That video fucking infuriated me, and the fact that it probably caused 99% of the people who watched it to mouth "yaaas" and nod sagely infuriates me more.

I am NOT "hesitant." My long-term decisions about my life, especially including my health, are not emotionally driven. I am highly educated and intelligent, not that this is a qualifier for anything other than having better starting equipment to make informed choices. I am not superstitious. I am not "a conspiracy theorist." I am literally NONE of the boxes you and your cohort have tried to shove me in for the past year and a half, you Doctor Krieger Von Deathray-looking fuckhead.

What I am, now, is angry. Angry and now immovable. I will no longer believe anything your industry says. Sorry, gato. Te respeto profundamente, pero...

>>> i know a lot of folks in biotech and most are fine people

Citation fucking needed from here on out. My default assumption is anyone designing things to put in my body and sell them to me are Mengele-types being kept on just a short enough leash, and I will literally have to see them rescue puppies and kittens from traffic and resist putting them in a blender for at least a week before assuming their humanity.

To be honest, in between depressive meltdowns, much of my soul-searching in the past year and a half- besides abandoning faith in basically everything- has been to question how much of my extensive "science-centric" higher education was fucking propaganda in itself. After all, I haven't seen a single study I read in grad school successfully replicated. Maybe we don't even have brains in our skulls, but bunches of yarn and paper clips being pulled in various tangles by hamsters, and it's all been a lie.

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"Citation fucking needed from here on out."

i think you might be surprised.

lots of people are working on lots of great stuff. sure, they do it for money, but they are also doing real science that helps a lot of people.

small biotech sits in pretty serious opposition to big pharma.

it's the big firms that have the power to control the regulatory institutions that seek to stifle competition.

i could give you a list of 20 things i've helped build that treat cancer or diabetes or neurological disorders that are flat out making the world better with people trying the best they can to solve serious problems. medicine is a vital field.

don't mistake hard science for social sciences. you're just arguing for science being done properly, not against science in medicine as a whole. it's important not to lose sight of that.

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Believe me, gato, I'm not coming at this from a "blah blah capitalism" perspective.

I'm coming at this from realizing the world has more psychopaths in it than I thought it did previously, which was already a lot.

I am very much in support of pure research and, yes, applied biotech. I want an artifical kidney that manufactures cancer-fighting nanobots from blood minerals and glucose to give my mom a long life. I want robot legs if I get creamed by a heavy truck. I want to live to 200. I want kids in the third world to enjoy living without threats of endemic diseases because their cures have become financially trivial. I want to be able to have a fucking baby like every other woman that wants one and can't.

I'm simply saying I now begin from a position of deep mistrust- anyone with the potential to do another "pandemic" to me, in any form possible, needs to be visibly and transparently ethical and prosocial for me to not put my hand on my holster when they walk in the room.

This may be unjust, and it may be unfairly painting some good people with too broad a brush. I don't care. This brought us to the brink of global totalitarianism, and I'm still not convinced we're out of the woods yet. Trust begins at zero for me now, and it's going to stay that way for quite a while until we rebuild those institutions.

Maybe the good guys that you know, and the people you've worked with to make good things will be motivated to police the evil in their ranks more aggressively this time.

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this feels like a misplaced emotional over reaction against medical science.

it was not science that did this, it was government.

if you want psychos out of medicine, stop letting government run it.

i suspect you'd be hard pressed to name any major medical science disaster that affected the general public and was not caused by the state/state actors.

we've always had plagues and pandemics.

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You don't think the serious dysfunction of the academic community- which is absolutely inclusive of the medical scientific community- had anything to do with the utter revolt against reason and data-driven policy that's happened here?

I'm not railing against medical science, gato. I'm railing against medical science CULTURE.

It's hard for me to see that the state/state actors are literally ALWAYS responsible for hubristic or fatally flawed actions of medical community.

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again, you're blaming government.

they're the ones hijacking that research.

i reiterate:

i suspect you'd be hard pressed to name any major medical science disaster that affected the general public and was not caused by the state/state actors.

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academic community = government? Government is the disastrous collapse of peer review, insane wokeism intruding even into hard sciences? Government = corporate greed, Big Pharma malfeasance?

The scientific community really bears NO personal responsibility for the behavior of many people calling themselves "scientists" in the past 18 months?

It's state actors, every time?

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Thank you two for having pretty much the same argument that I've been having inside my head for over a year. I too have a very close relationship as a vendor to many biotech start-ups here in the bay area, and see that they often have promising therapeutic ideas, while understanding that they're in it for a pretty long haul, with R & D, clinical trials, & FDA approval usually taking years. It's just the design of the game and they & their investors understand that & while the pressure to produce good results is palpable, they generally play by the book in these early stages, because they have to convince the buyers of their technology that there won't be any/many problems down the road. Those buyers tend to be Big Pharma, who audit the hell out of their targets (Failure rate is high - I know, I help close many of these firms down). Auditing that seems to be more rigorous than the FDA has been using for Covid vaccines. Interestingly, over the 25+ years I've been doing this, I've only had one vaccine start-up client. I guess it wasn't profitable (or worth the time to go up against the big guys) to jump into before March, 2020. Government fear campaigns and mandates have certainly changed that.

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Purdue Pharma / OxyContin. Enough said.

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That last sentence. Whew. So true.

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gato and Guttermouth, I think your disagreement is an example of silver-bullet thinking, which has become more predominant in recent years, exacerbated by increasing political polarity. What I mean is the idea that there's one cause or one cure for any particular malady (whether medical or social or whatever.)

Both government and (pretty much all) science culture is to blame, and don't forget powerful financial interests like Big Pharma, Big Food, and Big Ag. It's a symbiotic relationship in which they all interact, react, and feed on each other. gato, yes, government is hijacking the research. But because of financial or reputational motives, scientists are not standing up to government. And of course the financial interests have completely co-opted government. It's the rare scientist who will endanger career and research funding to stand up to pressure like this.

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Guttermouth, you may be surprised that very little innovation escapes the hand of the government. Even those bionic legs you theoretically may one day need. Maybe a start to sanity is scientists not forgetting the truth or the scientific method. People are afraid. Few scientists are bold enough to proclaim even obvious truths. Don't discount fear. It is primal.

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Leftists accelerated politicization of Science would have made Mao and Stalin very proud.

This is the unavoidable end result of leftists encroachment in Universities and scientific institutions/practice.

Any place where leftists have overwhelming majority succumb to groupthink.

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I disagree about there being a lot of psychopaths in world. Instead, the truth is that the vast majority of people are intellectually lazy and will follow any dominant narrative as long as it gets rolled out slowly enough.

I highly recommend the book Ordinary Men by Christopher Browning that details how a group of ordinary men were made to engage in genocide in WWII Germany. Some 10% did so enthusiastically, some 10% refused despite the risks (rightfully described as heroes by the author) but the vast majority took part, with varying degrees of reluctance. Most of these men were not evil, but they allowed themselves to be put in a situation where they had little choice but to do evil.

