I just want to be left alone.

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I can’t tell you how much this one simple statement resonates with me these days. It takes no energy to leave people alone to live their lives as they see fit. There is something broken in people with an indefatigable desire to micromanage humanity. Sick sick people.

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Seriously, why is a 65 year old man seating around thinking of ways to replace breastfeeding...

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That 65 year old man has man boobs. He could probably breastfeed. 🤣

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babies need colostrum not cholesterol!...:}

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Because this is 2022 and the nuts/pervs have been promoted to the top and are now in charge of it all. Rather crazymaking if one allows it to be.

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He's wishing he had "beer boobs"...

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Sitting not seating

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Old Flop Guts...good question.

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Omnipotent moral busybodies

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Ostentatious, Obsequious, Ubiquitous, Omnipotent mASSkueraders...in the form of moral busybodies.

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Maskaccre? :D

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Interesting how micromanagement is a term of scorn, yet describes perfectly well the governance style of the managerial class and the most cherished ambitions of the globalists.

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"I’m Going To Need Those TPS Reports ASAP. So, If You Could Do That, That’d Be Greaaaaat.”

-Bill Lumbergh

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One of the best comedy movies ever made… “Office Space” for those of you who aren’t aware. Watch it. You won’t regret it.

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In my top 10 movies of all time list

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If you want me to wear 37 pieces of flair...make the minimum 37 pieces of flair...

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Oh, yes, at a MINIMUM, 37 pieces! Otherwise, you’re not showing your team employee spirit, ya know!

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Empty vessels, self medicating, lacking a center of gravity. Pity them. Pressure breaks pipes. Times are tough. We will remain STRONG!

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So, so broken.

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I have a sister like that. I never see her.

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Terrorist... 😉

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Now you are the terrorist !

Oh, bugger . . .

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In Biden's America, it's a badge of honor. Stay strong!

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If I was a Twitter user, I would have congratulated President Trump for his second impeachment, the highest honor the likes of Pelosi can bestow upon a president. If I were him, I would have asked if the articles of impeachment came with a certificate that was suitable for framing, and frame it I would, before placing it in a place of prominence in whatever office I had from that point forward.

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That was just a participation trophy. Wait and see if he gets elected again - you might see the the "gold" medal of iMpeAchMenTs.

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From where I sit the I don't think a new pox can stop that. Then again I sit in California, and an open and honest election is something I'll see again when I can ride my unicorn to the polling place ;-).

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The problem with people who just want to be left alone is they are of a Conservative persuasion who also want to leave others alone… live, let live - so that means you are an Extreme Right, Neo-Nazi, White Supremacist, Racist Fascist.

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I oppose big goverment, centralized government, bureaucracy, authoritarianism, most forms of taxation, and most regulation. I favor free expression (it would be termed "radical" free expression today), freedom of association, freedom of religion, the right to bear arms, freedom from unreasonable search and seizure, and everything else in the Bill of Rights. I hold these limitations on governmental power to be absolute, or nearly so, depending on how one defines the word. I judge people as individuals, without concern for which demographic cohort they may belong to.

So, of course, I must be a fascist, who oppose everything in that laundry list of things I stand for. That's what the left keeps telling us. Meanwhile, they engage in a corporatist blending of governmental power and the big business, with the media serving as the propaganda arm of the Party apparatus without having to be directed (much) on what to say.

I wonder if they actually know what fascism is.

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Which was very much the way it was until about a century ago, then in the US, you got FDR and his New Deal, in Europe we got Communism & Fascism (horses from the same stable) and creeping welfare Statism. And so we are where we are: the difference between Western regimes and the Chinese regime has become very narrow, now that the ‘free’ West has adopted Chinese governance methods.

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You have exceeded the allowable daily allotment of accuracy and truth

You are about to be declared "misinformation". Keep it up and you'll be "invited" (by armed federal agents) to join a re-education program.

I wish I were exaggerating grossly. I fear not.

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In 1972 those beliefs put you squarely in the left wing.

