This is not only jobs, it is FAMILY too. What used to be a comfortable happy laughing environment in family gatherings is over. All family gatherings in my circle are humans walking on eggshells
being crybabies. It ruins everything. family gatherings are not like they used to be. Why?
Why is everyone ... I mean family, so sensitive. Could it be in the jabbs? j/k
Maybe the divisive aspect of the jab religiousity is a feature not a side effect. Tearing down families makes it easier to make people docile with no family to turn to.
We have not seen my dear daughter and her shitty husband in two years. That I can deal with, but they have three adorable babies. Some days I feel like I am going crazy with grief. I need to keep a handle on it though.
My -2 cent advice. Chances are these are daughters and sons with grandkids out there who have a parent who disowned them as well. Maybe we should be seeking out, in addition to providing avenues of re-entry into our lives, the ability to connect with others like us who are now "without harbor."
There are kids out there that would love a surrogate grandma. Won't replace those that have been taken from you. But it could provide some healing for the grandparent that refuses to see them as well.
Hubbs and I have been spending more time with my older daughers' girls, and also the kiddos on our street have been very kind and including us in their activities and school performances. That has been a great diversion
I do know that this banning and shunning ghosting behavior runs rampant in on particular in law family. His mother to be precise. It is an behavior I am not familiar with.
oh, I am sure it has been heartbreaking, no doubt about that. At some point, it's also a duty to give yourself the love and honor you deserve. This post made my eyes well up today, in a good way.
"... Never before in humanity has there been such a 'casting', now we know who is the best on planet Earth. Women, men, old, young, rich, poor, of all races or religions, unvaccinated, chosen from an invisible ark, the only ones who managed to resist when it all came crashing down.
"You are -- you -- You have passed the unimaginable test that many of the toughest Marines, Commandos, Green Berets, Astronauts and Geniuses have not withstood.
"You are made of the material of the greatest who ever lived, those heroes born among ordinary people who shine in the darkness."
So, so sorry, my mom is in the same boat with my younger brother (total dick) but two beautiful granddaughters…to my sister-in-laws credit she at least brings the kids to see my mom…but no one else in the family. I haven’t seen my nieces in 2 years!!
Oh Jean, that is very sad. I know that pain. I am envious that your sister in law brings the kids. It is very difficult. Just complete concrete stubborn anger and this is our lesson of great discernment and attention!!
The stubbornness is beyond. Not sure about your situation but my mom and younger brother were extremely close. He was the baby of 7 kids! I could see him dropping the rest of us, but never my mom! COVID hysteria is a mental illness brought on by mass hysteria or mass psychosis or whatever you want to call it! I am truly sorry for your situation!!
Perhaps one day I will write a whole blog about it.
I have my own history of trauma over the past 10 years caring for my parents and the over bearing brother and sister, either not caring at all or directing my decisions. Very weird. I am taking it all in stride and not allowing it to destroy me.
I am so very sorry, Rosemary. I have been very grateful that my daughter and her family agreed with me that Fauci and company are dangerous tyrants. I never lost a day with my gorgeous grandchildren during the dark days of “lockdowns.” Bless you!
Time to reach out to younger like minded people with kids and “adopt” them! I did and am now the proud recipient of 3 adorable “grand” kids who are everything I would wish for my own to be. I consider myself very lucky but I had to seek them out.
I've been thinking exactly the same thing. Intentional harm to relationships as well as bodies. Mistrust by the bucketloads. Cabal-generated psyop mastery.
It's been tough for those of us who resisted. However, the Cabal seriously miscalculated. Sure, they destroyed many existing relationships, but they also pushed us to build new, often stronger ones. And they revealed their hand too early. Now we are on to them. Here in Switzerland, we are probably the only country on Earth who were actually allowed to vote on the Covid measures. We did so three times - and each time 60% voted to keep them on the books till at least 2030. However, a very vocal 40% said no. That means that even if they try to reinstate the measures, they know that almost half of us aren't going to play.
True. But it's also made a lot of families and individuals stronger. And "family" now includes a lot of people who are not related to me but whom I know I can trust in a crisis. The Covid paranoia was the WEF's big play - and it failed.
Yeah it must be nice to have an epistemology that resides in the expanse between the undefined and redefined, constantly being "refined" to support their center of gravity.
Their internal narrative requires no compass because it is defined by the topography they create as the cartographers of their eternal entropic utopia.
This is why they are clueless; by thinking their definition of utopia can be functional in reality, they have created a dystopia...out of nothing but hot air.
Average White Band? Jeez, Jimmy, get with it, you neanderthal! I think you mean "The Huge Potential but thwarted by white supremacy Person of Color hating musical patriarchy grouping"
Dangit Bubba, your first sentence has me feeling like I've been "fined" for an offense I did not commit. Now that I am guilty, I aim to misbehave (hat tip to Mal Reynolds).
