All that's left is for Trudeau and Ottawa's mayor to tie up their hair in man-buns and charge out against the truckers (Braveheart style!) to strike them with their purses.

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OMG, the mental picture of that is priceless! Can you please photoshop something and post it?😂😂😂

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You beat me to it. Was going to say, "The visual of that would be breathtaking, and NOT in a good way,' but yours is better.

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It would be funny to see that visualization. Unfortunately I have bad computer skills...

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You posted this ten hours ago and I am still periodically giggling at the imagery. You win the internet for today.

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He hits a lot of them out of the park

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Traitors deserve death. These are such vile anti Canadians.

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That the media and politicians lie so brazenly about them is reprehensible. What's going on is evil, plain and simple. God bless those truckers.

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The media has always been the whore of the authoritarian state

By being their gleeful propaganda arm, they get prestige and powers beyond what they could ever get by standing with the lowly slave caste

Bears reminding that Time called Hitler man of the year, and gave it to Stalin TWICE

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Pearls clutched and all

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Who’s pitching and who’s catching?

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I think you must have been made fun of as a kid. You like to pick on very superficial things.

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Is sauriol French for "self-righteous, humorless busy-body?"

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He's painting a picture... linking them to the enemy. Because they are the enemy.

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I donated 3x through GiveSendGo that i had with GFM. And GFM.will never see another dime from me, no matter the cause

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“GFM = GoF*ckMe”

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Same here.

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I *so* hope this turns out to be true as it is exactly what we need to happen!! The military has already declined to intervene, so the police are the only tools left enforcing tyranny.

Last night, I received this email from a Canadian friend:

“My friend whose boys are in Ottawa avec Trucks said that morale is higher than ever after the cops pulled their stunt. MORE are arriving to help and it’s all positive/fun.”

Someone also mentioned in the comments of my “Letter to Justin Trudeau” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-justin-trudeau/) that:

“I just read they are open to negotiate/talk. I am praying.”

Still waiting for corroboration, but these are promising glimmers …

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Compare this to the noDAPL protests in ND 2016/17. It was a daily occurance for police to be spit on, have human shit thrown at them. Filth and trash strewn everywhere while "protecting the water and land". The worst that has happened to police in Ottawa is being told they have to wait their turn for the bouncy house.

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Truckers held a new conference last night during which they report that they understand that their communications may be cut off/ go black just prior to a number of police forces collaborating descend on them to the " kettle" them. ( ie round them up) They are asking anyone who is able to come to Ottawa and support them, to get ready to come. Presumably this is so witnesses are present and in the hopes that peaceful protesters outnumber the police https://rumble.com/vuchpm-live-news-update-from-ottawa.html Please share if you can.

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If Canada can be turned it will bode well for the US. Epic struggle. Desperate struggle.

The campaign against the West, though, is only in the first stages. All the creative energy and cooperative spirit we possess will be needed as this dreadful pageant lumbers on.

I never thought I would find myself envying canadians’ unity and moral courage. Their innate and unassuming goodness has birthed greatness.

Lead on Oh Canada!

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You're right about this being in the early stages. I am almost expecting Trudeau to step down as it's long past time he should have made an appearance in Ottawa. If he steps down, there are globalists waiting in the wings of his party: Chrystia Freedland, who is deputy prime minister and a graduate of WEF Young Global Leaders school and Mark Carney, former governor of both the Bank of Canada, 5 year term, and then the Bank of England, 7 year stint who also is a committed globalist. Carney has returned to Canada and although not an elected official, is nevertheless very active and influential in the Liberal party of Trudeau. He wrote a book called 'Values', I haven't read it but I read a dismal review of the principals he espouses here:


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One can only wonder what Trudy’s overlords are telling him to do. He is not at all independent of the globalist machine. He’s probably more terrified of angering them than he is of the good people he pretends to fear.

When you make a deal with the devil—and I think he very literally has—you will go to extraordinary lengths not to disappoint him.

But, yeah, whoever replaces him will be just another soldier of that machine.

