The lesson should be to apply the law equally and clean up the subway and streets of NYC so that any further hero's like Penny will be unnecessary!
I predict people have had enough. No amount of pompous punditry is going to convince an irate public that their lived experience is a figment of their imagination.
somehow i missed the article. but i'm familiar with the case. it's outrageous
seems like it all culminated with one word:
something has gone terribly wrong in society. i think it boils down to four things; the emasculation of men, declining testosterone (which is in a feedback loop with number one), lack of physical interaction between humans (sense of community, etc.) and all this social tyranny bs.
New Yawk has a long history of people standing and watching as murders occur. And given the makeup of the current population, I doubt it's going to change a whole lot.
I vividly remember that as a kid in DC, it was all over the news. People were shocked and horrified. Times have changed, but it seems people haven't...
This was first published in June of 2023 but near the end you reference Daniel Penny’s case. I’m assuming you updated the article this week? Or is Substack improperly showing the date as 2023?
Btw, very eye-opening article that strengthens and gives fantastic reasons for why el gato’s assertion that we need these two laws, castle and stand your ground, pretty much nationwide.
As a seasoned subway riding NYer the truth is that there is no way to protect against every random crazy person among us & the only thing you can count on for protection is the crowd around you. It's the best le4sson and least known 9-11 heroes story where over half a million were rescued in under 9 hours dwarfing the evacuation at Dunkirk that took 9 days. Look around we save ourselves.
I had a son who lived in NYC and rode the subway daily. I asked him if he was safe and he said, "Well, I'm 6'2", and I'm paying attention all the time. I feel relatively safe." So glad he got the F out of that sht hole.
Over many decades NYC has big ups and downs but it is always a treasure that blends millions of global styles, languages and cultures in the most patient tolerant crowd in America & wouldn't live anywhere else!
I do not and didn’t find NYC crowd tolerant towards me in 2020/2021 during the C-19 plandemic :( and NYC and it’s disgusting mayor during the summer of love riots were oh so tolerant of the rioters! (Peaceful protests lol)
I will never go back unless the elected officials in NYC and Albany are all removed.
CIA lackey DeBlasio was a horrible Mayor but the protests were largely peaceful which I know because there are dozens where I was there taking pictures & pictures when we had lockdowns too. In my experience most folks mirror the energy they get & people are people wherever you go.. bad attitude plays nowhere sounds like a personal problem.
I've had it since it started and I DGAF what laws my state has, you threaten any innocence around me and I WILL NOT STAND BY. As you already know RG! This guy is my hero of 2024 and 2025 unless someone can top him!
I'm hoping that an irate public sees the necessity of maintaining law and order and demands our public servants uphold the law or change it when necessary. Shades of "... good men doing nothing" coming to the fore.
"I predict people have had enough. No amount of pompous punditry is going to convince an irate public that their lived experience is a figment of their imagination."
You're never going to get a job in the mainstream media with that attitude.
That Penny was ever charged with anything is a travesty, but typical of how "justice" in Dem controlled areas of America is administered. If Penny had been black and the nutbag white, Penny would have been hailed as a hero and the mayor would have given him a medal. And just because Trump has been elected does not mean that this twisting of the Rule of Law is going to end quickly. There are vast numbers of deeply entrenched judges and prosecutors who should be removed, and that will be difficult, time consuming, and expensive. BUT, Never Give Up! Never Surrender!
This is indeed great news. Penny stomped out a loser who was acting out dangerously on the subway. While we can lament the loss of life, he defended people. At least that's my current view. On the folks screaming "white supremacy" while having done NOTHING about him being homeless in the first place, nothing is quite as transparent as their bullshit.
As a personal aside, I was amazed at the behavior of the jury on which I served. They were just as unwilling to be pawns of the system as was I. I'd like to think that's what happened here. (Edit: Serving on a jury was one of my personal highlights. If you care about justice, serving on a jury and getting the chance to influence it is the closest you may come to actually playing a direct part. Do NOT get out of jury duty. Embrace it!)
As the daughter of a Judge (he passed in 2019 before Covid), I am ecstatic to see your post Wilster -- I had the privilege of watching decades of my father in the courtroom addressing juries in all manner of cases. He always lamented that they were not properly compensated for the wages they lost when serving, and barely compensated for parking and lunch. His jury instructions were always really fascinating and to the letter, because he wanted to make sure that he had no errors that could be brought up on an appeal. Before he dismissed any jury he used to say to them (yeah, I have it practically memorized):
"We can't properly compensate you for your lost time and wages, but what makes America different from totalitarian countries who hate us and want to kill us, is that we bring our citizens in off the street to determine a fair and just decision as a jury of one's peers. As you leave, you have the right to speak - or not to speak -- to anyone, including members of the press, about anything related to this trial. And before you leave, I am available to meet with any of you to answer any questions or concerns you may have about these proceedings." And with that, he would step off the bench and walk to the side of the room and wait for anyone who wanted to speak to him confidentially. I am tearing up here thinking about it because at least half the jury would line up instead of bolting out the door. I was so proud of my fellow citizens who took jury duty seriously.
I am just as pleased to share my experience as you are to hear about it. I did not mention that the reason I know the defendant would have faced 25 years had we convicted him is that the judge gave us a "postscript" before he released us. He explained all the nuances. Your dad sounds like a wonderful example of a jurist.
I was actually on an extremely high profile murder case right as I had gotten out of college (and here in MA, the intentionally send summons' to college students because if you are studying, they automatically eat up your couple emergency exemptions to serving - so they know they can seat you on unpopular, lengthy cases).
I'm almost ashamed to say that my primary feelings were that of gross inconvenience. That is until my then girlfriends retired federal judge grandfather - who was somewhat famous for speaking out against the like of Vietnam while wearing his robes in the 70's - gave me an incredibly rousing speech about the importance of my giving a shit about serving. Completely changed my POV on the entire trial.
With regard to the compensation aspect, I was working for the state and they are required to pay me my salary while sitting on a state Superior Court jury. But we not one but TWO wedding photographers and this trial started in the beginning of June, stretching until just after July 4th. A couple other small business owners who I think get some ridiculous stipend but only for like, the first two weeks, if that. I felt awful for them. But like your father, our Judge was incredibly compassionate and responsive to our needs, knowing that we were really going through it. She took great pains to thank us for our service at every oppurtunity, publicly and privately. And I guess I just wanted to say that good, honest Judges like your father, my gf's grandfather, and the judge in my case DO have the ability to rouse the everyman to actually appreciate our justice system.
Thanks for sharing this great story- what an amazing experience! Most of us were raised to view jury duty with disdain and figure out ways to get out of it. Surprisingly I was only called for jury duty twice in my life and both cases were dismissed before the trial could even start. In one case the judge came in and apologized profusely for our time and said the plaintiff (domestic abuse case) didn't show up to trial and her attorney couldn't find her.
We need to be absolute pit bulls in protecting our community on the local level. How many of us when voting leave the judge slots empty on the ballot? Or worse, randomly bubble in with no research? One year there was a judge who was in the courtroom next to my father and was arrested for selling drugs out of his chambers. He had 7 kids and this was in a major Midwestern city. Why was he elected in the first place?
One other thing people are completely blind to is that there's a concerted effort among many lawyers to pick the lowest IQ, lowest educated and low information jury possible. People they can manipulate and sway. And that's easy to do since most of the more highly educated people in high level jobs most usually find a way to get dismissed. This alone should be reason enough for active participation. It's so good to hear from people like you who care about the process- this is what I absolutely love about substack- finding like minded people who care about our world - Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays and Happy New Year!
What a wonderful Judge your father was to give that speech and then make good on his word to answer any questions. Thanks for sharing that. Most of us never get to see the underpinnings of what makes our justice system so enlightened.
Right. He actually died later. the choke hold may have contributed, but the "K" ? i am not savvey of street names for drugs (according to some of the press) he was doing was the ultimate cause of death.
And a diagnosis of schizophrenia further complicates whatever might have been going on in his brain to produce the aggressive behavior he demonstrated.
..ride the subways...are you sure you can judge another person who can't take the oppressive tyrannizing of all manner of innocent peoples.. happening 24..7..horribly worsening ...too many raped robbed murdered Innocents victimized on the subways...crime does not death... taxes...disease..*penny was hero...too bad about the perp...the skivey skell the Darwin award...**
Full Disclosure: I was shocked at the outcome, frankly. I anticipated I would be battling "true believers," actively seeking to punish the suspect. Exactly the opposite happened. Also, the defendant we found "Not Guilty" was on his third strike, having previously been convicted during an entrapment situation involving a drug purchase. Had we convicted him, he would have faced 25 years in prison, for an offense not beginning to rise to that level.
Actually, the blame can go more to the police who refused to give the guy medical assistance because he was dirty. Sorry, but that is part of their job. Penny didn't kill this guy. It was police negligence that sat back and let him die. Agree that the trash was taken out, but Penny didn't do it. NYC's finest did.
The job of EMS is to give medical assistance. Rendering medical aid isn't part of police work as they aren't trained sufficiently in lifesaving practices, have no medical equipment on the scene with them, and are not covered legally by Good Samaritan Laws. Bystanders can render aid if they choose and may or may not be open to legal ramifications if things don't go well, but the GSL often protects them.
Yes, the people needing medical help are often "dirty" for one reason or another, but that doesn't keep police, fire, or EMS personnel from giving aid. (I've personally done mouth-to-mouth before masks or mechanical aides were available. You do what you have to do at the time.) The police were not negligent in doing their jobs by not rendering aid.
Good reminder on the importance of good people serving on juries. Here in Seattle you have to walk through a gauntlet of crazy, drug addled homeless in order to get into the courthouse. That may have changed now but it certainly discouraged people from serving the past couple of years.
When I was living in NYC I served on a Grand Jury of the Superior Court (in 2009 IIRC). A few things stood out: a) the older and seemingly better off jurors (boomers or older) paid little attention, acted bored and didn’t contribute; b) the majority of the jury was very discerning of weak DAs with poor cases trying for the “ham sandwich” indictment, and we rejected many; c) the strong cases against obvious malefactors were easily voted to try. I’m glad I got Grand Jury duty as we saw dozens of cases and the full spectrum of weak and strong ones, and only had to vote to indict or “no true bill”. And I hope Senor Gato’s interpretation of the Penny jury’s behavior is true!
ah, melissa, you are very much somebody. your voice and choices have tremendous value and power. the same is true for each of us. always remember that…and never minimize yourself.
heehee, glad that you specified although we are unlikely to receive any cow pies in our driveway here in S. Dakota in winter. we did receive several, however, when we lived in a town called Yucaipa, CA where some cows broke down their fence and came to visit our neighborhood.
It is all falling down, right before their very eyes, for these race baiting bigots.
Even though the judge allowed Bragg's office to constantly refer to Penny as "the white man" and "the white defendant" in the trials, some of the best witnesses in the case for Penny were black passengers. They didn't buy into this race-based ideological bullshit that demanded social justice to find Penny guilty.
The entire premise of race as full-field theory of the world being divided into oppressor and oppressed classes has met its end!
I watched the police handling the protesters. (Clip on It looked like they were not taking any shit but were being careful not to exacerbate the situation.
Well, when the company that used to provide your funding is $20M in the hole *cough cough DNC cough* it's a lot harder to gin up the labor and materials required for a good riot.
No one remembers that during the Obama admin, they were fining big companies, and then distributing the money collected to various NGO's... I would surmise that those funds flows are what helped stake the "activism" payroll (and bricks) that was brought to bear against Trump and conservatives.
I read about a man with an expensive shop in his large garage. He rebuilt cars for a hobby. Lots of tools and parts etc. His garage was being broken into so he called the police. He was informed they would likely take a half hour or more to get there and he should not do anything until they arrive. He called back 2 minutes later and said ‘No hurry. I went to my garage and shot them.’ Which he hadn’t done. Massive police presence arrived minutes later. The robbers were arrested. The police were annoyed with him.
In europe when your house is getting robbed maybe you should tell the police you are posting racist/Holocaust supporting comments on X as talking on the phone. They will be out in full force.
Now for protecting him for the rest of his life against the baying wolves--gonna take a lot of money. On top of all the costs of his legal cases and the abomination of the civil suit. But at least he ain't going to jail.
Thankfully I live in a place where Stand My Ground AND Castle Doctrine are the law of the land and don’t think for a second that I won’t apply both doctrines. I bought hollow points specifically for the purpose. The only good criminals are dead criminals. I hope to help them meet Jesus or any deity they choose. I refuse to be a victim.
I hope and pray that I never have to exercise my rights and I’m pretty sure that I’d cry like a baby while pulling the trigger. I will pull the trigger but I won’t be happy about it. A cop told me a long time ago that if the worst happens, drag the perp across the threshold but the law wasn’t codified back then and I’d really rather not drag a biohazard I created into my house.
I hope it was Number Three! For years, I was the VP of HR in a large unionized credit union. Some employees would come to me with a jury duty slip, asking me to deny time off. I refused, and explained that the US needs more intelligent level headed citizens to sit on a jury. What if one day, they were innocent or wrongly accused and deserved a fair trial?!!
Ya mean the guy who abandoned his infant son and didn't even know his name thinks that he should get something? Hows about the FOY gets charged for abandonment and failure to raise his son and be made to payback to the state any welfare for whomever did "raise" the kid into the upstanding citizen he became <sarc>.
That is their problem.: always trying the same playbook. The country has moved on. We saw the chaos and destruction after "Saint George" assumed room temperature. It isn't lost on many that this case also had to do with fentanyl. We have seen the dismissal of serious crimes
by the Soros backed judges and the communist activist prosecutors, now including crimes by "newcomers". The political pendulum is swinging away from tolerating such crime.
I lived in Massachusetts, and we had the same thing You could not get a gun ever. Now I move to a red state. I wouldn’t dream of living in a blue state anymore ever except maybe New Hampshire because they have the same gun laws as red state
No one has the right to tell you you can’t defend yourself from a criminal
We should not be putting up with this shit that we are putting up with
Baltimore Colt legend Art Donovan was on Letterman and he told a story about how at the bottom of the pile there was a lot of action until they unpiled - punching and grabbing and poking through the face mask at eyes, etc.
Dave asked him, "What did you do when someone put their fingers in your face mask?" to which Artie replied, "I bit them. I figured anything on the inside is mine!"
That's how it should be when someone's in your house without your invitation.
Sometimes I am surprised and relieved by the common sense of fellow Americans. Jurors are subway riders and often residents in tough urban areas. They are menaced by dangerous people, victimized by crime, and ignored by politicians. Bernie Goetz, Kyle Rittenhouse, and now Daniel Penny were all charged with crimes they should not have been charged with. They were unjustly prosecuted but their trials gave their communities a voice.
somehow, a jury that was hung on manslaughter voted “not guilty” unanimously on criminally negligent homicide.
Maybe the jury took my advice and rode the subway all weekend.
The lesson should be to apply the law equally and clean up the subway and streets of NYC so that any further hero's like Penny will be unnecessary!
I predict people have had enough. No amount of pompous punditry is going to convince an irate public that their lived experience is a figment of their imagination.
It's over imo.
Remember Joesph Lozito -- he got stabbed on the subway by the subject of a city-wide manhunt WHILE OFFICERS SAT AND WATCHED.
somehow i missed the article. but i'm familiar with the case. it's outrageous
seems like it all culminated with one word:
something has gone terribly wrong in society. i think it boils down to four things; the emasculation of men, declining testosterone (which is in a feedback loop with number one), lack of physical interaction between humans (sense of community, etc.) and all this social tyranny bs.
Please don't forget the secularization of society. Without God there are truly no parameters.
Declining testosterone also due to too much soy in foods.
Yes. This.
New Yawk has a long history of people standing and watching as murders occur. And given the makeup of the current population, I doubt it's going to change a whole lot.
Exactly. Kitty Genovese as an example.
I vividly remember that as a kid in DC, it was all over the news. People were shocked and horrified. Times have changed, but it seems people haven't...
This was first published in June of 2023 but near the end you reference Daniel Penny’s case. I’m assuming you updated the article this week? Or is Substack improperly showing the date as 2023?
Btw, very eye-opening article that strengthens and gives fantastic reasons for why el gato’s assertion that we need these two laws, castle and stand your ground, pretty much nationwide.
The Penny/Neely altercation happened on May 1, 2023. The article was written in June 2023.
Edit to add a source:
Oh sheesh how did I miss that? 🤣 I assumed it was this year. Thanks
I reposted both this article and yours on X. They are both so good!
Glad you like them! Hope you don't get banned. :)
As a seasoned subway riding NYer the truth is that there is no way to protect against every random crazy person among us & the only thing you can count on for protection is the crowd around you. It's the best le4sson and least known 9-11 heroes story where over half a million were rescued in under 9 hours dwarfing the evacuation at Dunkirk that took 9 days. Look around we save ourselves.
I had a son who lived in NYC and rode the subway daily. I asked him if he was safe and he said, "Well, I'm 6'2", and I'm paying attention all the time. I feel relatively safe." So glad he got the F out of that sht hole.
Over many decades NYC has big ups and downs but it is always a treasure that blends millions of global styles, languages and cultures in the most patient tolerant crowd in America & wouldn't live anywhere else!
I'm glad you love it. A lot of people seem to!
Merry Christmas to you.
I do not and didn’t find NYC crowd tolerant towards me in 2020/2021 during the C-19 plandemic :( and NYC and it’s disgusting mayor during the summer of love riots were oh so tolerant of the rioters! (Peaceful protests lol)
I will never go back unless the elected officials in NYC and Albany are all removed.
CIA lackey DeBlasio was a horrible Mayor but the protests were largely peaceful which I know because there are dozens where I was there taking pictures & pictures when we had lockdowns too. In my experience most folks mirror the energy they get & people are people wherever you go.. bad attitude plays nowhere sounds like a personal problem.
So many soys, hopefully the non soys have had it.
I've had it since it started and I DGAF what laws my state has, you threaten any innocence around me and I WILL NOT STAND BY. As you already know RG! This guy is my hero of 2024 and 2025 unless someone can top him!
Penny is a hero.
Bernhard goetz was the OG
I'm hoping that an irate public sees the necessity of maintaining law and order and demands our public servants uphold the law or change it when necessary. Shades of "... good men doing nothing" coming to the fore.
"I predict people have had enough. No amount of pompous punditry is going to convince an irate public that their lived experience is a figment of their imagination."
You're never going to get a job in the mainstream media with that attitude.
we just shake our heads, right?
Lol. My thoughts exactly. Jurors probably experienced a crazed homeless assault someone on the ride home last Friday.
Rode the subway this weekend.
Many good people.
Too many acting awfully as well.
That Penny was ever charged with anything is a travesty, but typical of how "justice" in Dem controlled areas of America is administered. If Penny had been black and the nutbag white, Penny would have been hailed as a hero and the mayor would have given him a medal. And just because Trump has been elected does not mean that this twisting of the Rule of Law is going to end quickly. There are vast numbers of deeply entrenched judges and prosecutors who should be removed, and that will be difficult, time consuming, and expensive. BUT, Never Give Up! Never Surrender!
This is indeed great news. Penny stomped out a loser who was acting out dangerously on the subway. While we can lament the loss of life, he defended people. At least that's my current view. On the folks screaming "white supremacy" while having done NOTHING about him being homeless in the first place, nothing is quite as transparent as their bullshit.
As a personal aside, I was amazed at the behavior of the jury on which I served. They were just as unwilling to be pawns of the system as was I. I'd like to think that's what happened here. (Edit: Serving on a jury was one of my personal highlights. If you care about justice, serving on a jury and getting the chance to influence it is the closest you may come to actually playing a direct part. Do NOT get out of jury duty. Embrace it!)
As the daughter of a Judge (he passed in 2019 before Covid), I am ecstatic to see your post Wilster -- I had the privilege of watching decades of my father in the courtroom addressing juries in all manner of cases. He always lamented that they were not properly compensated for the wages they lost when serving, and barely compensated for parking and lunch. His jury instructions were always really fascinating and to the letter, because he wanted to make sure that he had no errors that could be brought up on an appeal. Before he dismissed any jury he used to say to them (yeah, I have it practically memorized):
"We can't properly compensate you for your lost time and wages, but what makes America different from totalitarian countries who hate us and want to kill us, is that we bring our citizens in off the street to determine a fair and just decision as a jury of one's peers. As you leave, you have the right to speak - or not to speak -- to anyone, including members of the press, about anything related to this trial. And before you leave, I am available to meet with any of you to answer any questions or concerns you may have about these proceedings." And with that, he would step off the bench and walk to the side of the room and wait for anyone who wanted to speak to him confidentially. I am tearing up here thinking about it because at least half the jury would line up instead of bolting out the door. I was so proud of my fellow citizens who took jury duty seriously.
I am just as pleased to share my experience as you are to hear about it. I did not mention that the reason I know the defendant would have faced 25 years had we convicted him is that the judge gave us a "postscript" before he released us. He explained all the nuances. Your dad sounds like a wonderful example of a jurist.
Your dad sounds like an amazing judge. I love that. We seem to only hear about the bad judges and eggs. ♥♥Hope all is well.
I was actually on an extremely high profile murder case right as I had gotten out of college (and here in MA, the intentionally send summons' to college students because if you are studying, they automatically eat up your couple emergency exemptions to serving - so they know they can seat you on unpopular, lengthy cases).
I'm almost ashamed to say that my primary feelings were that of gross inconvenience. That is until my then girlfriends retired federal judge grandfather - who was somewhat famous for speaking out against the like of Vietnam while wearing his robes in the 70's - gave me an incredibly rousing speech about the importance of my giving a shit about serving. Completely changed my POV on the entire trial.
With regard to the compensation aspect, I was working for the state and they are required to pay me my salary while sitting on a state Superior Court jury. But we not one but TWO wedding photographers and this trial started in the beginning of June, stretching until just after July 4th. A couple other small business owners who I think get some ridiculous stipend but only for like, the first two weeks, if that. I felt awful for them. But like your father, our Judge was incredibly compassionate and responsive to our needs, knowing that we were really going through it. She took great pains to thank us for our service at every oppurtunity, publicly and privately. And I guess I just wanted to say that good, honest Judges like your father, my gf's grandfather, and the judge in my case DO have the ability to rouse the everyman to actually appreciate our justice system.
Glad you are proud, as you should be proud!
Thanks for sharing this great story- what an amazing experience! Most of us were raised to view jury duty with disdain and figure out ways to get out of it. Surprisingly I was only called for jury duty twice in my life and both cases were dismissed before the trial could even start. In one case the judge came in and apologized profusely for our time and said the plaintiff (domestic abuse case) didn't show up to trial and her attorney couldn't find her.
We need to be absolute pit bulls in protecting our community on the local level. How many of us when voting leave the judge slots empty on the ballot? Or worse, randomly bubble in with no research? One year there was a judge who was in the courtroom next to my father and was arrested for selling drugs out of his chambers. He had 7 kids and this was in a major Midwestern city. Why was he elected in the first place?
One other thing people are completely blind to is that there's a concerted effort among many lawyers to pick the lowest IQ, lowest educated and low information jury possible. People they can manipulate and sway. And that's easy to do since most of the more highly educated people in high level jobs most usually find a way to get dismissed. This alone should be reason enough for active participation. It's so good to hear from people like you who care about the process- this is what I absolutely love about substack- finding like minded people who care about our world - Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays and Happy New Year!
What a wonderful Judge your father was to give that speech and then make good on his word to answer any questions. Thanks for sharing that. Most of us never get to see the underpinnings of what makes our justice system so enlightened.
The point is that he did not "stomp out a loser."
Point taken.
In my opinion, he did
The drugs did it.
Right. He actually died later. the choke hold may have contributed, but the "K" ? i am not savvey of street names for drugs (according to some of the press) he was doing was the ultimate cause of death.
I read a report that he was on massive amounts of fentanyl.
Special K + Fentanyl = Expert's Speedball.
Dag. That'll definitely get you there.
And a diagnosis of schizophrenia further complicates whatever might have been going on in his brain to produce the aggressive behavior he demonstrated.
We all have a right to our own opinions..we don't have an immutable right to our own facts...**
..ride the subways...are you sure you can judge another person who can't take the oppressive tyrannizing of all manner of innocent peoples.. happening 24..7..horribly worsening ...too many raped robbed murdered Innocents victimized on the subways...crime does not death... taxes...disease..*penny was hero...too bad about the perp...the skivey skell the Darwin award...**
You dolt.
Go live with the mental. You fit in.
Those who live in glass houses shouldn't throw matter how trendy that is...**
Glad to hear about the experience of someone else who has been on a jury and enjoy your perspective. Thanks, and agree with you.
Full Disclosure: I was shocked at the outcome, frankly. I anticipated I would be battling "true believers," actively seeking to punish the suspect. Exactly the opposite happened. Also, the defendant we found "Not Guilty" was on his third strike, having previously been convicted during an entrapment situation involving a drug purchase. Had we convicted him, he would have faced 25 years in prison, for an offense not beginning to rise to that level.
Actually, the blame can go more to the police who refused to give the guy medical assistance because he was dirty. Sorry, but that is part of their job. Penny didn't kill this guy. It was police negligence that sat back and let him die. Agree that the trash was taken out, but Penny didn't do it. NYC's finest did.
The job of EMS is to give medical assistance. Rendering medical aid isn't part of police work as they aren't trained sufficiently in lifesaving practices, have no medical equipment on the scene with them, and are not covered legally by Good Samaritan Laws. Bystanders can render aid if they choose and may or may not be open to legal ramifications if things don't go well, but the GSL often protects them.
Yes, the people needing medical help are often "dirty" for one reason or another, but that doesn't keep police, fire, or EMS personnel from giving aid. (I've personally done mouth-to-mouth before masks or mechanical aides were available. You do what you have to do at the time.) The police were not negligent in doing their jobs by not rendering aid.
I served on two juries one civil crime and one malpractice.
In both we found for the defendant.
Too easy to make the innocent pay.
Good reminder on the importance of good people serving on juries. Here in Seattle you have to walk through a gauntlet of crazy, drug addled homeless in order to get into the courthouse. That may have changed now but it certainly discouraged people from serving the past couple of years.
💯 agree. Serve on a jury if given the opportunity.
Indeed. I met amazing people called to serve in a corrections case. Sadly none of us were chosen. Next time.
Good lawyers know how to read - and often have skilled assistance with assessing - potential jurors.
They want people who they sympathetic, malleable, not-necessarily-independent-thinking people.
When I was living in NYC I served on a Grand Jury of the Superior Court (in 2009 IIRC). A few things stood out: a) the older and seemingly better off jurors (boomers or older) paid little attention, acted bored and didn’t contribute; b) the majority of the jury was very discerning of weak DAs with poor cases trying for the “ham sandwich” indictment, and we rejected many; c) the strong cases against obvious malefactors were easily voted to try. I’m glad I got Grand Jury duty as we saw dozens of cases and the full spectrum of weak and strong ones, and only had to vote to indict or “no true bill”. And I hope Senor Gato’s interpretation of the Penny jury’s behavior is true!
Let's hope he visits Mar-a-Lago for an interview soon.
Bet he does. I'd invite his family to my home in a heartbeat but I am not anybody.
ah, melissa, you are very much somebody. your voice and choices have tremendous value and power. the same is true for each of us. always remember that…and never minimize yourself.
you are so kind, this is usually what I tell everyone else
i recognized your humor and yet i couldn’t pass up the opportunity to speak a truth i am practicing. you’re awesome!!
Would there be snacks?
Hoping for a slice of pie?
Why not? It's sort of infinite......
apple or cherry?
that would be a question for the Pie Guy. I like all and any pie (except cow)
Meadow Muffins!
heehee, glad that you specified although we are unlikely to receive any cow pies in our driveway here in S. Dakota in winter. we did receive several, however, when we lived in a town called Yucaipa, CA where some cows broke down their fence and came to visit our neighborhood.
Those are my two faves in 1-2 order, as it turns out.
You get me.
It seems as if I do. It is fun to come here. I think that most of us get each-other.
Pfft... Who wouldn't?
Yes.-voice on the right shoulder
*Pinto has entered the chat*
Is that a problem for you?
what's your order? need time to finish cooking dogs' food and I want yours to be fresh.
Apple me, por favor.
may we bring anything?
It is all falling down, right before their very eyes, for these race baiting bigots.
Even though the judge allowed Bragg's office to constantly refer to Penny as "the white man" and "the white defendant" in the trials, some of the best witnesses in the case for Penny were black passengers. They didn't buy into this race-based ideological bullshit that demanded social justice to find Penny guilty.
The entire premise of race as full-field theory of the world being divided into oppressor and oppressed classes has met its end!
Let’s hope so. But, I’m not as optimistic. We have a great beachhead and are winning battles, but it’s not over yet. Fingers crossed
I wouldn't underestimate the power of "distributed swarm networks" (I think that's what gato calls them).
We can blow up their narrative within minutes with a deluge of receipts and inescapable facts.
The elites, politicians and the Journoliths don't quite understand this yet.
They're about to.
It might turn out that Musk's greatest contribution to society was buying Twitter and setting it free.
I would agree. And just at the right time
Keep the pressure on, sure, but something has shifted. It's dawning on The Clerisy they might not actually be feared the way they've grown to expect.
There are more normal people in the world--regardless of ethnicity--than the race profiteers want anyone to figure out.
As our host here has very frequently noted, it's the shrieker minority who eat up all the attention.
We'll see tonight.
If they do riot I think it'll actually accelerate the demise of all this nonsense.
Because we can expose it instantaneously from a million vectors.
I watched the police handling the protesters. (Clip on It looked like they were not taking any shit but were being careful not to exacerbate the situation.
True that. It all feels half-hearted this time around tho
I bet no random piles of bricks show up........
Well, when the company that used to provide your funding is $20M in the hole *cough cough DNC cough* it's a lot harder to gin up the labor and materials required for a good riot.
No one remembers that during the Obama admin, they were fining big companies, and then distributing the money collected to various NGO's... I would surmise that those funds flows are what helped stake the "activism" payroll (and bricks) that was brought to bear against Trump and conservatives.
Surely Reid Hoffman continues to have some spare cash.
It is as though there's always money for the dumb stuff.
Lame-duck rioting. LOL
Hardly a win. A year and a half of hell and then, oh, never mind. Not even an apology.
How much did this cost Mr. Penny? How about the torment of being slandered/libeled by the media scum?
A win would have been a medal and a parade from a grateful city. Get the hell out of New York!
Now he has to face the threat of harm from every blm supporter in NY. Move south Mr. Penny!
He will be ok back on Long Island.
Y’all look out for him.
Alright, we'll call it a Draw.
I read about a man with an expensive shop in his large garage. He rebuilt cars for a hobby. Lots of tools and parts etc. His garage was being broken into so he called the police. He was informed they would likely take a half hour or more to get there and he should not do anything until they arrive. He called back 2 minutes later and said ‘No hurry. I went to my garage and shot them.’ Which he hadn’t done. Massive police presence arrived minutes later. The robbers were arrested. The police were annoyed with him.
So he kinda self-SWATed.
lol, like
When in doubt, do what ya gotta do. He needed cops. He thought of a way to get cops where no one got hurt.
I think this could catch on.
In europe when your house is getting robbed maybe you should tell the police you are posting racist/Holocaust supporting comments on X as talking on the phone. They will be out in full force.
Score one for self defense! This verdict makes me so happy.
oh goodness, me too. score one for sanity!
And it is a daily double with Sidney Powell verdict.
Pinch me.
Its really starting to feel like Christmas everyday now since November 5th.
Gotta be honest; it feels good to have a sense of patriotism again.
Still a lot of work to do....but there's hope now for the average sane person.
Where is that info about Sidney Powell?? This is ridiculous....the censoring.
I loved seeing that.
Yes, thank God.
