Aug 14, 2022Liked by el gato malo

Yup - that's why it's sheer folly to try to "reform" a criminal protection racket. It must be done away with.

Step 1 is to recapture the education industry from the state...

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Did someone say conflict of interest? Never forget SECDEF Austin is still holding millions in Tenet Healthcare and Raytheon stock while presiding over vaccine mandates and billions in arms shipments overseas!

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Blame is on the 17th amendment

Passed by Congress on May 13, 1912, and ratified on April 8, 1913, the 17th Amendment modified Article I, Section 3, of the Constitution by allowing voters to cast direct votes for U.S. senators. Prior to its passage, senators were chosen by state legislatures.

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This is why I get SO frustrated/infuriated with the ”Red Wave Will Save Us" crowd, and even the MAGA crowd. If you're still thinking of things in terms of getting my guy in charge, your failing to see the systemic illness. Your taking a Tylenol to treat a headache caused by a metastisized and growing tumor. Trump failed to drain the swamp. He just curated his own brand of swampiness (with significant overlap.) And people who said/thought that because he was so independently wealthy, he'd be unable to be swayed or manipulated by grift don't know how human nature works.

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I really wish Ron Paul was 30 years younger. His son is OK but Ron was and is a true prophet of freedom and railed about the menace of state control for decades.

Freedom is popular. With decentralized media (despite the censoring), now is a great opportunity for true champions of freedom to rise up and seize the day. It is most difficult because the people that want to be left alone are less incentivized than the people that are dependent on the plunder that is generated by coercive government power. But the time is right to shed the shackles of these parasites.

We need a Ron Paul type figure to lead the way.

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Dave is missing DEI and ESG commissars to manage his diversity and carbon

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Aug 14, 2022·edited Aug 14, 2022

The Government subsidizes anything and you get a mess.

Covid for an example.

We do not have a free market.

Regulatory agencies and corporatism is the name of the game.

I am at the moment reading the Austrian Economist Ludwick Von Mises, Human Action.


Also love the Ayn Rand quote.

I love that throughout Atlas Shrugged Rand refers to politicians and bureaucrats as looters and parasites. Spot on.

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A perfect example of this is when CA instituted lockdown where everything was shuttered except Target, Walmart, and “essential businesses.” This effectively forced all small business owners to close and pack up. It gave preference to the big corporate stores and crushed all the rest.

Entirely ludicrous rules like outside seating for bars and restaurants…some of them complied until a new rule showed up after spending thousands to accommodate outdoor seating. For certain there was big business conflicts of interest behind the scenes.

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"the CEO’s are not bad people, but they must respond to systemic impetus and if some will go “darkside” and seek to use the state to coerce, then a prisoner’s dilemma is created. it’s hard to compete with cheating when the refs are in on it."

To the contrary, I'd say that's the definition of bad people. People that go along with a corrupt system just because, "that's the way it is" are far more of a problem than Mafia kingpins.

On top of that, the traits currently sought in CEO's all but guarantee their ranks will be filled with sociopaths. The ruthless pursuit of a vision leaves a lot of victims in its wake yet these people are celebrated. Bancel being exhibit A.

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Aug 14, 2022·edited Aug 14, 2022

"...The belief that order must be intentionally generated and imposed upon society by institutional authorities continues to prevail. This centrally-directed model is premised upon what F.A. Hayek called “the fatal conceit,” namely, the proposition “that man is able to shape the world according to his wishes,” or what David Ehrenfeld labeled “the arrogance of humanism.” That such practices have usually failed to produce their anticipated results has generally led not to a questioning of the model itself, but to the conclusion that failed policies have suffered only from inadequate leadership, or a lack of sufficient information, or a failure to better articulate rules. Once such deficiencies have been remedied, it has been supposed, new programs can be implemented which, reflective of this mechanistic outlook, will permit government officials to “fine tune” or “jump start” the economy, or “grow” jobs, or produce a “quick fix” for the ailing government school system. Even as modern society manifests its collapse in the form of violent crime, economic dislocation, seemingly endless warfare, inter-group hostilities, the decay of cities, a growing disaffection with institutions, and a general sense that nothing “works right” anymore, faith in the traditional model continues to drive the pyramidal systems. Most people still cling to the belief that there is something that can be done by political institutions to change such conditions: a new piece of legislation can be enacted, a judicial ruling can be ordered, or a new agency regulation can be promulgated. When a government-run program ends in disaster, the mechanistic mantra is invariably invoked: “we will find out what went wrong and fix it so that this doesn’t happen again.” That the traditional model itself, which is grounded in the state’s power to control the lives and property of individuals to desired ends, may be the principal contributor to such social disorder goes largely unexplored..."

-Butler Shaffer

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Your opening paragraph reminded me of this fierce speech by bona fide Badass German (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/are-you-a-good-german-or-a-badass) Christine Anderson:

“As Heraclitus, a Greek philosopher living in the fifth century B.C. once said, ‘The truth often evades being recognized due to its utter incredibility.’ So just because you cannot fathom your government having ill meanings towards you doesn’t mean it is not true.” (https://odysee.com/@VeritasIustitiaNemesi:b/VID_20211211_160736_393:a)

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and so once more we return to gato’s first law™

as soon as you allow politicians to determine what is bought and sold, the first thing bought and sold will be politicians. there is no exception to this, merely degree of egregiousness and scope of piracy as “governance.”


