philadelphia brandon and the template of doom
i'm sorry, but the biden speech set dressing was full blown meme entrapment
well, so much for “not posting much this week” but i’m sorry, you simply cannot go on stage looking like this (and this is not photoshopped, this was the real speech imagery) and not get the malign creative juices flowing.
nosireebob you cannot.
this was truly staggering stuff and dave portnoy, of all people, seems to have really nailed it.

and if you’re gonna go around throwing this kind of tuna filled piñata into the tiger cage, well, even right after a sermon on not paying attention to these manipulative muppets, the temptation to mockery becomes too much for certain internet felines to bear.
alas, none of us (not even gatos) are prefect adherents to our own precepts.
but it would be nice to see some people at least try.
because showing up for a speech looking like you’re about ready to claim that kali ma is the only thing that can save us from MAGA
well, that’s going to invite some ridicule.
and i see this as far healthier than outrage.
though honestly, they kind of half-assed the thuggee cult motif.
spielberg would have nailed this.
but the plotline, wow. not even mike judge could write something like this.
or could he…
it’s deeply ironic stuff coming from the folks that claim that it’s the other side that wants to turn america into “a handmaid’s tale” to come out looking like the high chancellor in “V for vendetta.”
the orwellian implications were obvious.
and so you just come off looking like a sore loser.
and that only invites more questions as to why…
but what a difference a day makes…
because in the clear light of the morrow, el presidente is already walking this message back.
and this is worth keeping in mind every time we ascribe tactical brilliance and strategic mastermind status to these people.
this is not sun-tzu nor machiavelli.
this is abbot and costello.
bienvenido al mundo de payasos…
Single question: I want to know who directed the lighting and set design. We find that person, we know who is running things.
I thought Brandon bottomed out with his “Patience is Wearing Thin” speech..... but the Red Sermon is really plumbing depths unknown before now.