And somehow they can get away without having to list all the side effects! Wonder why?!? Hmmmm...

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Quite the contrast to commercials for any other drug out there.

Drug commercial: Known side effects are A, B, C, D, E, and F. If B, C, or E occur for extended periods, contact a doctor immediately. Do not take if you are allergic to this, or this, or this. Before taking, let your doctor know what medications you are currently taking, and also if you have a family history of this, or this, or this.

Covid vaccine commercial: Safe and effective 😁

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And they are saturating the airwaves with these deceptive lie-fests. I am stuck in a motel, waiting for a visa, and have nothing else to do but watch TV, which I otherwise never do. Apparently the commercials are effective, since Pfizer is spending a lot on these con jobs, which is very telling about the intelligence of TV viewers.

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The only tv I saw during lockdown was at a doctors office. I was appalled by the sheer amount of Covid propaganda saturating the “news” & commercials. No wonder people were afraid. Turn off the tv & avoid stores enforcing bs policies & one wouldn’t know anything was “wrong”.

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They were all on the take, all of them: Fox News, Newsmax, all of them were cashing in with their Big Pharma pals. Just like Mengele Fauci and company, they all had their hands out.

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Even the shows got into it. Obviously the hospital shows were the worst, but covid propaganda invaded just about everything.

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BBC radio did a drama about a woman getting involved in the anti lockdown groups etc etc. It was so blatant, made me very angry. Never forget, never forgive.

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“Idiot box” > or = “smartphone”

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At least with the phone I have a modicum of control over what I digest, though I admit it’s still not great.

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What makes the phone equally bad is it's interacting with you even when it's in your pocket. The TV doesn't track your every move.

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Just my opinion of course

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some of them do

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smart tv is listening to you too, I'm sure

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You can turn OFF your location... Although strangely, I find it turned back on every so often!

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At least the fashioned radio or TV had the advantage that the government could not directly surveil the viewer. For Europeans and perhaps some other nations, that wasn't completely true. As our UK poster above alludes, in many nations there was a fee or a tax just to watch State-run TV! I learnt about this during my Army time in Germany. U.S. Military were exempt (and most probably didn't watch German TV anyway). But we were told that the German government had vans that would search for unlicensed sets and fine the viewers. This whole concept must sound absurd to Americans. I think the key difference is that USA has always had basically private corporations broadcasting at government license while Europe et al it was an overt State monopoly on broadcasting.

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That’s wild! Did not know that

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Didn't the Brits have a coin thing on their teles?

BTw, loved watching Hogans Heroes in German over there. I'm an Air Force brat but don't remember much

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If you are "stuck" and TV seems to be the only option - try turning the sound OFF - and just watching the image - it can be an interesting, strangely altered perspective - and renders you more active rather than merely receptive. (I am going to take another look at the Pfizer commercial muted)

Recall, that in 1984 -Citizens could not turn the TV off; they could turn the sound down, but not OFF.

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I do that with sports so I don't have to listen to the idiots who instead of calling the game, try to impress the audience with how brilliant they are, ever so much smarter than the coaches, and they know exactly what every player is thinking, too.

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I saw a report here in Aus that the major supermarkets are recalling spinach as around 50 people felt "unwell". Contrast that to the covid shot killing and injuring thousands - "nothing to see here you conspiracy theorist Trumper".

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You missed... side effects up to and including death.

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Women who are pregnant, nursing or may become pregnant should not take this product.

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There is no one of any age or condition - old or young - that should be taking this poison

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I understand your position, but consider this alternative: Why should not the product be allowed to: Anyone who wishes to take the product, and has been informed that it is an experimental product with known serious side effects and unknown potential harms, is aware that there is no legal recourse in event of damage, and is fully competent to make such a decision. Such language (in part) actually appears in FDA recommendations, but it doesn't have any legal force.

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Why? Because we dont know any fucking thing about this Merna shit and it may be doing all sorts of pandoras box fuckery to the human race. We'd be netter off letting people ingest Roundup. At least we know something about it unlike this merna shit.

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I personally think they should be banned as a bio weapon to deliberately wipe out humanity, other than the demonically favored few that are orchestrating this. But this used to be a free country, so anyone who wants to take it can have at it. Even in the face of true, scientific evidence pouring out now about the danger these pose, it seems plenty are still willing to roll up their sleeves. Darwin Award to them.

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OMG NOT AGAIN.....For the hundredth time, they told us the vaccines would only keep the symptoms down, not prevent any infection . And vaccinated can carry it around just as unvaccinated.

This is all about IGNORANCE......They know we are not learning about the non-virus pathogens that are always around us, but the difference in healthy body , good immune system is what makes the difference. They are counting on the unlearned facts of working busy people and also the non-confrontability of a lot of our loved ones about the depopulation strategy.

This is so vile,....it is beneath contempt.

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They told us a few times that it would prevent people from getting/spreading covid...

