Man, I've been reading Kenendy's book...yikes. This guy sounds like evil personified. Certainly not dumb, though. Like he very much knows what he's doing.
I've not had a chance to read Kennedy's book but I guessed that Fauci is a smart narcissist who's taken every advantage he has been able for his own gain and to hell with anyone else while maintaining the persona of Saint Fauci the Healer.
The way the book portrays it, it makes 'taken every advantage' look like teeball, when he's playing in the big leagues. Not that he has found places here and there to fill voids, but rather that he has created an entire evil empire, out of whole cloth. If even half what the book says is true, it's really, really chilling.
And what surprised me most about the book, but which really explains a lot of things about the last two years, is that the whole HIV/AIDS thing may be every bit as flimsy, let's say, as covid is. I grew up in the 80s, so I remember all that fear, and I never had reason to question it before. But now it's like my eyes have been opened, and it's among the strangest feelings I've ever experienced. It seems like there is a very, very good chance that it was a grand charade.
Right! As I remember it, it was much scarier than covid (if perhaps not as imminent). But looking back on it now, it appears to have come from the very same playbook. Just really, really sickening stuff, the manipulation and the oppression -- and worst of all, the feeling that it's too big a behemoth to defend against.
If HIV was also a charade, I guess they would have created a non-working vaccine so that most people do not get really sick because it is a charade anyway. That said, I agree that the fear of sex they managed to instil in my generation may well have been overblown, apart maybe for gay men who really seem to have been at risk in the 80s and 90s... I suspect we shall never know.
fauci, as a scientist, is deeply stupid. he fails to grasp even basic concepts, which is why he's so often on the wrong side of issues.
this is compounded by a stunning level of vanity and unwillingness to even look at data. (i have heard this straight from people who worked/work with him). he does not so much develop views from facts as grab onto ideas of convenience and grandstand them, shouting down any who disagree.
he IS however posessed of a strong and devious political cunning unhindered by any sort of morality at all. the number one cultist in the cult of fauci is fauci himself.
he truly believes himself to be on some kind of grand mission and has an outlandish savior complex.
he's not even immoral. that would require a concept of morality...
Narcissistic Personality Disorder. I have known people like this and they are literally impossible to deal with - the only way to deal with them is to ignore them entirely. Fauci will require isolation in a cell to do the proper amount of ignoring given the level of damage he has inflicted on the world.
Agreed about dealing with narcissists - I've had experience as a psych clinician - extremely difficult to deal with as a professional, next to impossible if you are friend, family, or workmate (or nation, as in the case of Fauci).
I saw a Scott Atlas interview last night(?) where he described the astounding lack of scientific rigor - or even a passing acquaintence with scientific inquiry - among the covid team members at the White House, particularly Deborah Birx and Anthony Fauci.
Just preordered his book: A Plague Upon Our House: My Fight at the Trump White House to Stop COVID from Destroying America
We saw that when he quoted the wrong data from a draft that accidentally was posted by AP. Instead of the findings of his own people he read the article from AP with all the wrong numbers.
Probably simplistic on my part, but if we could get a list of facts of his scientific incompetence to send to state political leaders demanding his removal with an independent group of scientists, maybe we could make a difference?
From his email FOIA:
On January 31, 2020 an email was sent to Fauci "...that some of the features (potentially) look engineered." The same person that sent this also said they have a good team lined up to look very critically at this. I believe his response was to send it to a subordinate "to deal with this". Not we should look further into this. To deal with this means to put a stop to it? What happened here?
When I listened to a news clip of him talking about the latest variant it was mostly fear mongering. Instead of saying we have a scientific team looking into it, he gives his opinion and used words like massive and large to explain the differences of this variant. He needs to be ousted!
I can only imagine how good a treatment protocol that could have been created by now if it wasn't for the suppression of treatment versus the holy grail of the jab!
We live in a dystopian era where "facts are overrated." The facts are altered to suit the current narrative. For a person to say without blushing, "I represent science," and for the CBS interviewer not to burst out laughing at him tells us everything we know. He either has people in thrall, or has the goods on them, or provides a dark money stream for them, or any combination of the above.
It would give me some pleasure if all media would simply ignore him. Breitbart and NYPost and Epoch Times should never show a picture of him again. Unless it's a story about some clever Russian or Chinese hacker who zeroed out his accounts and stole the deeds to his properties.