This is how most people are. They may increasingly start to see inconsistencies and things that don't make sense at the edges of the narrative, but they will resist having to question the central ideas because who really wants to find out that they live in a dysfunctional society? The cognitive cost of questioning and the social cost of criticising the narrative grows faster than their understanding of it. By the time things become so absurd that's almost impossible not to realise what's going on, it is too late to do anything about it.

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Amen. Can't love the player and hate the game when it's the only game in town. All the players are complicit unless they are visibly standing up against this outrage, at personal risk. What the hell is the Hippocratic Oath even for, anyway?

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Wasn't Moderna small biotech 6 years ago?

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they were a billon dollar company even when they were private and have been connected at the highest levels to nasty state level actors since the day they started hyping their failed tech.

they did not even develop their own covid vaccine. the key payload came from NIH and probably from research in wuhan.

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What about Novavax? Can they be trusted?

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BioNtech was. That German Turkish couple somehow came up with a vaccine and then Pfizer stepped in. Or so I think

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✨💖✨ there is hope

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absolutely. great post.

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Can you give one example? I'm not trying to be a jerk, I'm curious.

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hard to get too specific and remain anonymous, but try this:

let's say that there is a cancer treatment for pediatric patients. untreated, basically all will be dead in a year.

the drug works well, but is highly toxic. survival rate is basically indistinguishable from 100%.

the average patient is about 18 months old.

but it has some serious side effects that persist for a lifetime and significantly affect quality of life.

now let's say you had a concomitant therapy that prevented that side effect and instead allowed these kids to lead normal lives.

that meet your standards?

i mean, you guys are acting like you've never seen effective medicine before. this seems a weird, edge-lordy, pseudoscientific position to take.

sure, staying healthy and eating well can help mitigate lots of things, but the idea that this means that you don't want treatment for sepsis or tetanus or syphillus or AIDS or cancers or 100 other things from river blindness to smallpox that were once often death sentences and are now easily treatable/preventable seems pretty absurd.

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Gato, the average person, not privy to your much more insider position on what the cutting edge looks like, DOESN'T see effective medicine very often firsthand. I don't think I'm exaggerating when I say that.

I've increasingly relied on self-care more and more every year, even before this madness, because nearly every encounter I've had with the medical system has been BARELY effective- at BEST (often completely useless)- and expensive. I've had two family members killed by nosocomial infections. I've had several friends with permanent injuries from accidents stuck with bills they spent years paying off in exchange for basically expensive wound care and prescription painkillers. I could go on and on.

Yes. Medical science is wonderful. Most of us don't see much of it. We see public health.

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" DOESN'T see effective medicine very often firsthand. I don't think I'm exaggerating when I say that."

sure you do. you see it constantly. you're just so used to it that you don't really notice it.

the fact that 50-70% of kids no longer die in childhood is the proof that's all around you.

i'm honestly curious, what do you think stopped that?

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understand something: medicine is not nearly as advanced as many seem to think. it's likely still getting lots of things wrong.

but death by disease has always been the basic state of human life. it still is, but FAR less so than it used to be.

average lifespan has nearly tripled despite how much worse care we take of ourselves and how fat and weak we are.

that's medical science.

you would not want to even look at the way people lived 300 years ago, the filth, the illness, how frequently they died and were disfigured.

just having skin unblemished by disease was a serious deal.

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I'm going to back down at this point because I can see this is something that personally impacts you and that I have likely gone too far in criticizing a field that you value and is part of your identity.

I'm perfectly familiar with the breakthroughs of the 20th century in public health, sanitation, antibiotics, and so on. I am not proposing we all start subsisting on herbal medicines, chiropractic, and faith healing.

My experience as an American has been that health care, in my lifetime, has become increasingly of poorer quality and higher cost. To me and lots of people I've known. And that a big reason for much of it seems to be the same elite, psychopathic world-eaters that just did COVID to us, scaled a few tiers down.

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Indoor plumbing, chlorinated water, public trash removal, antibiotics, penicillin, advances in surgery and maybe some vaccines.

I don't usually comment on your articles because they're so on point, there's not much debating them. This article however has taken an interesting turn though readers' comments.

I too am sceptical of modern medicine because it's turned into dogma. We are no longer allowed to believe in natural healing or even recognize people still survive all over the world without modern medicine. Public health has become an institutional business of selling pills instead of finding cures - or better yet, finding and fixing the causes. It's a cycle of prescription after prescription, each one prescribed to.battle a side effect of the previous.

Why isn't the medical community clamoring about how our food and causing so much illness and pushing harder for solutions? That would be in the best interest of all mankind, would it not?

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I am so with you…The so called medical system we have in this country is totally broken. It is run by insurance companies, Big Pharma and people that stand to profit from the collective ‘ill health’ of the majority of Americans.

In the present ‘go around’ with Covid, it was was driven by ‘Public Health’ authorities, who ARE connected with local, state& federal ‘captive agencies’, funded by taxpayers $$$. That is The Government!

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Fair enough. I don't think we're acting that averse to medications. I'm a lifelong asthmatic, who'd have died in childhood without adrenaline and hydroxyzine. (No breathing treatments back then.) I think what I hate is the way doctors push a drug at you, expect to send you out on that drug and give it no further thought, and the drug companies are paying a lot to make that happen. In was fortunate my body can't handle beta or calcium channel blockers. That earned me an ablation. People less fortunate go out and take say, Lopressor the rest of their lives, and now we know it can cause dementia. The objection I have is to medicine as it's practiced.. Drugs and drugs and seldom an effort to help you fix the problem. This vaccine putsch is simply the logical endpoint... Except it's going to get worse.

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let's keep in mind the quote that started this exchange.

">>> i know a lot of folks in biotech and most are fine people

Citation fucking needed from here on out. My default assumption is anyone designing things to put in my body and sell them to me are Mengele-types being kept on just a short enough leash, and I will literally have to see them rescue puppies and kittens from traffic and resist putting them in a blender for at least a week before assuming their humanity."

this seems pretty averse to medication and medical science.

how would you characterize it?

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It's a "default assumption", and it's tragic. But considering what we're seeing now unfolding, I would say it's also prudent.

I would absolutely demand proof of safety and effectiveness, before taking any new medication. And my default assumption would be skeptical, about any studies or publications appearing in major medical journals, purporting to demonstrate said safety and effectiveness. There is abundant evidence that these publications have been bought and paid for by big pharma.

Where I live in Oregon, a vaccine mandate is being implemented for health care workers. My default assumption is that any doctor or nurse with intelligence and integrity, has already quit or been fired as a result of this mandate. Anecdotally, may of those who remain are likely to take the attitude that the "unvaxxed" (that's me) simply deserve to die.

I'm not averse to real medicine and real medical science, such as it was practiced in the USA some years ago. But now I'm feeling that the medical profession has abandoned me.

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Yeah, it's averse. I'm averse at this point. I've had plenty of iatrogenic injuries. Asthma did not prepare me for the haughty, authoritarian attitudes of the doctors I needed for AFib and pain originating in the spine. I made a common mistake which was to trust that these bastards actually gave a shit about helping me get better. I won't bother regaling you with stories that still infuriate me. But yes thanks medical science now I think you need to learn how to be human beings again.

