increasingly it seems that the swamp donkey party is the party of cringe.
they have no authentic vision, positions, or essence.
they are simply one big coalition of awful, wincing takes, self-own, and vitriolic hatred for and intolerance of anything that is not “just like them.” break ranks on the tiniest of points of doctrine, and you’re out of the club, excommunicated, excoriated, and apostate and the whole of the longhouse shall shun and shame thee evermore.
i posted this meme over the weekend because it’s so 1000% perfectly true. and trump’s presidential address just proved it so.
his address was really quite good. i don’t agree with some of his points, especially tariffs and “national champions” but overall it was a strong call to action for taking america back. so back. the backest, maybe the backest we’ve ever been. it was also a piece of cunning machiavellian jiujutsu that not only sent the left sprawling, but revealed them once more for what they are, this time on live TV.
the democratic dingbat clan has a clear plan: disrupt, disapprove, disdain. they wanted to show unity of purpose and position by, wait for it, acting like colicky babies and 7th grade mean girls. it did not go well for them. everyone saw it coming.
the trump speechwriters nailed them in the opening salvo. it was over before it began. “i know that nothing i say will make you happy.” that ended it. trump could cure cancer, invent perpetual motion, run a 9 second 100m dash, and cook a mean lasagna and they would hate him even if everyone in america got a free fluffy bunny.
he knows it. they know it. everyone in america knows it.
so you put it right there on the table and stare at it the whole speech.
all their protests, heckling, costumes and signs and departures from decorum, now then lens is reversed. the whole thing was a meme and a brilliant one. it was one picture superimposed next to another for ironic effect.
here’s a kid that survived cancer. here’s the dems, stony faced and hating.
here are the parents of a child killed by illegals. here are the dems with paddles and disrespect and actual heckling and walking out.
this was not well thought out by the donkey brain trust.
they looked awful. it was devastating self indictment. and because the left cannot meme, they just kept coming and coming.
what kind of person can go there?
the kind who thought this was going to be poignant and rally support:
but this is all that anyone saw.
and when the people telling you “this is not normal” all look like this, well what else is there to say?
the left is going into some sort of terminal death spiral. they are over the event horizon and into the cringe singularity.
they have no authenticity whatsoever. it’s all just superficial product, marketing veneers devoid of substance and sincerity.
they cannot lay off this pitch because “not us” = “nazi” and you cannot applaud if hitler saves a little old lady from getting hit by a bus.
it’s a trap for the dems and one they cannot get out of because they cannot forgive or ally with anyone in any way divergent from them.
so they get stuck defending the indefensible.
and it just keeps getting worse because the left is not willing to see the truth: that they are a minority and a shrinking one. they are so sure that they are both moral and majority and so clearly wrong that only the dangerously hallucinatory can remain.
they are spurting arterial blood onto the pavement and think it’s victory champagne.
this is going to get ugly. oh, yes indeedy it is.
consider this new ad aimed at “male voters.”
this is what happens when you bring half understood focus group output into a market that's currently prizing authenticity.
"hey, we hear that young male voters like video games, you should appeal to that!"
then you drop this cringe collage of weapons-grade self clown.
just ouch.
(and seriously, why does AOC’s look like it was filmed at a motel called “the rumpus room” that rents by the hour?)
it’s as ghastly as it is patronizing.
they just don’t get it. they cannot get it.
the parody on this one was among my favorites.
“enter the octogenarian octagon!”
no amount of faceplant can slow them down.
and they cannot stop. there is nothing real underneath this, it’s all a stage prop of dumbass theater kids run amok. it’s a machine run on dirty money and talking points. they cannot even paraphrase. here’s a collage of 22 of them all criticizing trump in utterly verbatim words. this is about as organic as whatever that is that comes in the middle of a twinkie.
then they wonder why no one trusts them, why no one finds them authentic. they are actually trying to puzzle it out but cannot. the whole idea is too foreign.
they know only top down systems of patronage and power, lockstep and tribalism.
no matter how much water you have carried, one step outside the “allowed” views and you’re over. even groovy gavin is suddenly persona non grata for the heinous crime of “opposing biological makes in girls and women’s sports.” (he’s obviously smarter than they are and setting up a run for president)
that which was utterly uncontroversial a decade ago is now an unforgivable sin. that is how the hothouse of hatred intensifies.
and it’s going parabolic.
this is why the idea of “a bunch of friends who are friends first and partisans later because they are people who have ideas and can disagree with one another and remain friends instead of performance artists who ARE their ideas but are pretending be people and attack any departure from doctrine” is unparseable for them.
they simply cannot believe it, cannot believe in it. it is simply too far outside of anything they have ever experienced, like sunshine to goblins raised in caves.
they are coming apart. you can see it. their brains end perceptions are shattering, cleaving from reality and clinging to ever intensifying hallucinations. it’s like using ayahuasca to sober up from acid.
and then you land here:
the left is retreating into abject fantasy.
"many trump voters are regretting their vote!"
does literally anyone believe this?
this is right up there with "many of the unjabbed wish they had gotten the covid vaccine!"
trump is the least popular president ever!
when you make up fake polls to get you soviet quality response data, sure, i suppose you can wave around whatever you want, but when even noted right wing extremists “CBS” are coming out with this, you’re fooling no one but yourself.
the left is on an implosion course. they are used to being able to decide “what the debate is.” but that disappeared with their fake NGO’s and media astroturf. everyone saw it. the spell broke.
this election was not about the price of eggs or trade balances: it was about saving america from the woke mind virus.
and it is.
you can see it everywhere.
it's why the left is on such total tilt.
they know their cancel culture regime of cultural colonization is over.
and they are just going to keep doubling down until they are well and truly gone.
a full phase change from “government is the solution” to “government is the problem” is underway and the "same people with the same narrative" will only manage to identify and discredit themselves further as they reach for their tired playbook of mendacious manipulations and civilizational hostage puppies.
it's over.
they lost.
and the very fact that they do not know it and cannot see that this is so is what will make their defeat so utterly complete.
sorry, accidentally locked comments to paid subs only.
We shall overcome their idiocracy!
Pretty sure Al Green smells. Don't shoot the messenger.