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I had to re-enter my email. No problemo, THNX!

I've been a registered Independent since my first POTUS election, 1976.

Yes, voted Dem & Rep. Today?

My 3 Trump votes annul the 2 votes that I wasted on "One Big Awful Mistake America".

Now, I'm too old to EVER again vote for a Democrat....

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Sorry Bill, you are gonna have to add two Vance votes to totally cancel your two prior travesties.

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Loved that first meme.

It is probably forgotten by most that 100yrs ago-ish both branches of Marxism hated each other.

If Germany had teamed up with Russia, the war would have turned out very differently.

Today we have a hard time accepting that the Dems are communists, explaining in part their hatred for Russia. But look for verification via Ukraine: the Azov Battalion.

Well done sir.

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Because the "ideological" veneers are merely cover stories for the desire for absolute power and that can never be shared.

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Thanks for opening it up to all.

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We shall overcome their idiocracy!

Pretty sure Al Green smells. Don't shoot the messenger.

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I'm told by someone from near his district that Al Green keeps getting (re)elected primarily because people think he's Al Green the "Let's Stay Together" singer, and his campaign does nothing to allow voters to find out otherwise. His acting out might actually hurt him simply because people will see that he's Black Grandpa Simpson yelling at clouds, not a singer.

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Voters are STILL doing that down there? They STILL don’t know he’s not the singer after 10 election cycles? That says more for the residents in his TX district than him 🤦🏻‍♀️

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just sharing the love.

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Of pomade and old hatred

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Lolol! First clue?

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Does Al use the cane to get around or is it part of his "persona?" Or is there an adult beverage in the cane....

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Well, hatred is bad for people. Nevertheless, hating idiocy as I do, I sure to all hell hope Jasmine Crockett makes it to the top of the Democratic primary. And ain't it fun? She's knocked AOC right out of the news cycles. Bam! Thank you ma'am! Don't stop for anything now!

I enjoyed Trump's speech more than I can possibly say except to say by the end I thought I'd pass out from the sheer glory of it, every single thing in that evening considered. It was maybe like the best sex ever, except for not needing to wash the sheets later.

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C'mon. I thought the paddles and sourpuss faces really spoke to Americans.

They looked like slave traders who lost at a slave auction.

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I particularly enjoyed Debbie Dingell, who often goes on various FOX news shows and presents herself as a mature reasonable person with sensible rather than hysterical objections to Trump and Republican positions.

Demolished that last night.

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They are so miserable. Can't even stand up for a little black boy who's fighting cancer. The reactions on their faces was like they just chugged castor oil and prune juice.

These people have all the charm of a DMV employee announcing the printer was broken

It was the political equivalent of watching a vegan complain about how the meat is smoked at a Kansas City BBQ contest. I say go whole hog in perpetual grievance.

Americans aren't buying their faux-outrage anymore

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Passionate hatred can give meaning and purpose to an empty life.

Eric Hoffer

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Boats, Hoffer's first two essays, THE TRUE BELIEVER, and THE PASSIONATE STATE OF MIND ought to be on everyone's reading list if not already there.

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AGREED! Eric is my FAVORITE Philosopher. A Longshoreman, too! In my opinion, ALL his books are worth the time. It was a different San Francisco Bay and Berkeley in Eric's day.

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So you’re a sailor?

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YES! You can take the Sailor out of the Sea, but you can never take the Sea out of the Sailor.

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Funny that you say that cuz I was thinking since they're all so old and senile that they probably all shit themselves that's why they couldn't stand up. LOL

I didn't see it till later that day but I was a joyfully, happy, proud and amazed emotional wreck. The scope of what's happening is such a short period of time is mind blowing, I cannot even imagine the amount of time was needed, the studying of laws/constitution to play a hand that at first makes the Dems unnecessarily freak out causing them to play into his hand. The tight lipped geniuses that orchestrated all of this are a gift from God.

"This is the LORD's doing; it is marvelous in our eyes” Psalm 118:23

I heard it first in the movie Elizabeth (1998)

I cannot tell you how proud I am to be an American, again!

