I was a fool and got the pfizer shots in April and May, I believe. I was forced to the the vaxx in order to care for my 97 year old father. The first one had no effect, the second one was horrible with countless side effects that made me ill for 10 days.
I fear what long term effects it will have on my body now.
I will not get any more of these shots. This whole business is so absolutely appalling.
So sorry Rosemary. I'm going to be transparent here: It's been very difficult for me to have compassion/empathy for people who took these shots and are suffering. Don't take that wrong. I'm having a change of heart because most people truly were trusting the monsters behind all of this. In the past, for the most part, we could trust them a bit. And when I peek at/hear ANY mainstream propaganda it's a wonder anyone has a mind left at all (I do NOT watch ANY mainstream news whatsoever. I only see/hear if I'm in a place where it's on). I don't believe there are really any people in forums like these that are "anti-vax" (so sick of hearing that). Most of us are PRO BODILY AUTONOMY. The right to say NO and not fear any kind of "punishment" for your choice is absolutely paramount in a free society. Along with being able to protect one's privacy. I truly wish you well on your journey to get this bio-weapon out of your body. We need people like you and others who are willing to stand up and say, "Hey! These AREN'T for everyone and there is risk!" Stay strong my friend.
hey, I'm anti-vax. Really, it would be great to live in a fantasy world where vaccines work, cause the idea sounds great. But we have been running the experiment for a long while, and it doesn't work out.
If you don't know yet, read more. Suzzane Humphries, Vernon Colman, and a long etc.
Better yet just watch the doco Vaxxed2; the parent interviews, and if you don't become anti-vax there's something wrong with your brain.
Embrace the word, don't let their weapon dull your brain.
Children's Health Defence is another good place to start on your journey.
And you can watch Vaxxed2 right there on that site
covid madness has made me start questioning many things i had taken for truths until recently and pushed me down some rabbit holes. vaccination being one of them.
i'd like to add a few more resources to your video:
it's like reading a thriller. i could not believe my eyes and could not stop reading. aaron siri is a brilliant lawyer and i've never been happier from not having any kids.
*this episode of 'the highwire' in which they play the video of some of the discussions that took place during the who's global vaccine safety summit on dec. 2019: https://thehighwire.com/videos/episode-236-w-h-o-is-to-blame/ (min. 19 to 26 aprox.) again, another mind-exploding moment.
sign up for their newsletters. they have had to take some stuff down or keep it up temporarily bc they are in trouble with the idiots at cdc etc. they have both talked about detox protocols from the vax
I was really sick the entire month of December 2019, which back in the day, was called "the creeping crud" I did not have pneumonia, but it was a stubborn snot filled month
I have been healthy ever since aside from the experience with the vaxx reaction, which was horrible - chest, head, unable to walk or balance or keep anything down. severe tinnitus
So two weeks ago, I got laryngitis, nothing unusual with the "rotting leaves season" for me. I just finished a course of antibiotics, but now the head ache is back.
so, just for the heck of it, "fun" I signed up for a covid test at Walgreens. I know it will come back negative, but just to make my dad happy.
With that said, the larger toxicity I suffer from at present is two siblings and one bi-polar sister in law. I have no words to describe the verbal assaults thrown at me.
Last night, I had this dream, I was sleeping and woke up and realized I was sleeping with a huge, and I mean very very massive, LION.
also, ignore the dribble from relatives and stay away from them for a bit if you can. mental toxicity is bad for our physical health. eat organic when you can. look up the clean 15 and dirty dozen by the EWG (environmental working group). We are what we eat...
Stay well and you can also take supplements recommended by the FLCCC protocols, nothing expensive. you are most welcome. Dr. McCullough is also doing great work and Dr. Zelenko and Dr. Henry Ealy. They all have websites.
Sending you big healing hugs, Rosemary!! I'm so sorry for what you're all going thru, health wise and with family. It's all so completely exhausting. You're in a great place here though, with lots of wonderful and supportive people. 'Goose' and 'Barry' both provided some great info. Looking forward to checking out 'Goose's' links myself.
My husband caved here recently in order to keep his job, and got the J&J jab. I got him started on this 'Ultimate Parasite Cleanse' 60 day detox through 'Crown Wellness' (www.crownwellness.com), which features Chlorine Dioxide, along with Diatomaceous Earth, Colloidal Nano Silver, and a few other supplements. If you check it out and have questions, the owner was incredibly kind and helpful. There's just not much info on his site currently as like 'Goose' echoed, the "idiots" got involved.
Then there's numerous other supplements from various protocols you'll be reading about... Those are 'on deck' for my husband as well, once he's into this cleanse a couple weeks. I'm determined to rid his body of the demonic toxins DANGit!!
