Covid and climate fraud. Two sides of the same coin.

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I have to admit I fell for the climate scam until covid came along. I have a background in biology, so could see through the bullshit early on, whereas I outsourced my thinking to scientits on climate. Then I realized that climate scam uses many of the same tactics and is manly based on models with no basis in reality or long term proof that the predictions are correct

Whack-a-mole style evidence for example.

"A hospital in Brazil is almost collapsing. Better keep Spain locked down. Look India, hospitals are collapsing."

"Outer Timbucktu recorded it's highest temperature ever, see climate is changing. Somewhere else s flooding, must be evidence of climate change ". Conveniently ignoring high water marks from before the industrial revolution in many old towns with a river.

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If you're old enough to remember the Time magazine cover, "The Coming Ice Age", followed by the "global warming " threats, and now the one-size fits all rebranding

called "climate change", you know they have never gotten anything right, and that was never the goal.

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I do remember this. When folks bring up "climate change", I remind them -

In the 60s we were told we would starve to death due to overpopulation,

In the late 70s / early 80s, we were told of a coming ice age,

By the late 90s, we were told global warming would create hurricanes that would destroy Florida,

By the early 00s, Al Gore told us Florida would be under water by 2015.

NONE of these things happened, so you want me to believe you now?!

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““As University of California physicist John Holdren has said, it is possible that carbon-dioxide climate-induced famines could kill as many as a billion people before the year 2020.”” Paul Ehrlich 1986

“By the year 2000 the United Kingdom will be simply a small group of impoverished islands, inhabited by some 70 million hungry people,”. Paul Ehrlich 1971

Never has any group been more consistently wrong than Paul Ehrlich and his devotees!

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Come on Jeff, you left out the part in the second prediction that it was because of global cooling and the impending ice age!

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Sorry. It’s hard to keep up with Mr. Ehrlich ‘s predictions of impending doom.

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Don't forget that in the 70's we were also told we were running out of oil.

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You're right! I need to add that to my list of predictions by decade that never happened.

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Don't forget we ran out of oil some 25 years ago.

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I have to say,I am still skeptical about population growth.

It's obvious that you can't keep growing the population indefinitely on a finite planet. But I have no idea where the limit lies, and don't trust the sources that were telling me before how we can't recover.

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I get that. There is definitely a limit.. but I'm just reminded of the hubris of men who believe they understand how complex systems really work.

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Elon Musk debunks liberals’ climate narrative: Earth could support ‘many times its current population’


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But why more humans? Wouldn't one billion be enough? We are the only species that paves the earth. We are the most significant virus/disease/plague. Cheers.

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Have a look at the regenerative farming and the actual country by country fertility rates and outcomes. The earth can cope with 9billion and feed them with Regen farming. Plus make it a nicer world. Too good to be true? Yeah you cant sell carbon tax to people who understand how the carbon and water cycles actually work. Look at it and make your own mind up.

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Not enough said about that. We revisit the obvious again. Cities of concrete do not have to be that way. We know that excess density is not good for humans, but we push vertically. I am stunned by nearly self-contained new green house factories able to produce produce minimizing external resource use. And that will get better as we make them smarter.

Technology still has a very long way to go.

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Of course you understand that as a society gets richer, they stop having children. The birth rate in nearly all western nations is below replacement. We depend on other poorer places for our next arrivals. Hopefully those arrivals will adopt host cultural norms.

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We usually consider that is because we're smarter and more advanced in our modern medical capabilities - we know what causes those tiny humans and know how to prevent it without stopping the fun part. More arrogance ;-).

I noticed long ago that the same minions promoting MMGWS were the minions a decade earlier that over-population would destroy us all and only if we FORCED population controls upon the masses could we save the world. Many of the 'mitigations' for man made climate change "coincidentally" also require population control.

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Enter the covid jab. Bill Gates' father was a eugenicist. Bill Gates is certainly funding way too many vaccines around the planet. Now he's bought a testing company with Soros. "What could go wrong?"

