In a WSJ opinion piece “the fickle science of lockdowns” the authors’ make a case for how lockdowns were not recommended pre-covid and how they have not made a difference in the pandemic trajectory currently. So why are we ignoring the data on lockdowns and now what appears to be our Covid exit strategy: omicron? The final paragraph in the WSJ opinion piece says it all:

“So why did pub­lic-health au­thor­i­ties aban­don their op­po­si­tion to lock­downs? Why did they rush to embrace the untested claims of flawed epi­demi­o­log­i­cal mod­el­ing? One an­swer ap­pears in the Johns Hop­kins study from 2019: “Some NPIs, such as travel re­stric­tions and quar­an­tine, might be pur­sued for so­cial or po­lit­i­cal pur­poses by po­lit­i­cal lead­ers, rather than pur­sued be­cause of pub­lic health ev­i­dence.”

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The next time I punch someone in the face and steal their wallet I'm going to tell them I'm doing it for social or economic purposes and not criminal ones. That should make them feel better.

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That’s a recent Awaken with JP video about shoplifting for Christmas- hilarious!

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LOL that was awesome, thank you :)

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it's nice that at least WSJ/telegraph/NY Post etc are airing these points. Yeah to many people if the masthead leans right they ignore it, but there is still the fact that these points have breached chatrooms like these. Sure feels like the truth is starting to flood through the cracks, and those in the middle are starting to come around to this line of thinking. I feel for the fully convinced covid partisans, but I also don't because they have been integral in the thievery of my last 2 years' quality of life.

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I suppose... but it's suspicious to me that they are doing it after all this time given that this info has been available all along.

I just keep thinking that even if omicron is the end of the pandemic, someone can do this to us all again any time they want by releasing another pathogen

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The logic now being applied to Omicron could just as easily have been applied to the original Wuhan virus. We had the petri dish of the Diamond Princess, which demonstrated that this has never been a particularly virulent virus, especially for the young and healthy.

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"Fickle" is too mild in this case. It suggests sometimes yeah, sometimes no.

With lockdowns, it's *always* been no. An accurate headline would remove "fickle" and replace it with "bullsht".

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good point, fickle still elludes to "theres sooo much we still dont knoooooow" - whoopsiedaisy!!! silly goose!

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The elite do so enjoy using their outlets for the purpose of telling us what they are going to do to us and why they are going to do it in advance of doing it. Johns Hopkins is clearly one of those outlets, and it carries a tremendous amount of credibility amongst the sheeple.

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I fear they will release other variants for this purpose

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RE: "cases" in the US Northeast... how many of those "hospitalizations" are WITH Omicron as opposed to "FOR" Omicron?

First it started in South Africa, essentially them telling the rest of the world to R-E-L-A-X. Now it's Denmark. And did you see the interview yesterday where the interviewee (some public health minister) was trying to sell the panic before being forced to admit that there were only 10 people in UK hospitals with Omicron?

Make no mistake - these globalist sociopaths will not give back their power without a fight. We have to take it back.

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This is great news in Reality World. Unfortunately, most people inhabit Reality-Controlled World, where, as Winston Smith puts it, “Not merely the validity of experience, but the very existence of external reality, was tacitly denied by their philosophy.”

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Yes, a virus “…need not upend the world…” unless someone wanted it upended. I’m sure they have something else planned. Unless they’re stopped.

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I’m sure you’re right. But stopping them—we’re talking mayhem.

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I’m talking prison, or…

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As I put it to a friend of mine well in the depths of last year, either they are dead, or I am. I do not care one way or another at this stage.

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They pay or it will repeat.

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Good thing to say to a vaxxer lol

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This “performance” alone by Francis Collins is criminal. Starting just 46 seconds in:


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I think it's clear by now that facts on the ground do not matter. A mild variant will not derail the narrative and that is clearly visible by a quick look at European policy just in the past week. More lockdowns, mandatory vaccinations as "the only way out of NPIs" and ubiquitous implemetation of vaccine passports are all shining out of my crystal ball. My take:


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Germany is discussing school closures, and contact restrictions for unvaccinated over 14, and a general vax mandate asap. The new government is even worse than the previous one.