Not in my family. We have been laughing at the young, naïve ones for generations. It is the right of passage that taught me how to laugh at myself. It makes life so much FUN.
You, el gato, are what Lin Yutang describes as “the scamp” in his 1937 book “The Importance of Living.” According to Yutang, it is the scamp—otherwise known as memesters, satirists, humorists, comedians, and heyokas—who will save us from tyranny:
“In this present age of threats to democracy and individual liberty, probably only the scamp and the spirit of the scamp alone will save us from becoming lost as serially numbered units in the masses of disciplined, obedient, regimented and uniformed coolies. The scamp will be the last and most formidable enemy of dictatorships. He will be the champion of human dignity and individual freedom, and will be the last to be conquered. All modern civilization depends entirely upon him.”
For more delectable Yutang quotes and tables displaying his brilliant “pseudo-scientific formula” “by which the mechanism of human progress and historical change can be expressed” (hint: Reality + Dreams + Humor = Wisdom), see my first letter exchange with David Josef Volodzko:
This is great, and so true of the humorless woke pedants. It explains why Saturday Night Live is no longer funny: if you are government-approved humor, you are as a rule, not funny.
Maybe not preschool per say. In Pre school I was too busy dealing with the nuances of nap time. But it would be fun to see a cartoon of two kids looking at the third one decked out in a very unserious attire and one kid is saying to his friend "Mr. Wall Street Over Thinks he is the shit when he doesn't realize he's in dire need of a diaper change."
Great. Now can we drive out all the rest of the unserious ideas that come with wokeness too, like the idea that there is a "transition" to renewable energy going on. It is literally impossible from a material-scarcity standpoint to replace the 80% of carbon based energy production that we currently rely upon with solar and wind generated alternatives.
So I am at this meeting where the topic is Climate Change. The speaker drones on and on citing the rising CO2 “pollution” of our atmosphere and decries the fact that we are at almost at 400ppm. He goes on to put down all forms of energy except wind and solar, making many claims that are patently false. Then he opens the floor for questions. One fellow launches into a diatribe of facts and quickly gets put down by the speaker. I rise up stating that I have one simple question: “Since 400ppm is too high and 0ppm would end all life on Earth, what is the ideal amount of CO2?” Dead silence!
That's the other weapon we should use apart from humor: precision-guided questions. Another example is "Can you tell us how many of Al Gore's predictions from 2008 came true" or "Why have the Arctic Ice Caps seem record low ice melt this year when we were told that they would be gone in 2013?"
Good point. My question was intended to be entirely neutral and not give away my position by leaving politics out of it. After the stunning dead silence pause the speaker tried to come up with an answer and mumbled something about preindustrial levels. Someone else yelled and asked what those were in ppm as I got up and left.
That's where you deepen the stunned silence by mentioning the Medieval Warm Period. Another two good questions for whenever you hear the "hottest since records began!" spiel is to ask when records began (150 years ago, and only in some countries), and then how long the Earth and its climate have been in existence.
I have no illusions, Kern. These people are immune to reason. Asking these kind of questions is rather like voting for Trump: you know it probably won't do any good, but it sure as hell annoys the Wokesters. is the real thing. They’ve been laying the foundation of a viable parallel economy since 2021 along with other pioneers like Andrew Torba and his Gab enterprises.
Woke needs to be vanquished immediately, from a temporal piecemeal standpoint, before it sets further roots. We're currently in the process of slowly then suddenly.
The reason this has to be done is because progressivism is a process, by definition, that arbitrarily uses the long arc of history, from the rear view mirror, to determine righteous purity of actions today vs how the participant will be viewed at some undefined endpoint.
By it's nature it requires ever increasing reductive form of purity today vs. what they BELIEVE it's evaluation will be in the future.
In this way its never good enough and the end will always justify the means because they watch themselves by some distant utopia (always a moving target) that they construct to fill their "god" hole.
It is a religion with no end. They seek rapture by their own devices by virtue of assuming today's data wil apply to tomorrow's world.
And if you disturb their metaphysical process of rapture (or even question it) you are immediately rendered as being on the wrong side of history.
Many of us are dealing with this every day from people we used to love, and sort of still love but can not tolerate their disdain for those that do not feel like standing around on their silly path of clownworld
I remember the first time I was censured for opposing the philosophy we now call "leftism". In sixth grade - 1958!
Our young teacher was extolling the virtues of Mao's new "Great Leap Forward". (China's 2nd "Five Year Plan"). I tried to repeat some my Aunt's eyewitness stories of the horrors of Maoism. (She and my Uncle were Church of England missionaries in China - my Uncle was "disappeared" - arrested and never seen again).