Food for thought.

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I was too young at that time to know what that meant, but definitions are always changing.

The original right wing was those who supported the French monarchy at the time of the French revolution, and the left was those who opposed it in favor of a more liberal form of government (before American collectivists twisted the term 'liberal' to fit themselves; they are anything but liberal in reality). Our founding fathers were clearly against monarchy and in favor of a liberal government, given that they had just overthrown the former to instill the latter. That meant they were liberals and radical leftists (though they did their radical leftism before the term leftist even existed) by the definitions in play in the late 1700s.

If those were the definitions still in use, I would be a liberal leftist too. But that's not what those words mean anymore. "Left" today is synonymous with various forms of socialism, whether they be outright communist or disguised forms like democratic socialism (often euphemized as "progressivism") and they are anything but liberal. They're totalitarians, plain and simple, pretending to be something other than what they really are. As they do, of course.

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So I'm a "Extreme Right, Neo-Nazi, White Supremacist, Racist Fascist". I already knew that! A description applied by no lesser authority than the prime minister of Canada. He said it - so it must be true.

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May 25, 2022·edited May 25, 2022

I've been called most all those things despite the facts. Usually when I ask questions. I'm kind of annoying that way ;-). If you try to make sense of it, you'll just get a headache (which will be diagnosed as early stage monkey pox and require isolation for at least a year ;-).

Just yesterday I got a call from an otherwise rational, intelligent and higher-educated acquaintance screeching "well are you ready to turn in your guns NOW!". Apparently this person with advanced degrees has come to believe the narrative that my weapons, while sitting alone in my home, had caused murder and mayhem in Texas. I put her on hold and ran to the gun room...checked inventory...and then reported back to her "nope, none of my weapons had all on it's own left the house, traveled 2000 miles to murder children unassisted by human hands. She hung up. On the bright side, probably won't have that conversation again (or many others) with that particular person.

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I'm old enough to remember when it was "those darn conservatives" who were the ones imposing their particular moral view on the rest of us. Also it was the republican party that had most of the billionaires not named Kennedy, who were promoting big government (aka "big brother"), championing censorship, trying to restrict open assembly and free speech. Back then I was left wing, long haired, anti-estiblishmentarian. Thing is, I haven't moved much.

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John F. Kennedy would be considered a rightwinger by today's standards.

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You forgot to include Patriarchal, Misogynistic, Heteronormative, Phallologocentric, and Xenophobic in the description. Oh, and Fundamentalist Domestic Terrorist. Almost forgot that one myself.

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I had no idea

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Mr. Bowman you are due for some de-orangification.

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Will it hurt?

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John - I get the feeling there's not much you'd whimper about.

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For some ... these overhyped pandemics give meaning to their sad, meaningless lives in which they spend free time away from their dead end jobs behind gaming consoles... on social media...watching reality tee vee... stuffing their faces with rubbish --- while waiting to reload for another foray onto Pornhub....

I was researching and found that there are over 20 doomsday prepper shows on the Tee Vee... I don't have Tee Vee but I was staying at a brothers and they were watching an episode of one of these fantasy shows... I can only tolerate short busts of Tee Vee... and I hung around a bit longer than my threshold allows (without Tourette's kicking in) because I was fascinated at how clean and well-dressed everyone was.... it was like an LL Bean commercial!

Of course I had to blurt that out ... and my sarcasm will quickly dismissed by all with 'there's be lots of nice clothes during a collapse - all those department stores with shelves of new stuff' (I'm thinking - have you not seen a Black Friday compilation...)

Anyhow... the hordes have been well prepped to believe that collapse is a Great Adventure. Something to look forward to....

This will keep them calm... as 8B are fed into the meat grinder.

Mass Psychosis takes many forms.

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The shocking is that most pandemic fanatics who I know absolutely doesn't fit your description. In my family the maniacs are high achievers, higher educated than me and none of them watch TV. In my friends the same most of them are programmers, supposedly intelligent people and none of them are watching teli.