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Show me one please...

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Really? I don’t get that? Why the change all of a sudden? Are they just lying? All the vaccines were ever supposed to do was “lessen the symptoms”. .....why don’t people remember that?

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As well as all the 'scientists' mentioned below, Biden announced to the nation on TV that you'd not get covid if you got vaxxed. Who wrote his script is another matter.

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Oy! 😳Does that man ever tell the truth.......wow!

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You’re wrong. Faux-Xi, Walensky, LGB-FJB & many others said you wouldn’t get it AT ALL if you took the poison. It was the “path” to freedom & reopening up. They’ve changed the narrative now to “lessen symptoms” when they could no longer hide the fact that the jab doesn’t work

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I’ve been trying......https://www.youtube.com/@CBSEveningNews. This link may just take you to evening news . I’m in Canada and all my links I saved say “No longer able to view in your country”. This was Fauci Two years ago talking about the vaccine. All my links are blank now.

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You should use a sarcasm font.

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You're remembering wrong. I suggest you do some research.

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Not remembering wrong. It's bot time and counter narrative work. Apparently the DC regime now thinks this substack needs monitoring and psy ops to counter the wrong think

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Also recently added: this is not all of the possible side effects

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🤜🏻🤛🏻 Tacobot

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There is an ad running now for some antipsychotic that schizophrenics only have to be injected twice a year - instead of the horror of a daily pill. They mention death as a side effect three times in the commercial. Well, that's definitely worth the convenience, don't you schizophrenics agree?

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yes. a way to get rid of them.

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Do the daily pills have the same possiblity?

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Oh my goodness.

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I wonder how quickly they cause tardive dyskinesia?

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They've got a drug for that!

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They have government immunity, side effects are listed as liability insurance which they don't need.

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That's because these are government funded/sponsored "commercials" ~ the side effect rules only apply to advertising by Big Pharma.

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Yep. Sure is "lucky".

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We'll be really lucky when Congress stops using our money to advertise this crap!

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Please don't hold your breath on that.

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Wow. Didn't know that. No wonder it's so coercive.

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Yes, I read (I think: Malone's new book), that US law allows this. E.g. Pharma is not required to list the side effects as long as the specific product name is not mentioned in the ad. As a former TV viewer, even so I found that requirement rather amusing: the tiny print and rapid voiceover makes it all but impossible to absorb what those side effects are, so why even bother?

It's a small price to pay for their other advantages: a near-monopoly market, guaranteed government contracts (in fact, as long as EUA lasts, they cannot legally be sold to consumers), near-total immunity to any liability, some free publicity (e.g. PSAs) and best of all, to some extent, a mandated market for millions of dumb sheep. Pity if the government gravy train ends in 2023 (e.g. gov't not buying in large quantity; each product would need regular FDA approval, although Pfizer's got theirs already, and by now anyone paying attention knows that FDA's "approval" doesn't mean very much. But Pharma's biggest loss would be that consumers would be expected to pay for a product that can scarcely be given away for free right now. Time to pop some popcorn and watch this slow-motion train wreck.

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I wish that was a train that Obiden was physically riding on.

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Because it would cut in their profits. Air time is valuable. The ad would have to run for at least half-an-hour to list all the side effects in the most minuscule font available.

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Well the inserts are still blank, so...what side effects?

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ROFL. thanks for pointing this out!

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The list is way too long to list 🤡

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They don’t want to pay for the extra 10 minutes/spot to list the side effects.

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OK, believe it or not, I just did the (simple) math: there are 1291 side effects listed on Pfizers data release. If you allow 2 seconds for each entry, that's 2,582 which would take just under 22 minutes to list, probably more if they had a slow talker. They'd need sponsors complete with ad revenue for such a spot. They could make it a weekly show, horror genre I think, maybe nobody would tune in.

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Oooh, thanks for that!

1291 side effects…I’ll just casually drop that next time vax talk comes up at a Christmas party , lol.

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Because then the commercial would run for four minutes.

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ONLY 4 minutes?! 😉😊😋

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Total and utter immunity by the grace of government.

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Wait a minute...the guy that developed the mRNA technology and the CDC both said these vaccines will only lessen the symptoms if you should get it, you are still a carrier and spreader whether vaxed or not.........even Fauci said this..........when did this change?

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For the first year, they said that it would stop it.

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Immunity from being sued for damages from the shot. Pfizer and Moderna both have it. J&J might too, I don't remember.

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Well, they've proven they've bought the right people in order to pull it off again......the only question is if the lockdowns will be because of covid or climate change. (Whynotboth?.jpg)

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I think both. Climate change causes covid or maybe it's the other way around. Hard to keep up.

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And who will listen.