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My take on why these assholes would not stand up was as prosaic as yours: Their sphincters were puckered-up so tight, they could not stand up without taking the bench with them.

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Me too! Feels good

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I'm a Euchre player and damn if they didn't line up the Ace and both bowers and call the suit. The opposing team can only throw their face cards in chagrin and regret the hands they drew.

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I wish some tiktok maven not on their side would take that Maya Angelou quote they love so much and lay it over the Dem reactions from last night. Shiv 'em with their own sharpened toothbrush.

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The fourth rule is: "Make the enemy live up to their own book of rules." You can kill them with this, for they can no more obey their own rules than the Christian church can live up to Christianity.

Saul Alinsky

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Bubble, you are in a bubble. I have dozens of American friends who couldn't finish the speech due to nausea and panic attacks.

Americans are STILL enveloped in their agenda, and are shocked at how this is unfolding. Gives ME glee, that it's so upsetting - but - they are still a huge bloc of people needing that red pill.

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Yeah. We're never going to change 40% of them.

But I'm telling you the middle is done with the Left. It took Biden to open their eyes and for Trump to show them sanity again.

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At a recent wine taste with 16 people attending, 2 of us were not pro kamala, anti-trump, anti-war. Two of the women really ranted with an article from the left-wing propaganda rag the Santa Fe New Mexican.

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Please read if you can. Very long admittedly. Very worthwhile.


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Thank you, Chixbythesea, for the recommendation of the article. One of the best articles written on the subject of how and why we got where we are. Unbelievable.

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JC, same here in northern nm

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Debbie Dingell - what a clown name for a clown who could be a female John Wayne Gacy if she wasn't so busy terrorizing sensible Americans.

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I've always wondered if she did the Monica thing more successfully and broke up John's first marriage.

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I saw a clip from one of the less insane people on MSNBC saying "it looked more like they were bidding on an antique tea set than protesting Trump".

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It’s Hand of God stuff. God put scales over their eyes. So full of hate. Obviously if those being honored had been guests of a Democratic president it would have been a different story altogether. Their problem is that this fact is toooo obvious now.

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God also gives people over to their reprobate mind.

This is interesting seeing it in real time.

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One of the existential problems of censorship and sanitized speech is that it removes the opportunity for personal growth and therefore health of collective consciousnessness. For those of us who believe a God gives us free will, it is an intrinsic characteristic of human existence to wrestle with ideas to arrive at what is true.

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Never forget the Color Revolution of 2020, this is not over. Uncle Joe's Axiom is still in effect.It's not the people who vote that count. It's the people who count the votes.

Joseph Stalin

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Oh yeah they have two option: Victory or Death so its gonna get ugly!

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My God! This is a revolution! We have to offend someone!

John Adams

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Progressive Movement- keep going (in a leftward direction.)

Never stop. Never contented.

Last year, AOC explores the mystery magic of the insinkerator with fans on tiktok. This year, Crockett puts AOC down the insinkerator.

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Indeed, Gavin Nuisance is one of the few dems who are trying to distance themselves from the woke mob, if only by a few millimeters.

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Gavin will distance himself from anyone or anything if it's good for his career. By 2027 or so he'll be presenting himself as a border-closing America-loving advocate of stiff criminal penalties and an ardent opponent of child sex changes.

He is the consummate shape-shifting double-talker, which is why he's been such a successful politician (well, that and an unlimited stream of Getty money and connections).

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The demagogue is one who preaches doctrines he knows to be untrue to men he knows to be idiots.

H. L. Mencken

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I wouldn't even say Gavin rises to the level of demagogue (demagogues often have passion and charisma)—Gavin is just a sleazy rich kid whose had his every mistake cleaned up for him by others because of 1) his family connections, and 2) his governing the wealthiest Golden Goose of all states, meaning blowing billions on bullshit means as much in Cali as the change lost in a millionaire's couch cushions. (Not to mention that he governs a one-party state w a one-party media class.)

Gavin's only belief and principle is in his divine right to rule and since he's been imagining himself in the Oval Office for at least a decade, he will now start saying and doing whatever he thinks will get him there.