I have another theory that these people are indoctrinated autoriter type of people who believe in their unquestionable position in society and that's why they don't question the position of the 'scientists'. Otherwise their own authority would collapse also.

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I suspect those with extensive education who have had success within the system... tend to believe in the system. I have many friends in the legal industry - they are the worst... they don't question 'the man' -and they boost

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There's also a reason why institutes like universities and health care services went with the mandate asap: this was an indoctrination test. Any opposing voice, questioning completely eradicated.

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Fast Eddy! You don't like seeing how the sausage is made?...you should watch more Tee Vee! It's all on C-SPAN

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The war cry of the bear in his cave, which the sheltered children of the left imagine to be an empty threat.

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Poke poke poke poke poke poke poke...

Bear: "Leave me alone."

Poke poke poke poke poke poke poke...

Bear: "Go away."

Poke poke poke poke poke poke poke...

Bear: "You're making me angry. Stop it."

Poke poke poke poke poke poke poke...

Bear: Rawr! If this continues, someone's going to get mauled.

Poke poke poke poke poke poke poke...

Bear: RAAAAAWR! Final warning!"

Poke poke poke poke poke poke poke...

(Bear mauls someone)

Everyone: "The bear is a villain! He's crazy! He's just mauling people unprovoked! We must defend ourselves against this threat!"

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"Poke, poke poke ...", etc.

The last 8 years in Ukraine for $1000, Alex ...

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You don't let your children feed bears honey?

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All of us included....

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I'm with you. But that right was repealed.

This is the magic of false equivalences that make YOUR being left alone a threat to ME. Or at least the all knowing GREATER GOOD.

If I let you just sit at home, not wearing a mask, not being vaccinated, NOT living as my party has dictated you should live, you are killing my children! Once you're lack of conformance has been accepted as a threat to the global good, well, you get it. It's no longer "just your business" and of course can't be tolerated. Heck, even if you are vaccinated, wearing your mask alone in your living room, quietly reading the approved propaganda, if you are not actively persecuting those who aren't conforming, you are part of the threat. That's the next level and we're there, kids. Don't take my word, look for yourself: in a public forum, suggest that it's OK to let other people believe differently. Really want proof? OK, tweet "I think Trump as just as much right to free speech as anyone else". That'll prove my point for sure!

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Scary place we are in…

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[Robotic voice] "You have selected an invalid option. Please make another selection."

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Do you want Skynet?!?

Because this is how you get Skynet.

Proof in link: https://twitter.com/NannaSon33/status/1527740679576772610?s=20&t=z1sCoxGY1n_hJTlC5WBFIw

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Props! Might be afternoon stack gold medal winner

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At the risk of being accused of plagiarism...HAHAHAHAHA. No.


Flop Guts (aka Bill Gates).

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Mr. MicroSOFT Muffin Tops?

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You just stop that violent talk right now.

"I just want you to know that, when we talk about war, we’re really talking about peace."

~ George W. Bush, June 2002

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Ukraine’s or Irag’s peace. (pos)

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"As we know, there are known knowns; there are things we know we know. We also know there are known unknowns; that is to say we know there are some things we do not know. But there are also unknown unknowns—the ones we don't know we don't know".

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What was his name? Rumsfeld...and all that money...billions ....went missing...next day, run on the banks in us.......

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That's exactly right. Funny how it works that way. Yet most people don't stop to think of that

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Remember this absolute gem of "journalism"?

Cakewalk In Iraq


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70 years without an outright win. 250 years without a proxy war win.

Now we're playing for keeps in Ukraine. WTF are we doing?!

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Perhaps late empire decline? I'm thinking 200 years from now, historians will pinpoint the day before the idea of participation trophies as the zenith of the USA? Just a working theory

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George W. Bush Found Guilty of War Crimes (VIDEO CONFESSION)

It’s official; George W Bush is a war criminal. In what is the first ever conviction of its kind anywhere in the world, Bush and seven of his cronies were found guilty of war crimes. https://ragnarforseti.substack.com/p/george-w-bush-found-guilty-of-war?r=hjhbr&s=w&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

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Me too!

