Single question: I want to know who directed the lighting and set design. We find that person, we know who is running things.

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I thought Brandon bottomed out with his “Patience is Wearing Thin” speech..... but the Red Sermon is really plumbing depths unknown before now.

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Is it too much to ask for the transcript of Brandon’s speech in the original German?

Lavern Spicer

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Yes, that’s the spirit. Gestapo style fascism is just that. As American as vaccines.

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I thought the imagery was absolutely spot on... like no other in freaking history.

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KJP is the regime's intersectionality shield. You can't criticize them because she's black, female, and LGBTQ. Psaki's hair and bride of chucky eyes would have fit in well with last night's set.

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Biden says Rule of Law every day now while mandating unapproved experimental vaccines for Federal employees.

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Can someone please tell Brandon that we are NOT a democracy?!! He keeps saying that "MAGA Trump supporters are a threat to our democracy". He's been in DC for 50 years and he (and his handlers) still call us a "democracy"? Maybe Civics 101 needs to be understood before anyone can hold an office. We are a REPUBLIC! Anyone not knowing the difference needs serious remedial help. Well, Brandon needs serious help, even outside of the realm of civics.

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Sep 2, 2022·edited Sep 2, 2022

A. They saw midterm polls & have nothing to lose.

B. This is what they believe.

C. Coercion & memory hole is the path if A or B

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Mock them into a permanent meme.

"this is not sun-tzu nor machiavelli.

this is abbot and costello."

At least Abbott and Costello had talent and had redeeming value.

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OMG I thought the red set WAS the meme. That was his actual set! WTF? Thank you,Gato, for making us laugh instead of cry and scream! :-)👍👏🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

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Poor Gato, they just won’t let you have your vacation.

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successful infiltration achieved (set designer)

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The Joe Biden Halloween costumes are going to be wild this year.

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Download the speech into Word, search and replace MAGA with ISIS, Republican with Afghani, Trump with Bin Laden, and Party with Taliban, and give it a read. Perfect September 2001 Bush speech.

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Biden is a brain dead mullet and criminal. He needs to be in jail.

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