Detox!... including Family (ha)! Be healthy and take good care of yourself!! Big hugs!! : )
I feel sorry for you. I got Moderna in March so I could go to Italy to cycle and Austria to see my son/grandkids. At the time, the info given to me was different. Now, I am scared to death over what this poison has done to me. I’m sick to my stomach thinking of how I was lied to, deceived and taken advantage of. I had an antibody test done in August, I have NONE left. WTF. All for nothing. They will never get near me again.
Senolytic goal to prevent misfolded protein ideally a daily goal, B/L/D, produce rich diet provides protection too, add herbs & spices, even more benefits.
Blocking spike from receptors daily goal for me, Nutritional yeast flakes or mushrooms
Wow, I hope so, my kids got it around then & they are child bearing age. I can't talk about this to them, they don't want to hear it. My husband is getting pressure at work to get jabbed.... I told him I'd rather have him quit than take it. Don't know what's going to happen. 🙏🙏
These photos likely demonstrate how all the world leaders get "vaccinated". Can you imagine what would happen to the narrative if Buck Fiden got the REAL shot and keeled over on camera? Or Justin Trudeau? Or tyrannical leader Dan Andrews? I'm wondering why Gavin Newsome apparently didn't get the same treatment....
The expected "it would have been so much worse without the vaccine". I'm older than her and my infection was mild and inconsequential as well, but that means nothing to them.
Because costumed trick or treaters keep arriving to our doors day and night for two straight weeks, as we all know it's a two-week holiday. Right, Newsom.
I don't think so. His face looked normal. A friend of mine did get Bell's Palsy from the 1st shot. She still had it 6 months later. I guess it can be temporary? BUt I doubt it goes away in 10 days. Some others said he got Guillainen-barre, which it could be, because I think then you can appear normal but have a lot of stuff going on. I don't know enough about GB though to opine on that.
GB almost killed a guy at our church. He was totally paralyzed. And they slowly brought him back. He has use of all his faculties but it was a long walk. I don’t know if the jab did it but I suspect it did because there was talk he was getting it.
And of course Fauci forgetting which arm had been shot up the day after. What happened? Did he have a bad acid trip and forget which arm is right and left? LOL.
Yes, that was a good one! How people still take him seriously amazes me. I emailed the editor of our local small-town paper, the Anderson Valley Advertiser, that often ignorantly mocks the anti-jab people’s opinions, (without benefit of facts, of course.) I was trying to find a way to get in a plug for El Gato Malissimo. So he writes back and says, you mean you want more covid discussion? I wrote back and said yes, but I was thinking more like “intelligent discussion”—you know, like use your paper for debate with some actual evidence, not just as a bully-pulpit for hashing Big Pharma talking points and terror talks by male Karens. He responds, “I’m with Fauci and Medical Science all the way!” So I seriously wonder if he is getting a little stipend from somewhere to support the party line, because he usually brings some real arguments about the local issues.
I mean, I wouldn't take it either, but it's really galling that he's faking taking it... like, "you should take this injection" even though he considers it dangerous.
I vacillate between believing that leaders are as foolish as the masses, to believing that they all know exactly what we know, and no way on earth they are getting injected. When RFK and Berenson (both wonderful) reported Newsom having AE from the vax, it didn't seem plausible. Newsom of all people, his connections to Washington, the Gettys etc. , his refusal to vax his eligible daughter then scurry her out of state, led me to believe that there's no way they are this stupid.
That's been the biggest shocker for me during this whole circus- how many celebrities and athletes etc apparently did not get the memo that vaccines are for plebs
Why are you shocked? You know there are two sets of rules. The in-crowd and the disposable. We can't sell the story without a few sacrificial heroes.
Think of the coercive potential for elite athletes, pro or Olympic. No shot, no pot (of gold.) And then you are reviled in society as a loser or even worse a non-conscientious sociopath, willing to sacrifice others for your own ego. And good luck for endorsements. cf Colin Kaepernick, whether you are black, brown, red, white, or yellow, he took a knee on his terms. "Owning" humans was supposed to have become obsolete one hundred fifty years ago, evidently more work is needed.
What’s even more sad is that the “elite” are so brazen, so uninterested in what you think, so clueless that they fake it this bad. I could have used a child’s fake doctors kit and made this look more realistic. The emperors obviously have no clothes - odds are most of these people, when they do get it, are just getting vitamins or saline.
I seem to recall this happening when they were first introduced. Caps on needles, rubbing the wrong arms, bandages over places other than where apparent injection site was?
