The unholy junction of: Brave New World, 1984, Idiocracy, Hunger Games, Fahrenheit 451, Animal Farm, Mad Max, Soylent Green, Lord of the Flies, The Matrix, Brazil, & They Live
“We can not solve our problems with the same level of thinking that created them” —Albert Einstein
The problems we face cannot be solved at the ballot box - voting got us into this mess and it sure as hell isn't going to get us out of it. And even if it could have in the past the vote counting system is now called dominion - as in dominion over the voting system. Get it? They put it right in our faces.
"Those that cast the votes decide nothing. Those that count the votes decide everything." —Stalin
Even if by some miracle the voting system were not rigged, relying on a politician to solve our problems is a fools errand. They are whores at best (the pay to play nature of our political system requires this) and butchers, pedophiles, and thieves at worst. It is far past time for us to save ourselves because no one is coming to our rescue.
All of this money, time, energy, and attention being wasted on this popularity contest circus known as "elections" would be far better spent constructing a fortress of self-sufficiency and then reforming the system at the local level. These solid foundations will then be your platform to reform your way up the hierarchy.
It is time we stopped falling victim to this:
Most people will not act to secure their future, so long as they feel they have an advocate fighting for them in the public or political arenas—The hope, spectacle, exhalation, and giddy anticipation disarms them. This is why Republican vs Democrat equals divide and conquer. The human mind is binary. Our thought process can often be boiled down into terms (often ultimatums) of – this or that – and our adversaries understand - very well - the art of this war.
And started being more like this:
"The best way to predict the future is to take matters into your own hands, believe in yourself, and create it!" —Dennis Gabor
If you're not willing to fight for it, take the word freedom out of your vocabulary —Malcolm X
There is no time in history where the people who were censoring speech were the good guys <-- You Are Here--
Power without oversight is the fastest route out of democracy. <-- You Are Here--
A nation of sheep breeds a government of wolves. <-- You Are Here--
If once the people become inattentive to the public affairs, you and I, and Congress and Assemblies, Judges and Governors, shall all become wolves. <-- You Are Here--
You get more of what you tolerate. <-- You Are Here--
If a nation expects to remain ignorant and free - it expects what never was and will never be. <-- You Are Here--
The urge to save humanity is almost always a false face for the urge to rule it. <-- You Are Here--
The people who cast the votes decide nothing. The people who count the votes decide everything. <-- You Are Here--
When government fears the people, there is liberty. When the people fear the government, there is tyranny. <-- You Need To Be Here Not ^ There---
Each one of us is guilty of all the good we did not do. —Voltaire
It is reasonable that everyone who asks justice should do justice —Thomas Jefferson
"You get more of what you tolerate" reminds me of what my late grandmother told my brother and me when lunching at a fancy restaurant in New Orleans ca 1960's. Waiter asks for our order. My brother requested a hamburger. Waiter turns to my grandmother and responded that they do not serve hamburgers. She did not flench and asked "Do you have steak?" Waiter began reciting the list of prime steaks offered. When he got to ribeye, she interrupted with " My grandson will have the ribeye, ground and cooked medium with two slices of your best white bread." He took the order and removed himself, mumbling something. My brother and I looked at her agog. All she said was "If you accept mediocrity, you will get mediocrity." Damn, I miss her!
Massive, unrelenting, widespread civic participation. To the corporations and their puppet politicians, ignorance and apathy are worth more than all the slaves in China. Because it is this indifference that enables these bottom feeding cockroaches to thrive in the dark and rob us of our wealth and liberty.
We have to be all over our local legislators and their jack-booted enforcers, we have to put every single thing they do under a microscope constantly, and we have to promptly remove them the moment they fail to execute the will of the people.
"Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty." —John Philpot Curran
Yet you say, "The problems we face cannot be solved at the ballot box." Good luck with temper tantrums. Politicians listen to those who affect elections. Opting out of the system renders one impotent. That leaves only the options of civil disobedience or active revolt. No thanks, sir.
Politicians and bureaucrats will be recalled and replaced when they do not execute the will of the people. Public servants require chaperones to do the right thing and so we will supply them is abundance. This solution is why the politicians got rid of civics in schools - the last thing they want is someone looking over their shoulder. This answer has been with us from the start.