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The government consists of a gang of men exactly like you and me. They have, taking one with another, no special talent for the business of government; they have only a talent for getting and holding office. Their principal device to that end is to search out groups who pant and pine for something they can't get and to promise to give it to them. Nine times out of ten that promise is worth nothing. The tenth time is made good by looting A to satisfy B. In other words, government is a broker in pillage, and every election is sort of an advance auction sale of stolen goods.

H. L. Mencken

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great quote.

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THANKS! H. L. was a very astute observer of America. As was this fellow: "Politics is the art of looking for trouble, finding it everywhere, diagnosing it incorrectly and applying the wrong remedies."

Groucho Marx

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"...governing the wealthiest Golden Goose of all states...."

Depends on how you define wealthiest. If it's intake minus outlay, it's far from the wealthiest. In fact, it's toward the bottom: they've been using red ink for quite a while now.

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Cali has enormous natural resources esp in agriculture and tourism and then there's our homegrown cash cows of Hollywood and Silicon Valley and aerospace, it has the highest state GDP w Texas a distant second, and if it were its own country, it would be the world's fifth-largest economy.

It may be poorly run and financially mismanaged but there's always enough cash coming in for the Dems to keep it flowing to their political allies, while of course scoring swank mansions for all its leaders and donors.

It may be in the red in its state budget (akin to how some people are wealthy from assets and property but still have heavy debts) but our political class will always have deep resources to draw from and various cash cows to milk if nec.

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The main cash cow--the federal government--is about to go dry. Let's bet a dollar on that. In the next year, a lot of social programs in Cali will dry up, too.

Do we have a wager?

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Very very true about Newscum!

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I love how much the nickname "Newscum" makes dems cry 😂

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And he’ll be running against Splotnik or whoever that demonic madwoman is, straight out of ‘Dr. Strangelove,’ and the Pink Hats will be pitching her election as a victory for women.

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The Gav is just so slimy.

Hard to believe people fall for that.

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and good hair. Good hair goes a long way with the female voters as long as the person makes nice sounds.

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Gavin speaks softly when not attacking and has no memory of the spoken word....

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All his brain power goes to preserving his hair. When he loses that, his vapid Hollywood base will run screaming.

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I live in Commifornia. Newscum is a total slime ball! He’s just moving to the middle right for the sake of expediency. He has his sights on 2028 and Washington!

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Gavin is Getty Family wealth. He doesn't have to follow rules to get funding.

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Yes they certainly "are over the event horizon and into the cringe singularity". The black hole beckons. We might feel a little sorry for them, have a little sympathy but then there is the 120 year record of unspeakable oppression, suffering, death and destruction they and their fellow travelers have brought to the world. A straight line connects progressives, socialists, communists, fascists, dictators - different cow, same manure. They are all members of the same fraternity. I just hope the U.S. and the world really is going to cashier these truly evil people. I just wonder why it took so long.

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Because people are fickled....and some are slooooow.

I think we turned the corner. It's cool at my kids Junior High to be a Trump fan. I also heard the same thing from a high-schooler that does yard work for me. He told me nobody is against Trump anymore.

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I think the middle school and high school kids got a double dose of Woke during school from their teachers and administration and saw that it was a crock. That and natural teenage rebellion.

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I belive you're right. Seems like they just had enough

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My 15yo, bless her little heart, is flirting with feminism right now. She said she discovered a "group chat" exists at her school of all the "MAGA boys" who are like so patriarchal and gross. I just smiled. She'll come around eventually.

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True, teenage boys are gross.

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It's puzzling. Why now? Why Trump....of all people? Augusto Del Noce, one of the preeminent political thinkers and philosophers of the 20th century, warned of the dangers of Marxism, positivism and scientism in his 1989 classic "The Crisis of Modernity". It's a brilliant deconstruction of the dominant political movements of the 20th century and foretold the end that we are finally witnessing. And he certainly was not alone. Dozens of scholars and practical thinkers have been making the same arguments to mostly deaf ears. Obvious to average guys like me but it's been "yeah whatever" for over 100 years. So I'm happy with what appears to be the new direction but keeping a weather eye on the enemies of western civilization who are certain to mount a counterattack. Trump, of all people, is our champion, the man in the ring. I wish him Godspeed.