I can't remember the teacher's exact words, but I can still see her face as she advised the class of 12 year olds, there was no need to think, the government (Mao Tse-Tung) had developed perfect plans.
I was banished to the school Library for the rest of that term. (Please throw me into the Briar Patch!) For the crime of disagreeing with a teacher, I was given an "F" in social studies. And labeled a "troublemaker".
Great is your uncle’s reward in heaven. Thank you for sharing this. What we are experiencing is really nothing new. With the internet and constant news bombardment, we think our travails are unique to this age. You may have had an”F” in social studies but a PHD in discernment. I am guessing you are about 78. May Jesus bless you with many more years to impart your wisdom.
wow! How traumatic that must've been for you. As Nancy said, however, it provided you with a PhD in discernment and awareness and hopefully that has served you well your whole life.
It is interesting that even then the blush of Marxist ideology was creeping into education. In those same years critical thinking was still being taught in California (at least in my experience). I am a military brat, and without exception, in every school I attended all were equal from the Mexican (legal) immigrant children, the military kids and even the (few) wealthy kids…and teachers still tried to challenge our critical thinking skills…. I thought this was universal until I moved to France during high school.
there's a lot of folks angry on all "sides" though. I think the cabal want everyone angry and hateful ... it's the best emotional zone to be easily manipulated. We could all use help on how to get out of that zone. That's where the memes -- and laughter -- play a big role.
Woke is a tumbleweed, by its very nature it is already vanquished. No woke house intersection-ally divided against itself will stand. It is an inverted heirarchy of chaotic intersectionality subjectively predicated upon the idea of who is the most marginalized.
And there is an internal paradox within it. On the one hand it is predicated on the very fact that we should judge people based not on color gender or creed, while at the same time celebrating those very differences. There must be Diversity/Equity/Inclusion and these very ideas all contradict one another. If we are celebrating diversity, we are celebrating differences. If we are encouraging equity, we are making all things fair, in so doing, we are undermining diversity. How can one celebrate diversity and yet allow others doing things "better" than others to continue doing so as it in its way undermines other races/genders.
Inclusion should then also mean that those who participate in athletics should be chosen randomly, should they not? I mean it isn't being very "inclusive" to only have superlative athletes perform in competition. Everyone should get a chance. That's only fair.
What about those that are cognitively adverse to participating in things they don't want to be included in? Isn't the fair thing to do to include them as well, especially if they have hidden talents or skills unexplored to be able to participate in such parts of society.
And what about....
Woke will tumble on, and by its very nature will not set down roots, because it's always moving.
My husband and I were talking about the theme song of All In The Family, which as a Gen Xer is imbedded in my childhood memories. Fascinating lyrics whose time has come around again:
Those Were the Days (All in The Family Theme Song) Lyrics
In last days, largely thanks to you, Dear Gato, I have been envisioning one of those beautiful and delicate Japanese paintings of the wave. Cresting high, curling, just at the brink of falling. I see Wokery as sitting at the crest of that wave, while beneath it is seen still water, moving slowly, as is simply natural for water where there is not wind. Glass-like. Calm.
Leftists blathering on about indoctrinating children and using them as propaganda props after over a century of socialists of every variety - international, national, democratic etc. ad nauseam - doing exactly that time after time after time is a perfect demonstration of perhaps the primary foundational pillar of collectivist ideology:
A breathtaking, stratospheric level of hypocrisy that has to be experienced to be believed.
Yes. The cult of collectivism is by far the most poisonous, destructive, inhumane in human history.
These people have utterly destroyed every society, economy and polity they've ever seized control of, without exception. They have murdered hundreds of millions and impoverished and displaced countless millions more during their centuries-long reign of terror.
Just an unmitigated catastrophic track record, and yet still we must fight and grapple with these barbarians at every turn as they are relentlessly pursuing the opportunity to do it yet again.
Humanity will never be truly civilized until they are defeated once and for all.
The guy is either the most clueless man alive or triple black belt in hypocrisy. Of course he could be both but that level of mastery would be preternatural.
I left a reply but I am sure it will be taken down.
Either case, if these kiddos understand what they are saying, and they do seem old enough to comprehend, why is this guy sobbing about them. I am sure he is all for gender reassignment outside of the family, you know just the teachers know (experts, you know?)
I used to be an RN and gave advice and unsolicited advice freely, I did not expect anyone to obey, but I had many friends rely on my opinion at various times. However, now, according to my son in law, I am not really an expert.
I thought the way the kids nailed every inflection was itself such a joy. And the little homage to "The Shining" slipped in too. I could play that ad all day.
mannnnny years ago, we had a neighbor down the street, gosh this must have been 23 years ago!!? and she was a US govt employee- and her job was something about race discrimination cases.....