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Yeah except she was one heckuva manipulative cult-adjacent sort of gal too. But anyway.

I mostly trust your judgment on almost everything, but CEOs have been known to pour teflon into our waterways and poison the soil for generations when nobody's watching, and I think some minimum safety regulations are necessary because the wisdom of crowds sometimes leads them to want nonstick cookware and end up inadvertently killing the birds unfortunate enough to live in cages in their parlors.

How do we keep 'em from putting the melamine in the baby formula if we don't have rules to protect against at least some of those initially invisible crimes?

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THIS is the change we are looking for.

One of your best!!

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On the same basis, that it cannot be successfully reformed, I’m prepared to recommend the wholesale closure of so-called “ethical pharmaceuticals”. Patent law has been vital to the rapid advancement of inventions but it’s much abused & many lately available drugs I don’t trust & don’t see have widespread application. There is a handful of genuine exceptions, such as the anti-IL-17 biological science for psoriasis, but for much of the rest, I’d rely on the prior spin offs from the patent system. The forest floor is thickly carpeted with low cost, well understood generics. Let’s reshore all of these.

This will also enable us to dispense with most medical doctors, and taking a wrecking ball to the monoculture of careless, over testing, unthinking fools, known as the national medical associations. Simplification will save a great slice of costs, reduce dangerous practises (which will reduce iatrogenic injuries & deaths (astonishingly commonplace).

To those who say “this will destroy trust in the medical system, doctors & drug companies”, I say “It’s about time”. They’re not to be trusted. Just look at them all right now.

Oh, and I’d eliminate DTC advertising, it’s a cancer.

Ps: I didn’t have a good relationship with my dad. A medical doctor who didn’t like people much, especially sick ones, he joined pharma, emigrating to the US while leaving me & my sister behind in our too young teens. I developed a retrospective grudging respect when I learned recently that he left the industry before retirement age & spent the last decade as an expert witness for drug injured patients, mostly in oral contraceptives & HRT. The lawyers liked his supercilious attitude. Looks like he discovered some inappropriate practises & wasn’t having it.

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Smart Kitty, but- with Zero Government Regulations people die in droves from Arsenic and Mercury "medicines" food dipped in DDT and more Arsenic, guns that explode in your face, and cars that suddenly turn somersaults with no obstacles in the road!

Government Regulations are a neccessary evil, IMHO, but they must be written by honest and intelligent individuals, and they must be written to control Corporate, not individual behavior.

Bringing back liability law and full accountability for Malfeasance will go a long, long way to clean out the Swamp.

Ending the revolving door between industry and those tasked with regulating industry is FIRST STEP out of the darkness.

Raising the quality of education and food, meaning no more Glysophate soaked Americans, and basic biology, history, and psychology, will also go a long way to helping us claw back to dry land.

Ending the Monopolists, and Sociopaths in high places,, especially Bill Gates, Klaus Scwab, Joe Biden, Tedros, George Soros, Xi, etc., plus their WING MEN, Bezos, Zucherbucks, etc., with insatiable grabs for POWER, POWER, POWER AND MORE POWER, is absolutely required.

We need quality government regulation!

Less? Yes, for small businesses and private individuals. But for the Tech monsters, banksters, pHarma executives, and 100% lying media??


We need to bring back all the Regulations designed to rein in Evil Profiteering that were created by a wiser generation post The Great Depression and destroyed piece by piece by Bought Out Politicians during the Golden Years of Greed and Graft beginning in the 1980s.

Regan gave pHarma full indemnification for all vaccine deaths and catastrophic harms in 1986, and also made companies not liable for the toxins and environmental harms their businesses created.

His administration determined that they could not be forced to pay to clean up the Catastrophes they created.

Now EPA covers for the chemical industry & FBI is the Mob enforcement for anyone getting close to exposing the corruption in our political system.

They create "terrorist" activity for the Politicians to justify their rape of our rights and civil liberties.

It was not always this way!!

I say CLEANING CORRUPTION is our #1 TASK, and high integrity individuals in government is the only way to make it happen.

And the only way to make that happen is for the PEOPLE to DEMAND IT.

Deregulation has wrought the banking crisis of 2008, and is about to blow the Entire US monetary system into a trillion tiny bits.

Indemnification for pHarma created the nightmare we now witness in human health, and freedom.

Chemical companies free pass by government allowed Glysophate to wreak another holocaust. Read Dr. STEPHANIE SENEFF, MIT PhD, if you don't comprehend me.

The laws which prevented media monopolies also was shredded, leading to the uni lying face of today.

Good Government is Priceless. As are Decent Human Beings exercising Good Judgment and Wisdom. Something AI is NOT to be trusted with!

Deregulation is just an endless free for all for the most corrupt......

Stand for the Bill of Rights and US Constitution for PEOPLE, and Regulation for soulless corporations hell bent on a "profit only" mentality.

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