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That's great news, Ryan, about kids thinking Trump is cool now!:) Thanks!

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Except their green and purple-haired teachers. BTW, WTF are all the male teachers, aren't we playing this equity game?

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Oh, they’re there, but they’re wearing dresses and makeup, and probably green or purple hair too.

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Sigh. Untrue in Maryland. It’s still stealthy here and very blue.

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Best news today!

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I've reached a point where I'm convinced they are demons from Hell wearing human skin suits. Nothing else explains the horrors they believe and strive so hard to foist upon us.

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Hell is empty and all the devils are here.

William Shakespeare

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If you study Steiner - they indeed believe in "vaccine spirits" and possession by those spirits. According to their teachings, the Covid-19 jabs are superhighways to the "transhuman spirits." So - demonic possession isn't too far off the mark.

Read Thomas Meyer's view, here: https://dokumen.pub/covid-vaccines-from-a-spiritual-perspective-consequences-for-the-soul-and-spirit-and-for-life-after-death-3910465005-9783910465008.html

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I'm afraid it's not a black hole, but a toilet. This collectivist nonsense is like that turd that you think you've flushed away but has somehow managed to pop back up into the bowl as you were walking away from the toilet.

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My advice? ...keep flushing.

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Good advice.

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Yes, they are Brothers in the same Lodge. It is a very old struggle. The few who understand the system, will either be so interested from it's profits or so dependent on it's favors, that there will be no opposition from that class.

Mayer Amschel Rothschild

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They'll be back, the Schick never changes just new rubes & handle for the pitch.

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My wife has a severe case of TDS. Just today, she was telling me to get ready because Trump is going to bulldoze the homes of people who voted Democrat. 🙄

I just hope this tariff sh*t gets resolved soon, otherwise I will be hearing about rising prices every single d*mn day. (She did complain about inflation under Biden, but in a griping tone rather than the violent rage she spews at me.)

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Thank God my beloved and I are on the same page. Would be tough otherwise, so you have my empathy.

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Give her time, my wife and I are former democrats, and presently she loathes and detests the democrats more than I do. She went into a record-breaking state of apoplexy when she saw those stupid ping pong paddles. WTF was THAT? Talk about bad optics!

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My sister said MAGA people will start shooting people on the street.

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Maybe looters, or car jackers, but other than that, probably not. Just for kicks, you can start a MAGA Body Count tracker, every week you update it with the number of people who've been shot in the streets by MAGA. Show it to your sister and ask if she can add any deaths to the count that you might have missed. Of course, the downside is your sister may never speak to you again.

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Haha. Oh, the trouble I could cause. We’ve already gone through times like that. She disowned me for 9 months because I didn’t vax. She read me the riot act one time via text hoping I get Covid bad. Texting this while she was on her second bad Covid illness. 🙄

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Omg 😳

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Make two trackers:

One for MAGA, one for illegal aliens committing murder/rape.

That ought to trigger apoplexy.

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what, like a BLM riot?

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No. She thought RANDOM shooters. Worse case of TDS I’ve ever seen. She is very quiet lately. I don’t know what to make of it but I hear she has a new health issue. We were never close. 12 years younger than me.

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Oh yes, we are just waiting for our orders.😂

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Wow 😮

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Oh dear, my spouse (and many people around me) suffer TDS. It's amazing how bizarre it gets.

I went to tai chi class to pay my fees (I'm in Australia, remember) and the teacher said - oh! You're American! 25% tariff!


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Guess they don't want your money?

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Lol 😆

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Sadly, at this time there is no cure. Still hoping though.

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Boy does thar sound familiar. I told my husband the other day, “I no longer know who you are”. And I meant it!

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Time for a divorce. LOL

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Seriously. I couldn't imagine being married to a TDS lunatic.

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That sounds terrible

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Sounds like my mom though I haven't heard that one from her. Yet. She did tell me how Trump is deporting everyone who isn't white regardless of legal citizenship or status and that our government is now running on a skeleton crew because of Trump and that is causing plane crashes and is terrified because she thinks that all social security payments have been canceled and she is going to starve.

Apparently she forgot I am an adult with a good paying living wage job with benefits. When I pointed that out she said my pay couldn't possibly cover the bills. She didn't know what to say when I pointed out that if I can't coverage bills now, wtf will I do when she dies? Because that has never been an issue when we considered it in that light.

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It's amazing what manner of crazy fearmongering B.S. they think up. From a variety of friends, acquaintances and relatives (all of them well-educated and nominally intelligent), I've heard that Trump will

1. Deport not just illegal immigrants, but also legal immigrants/resident aliens,

2. Cancel the citizenship of naturalized citizens and then deport them,

3. Nullify adoptions by gay parents,

4. Cause Venezuela-style hyperinflation.

And those are the ones that I can remember, I've lost track of all the dire predictions I've heard.

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I really hope your audience is who I think it is because I’m outing myself. I live in WA. Today I attended a meeting of the Puget Sound Regional Council. They’re a transportation funding authority that also approves of every land use plan for every town, city and county in Puget Sound’s four county region. It’s Olympia’s Seattle-based enforcement arm for hyperwoke legislation.

They are the epitome of progressive tolerance and over the top political correctness. When the first public speaker came on and yelled ‘zeig heil’ they lost it. But they believe in forgiveness so they unmuted the mic. Then he accused a local big city mayor of racism and they shut it down. The only thing worse is voting Republican. I voted Republican straight ticket so I’ve been persona non grata a while now. My clients are rural and conservative. I fight for them. It’s David and Goliath. We do it anyway.

I watched with popcorn as these don’t ever offend anyone folks spoke in vast looping circles around Trump’s policies and cutting funding. While I agree maybe a machete is better than a battering ram - HUD funds were on the table - it was interesting to watch them hope for the resistance to save them without being able to say it. They cannot see the zeitgeist because they live inside a safe bubble of allies and moral superiority.

At this point I don’t care if we lose the grants funding our next two years of progress. It’s time the sunlight drains the swamp, including here.

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*leans forward, casually holds lapel towards Emily*

Hi! *flashes Gavin Newsom grin and slick hair* Could you repeat that part about outing yourself?

I kid, I kid. You're totally in.

So, clear your calendar for the weekend and meet me behind the drive-thru at the Arby's on York Rd in Hunt Valley at 3:27am Sunday. I'll be the guy with the "It's Not Rocket Surgery" hat.

Send me your T-shirt size and I'll have that there for you and show you the secret handshake.

There will be snacks.

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Pi !!! You're not supposed to tell her about the secret handshake until AFTER we find out she's not a Fed. Didn't the Proud Boys teach you anything? Can I bring Salsa and Chips?

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I was a husky gal before I met loads of prednisone*. Now I’m more of a presence, like statement furniture. Let’s pretend it’s all jugs. My husband hasn’t complained.

*Disability sparked my entrepreneurial spirit. Because obviously I like to eat. I own a scrappy little consulting firm that could be described as black sheep municipal planning for the based.

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I’m not a fed!! I’m a consultant because my mouth and morals have kicked me out of the state retirement plans. Twice.

I can’t give you my t-shirt size. You’ll think I’m woke. I’m not. Just fat. Real hair color.

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Sorry, didn't mean to scare you. If you have morals, you're definitely not a Fed. I wear XXL tee-shirts because I'm "brawny". If there are Feds on this blog (who knows), none of us really care. I think what sarcasm, humor, and irony do to Libs what garlic, crosses, and holy water do to vampires.

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No double dipping!

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It's actually the Amish furniture store next to Arby's, but otherwise you've got it.

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Yeeeeesss... _that_ Hunt Valley.

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May you, (and all of us) again feel the liberty of a true Free Speech Society.

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Popcorn never tasted so good!

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Orville Redenbacher says Cha-ching!

