Reason 1,753,890 that shit is getting nowhere near me.

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I read his post, thanks for taking it deeper, very concerning.

Rush in and mess with nature you might get some Fauci’d on your face

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Ain't it interesting that China does not use "One Trick Pony" vaccines that only create "immunity" to the S-protein? China only uses inactivated virus vaccines. These are supposedly less effective, but I bet they prime the immune system to recognize the N protein too, and perhaps others as well.

Now what happens in places where most people only have S-protein immunity when the S-protein changes enough to escape that immunity? Remember, the S-protein is what's constantly changing with these "variants", while the N-protein is much more stable...

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The more time that passes and the deeper one looks during that passage of time, the more the vaccines looks like, well, in scientific terms, complete clusterf*cks. Of course, when one mandates, via mass vaccination, a vaccine based upon a technology that has never been successfully used before, and that has only been half-ass tested for a few months, this cannot be a surprise, correct? To quote one of my role models, John McEnroe, "You cannot be serious!" At least those Moderna dudes broke into the Forbes 400. Yahtzee!

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There have been some studies done already on this (some published in April 2021),

so any serious public health official should have been at least aware about the

possibility. Since no authority raised a concern about vaccinating recovered,

you wonder what's really going on.

1. "SARS-CoV-2 Antibody Response in Persons with Past Natural Infection"


2. "Neutralizing Antibody Response of Vaccinees to SARS-CoV-2 Variants"


3. "Limited protection against SARS-CoV-2 infection and virus transmission after mRNA vaccination"


Just like with so many other SARS-CoV-2 studies and papers, one needs to be careful

with conclusions.

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Karl Denninger also called this out by reading between the lines in the prior report. His analysis: https://market-ticker.org/akcs-www?post=243905

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I recommend revisiting Del Bigtree's first report on the warnings of Geert Vanden Bossche. It sounds to me as if this phenomenon is similar to what the virologist was sounding the alarm about back in March.


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Based on a comprehensive review of "original antigenic sin" (source: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/28479213/), I think the problem is that

we have vaccinated with the original (Wuhan) strain. The virus has now

mutated (Alpha, Delta, whatever), but the antibodies for the original virus are

recalled when body encounters the virus (either original or any variant).

But as I mentioned in another reply, if natural infection occurred before

vaccination, it's not so clear if this applies (since you had the real thing before

outdated strain vaccine was applied).

The "original antigenic sin" is also one of the reasons why repeated vaccination for flu

doesn't produce desired effect (and it actually blunts effectiveness):


(and therefore may also be a reason why boosters will just have the opposite

effect in the long run).

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i am vaxxed, i continue to take quercetin, zinc, lots vit d and c. a friend recommends chaga mushroom tea for others who have been vacced to cleanse.

in God we trust, vaxxes are suspect.

keep your immune system healthy!

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We've reached the absurd and tragic point where someone who is forced to get the vaccine *may* be better off going out and exposing themselves to the actual COVID virus a few weeks before the forced jab.

I'm not advocating that, as there are all sorts of variables in play. But it is apparent that such an action *could* be a good idea for *some* people. But the fact that it's worth considering getting the disease on purpose to avoid suffering worse harm from the cure speaks volumes concerning the level of insanity and evil we have descended to.

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I found egyppius description of OAS easier to comprehend;

"…Original Antigenic Sin — the phenomenon, long observed in the antibody response to influenza infections, that initial exposure to a pathogen (or a spike protein) shapes all subsequent immune responses to mutated, recombined or reassorted instances of that pathogen"

-Fun seeing my favourite. substackers cross referencing one another.!

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This is known as "fixes that fail", and anyone worth their salt knows that intervening in a complex adaptive system is fraught with these challenges and treads very carefully. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fixes_that_fail

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"the S antibodies trained by the vaccines are not responsive to the virus. they are responsive to the effects of the virus once it infects cells and causes them to express the S protein on their surface."

Wait, I don't think that's right. The spike proteins are initially on the surface of the virus envelope, and are what allow the thing to attach to cells.

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Ok well somebody at the UK Health Organization thought to test N Antibody levels. Who was that? Can they be tracked down and get an interview with this doctor about what prompted them to do that and what they think of the findings? Can someone file an FOIA style request for the actual raw data and also see for how many weeks has this been done now?

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What happens to people that had Covid first and then got vaccinated?

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Let me get this straight: Not only the mRNA-vaccine gives you your own cute little spike protein poison factory but even the immune response learned from the fighting against that spiky protein factory is an old trick pony and worthless against new mutants! That is just ace! Do I even get a free T-shirt?!

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