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That's what the leopards said, too. Lot of good it's gonna do them.

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Just said this to myself today.

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That's the nub of it - sometimes it's that simple. Well played Mare.

Thoroughbred Thoughts!...Pithy Paradox. So far you have the most "likes". I hope you have the app...:)

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Oh yes! Seems that is too much to ask at this insane time.

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Bats, pangolins, monkeys, and leopards should band together in a class action lawsuit to sue the World Economic Forum, the WHO, the NIH, the NIAID, and sundry fellow travellers for defamation of character.

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Yes! And also Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin should file lawsuits.

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Yes! Especially when it is ‘molecularly impossible’ to be infected by a virus from any animal as Fauci slipped to say when angry with the line of questioning from Rand Paul. Virusesarenotcontagious.com spend some time here and be uplifted to learn that our own cells make our own site-specific viruses to dissolve toxicity in our tissues when needed...made with YOUR RNA/DNA and thus not compatible with others’ RNA/DNA and so not contagious!

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Folks, we welcome free speech here, but this guy is pushing an example of a claim that goes directly against centuries of science. Viruses exist. They are well studied and documented. They are known factors in many diseases (human and other) and suspected in others. Some are highly contagious and others are not, and everything in between. It's a big complex world, folks, but people like DL might as well say the Earth is flat. You are free to make that claim, but how about proving it?

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Viruses do exist BUT not in the way the germ theory pushes. In order for the medical/pharma/gov’t cartels to make money and keep you diseased, they have to push the idea that good ole non-living (agree) viruses are out to get you! On the attack! We are much more wonderfully made than that...

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These days, a small group of individuals “identifying as” monkeys, cats, bats, snakes et all should do to file the suit.

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>i mean, what sort of person would try to run that same play twice in a row?

Probably the same kinds of people who tried multiple false flag gas attacks in Syria to attempt to get the population sufficiently outraged for an invasion.

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If Pete Carroll had run the same running play twice in a row at the goal line the Seahawks would have 2 super bowls

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Worst play call in SB history. Give it to Lynch...four times....if needed...

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Probably also those that run to the vaccinators for a fourth shot

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Yea, the same people who incinerated thousands of women and children all over the MENA to "fight terrorism".

- https://www.cato.org/commentary/why-obama-still-killing-children

And are currently supporting the slaughter of hundreds of thousands of children in Yemen.

- https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2021/11/23/un-yemen-recovery-possible-in-one-generation-if-war-stops-now

And destroyed Libya, once the wealthiest nation in Africa, where the African slave trade has resumed.

- https://edition.cnn.com/specials/africa/libya-slave-auctions

Oh, and said that murdering 500,000 Iraqi children "was worth it". Naturally, the definition of "it" was never mentioned.

- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FbIX1CP9qr4

You know, the people who are "our" "leaders".

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Libertate the Great! I'd pay, with my mouth duct taped, to sit between you and John Carter on a transatlantic flight.

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No duct tape for you. I reserve it for politicians and leftists.

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Make sure it's "guerilla" tape. That shit will rip the fingerprint off your digits.

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What is truly sad is that the sheep will believe every bit of it! 🤦🏽‍♀️

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The only person who "called" that was Tucker.

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A very large number of people called that before Tucker. Don't get me wrong, I love that guy, but his strength is that he's plugged into the Internet hive mind, not that he anticipates it.

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Ok, the time has come.

I'm starting Cat Lives Matter™.

I'll be sharing the donation link shortly.

Please be generous and share it widely so that an adequate headquarters can be purchased up in the hills where my family can live while we tirelessly work to support the feline community.

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Sounds like a real money-maker! I hope you enjoy purchasing multiple luxury properties with your non-profit "donations". 🤣

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I rather resent both your tone and unfounded implications of self-dealing.

