of concerts and biker rallies. #IpsoFacto

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But do they support Trump?

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No, they support Thumper.

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That's a good one, Lyn, even better!

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