I guess the photos could be doctored, but although I am no expert on Photoshop, I think it would be tough to cut the image of a syringe and "see through" the hand of the doctor, which would be hidden behind. If the picture was "photoshopped" it was a hell of a job.
I'm not sure I'd bet on there being large amounts of fakery in these public jabbings, but it wouldn't surprise me, either - nor would it surprise me if the people in question actually got a real shot later, in private. Any drug carries a risk of an immediate bad reaction, and even when that risk is very, very tiny, why risk it during your propaganda shoot? Imagine what would happen if Biden went into anaphylactic shock during a livestream, a livestream only airing to convince people to get the shot. Even if everyone involved thinks the jab is Safe and Effective (TM), why take that risk? I'm not sure they're actually doing this, as I said, but I wouldn't be surprised if they were.
The Emperor Has No Syringe.
I was a fool and got the pfizer shots in April and May, I believe. I was forced to the the vaxx in order to care for my 97 year old father. The first one had no effect, the second one was horrible with countless side effects that made me ill for 10 days.
I fear what long term effects it will have on my body now.
I will not get any more of these shots. This whole business is so absolutely appalling.
So sorry Rosemary. I'm going to be transparent here: It's been very difficult for me to have compassion/empathy for people who took these shots and are suffering. Don't take that wrong. I'm having a change of heart because most people truly were trusting the monsters behind all of this. In the past, for the most part, we could trust them a bit. And when I peek at/hear ANY mainstream propaganda it's a wonder anyone has a mind left at all (I do NOT watch ANY mainstream news whatsoever. I only see/hear if I'm in a place where it's on). I don't believe there are really any people in forums like these that are "anti-vax" (so sick of hearing that). Most of us are PRO BODILY AUTONOMY. The right to say NO and not fear any kind of "punishment" for your choice is absolutely paramount in a free society. Along with being able to protect one's privacy. I truly wish you well on your journey to get this bio-weapon out of your body. We need people like you and others who are willing to stand up and say, "Hey! These AREN'T for everyone and there is risk!" Stay strong my friend.
hey, I'm anti-vax. Really, it would be great to live in a fantasy world where vaccines work, cause the idea sounds great. But we have been running the experiment for a long while, and it doesn't work out.
If you don't know yet, read more. Suzzane Humphries, Vernon Colman, and a long etc.
Better yet just watch the doco Vaxxed2; the parent interviews, and if you don't become anti-vax there's something wrong with your brain.
Embrace the word, don't let their weapon dull your brain.
Children's Health Defence is another good place to start on your journey.
And you can watch Vaxxed2 right there on that site
covid madness has made me start questioning many things i had taken for truths until recently and pushed me down some rabbit holes. vaccination being one of them.
i'd like to add a few more resources to your video:
*dr. plotnik's ('the godfather of vaccines) deposition from 2018. you can find the transcripts and the audio here: https://archive.org/details/StanleyPlotkinCourtTestimony20180111
if you prefer to read it, this pdf is easier on the eys that the files provided with the audio above: https://reformedhealth.net/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/Plotkin_Deposition_Transcript_-_Matheson_Case_-_2018-01-11.pdf
it's like reading a thriller. i could not believe my eyes and could not stop reading. aaron siri is a brilliant lawyer and i've never been happier from not having any kids.
*this episode of 'the highwire' in which they play the video of some of the discussions that took place during the who's global vaccine safety summit on dec. 2019: https://thehighwire.com/videos/episode-236-w-h-o-is-to-blame/ (min. 19 to 26 aprox.) again, another mind-exploding moment.
https://www.mercola.com/ https://www.centerforholisticmedicine.com/
sign up for their newsletters. they have had to take some stuff down or keep it up temporarily bc they are in trouble with the idiots at cdc etc. they have both talked about detox protocols from the vax
thank you. I will read this.
I was really sick the entire month of December 2019, which back in the day, was called "the creeping crud" I did not have pneumonia, but it was a stubborn snot filled month
I have been healthy ever since aside from the experience with the vaxx reaction, which was horrible - chest, head, unable to walk or balance or keep anything down. severe tinnitus
So two weeks ago, I got laryngitis, nothing unusual with the "rotting leaves season" for me. I just finished a course of antibiotics, but now the head ache is back.
so, just for the heck of it, "fun" I signed up for a covid test at Walgreens. I know it will come back negative, but just to make my dad happy.
With that said, the larger toxicity I suffer from at present is two siblings and one bi-polar sister in law. I have no words to describe the verbal assaults thrown at me.
Last night, I had this dream, I was sleeping and woke up and realized I was sleeping with a huge, and I mean very very massive, LION.