Well, my hubbs worked for the US govt as a contracts lawyer in a completely different realm.
He said people like her were a pain in the ass. That was over 20 years ago.
Wokeness is really built on an old-fashioned word: hypocrisy. It is hypocritical to exempt oneself from the laws/rules you expect others to live by. No one can be honest and say they want to live in a woke world, especially as indicated by the video. Ask them if they want their children or grandchildren to be judged by the color of their skin, et al.
WOW. I LOVVVVE that Red Balloon ad. Jeez wow
This is not only jobs, it is FAMILY too. What used to be a comfortable happy laughing environment in family gatherings is over. All family gatherings in my circle are humans walking on eggshells
being crybabies. It ruins everything. family gatherings are not like they used to be. Why?
Why is everyone ... I mean family, so sensitive. Could it be in the jabbs? j/k
Great commercial. Those kids would love to work under DIE simp Mark Cuban and his intersectionality shield Dallas Mavericks CEO Cynt Marshall. Hat tip to el gato malo for mocking those clowns as well:
Cuban, ugh.
What a t*rd that guy is.
Maybe the divisive aspect of the jab religiousity is a feature not a side effect. Tearing down families makes it easier to make people docile with no family to turn to.
hubbs and I are suffering
We have not seen my dear daughter and her shitty husband in two years. That I can deal with, but they have three adorable babies. Some days I feel like I am going crazy with grief. I need to keep a handle on it though.
I’m sorry Rosemary. Don’t give up
thank you Linda. It has been pretty pathetic
They are selfish
Selfish and - hope you don’t mind my saying so - stupid
agree with stupid and selfish.
My -2 cent advice. Chances are these are daughters and sons with grandkids out there who have a parent who disowned them as well. Maybe we should be seeking out, in addition to providing avenues of re-entry into our lives, the ability to connect with others like us who are now "without harbor."
There are kids out there that would love a surrogate grandma. Won't replace those that have been taken from you. But it could provide some healing for the grandparent that refuses to see them as well.
wise words Jimmy
Hubbs and I have been spending more time with my older daughers' girls, and also the kiddos on our street have been very kind and including us in their activities and school performances. That has been a great diversion
God bless your older daughter
That was my advice also. It worked for me and enriched my life as well as my adopted family!
I do know that this banning and shunning ghosting behavior runs rampant in on particular in law family. His mother to be precise. It is an behavior I am not familiar with.
what a fun group of in laws these must be. My MIL died not having spoken to her sisters in decades. signs of a unsupportable dynamic running through
I'm so sorry! 💔
Hang in there. Surprising (good) things do happen. Be of good heart.
I’m so sorry
happened to my cousin as well. She's having a great time without them now, though. "their loss" she says.
I really really need to take on that state of being, Suzanne.
I am grateful for the kind responses to my so frequent lamenting here on various blogs. I am not a cry baby, but I miss my grand kids
oh, I am sure it has been heartbreaking, no doubt about that. At some point, it's also a duty to give yourself the love and honor you deserve. This post made my eyes well up today, in a good way.
"... Never before in humanity has there been such a 'casting', now we know who is the best on planet Earth. Women, men, old, young, rich, poor, of all races or religions, unvaccinated, chosen from an invisible ark, the only ones who managed to resist when it all came crashing down.
"You are -- you -- You have passed the unimaginable test that many of the toughest Marines, Commandos, Green Berets, Astronauts and Geniuses have not withstood.
"You are made of the material of the greatest who ever lived, those heroes born among ordinary people who shine in the darkness."
not a cry baby. These examples help us know what's going on. If you were a crybaby, you would be a TikTok creature
So, so sorry, my mom is in the same boat with my younger brother (total dick) but two beautiful granddaughters…to my sister-in-laws credit she at least brings the kids to see my mom…but no one else in the family. I haven’t seen my nieces in 2 years!!
Oh Jean, that is very sad. I know that pain. I am envious that your sister in law brings the kids. It is very difficult. Just complete concrete stubborn anger and this is our lesson of great discernment and attention!!
The stubbornness is beyond. Not sure about your situation but my mom and younger brother were extremely close. He was the baby of 7 kids! I could see him dropping the rest of us, but never my mom! COVID hysteria is a mental illness brought on by mass hysteria or mass psychosis or whatever you want to call it! I am truly sorry for your situation!!
My daughter and I used to be very very close too.
Perhaps one day I will write a whole blog about it.
I have my own history of trauma over the past 10 years caring for my parents and the over bearing brother and sister, either not caring at all or directing my decisions. Very weird. I am taking it all in stride and not allowing it to destroy me.
So sorry. Happened too often. How will the children explain their absence on Grandparent’s Day? Politics should never overrule love.