"Unless the people, through unified action, arise and take charge of their government, they will find that their government has taken charge of them. Independence and liberty will be gone, and the general public will find itself in a condition of servitude to an aggregation of organized and selfish interest." —Calvin Coolidge
Someone far wiser than I once pointed out that: 'Power without oversight is the fastest route out of a democracy'. Our responsibility then, is to render that oversight.
Especially enjoyed your memes about politicians. I learned about politicians as a kid from my parents. After I asked my Mom about the scary people at the fair, she explained that carneys were the lowest class of people in America--except for politicians. After a politician was in the news over accepting bribes, my Dad passed down his ancestral wisdom--Once you accept that ALL politicians are liars and crooks, you’ll never be disappointed. Both volunteered as neighborhood campaigners and poll watchers as a means of self-defense.
I am living in a 3rd World country in Asia, and when elections roll around thousands, literally THOUSANDS of people apply to run for every office imaginable. Appears to be the well known and accepted way not to perform you civic duty, but a surefire way to ensure that you get rich...
Lots of heartening platitudes here, but--since voting seems not to matter--the choices seem to be either going Gault or "Doing Something" and ending up in a January 6 Gulag.
C'mon you keyboard warriors...does anyone have a viable plan to fix this mess?
Just because they won't seal the border and won't keep criminals in prison doesn't mean they lack the capacity to do either. I don't think Bob Peters was kidding when he threatened (tacitly, of course) to unleash F-16s on the populace. So, yes, gulags are an option. We dismiss it at our peril.
The latter is the better choice but it will not work as long as the leftists have control of mass media. Mass movements work by achieving WUNC (Worthiness, unity, numbers, and commitment). The leftists media can prevent our protest movement from attaining WUNC. Look at how the mass media smothered and hid the US trucker protest. How it keeps political prisoners from becoming heroes. Who even knows who Lauren Handy or Tamara Lich are?
When you think about it, almost every victory of the left in its Long March through the institutions came from the left's control of the mass media. Who would have even heard of BLM or transgenderism if we controlled big newspapers and TV news?
To defeat the leftists, we would need to take control of the mass media or build a strong alternative, in spite of attempts to silence us that would doubtless come from our rulers and their media. Think Rumble+Substack+other independents, but bigger and more coordinated. It could be done, probably. MrsS (below) is right, they can't really jail or kill us all. Their power comes from our weakness and complacency.
"I would merely like to understand how it happens that so many people, so many villages, so many cities, so many nations, can suffer under a tyranny that has no other power than the power they give it."
Étienne de La Boétie in The Politics of Obedience: The Discourse of Voluntary Servitude (1577)
In 1906, Alfred Henry Lewis stated, “There are only nine meals between mankind and anarchy.” Since then, his observation has been echoed by people such as Leon Trotsky. The key here is that, unlike all other commodities, food is the one essential that cannot be postponed. It could very well work out that way. Until then, though, recall Thoreau who was quoted as saying in 1854 that most men lead lives of quiet desperation.
I'm afraid that the Spirit of 1776 is long gone, replaced by modern apathy.
As long as libertarianism doesn't recognise the importance of kultur and ethnicity and a nation founded as an extension of a people, it's at best a blanky for people with delusions of grandeur and suffering from grandiosity - at worst a corrosive force helping it's siblings progressivism and liberalism destroy society.
You cannpt separate how a nation or a society functions from what people it is made up of - there's a reason Denmark doesn't look like Lebanon, and the answer is and will allways be:
Denmark is populated by danes and not various MENAites.
Which libertarians must ignore, because it is the first american ideology to emerge and is in part founded on the lie that ethnicities (or races as you over there) are equal.
Which is akin to marxists ignoring basic economics.
Obviously none of that is okay. I’m talking about her interaction with Constituents. People skills. Some basic courtesy. I Don’t understand how many of these politicians get away with their on the job and off the job behavior and continue to get elected.
I’ve never met her, I’m just reporting that her re election chances were already slim before the “incident”.. which is rumored to have been a set up so there are people who are not supportive of her and the liberal media is all too willing to help. I’d rather see a Republican keep the House Seat because Colorado Democrats don’t have much use for the folks on the Western Slope. Especially the Dude from Aspen.
"I’ve never met her, I’m just reporting that her re election chances were already slim before the “incident”.. which is rumored to have been a set up..."
I did wonder how the camera in the theater just happened to be focusing on her at just the right time?
Professionalism in politics went out the window around the time Bill allowed Monica to “feel” his cigar. They don’t even have a dress code in the Senate. Anyone who cites professionalism as a reason to vote for someone or not has clearly not been paying attention.