Side note: Trudy’s fear may be real. If it is, it’s because he is well aware of his guilt, and he is afraid Canadians are finally onto him and intend to bring him to justice.

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You are 100% correct. I believe his fear is real but the further he goes, the deeper in he gets. I don't think he has it in him to admit a mistake.

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Of course he can't admit to mistakes. He is a PSYCHOPATH! As are those around him, the bureaucracy that supports him, the provincial and civic politicians who are tied to him and, last but not least, the people who voted for him. That is a f***ton of psychopaths. We have lots to do here in Canada if we are ever going to turn this around.

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I’ve always disliked some in politics but it’s rare I’ve thought of them as psychopaths. But I saw Trudeau’s speech when he was in hiding calling the truckers awful names. And saw the conservative Poilevre question him about some funding scandal. Trudeau is definitely a psychopath.

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he is also a sniveling bully coward.

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Have they got lampposts in Tofino? That's what I want for Trudie. His parents were swingers, now I want to see him swing.

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Trudy will run off and find a place in the UN like Cindy will.

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On the other side, there is Pierre Poilevre (did I just mangle that?) and Candace Bergan on the conservative’s side in Parliament supporting the Freedom Convoy. They had quite a few supporters inside Parliament too. The applause wasn’t huge (numbers weren’t overwhelming) but it’s was loud and there were enough of them to fight back politically. Bergan was pretty amazing, you can see her speaking in some Rumble videos, I even think YouTb might still have them up. Pray for them.

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He did make an appearance last night at House of Commons ..

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We are in for it worldwide. We must stand together or fall separately as the Globalists pick us off one by one.

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I worry about how well the media has managed to black this out and, when not decrying the Nazi truckers, pretend it doesn't exist. Does the average person in Canada or the US even know this is going on?

This morning I greeted a client with a imaginary-string-pulling Honk-Honk.

He looked at me, confused. "What's that for?"

"You know, just the whole Canadian trucker thing."

"Oh? What's going on with truckers?

I was frankly stunned. This client is, while very liberal (albeit of the SLC variety), very bright, well read, and generally seems to be ahead of the curve on current events. He had no idea what I was talking about.

I hope he was an anomaly, but I worry that the media's general success in blacking this out has limited how much good can come from it without things getting a whole lot darker.

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Keep sharing. I’m in Washington state so a lot of people don’t know. I told my hairdresser and showed her a TikTok video while I was in her chair. She couldn’t believe it! We just have to keep showing people so they can see with their own eyes.

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Plus, doing this will make more people suspicious of the vomitus being regurgitated each night on MSM. They report EVERYTHING but the TRUTH.

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It’s really depressing. It’s so easy to forget we know what we know from these relatively tiny (but interconnected) corners of the internet. It’s hard to conceive of people who don’t know and or don’t care.

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Unfortunately it appears that no matter a persons stated “I don’t get my news from MSM” they still believe it.

However, Steve Kirsch just posted a local tv news story of an actual “vaccine death” of a young man from heart complications immed following one of the shots. It was MSM.

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I wore a freedom convoy t-shirt with a huge maple leaf on the front out and about yesterday. lots of people around, plenty of people I know as well. Not a word from anyone. So they either thought I was a Nazi or haven't even heard about it. Bummed me out....

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The BBC have finally started reporting it.

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What are they saying? I’ll look tonight later....

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Freedom Convoy gets front-page coverage in today's Washington Post. Negative treatment, but still that's better than no coverage.

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Ottawa is very cold right now. The cops would have to be inhuman to refuse diesel fuel to the truckers, many of whom are literally living in their cabs right now, some with children and spouses. So I'm glad to even get a hint that the Ottawa police have some humanity left. I'm curious what will happen here if Brandon pushes our truckers and people this far.

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One person going to the hospital with frostbite or hypothermia would only bring more people to the side of the convoy. Police would really have to be dumb to try to freeze them out.

