I am trusting nothing coming from the pharmaceuticals at this point… and I am a physician. Think I will stick with the FLCCC protocol which seems fairly effective and very low side effect profile! Not to mention eating right and being active!

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Ddoc - agreed. No thanks to new drugs - I'll stick with the tried and true.

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"Pfizer says it stopped trials early as the initial results were so positive." I guess that's how you avoid looking at any long-term effects.

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What!!!? Same sick MO. So no long-term studies, not looking at liver and kidney damage and other possible side effects? Pardon me, but fuk Pfizer.

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Correction: Pfuck Pfizer.

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And agreed. It's the same sick MO as before. Can't understand why anyone would hear things like "the results were so good that we had to stop the trials" and not immediately be suspicious. After all the whole point of a trial is to see the effects and persons who sign up for trials know what they are getting into. If I signed up for a medical trial and they wanted to cut it short and offer me the trial product because they claimed it would be unethical to not do so as that would be unnecessarily putting me at risk I would decline and point out that I willingly signed up KNOWING the risks involved. It would dismay me if they even tried it as it meant my time and effort to help find out about the trial product was essentially wasted. What would have been the point of volunteering for a trial such as that?

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This seems to be their modus operandi.

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They can’t do any of this, WEF is on guard for thee! Party spoilers? Hard to believe, maybe just trying to extort a better deal from the rest of the gang.

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That’s why I have made myself an honorary control group person.

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Lets hope thats the end. They are so desperate for digital id though, I wouldnt be surprised to see them argue that you need to take both as that combination results in the greatest risk reduction

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This is a protease inhibitor, a class of drugs that have long term cardiovascular disease as an adverse event.

More side effects in exchange for the confidence that it is, gasp, *FDA approved* as opposed to those horribly unsafe early treatments like hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin.

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Don't forget the shockingly dangerous vitamin D.

What can I say? Some of us love living life on the edge.

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But I'm guessing you wouldn't regularly take this pill right? If it's only taken when you get covid would the long term issues still be a problem?

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you take the pill to recover from covid. once recovered, you have longstanding, effective immunity.

so should be a one time thing, unlike the vaccines.

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Exactly, having survived infection, whether with or without pharmacological assistance, you’ll be IMMUNE & to all variants.

No one should accept one of these Covid19 vaccines. They kill more people than they save, by FAR.

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Be interested to see how are they going to "sell" this switch from the mRNA to a pill, especially after so many months of ham-fisted biofacist mRNA propaganda?

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Sounds like a "vaccine." I'm airquoting because I don't know the acceptable dictionary definition of the word anymore.

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Indeed. Soon the definition of 'vaccine' will be 'just sumpin'.

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Why do I have the feeling that they will require the vax in order to be eligible to receive the the pill? A double dip for Pfizer.

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Pfizer CEO says Covid vaccines, boosters needed to break cycle of disease even with effective pills


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That assumes a lot, but yet hope in sight. Looking forward to more astute analyses. Let's me imagine not getting the booster.

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See above

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I couldn't find a duration for the protease inhibitor prescription in this study. Definitely a good question.

What concerns me as well is the drug on drug interactions. Those who take the vaccine are at elevated risk for microclotting and other CV issues. What will happen if you top off a vaxxed individual with a drug that doubles your incidence of CV issues?


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No, but the long term problems from covid might if the drug fails and breeds resistance.

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If they have not come to the idea yet, you just handed it to them LOL

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Pfizermectin to the rescue! ... For just $500/pill!

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Even if it doesn’t work, the statistics will be manipulated to make it look like it does; the “vaccines”, as you say, are going to be a fiasco and a disaster too big to hide. Watch the anchors get thrown out on testing and the PCR CTs get wound waaayy back. “Cases” will plummet.

Even though this is probably just-slightly reformulated IVM it might be the way out for those of us too wise to take the venom.

I think “they” know the vaccine mandates will fail. So here is the magic, face-saving pill.