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I don't see why we can't throw some science deniers in the blame mix. Science deniers created climate change and that caused covid because THE SCIENCE™. And now antivaxxers are taking away ~~~~~~~~~~~~~open~~~~~~~~~~~

~~~~open~~~~ open ~~~~~~~~~open~~~~~~~


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Someone should do a remake of the commercial and say


Like heart surgery.


Like your body is to intrusion from the mRNA that said it wouldn't enter outside of intended areas of your body.


As in we don't know the long term effects, we are finding out now...as it is happening.


as in "Season" on using us as lab experiments.


Where once we were subject to ethics and protocols...those obstacles have been moved aside.

And now we're open to new mandates and restrictions to make you...

Open to our substance being injected into your body.

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Great comment. It should be done up like those videos showing collages of 'this is a threat to our democracy' or flip flopping fauci's frequent foibles, all to the appropriate music.

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"flip flopping fauci's frequent foibles" - A rap masterpiece in the making!

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I did that on purpose. Can you tell?

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Abundant alliteration allows alternate assumptions. The language police are watching you!

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I love it. I've been hounded by the language police for a long time. I'm kind of used to it. Thanks brave big brother BC Andy.

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Be grateful that you're not a Norwegian lesbian facing three years in prison for the Thought Crime of daring to state that men can't be lesbian -- or women.

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BC Andy?

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Omigosh!!! Who can run with this??? Brilliant!!

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Good Job...👍🐶👍

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Ran to go see it! Pfrikkin great work

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Thanks for the nudge. :)

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Encouragement is all I have,as my talents don't lie in this wheelhouse. YOU rock!!

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I won't say the next thing that came to mind....

LOL "season on us " my fave.

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This is a great.

I made this video https://youtu.be/iSjxjL6yb-s

and I think your idea would be a fantastic follow up.

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That's a great video.

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That’s quite the collection. Feel free to add the parody as long as the original author (Jimmy Gleason) doesn’t mind.

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Well done! Excellent video.

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It was short notice but I did the best I could with it: https://visceraladventure.substack.com/p/a-pfizer-pfarody?sd=pf

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Great work

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thanks, that's really great work!

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In the 1920s, the mob bosses in Chicago came to see my grandfather and told him… you really should get insurance for these windows in your shop. He told them to go to Hell. The next day the windows were smashed. They came by again and asked if he wanted to buy insurance. Again, he told them to get the hell off his property. He fixed the windows himself. And they didn’t bother him again. And he would be fkg ASHAMED of what has happened to his country. Bunch of coddled sissies running around in masks fearing for their lives. He’s rolling in his grave.

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Round about that same time period, after they burned their junk in his front yard, my grandfather told the KKK to eff off, and guess what, they did.

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“Open... Only you can help keep it that way.” Sounds like they’re trying to make us an offer we can’t refuse. Pure thuggery, check out the commercials they made targeted at children.

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I don’t watch propaganda

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I haven’t watched TV (other than streaming with no ads and older non-woke stuff) in over a decade. I only get a glimpse of the propaganda via reports on substack, twitter, and telegram. My husband watches sports but he changes the channel or mutes the propaganda. He doesn’t buy into it, but I’m pretty sure he also doesn’t want to hear me rant about it. :)

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I’m with you. Turned off my television in June 2020. Haven’t turned it back on since. Don’t miss it one bit!

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Here! Here! Got rid of cable tv 3 years ago and don’t miss it. However the streaming channels play the Pfizer commercials and other jab commercials over and over. I mute them but might have to upgrade to no Ads lol. So much propaganda it’s laughable.

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Lately, the commercials I see are for psoriasis and MS. They're really pushing Keytruda...

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Don't even do streaming anymore. It's all a distraction, IMO!

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Yes, very interesting that not watching msm and seeking other viewpoints and ideas seems key to not buying into the authorised version of so called truth

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Made me think of Smokey the Bear saying, "Only you can prevent a [forest fire] pandemic.

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How do you end the plandemic?

Turn off the TV

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The Amish avoided Covid, simply by not having TV's in the house.

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I don’t have television. I ad block on YouTube and use rumble for any content that’s dual streamed. I was @ a Dr w/ someone during the lockdown & was appalled by the number of Covid shot or similar commercials I saw pushing fear. Made me glad I don’t watch tv/commercials.

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OUR DEAR LEADER HERE IN CANADA 🇨🇦 has already told his subjects that this WILL happen.

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He can go Fuck himself too. Do NOT comply.

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Dec 18, 2022
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Yeah that was weird.....what was harder was listening to people who worked in the city complain about the truck drivers. I was so proud they were there,......then my brother in law calls and says his wife works at a motel and can’t get to work. You should’ve heard the choice words for the truck drivers. Haven’t spoken to them since.

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Dec 19, 2022
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Actually there plane landed in North Bay. There were pictures of it. Then bused in. They spoke English. They were special forces police from all over. I know some from Regina, Winnipeg. They are on alert for Canadian Emergency Act. They are trained in crowd dispersement.

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