Doctors need three qualifications: to be able to lie and not get caught, to pretend to be honest, and to cause death without remorse.” —Jean Froissart 1337–1405
I finished the RFK Jr. book. You can be sure everything in it is completely factual. If it wasn't Kennedy would be open to defamation suits from Fauci. Kennedy lists the fact checkers who worked on the book. He also lists the people who reviewed drafts. Malone was the principal medical reviewer. I had seen some of the material before but the book goes into far more detail and pulls it together so you can understand how he has managed to pull everything off.
Fauci is evil. It's no exaggeration to say that Fauci makes Mengele look like an amateur in comparison. The book shows Gates to be worse than Rockefeller.
… but once inside, his early proficiency in lab experiments pulling wings off flies, burning ant colonies, boiling frogs and poisoning dogs quickly marked him as senior management material.
"President Donald Trump has called Dr Anthony Fauci a 'very nice man'..." October 2020.
I bet we could have said the same thing of "dumb" mad-scientists throughout history. And even most maniacal tyrants. Too often, we want to see the "good" in people instead of just calling them out for who they are. I have no problem seeing these monsters for who they are. And nothing I have to say about them is "nice". Supermax for this mad man for the rest of his miserable life. At a minimum.
I have a pet theory, and will have to read either or both Kennedy's or Atlas's book for confirmation. Fauci entered "public service" directly out of post-graduate. He likely knew his best career choice was that of bureaucrat versus "real" scientist. And we are all the worse for it!
My fellow post-graduate students were made up of "middling do the work that has to be done", 2 or 3 students who did everything and 2 or 3 students who stole everything.
Completely off-point and perhaps out of line, el gato malo, but do you have any recommendations of dentists in the greater San Juan area who don't require the jab?
Went for my semi-annual cleaning this morning only to find out the doc requires patients to be jabbed. I explained why I will never be jabbed, asked if he would be kind enough to refer me to a non-Covidiot dentist (not in those words), and bid him adios, au revoir, auf wiedersehen (to borrow from Lawrence Welk, IINM).
what's really scary is how many influential and powerful individuals have joined this cartel of psychopaths in this scheme to make a financial killing by killing off innocent people in this once great country! We must resist and regain our country for future generations!
fauci looks harmless and talks softly and smile and acts like he cares, he should win an oscar for his daily perfomances. if i could dole out punishment to him and all involved with this, you would hear the screams far and wide until infinity-thats how long they all need to suffer.
assumes not a bad actor, he confirmed his idiocy by stepping on a Major League mound and throwing the ball in the way he did while you were locked in your houses
If only he were merely stupid.
Man, I've been reading Kenendy's book...yikes. This guy sounds like evil personified. Certainly not dumb, though. Like he very much knows what he's doing.
I've not had a chance to read Kennedy's book but I guessed that Fauci is a smart narcissist who's taken every advantage he has been able for his own gain and to hell with anyone else while maintaining the persona of Saint Fauci the Healer.
The way the book portrays it, it makes 'taken every advantage' look like teeball, when he's playing in the big leagues. Not that he has found places here and there to fill voids, but rather that he has created an entire evil empire, out of whole cloth. If even half what the book says is true, it's really, really chilling.
And what surprised me most about the book, but which really explains a lot of things about the last two years, is that the whole HIV/AIDS thing may be every bit as flimsy, let's say, as covid is. I grew up in the 80s, so I remember all that fear, and I never had reason to question it before. But now it's like my eyes have been opened, and it's among the strangest feelings I've ever experienced. It seems like there is a very, very good chance that it was a grand charade.
Yes, I'm in my mid-50s and remember the AIDS thing as well - we were all going to die apparently - I must get the book.
Get ready to be VERY, VERY angry reading it! I'm only in the first real chapter and I have to take breaks.
Right! As I remember it, it was much scarier than covid (if perhaps not as imminent). But looking back on it now, it appears to have come from the very same playbook. Just really, really sickening stuff, the manipulation and the oppression -- and worst of all, the feeling that it's too big a behemoth to defend against.
this is a short history of Fauci's role in AIDS hysteria, with comparisons to his stage presence for covid.