Thank you for the fun memes. I’m not a computer expert but I would add in some shit about the sainted Senator Feinstein leaving behind a net worth of something like $220 million that her daughters are wrangling over. From whence cometh such riches to a public servant who came from nothing? Decades of insider trading, payoffs, favors, international “gifts” and let’s not forget she had a Chinese spy as chauffeur for over 20 years. I’m disgusted at the mockery this lady made of us, of us nation, of California, such a beautiful place run into the ground and trashed to the heavens. May you NOT rest in peace senator. Find the deepest level of Dante’s hell and freeze for eternity you mean greedy and lying stealing bag of bones that’s what you gave this earth during your time.
You are here:
The unholy junction of: Brave New World, 1984, Idiocracy, Hunger Games, Fahrenheit 451, Animal Farm, Mad Max, Soylent Green, Lord of the Flies, The Matrix, Brazil, & They Live
“We can not solve our problems with the same level of thinking that created them” —Albert Einstein
The problems we face cannot be solved at the ballot box - voting got us into this mess and it sure as hell isn't going to get us out of it. And even if it could have in the past the vote counting system is now called dominion - as in dominion over the voting system. Get it? They put it right in our faces.
"Those that cast the votes decide nothing. Those that count the votes decide everything." —Stalin
Even if by some miracle the voting system were not rigged, relying on a politician to solve our problems is a fools errand. They are whores at best (the pay to play nature of our political system requires this) and butchers, pedophiles, and thieves at worst. It is far past time for us to save ourselves because no one is coming to our rescue.
All of this money, time, energy, and attention being wasted on this popularity contest circus known as "elections" would be far better spent constructing a fortress of self-sufficiency and then reforming the system at the local level. These solid foundations will then be your platform to reform your way up the hierarchy.
It is time we stopped falling victim to this:
Most people will not act to secure their future, so long as they feel they have an advocate fighting for them in the public or political arenas—The hope, spectacle, exhalation, and giddy anticipation disarms them. This is why Republican vs Democrat equals divide and conquer. The human mind is binary. Our thought process can often be boiled down into terms (often ultimatums) of – this or that – and our adversaries understand - very well - the art of this war.
And started being more like this:
"The best way to predict the future is to take matters into your own hands, believe in yourself, and create it!" —Dennis Gabor
If you're not willing to fight for it, take the word freedom out of your vocabulary —Malcolm X
There is no time in history where the people who were censoring speech were the good guys <-- You Are Here--
Power without oversight is the fastest route out of democracy. <-- You Are Here--
A nation of sheep breeds a government of wolves. <-- You Are Here--
If once the people become inattentive to the public affairs, you and I, and Congress and Assemblies, Judges and Governors, shall all become wolves. <-- You Are Here--
You get more of what you tolerate. <-- You Are Here--
If a nation expects to remain ignorant and free - it expects what never was and will never be. <-- You Are Here--
The urge to save humanity is almost always a false face for the urge to rule it. <-- You Are Here--
The people who cast the votes decide nothing. The people who count the votes decide everything. <-- You Are Here--
When government fears the people, there is liberty. When the people fear the government, there is tyranny. <-- You Need To Be Here Not ^ There---
Each one of us is guilty of all the good we did not do. —Voltaire
It is reasonable that everyone who asks justice should do justice —Thomas Jefferson
"You get more of what you tolerate" reminds me of what my late grandmother told my brother and me when lunching at a fancy restaurant in New Orleans ca 1960's. Waiter asks for our order. My brother requested a hamburger. Waiter turns to my grandmother and responded that they do not serve hamburgers. She did not flench and asked "Do you have steak?" Waiter began reciting the list of prime steaks offered. When he got to ribeye, she interrupted with " My grandson will have the ribeye, ground and cooked medium with two slices of your best white bread." He took the order and removed himself, mumbling something. My brother and I looked at her agog. All she said was "If you accept mediocrity, you will get mediocrity." Damn, I miss her!
And that's the truf.
To Dream Awake
So your concluding prescription is----???
Paul, ways out of this conundrum are explained here:
& here:
Soooooo, distilling your many words: you propose civil disobedience? Or is it revolt?
Massive, unrelenting, widespread civic participation. To the corporations and their puppet politicians, ignorance and apathy are worth more than all the slaves in China. Because it is this indifference that enables these bottom feeding cockroaches to thrive in the dark and rob us of our wealth and liberty.