This morning I believe that lion is my husband
Thank you sincerely for this link
also, ignore the dribble from relatives and stay away from them for a bit if you can. mental toxicity is bad for our physical health. eat organic when you can. look up the clean 15 and dirty dozen by the EWG (environmental working group). We are what we eat...
Stay well and you can also take supplements recommended by the FLCCC protocols, nothing expensive. you are most welcome. Dr. McCullough is also doing great work and Dr. Zelenko and Dr. Henry Ealy. They all have websites.
Sending you big healing hugs, Rosemary!! I'm so sorry for what you're all going thru, health wise and with family. It's all so completely exhausting. You're in a great place here though, with lots of wonderful and supportive people. 'Goose' and 'Barry' both provided some great info. Looking forward to checking out 'Goose's' links myself.
My husband caved here recently in order to keep his job, and got the J&J jab. I got him started on this 'Ultimate Parasite Cleanse' 60 day detox through 'Crown Wellness' (www.crownwellness.com), which features Chlorine Dioxide, along with Diatomaceous Earth, Colloidal Nano Silver, and a few other supplements. If you check it out and have questions, the owner was incredibly kind and helpful. There's just not much info on his site currently as like 'Goose' echoed, the "idiots" got involved.
good stuff, thanks for posting.
back at ya!
Then there's numerous other supplements from various protocols you'll be reading about... Those are 'on deck' for my husband as well, once he's into this cleanse a couple weeks. I'm determined to rid his body of the demonic toxins DANGit!!
Detox!... including Family (ha)! Be healthy and take good care of yourself!! Big hugs!! : )
YES, thanks for sharing the info!!
looking at the webpage now, wow, thank you
I feel sorry for you. I got Moderna in March so I could go to Italy to cycle and Austria to see my son/grandkids. At the time, the info given to me was different. Now, I am scared to death over what this poison has done to me. I’m sick to my stomach thinking of how I was lied to, deceived and taken advantage of. I had an antibody test done in August, I have NONE left. WTF. All for nothing. They will never get near me again.
Hey there! Just to be safe, you might want to do a detox...see some of the comments above to Rosemary from myself, Barry, and Goosetherumfoodle.
Happy your eyes are WIIIIDE open!! Take good care!! : )
there are detox protocols RM. I will try to find and like back to you.
Try these detox meds:
1. NAC
2. Suramin
3. Chlorine Dioxide
4. https://t.me/robinmg/10354
Senolytic goal to prevent misfolded protein ideally a daily goal, B/L/D, produce rich diet provides protection too, add herbs & spices, even more benefits.
Blocking spike from receptors daily goal for me, Nutritional yeast flakes or mushrooms
Pomegranate peel
Search "antidotes" under https://t.me/RedRice_Covid_HCQ
I saved this from awhile ago. Some is repeated in other replies but still good info:
Wow, I hope so, my kids got it around then & they are child bearing age. I can't talk about this to them, they don't want to hear it. My husband is getting pressure at work to get jabbed.... I told him I'd rather have him quit than take it. Don't know what's going to happen. 🙏🙏
All we can do is pray & keep the faith!
These photos likely demonstrate how all the world leaders get "vaccinated". Can you imagine what would happen to the narrative if Buck Fiden got the REAL shot and keeled over on camera? Or Justin Trudeau? Or tyrannical leader Dan Andrews? I'm wondering why Gavin Newsome apparently didn't get the same treatment....
As far as I know, outside of one faked Newsom photo, he is still awol. And where is Psaki?
here she is: https://www.pbs.org/newshour/politics/watch-live-jen-psaki-holds-white-house-press-briefing-11
The expected "it would have been so much worse without the vaccine". I'm older than her and my infection was mild and inconsequential as well, but that means nothing to them.
Newscum showed up the other day, looking normal as far as I could tell. But he was out for 10+ days... who knows what happened to him?
His excuse was that he wanted to spend time trick or treating with his kids. Out for two weeks and that was the best they could come up with.
He should have said he was hiking the Pacific version of the Appalachian Trail.
That would be the Pacific Crest Trail.
Thanks! But thought it was funnier, for those who remember my former governor, Mark Sanford and his infamous hike!! http://bitly.ws/jwCD
Well, let's face it, no one calls any of these assholes to account for anything, so why bother?
Because costumed trick or treaters keep arriving to our doors day and night for two straight weeks, as we all know it's a two-week holiday. Right, Newsom.
Maybe he had trouble with the face makeup sticking afterward.
Somebody said he had Bell’s palsy. Don’t know if that’s a rumor or not.