That’s awful!
I would have thought that being brought into this world would preclude some modicum of consideration if not obligation.
It certainly did when I was growing up. I learned to never argue with adults
and just be respectful.
I am so very sorry, Rosemary. I have been very grateful that my daughter and her family agreed with me that Fauci and company are dangerous tyrants. I never lost a day with my gorgeous grandchildren during the dark days of “lockdowns.” Bless you!
Thank you
You are blessed!!
Time to reach out to younger like minded people with kids and “adopt” them! I did and am now the proud recipient of 3 adorable “grand” kids who are everything I would wish for my own to be. I consider myself very lucky but I had to seek them out.
I've been thinking exactly the same thing. Intentional harm to relationships as well as bodies. Mistrust by the bucketloads. Cabal-generated psyop mastery.
It's been tough for those of us who resisted. However, the Cabal seriously miscalculated. Sure, they destroyed many existing relationships, but they also pushed us to build new, often stronger ones. And they revealed their hand too early. Now we are on to them. Here in Switzerland, we are probably the only country on Earth who were actually allowed to vote on the Covid measures. We did so three times - and each time 60% voted to keep them on the books till at least 2030. However, a very vocal 40% said no. That means that even if they try to reinstate the measures, they know that almost half of us aren't going to play.
Yes. (And I’m pretty sure that vote was rigged.)
Sadly true, divide and rule.
True. But it's also made a lot of families and individuals stronger. And "family" now includes a lot of people who are not related to me but whom I know I can trust in a crisis. The Covid paranoia was the WEF's big play - and it failed.
Yeah it must be nice to have an epistemology that resides in the expanse between the undefined and redefined, constantly being "refined" to support their center of gravity.
Their internal narrative requires no compass because it is defined by the topography they create as the cartographers of their eternal entropic utopia.
This is why they are clueless; by thinking their definition of utopia can be functional in reality, they have created a dystopia...out of nothing but hot air.
And they are so abjectly humorless. So tiresome.
Mind numbing.
Said it before, but pretty sure a lack of sense of humor is tightly correlated to lack of common sense.
Excellent. Point. Those characteristics always seem to be found in the same people
Make that a certainty. Believe it or not these anagrams come from the phrase 'lack of sense of humor'. These are 3 of top 6 longest.
Add to which are
By the way 'common sense' contains the word 'memes'.
Never trust someone with no sense of humor
100%. Usually backstabbers.
What an insight! Has to be!
Go to a school board meeting to test my hypothesis.
Or talk to a person who thinks jihad on innocents is justified.
If you don't like something, simply redefine it.
We're coming to the end of the period where that still works, Jimmy. Reality is on its way.
And then, like the group the "Average White Band"'s time to "Pick Up The Pieces."
Average White Band? Jeez, Jimmy, get with it, you neanderthal! I think you mean "The Huge Potential but thwarted by white supremacy Person of Color hating musical patriarchy grouping"
I am hopeful.
My older son in laws little sister lives locally. She and her hubbs just had a baby boy. They named him Calvin :-D
I am going to be an aunt granny
Dangit Bubba, your first sentence has me feeling like I've been "fined" for an offense I did not commit. Now that I am guilty, I aim to misbehave (hat tip to Mal Reynolds).
Nah. You're just fine being unrefined in my book
Mucho grassyass.
Not in my family. We have been laughing at the young, naïve ones for generations. It is the right of passage that taught me how to laugh at myself. It makes life so much FUN.
Same here. I have 4 kids and they're all as un-Woke and un-PC you can get, but they are still good people who help out when needed.
You, el gato, are what Lin Yutang describes as “the scamp” in his 1937 book “The Importance of Living.” According to Yutang, it is the scamp—otherwise known as memesters, satirists, humorists, comedians, and heyokas—who will save us from tyranny:
“In this present age of threats to democracy and individual liberty, probably only the scamp and the spirit of the scamp alone will save us from becoming lost as serially numbered units in the masses of disciplined, obedient, regimented and uniformed coolies. The scamp will be the last and most formidable enemy of dictatorships. He will be the champion of human dignity and individual freedom, and will be the last to be conquered. All modern civilization depends entirely upon him.”
For more delectable Yutang quotes and tables displaying his brilliant “pseudo-scientific formula” “by which the mechanism of human progress and historical change can be expressed” (hint: Reality + Dreams + Humor = Wisdom), see my first letter exchange with David Josef Volodzko:
Charlie Chaplin brilliantly set the example when warning about Nazis by making them ridiculous.
As did Mel Brooks.
It's Spring Time for Hitler...
Is he still alive? Brooks = comic genius.
Just about. I can't imagine showing "Blazing Saddles" to today's Woke kids. I'd love to be a fly on the wall.