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Respectfully... about this: "i could give you a list of 20 things i've helped build that treat cancer or diabetes or neurological disorders that are flat out making the world better with people trying the best they can to solve serious problems. medicine is a vital field."... actually, avoiding plant toxins (in my humble opinion) is all you need to do to avoid mot of these problems. I agree with Dr. Paul Saladino on thi... the same Dr. Paul Saladino who turned me onto your awesome blog here.

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respectfully, while i fully agree that eating well (though likely not with your take on what that means) and getting exercise is a big part of staying healthy, most of what you just posted is simply not based in facts and ignores the entire global history of humans and diseases and biological pathologies.

it's a set of nested pseudoscience.

you (in a variety of your comments) seem to be drifting off into some actually luddite philosophy.

this, for example, is just flatly wrong.

"human's digestive systems were not built to eat plants."

yes, they were. they do it very easily and our dentition clearly evolved for it.

humans are not obligate (or even optimized) carnivores.


in fact, getting the fiber you need for a healthy gut biome is nearly impossible on a carnivore diet and your gut biome is a big part of what drives your immune system (as well as serotonin production)

be cautious about having read a couple books and assuming it means you understand a field.

you seem determined to simply something VERY complex into a couple simple salients.

it's not likely to serve you well.

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... and possibly it's not the carbs but the contaminants. "Toxic Legacy" : Stephanie Seneff (2021) makes a nice argument that glyphosate (Roundup) is a major culprit, an article I read today also noted the toxicity from PFAS (teflon, Scotchgard, etc.) is universal and persistent.

The complexity is a "feature", you can always blame the outcome on somebody else.

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respectfully disagree, human do not need any carbohydrate ( including fibers). I am carb and fiber free for ~8 years and it helped me improve my health greatly.

You may want to checkout "Fiber Menace: The Truth About The Leading Role Of Fiber In Diet Failure, Constipation Hemorrhoids" for related science.(https://www.amazon.com/dp/0970679645/)

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Hey that's something I've discovered lately. Phytotoxicity of common foods. I can't handle potatoes for example. The skins of lots of plants are very toxic. Somehow the myth got around that you can't go wrong eating just plants. Dangerous bullshit.

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Again - full kudos to Dr. Paul Saladino on this. He wrote a book about the carnivore diet... then semi shifted lately about adding in low-toxic carbs to the mix to prevent electrolyte depletion (such as raw honey). Plants defend their leaves, stems, seeds and roots from being eaten using HIGHLY toxic defense poisons. This is why we smell grass after it's cut - it's their defense mechanism kickin' in. In my judgement and observation, human's digestive systems were not built to eat plants. Cows have ruminant digestive systems - we humans don't. Isn't it funny that Santa Klaus Schwab and his kind push veganism on us?

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How about kidney beans? They have a lot of phytohaemagglutinin. Which can cause blood clotting. Pass

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I'd reply, but El Gato is warning me that I'm delving in pseudoscience with my comments. So instead, I'll simply link to this (doing so will probably get me banned by BIG vegan): https://www.medic8.com/healthguide/food-poisoning/red-kidney-bean-toxins.html

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Tonight we're having stonefish with nightshade and Amanita "Death Cap" Mushrooms on oleander skewers over an open fire. What could possibly go wrong? 😈

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I once thought I was literally going to die for 10 minutes because I ate a mandarin orange on an empty stomach. Not the worst pain in my life but the scariest.

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As it's become impossible to focus on the highway (the incoherent mainstream narrative of reality) at this point, I spend more of my time gazing at the scenes on the sides of the road. This includes tons of science, and almost everything about the history of vaccines - the mainstream narrative doesn't add up, and the margins are full of bizarre mysteries.

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Yep, this type makes me livid. Evil-doing with a hat tip to love...he’s a vampire.

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I got a PhD in physics, 1989. That was my career until I had kids. I often reflect on the clowns who think they know what Science™️ means. Lots of physicists never had an original thought. They follow the crumbs left on the trail. I'm no whiz kid but at least I know how bullshit smells and I'm not afraid to call it out.

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Yeah and I think citation needed too. At this point anyone farting around at the genetic level, I think, should be taken out and shot forthwith.

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If you're interested in physics, you might find this guy interesting- http://milesmathis.com/index.html

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This is awesome.

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Based on your comment, I hoped it would be to your liking. If you go to Writing>Essays 2020 and Updates you'll find the non-science section.

I feel what you're saying. We already have all the resources we need to make the world a paradise, but our resources are monopolized by a small group of sociopaths and psychopaths who hoard and squander them, then blame us for all the problems they've created. They've taken over medicine, academia, science, religion, government and god knows what else. It's important for people to know *who* they are, and *where* their values originate from. You have to identify the obstacle first and foremost, otherwise, we'll never have any hope of correcting the problem. A perfect world is within reach, or as close to perfect as possible. Humanity isn't doomed to dysfunction and feudalism, we're a far more cooperative and altruistic species than we're led to believe. Recent studies show that even rats are altruistic and possess an inherent sense of fairness toward strangers, yet we're constantly told we're individually responsible for the destruction of a whole planet and all the warring of its inhabitants. We have to take the time to ask who is feeding us these lies and why. There's a small group of people waging war on humanity. We can deal with the lower portions of the pyramid in due time, but it's the top which needs to be severed.

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I have believed in goodness and abundance for years. But I was confused on how to expand this reality for everyone on the planet. I think I am still confused, but have been disabused of the notion that some NWO is a good idea. Your comment makes a lot of sense to me. It's nice to know there's people like you out there.

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What a lovely thing to hear. I came from a cynical upbringing, and had a very negative view of people, religion, the world. I longed for the transhumanist "singularity" which I knew would never actually manifest. It's liberating to learn the world is not what it appears to be. Our culture doesn't promote health and happiness and sense of community, just the opposite. It's worth knowing we've been deliberately programmed this way. People are being fractured and driven from one another in a million different ways. We're most susceptible to their designs when we're alone and isolated, distrustful of one another. Personally, it was spending time in a foreign country which really opened my eyes. I firmly believe no higher education should be complete without a semester in a developing nation. The 'West' is not the real world, it's an arrested development fantasy world. I do believe in goodness now. That belief is put to the test regularly, but now I can put myself in other people's shoes, and try to forgive them, for they really, really don't know what they're doing.

You're right, it is nice to know we're not alone.

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I would not be who I am today without living in another country, even if it's not a developing nation. I sometimes feel pity for those who have not had this experience and I think it would be great if more people could swing it!

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Hesitancy is sly word. It presumes the default position is vaccinated.

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Indeed. I am not hesitant. Having reviewed the evidence, I am resolute.

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Sadly for the majority of the population (by official claims anyway), it IS the default assumption.

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I love my family so much that I was able to convince them not to be afraid of the virus.

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Amen to that.

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The truth is exactly the opposite. We dont get the vax b/c we arent afraid of the disease (I had it and it wasnt that bad). Fear was what drove millions to get the shot in the first place. Hesitancy is based on a thoughtful rational or sometimes intuitional weighing of risks versus benefits. Its breathtakingly irresponsible and evil for a man like him to make a statement like this.