If HIV was also a charade, I guess they would have created a non-working vaccine so that most people do not get really sick because it is a charade anyway. That said, I agree that the fear of sex they managed to instil in my generation may well have been overblown, apart maybe for gay men who really seem to have been at risk in the 80s and 90s... I suspect we shall never know.
He comes across as stupid. You don't need intellect for destruction if you have the power of the State behind you.
i think it's a combo.
fauci, as a scientist, is deeply stupid. he fails to grasp even basic concepts, which is why he's so often on the wrong side of issues.
this is compounded by a stunning level of vanity and unwillingness to even look at data. (i have heard this straight from people who worked/work with him). he does not so much develop views from facts as grab onto ideas of convenience and grandstand them, shouting down any who disagree.
he IS however posessed of a strong and devious political cunning unhindered by any sort of morality at all. the number one cultist in the cult of fauci is fauci himself.
he truly believes himself to be on some kind of grand mission and has an outlandish savior complex.
he's not even immoral. that would require a concept of morality...
Narcissistic Personality Disorder. I have known people like this and they are literally impossible to deal with - the only way to deal with them is to ignore them entirely. Fauci will require isolation in a cell to do the proper amount of ignoring given the level of damage he has inflicted on the world.
Agreed about dealing with narcissists - I've had experience as a psych clinician - extremely difficult to deal with as a professional, next to impossible if you are friend, family, or workmate (or nation, as in the case of Fauci).
Definitely. I grew up with one. They would suck the life out of you and complain there was nothing more.
But they're always there when they need you!
I saw a Scott Atlas interview last night(?) where he described the astounding lack of scientific rigor - or even a passing acquaintence with scientific inquiry - among the covid team members at the White House, particularly Deborah Birx and Anthony Fauci.
Just preordered his book: A Plague Upon Our House: My Fight at the Trump White House to Stop COVID from Destroying America
by Scott W. Atlas M.D
I have also heard that colleagues say he wants a Nobel prize like a 16 year old boy wants Scarlett Johansson.
Exactly. Wait, what's that?...what?...oh, you said *sixteen*. Sounded like *sixty*.
I'm sixty.
true lol, me too!
Fauci is first and foremost a politician. I loved Robert Malone's description of him in a recent podcast -- "a very aggressive bureaucrat".
Fauci is the Ancel Keys of infectious disease. He will probably live a hundred years or more as well.
...the comparison to Ancel Keys is on-point. Hopefully Pfauci's B.S. does not have the staying power of Keys' but I have my doubts that it will not!
The damage done by Ancel Keys is still with us today.
We saw that when he quoted the wrong data from a draft that accidentally was posted by AP. Instead of the findings of his own people he read the article from AP with all the wrong numbers.
Probably simplistic on my part, but if we could get a list of facts of his scientific incompetence to send to state political leaders demanding his removal with an independent group of scientists, maybe we could make a difference?
From his email FOIA:
On January 31, 2020 an email was sent to Fauci "...that some of the features (potentially) look engineered." The same person that sent this also said they have a good team lined up to look very critically at this. I believe his response was to send it to a subordinate "to deal with this". Not we should look further into this. To deal with this means to put a stop to it? What happened here?
Also found this but haven't gone through it yet:
When I listened to a news clip of him talking about the latest variant it was mostly fear mongering. Instead of saying we have a scientific team looking into it, he gives his opinion and used words like massive and large to explain the differences of this variant. He needs to be ousted!
I can only imagine how good a treatment protocol that could have been created by now if it wasn't for the suppression of treatment versus the holy grail of the jab!
We live in a dystopian era where "facts are overrated." The facts are altered to suit the current narrative. For a person to say without blushing, "I represent science," and for the CBS interviewer not to burst out laughing at him tells us everything we know. He either has people in thrall, or has the goods on them, or provides a dark money stream for them, or any combination of the above.
It would give me some pleasure if all media would simply ignore him. Breitbart and NYPost and Epoch Times should never show a picture of him again. Unless it's a story about some clever Russian or Chinese hacker who zeroed out his accounts and stole the deeds to his properties.
Yeah, I wanna say that tactical morality is worse than immorality.
cognitive dissonance is contagious....
I'm reading it now. I've never said WTF so many times reading one book.
Doctors need three qualifications: to be able to lie and not get caught, to pretend to be honest, and to cause death without remorse.” —Jean Froissart 1337–1405
Wow. Powerful.