True, but he should have done the same to the commies.
great point
During these dark days of social madness and diabolical tyranny, I have described myself as ungovernable. I will happily add “elderly scamp!”
Touché ! I am also all of the above with an additional “deplorable” thrown in ………..
LIve as if freedom exists.
We need to make Bicentennial Scamp Stamps.
Ouch. Does that include ink and lower back tapestries?
Love this
Madame, gatito malo malo is a recalcitrant reprobate.
That was a great book. Don't get angry, get funny.
So glad you know about it! So few people have ever heard of Lin Yutang let alone that book, and yet it's packed with hilarity and wisdom.
It's quite sad too. Yutang was writing just before it all went pear-shaped and the great dictatorships came in to trample the individual.
This is great, and so true of the humorless woke pedants. It explains why Saturday Night Live is no longer funny: if you are government-approved humor, you are as a rule, not funny.
Agreed, I was thinking about SNL as I was reading
I was about to say that "government" and "humor" should never be in the same sentence. Then I thought of Kamala Harris.
What about Joe Biden too?
If he wasn't such an evil S.o.B, I'd feel sorry for him. His wife must be a psychopath to keep on putting him through this.
Or you are unintentionally very funny.
If you can't laugh at yourself don't worry, everyone else will.
Wer'e not laughing at you, but with you, only you aren't joining in.
I think we learned in preschool to mock the ones who take themselves really seriously.
Maybe not preschool per say. In Pre school I was too busy dealing with the nuances of nap time. But it would be fun to see a cartoon of two kids looking at the third one decked out in a very unserious attire and one kid is saying to his friend "Mr. Wall Street Over Thinks he is the shit when he doesn't realize he's in dire need of a diaper change."
Great. Now can we drive out all the rest of the unserious ideas that come with wokeness too, like the idea that there is a "transition" to renewable energy going on. It is literally impossible from a material-scarcity standpoint to replace the 80% of carbon based energy production that we currently rely upon with solar and wind generated alternatives.
Depends on what kind of wind you are referring to.
Well, to be fair to them, there WILL be a transition: to the Dark Ages.
So I am at this meeting where the topic is Climate Change. The speaker drones on and on citing the rising CO2 “pollution” of our atmosphere and decries the fact that we are at almost at 400ppm. He goes on to put down all forms of energy except wind and solar, making many claims that are patently false. Then he opens the floor for questions. One fellow launches into a diatribe of facts and quickly gets put down by the speaker. I rise up stating that I have one simple question: “Since 400ppm is too high and 0ppm would end all life on Earth, what is the ideal amount of CO2?” Dead silence!
That's the other weapon we should use apart from humor: precision-guided questions. Another example is "Can you tell us how many of Al Gore's predictions from 2008 came true" or "Why have the Arctic Ice Caps seem record low ice melt this year when we were told that they would be gone in 2013?"
Good point. My question was intended to be entirely neutral and not give away my position by leaving politics out of it. After the stunning dead silence pause the speaker tried to come up with an answer and mumbled something about preindustrial levels. Someone else yelled and asked what those were in ppm as I got up and left.
That's where you deepen the stunned silence by mentioning the Medieval Warm Period. Another two good questions for whenever you hear the "hottest since records began!" spiel is to ask when records began (150 years ago, and only in some countries), and then how long the Earth and its climate have been in existence.
Good thoughts but you are slipping back into fighting emotion with logic.
I have no illusions, Kern. These people are immune to reason. Asking these kind of questions is rather like voting for Trump: you know it probably won't do any good, but it sure as hell annoys the Wokesters.
Questions can be the finest retort to asinine statements. Bravo.
Absolutely brilliant.
💥 is the real thing. They’ve been laying the foundation of a viable parallel economy since 2021 along with other pioneers like Andrew Torba and his Gab enterprises.
Spot on.
Woke needs to be vanquished immediately, from a temporal piecemeal standpoint, before it sets further roots. We're currently in the process of slowly then suddenly.
The reason this has to be done is because progressivism is a process, by definition, that arbitrarily uses the long arc of history, from the rear view mirror, to determine righteous purity of actions today vs how the participant will be viewed at some undefined endpoint.
By it's nature it requires ever increasing reductive form of purity today vs. what they BELIEVE it's evaluation will be in the future.
In this way its never good enough and the end will always justify the means because they watch themselves by some distant utopia (always a moving target) that they construct to fill their "god" hole.
It is a religion with no end. They seek rapture by their own devices by virtue of assuming today's data wil apply to tomorrow's world.
And if you disturb their metaphysical process of rapture (or even question it) you are immediately rendered as being on the wrong side of history.
Oh yes.
This has been going on for a few years.