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Even there echo chambers are collapsing. The ability to control the narrative by the corporate press is all but gone. The only thing left of there audience are the over prescribed boomer dem dogs with 1 foot in the grave.

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i think a lot of them really, truly did not know that they were a small minority. they thought they were the cool kids, popular, and smart. this may have been the greatest dunning kreuger excursion in history.

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It’s understandable because they actually believed what the media ad Hollywood told them. But they were so stupid they forgot it was all paid with NGO money and wasn’t real.

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Because today we live in a society in which spurious realities are manufactured by the media, by governments, by big corporations, by religious groups, political groups... So I ask, in my writing, What is real? Because unceasingly we are bombarded with pseudo-realities manufactured by very sophisticated people using very sophisticated electronic mechanisms. I do not distrust their motives; I distrust their power. They have a lot of it. And it is an astonishing power: that of creating whole universes, universes of the mind. I ought to know. I do the same thing.

Philip K. Dick

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X100 for Dick quote.

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And I'll raise you one: The basic tool for the manipulation of reality is the manipulation of words. If you can control the meaning of words, you can control the people who must use the words.

Philip K. Dick

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Indication we should return to the ORIGINAL MEANING of the words they have manipulated.

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Gato— I think you're quite right about that. I suspect that there are many people such as myself who, for family and professional reasons, and keeping my own tranquility, have generally not been responding to 99.99% of the wokie nonsense I hear. When it starts, and it often does, like a rabid hog wandering into the lovely garden of a conversation, I just make polite noises and, at first opportunity, quick change the subject. And it seems to me that people who hold such wokie ideas, they are so totally certain that they are the good & pure & righteous people, and that therefore, anyone who is so impious as to disagree even a teeny bit is Literally Hitler (and probably also missing a front tooth and wearing overalls, I kid you not), so it simply does not occur to them that I, the person standing there politely listening to their ranting with a mild expression, think that they are out of their everliving minds.

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So. Many. Friends. And. Neighbors. Have said horrible things about Trump voters and antivaxxers to my face because I’m not the person they think of when they picture these nasty people. The day after the election, one Facebook friend publicly thanked his good fortune that he doesn’t know anyone who voted for Trump. I wanted to say, “look at the map!!” They don’t know we’re the bad people because we’re nice enough to save them from themselves.

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Just fly an American flag outside your house like I do, they'll figure it out.

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I have for years! Somehow it hasn’t stopped them.

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Do they see themselves as saving their democracy America?

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the meme covered it: 600 genders, but only 2 political systems: mine & Hitler.

I still get floored when I hear this woke shit.

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The "deplorables". We can thank HRC for getting that dungball rolling downhill...

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She shocked and offended me with that statement.

Never in my life had I heard a campaigning politician say something that could risk the loss of votes!

Who was she to determine such a thing?!

Unable to respect such a person who showed me and other such disrespect.

She proved herself incompetent and UNWORTHY of any american's vote.

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The lying about her "dodging sniper fire" was the last straw for me.

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I agree completely, except for the word "everliving". I would have used a word much stronger than that.

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Good Strategy! Don't fight a battle if you don't gain anything by winning.

Erwin Rommel

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I can't even see "winning" in these sorts of interactions. They're just invitations to pointless noise and drama. Indeed, there is much to be learned from experienced and wise generals. I believe that we are in a war, a strange war, and that it may be a very long one.

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It has indeed been a very LONG one. "The issue today is the same as it has been throughout all history, whether man shall be allowed to govern himself or be ruled by a small elite."

Thomas Jefferson

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I’ve been saying this for years, they are a very loud minority. But a minority. And once they lose the schools, and they are losing the schools. it will be game over in 1 generation.

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How much do you think the delusion bubble deflated due to cutting of the funding and how much do you think is low info people waking up?

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I think watching to see who complains, and who start selling off their beach house or filing for bankruptcy will keep deflating that bubble.

This is still in motion, early stages.