As a trained Marxist I am completely committed to eradicating ailurophobia and the systemic oppression it engenders, while fighting capitalist inequality to make sure that everyone gets what they need to impose the common good.

Just like John Kerry needs to fly private to accept a well-deserved award for Saving the Planet™, since as he says, that is the most effective option "for people like me", a modest ten bedroom dacha overlooking the Bay Area is just the ticket for a First Among Equals™ such as myself.

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Well that crowd is so "sophisticated" you know

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And oh so intelligent. Just ask them.

"Socialism in general has a record of failure so blatant that only an intellectual could ignore or evade it."

~ Thomas Sowell

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You mean you can't get a "variance" on a century-old seawall in Venezuela?

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Of course I can.

As a First Among Equals I also get a lavish waterfront dacha on the shores of Lake Maracaibo.

Just like all socialist regimes, they have taken meticulous care of this valuable natural resource and protected the sensitive ecosystem from greedy capitalist oilers.

I just love the bright green glow of my skin after a morning swim.


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Then he can invite all of us red-pilled to enjoy the monkeypox plandemic at his properties… shoot, maybe we can even declare a sovereign area so we don’t have to listen to any of the nut jobs in government during all of this coming up… 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽

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CLM 😾🤘

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OMGosh!!! 🤣

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Wow, copycat! 😁😉

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Endless criminalization of nature. Killer wasps, monkeypox, whatever. I'll take my chances with critters over bureaucrats any day.

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I used to backpack on the west coast and a good friend of mine who was more experienced than me, once said about backpacking alone, "it's not the four-legged creatures that concern me, it's the two-legged ones."

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Back in my younger, trout-fishing days, I camped out a lot. I always carried my .38 but it wasn't for use against bears.

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It must be an old expression. I've never heard it much, but Dad said it back in the 1970s. It's a sad commentary on our existence that as some ancient said, "Man is a wolf to his fellow man."

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yeah that's been my experience too...

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My mad cows will probably be the death of me.

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Yes! Especially when it is ‘molecularly impossible’ to be infected by a virus from any animal as Fauci slipped to say when angry with the line of questioning from Rand Paul. Virusesarenotcontagious.com spend some time here and be uplifted to learn that our own cells make our own site-specific viruses to dissolve toxicity in our tissues when needed...made with YOUR RNA/DNA and thus not compatible with others’ RNA/DNA and so not contagious!

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Oddly enough, if presented with a 'real' disease - something visible like a pox - I think people will behave more rationally. The Rona was the perfect mental assault because the symptoms were anything and nothing.

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Exactly. What an amazing virus to have caused zero symptoms and every single symptom ever experienced by a human.

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I hope so

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You'll know it's a species extinction level event when they roll out the liger variant. I keep tater-tots in my cargo pants just in case I gotta bug out

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Pedro For President! Vote for Pedro!

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At this point I'll take a tater tot for President.

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May 20, 2022·edited May 20, 2022

POTATUS. Man, I wish I could take credit for that

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You mean Sir-Poops-His-Pants...a Lot

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I thought we already had one of those… let’s go Brandon…

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Shut up and eat your quesidiLLa! Lol

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Hey Ryan…gimme a tot.

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Even in normal times I'm hard pressed to off my tots. Too funny Renee!

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Bet I could throw this football over that mountain!

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I just sent this email to my family.

WTH is going on: Monkey Pox Edition?


Yesterday, the NY Post reported that Biden had purchased millions of doses of the monkey pox vaccine.

Today, the NY post reports that the WHO is convening an emergency meeting on the apparent monkey pox outbreak in Europe and North America.


Fifteen minutes ago, Ed Dowd (former Blackrock executive) tweeted out this document. NTI.org did "table top exercise" in November 2021 war-gaming a monkey pox outbreak/attack that was set to start in May 2022.



A few hours ago, former FDA head (who now sits on the Pfizer board) Scott Gottlieb tweeted:

"FDA approves an IV formulation or a drug that could be effective for treating monkeypox. The oral version of the drug, developed under Bioshield, was previously approved by the agency for the treatment of smallpox, and is part of the Strategic Stockpile."