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Feb 8, 2022·edited Feb 8, 2022

I’m not sure that’ll be the turning point. Unfortunately it might happen when good peaceful truckers are arrested en masse. While I hope it won’t come to that, the leaders (seen in last nights video) were resolute. They know it might happen.

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But they are trying. The truckers stood resolute. I was soooo cheered by their attitude.

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They really aren't trying. They put on a show for cameras then are returning the fuel. See https://twitter.com/_7_6_NEWS/status/1490916780923310085.

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Negative temperatures this weekend government might try and snatch their fuel and freeze them out this weekend

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This is spiritual warfare folks. The truckers are doing their part. Those who can donate are doing their part. Those who pray are doing their part. This battle is just beginning. Stay patient and strong.


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Truckers held a new conference last night during which they report that they understand that their communications may be cut off/ go black just prior to a number of police forces collaborating descend on them to the " kettle" them. ( ie round them up) They are asking anyone who is able to come to Ottawa and support them, to get ready to come. Presumably this is so witnesses are present and in the hopes that peaceful protesters outnumber the police https://rumble.com/vuchpm-live-news-update-from-ottawa.html Please share if you can.

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Today, Elgato, you made my heart well up with tiny shoots of hope. Let this be real. Let this be our path forward. Let people see the light and the truth. Let us become human again.

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As a canadian and big supporter of the convoy, I do have my doubts on the source of the info regarding the resignations. Needs big time verification.

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Same. Even if were 20% it would be big. But what ive seen from my smug community in yvr, this just may be wishful thinking.

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They said in the press conference it was a rumour and they highly doubted. It came from Pat King who is a blowhard and a moron.

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Thanks for the update. 👍🏻

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My guess is they're just slow on their feet. Which is fine with me. Goooo Oh Canada!

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Ill take it!

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Yup and that Pat king is last person I would trust on anything! Even the convoy heads have distances self from that wacho white supremicist

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Feb 8, 2022·edited Feb 8, 2022

Unfortunately many of us have had to distance ourselves from the radical supremicists. We had a shill on Berenson who even had the audacity to call us like “ISIS”. Watch for him, his name is Joseph. I told him today he can come and present facts, science and statistics but I shut him down after the ISIS comment. We have ZERO to do with that’s organization. We do however have, I think, 2 plain “Joseph’s”. One is good, other not.

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"AP is the baghdad bob of the 2020’s" - LOVE this! So true! And great article!

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Gato – you are one of my heroes – I have been following you since August 2021 (Marek’s disease post caught me) – paid sub – sadly I am responsible for some of the horrible traffic jams on this substack – I push everyone I know here. I have been compiling an historical outline regarding COVID for my friends who have not been keeping up with our government’s mistakes and manipulations. Two items I would love for you to further develop are 1) the development of Rivusiron and Patisiron and 2) the statistics of Ethiopia (and Kenya) are unbelievable. I discuss these at (https://analyticalresearchertx.substack.com/p/vovid-history-2-05-2022). I know you could use these to knock it out of the park! Your lowly servant – ready to serve more!

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Cops are setting up processing camps and sending in reinforcements. Not sure what is going to happen but our strategy will just change. The spark has been lit. The fire of freedom won't be put out!

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Hey Mikey, you still up there? Praying for you man!!!!!

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No, left yesterday

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Gato - I've been scouring the alt web for verification of Pat's account on this (resigning cops, staged photo op, etc.) and haven't found anything to discount it. He shows evidence that the camps, food, fuel and people are all still there... perhaps he'll put out another video today? (I think the one you linked was 12:30am after the emergency declaration was made.) It's been a millennia since that video... (at least it feels like it to those of us watching this unfold with prayers and baited breath).

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i think it's unlikely they all turned in their badges.

i suspect the truth is something more like "they made plain they would not enforce this" or "they are staging a sick out" or some such.

but that could easily be enough.

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Better not to resign. Don't let 'em hire new scab cops that might actually enforce these rules. Just tell your precinct commander: sorry, captain, I couldn't find any of these protesters with the jerry cans on my beat.