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In CA it is very common for middle managers to spew liberal talking points anywhere and everywhere (e.g., staff meetings). Quiet conservatives pretty much never say a thing. No level would dare. If you’re in top management, you wouldn’t risk an uprising. If you’re middle or bottom rungs, you don’t want the hassle. So the mirage continues.

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The Dems kept shoving themselves so far left, I think they broke the model with trans sports, because too many girls play organized athletics now. I work with very liberal parents who are apoplectic about their daughters competing against dudes in volleyball. Times are changing.

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But they're not a small minority. With all her shortcomings, Harris got >48% of the popular vote, and Trump got less than 50% (https://www.cookpolitical.com/vote-tracker/2024/electoral-college). And the cuts to federal expenditures will initially show up as a recession; only later the benefits in inflation and living standards will be seen.

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We don't know how much of Kamala's support was real and how much was a big fake facade that was being projected by USAID money. We *can* pretty safely surmise that vote counting in deep blue areas is more fake than Paul Pelosi's heterosexuality.

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or illegals.

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Wonder if usaid cuts will improve the vote stuffing? In CA it is a huge issue. Everybody knows it happens. Sorry but I do not believe the 48 percent was real.

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Its easy to take down the media. You just have to have the right brawlers:


"I'm sure it's not your position, Jake. You're just asking the question that we should supply America's food with exploitative, illegal alien labor."


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Tapper famously will slide into your DMs and bitch if you mock him on X. He's got thinner skin than Barack Obama, which scientists didn't think was possible.

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LOLOLOL. That was funny!

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It actually IS Jakes position. Just not his expressed opinion.

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You could see it on his face that he knew he got punked

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Then Jake went to the old standby - interrupt the guest with non-sequiturs. Stephen Miller is a very dangerous and very canny opponent. These MSM "journalists" are going to find out the hard way. It's like when stupid people see the challenge "Take down the old man in 3 minutes and win $10,000 dollars!!! - $100 to enter" and think "I'll have that skinny old man down in no time - easy money!". Then it turns out that the 5'7" skinny Asian man is an Aikido grand master.

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While the corporate media has lost creditability, it remains a propaganda tool. Keep in mind, the news media are not independent; they are a sort of bulletin board and public relations firm for the ruling class-the people who run things. Those who decide what news you will or will not hear are paid by, and tolerated purely at the whim of, those who hold economic power. If the parent corporation doesn't want you to know something, it won't be on the news. Period. Or, at the very least, it will be slanted to suit them, and then rarely followed up.

George Carlin

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Fuck he was on point eh?!

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AGREED! The press is the hired agent of a monied system, and set up for no other purpose than to tell lies where their interests are involved. One can trust nobody and nothing.

Henry Adams

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Sun Mew nailed it. Egg them on. The more unhinged they get, the more repudiated and irrelevant they become. Point at them and laugh!

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Just look at how their dumb little stunt turned in a mountain of meme fodder. The memes are getting more attention than the act itself.

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The paddles were being memed on X almost before Trump even started speaking. I couldn't believe my eyes, everyone knows that if you hold up a flat-ish surface with writing on it it's going to be a meme template.

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I'm starting to wonder whether they can do ANYTHING that isn't supremely memeable. Every move they make is just meme gold. I run a meme factory and my guys are working mandatory Saturdays and partial Sundays just to keep up with the pace.

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I do not like Trump. But what is left of the Dems is such a pitiful bunch, what else can you do? I hope the Trump clique cleans the stables so smarter and more honest folk can move in.

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You don't have to like Trump to like his policies.

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I’m rather liking the guy now. He’s honest and talks like most of us. Those stooopid Dem gals are not honest.

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It is my opinion that these are not Democrats, they are Jacobins and have usurped the name. The end of the Democrats began 22NOV63. It should be borne in mind that there is nothing more difficult to arrange, more doubtful of success, and more dangerous to carry through than initiating changes. The innovator makes enemies of all those who prospered under the old order, and only lukewarm support is forthcoming from those who would prosper under the new. Their support is lukewarm ... partly because men are generally incredulous, never really trusting new things unless they have tested them by experience.