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That is what I find so confounding about all of this. Do people really not remember all this? It's always about the scare until it isn't and something else replaces it. Maybe I just don't realize how dumb and unable to learn and remember are the majority of population.

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Betsy, remember the wisdom of George Carlin. Paraphrasing: think of how dumb the average person is, then realize half the people are dumber than that.

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Scary, huh?

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Nope, it never happened. Those "remembering" it did are seditious or demented or both.

Ready 1984. It's all explained clearly.

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🙌, to all of it. Yes, I remember all of it. I was ignoring them by the 90s. I enjoyed the 70s/80s, lots of snow and cold. That's my cup of tea.

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Ignoring them seems to be the only sane response. Of course 75% of the people I know believe all this tripe which makes normal? friendly? civil? conversations seem exhausting.

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No, you don't. You only think you do because you are deranged and anti-social. You will be better after treatment.

i am increasingly thinking Orwell was a time traveler....

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Yes, I remember. All of this seemed to start with the promotion of "Earth Day" in April, 1970. I remember hearing about that in HS. We were told to "pick a cause" to support the planet, as Seniors. I still recycle, but now I know that the earth has been heating/cooling for tens of thousands of years.

For a down-to-earth explanation, on Rumble, Dinesh D'Souza has a good conversation with Dr. Neil Frank, former Head of the Hurricane Center in Florida. He came right out and said the politicians use data that has been altered (skewed) to lie - to support their whining about it - and that it is, in fact, Socialism.

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Yes!! The first Earth Day! I remember it well.

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Earlier this year, it was reported that the water temperature in San Diego Bay is at a 50-year low. For weeks, if climate change came up and someone said, "holy Jesus, did you see that Transylvania is experiences locusts and the hookers are getting better looking, so it must mean the temperature is rising?' I'd reply, "Why is the temperature in San Diego Bay at a 50-year low?" and they'd say, "Transylvania. I mean, shit, man, can you believe it?" The lack of skepticism or a desire to see for oneself whether something is true is absolutely astonishing to me. I'm not even saying that a single data point like San Diego Bay temperatures proofs anything, simply that I find it interesting and thought others would, too. Instead, they just say, "Climate change is REEEEEEEEEEAAAAALLLLL! Scientists have proven it." But they never whip out a study to prove it.

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> "Climate change is REEEEEEEEEEAAAAALLLLL!"

Emphasis on the REEEEEEEEEE!, of course.

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Temp is at a 50 year low, because of both poles melting at an alarming rate. 😉😋🙄

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They've been melting ever since the last ice age ended... what does ice do as it gets smaller? Melts FASTER!

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It's a joke. That's why the emojis are there. The rolling eye emoji is because it's dumb.

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Actually, I think I COMPLETELY misread your entire comment! Mea culpa

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I noticed that, but as ever, it is difficult to guage the difference between sarcasm and ridicule via text.

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The hysteria around that type of "evidence" is laughable to anyone familiar with the actual datasets. The nonsense around "record setting" temperatures, rainfall, droughts, fires, etc. all falls apart when you actually examine the data. Amazing how the MSM never seem to "fact check" these.

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Admittedly I never paid much attention to climate change so I’m ignorant to the facts. My family will speak of “climate change” but I remain quiet since I’m not sure how to respond. For instance, we keep hearing about Lake Mead drying up, and everyone asserts this is due to climate change. How do I respond? Also they will discuss the increasing temps in CA causing the severity of fires. If someone could enlighten me to these events as being the result of something else or recommend literature to me it would be appreciated.

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The key question is not whether "climate change" is occurring, it's how much of that change is being driven by human beings and what phenomena can actually be traced back to it. This is a much, much harder question to answer. When you dig into any of these "record" phenomena that are trumpeted by the media, what you almost always find out is the following. 1. They are cherry picking the start and end points. 2. They are using definitions which are misleading to everyday people. 3. They are ignoring the bullseye effect. 4. They are assuming correlation equals causation.

Let's look at your examples. Parts of the Western US are facing a drought, which is absolutely true. What's not true is that this can be directly tied to manmade climate change or that this is even particularly severe in context. The Western US has faced droughts repeatedly throughout its history. For example, there were megadroughts of unprecedented duration in the West about 1000 years ago. You had severe drought between CE 1021-1051, CE 1130-1170, CE1240-1265 and CE 1360-1382. These dates, as anyone knows, all occur well before CO2 emissions were a problem. As for wildfires, there were at least as many acres burned in the early 20th century as occurred in recent times by the best estimates. And some scientists think there were 18 to 25 million acres burned each year in the West, as recently as the 1800s. When you put this all in context, these "record" numbers no longer seem that frightening. But that would be beside the point, because their entire goal is to frighten, not inform.

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Whack a mole evidence. Flood somewhere, "look evidence of global warming". High temperature somewhere else "look evidence of global warming".

However you can go to many historical towns in Europe with a river and see high water marks from well before the industrial revolution.

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And cities showing up out of the muck...clearly signs of lower water lines

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Does the drying up of a man made lake surrounded by desert really stand as evidence of climate change? Serious question.

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Ca fires has little to do with climate change and more to do with mismanagement by our stupid Gov. in fact I believe actual acreage burned is down. Read

Alex Epstien “The morale case for fossil fuels” and Micheal Schellenbergers “Apocalypse Never”.

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One thing I can say is that CA has not allowed natural fires so there has been a massive buildup of forest fuels, with few counter measures such as thinning and controlled burns. PG&E has put money into everything but forest management and infrastructure, so high winds can cause sparks and fires. It’s not climate change causing our devastating wildfires- it’s stupid humans. I’ve lived here 65 years and there are always 5-10 year periods of drought followed by massive rains and snow.

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I'd suggest starting by subscribing to Tony Heller on YouTube who produces short videos looking at historical events and data.

He presents his videos in such a way that anyone can understand them including non scientists like me!

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Extremely poor government resource management is responsible for much of it. In 2019, California reservoirs were full and should have provided enough water for 5 years. https://californiaglobe.com/articles/ca-reservoirs-filled-to-top-in-2019-being-drained-by-state/

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The Imperial Valley in California gets more Colorado River water (that's the river that flows through and supplies Lake Mead) than the entire state of Nevada. It's used for such thirsty crops as cotton. We keep tightening our belts in Las Vegas, driving usage down, but one of the intakes that supplies our water breached the surface and is now useless.

California has more water than it could ever use, all along the coast. Instead of sucking the river dry and leaving nothing for inland states that have no other water source, perhaps they should get more serious about desalination.

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Oh, please! Kalifornia is the root of all evil in the United States. That's the place that taught narcissism to the rest of the country. They also taught everyone else how to whine about not getting their fair share, while getting 3 times what everyone else gets. New York City is bad, but they run a very, very distant 2nd to Kalifornication.

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The severity of fires is caused primarily by a lack of controlled burns. I don't know about Lake Mead except that CA has been mostly in drought for several years. If Lake Mead is a primary water source for CA, increased use would bring the level down. This is also an excellent argument, once again, for letting a few more humans bite it. If we could just get to pick which ones.

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I did as well

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Welcome aboard!

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And fraudulent elections. Can a coin have three sides?

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Sure! This election flip the coin landed on its edge--Biden wins!!

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Don't forget gender theory, race denialism, election fraud, fake economic statistics.... It's not so much a coin as one of those polyhedral dice they use in role playing games.

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Health science as well. Cholesterol causes heart disease---scam. Vitamins have no effect on health---scam. Meat is bad for you---scam. Saturated fat kills---scam. Chemotherapy is the best cancer treatment and natural treatments are woo---scam.

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And then every 20 years the sCiEnCE says the opposite. Remember when carbohydrates were the best thing you could put in your body? Now they're the "enemy"

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Remember when we thought cigarettes were bad for you?


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It's practically a sphere.

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And cigarette science. And vaccine science...pre-Covid.

Is there any science that can be relied upon?

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Not once tax money is involved.

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Tobacco science is a good example but not necessarily in the way you think. The second-hand smoke studies used to justify smoking bans for instance, were entirely made up.

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Yep. I seem to recall one of the largest studies performed by the WHO involving tens of thousands of participants failed to prove passive smoking caused lung cancer.

However they still published the conclusions to the press claiming the opposite was true.

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I don't care if second hand smoke is or is not benign. Smoking in company is rude behaviour. I'm not farting in other people presence either. Stop it!

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Cool, you have an opinion (your opinion isn't science though, hate to break it to you).

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You're right, it's not science, just basic human decency...

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It's also rude to be fat in public but I don't see anyone passing laws to protect my poor eyes.

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Yep they got you. Congratulations, they successfully demonised smokers in your mind.

Just like they do now with the unvaxxed and unmasked.

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So you had a valve installed?

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Really? Effects on unborn babies? That made up?

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Most of my friends moms smoked when I was kid. They were all fine. Not sure if it's made up but I expect highly exaggerated.

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The evidence that smoking in pregnancy causes lower birth weight - not always though - seems robust. Whether passive smoking does - not proven, I'd say - but the smoke does enter the body, in small quantities, and I would say best avoided. Not least because in late pregnancy the lungs are getting a bit less room than before. Kindest not to smoke round pregnant women.

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None of which is relevant to e.g. bars, which pregnant women should not be frequenting in any case, and where the junk second-hand smoke The Science was used to ban smoking.

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Not from the abc organizations

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Try looking at the work of Valentina Zharkova. : ))

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Passive smoking causes cancer was where I started doubting the science along with global warming.

Policies surrounding both topics hurt me in the pocket and that motivated me to look into both.

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Common sense science

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Jun 13, 2022
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Bart, I make that point to everyone who says "well the vaccine hasn't caused me any problems". My response: not everyone who smokes gets lung cancer; that doesn't mean smoking isn't dangerous.

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I used to smoke 20 packs of cigarettes a day. Once I lost one of my lungs, I cut my smoking in half.

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It will all come back to climate change. The coin is rigged. Climate change is simply subterfuge for controlling all energy distribution. Since energy is the lifeblood of commerce, well then, that means they will have POWER over all facets of our lives.

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Don’t forget “Russia” and “Ukraine”.

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Add "LGBTQ", racism, CRT, besides the "green" and you have all the talking points from Klaus Schwab's WEF "leaders" program. ALL of the misery the United States is feeling is a direct result of that - and Biden taking millions from our enemies to destroy us, that is. And years of less-than-stellar Presidents, including the current pResident. Both sides talked about the NWO.

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And that coin is made of pure gold.

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Jun 13, 2022
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Careful, Wigington believes in the official climate change narrative and asserts the powers that be are desperate to fix it which is why they are doing geoengineering. He supports UN SDGs for Agendas 21 and 2030 = the foundation for 4IR global technocracy aka WEF's "Great Reset". Better off sourcing Jim Lee's solid Climateviewer research on geoengineering, especially his earlier presentations focusing on facts and historical education.

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Jun 14, 2022
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You're welcome. btw, his stance and demeanor was behind his falling out with some local educator activists around the US and with Michael Murphy, producer of the documentaries "What [and Why] In The World Are They Spraying?". Murphy suggested a possible problem, reaction, solution type situation which angered Wigington. Dane attacked G Edward Griffin for hosting a small scientific conference exploring problems with climate change science. He also ambushed and attacked Technocracy scholar Patrick Wood a couple of years ago in a live interview in which Wood was not told Wigington would be present. Disappointing someone with that much influence could be so aggressive, dismissive, and disrespectful on such an important issue affecting our health and environment. Sadly, it's a fractal of what we've seen with covid science censorship.

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Jun 14, 2022Edited
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I learned about Dane and UN SDGs etc directly from Patrick Wood who I trust to be very astute in these matters. I asked Wood in a small Zoom meeting, with only four of us in his first Citizens For Free Speech volunteer meeting, about the ambush because I happened to be watching on youtube and noticed commenters accusing Wood of working for the Kochs (globalists posing as conservatives) and other false accusations. I tried to politely reply to correct this but my comments were removed in real time (immediately). The disinformation gangs are managed by very powerful entities and highly organized. It's a widespread problem and a very old modus operandi. Dane held a conference with CIA agent Kevin Shipp in which the latter was essentially promoting the Q psy op speaking about Trump battling and terrifying the-powers-that-be which doesn't make sense if you understand how the system ruthlessly eliminates threats. Trump said some good things but one only needed to look carefully at his team's composition and the quiet powerful policies they were advancing for 4IR just like Obama, Bushes, et al to understand there has been no interruption of the take over. This is why Thiel is financing another Trump MAGA theme. I don't say these things about Dane to encourage people to attack him. I've been at this around 20 years, since 9ll, and have always urged people to just be aware of possible gatekeepers so as to not get mired in their narratives. Simply use the truths they offer as launching pads for greater truths. We really need more people to study, for instance, the problem of a last big effort to finish global corporate privatization of public infrastructure, lands, services, health care, utilities, etc, for the creation of Human Capital Markets as a backdoor mechanism to create China style social credit scores on steroids and eventually take away our private property. So many divisive stories keep us distracted as the clock runs out. HCMs are a direct project for WEF and the UN and the world's billionaires. Yes indeed, devilish works against God.

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Forget fossil fuels, the modern world runs on pure 💯% bullshit.

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"Bullshit is the glue that binds us as a nation."

~ George Carlin

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If I were a touch older I might say that Carlin was my generation’s Mark Twain.

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Actually considerable parts of the less-developed world run on manure. Makes great cooking fires, with a pleasant grassy smell. Surprising, really...

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Good to know. We’re out in the country and there doesn’t seem to be a shortage of it (yet).

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Covid and climate are religions with scriptures, not science with data https://yuribezmenov.substack.com/p/how-to-follow-the-science?s=r

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Well done

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Scriptures, priests, dogma, catechisms, sins, and punishment for heresy.

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I worked for Koch for decades. In the mid-90s we decided to evaluate the merits of trading weather derivatives, i.e., writing swap risk trades for trading partners interested in reducing risk exposure to temperature, precipitation and other weather anomalies. We assigned quants to accumulate wx data and price risk and, oh by the way, we did a very, very thorough job of researching the history of every prominent weather station location in the US and Europe. Turned out that weather stations aren't located according to a standard format. They're moved and the evening TV wx reporter doesn't mention that. And the circumstances around a wx station change too, i.e., a two-lane road becomes a four-lane highway, factories are built around the area, the station is moved to another airport location, and so on, all of which affect the amount of heat around a station. But, no one ever calibrates the historical wx data to account for these environmental changes around the station itself. They just accept the government agency's data. Except Koch. Knowing those historical anomalies gave us a decided, predictable advantage, particularly against those who relied on the bald data to overestimate their risk to temperature, precipitation and other wx events. Moral of the story? Do your homework before placing your bets. Trading wx derivatives to the crowd buying into global warming made us a lot of money in the 90s. Climate change will (hopefully) be exposed as one of the greatest con jobs and government grabs in history, but only if people ask questions. Science, after all, is really about asking more questions, not simply accepting what's fed to you.

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Very interesting, thanks; I recall back towards the end of Obama Term 2, Koch got the daily "two minutes of hate" treatment on CNN; then that passed; I never understood quite why.