I finished the RFK Jr. book. You can be sure everything in it is completely factual. If it wasn't Kennedy would be open to defamation suits from Fauci. Kennedy lists the fact checkers who worked on the book. He also lists the people who reviewed drafts. Malone was the principal medical reviewer. I had seen some of the material before but the book goes into far more detail and pulls it together so you can understand how he has managed to pull everything off.
Fauci is evil. It's no exaggeration to say that Fauci makes Mengele look like an amateur in comparison. The book shows Gates to be worse than Rockefeller.
they are all evil men and women involved in this sordid story/fauci needs to pay and pay with everything he has
Not just Fauci, let's be clear.
absolutely, they all need to pay until they are on their knees begging for a forgiveness that will never be given....
To be fair, Fauci is not a bumbling idiot. He's just pure evil. He knows exactly what he is doing.
This doesn't surprise me because he's always excelled at pushing.
To all politicians: Fauci is to be removed and replaced by an independent team or you are voted out of office. Enough is enough!
… but once inside, his early proficiency in lab experiments pulling wings off flies, burning ant colonies, boiling frogs and poisoning dogs quickly marked him as senior management material.
"President Donald Trump has called Dr Anthony Fauci a 'very nice man'..." October 2020.
I bet we could have said the same thing of "dumb" mad-scientists throughout history. And even most maniacal tyrants. Too often, we want to see the "good" in people instead of just calling them out for who they are. I have no problem seeing these monsters for who they are. And nothing I have to say about them is "nice". Supermax for this mad man for the rest of his miserable life. At a minimum.
October 2020. How about some context. What was going on at that time? 🤔
Not dumb. Just so evil he is totally ignorant on how to treat fellow human beings. Should be put away in a cage like Negan was in Walking Dead.
I just read somewhere in the comments.... this blog, another blog....
this creep being referred to as Dr Feces.
so perfect.
I have a pet theory, and will have to read either or both Kennedy's or Atlas's book for confirmation. Fauci entered "public service" directly out of post-graduate. He likely knew his best career choice was that of bureaucrat versus "real" scientist. And we are all the worse for it!
My fellow post-graduate students were made up of "middling do the work that has to be done", 2 or 3 students who did everything and 2 or 3 students who stole everything.
Completely off-point and perhaps out of line, el gato malo, but do you have any recommendations of dentists in the greater San Juan area who don't require the jab?
Went for my semi-annual cleaning this morning only to find out the doc requires patients to be jabbed. I explained why I will never be jabbed, asked if he would be kind enough to refer me to a non-Covidiot dentist (not in those words), and bid him adios, au revoir, auf wiedersehen (to borrow from Lawrence Welk, IINM).
He's certainly not dumb. From this photo it looks like he's doing what he does best - attracts attention by defying logic.
what's really scary is how many influential and powerful individuals have joined this cartel of psychopaths in this scheme to make a financial killing by killing off innocent people in this once great country! We must resist and regain our country for future generations!
Fool me once - shame on you
Fool me twice - shame on me
There’s a special place in Hell for Fauci!
I wonder if he'll have the same issue with his prison cell?
I really doubt that he will ever end up in a prison cell. Government bureaucrats never do.
fauci looks harmless and talks softly and smile and acts like he cares, he should win an oscar for his daily perfomances. if i could dole out punishment to him and all involved with this, you would hear the screams far and wide until infinity-thats how long they all need to suffer.
Exactly, the son of a bitch.
But... but... He REPRESENTS SCIENCE! I know this because he said so!
assumes not a bad actor, he confirmed his idiocy by stepping on a Major League mound and throwing the ball in the way he did while you were locked in your houses
That is my all time favorite Far Side! It’s so me, it hurts. Damn!
Gee, and I thought maybe gato malo was Gary Larson's ghostwriter.
You are good! It is amazing how informative you are. Keep up the great work.
I needed that laugh. Thank you
Narccisist, and sociopath. He just needs to be thrown in jail...
talk about "unwillingness to even look at data", check this out from NZ--
I'm sure he complained so NIH reinstalled the door to work the way he wanted it to.
No attribution for the use of a professional cartoonist's work? With your handle superimposed?
Otherwise, excellent
Fortunately for him, the Peter Principle kicked in eventually.
🤣🤣🤣🤣 my laugh for the day!
He runs into the same problem to this day