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Yep, doesn't look good for Germany at all.

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What to make of Eugyppius' claim omicron is a lab leaked creation? Because of the lack of evolutionary progenitors and lack of synonymous mutations. Given the original lab leak hypothesis is also looking true, you have to wonder.... did someone try to engineer a fix? Or was trying and ... another virus escaped? One thing seems certain.... if you figure any of this out, it will not be by listening to media or government sources.

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I keep thinking that this is unsustainable, that the people pulling the trick can't wait to get back to lying a little less, but on darker days I wonder why would they give back their gains. But it sure must be hard to lie to the public day after day. Lying is not easy, it's mental work to twist and misrepresent reality with a straight face.

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The masked faceless ones have no need for a straight face.

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Igor Chudov agrees with Eugyppius about this. More sleuths must quickly verify. A staged

event certainly makes sense.

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And oddly, that might imply someone did something that actually worked, and was actually beneficial to the many..... Can't be. Must be an accident. lol

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Here in NE Ohio it’s mass test sites set up. All fear talk about Omi and save lives get the jab. No talk about early treatment or Monoclonal antibody treatment.

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People here in the Bay Area are so far calm. No nut job posts yet on Nextdoor. I’ll avoid testing centers like the plague.

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90% of whole pop. vaxxed and cases starting to rise. My covidian relative is already not leaving the house.

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Already vaxed for the most part.....

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Apparently monoclonals don’t work against omicron, and not as well on delta, as they were created from Alpha line. Someone could confirm.

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Ironically I just read that it’s a German study. I think a lab study

But I’m thinking if it stays mild then does it matter?

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Dec 21, 2021
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In the past, when the media didn't cover viruses 24/7 and there wasn't a propaganda push by politicians and world "leaders" ad nauseum, the majority of people would have already gone back to living their lives and would have already been joking about all of this stuff. Unfortunately, it seems that now, no matter how good the news, these monsters still try to squeeze every last ounce of fear possible out of whatever facts are out there. After all, we need our shots to get "back to normal". Ugh. But, I'm still holding on to some hope here. Brandon will tell us how scared we need to be today... supposedly.

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He is a deeply stupid individual.

No joke.

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But his handlers aren't

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Might be good news for humanity but it's bad news for government tyrants, hence their extreme overreaction. Which, by the way, was always planned starting up around now, the only problem being that Mother Nature didn't cooperate and rolled out a less dangerous scariant instead. Hilarity ensues and makes the government scaremongers look even worse!

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You scared the microchips out of my computer with that horrid Cthulhu picture.

Give us a warning, some of us have kids and stuff…

Back to the subject, being not inoculated with the mRNA garbage and untouched yet by this pesky flu, I took the decision to infect myself on purpose, to give my T-cells a shake-up.

So, I chased a dear friend of mine, fully vaxxed, who got the ⚡️omicroooon ⚡️ and asked her to cough in my mouth - which she refused, claiming to have more sanity in her brains than I do - so I waited for her to have a bad cough and I sucked most of the air around, and voila !

My self imposed treatment consists of: Vit. C+zinc, Vit. D3, Aspirin, one each daily. And Paracetamol, when pain becomes too annoying.

When the bug descended in my lungs and the iron belt around my chest started tightening, I added the Amoxiklav every 6 hours for the next 7 days and … poof!

That’s it, now I know first hand that all this charade is nothing but a load of bull.

And I carry 57 years of abuse of all sorts, so not quite on the young and healthy side ツ

Fear is the door to your freedom, kick it right open, walk through it without a care and enjoy Life.

All the best.

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"omicron in denmark looking exceedingly mild ..."