Many of us are dealing with this every day from people we used to love, and sort of still love but can not tolerate their disdain for those that do not feel like standing around on their silly path of clownworld
Our clown world is their utopia.
It will never be enough!
Who are we to question the purity of their center of gravity?!
Nicely said, it is self-perpetuating and endless. To infinity and beyond
and they are so angry and stubborn they will never give it a thought. Why think?
I remember the first time I was censured for opposing the philosophy we now call "leftism". In sixth grade - 1958!
Our young teacher was extolling the virtues of Mao's new "Great Leap Forward". (China's 2nd "Five Year Plan"). I tried to repeat some my Aunt's eyewitness stories of the horrors of Maoism. (She and my Uncle were Church of England missionaries in China - my Uncle was "disappeared" - arrested and never seen again).
I can't remember the teacher's exact words, but I can still see her face as she advised the class of 12 year olds, there was no need to think, the government (Mao Tse-Tung) had developed perfect plans.
I was banished to the school Library for the rest of that term. (Please throw me into the Briar Patch!) For the crime of disagreeing with a teacher, I was given an "F" in social studies. And labeled a "troublemaker".
Great is your uncle’s reward in heaven. Thank you for sharing this. What we are experiencing is really nothing new. With the internet and constant news bombardment, we think our travails are unique to this age. You may have had an”F” in social studies but a PHD in discernment. I am guessing you are about 78. May Jesus bless you with many more years to impart your wisdom.
wow! How traumatic that must've been for you. As Nancy said, however, it provided you with a PhD in discernment and awareness and hopefully that has served you well your whole life.
It is interesting that even then the blush of Marxist ideology was creeping into education. In those same years critical thinking was still being taught in California (at least in my experience). I am a military brat, and without exception, in every school I attended all were equal from the Mexican (legal) immigrant children, the military kids and even the (few) wealthy kids…and teachers still tried to challenge our critical thinking skills…. I thought this was universal until I moved to France during high school.
Who needs to think when you have an epistemology of I'm right because I'm angry and angry because I'm right?
It's the perfect impenetrable purity circle.
there's a lot of folks angry on all "sides" though. I think the cabal want everyone angry and hateful ... it's the best emotional zone to be easily manipulated. We could all use help on how to get out of that zone. That's where the memes -- and laughter -- play a big role.
Yup. Hate is the most stable of emotions
Woke is a tumbleweed, by its very nature it is already vanquished. No woke house intersection-ally divided against itself will stand. It is an inverted heirarchy of chaotic intersectionality subjectively predicated upon the idea of who is the most marginalized.
And there is an internal paradox within it. On the one hand it is predicated on the very fact that we should judge people based not on color gender or creed, while at the same time celebrating those very differences. There must be Diversity/Equity/Inclusion and these very ideas all contradict one another. If we are celebrating diversity, we are celebrating differences. If we are encouraging equity, we are making all things fair, in so doing, we are undermining diversity. How can one celebrate diversity and yet allow others doing things "better" than others to continue doing so as it in its way undermines other races/genders.
Inclusion should then also mean that those who participate in athletics should be chosen randomly, should they not? I mean it isn't being very "inclusive" to only have superlative athletes perform in competition. Everyone should get a chance. That's only fair.
What about those that are cognitively adverse to participating in things they don't want to be included in? Isn't the fair thing to do to include them as well, especially if they have hidden talents or skills unexplored to be able to participate in such parts of society.
And what about....
Woke will tumble on, and by its very nature will not set down roots, because it's always moving.
So it doesn't count that I can dunk on an eight foot basketball goal?!
It counts. But we're not keeping score, and you, like everyone else, including the waterboy, are all getting participation trophies.
Wow! A world beating captain of industry...AND...a world class athlete. Dribble on Curly (see if you get that one).
Globetrotters....thwack...get that shit out here!
I agree with Dr Linda—- well put!!
My husband and I were talking about the theme song of All In The Family, which as a Gen Xer is imbedded in my childhood memories. Fascinating lyrics whose time has come around again:
Those Were the Days (All in The Family Theme Song) Lyrics
Boy, the way Glenn Miller played
Songs that made the Hit Parade
Guys like us, we had it made
Those were the days
And you knew who you were then
Girls were girls, and men were men
Mister, we could use a man
Like Herbert Hoover again
Didn't need no welfare state
Everybody pulled his weight
Gee, our old LaSalle ran great
Those were the days
{In the longer version}
People seemed to be content
Fifty dollars paid the rent
Freaks were in a circus tent
Those were the days
Take a little Sunday spin
Go to watch the Dodgers win
Have yourself a dandy day
That cost you under a fin
Hair was short, and skirts were long
Kate Smith really sold a song
I don't know just what went wrong
Those were the days
In last days, largely thanks to you, Dear Gato, I have been envisioning one of those beautiful and delicate Japanese paintings of the wave. Cresting high, curling, just at the brink of falling. I see Wokery as sitting at the crest of that wave, while beneath it is seen still water, moving slowly, as is simply natural for water where there is not wind. Glass-like. Calm.
beautifully stated!!