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So if it's 'fear' that's driving vaccine 'hesistancy', is it not 'fear' that's driving vaccine 'advocacy'? How's that go again? What's good for the goose is..

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That's like the CEO of McDonald's complaining about healthy diets and "Big Mac hesitancy".

"Won't someone *please* think of our profits???"

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Or more to the point, "Tell your loved ones that if they don't eat Big Macs, employees of the MacDonald's company will starve."

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That's a good analogy. I used to love Big Macs, until I found out about the (low) quality of what passes for the hamburger they use to produce one. I'll still eat at McDonald's, but not their beef. Perhaps I'm deluding myself and the chicken or fish is as bad. Point: I did not change my diet. I still eat cheeseburgers and other fatty food. But I buy higher quality. But if a high-quality local burger and fries (the kind that costs $15 before tip) suddenly started to taste like McBeef -- I would get suspicious. That's what the mRNA jabs are: Big Pharma hijacked the venerable term "vaccine" that used to mean high quality, and foisted a new unproven technology on the consumer and it's already proving to be much less than promised. That might be pardonable but the lurking side effects must never be forgiven.

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I'm old enough to remember when McD's got in trouble for using horse meat in their burgers. That was in the 70's.

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Probably good lean meat, that horsemeat. We just have an aversion to eating some animals.

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I hear you. Big Food designs junk food so we want more and more…sigh….

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The first time I had a random hamburger at McD's (after a road trip), I didn't leave the bathroom for an hour. Their nuggets are still a guilty pleasure though. *sheepish grin*

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It’s the pickles that make their hamburgers tasty.

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But whose hesitant about Big Macs? People don’t have to be forced to eat them.

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I think H. L. Mencken’s quip can be repurposed for Big Pharma:

The whole aim of * the medical pharmaceutical cartel is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary.

* originally practical politics

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At this point, Big Pharma and practical politics are virtually indistinguishable from one another. Both serve to crush your soul.

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How does my getting the jab "help the health of others?" It doesn't! It doesn't even help my health.

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Exactly. In fact, it will only promote more and more infectious and possibly virulent strains, which as GVB has so eloquently said, will drive waves of greater and greater mortality. Put the virus under immense selective pressure and it will eventually teach itself many new tricks. No treats here on this insane path to hell. Pfizer CEO belongs in jail.

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And actually the jab makes you shed spike proteins all over those "others."

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"Vaccine ̵h̵e̵s̵i̵t̵a̵n̵c̵y̵ promotion is never coming from facts and data. It is in most cases ̵f̵e̵a̵r̵ greed.

There. I fixed it.

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Well, vaccine promotion is mostly fear based. Vaccine hesitancy is coming from fear--not facts and data. Vaccine compliance is also coming from fear--not facts and data.

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Fear itself is not the issue. If someone points a loaded gun at your head, fear is a normal response. Fear apart from facts is a problem, but that's not what's going on. There are overwhelming facts and data available to more than adequately account for people not wanting the vaccines.

Every single person I know or am in regular communication with online who is against the vaccine is extremely well-informed. Facts and data are exactly why we're against it. I was looking forward to it throughout 2020. But the more I learned about it, the more concerned I became. Based on the facts and data that have been very ably explicated by credentialed experts all over the world, I fear for my own health and for the health of the entire public because of these so-called vaccines.

And the coercion is an additional issue. I fear for the continued existence of our republic when we're threatened, coerced, fired, and suffer other harms because we refuse to submit to an experimental treatment.

There is no "hesitancy" on my part. I've known with certainty for months that I don't want this thing injected into my body. I'm not hesitating. My heels are dug in. Referring to us as "hesitant" is pejorative, just another part of the assault on us.

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Your post is really making me think hard. I thought, for instance, that people who resisted the Covid vaccines didn't want to get tarred and feathered as "anti-vaxxers." I'm sure big Pharma would love (and is now loving) to paint us as deranged, Trump conspiracy theorists that are anti-vaxxers and would return us all to the days of rampant small pox, polio and measles infections. By the way, vaccines did not save us from these infections. Disease rates were decreasing due to improvement in public health even before mass vaccination was implemented. Also vaccines were often quite risky. Smallpox vaccines were so lethal at first, that in 1885 Leicester England, people rioted in protests trying to prevent their children from taking them. (See Dr. Suzanne Humphreies, "Dissolving Illusions.") And measles vaccine proves ineffective after a few years--so the manufacturers double down and require two jabs. And eventually boosters. Sound familiar? And grandma is pressured to get the booster to keep her children safe. But we (was it we?) claimed we weren't ANTI-VAX. We were just vaccine hesitant, waiting to see further evidence before we committed to an undertested product. So many scientists preface their criticisms with this denial, "I'm not anti-vax. My wife and children are fully vaccinated. I worked for the vaccine companies." What's wrong with being anti-vax? Dr. Paul Thomas recently published a book showing that unvaccinated children had far better health than vaccinated children. "The Vaccine Friendly Plan." Even the best vaccine has toxins (such as mercury, aluminum) that cause many to suffer neurological problems. I'm now taking a course in vaccine history. https://vaccinecourse.org. Quite eye opening.

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Both good points. Fear can be disabling, but it can also be a tutor and a guide. The word has a wide semantic range, so different things going on within us bear the title "fear". I was scared of COVID in March 2020. By April, I could see that fear was being deliberately being cultivated, and the relief was palpable. By May, I knew something worse than a virus was afoot. I was suspicious of the vaccines in the Fall, but 2021 opened my eyes to things I never would have dreamed of even a few months earlier.

I think most or all of us here are very well-read on this subject, informed by experts through well-practiced habits of critical thinking. And I suspect that come initial fear was the impetus for us spending the time and energy we've spent on staying informed on this subject. Fear served its purpose, but it made way for facts and reason. I'm afraid now for our society and for what the leaky vaxxes may do to our health. I'm afraid for people dear to me who've been vaccinated, and some who are getting boosters. But I learned in the Spring of 2020 how to live well in the face of those fears.

I was not anti-vax even a few months ago, just anti this vaccine, because it's not. We all know the difference, it's huge. They shouldn't even be called vaccines. That single semantic trick was a critical move made when few or none suspected what was afoot. But the COVID vaccines have been the occasion for a wider education for me. I now know of technical reasons to doubt the efficacy and safety of vaccines I once eagerly had given to my kids, and the flu shot that I took every year. But more than that, I see how we've been thrown to wolves for decades, and I didn't even know it. How there has not been any oversight to speak of, how thoroughly corrupt the whole process has been. I see now that the CDC and FDA are not simply unreliable, but actually a reliable source of malfeasance. I see the long game that was in play from the beginning, how the "two weeks to flatten the curve" in March 2020 was the springing of a deliberate trap. Unless there is a bonafide no-kidding revolution, I will never trust anything from public health authorities again. We're on our own, but not all alone. The same communication tech that's been sued to suppress us is also used to band together and figure things out together now that we realize that the "authorities" and "experts" curated by the political and media class are actually preying on us. t takes a lot of work, a lot more than just reading a CDC web page or getting the standard of care instructions from my doctor, but that's what we have to do.