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Exactly. This is the kind of "obedience test" that basically ensures a 100% immoral thuggish police force. They have to remain, and uphold the LAW. Eventually when the tide becomes unstoppable, they could even arrest their chief for obvious malfeasance.

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This trucker says 30 resignations of Ottawa’s finest (and those would be the finest!)

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I just love your post, bad cat! Nonviolence is the only way to go--it creates no resistance, so it leaves the opposition floundering and trying to provoke resistance so that the conflict can get back on a ground they understand and know how to fight on. Nonviolence is constantly pointing the way to common ground, common humanity.

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Non-violence—and big trucks taking up space and providing shelter and cover.

The convoy is brilliant.

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Don’t trust Pat King. Even the convoy heads have distanced self from him. Will let you know if hear anything on cops quitting ( which I doubt half would) may head there tonight. Watch and more vids out on him.. https://twitter.com/mmmaiammm1/status/1490783072798838787?s=20&t=Cih0wERryoNoXb1M9KhSYg

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Also, if 50% (or whatever) did *something*, that doesn't mean the *other* 50% disagree with them.

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Well done Canadian cops!

However never take your eye off the ball - Mandatory Vaccination via the Back Door

For NHS staff


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Don’t the overlords always put out the bright shiny object and say “look over here” and not at their treachery “over there?” They cannot be trusted. Ever.

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The childless Lefty urbanites of Ottawa still seem shell-shocked that they can't just have their way, that their team just wins and wins. I am not a psychologist, but when do they move into the Acceptance phase? When do they flip a switch one morning and join us?

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When those same truckers fail to the deliver the avocado for their avocado toast.

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This is the time when actual insurrection will begin? I wonder if they will be called white nationalist racist misogynists. Avocado toast nationalists. Viva Bloc Avocat!

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Feb 8, 2022·edited Feb 8, 2022

It is very encouraging that most of the Canadian Police Servce did not go down the rabbit hole of their Ozzie counterparts: perhaps the Ozzie lot can take some cues from Canada and get back to being protectors of the Constitution and the people they serve, a force for good. And as you say there will always be bad apples but that applies to everything. And that the Mayor of Ottawa (like all provincial cities, e.g. Toronto, Edmonton, Calgary, Vancouver) is a screaming lefty really shows his unhinged logic (oxymron again!)

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Watching Viva Frei's live stream of the Convoy, it's clear there is an unbeatable level of love and peace there. Very, very difficult for any fellow human with a heart to jackboot those fine people. Good will win. :)

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Typically, they bring cops in from another area to shut down protests, or cops that have proved themselves loyal to the elites, so that the cops don't see the people they are oppressing as neighbors and friends and relatives. Maybe Klaus will be able to stage manage this in a way to render it impotent and irrelevant, as was the case with the Yellow Vests and the very large anti-mandate protests in EU. If it is confirmed that cops are defacto joining the truckers, then watch the whole top-level op unravel real, real fast, even faster than it is already unraveling. Truckers have power. If truckers don't truck, if they inspire a general strike, then everything comes apart and the Davos crew has to make a humiliating climb-down or simply declare "victory against the virus" and wait a few months til the next emergency is pushed forward. I'm guessing if the cops flipped, then some high-level tool like Teddy will start making noise about victory achieved and emergency over.

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Truckers held a new conference last night during which they report that they understand that their communications may be cut off/ go black just prior to a number of police forces collaborating descend on them to the " kettle" them. ( ie round them up) They are asking anyone who is able to come to Ottawa and support them, to get ready to come. Presumably this is so witnesses are present and in the hopes that peaceful protesters outnumber the police https://rumble.com/vuchpm-live-news-update-from-ottawa.html Please share if you can.

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Great take on the situation.

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Feb 8, 2022·edited Feb 8, 2022

A dog! Woo-hoo! Great to see! And a real dog, not some Paris Hilton-pocketbook-dog.