We have to be all over our local legislators and their jack-booted enforcers, we have to put every single thing they do under a microscope constantly, and we have to promptly remove them the moment they fail to execute the will of the people.
"Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty." —John Philpot Curran
Yet you say, "The problems we face cannot be solved at the ballot box." Good luck with temper tantrums. Politicians listen to those who affect elections. Opting out of the system renders one impotent. That leaves only the options of civil disobedience or active revolt. No thanks, sir.
Have a good day.
Politicians and bureaucrats will be recalled and replaced when they do not execute the will of the people. Public servants require chaperones to do the right thing and so we will supply them is abundance. This solution is why the politicians got rid of civics in schools - the last thing they want is someone looking over their shoulder. This answer has been with us from the start.
"Unless the people, through unified action, arise and take charge of their government, they will find that their government has taken charge of them. Independence and liberty will be gone, and the general public will find itself in a condition of servitude to an aggregation of organized and selfish interest." —Calvin Coolidge
Someone far wiser than I once pointed out that: 'Power without oversight is the fastest route out of a democracy'. Our responsibility then, is to render that oversight.
The answer was given by Jefferson:
If once the people become inattentive to the public affairs, you and I, and Congress and Assemblies, Judges and Governors, shall all become wolves.
All of the links simply outline strategies to achieve ^ this.
give government control of the sahara desert and it'll run out of sand in 5 years
Especially enjoyed your memes about politicians. I learned about politicians as a kid from my parents. After I asked my Mom about the scary people at the fair, she explained that carneys were the lowest class of people in America--except for politicians. After a politician was in the news over accepting bribes, my Dad passed down his ancestral wisdom--Once you accept that ALL politicians are liars and crooks, you’ll never be disappointed. Both volunteered as neighborhood campaigners and poll watchers as a means of self-defense.
I am living in a 3rd World country in Asia, and when elections roll around thousands, literally THOUSANDS of people apply to run for every office imaginable. Appears to be the well known and accepted way not to perform you civic duty, but a surefire way to ensure that you get rich...
Appreciate the Saturday addition - it really is this wacko, isn’t it?
Lots of heartening platitudes here, but--since voting seems not to matter--the choices seem to be either going Gault or "Doing Something" and ending up in a January 6 Gulag.
C'mon you keyboard warriors...does anyone have a viable plan to fix this mess?
I'll wait.
They can’t put us all in the gulag.
Just because they won't seal the border and won't keep criminals in prison doesn't mean they lack the capacity to do either. I don't think Bob Peters was kidding when he threatened (tacitly, of course) to unleash F-16s on the populace. So, yes, gulags are an option. We dismiss it at our peril.
"C'mon you keyboard warriors..."
It seem that in general, there are two choices:
-Armed uprising
-Peaceful mass protests
The latter is the better choice but it will not work as long as the leftists have control of mass media. Mass movements work by achieving WUNC (Worthiness, unity, numbers, and commitment). The leftists media can prevent our protest movement from attaining WUNC. Look at how the mass media smothered and hid the US trucker protest. How it keeps political prisoners from becoming heroes. Who even knows who Lauren Handy or Tamara Lich are?
When you think about it, almost every victory of the left in its Long March through the institutions came from the left's control of the mass media. Who would have even heard of BLM or transgenderism if we controlled big newspapers and TV news?
To defeat the leftists, we would need to take control of the mass media or build a strong alternative, in spite of attempts to silence us that would doubtless come from our rulers and their media. Think Rumble+Substack+other independents, but bigger and more coordinated. It could be done, probably. MrsS (below) is right, they can't really jail or kill us all. Their power comes from our weakness and complacency.
"I would merely like to understand how it happens that so many people, so many villages, so many cities, so many nations, can suffer under a tyranny that has no other power than the power they give it."
Étienne de La Boétie in The Politics of Obedience: The Discourse of Voluntary Servitude (1577)
"Defeating the leftists..."
In 1906, Alfred Henry Lewis stated, “There are only nine meals between mankind and anarchy.” Since then, his observation has been echoed by people such as Leon Trotsky. The key here is that, unlike all other commodities, food is the one essential that cannot be postponed. It could very well work out that way. Until then, though, recall Thoreau who was quoted as saying in 1854 that most men lead lives of quiet desperation.
I'm afraid that the Spirit of 1776 is long gone, replaced by modern apathy.
As long as libertarianism doesn't recognise the importance of kultur and ethnicity and a nation founded as an extension of a people, it's at best a blanky for people with delusions of grandeur and suffering from grandiosity - at worst a corrosive force helping it's siblings progressivism and liberalism destroy society.
You cannpt separate how a nation or a society functions from what people it is made up of - there's a reason Denmark doesn't look like Lebanon, and the answer is and will allways be:
Denmark is populated by danes and not various MENAites.
Which libertarians must ignore, because it is the first american ideology to emerge and is in part founded on the lie that ethnicities (or races as you over there) are equal.
Which is akin to marxists ignoring basic economics.
Miss your insight at the Gutter Rikard. Glad to come across that in other stacks.
Boebert is my House Representative... residents of Rifle, her hometown , want her to move.... far away.
Not what I saw when I was last in Rifle. Don't be distracted by the nonsense.
The millionaire DINO from Aspen has raised $5 Million, an obscene amount for a district this size.... and she’s being primaried.
People only believe what they agree with, and only like the corrupt assholes in DC based on the letter after their name.
She just barely won this past election even before she asked, " Do you know who I am?!"
I think that'll run off even most White Horny Man Patriots Who Like Guns this next time around.
Oh for heaven's sake.
The main criticism of Boebert long before this public game of grabass , is that she is not professional in her job to the point of embarrassing.
Professionalism? You mean not making a fortune on stock speculation on legislation you have insider knowledge of? (Pelosi)
You mean not chasing an innocent black man jogging by your house with a shotgun ? (fetterman)
You mean not ripping up a presidents’ speech at the podium immediately after he spoke it? (Pelosi)
You mean not screaming for your followers to attack other politicians in public restaurants (Waters)
You mean not calling LL Cool J a boy? (Biden)
You mean not accepting over $50,000 in gifts of tickets and styling and clothing services in one night without even declaring it? (AOC)
And there is so much more
Obviously none of that is okay. I’m talking about her interaction with Constituents. People skills. Some basic courtesy. I Don’t understand how many of these politicians get away with their on the job and off the job behavior and continue to get elected.
I’ve never met her, I’m just reporting that her re election chances were already slim before the “incident”.. which is rumored to have been a set up so there are people who are not supportive of her and the liberal media is all too willing to help. I’d rather see a Republican keep the House Seat because Colorado Democrats don’t have much use for the folks on the Western Slope. Especially the Dude from Aspen.
"I’ve never met her, I’m just reporting that her re election chances were already slim before the “incident”.. which is rumored to have been a set up..."
I did wonder how the camera in the theater just happened to be focusing on her at just the right time?
Her “date” is suspect….
It's exhausting
Professionalism in politics went out the window around the time Bill allowed Monica to “feel” his cigar. They don’t even have a dress code in the Senate. Anyone who cites professionalism as a reason to vote for someone or not has clearly not been paying attention.
That is very hopeful
Thank you for the fun memes. I’m not a computer expert but I would add in some shit about the sainted Senator Feinstein leaving behind a net worth of something like $220 million that her daughters are wrangling over. From whence cometh such riches to a public servant who came from nothing? Decades of insider trading, payoffs, favors, international “gifts” and let’s not forget she had a Chinese spy as chauffeur for over 20 years. I’m disgusted at the mockery this lady made of us, of us nation, of California, such a beautiful place run into the ground and trashed to the heavens. May you NOT rest in peace senator. Find the deepest level of Dante’s hell and freeze for eternity you mean greedy and lying stealing bag of bones that’s what you gave this earth during your time.
The last one.
Political parties, republicans, democrats, independents, libertarians all serve the real people in power not their constituents.
the derision is tasty and so satisfying.
There’s not a person alive with active brain cells in their head that could possibly disagree with that meme blast!
I don't get the Breda picture. Has it been edited or is it making a straightforward 'civilians with guns good' point instead of a joke?
I'm wondering about that too. It really is from Breda, and one of the guys is a Polish soldier who was fighting for the Allies.
And (the guy I assume is) the other guy has the Dutch colours on his sleeve, so that looks right.
Wonderful!! 🙏🏻🇺🇸
I am sending this post to every family member who doesn't understand how I feel about government
I was counting on a meme with Resident Briben soiling his adult diaper or tripping and falling on his face. I'm a little disappointed.