For now, I'm suspending definitive judgment on the other vaccines. I skipped the flu shot this year, and I'll probably skip it in future years as well. My kids are grown, each of them in college with either no mandate or an exemption. So I have time to look into it. But right now I'm focused on the current crisis, spending more time than I have keeping up. COVID not only took my freedom, it took my free time too. I can't believe how much I have to read just to keep abreast of the ongoing predator schemes.

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wow, sounds like our journeys had a similar timeline. always heartening to read.

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How do you figure out what to read? I get a lot of references from www.markcrispinmiller.com who until recently taught a class in propaganda at NYU university. When he suggested his class read scientific studies claiming masks lacked efficacy, a student on twitter asked the dean to fire him (he is a tenured professor), and he has been forbidden to teach this course. But now he teaches it to the public at www.freedomtravelalliance.com

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I started a Slack group in June to oppose vaccine mandates for Virginia universities. Through that group, I got connected to other groups fighting the mandates for universities and colleges, and then focused more widely just as we were warning they would. SOme doctors reached out to me thorugh a GoFUndMe I started to pay legal fees for law suires in Virginia, including one doc who is working with Peter McCullough, and they've been very helpful pointing me to studies and articles, sometimes in response to specific things in my personal life, like when my wife got COVID and I was applying the early treatment protocols (she did just fine) I'm a federal contractor, so I'm in a few groups helping each other to stay employed without letting Brandon stab us. We all share sources and stories in these groups when we come across them, and these people are generally really well-informed, so these are high-quality sources and stories.

Substack of course is a great source. I follow a few authors, and I keep discovering more. I used to get good leads on Twitter (where I first got res-pilled by the bad cat), but I got kicked off Twitter a few weeks ago, so I can't do that anymore (but I'm trying to get reinstated). So I dunno, I struggle to answer that question when friends ask it- where do you get your info. It feels kinda like asking a fish where he gets his water. :)

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The problem with fear is that it will interfere with ability to think. I know that I won't have any appeal to my vaccinated friends who are terrified of Covid because they believe that the vaccines are the only thing keeping them safe. And they can't think straight to understand the complexities of the immune system. Why a few days ago, Katie Halper and Matt Taibbi on their podcast, "Useful Idiots," were arguing that natural immunity also faded quickly because blood tests showed the antigen levels decreased rapidly after infection. (Maybe we should remove the adjective, "Useful.") To be fair, they were also deploring the heavy handed implementation of vaccine passports. BUT they were ignorant of the T1 and T2 factors that allow people who have recovered from Covid to quickly ramp up the immune system and produce antigens to fight off future infection. So it looked like they were prepared to agree (as Pfizer and Moderna argue), that producing a large number of antigens should be the criteria for effectiveness.

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"The Chinese biological laboratory in Wuhan is owned by Glaxosmithkline,
which (accidentally) owns Pfizer!" (the one who makes the vaccine against
the virus which was (accidentally) started at the Wuhan Biological Lab and
which was (accidentally) funded by Dr. Fauci, who (accidentally) promotes
the vaccine!

"GlaxoSmithKline is (accidentally) managed by the finance division of Black Rock, which (accidentally) manages the finances of the Open Foundation Company (Soros Foundation), which (accidentally) manages the French AXA!

"Soros (accidentally) owns the German company Winterthur, which
(accidentally) built a Chinese laboratory in Wuhan and was bought by the
German Allianz, which (coincidentally) has Vanguard as a shareholder, who (coincidentally) is a shareholder of Black Rock," which (coincidentally)
controls central banks and manages about a third of global investment

"Black Rock" is also (coincidentally) a major shareholder of MICROSOFT,
owned by Bill Gates, who (coincidentally) is a shareholder of Pfizer (which
- remember? Sells a miracle vaccine) and (coincidentally) is now the first
sponsor of the 'WHO!

Now you understand how a dead bat sold in a wet market in China has infected the WHOLE PLANET! ""


That was a very condensed version………..the following site is for the full picture of the villains and history of their deadly deeds leading up to today.

WARNING….be prepared for mental over load with the detailed and depressing history of what Hitler and his Third Reich could only have dreamed about doing to the World.

The millions dying Worldwide from COVID are simply pawns on a chess board of power and wealth to men like Soros.


We are here and it is now. Further than that, all human knowledge is moonshine. – HL Mencken

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Interesting that you should mention Hitler given that some of the actors in this setup have direct links to his ideology and Germany.

The evil that men do lives on?

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His remarks are dehumanizing/gaslighting. To be human isn't just to fear, but to reason through things and make moral conclusions, which is the actual primary reason people are "hesitant."

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Actually there are many different reasons for vaccine hesitancy. The New York Times used to claim that vaccine hesitant were all people who loved Trump and didn't trust Biden. They used to sadly claim how "the red states" were going to die because of their foolish refusal to protect their immunity with vaccination. Remember, when Trump was president, both Biden and Harris stated they would refuse to take an unproven, hastily developed (warp speed!) vaccine. I guess that once Biden was elected, his presidency gave the vaccine magical healing powers. But there are also libertarians that hate being coerced on general principle. And there are plenty of people who distrust the government and big Pharma without even reasoning through the data. Some people are scared of needles. But there is also a substantial number of medical doctors, virologists, statisticians, etc. that have legitimate scientific and ethical concerns.

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I don't think that many of us are "hesitant" at this point. Our minds our made up, and no amount of vaccine insistency or ham-handed coercion will change that.

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Here are my facts and data:

Here's a 2016 (so pre-covid and non-political) article about Moderna and their technology, but the VP of BioNTech also comments on the technology being unsafe for repeated doses. See pages 15 & 16 if you don't want to read the whole thing.


When did they "solve" the safety issues?

Read this post and check out the dates and other data yourself.


Oh, and Stephane Bancel, the CEO of Moderna? Formerly the CEO of BioMeriuex, who, according to the Chinese Communist Party, was "instrumental" in creating the Wuhan Lab. He was not there at the time, but think about the connections, and he was on the board until August of 2019.



on board of merieux thru Aug 2019 see page 54:


Given these reasons, the crap messaging from the CDC and FDA, and Pfizer's history, why exactly WOULDN'T I be hesitant to take this vaccine? I'd have to be gullible to believe "safe and effective" with zero proof.

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Do you recall that Albert Bourla stated that it was hard to argue with the vaccine hesitant because they are blinded by their fear and impervious to facts/data? Hmmm. Does that remind you of anyone? I am tempted to write him and say, "I'm so glad you are rational and not clouded by fear so that you can be guided by facts and data. Then I give him your findings. If only.

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When Albert Bourla stated that love was stronger than fear, I was expecting him to say, "Treat the vaccine hesitant with love. I joined medicine out of concern for my fellow man. I hope that the vaccine hesitant will feel that I truly care for their health and wish to do everything possible to keep us all safe." I NEVER expected he would argue that the unvaccinated should force themselves to undergo a risky medical procedure to avoid killing other people. "If you loved your family you should get vaccinated in order to keep them safe." (By implication the unvaccinated don't care about us and are making us unsafe by failing to get vaccinated.) This is so sad. My heart is breaking.