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Feb 8, 2022Liked by el gato malo

I just spoke to a friend who was there. No evidence that cops have quit -- however, the day after the "raid" he saw very few cops vs hundreds the day before. Most seemed to be from other cities. And all the fuel that was stolen was returned -- possibly a court order? Rumor is that there could be a big raid preceded by a communication blackout but this has not happened yet. I think there would be a lot of pushback if that were to happen. The leaders of the Convoy said for MORE ppl to show up in Ottawa if there is a blackout -- i.e. we don't hear updates from them.

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Feb 8, 2022·edited Feb 8, 2022Author

thanks for this.

the fuel was returned?

i have not heard that.

that would be pretty interesting.

any way to substantiate it?

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A few thoughts . . . .

Although this is great news if even remotely accurate one must sympathize with the police realizing what a precarious situation they now find themselves in. Wanting and knowing to do the right thing but then having to suffer the possible and perhaps serious ramifications. It's not just about refusing to enforce the dictate but the price they may ultimately have to pay for doing so. You really have to feel for them. I'm curious to see more interviews with the residents of the area. Nonetheless, if true I would also bring as little attention to it as possible.

The other side of that coin is no job and or amount of money and power is ever worth sacrificing your integrity, morals and values. I've often hoped THAT would be the end of all of this. All the people responsible - without them this would've never been possible.

Therefore the time is now long overdo to begin focusing all the attention on that message. Think of all the law enforce agencies around the entire world - all the pharmaceutical, big tech and media employee's again, throughout the entire world, all playing a role in this. Without them - it's over.

What if you knew the job you were doing could result in harm and or death - would you still do it. To all the media folks pushing these injections as safe and effective. To the medical personnel recommending or even worse, administering them. To all the bureaucrats who know the truth and remain silent. That's where the wake-up call has to be. Sign after sign after sign has to be directed at these folks to get them to start thinking and considering the consequences of their actions.

It's not about being on the right or wrong side of history but rather adhering to your conscience. The time has come to start waking these people up. Have they even remotely considered if they were wrong and the irreversible harm they have inflicted.

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The police could pull a Trudeau and get "exposed" to covid then have to quarantine themselves.

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That would be especially ironic.

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I’ve been really worried about the truckers safety and fearing what the Canadian government will do to them.

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the npi fascists in canada are calling freedom loving men and women deplorables and projecting on them the evils they themselves espouse.

the parallel with the treatment of trump supporters is stark!

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I very sincerely hope that rather than resigning, the police and RCMP members simply do not comply with unlawful orders and refuse to enforce. If theY quit, there will remain only the officers that blindly follow, which will be very bad for everyone.

Mass resistance is the only way, including law enforcement.

“Every time you comply, you get weaker.” -RFK Jr. -

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The brass of most police forces in the US and Canada are woketards for sure. But I do know many guys that work the streets in cities and towns who have 1) never vaxxed and 2) will not, under any circumstances enforce mandates related to Covid. I have first hand knowledge of this and many of these guys and their colleagues have ignored “unmasked” calls or just went and told the complainers that they could continue to wear their masks but they won’t force anyone to do so. On the mandates, I’ve heard many have faked it because ALL of them already have had Covid, are young, healthy and understand the risks (a few of these guys have knife and bullet wounds from the line of duty - the flu doesn’t scare them). In the lockdown states where I know these folks they - to a man - have said the same thing “If I get fired I’ll just move to FL or TX - I get calls everyday from recruiters there.” They will not back down.

So I’m very hopeful that the line cops - the street and beat cops in Ottawa - side with freedom and liberty. There are plenty of law enforcement jobs in free states - it’s warmer and inexpensive to live in these locations - take the risk and stand for liberty!

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There is the other possibility too... See the SOS Press Conference https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x6fBFdLGUZw the police may have been instructed to stay cool and wait for backup. Big backup. The Politburo still thinks they can win this with force.

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I recommend that the officers 100% support the authority and follow in their footsteps by responding accordingly when called into action by simply stating that they have been exposed to someone who knows someone that might have been exposed to a case of Covid (possibly seen on the tele) and therefore doing the right thing of staying safe and protecting citizens by staying home for the next 14 days.............or maybe a little longer.