I don't think so. His face looked normal. A friend of mine did get Bell's Palsy from the 1st shot. She still had it 6 months later. I guess it can be temporary? BUt I doubt it goes away in 10 days. Some others said he got Guillainen-barre, which it could be, because I think then you can appear normal but have a lot of stuff going on. I don't know enough about GB though to opine on that.
GB almost killed a guy at our church. He was totally paralyzed. And they slowly brought him back. He has use of all his faculties but it was a long walk. I don’t know if the jab did it but I suspect it did because there was talk he was getting it.
I'd be surprised if it wasn't the jab that was responsible. IT's a well-known reaction from vaccines.
"I though you said use batch 127-B. You said "D"? Oopps"
Fakery is common among the "special" people. Here's one from 2019 where the Ontario health minister FAKED her flu vaccine.
And of course Fauci forgetting which arm had been shot up the day after. What happened? Did he have a bad acid trip and forget which arm is right and left? LOL.
Yes, that was a good one! How people still take him seriously amazes me. I emailed the editor of our local small-town paper, the Anderson Valley Advertiser, that often ignorantly mocks the anti-jab people’s opinions, (without benefit of facts, of course.) I was trying to find a way to get in a plug for El Gato Malissimo. So he writes back and says, you mean you want more covid discussion? I wrote back and said yes, but I was thinking more like “intelligent discussion”—you know, like use your paper for debate with some actual evidence, not just as a bully-pulpit for hashing Big Pharma talking points and terror talks by male Karens. He responds, “I’m with Fauci and Medical Science all the way!” So I seriously wonder if he is getting a little stipend from somewhere to support the party line, because he usually brings some real arguments about the local issues.
I'd take an air-jab
Vaccines are for plebs and useless eaters
I mean, I wouldn't take it either, but it's really galling that he's faking taking it... like, "you should take this injection" even though he considers it dangerous.
Yes something particularly eerie about obviously knowing they're poison and yet telling your minions to get it. What is that all about?
Just another narcissist in power. :\
Money, power, control
the usual
What, too lazy to buy a fake syringe from Amazon? Sheesh!
I vacillate between believing that leaders are as foolish as the masses, to believing that they all know exactly what we know, and no way on earth they are getting injected. When RFK and Berenson (both wonderful) reported Newsom having AE from the vax, it didn't seem plausible. Newsom of all people, his connections to Washington, the Gettys etc. , his refusal to vax his eligible daughter then scurry her out of state, led me to believe that there's no way they are this stupid.
That's been the biggest shocker for me during this whole circus- how many celebrities and athletes etc apparently did not get the memo that vaccines are for plebs
Why are you shocked? You know there are two sets of rules. The in-crowd and the disposable. We can't sell the story without a few sacrificial heroes.
Think of the coercive potential for elite athletes, pro or Olympic. No shot, no pot (of gold.) And then you are reviled in society as a loser or even worse a non-conscientious sociopath, willing to sacrifice others for your own ego. And good luck for endorsements. cf Colin Kaepernick, whether you are black, brown, red, white, or yellow, he took a knee on his terms. "Owning" humans was supposed to have become obsolete one hundred fifty years ago, evidently more work is needed.
And if that’s true it means, they ARE malicious, nefarious and evil.
This does not need to be fact checked...
No ifs, they are.
Maybe he was supposed to get a placebo and someone messed up.
Someone wasn't watching Epstein!
What’s even more sad is that the “elite” are so brazen, so uninterested in what you think, so clueless that they fake it this bad. I could have used a child’s fake doctors kit and made this look more realistic. The emperors obviously have no clothes - odds are most of these people, when they do get it, are just getting vitamins or saline.
I seem to recall this happening when they were first introduced. Caps on needles, rubbing the wrong arms, bandages over places other than where apparent injection site was?
De-Nile ain’t just a river in my imagination.
No doubt the puppet masters wouldn’t have Brandon really injected. I’m surprised Newsom didn’t get that memo.
I guess the photos could be doctored, but although I am no expert on Photoshop, I think it would be tough to cut the image of a syringe and "see through" the hand of the doctor, which would be hidden behind. If the picture was "photoshopped" it was a hell of a job.
The emperor has no needle..
I'm not sure I'd bet on there being large amounts of fakery in these public jabbings, but it wouldn't surprise me, either - nor would it surprise me if the people in question actually got a real shot later, in private. Any drug carries a risk of an immediate bad reaction, and even when that risk is very, very tiny, why risk it during your propaganda shoot? Imagine what would happen if Biden went into anaphylactic shock during a livestream, a livestream only airing to convince people to get the shot. Even if everyone involved thinks the jab is Safe and Effective (TM), why take that risk? I'm not sure they're actually doing this, as I said, but I wouldn't be surprised if they were.