"Mild" is now a keyword for censorship on YouTube

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The COVID-19 PCR Test Is Key to the Pandemic Fraud ...Why do we keep referencing them. They were used for the first time in history by Fauci in 2020 as a scare tactic. It worked! Today I just saw announcement that there are nearly 700,000 cases of Omicron in the US...a fraudulent made up number. The FDA announced a year ago that the PCR we're to be discontinued. Instead of saying stop using the PCR test, they said we DISCOURAGE their use..... ABSOLUTELY NUTS......they are still being used simply because they have warehouses full of worthless test kits, and high misleading numbers still fits their false narrative. Read the wording in how the CDC presents the number of Omicron cases...you need a $500/hr lawyer to sift through the double talk.

The polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test - used as the bellwether for coronavirus - is not fit for purpose. It is discredited COVID19 testing and encourage you to do your own research and become better informed as to how misdirection, incompetence and scientific fraud is gravely harming our personal and societal well being.

FDA document admits “covid” PCR test was developed without isolated covid samples for test calibration, effectively admitting it’s testing something else

A document just released by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) openly admits that the infamous PCR test for the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) was developed not with actual samples of the Chinese Virus, but rather what appears to be genetic material from a common cold virus.

Since the Fauci Flu in any of its “variant” forms has yet to be properly isolated, the FDA instead used regular cold/flu viruses to produce PCR tests – meaning everyone who tests “positive” for Chinese Germs is actually just testing positive for the seasonal flu

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wasn't there news a while back that the PCR test was being shelved for a different process, one that could differentiate between flu and Ro better? this news came out during the summer or spring as i recall, and at the time it raised questions about Flu vs. Cov, but also set a timestamp for when the charade might drastically change, if the current abuse and manipulation of the PCR test is about the change.

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https://www.newswars.com › fda-announces-that-cdcs-pcr-test-failed-review-will-have-emergency-use-authorization-revoked

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) announced this week that its PCR test has failed its full review and will have its Emergency Use Authorization revoked. The Innova SARS-CoV-2 Antigen Rapid Qualitative Test, the CDC's benchmark COVID diagnostic testing system, will be withdrawn for Emergency Use by the end of 2021 due to an ...


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ooh interesting, another plot twist, in the movie I am being forced to watch when i would rather be laughing partying with my friends. Curious what the next thing will be. I keep being optimistic that like the fearmongering of 01-03, they can't keep selling bullshit forever. eventually they will claim victory and change the subject. this current shit just doesnt have the legs for them to stand on these hopped up jazz hands much longer, at least to my intuition. people are waking up.

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I heard the same thing, unconfirmed.

It's a very easy way out for Biden. He's too stupid to understand it, but his handlers aren't.

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I agree with you, it’s coming to a slow down. But those in power and the covidiots who follow them will not let it go. It feels good to feel bad…..

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Most of my family is addicted to this whole thing 😳

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Are we beginning to see more evidence of ADE or OAS in data released from the UK today? I gave a hat tip to you El gato in this one!


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With the amount of triple-jabbed getting covid ADE could certainly be happening, rather than simple vaccine escape. As for OAS we simply can't know without seeing antibody studies in Omicron cases and seeing their levels on S-antibodies. I read about a study that showed low levels, but didn't have links to the raw data so could be bullshit. But if the vaccine is not producing antibodies against Omicron that would indicate vaccine escape and not OAS.

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I haven’t read those. As a person who was bullied into one shot before it quit I checked my levels and they’re barely registering. I hope that’s a good thing.

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True, too early to say which one for now but something to keep a very close eye on.

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Many are saying the Omicron spike seems to have been modified too much to be a natural occurrence. Could it be the modification would make it infect the jabbed more?

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It looks like another lab leak

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come on american whistleblowers, journalists and as-yet quiet and compliant scientists! blow the fucking whistle!!!

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Appears mild everywhere. Despite that, the WH is telling us dirty unvaccinated to prepare for a winter of death, so I am not sure they are done with us yet. We also have to consider the silent assumption that people are not more likely to test positive for the virus after a new variant... Not sure that's true. This could easily be a behavioral mechanism bringing us closer to the real rates of the virus, rather than a sign of risk. The CFR being low and dropping might even suggest as much.

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