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It ain't winning, if the Establishment remains in Power.

If I were Trudeau, I might instruct the Cops to be friendly. I might assure Truckers that the mandates will be scrapped. Then, when you have dispersed, I'd have those same Cops nail you, one-by-one. The anti-Terrorism laws will no doubt be co-opted to put some of those truckers away for the rest of their lives. You know, as examples to the rest.

I'd put into place the mechanisms which would ensure that there would never be another Trucker Convoy. Then, I'd go right back to the introduction of Vax mandates and Passports.

These Global Elite have been planning their 'coup' for decades. There's no way that they're gonna let those plans be de-railed so readily.

If those Cops are now the Truckers' friends, that means they've swapped Loyalties. Up to now, they've done everything asked of them by the Canadian Regime. Can't trust a Turncoat.

Nah, the Canadian' Regime has to be dismantled in its entirety. If any of those guys remain in Power, their vengeance will be Biblical. Truckers are 'riding the Tiger'.

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Another update, this one a lot more cautious:


This was put out by the protest leaders and they are bracing for a large police presence and arrests. They mentioned the police using a tactic called 'kettling' once the cameras go down. This technique was used in around 2010 during a G20 protest in Toronto. They have asked for people to get in their cars, perhaps not immediately, but to come to Ottawa: strength in numbers.

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I just watched the entire press conference. Vanda has described the truckers request for numbers, emphasizing that theirs is a peaceful protest. They want to sit down with the government. I am American, and cannot cross the border. Please Canadians, help your brothers and sisters.

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if only i could be there tomorrow! a 5-day drive from where i live in BC, in good conditions, never mind winter. no flying allowed for me. hmmm...isn't that convenient?

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The speaker in the video is great. Definitely worth the listen.

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El Gato, I support you, but 50 per cent of the Ottawa police have not resigned over this protest. I do not know if any have.

Also, Ottawa police had until January 31 to get vaccinated (direct knowledge from a police officer, and this can be corroborated by media reports).

There may have been an exemption earlier, but not now. Some have not gotten it (direct knowledge from a police officer) but it’s unclear exactly how many.

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“Law Enforcement,” the police, are not your friends.....It was the “police” who did the work of enforcing and entrenching the State’s (medical) scamdemic tyranny with coercion, force and the threat of State violence.

Ask pastor James Coates and the congregation of GraceLife Church about the police, they’ll be glad to school you on the matter. Beware a “Trojan horse” and the fate of Troy.

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Jesus said that if you have faith the size of a mustard seed you can move mountains. We've seen it and continue to see it demonstrated before our very eyes.

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We're both thinking of MLK and his attitude toward unjust laws ;)


This doesn’t mean we need to scrap all laws, of course, only that we need to ensure that the laws we DO have are worth killing to uphold. Early in covid some town or another in California passed a rule like this one stating you had to wear a mask outdoors. Days later, the council was just SHOCKED that police had roughed somebody up for not wearing a mask. But the stories are common, because (say it with me!) the only tool the government has is force.

I can almost hear you now. “Surely you this is hyperbole! We don’t kill people enforcing all our laws!” And mostly, that is true. But, as in the case of Breonna Taylor, sometimes enforcement spins wildly out of control.

So “you can’t sell loose cigarettes” leads to the death of Eric Garner. (Who wasn’t even selling loosies that day!)

And “you are being too loud” leads to the death of Ryan Whitaker.

Even things like “this kid is playing in the park” can lead to tragedy.

And when the authorities REALLY turn up the heat, they can rely on a group of citizens turning into snitches and doing their dirty work for them!


JUST IN - Six adults in #Berlin insult and beat a 17-year-old girl to hospital for not wearing a mask, WELT reports.

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I just watched a conference with the leaders and they do not believe this rumour to be true.

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Feb 8, 2022·edited Feb 8, 2022

please, Please, PLEASE let this be true!

The hope these truckers and their supporters are providing is immeasurable. We don't need mass resignation of police (though a girl can dream) we just need enough to look the other way.