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It is nothing at all like ivermectin, chemically speaking Lon. Neither is Molnupiravir, Merck’s latest deadly poison pill. Just to be clear.

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It looks to me that some countries are doing way more tests while they still can use them, conclude that lots and lots of children test positive, so they can use up their stocks of jabs, and when all that is done, they will start demanding that everyone take the pills...

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Interesting though. I was pondering on this


he doe say, as does the ceo that you should still get faxed and boosted but I wouldn’t expect them to say otherwise

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Yes! I remember a while back there was discussion about the oral meds and they were insisting then that the pills would only work with the vax. It was really incredible - it takes some nerve (and confidence that they will never be investigated) to come out with claims like that.

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And there you are.

We need to just say no. This will never ever end for them. Never. They will come up with a second pill that also will be “no reason not to take vaccine.” We will then have to do all of it.

If you would have told me three years ago that the progressives would bow down to corporations like this I never would have believed it.

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Surely, any pill capable of these results should have similar results in all coronaviruses and flus, or at least an easily adaptable pill would. What then will people die of? If your understanding is (and mine is) that the vast majority of Covid deaths were people nearing death anyway then this pill will not, nor could it, do much of anything. In Ireland, where I am, there was essentially zero excess death in 2020. So whose lives would the pill save? Whose lives would the vaccine save for that matter?

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Nobody’s. But that’s irrelevant to the criminals — it’s a fake cure for a fake pandemic. But whatever. If that’s how they get out while saving face and gets this thing over so we can start the trials and the hangings, then at this point I say good.

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Put up the guillotine

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Fake pandemic? Real excess deaths were up all over the world last year - Ireland was a lucky exception if that wasn't the case there.

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i see no reason to presume that, especially with flu or even other forms of corona (most are alpha, not beta like covid19)

what leads you to that conclusion?

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To my uneducated mind, it seems reasonable that producing a highly effective anti-viral for one coronavirus should open the door to producing one for other coronaviruses and even flus. Perhaps, I'm wrong on that but my main point (that an effective anti-viral can't save the lives of most Covid victims as those people are generally dying of 3 or 4 other things) stands. I think.

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Proteases can be general or very specific. In this case I would imagine you want to target covid processes without killing the human host...


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Has this medicine undergone the full multiple years of testing, or is it another 'released under emergency licence' drug? However you can't take us to court if you die.

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will be same old same old I suppose. Emergency use, no reliablility

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What would be the rationale for an EUA for this pill if an “effective treatment” (the vax🙄) exists?

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"But still get vaccinated, get boosters, and continue wearing your mask."

Someone help me understand why I should trust or care about this? All seriousness- I WANT to be more rational here, but all I see is yet another thing I'm not letting anywhere near my body made by people who want to destroy the entire fucking world.

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I assure you that this pill will not remove the already well-established vax passport program in places like SF/Bay Area, NYC, and most blue cities.

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I look forward, however, to the continued rationalizations of them even after they have been 100% obviated by successful treatments. I suspect they will increasingly hang on "we are all in this together" and "do what you're told."

It won't make anything better, but it'll be fun to watch from my new home in Not-There.

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As sad as this may sound, I imagine that only a surge in infant/children's deaths will open the doors to halting the vax mandates and the passports. I don't think that Brandon & Fauci will halt the gene jabs, though. They have too much at stake and will never admit to wrongdoing. Until they're in jail, of course. ;-)

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The Pfizer CEO, when asked if this drug should mitigate the vaccine mandates, he replied that although he doesn't set the mandate policies, he thinks the vaccines should continue to be administered anyway (of course he does) because the drug is meant at a therapeutic to be taken after you become sick and the point of the vaccines is to prevent sickness.

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What a relief, thanks!

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My bet is, it's slightly-changed Ivermectin. Changed enough for a patent.

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Or a fortified sugar pill: "Now with extra VitD3!"