Monkey pox is endemic to West Africa. It is usually contracted through close contact with infected animals (bush meat). It rarely spreads from person to person. It is not airborne.

For those of you who are unaware, the Center for Health Security at JHU performed a similar exercise of a coronavirus outbreak in September 2019. Yes, they really did.


Seriously, what the hell is going on?


Some on Twitter are speculating that this outbreak is a consequence of vaccine-induced immune deficiency. Others think it was a deliberate release.

I hope you and Igor are correct, but the timing of another war game is troubling.

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I just took a screenshot of your post… thank you for stringing all of these articles together. It takes time to do research!

Prayers and blessings… 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽

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May 20, 2022·edited May 21, 2022

Given not airborne and nearly requires contact with fluids, much lees concern.

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Read a CDC article on CNN about an hour ago. They claim people have been infected with the West African clade, which is less dangerous but still has a CFR of 1%. The article claimed the Central African (Nigerian) clade has a CFR of 10%. They are not claiming the virus is easy to catch or is airborne. Of course, this all assumes the virus is from nature and not a lab.

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CNN creates misinformation even when they denounce misinformation!

I rarely consult CNN. An exception was this whopper from May 7. Here was a news piece widely reported in the alternative press, what would have been more appropriate for the Babylon Bee, so silly was it. CNN specifically claims that "misinformation" is the leading cause of death, both in print and at the audio at start of interview. The official they interview is clearly a pitchman (he's been appointed by both Obama and Biden), but in his defense, he doesn't come close to saying what CNN claims he said.


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I stand corrected will edit coimment.

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Unless the virus has been manipulated to spread by these other means. But I am sure that’s not anything we need to worry about.

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Did you just wake from a very long sleep?

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Well, WTH is going on is genocide and worldwide takeover. Sorry, I am in a mood.

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I wrote the email to my family members, many of whom are triple jabbed and fast asleep. Hoping that the monkey pox hype will shake them out of it.

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Oh, dah - don’t mind me being completely out of it! Good luck, I haven’t succeeded one bit on that front. Absolutely nothing has worked and I am blackballed.

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I haven't had much luck either, but I keep trying.

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careful with that. I sent a few things to my son in law and daughter. I got cancelled big time. Now I am banned from seeing the babies. We are living in sad sad times

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I'm sorry.

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I’ve been this way my entire life & my brother definitely keeps me at a great distance. I don’t interact with his family - apparently, he doesn’t want me influence them.

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Monkeypox was the topic of conversation at my book group meeting yesterday.

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I don't know, gato.

They messed around with bat viruses, we got a bat plague.

They created a vaccine out of monkey DNA, we got a monkeypox plague.

I don't think it is a conspiracy theory to think jackals like the NIH are trying to kill people when it is proven they have been doing it for decades.

Exhibit 1-no Bactrim for AIDS victims

Exhibit 2-experimenting on orphans

Exhibit 3-puppy torture.

It goes on and on.

Just because you are paranoid doesn't mean they aren't trying to kill you.

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Yes! Especially when it is ‘molecularly impossible’ to be infected by a virus from any animal as Fauci slipped to say when angry with the line of questioning from Rand Paul. Virusesarenotcontagious.com spend some time here and be uplifted to learn that our own cells make our own site-specific viruses to dissolve toxicity in our tissues when needed...made with YOUR RNA/DNA and thus not compatible with others’ RNA/DNA and so not contagious! INDEED the way we would get an animal virus is through vaccines! Just say NO!

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Is Bactrim a cure or treatment for aids? 🧐

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Thank you for the link… Fauci is a devil 🔥 and needs to be treated like one!