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The long established relationship between the ruling State and its police does not allow them (police) to “look the other way.” It’s either resign or enforce the will of the ruling State. There’s no third option.

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How would you break down the sentiment of burner types during all of these mandates? Are they real resistance like the truckers or fake resistance like the Karens?

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that's a complicated question.

i think the nature of burning man changed a great deal.

i started going in 1997. back then, it was serious counter culture. i was dazzled by what i found there.

i stopped going in 2008. it had gotten "popular." it was "cool." instagram models went to take pictures. art grants were used to build projects to gain fame. sergey brin paid a staff of hundreds to build him a camp. it started to feel more like a dusty cochella than what i remembered.

the old core of my friends that used to go have been more of a real resistance.

the newer burners align more closely with the prevalent san francisco archetype. the organization itself has been cowardly and submissive to BLM and authority, but it's a hard spot for them as they are utterly beholden to permits etc and the whole thing has become more corporation than movement for some time.

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Same with Lollapalooza. I knew people who used to follow the festival to each city. Then it settled in Chicago and got corporate and my acquaintances stopped going to the concerts.

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You got to experience it for what it started out to be in SF...

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A Cesspool Of Corruption In Ottawa: AstraZeneca Maker, Emergent BioSolutions, Lobbying All Federal Parties


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Paul Alexander is in Ottawa and providing updates on his substack:

Update Feb 7th 2022 Trucker convoy Ottawa on request for the govn to discuss the mandate


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Gato, could you update us on the planned American convoy? I've not seen much since their FB page was deleted. Could you help? What date? What routes? I want to donate to their official GSG (not the fake ones that pop up) and go out on their route to cheer them on.

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Feb 8, 2022·edited Feb 8, 2022

Truckers held a new conference last night during which they report that they understand that their communications may be cut off/ go black just prior to a number of police forces collaborating descend on them to the " kettle" them. ( ie round them up) They are asking anyone who is able to come to Ottawa and support them, to get ready to come. Presumably this is so witnesses are present and in the hopes that peaceful protesters outnumber the police https://rumble.com/vuchpm-live-news-update-from-ottawa.html Please share if you can.

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I can't find anything broadcasts as of today. I'm concerned that the kettling has started.

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What is jt's end game? Exit strategy? The UK has ended mandates and the vaccines are neither safe nor effective.

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I almost prefer they keep their jobs and just refuse to enforce immoral orders. Keeping fuel from people in what looks like 5 degree weather?

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At the end of the day, as in the brink of civilization, what counts is the trust you'll see in a stare, bonding and binding, even across trenches, as the Romans upheld Gravitas over Auctoritas.

The former christening the most powerful force in the Universe, the latter the weakest.

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hoping and praying that the police are standing with the truckers/Canadian people. 2 hopes for me, doctors supporting the convoy, invited 3 public health officials to talk to them, https://viralimmunologist.substack.com/p/doctors-supporting-the-freedom-convoy and this woman should be the new leader of Canada, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZeHJcw_GrmY

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Feb 9, 2022·edited Feb 9, 2022

That is a good speech... Let's hope she is not a WEF stooge. Admitted, these two years turned me into a cynic. However, as a resident, I can tell you, we're not doing much better in Netherlands, as she suggests. No, no official jab mandate here, but we do have a green pass and it's ripping our country to pieces. And government is still looking for ways to extend and expand it and mandate jabs as well. If they had their way, it would be here promptly. We still have a ton of crazy measures as well. It looks like it will come to an end partly, end February. Unless they find a new way to extend... as has become habit.

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Look up this weekend weather high of 6 and low of -16 over the weekend in Ottawa . Stay strong truckers!!! Going to get a bit sporty to say the least.

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It's not the cops who are the enemy of freedom in Canada, it's the media. All of them should have every cent of taxpayer money cut off. Learn to code. Then get used to being rejected at job interviews by guys like me.

