I made my first tweet today. It was free El gato malo

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Harvard, Yale, Tufts, and Wellesley students are being forced to serve as Guinea pigs for this twisted experiment

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Oct 28, 2022·edited Oct 28, 2022

I had to pick up a prescription at my local Walgreens a couple days ago. Two high school kids were there for their mouse boosters. As I approached the counter, one of the pharmacy techs asked if I was there for "my booster". I blurted out, "No. Oh, God. No." One of the kids heard me and physically reacted to it, but it was clear he was going ahead with it. The tech didn't know how to respond.

It was sooo hard to walk out of there. I wanted to talk to the kids (who were without parents), but I was surrounded by pharmacy techs.

It's time to flood the zone with information. Grocery store message boards will be a good start.

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There's another point to be made here. The CDC itself said that antibody titers should *not* be used as a measure of immunity:

"Antibody testing is not currently recommended to assess for immunity to SARS-CoV-2 following COVID-19 vaccination, to assess the need for vaccination in an unvaccinated person, or to determine the need to quarantine after a close contact with someone who has COVID-19."

- https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/lab/resources/antibody-tests-guidelines.html

Why is it now ok to base the concept of shot and booster effectiveness on elevation of antibodies? If elevated antibodies in a HUMAN do not constitute immunity, how do elevated antibodies in a MOUSE qualify as effectiveness of an injection?

Everything the CDC says is self-contradictory. They really need to be dissolved.

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Seems obvious to me that if hospitals, in NY or other states, are full of folks with covid this winter, they will be previously vaccinated patients. However, let me state the talking point for you, now. They will say, "if only these people were up-to-date with the latest booster, this might have been avoided." There is no way, NONE, that they will say, "this is the direct result of OAS or antigenic imprinting due to leaky vaccines." #LaterRinseRepeat #HopeToBeWrong

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More proof (as if any were needed) that the healthcare industry wants to keep us sick, so that they can pretend we need them. It's Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy at an institutional level.


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Oct 28, 2022·edited Oct 28, 2022

I hear so many people say "Trust the science. Follow the science. Believe in the science." and I always ask them "Where are the words "Trust, Follow & Believe in the scientific method?".

You do NOT follow, trust or believe science. You USE the scientific method. The words in the scientific method are "Falsifiability & Repeatability".

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As far as I'm concerned the continued absence of an unvaccinated group makes this an uncontrolled study.

You are going to get results that, very conveniently, can never be accurately compared to an unvaxxed immune system, meaning you can make all the positive interpretations you want essentially unchallenged.

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They can talk about boosters all they want, but taking a shot that doesn't work, then following up with the same shot to boost it, and a third, and a fourth, is like multiplying by 0. They need to drop the shots already and get on with normal treatments that show far more promise.

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Oct 28, 2022·edited Oct 28, 2022

They might as well tell you the boosters keep you safe from falling anvils and alien attacks.

Great post Gato!...we all know what's going on. Thanks for helping us get there.

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The scientific method is “please those who you need to please to ensure grant funding”.

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The woman who was shampping my hair at the salon asked me if I was going to get the new booster. I said ah HELL no! Why she asked? Because of what I do for a living and what I see and know about the poisonous vaccines. I was wearing my work clothes (scrubs). Ears perked up, conversation ensued and I do believe some are now rethinking whether or not they should get the shot. People want the information, and we all need to start speaking up.

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the people that questioned the narrative or straight contradicted it, did better science than the scientists that thoughtless followed whatever was put before them. Thankfully a few real scientists still exist. I am still very wary about everything that starts with "the experts say"

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Is anyone else also noticing that allergy sufferers are complaining of more severe reactions?

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Thank you again for an excellent write-up.

I will be very curious to see how the White House responds this winter as less and less people are running out for their omicron boosters now that they know the shots simply don't work. Will we again see the "carrot and the stick" approach (after the midterms, of course)? Incentives leading to mandates? I guess a lot depends on who takes the House and Senate as well as the governorships.

One thing remains the same. They do seem hell bent on getting everyone in the world "updated" yearly (at the very least) with these mRNA vaccines. I do wonder if this push goes beyond the financial and perhaps leads down a much more sinister road.

I just created a post addressing the shift in language from getting a booster to being "up-to-date" like a Microsoft reboot and the odd operating system breakdowns we've been seeing in celebrities, politicians etc...in public https://mycovidbubble.substack.com/p/why-are-people-suddenly-short-circuiting

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Oct 28, 2022·edited Oct 28, 2022

Thank you for all you do. You have provided information and education in a time when both were considered heresy.

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