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I would like to see the ingredient list. ALL of the ingredients, not just the ones they want to tell about

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No, it is nothing like ivermectin. Not even close. Look at the chemical structures. Not alike in any way.

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"is this why there was such intense action to keep ivermectin from being adopted in the US?"

Emergency Use Authorization is based on the "strict" condition that no alternative exists so all early treatment was squashed to guarantee a vaccine program was rolled out. Sorry I can't remember who and where but more than a few MDs under the umbrella of Kory, Malone, Yeadon, McCollough etc have commented that this looked like Pfizers way to compete with the off patent treatments. Market share targets usually explains more than public health.

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this seems like its been widely violated already for vaccines.

I don't think this gang is much for "following rules" these days

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Money pales in comparison to the power of collective hypnosis. If you've convinced yourself that vaccines are the only thing that will save the world, it becomes your moral duty to prevent everything that could promote vaccine hesitancy, even if it means blocking unvaccinated people from receiving treatment.

Effective treatment and the COVID-panic worldview cannot coexist. Which of the two is easier to suppress?

I'll give you a hint: it's not the worldview which has been built and reinforced over nearly two years.

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I suspect they've had this pill in mind all along, but they were eager to test mRNA vaccines/technology. So what if they didn't work and caused a lot of side effects? They got a ton of data from the mass vaccination program + a boatload of money. They knew a variant could cause devastation (ADE) - maybe they see one coming down the pike, and besides they are nervous that news about the adverse events is catching on. So they release the pill (making another massive influx of $$$) and they look like heroes. Wake up - we are pawns. "Never let a crisis go to waste".

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[insert side-eye GIF of your choice here]

If they're smart, they'll use this as a way to fully walk back all NPIs. LOLOLOLOL! Listen, those who are optimistic please pour that energy into the universe because I do want you to be right.

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Not sure I agree with the exit ramp theories here.

I have a hard time believing this government is going to let this end with me having gotten away with disobeying them with relatively minimal financial, social, and psychological damage.

I'm going to be very, VERY pleasantly surprised if this moves any needles anywhere in the country for vax mandates- especially because I wonder how the hundred million or so that allowed themselves to be coerced, unwillingly, into the vax will feel- the strategists HAVE to have taken that into account.

They can't allow us to have beaten the system. We have to be punished before everything can go back to normal.

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At this point, immunization isn't an option, we've already hit Hope-Simpson range so 4-6 weeks for two shots or a booster during which time you are more vulnerable to infection is a clear no-go, regardless what OSHA says. They don't have much choice but to rush a therapeutic and hope this goes away. I'm not confident - we apparently aren't using monoclonals enough except in Florida, and I don't see how we get enough tablets in the supply chain to stave off the seasonal wave. It's especially problematic if it turns out Merck's compound works better since it's been known since October 2020 but they sat on it for whatever reason. However it turns out - this election needs to be a start, need to pay attention, hold them accountable for what is happening.

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Just in time. Let's put covid behind us, Gates has already hinted a smallpox pandemic is next.

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Yes, what ever is announced at the climate conference will be the next big thing

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Buy gold

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And Proteas inhibitors are the treatment! Magic!

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"if a simple pill drops risk 89% (far more than vaccines do in real life) then why vaxx? why take the risk?"

Because the government says that in order to live, we must take the vax. Until THAT changes, nothing else makes any difference.

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G - I sense I'm speaking to the choir here, but we must all resist. We must be willing to lose our jobs, face going hungry, be forced to work together with those in our communities that are like-minded. We may have to lean on the kindness of strangers. Some of us may suffer greatly, some may even starve. But it's come to this. We must stand.

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Reality is catching up and it's getting harder and harder to deny that the vaccines aren't the magic solution. I just hope that the truth breaks through before society gets damaged even further.

In my country they're excluding people from most voluntary activities (restaurants, sports, cinemas). I expect that they will come for our jobs in a month or two.

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