as certain internet felines have long been fond of opining: humor is kryptonite for woke.
the intrinsically stilted, self-absorbed, humorless scold nature of the movement makes it hopelessly unfunny, egregiously over-serious about even the tiniest topics, and rabidly, explosively touchy about everything.
it has to be.
this is the only way it can survive.
woke cannot allow rational debate because it is an irrational philosophy that’s so clearly self refuting at core. it uses myopic obsessions with racial and gender differences to establish webs of aggrievement, obligation, preferencing and guilt.
it colonizes in the name of anti-colonization taking a civilization from one people and arbitrarily granting it to other in the name of undoing just such takings.
it entails historical and racial and blood guilt to those who never did anything as collective punishment for the supposed sins of others.
it makes everything about race to “fix racism” and everything about gender to “fix misogyny” and trans just twists the whole thing into some sort of intersectional klein bottle where suddenly men are piling guilt on women for the heinous crime of
"ever expecting to win a women’s sporting event again.”
the whole thing dissolves into absurdist mayhem all because aggrievement by race or gender signifier devolves to “highlander rules” and the fight to stay atop the greasy pole of status claims becomes a war of all against all and the issue with winning negative sum games is:
it’s difficult to fight this with reason because the appeals against woke are logic and logic struggles to defeat emotion and fast, facile argument by false equivalence and mass formation moral opprobrium.
it’s very difficult to refute something that takes 6 seconds to say and elicits emotional response with something that takes 60 seconds and requires thought. you just cannot keep up and you get buried.
emotion is too fast for logic.
but memes are too fast for emotion. their informational density is higher, they evoke past salients, set multiple frames at once, and worst of all, they’re funny and memorable. (i wrote a whole series on this)
you’re never going to get the time to explain that piling guilt on people for what someone who looks like them did 4 generations ago is quite literally the definition of racism and that notions of inherited or blood guilt are anathema to pluralism, diversity, equity, and even basic morality.
but if you can convey it in 6 seconds?
lights out, game over.
this is why i have, for so long, been opining that woke was done, it just didn’t know it yet. the minute the overton window had even a crack for the tiniest bit of mockery to get through, it would, like water into a rock, penetrate and shear woke to pieces.
there is no safe dose of humor for woke.
it’s just the end.
humor elicits response and from the unfunny, the only reflex is to grow ever more air-rending and hectoring and this is a terrible look. fighting humor with scolding and shrillery is as low status as it gets and worse, it’s a feedback loop that creates ever more grounds for mockery. and we all know how that one goes…
the process by which rollicking ridicule goes from rare to commonplace works almost like a phase change. the speed is startling. one minute the dance floor is empty, but once a couple people are out there and look like they are having fun, suddenly, it’s packed and groovin’. this is doubly so of abeline paradox movements that were never popular but rather managed to gaslight themselves into appearing so by stifling criticism.
and then suddenly, it’s advertising copy. i have no idea who this job board is, what they do, or anything else about them. i have no idea if this is a place you’d want to hunt for a job.
what i do know is that they as a business have reached a decision that “anti-woke” is now strong branding and that at the very least, they have a great sense of humor. this is a devastating parody. it’s delightful.
and this is the coming thing. nothing can stop it now.
woke is going to be put to sleep.
politics cannot drive society, it’s the other way around: the politicos live downstream from culture.
and culture wants its civilization back.
and the revolution will be fun.
WOW. I LOVVVVE that Red Balloon ad. Jeez wow
This is not only jobs, it is FAMILY too. What used to be a comfortable happy laughing environment in family gatherings is over. All family gatherings in my circle are humans walking on eggshells
being crybabies. It ruins everything. family gatherings are not like they used to be. Why?
Why is everyone ... I mean family, so sensitive. Could it be in the jabbs? j/k
You, el gato, are what Lin Yutang describes as “the scamp” in his 1937 book “The Importance of Living.” According to Yutang, it is the scamp—otherwise known as memesters, satirists, humorists, comedians, and heyokas—who will save us from tyranny:
“In this present age of threats to democracy and individual liberty, probably only the scamp and the spirit of the scamp alone will save us from becoming lost as serially numbered units in the masses of disciplined, obedient, regimented and uniformed coolies. The scamp will be the last and most formidable enemy of dictatorships. He will be the champion of human dignity and individual freedom, and will be the last to be conquered. All modern civilization depends entirely upon him.”
For more delectable Yutang quotes and tables displaying his brilliant “pseudo-scientific formula” “by which the mechanism of human progress and historical change can be expressed” (hint: Reality + Dreams + Humor = Wisdom), see my first letter exchange with David Josef Volodzko: