How else are they going to come up with COVID-22 in time for the holidays?

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Booster uptake is so low, the planned Midterm Election Variant isn't going to materialize as they had hoped.

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Well, there's always the "5G activates something in the current CV19 vax that causes people to get sick/die/turn into zombies" theory if they can't get CV22 ramped up.

Or Marburg. Or Ebola. Or smallpox.

Also, Bill Gates "predicts" election problems and civil war.

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Confession through profession once again! They just can’t shut their smug mouths about their plans. If only people had listened…

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Putting my money on pedo Gates’ mosquitos… buzzzzzzzzzz 🦟🦟🦟🦟

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Why use mosquitos? Check this out:




This will fly right under the radar because folks don't think about what is shot into the cows that produce their milk, or the burgers they eat. This is catastrophic.

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You mean in time for the elections? They better hurry….tick tock!


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A whole new set of decorations for the Christmas tree shops: Get Your Covid Season salt and pepper shakers!

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They have already barged in. They have already confiscated our freedoms

I watched this with my dad yesterday


it is long but worth the time. I know French and German so it was great to listen and understand that as well.

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MAA - Please. I can sense the OMG, here we go again.

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Or maybe they need him, somewhat miraculously, I confess, to go "find" the true origins of the first one...? 🤔😯😁

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You mean, government?

There simply was no pandemic. Prior to the introduction of the clot shots, there only excess mortality could be found among elderly nursing home residents and patients, who were isolated, left helpless and fearful. They were intubated, put on RunDeathIsNear and ventilators, and snuffed out. Those real death statistics were hyped to introduce and reinforce various "public health" measures like distancing and masking, and when that wasn't scary enough only "cases" were counted and reported. And I needn't go into how "cases" based on excessively high PCT cycle thresholds, and not actual illness, is meaningless.

And now that mortality among millennials ages 25-44 is up 84% due to the poison dart clot shots we see headlines about how cold weather, exhaust fumes and good ole "climate change" can cause heart problems. Anything but the vaxx...

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Sorry for a couple of typos.

*The only excess mortality

*High PCR cycle thresholds.

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No surprise. No accountability ever for anyone. A corrupt brazen system with a blacked out media never reporting reality let alone the truth. Can’t expect any changes.

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Brazen - yup - and ruthless, rapacious...the whole evil lot of them

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BRAZEN indeed

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I figure that the web of blackmail is what runs the whole jalopy. Notice how Ghislaine Maxwell made sure to get photos with the who’s whom of the world power structure? I assume that’s why the cover never blows.

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The pic with Ghislaine in the front row as the Clinton spawn walks with Sleazy Bill down the wedding aisle was a real doozy!

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I'd love to see the results of how many likely voters there are who even recognize who Peter Daszak is?

There's the ultimate reason this brazen mockery will continue to happen.

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I guarantee I do not have a single remaining friend or family member who would recognize the name.

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Jabbed friends (?) and family, no. Unjabbed (and wish-they-didn't-get-jabbed), yes.

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I’ll take an E for $650k

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Someone should tell Hillary that Daszak has dirt on her that will send her to prison...

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Will never happen. Ever.

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He means that would activate Killary…

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Killery will one day face “Hell”ery

God is NOT mocked

We may be mocked, pathetic world leaders may be, but God has the final word! Happy Dance!

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Well. I would enjoy her running scared.

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"KILLary" . Get it?

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You sure she could still run? 😳😱😱😱

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Haha. I doubt it.

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Yep. Give the Ft. Marcy Park security staff a night off...

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Berenson was on Tucker last night. He speculated about 2 potential motives:

1. Simply a power-play, a big FU to those investigating him

2. Trying to fabricate evidence of an animal reserve to "prove" covid is natural

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Interesting and plausible theories. I vote for option 2: "Trying to fabricate evidence of an animal reserve to "prove" covid is natural"

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I vote for "payoff to keep their crimes secret."

Also... Berenson really REALLY wants to be liked by his former lib friends, so I take much of what he says now with a grain of salt.

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"payoff to keep their crimes secret" is also plausible. We won't know for sure until we see the communications (e-mails, etc.)

AB is such a lib which is annoying when he starts talking politics but sometimes he gets the covid debacle details right.

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Amen to that! I quit listening to Berenson awhile ago...he’s playing both sides of the fence!

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That's exactly why I tuned out Berenson as well.

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The arrogance is galling and why doesn’t anyone in Congress pull the funds for this BS?

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Why do we still have the Patriot Act?

1. Politicians have their hands in similar cookie jars. Exposing this may expose their own participation in the endless grift that is D.C.

2. No imperative from their constituency. How many voters know who Peter Daszack is and his role in the covid grift?

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I don’t like this, but it’s true. And grift runs deeply in both parties.

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As in a great Shakespearean drama, (Congress has long ago been bought out by the ruthless Big Pharm”ass” vaxxx “industry”) there is something “rotten in Denmark”, actually the alphabet soup bureaucracies.

Here’s the kicker, Denmark is stopping the clot shots.Imagine that!

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True? If so, Christmas came early… 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽

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Because Congress is just a group of criminals. There might be 5%, TOPS, that aren't.

Congress won't do anything. I watch intelligence officials lie to them all the time. Nothing happens. We don't have a congress really, they're all just puppets.

Ever read a bill? Nobody in congress does. The Patriot Act was 300 pages, it was introduced to congress 2 hours before it was signed into law. This hasn't been a representative democracy in more than 2 decades. Probably more like 5 decades.

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It’s got to be, no other theory I’ve heard makes sense. As you said, especially the amount, not enough for research (although Pete has already done a whole lot), but respectable for attorney fees.

Fauci has been the real plague.

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It goes WAY past Fauci…he’s a minion

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Like how far past? Is it turtles all the down?

I just don’t see a wizard of oz pulling all the strings. There are too many players. It would be like herding cats (no offense, Gato) trying to keep everyone on message.

And Fauci isn’t a minion, barring an all powerful wizard, he is the fundamental problem—an unelected (and I know voting doesn’t get us the best and brightest, either), unaccountable bureaucratic with far, far, far too large a say in how ordinary people can live their lives.

He’s the personification of what’s wrong with our current form of government.

Him and the Federal Reserve.

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I’m thinking it goes beyond the Federal Reserve, back to London, the Crown bank/London central bank of which the Federal Reserve is a child in the New World. It took them what, 130some years to get that control? But they got it.

The Crown bank has run the show around the world for centuries -even in China via the very lucrative opium market, back to the Dutch East India Company.

I also read at one point that King John Plantagenet Lackland, that ancestor of all but one US president -including Trump- breached a contract with the Vatican/Pope, when he signed the Magna Carta I think, so 1215. (Lesson to self: save your sources.) Anyway compensation for the breach was giving the Pope control of the banks.

My point is, it’s tangled and the common people are totally in the dark.

Historians of the right sort might have all or most of the pieces. But that type is a researcher, found happily behind a musty keyboard, and the occasional undigitized library stack, most unlikely to be found on a campaign trail, so a silent (they write books though :) “witness” to the story we are all desirous of - at this late date.

Shifting gears, for the present, imho, this spiritual battle is going to be won from our hearts guiding our heads. In other words we can see, and feel/sense the devolution ’they’ are engineering and saying No! en masse. We just need that final Cindy Lou Who whop (or whatever the syllable was) to break through and be heard. Living our truth, which is heart-based not head, is shifting the the rudder. Big boat, slow turn.

Fauci is part of the problem but hardly the genesis. Ancient story of greed, power and control. It’s why you and I aren’t drawn to that sector of human endeavor, y’ think?

Yeah, what do I know?

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How about they simply believe in the mission ….

1) Fauci thinks that gain of function research is a worthwhile endeavor. (Shame about that leak - but hey, we got the vaccine - and those vaccines really work)

2) we’re not going to get caught. We covered up the last one. And I’ve got people in power who will cover for me

3) I am Science. I know what’s right.

4) I’m not going to let stupid little people distract from my quest.

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It's a clean up op, Pulp Fiction style, they need to mop up the crime scene at Whuan of the tiniest shred of evidence and don't trust the Chinese to do it.

That's just Winston Wolfe's fees.

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Paying Peter to rob Paul, perhaps?

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The Peter Principle at work.

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Kristian Anderson at Scripps Research Institute, also received generous NIAID money in 2021 and 2022. While his research is not GOF Anderson was part of the email chain of scientists who first postulated the virus was lab made. 2 days later he then switched to zoonotic origin. He also published the “smoking gun” paper that claimed the origin was Wuhan wet market. Here is a link to grants awarded by NIH, NIAID. I would bet a search looking at all the email and phone conference attendees from February 2020 would show the same.


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Yep. The Daszak legal defense fund.

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I'd say it's the same reason Billy Clinton thought he could get head in the oval office from an intern.

They've gotten away with such ridiculous stuff for so long, they no longer have any bearings as to what's bat-shit crazy and what's just Tuesday.

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Peter Daszak: "Unsafe and Defective"....

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