Now for protecting him for the rest of his life against the baying wolves--gonna take a lot of money. On top of all the costs of his legal cases and the abomination of the civil suit. But at least he ain't going to jail.
Thankfully there was/is a GiveSendGo account that raised money for his defense. Haven’t checked lately, but he had lots of support. People stepped up.
I just peeked, and looks like his fund was up to 3.3 mil. Wish I could say that it was enough, but nowadays, it's probably not.
I think he should declare bankruptcy and use court appointed attorneys for any civil suits. Judgement be damned, they couldn’t get anything!
I disagree. He doesn't need his life fucked up any further.
Thankfully I live in a place where Stand My Ground AND Castle Doctrine are the law of the land and don’t think for a second that I won’t apply both doctrines. I bought hollow points specifically for the purpose. The only good criminals are dead criminals. I hope to help them meet Jesus or any deity they choose. I refuse to be a victim.
Me too, hollow point
Yep. Locked and loaded.
Me three. Flash Bang!
I heard that wad cutters and semi-wad cutters do a good job too.
I hope and pray that I never have to exercise my rights and I’m pretty sure that I’d cry like a baby while pulling the trigger. I will pull the trigger but I won’t be happy about it. A cop told me a long time ago that if the worst happens, drag the perp across the threshold but the law wasn’t codified back then and I’d really rather not drag a biohazard I created into my house.
Me four 🙌
The country is healing,and we still have president Joe. Somehow I am optimistic about the nest years,in a way I didn't expect
“We still have president Joe”
What? We do??? Maybe his body is there, but Joe Biden has never actually been the president.
He was president to millions of fraudulent ballots
As Jim Treacher would say, 81MillionLOL.
Printers stayed home in 2024
"He" (his husk) is still trying to start WWIII.
The puppeteer, obummer, is still trying to start WWIII.
oshita is not, and never was, a puppeteer. it was a made person who got to be puppet-in-chief.
The Zombie Prez
I hope it was Number Three! For years, I was the VP of HR in a large unionized credit union. Some employees would come to me with a jury duty slip, asking me to deny time off. I refused, and explained that the US needs more intelligent level headed citizens to sit on a jury. What if one day, they were innocent or wrongly accused and deserved a fair trial?!!
Absolutely. You did the right thing.
He's still being sued in civil court by the father-of-the-year, however, so his tribulations are not over.
Ya mean the guy who abandoned his infant son and didn't even know his name thinks that he should get something? Hows about the FOY gets charged for abandonment and failure to raise his son and be made to payback to the state any welfare for whomever did "raise" the kid into the upstanding citizen he became <sarc>.
Hey it worked for George Floyd!
That is their problem.: always trying the same playbook. The country has moved on. We saw the chaos and destruction after "Saint George" assumed room temperature. It isn't lost on many that this case also had to do with fentanyl. We have seen the dismissal of serious crimes
by the Soros backed judges and the communist activist prosecutors, now including crimes by "newcomers". The political pendulum is swinging away from tolerating such crime.
I'd like to think dumb lawsuits are going to start being harder to file.
that would be nice.
Penny for NYC Mayor!
How about for Governor of God forsaken NYS?
Even better! Yes!
Minnesota is disgusting so is New York
Why put up with this??!
I lived in Massachusetts, and we had the same thing You could not get a gun ever. Now I move to a red state. I wouldn’t dream of living in a blue state anymore ever except maybe New Hampshire because they have the same gun laws as red state
No one has the right to tell you you can’t defend yourself from a criminal
We should not be putting up with this shit that we are putting up with
In your own home! I just can’t believe it! It’s outrageous!!!
Baltimore Colt legend Art Donovan was on Letterman and he told a story about how at the bottom of the pile there was a lot of action until they unpiled - punching and grabbing and poking through the face mask at eyes, etc.
Dave asked him, "What did you do when someone put their fingers in your face mask?" to which Artie replied, "I bit them. I figured anything on the inside is mine!"
That's how it should be when someone's in your house without your invitation.
That is awesome. I've never heard that
And the BLM riots begin in 3-2-1 …
As I chamber a round...
I wonder…the people who normally play the rioters now have another gig as Queers for Palestine. I don’t know when that contract ends.
Part of me thinks lawlessness, part of me thinks the Democrats are so broke that they can't afford to send out the troops.
What - you think Antifa is holding bake sales to print all those signs?
Sometimes I am surprised and relieved by the common sense of fellow Americans. Jurors are subway riders and often residents in tough urban areas. They are menaced by dangerous people, victimized by crime, and ignored by politicians. Bernie Goetz, Kyle Rittenhouse, and now Daniel Penny were all charged with crimes they should not have been charged with. They were unjustly prosecuted but their trials gave their communities a voice.