Niccolo Machiavelli

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Of course they are not democrats. They bear no resemblance to the party I was in even during the Iraq war. It’s so obvious. I may still be an old school democrat but I’ll never see that again in my former party/cult. On second thought. I WAS an old school Dem then I got out and looked back in. Loathsome and evil.

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The anti-Iraq War Dems were basically right for the wrong reason. They didn't actually oppose the war itself, just that it might be benefitting people who weren't them. That became very clear after Obama took office when the woman who ran CodePink held an anti-war protest and the same media that had been eating out of her hand attacked her.

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We have much in common. Yet for me, 22NOV63 was the turning point. still I remain a FDR, HST, JFK Democrat. This current group of Populists that have hijacked the republicans ir rather to my liking. "In this world of sin and sorrow there is always something to be thankful for; as for me, I rejoice that I am not a Republican."

H. L. Mencken H. L. speaks for me.

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I doubt the Dems will heal in my lifetime. I’m 76. I’m not really a republican either. I don’t pay any attention to most of them. But I have issues that only that side is even taking a step to change concerning children. I worked and voted for Obama. My disillusionment started almost immediately and I wrote him off.

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Yar, I got so excited about Obama. Until he was in.

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I remember that date, I was going through A School in Millington, and we were just going out the gate (it was a Friday) to spend the weekend in Memphis. The whole base locked-down and we sat around most of the weekend glued to the tube and speculating about what just happened.

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Yes! Many of us at that time bought into The LHO, Lone Gunman, at that time. We were watching when Jack Ruby assassinated LHO. At that time, "Gramps", who had extensive experience in Inmate Movement, said: "It's a setup!" Airedale I'm guessing?

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Brown Shoe.

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Always good to be in the company of another Sailor!

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If a pollster called and asked if I approve of Trump, I may say no. But it’s because he hasn’t deported the millions that need to go, he hasn’t given us the files and because he isn’t doing enough of what he said he’d do…not because he’s being harsh. And I’m not alone.

With that said, the left is filled with crazies and I can’t wait to watch Gavin debate JD.

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Give the man break! He hasn't even been in office 2 months yet. Name any other president who has done as much as he has in so short a time.

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When it comes to trump, in my opinion H. L. said it best: After all is said and done, a hell lot of a lot more is said than done.

H. L. Mencken

Yet, based on results to this point, I'd say trump is just a frontman this time. This Revolution reflects intellect and planning beyond trump.

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Probably because a lot of otherwise "neutral" elite have woken up. They know that Trump is the best person to publicly lead the charge, while they provide the planning and logistics.

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We are not yet to the end of the beginning, yes trump will work as a frontman for now, as I see it. The people running this have lost a country before and do not want to lose another. Their BEST MAN was chosen a few years ago and is in position. The world is governed by very different personages from what is imagined by those who are not behind the scenes.

Benjamin Disraeli

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I got a survey and request for money from the ACLU. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣. My response is not quite ready. But one answer was “When pigs fly”. Gosh lady, you need some perspective on this.

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When I met my husband many years ago, we were in college and he was a Democrat from a family of Democrats. I was a Republican from a family of Republicans. Our first date (true story) involved a Ronald Reagan campaign rally. We were able to communicate about our different perspectives and found the discussions interesting. It helped that being a Democrat back then didn't involve bizarre things like not being able to define what a woman is.

If I was a Republican girl from a Republican family in 2025, I wouldn't even think of dating a Democrat. They're batshit crazy, not just people with a different perspective on how to handle the economy and national security.

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Oh my god -- this is SO BRILLIANT, Gato. I laughed out loud so often my cheeks hurt. THANK YOU !!!

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No amount of faceplant can slow them down - but it's dam funny to watch!

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They have figured out how to generate infinite energy. Just show them a picture of Trump and they start spinning.

If we could figure out how to harness that energy and convert it into electricity, we'd have those damn hover cars everybody promised would exist by 2020.

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Not to worry. Tim Walz to the rescue.

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Somewhere a young boy does not know that he needs a tampon. Luckily, Tim Walz is hiding under his bed, ready to help!

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