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It is not my responsibility to undergo a medical treatment to keep someone else from being sickened. That’s the vaccine’s job, but the vaccine has clocked out and is reclining on the beach doing nothing.

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I LOVE your reply. I think some people argue that the unvaccinated are threatening EVERYBOODY (including the vaccinated because we are spreading infection everywhere). However, other pundits argue that we are spreading it among ourselves--but, as a result, we are clogging the emergency rooms and hospitals which should be reserved for the worthy (vaccinated) patients. Also, by remaining unvaccinated, we are interfering with herd immunity. You see, they argue, if 100% of the population were vaccinated, then there would be no need for lockdowns, masks, travel restrictions--we would all be one big happy family and the government could take its boot off our necks. See what they did there? The government would be ever so happy to release restrictions on the economy, small businesses, travel, schooling--but they can't because of those selfish vaccine hesitant morons that ignore science and make the world unsafe for everyone.

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Oh, I forgot another argument against the vaccine hesitant. We are responsible for the evolution and spread of new variants. Because if the vaccines were allowed to protect everyone, then no one would get sick and there wouldn't be any spread of new infections.

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Albert Bourla is a Greek veterinarian. If he had his own fears under control, he would allow the general public to seek redress of grievances in court instead of hiding behind the government's indemnification contract. He seems pretty fearful though.

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Well- he can yammer all he wants but my valid excuse is “because I don’t want to” and that’s all he needs to know. And it will suffice- no matter how much you try to sideline me. I. Do. Not. Care.

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Of course the hesitant are fearful. They are fearful of an unsafe product from a corporation that has a history of corruption and has paid out billion in fines and fearful of government that never has your best. But make no mistake, the people who took the vaccine took it out of fear too! Fear of dying.

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Or fear of being rejected and ostracized or not being able to travel or getting fired and not being able to support yourself.

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It's the emotional abusive language for me. The other side of the "you'll do this if you love me" coin is "why did you make me hit you?"

Nah, I'm hesitant about jaywalking, not about being forced to take a medicine that I bear 100% of the costs and you get 100% of the profits.

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I'm fearful of being coerced. I answered a "telemarketer" who called up to ask me if I needed free flood relief--and then how about free vaccines? I said, not right now. She seemed quite confused by my response. I guess she expected Yes I will do it OR NO Go away I will never agree. But "not now" suggested I would do it later. So I didn't fall into any of her categories. I wondered if she was getting paid for every person she persuaded to get the vaccine.

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One clear takeaway here: there was intent to deceive. Where are the lawyers? Maybe we can recover $10 - $20B for damages to families who lost loved ones, for the injured. But save a little extra for the wood to build the gallows and for plane trips to Gitmo.

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Not in this country (USA). Vaccine makers have no legal liability for any injuries that are a result of their vaccines. The federal government is on the hook (which is to say ordinary US taxpayers), as if there will be any lawsuits allowed to proceed to begin with.

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Why give a single dollar to the people you've coerced under threat of law to take experimental drugs when you can give half a million dollars per person to people that had the stones to just break our immigration and human trafficking laws in the first place? That's money far better spent. People scared enough to follow laws that hurt them won't need bribes to behave.

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I think any vaccine which is on the childhood vaccine schedule is completely free of liability. Which is a big reason why Pfizer is trying so hard to vaccinate younger children. They have FDA approval for their new vaccine, Comirnaty, which is not yet available in the U.S. Comirnaty doesn't have full immunity from liability until it gets on the schedule of required childhood vaccines. Meanwhile Emergency Use Authorization does give immunity. The government will pay liability damages for a winning lawsuit. But I think only about 1 or 2% of cases ever win any damages. The CDC claimed that they reviewed all the VAERS Covid vaccine deaths--and determined they were all just coincidental--not validated. You can see from this argument (which, to me, is more of an unfounded claim rather than a valid legal argument), that the government or Pfizer really are going to deny most of the cases. Nothing to see here.

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How can I give informed consent when information is being withheld? I can’t and as such I refuse to do so. What information is being withheld? I'm so glad you asked!!

1) Their patents have "company proprietary secret sauce ingredients" and the government let them get away with that! This is NOT Kentucy Fried Chicken. This is an experimental gene therapy injection.

2) The raw data from the “Phase 2 Human Experimental Trials” which completed in October 2020, has not been made publicly available. Pfizer & Moderna have said that they will release it “sometime in 2022”. Talk to me AFTER that.

There is NO NEGOTIATION on this point. You do NOT claim "science" and get to withhold information that they admit exists. NO, NEIN, NYET, NEVER.

Without the raw data we cannot verify their claims for safety & efficacy.

Think about the precedent you are setting. You are letting large corporations with:

1) A blatant financial conflict of interest.

2) A recent history of maiming and killing thousands of the “customers” annually.

3) Decide what information about their “products” I get to see.

And I have to take it? ROTFLMAO. No. That is stark raving mad.

Go ahead and give your "uninformed consent" all you want but I refuse to and you coerce me at your own peril.

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If you stay really really quiet you can hear Joseph Goebbels laughing in hell right now

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prostitutes for big pharma

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I agree with our esteemed feline author that there are good intentions in medicine. However, I also emphatically agree that being in bed with government has so warped the entire field that many people are doing harm while thinking they are doing good. The AMA, FDA, CDC, etc, have done such a great job enslaving the minds of doctors, that now you can see them murdering their patients and being proud of it.

I recently moved to a new town and asked on a alternative health forum where I could find a doctor that doesn't just push drugs and vaccines. No one had an answer. Big Pharma, coupled with the lethal power of The State, have pretty much completely destroyed the delivery of medicine in this country.

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I'm glad you brought it up, but his whole argument falls apart when you point out it doesn't stop transmission. In fact, it increases the chances that someone will be infectious and not know it. So his whole spiel is utterly ridiculous.

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But their quackery doesn’t work unless you partake in their quackery too

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Flip it, "you're going to affect everyone.." no no buddy, you speak of hypothetical (what we have not observed in practice, we're still alive not in hospital) it is YOU who WISHES to AFFECT everyone's health with your FOR PROFIT shots that you charge the government that fleeces the debt slave taxpayer.... do NOT let them frame this in this way

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It's not fear...it's self preservation.

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lets take bourlas children and play voodoo doll with them and the jab and see what happens. he loves them sooooooo much and believes in the jab, then offer your kids first on the altar of big pharma, roll up their sleeves and give them the jab. in the meantime mr bourla, F*** off.

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My extended family tried to throw this "caring" BS in my face because we all normally spend Thanksgiving together. They claimed I needed to take a test to "protect them" because we're unvaxx'd. My youngest daughter and I recovered from covid early this month (both mild cases). I stated that EVERYBODY except for us needed to be tested because Walensky of the CDC stated on CNN in August that you can still spread it even if you're vaxx'd. I also stated that our state health dept told me on the phone when they called about our positive tests to not bother taking another test for 90 days because we could still test positive. Well, that wasn't good enough. My cousin in particular said they still want me to test. I said fine, send me $65 for two over the counter rapid tests because we're not going through anybody who sends test results to the state health dept because if we test positive, all they're going to do is call and ask me why I tested when they said not to (plus it would inflate #s). She wrote back that vaccines are free and that everybody who isn't vaxx'd should be for the good of everybody. And there we go. This was not about testing but about attempting to pressure me into vaxxing my daughters and me (even though we've recovered from covid recently). We're having a separate Thanksgiving now. I'm not risking my or my daughters' health to make them feel good about themselves, nor do I want us to be blamed if any of them get sick.

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I just can't stop thinking about your family. I keep arguing a case, and they keep refusing to hear my arguments (in my imagination). I was listening to lectures by Chris Voss who negotiates with terrorists. I tried some strategies that he recommended. I started with, "Sounds like you're concerned about getting infected with Covid--even though you are fully vaccinated. Pfizer and our president stated that vaccinated people are completely safe. What evidence made you distrust your vaccine protection?" Chris advises us to listen to the other side with full empathy and curiosity about their position. "So you are advising me to get vaccinated--although it might not protect me and might injure me? How am I supposed to do that?" I myself don't think ANY of you need to be tested unless you have symptoms. In my mind, I gave up on getting invited for Thanksgiving. I just want to see if we can preserve a dialog. Next question, "What makes you think that recovering from Covid doesn't prevent us from transmitting the infection?" Reminds me of Bill Mahr's comedy, "I don't know it for a fact--I just know it's true." At some point they may give up dialog, and just say "We want to be safe." Ask, "Can you let me know the scientific evidence showing that natural immunity is ineffective against Covid?" I'm looking to see if they cite the evidence that antibodies wane in numbers after vaccination--and also after recovery from infection. I'm looking for a way to present evidence that natural immunity is not based only on antibodies--but on T1 and T2 proteins that allow protection against other parts of the Covid virus--not just the spike protein. This is hard for anyone to follow--let alone a scared person that can't think. "I want you to be totally safe. Have you ever seen a case reported of a person who has natural immunity infecting his loved ones or anyone else in the community." They will reply, they don't care. They just feel safe only with vaccinated people. When arguing, our evidence doesn't matter. What matters is their evidence, their fear. We need to completely hear them out. Repeat what they said to show we understand. Anyway, I will let you know if I ever get invited for dinner. (in my mind).

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I am so sorry about the drama. It really does sound like cultish behavior. Good for you for sticking up for science and your family's health. I am sure you will have a fabulous holiday on your own terms.

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Curious--your family doesn't believe in natural immunity? The scientific evidence seems to prove that people who recover from Covid are much better protected than vaccinated people.

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Also, my dad asked my aunt if she interviewed all of the contractors working on her house to see if they were vaccinated. Plus he asked why it was OK last year for us all to get together (unmasked and unvaccinated) but now it's not?

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Apparently not since my cousin still pushed me to get the shots. There's no question - it's a cult.

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I think your Thanksgiving will be more enjoyable without such family members. It's a sad state of affairs indeed.

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Oh, I forgot in my imaginary conversation to address medical treatment. Covid is completely treatable if drugs are administered promptly. 200 members of congress have already been treated with ivermectin, I hear. But Dr. Peter McCullough has published papers and discussed how treatment can overcome the threat of Covid.

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I am a person of a certain age (let’s say I qualify for Medicare & SSI benefits). I am a person of a certain age that the Industrial Medical Healthcare & Insurance System loves, because now I’m old and likely in poor health (like millions of ‘seniors’) and I am ripe for the picking for all the senior ‘vaxxes’, tests & procedures that a person on my age should get. News flash to that System, before I had these ‘benefits’ I rarely went to the doctor, had no health insurance, paid out of pocket for my ‘healthcare’, never got a flu shot (though they could often be had for free), have it had the flu or a flu like illness in over 14 years, nor did I take prescription drugs or get unlimited diagnostic tests. So that I chose not to get this experimental injection out of ‘fear & data’ like Mr. Pfizer says, is completely wrong.

On the contrary, I chose not to get it because I have never believed in putting a lot excessive pharmaceuticals into my body and because I did read ‘the data’ (but not Pfizer’s)! So once again these Pharma guys are totally FOS!

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Heaven forbid one should actually perform his own risk assessment and elect not to consume the product his company is selling. Initially, I declined to partake in the product out of love, so that it could be available to others who wanted or needed it more, statistically speaking. I've become ever more comfortable with that decision as the data unfolded, and if I were to take his product now, it would certainly be based out of fear. As in fear of losing my livelihood and surrendering to the ultimatum that I (and millions of others) currently face.

I don't know what kind of love the Pfizer CEO is describing but I prefer the biblical version.

"And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love." (1 Corinthians 13:13)

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The hypocrisy! Bourla says to use "love" to convince the "hesitant", while governments and corporations all over the world are using coercion and blackmail, also known as "mandates" and "passports". And now, little kids will be forced to choose between education and survival.

I thought maybe this video clip dated back to the early days of the "vaccines". So I tracked it down to the source, dated October 17, 2021. Bourla has no excuse: if he wants the administration of these vaccines to be based on "love", he should have condemned the mandates. Instead he is silent to that issue.


In this interview, Bourla also claims (at 6:00) that "There is no vaccine that has been more studied in the history of humanity, because we have the scrutiny of all healthcare authorities, and we are at the stage that many of them, they have electronic medical records, so we know exactly what is happening after the administration of billions of those." This is the basis for his argument that the "vaccine" is safe for children. But, is there really any country, anywhere, that tracks these records and makes the data available for public scrutiny? Or is this guy not only a psychopath, but also a transparent liar? Or is he trying to say that he has the data but can't release it, and so we're supposed to trust him?

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Like dogs lick the hands of kindly humans. That’s how we should show our trust. Now roll up your sleeve!

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Pfizer CEO and Keith Olbermann must use the same 'scientific measures' to identify fear as the only possible reason to object to mass COVID vaccination. How fun would it be to have these frauds debate real public health advocates? Drs Malone, Kory etc would mop the floor with Albert Bourla & expose him as a bigger liar and fraud than Sanjay Gupta roached by Joe Rogan over Ivermectin.

Fear it is not.. Matthew Crawford and MD panel Malone, Kory etc.. Oct 2021


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Interesting data and facts and separate things here.

Meanwhile, I was told this week by people who I associate with (thru sports) that they wished people like me who refused to be vaccinated with experimental tortured baby kidney concoctions that are killing people (in my family and in my neighborhood - their friends too) would suffer under a no shop passport law. No groceries or medications? Good. I deserve it. I live in a very conservative state in a very liberal neighborhood. Was I shocked? I godda say yes. I am pretty well liked - so I thought. haha. Am I mad? Nope. So glad I know where we stand. I let them know that even though they are the super spreaders at this point, I hope none of them ever is subject to the yellow star treatment they want for me and mine.

Take it to them my friends.

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Courage to hold out is needed by all of us!

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It really hurts sometimes. But you are not alone.

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Do you see from the comments what the "experts" have done? They have destroyed the reputation of not only the FDA and CDC and the government as a whole, but of ALL OF MEDICINE. I feel this way more and more - that they all have an emotional stake in their "brilliant" discoveries and inventions and are not interested at all in any evidence to the contrary. They will torture puppies and create opium addicts as a price not too high for their gift to humanity! They have a hero complex. Okay, when I'm not so angry and skeptical I can recognize that lives have been saved through advanced treatments and medicine for fatal diseases. But at what price? We KNEW the government could not be trusted, but the medical community did not do enough to speak up over the last 2 years and they have a LONG way to go to re-earn basic trust. Stronger ethics safeguards, more transparency, taking a bigger picture perspective on health and well being, owning unintended consequences. A really long way to go.

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Absolutely agree. I do not see myself reinstating trust anytime soon. The costs are too high for me. If that means I die of a curable ailment, well that's too bad. But it is authentic.

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"Never based on facts and data."

Fair, anyway. The "facts and data" on vaccines have been defined by one-sided assumption since the late 80s, so how can hesitancy be "based" on them? It's more a confession of scientific Orwellianism than a description of a reality about anti-vaxxers.

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Does Albert Bourla seem like a loving person when he argues that we should use love to persuade the vaccine hesitant to get vaccinated? To me, his argument still seems fear based (not love based).

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The messaging is like when in 'A Christmas Story' the kids convince the poor sucker to put his tongue on the frozen pole.

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If he is so confident in his products ability to stop coronavirus spreading to the vulnerable and so empathetic to the vaccine hesitant then put him up to a Q and A of people like Robert Malone, Geert Vanden Bossche, Martin Kulldorff et al.

Didn't think so....

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Well I'm afraid to watch the video because based on the commentary I expect my head will explode.

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I take some comfort in the fact that the first two dozen replies I saw on that tweet all seemed to echo your sentiments.

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Mayo Clinic Covid Information: Get the Facts

Q: What are the long term side effects of the CV19 vaccine?

A: "Because COVID-19 vaccines clinical trials only started in the summer of 2020, it’s not yet clear if these vaccines will have long-term side effects. However, vaccines rarely cause long-term side effects.

If you're concerned, in the U.S., safety data on COVID-19 vaccines will be reported to a national program called the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System. This data is available to the public. The CDC has also created v-safe, a smartphone-based tool that allows users to report COVID-19 vaccine side effects."

Could be that people actually want to wait until the FDA trials have been completed to see if there are no long term side effects before getting jab'd.

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there is a reason that "vaccines rarely cause long-term side effects" and that reason is that they use well understood technologies and go though 7-10 years of testing before going into widespread use.

this is one of the ugliest sleights of hand in this whole sales process.

you might a well argue for using chemotherapy to cure canker cores because "most medicines are well tolerated."

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The Mayo Clinic pushes bio 'vaxes' but then gives advice that there could be long term side effects.....and no one can sue the drug companies either. They've conveniently gotten govt protection. The medical field no longer promotes 'do no harm' , as in their oath to healthcare. If they did, they would deny this massive fraud.

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I have a lot of friends that I consider very intelligent but are full blown Branch Covidians. This is the part they seem to be missing. This is very new and sophisticated technology but somehow if you call it a vaccine there’s no reason to be concerned about safety. I like these friends. But they are dumbfoundingly unconcerned about long term side effects. Because vaccines.

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"Aspirin is a safe and proven analgesic; We're certain that Vioxx will be the same..."

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"Vaccines rarely cause long-term side effects." Yes, but these are NOT traditional vaccines. It's like using the flu shot's side effects as justification for the safety of a new chemotherapy treatment.

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VAERS currently showing 17,000+ deaths. Seems sort of long-term, no?

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Motion for a European Parliament resolution on creating a European compensation fund for victims of the ‘COVID-19 vaccines’ https://www.europarl.europa.eu/doceo/document/B-9-2021-0475_EN.html#_edn2

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"The fear comes from the inside." This is an unsupported assertion and immediately begs the question, i.e., assumes as a given that which he's supposed to be proving.

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It would be so easy to fake that the vaccines work—just stop testing and declare victory. At least pick a place with high vax rates, like Ireland, or Lithuania, and stop testing and say it works. Why won’t they do that? Too incompetent?

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Governments still have hundreds of millions of doses to get rid of.

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And they also have to save face. If they stop before they have everyone jabbed, the whole rationale for trying to force everyone to be jabbed falls apart. And all the people who were fired for not getting jabbed will be very very angry.

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And last year's model, too.

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True. And they don’t care who gets harmed in the drive to reduce the surplus.

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I am not offended by his comments on the video but I am confused by his thought process. We now know that vaccinated can get infected and transmit the infection while having as high a viral load as unvaccinated. The difference as I see it is that the symptoms most likely are more mild and perhaps the vaccinated wont believe that they have the virus and as a result be more of a spreader than the unvaccinated person who is lying in bed with a fever and muscle aches. COVID is the gift that keeps on giving its love no matter what.....

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Im not hesitant. I’m skeptical.

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Big Pharma just loves us to death!

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Tedious. This behavior is so incredibly tedious. It's like we've never seen sleazy emotional manipulation before, and he's come up with something fresh and new. "I'd like to teach the world to sing in perfect harmony." Edward Bernays lives.

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Do you guys know that Bourla is, of all things, a veterinarian? Yes, a horse and pet and livestock medicine expert! Quoting Pfizer's own biography: "Albert is a Doctor of Veterinary Medicine and holds a Ph.D. in the Biotechnology of Reproduction from the Veterinary School of Aristotle University." https://www.pfizer.com/people/leadership/executives/albert_bourla-dvm-phd

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So can we get him to prescribe Ivermectin? Because it's supposedly horse medicine, and he's a veterinarian? (Sorry, I promised myself not to get snarky.)

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That's not snarky. That's downright funny :)

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It's harder to get into vet school than med school

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That's what a friend of my son found out. Those who couldn't get into vet school were told to apply at med school.

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Don't mock veterinarians as they do a lot of serious medical development.

Dr Bridle (Canadian) who got Pfizer's own bio-distribution study from Japan and went public with it is a veterinarian.

It clearly shows that the spike proteins do not stay at the injection site or nearest lymph node like all other vaccines. The spike proteins wind up in the liver, spleen, lungs, kidneys and brain (gets through the blood brain barrier easily).

He was given a grant of $250k early on to develop an human vaccine for the SARS-CoV-2 virus. He's trying to do it for a genetically stable part of the virus.

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They must. I lately read there are COVID-19 vaccines for zoo animals! (Lions, Tigers, and, perhaps, Bears, oh my!) 😎

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Satan on how to speak to vaccine hesitant....

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Well the Pfizer bozo said it loud and clear : "I've found in life in general that there's only one emotion that's stronger than fear, and this is laugh [...] so try to conquer your fear by using the laugh".

You bet it does, it's been my medicine throughout this pantomimne and believe me it works, the punch line beats the jab one by far, so keep it coming and we'll keep on laughing.


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