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Some news says police are returning the cans of fuel they confiscated. See https://twitter.com/_7_6_NEWS/status/1490916780923310085. So maybe the bosses can deliver the media message as the ranks deliver continued support. Every military officer understands when the sergeants revolt - orders get done, but as slow as possible (and in CA reversed).

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:) And on Friday, Dr. Byram Bridle, viral immunologist with a beautiful soul, who co-founded the Canadian Covid Care Alliance, will be supporting the truckers in Ottawa. He and two of his colleagues have formally invited three of the top public health officials behind the Covid-19 narrative in Canada. https://viralimmunologist.substack.com/p/doctors-supporting-the-freedom-convoy Dr. Bridle says - "I am absolutely thrilled to let you now that a public invitation has been issued to three of the top public health officials that have been driving the COVID-19 narrative in Canada. They are being asked to meet with me and two of my colleagues at Parliament Hill this Friday. We are travelling to our nation’s capital to demonstrate our willingness to engage in a respectful discussion of the science and medicine underpinning COVID-19. This is to be a live-streamed event with an open invitation having been issued to all ‘alternative’ and legacy media sources. You will find below a portion of the media release, plus copies of the invitations that were sent yesterday (Monday February 7th).

Please circulate this far and wide; especially to those who have supported censorship and/or used these individuals’ messaging to validate segregation and discrimination of fellow Canadians. The argument that we are not to be given a platform that may seem to validate our ideas no longer holds water. The world is watching. Many thousands will watch the livestream. Potentially, millions will see the video recording. Canadians are awakening to the obvious reality that something is very wrong in this country and far beyond. Scientists and physicians of integrity can no longer be silenced and limited to tiny audiences.

I don’t care what side of the narrative anyone is on; censorship and discouragement of respectful scientific discussions is wrong. This is a necessary component of the scientific process to facilitate transparent education of the public. Canadians pay their public servants to do this as part of our duties and you deserve to be able to make the most informed decisions possible to safeguard your health. Censorship is one of the key problems that has led to the erosion of freedoms that we now need to take back. Everyone needs to encourage the three invited health officials to perform their duty to the public and participate in this event. If these health officials don’t participate they will be sending a clear message to all Canadians: that they lack the confidence to ‘walk the walk’. If they do not show up, those pushing the narrative will need to ask why their champions are afraid to step into the arena to demonstrate the robustness of their rationale to keep Canadians locked down, segregated and imprisoned within what was once a free democracy.

Media Release:

OTTAWA – Doctors in support of the freedom convoy are inviting senior health officials to participate in a public scientific forum with subject matter experts in COVID-19, medicine, immunology, epidemiology, and virology, including Dr. Byram Bridle, Dr. Paul Alexander, and Dr. Roger Hodkinson to an open and fair discussion, with senior Health Administrative representatives of the Federal Government, Dr. Theresa Tam and Dr. Howard Njoo and the Chair of the National Advisory Committee on Immunization, Dr. Shelley Deeks.

Given that the government claims we are in a state of emergency, we feel this discussion needs to be expedited and brought before the Canadian public.

As you are aware, there is a growing number of Canadians - led and inspired by the Freedom Convoy 2022 - who have traveled from across the nation to peacefully assemble in solidarity with the truckers. This movement is a lawful protest that is making its presence known across the country, and has garnered support not only throughout our nation, but also internationally. We are calling upon all Governments of Canada to publicly declare an end to the health emergency, and an end to all COVID-19 mandates both provincially and federally, as the evidence is clear that there is no health emergency, and the mandates cannot be supported scientifically. Twelve global nations including the UK and the Nordic nations of Denmark, Norway, and Sweden have now either dropped mandates entirely or will in the immediate future.

When: Friday, February 11th, 2022

1 pm to 3 pm eastern time

Where: Marriott Ottawa, York Room

Here are the formal invitations… "


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I didn't know he co-founded Canadian Covid Care Alliance, but given the language of both, I had expected he was a significant contributor.

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And the longer Trudy hides the worse it will be for him. Politically now he is “dogshit meets kryptonite”. He should go back to Cuba.

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