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he is just the same monster as Josef Mengele

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We seem to have a lot of those walking around right now! 🐍

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No, but Bactrim treats pneumocystis pneumonia of AIDS. And Fauci withheld his approval of Bactrim to be widely used for those AIDS patients back then. Many died because of his refusal to endorse what on-the-ground doctors were saying cured pneumocystis pneumonia that was routinely killing AIDS patients. Instead, he promoted AZT which proceeded to kill many tens of thousands. He is a criminal and has always been a criminal. A mafia don.

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This, and much more, amply documented in RFK Jr.'s Fauci book.

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I absolutely loathe the USA government… our government sucks! 😡😡😡 Another 40 billion to Ukraine (money laundering to members in congress) and screw you small business owners!


Our government hates us! 🔥🔥🔥. Sorry everyone… This just gets my goat! 🕷🕷🕷

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Your governement and elites may well suck as hard vacuum, but you as a people are great! Remember that, don't let the scum that floats on top spoil the hearty brew beneath.

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thanks for that Rikard. I have respect for anyone that supports freedom and detests Marxism

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Well don’t give up. Your Federal Government may be full loathsome toads, but the USA is 50 sovereign States, so there is hope - eg Gov DeSantis and…

“Governments concerned about Covid misinformation should start with their own lies and distortions, Indiana’s Attorney General has told the U.S. Government. In a submission to the U.S. Surgeon General, who had requested information on the impact of online health misinformation during the pandemic in the United States… “


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And Mitch then called out Rand as isolationist. Paul didn’t say no, he said he wanted the money to have an overseer.

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And we all know they don’t want someone to oversee that money! 🤦🏽‍♀️

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And pork for the defence industry.

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We all have to be caught in some sick simulation.

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“To stop those monsters 1, 2, 3 … Just don’t look! Just don’t look!”


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Haha that’s how it works when the dogs are acting up, they are looking if I’m looking, walk away close the door. Poof!

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Right, in that case I’m now going to social distance from leopards

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In my best Charlton Heston voice, "leopards are cats...they're cats!"

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Apparently this current outbreak of pox is affecting a very distinct population.

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It is. But experts don't know how it's transmitted!!! I suggest a trip to the local bathhouse might give give them a clue.

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The term "bathhouse" is so 2019, they prefer to refer to them as "sexual networks" now, lol.

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Funny"ish" story. Wife's best friend when we were dating was gay. So at one dinner party Paul's friend had a new bf. At one point in the night the new bf regaled us with how he got the party "started" at a Chicago bathhouse one night.

To say I was horrified would be an understatement.

Yet people go to pride festivals which grew out of protests against bathhouse raids. If most people only new what was going on down there they wouldn't take their kids.

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Wow… I’m getting my education today! 😳

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May 20, 2022·edited May 20, 2022

And Tecovirimat (TPoxx) was approved in EU for medical use earlier this year (just in time). FDA approved in 2018 and used once to treat a human with a lab acquired infection successfully. It's completely safe. Shares of Siga are trading 27% higher today compared to opening. TPoxx is a funny name. I think that was the name of Corn Pop's cousin.

And last night, John Paul's post at Things Hidden in Complexity included a link to a 2021 NTI tabletop exercise using a Monkeypox pandemic. I think it was in the comments. As well as a reminder of the truck crash in PA earlier this year where four monkeys escaped.

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You got to be kidding… 🤦🏽‍♀️

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It doesn't matter if monkeypox is real or not. People will hear about it 24/7, continue with their mass formation psychosis and line up for more poison death jabs as the WHO pandemic team saves the day. The mask Karens will scream for the WHO pandemic treaty, a digital ID and even more, just so they can feel "safe."

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Yes! Especially when it is ‘molecularly impossible’ to be infected by a virus from any animal as Fauci slipped to say when angry with the line of questioning from Rand Paul. Virusesarenotcontagious.com spend some time here and be uplifted to learn that our own cells make our own site-specific viruses to dissolve toxicity in our tissues when needed...made with YOUR RNA/DNA and thus not compatible with others’ RNA/DNA and so not contagious!

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INDEED! The way we can get an animal virus is through ‘vaccines’!!! Just say NO...

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