Very poetic!
Oh God yes. Yes! Yes! Yes!
[I need a big, big, big bar of chocolate now!]
I’m blushing after that response☺️
And here's this! (There had to be this. There had to be.)
Leftists blathering on about indoctrinating children and using them as propaganda props after over a century of socialists of every variety - international, national, democratic etc. ad nauseam - doing exactly that time after time after time is a perfect demonstration of perhaps the primary foundational pillar of collectivist ideology:
A breathtaking, stratospheric level of hypocrisy that has to be experienced to be believed.
To be sure I feel the same way about every cult.
Yes. The cult of collectivism is by far the most poisonous, destructive, inhumane in human history.
These people have utterly destroyed every society, economy and polity they've ever seized control of, without exception. They have murdered hundreds of millions and impoverished and displaced countless millions more during their centuries-long reign of terror.
Just an unmitigated catastrophic track record, and yet still we must fight and grapple with these barbarians at every turn as they are relentlessly pursuing the opportunity to do it yet again.
Humanity will never be truly civilized until they are defeated once and for all.
Make Ayn Rand’s “Anthem” or “We the Living”mandatory reading in jr high
I had my son reading Atlas Shrugged in Jr. High.
He's been on our team ever since.
A long slog but well worth the time. You’re a wonderful parent!
*All* cults are bad.
Indeed, but not equally.
I entirely disagree.
this is pretty sad and pathetic sobbing. "Waaaah my blocks are falling down"
The guy is either the most clueless man alive or triple black belt in hypocrisy. Of course he could be both but that level of mastery would be preternatural.
I left a reply but I am sure it will be taken down.
Either case, if these kiddos understand what they are saying, and they do seem old enough to comprehend, why is this guy sobbing about them. I am sure he is all for gender reassignment outside of the family, you know just the teachers know (experts, you know?)
I used to be an RN and gave advice and unsolicited advice freely, I did not expect anyone to obey, but I had many friends rely on my opinion at various times. However, now, according to my son in law, I am not really an expert.
Shit heads the bunch of them
I thought the way the kids nailed every inflection was itself such a joy. And the little homage to "The Shining" slipped in too. I could play that ad all day.
I didn’t even see a place to comment. Maybe he got a lot of flak.
As for hypocrisy, these are the same folks who think it’s a great idea for little children to go to drag shows and pride parades.
His bio says that he makes his living in DEI, so...
mannnnny years ago, we had a neighbor down the street, gosh this must have been 23 years ago!!? and she was a US govt employee- and her job was something about race discrimination cases.....
Well, my hubbs worked for the US govt as a contracts lawyer in a completely different realm.
He said people like her were a pain in the ass. That was over 20 years ago.
Well yes. That was obvious. Protecting the turf.
How appropriate that his first name is “Effenus” 🤣🤣. “F-ing Us” (over) is all DEI dipshits like this can do.
He's just a sad putz.
But this guy:
It appears Mr. Henderson doth protesteth too much.
It appears Mr. Henderson enjoys using ramrods in the place of wet wipes.
annnnnnnddddd this 100 proves gato's thesis. 🤣 And um, Greta. 🤣
The Elite Machine Behind Greta Thunberg
Many thanks. I see your comment on my post and so I have pinned that one.
You betcha!
This a parody, right?
I was afraid of that
These people have done their best to murder satire. But they ain't got the chops.
Pfizer Super Bowl ad …
Caught by, "Don't stop me!"---heard it as a plea before seeing what followed. Perhaps it is a fear-touched plea.
I thought the same!
oh my!! That was embarrassingly terrible
Extremely cringeworthy, indeed!
And yet the comments section is turned off. I would love to see the ratio on that one!
777 likes ... which is I'm sure an illuminati number.
Should be 777 yikes!
And...there were SO many subliminals in that ad it made my head spin. I want to barf.
during and after which I shouted "fuck you" many times at the tv.
WTF??? Pfizer hyper-bole more like!
“We live in a time when intelligent people are being silenced so that stupid people won’t be offended.”
"Have you considered hitting them with a rolled-up newspaper? It might also increase circulation"
Wokeness is really built on an old-fashioned word: hypocrisy. It is hypocritical to exempt oneself from the laws/rules you expect others to live by. No one can be honest and say they want to live in a woke world, especially as indicated by the video. Ask them if they want their children or grandchildren to be judged by the color of their skin, et al.