Speaking of "decided, predictable advantage" etc - I wonder if the notable Australian climate guru, Tim Flannery used a similar tactic: Have your research contribute to a fall in the value of coastal property (sea level rise) and then rush out and buy not one, but two seaside estates (the second "as an investment for" your "children").

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Remind me again. How many seaside estates do the Obamas own?

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The elite behavior in this case is not entirely dissimilar (i.e. similarly infuriating) the Obama's have the place in Martha's Vineyard (not sure whether that is beach front) (and in DC and in Vail) then they are building a seaside estate in HI - which will include (for privacy) an ugly concrete sea wall across the entire length of their beachfront. Adjacent property owners are furious! - claiming it will - or threatens to - damage their sandy beaches - such entities being extremely fragile and dynamic. Not bad for a former community organizer and public servant!

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The two minutes hate against the Koch brothers started with a lengthy New Yorker article by one of their many resident fabulists, Jane Meyer, in 2016 (I won't link it). It was all the rage among the journo-list set, and spun up countless copycat pieces.

As it turned out, much in the article was false or deceitful, which is typical for both the New Yorker and especially Jane Meyer.

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They should be incredibly interested in having an unvaccinated control group. Instead they did everything the could to destroy it. Fortunately we survived the winter of death.

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Oh, no, they do NOT want a control group. The unvaxxed are the group that proves vaccine harm. Without them, no one can prove that the vaccines do any harm at all, only that vaccines are CORRELATED with rampant heart attacks in 20-40 year olds. But hey, those in their 20s and 30s are dropping deal ALL THE TIME. It's truly a mystery.

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Everything government touches is corrupted.

We should have listened to Ike:

"The prospect of domination of the nation's scholars by Federal employment, project allocations, and the power of money is ever present and is gravely to be regarded. Yet, in holding scientific research and discovery in respect, as we should, we must also be alert to the equal and opposite danger that public policy could itself become the captive of a scientific-technological elite."

~ Dwight Eisenhower

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The problem is the propaganda on "Climate Change" has been a near total success. If I were to go to your typical Republican state convention and interview 100 random people and ask them if the climate has warmed any since 1998, I would venture to bet that 98 would answer in the affirmative. Even though it has not.

Imagine the brain wash on the Left!!! To try and counter with facts and evidence is futile.

Further, all this is based on models, not actual records. And you know what else is absolutely idiotic? There is one input that is NEVER included in their "models". The effects of the sun and solar activity. Even though solar activity accounts for around 98% of changes in climate here on earth.

I am not sure how we get out of this box. They want power and that is all that matters. And not enough folks on the right understand this.

Right up there with being called a "racist" is being accused of "denying science". In the world we have created, being "educated" and having credentials is everything.

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But you are guilty here of exactly the cherrypicking that Gato warned about.

Go to the very first chart in the wattsupwiththat.com website he recommended and you can see what an outlier 1998 is.

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Michael Crichton was vilified for his novel "State of Fear" which dealt with this very issue of climate change.

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"I want to pause here and talk about this notion of consensus, and the rise of what has been called consensus science. I regard consensus science as an extremely pernicious development that ought to be stopped cold in its tracks. Historically, the claim of consensus has been the first refuge of scoundrels; it is a way to avoid debate by claiming that the matter is already settled. Whenever you hear the consensus of scientists agrees on something or other, reach for your wallet, because you're being had."

– Michael Crichton (1942-2008)

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Great quote, thank you Libertate.

The great Carl Sagan also warned us against the tyranny (and potentially delusion/immorality) of 'smart people' in his last public interview, with Charlie Rose in 1996: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d8O1e_TZHZo

And he also stated:

"One of the saddest lessons of history is this: If we've been bamboozled long enough we tend to reject any evidence of the bamboozle. We're no longer interested in finding out the truth. The bamboozle has captured us. It is simply too painful to acknowledge, even to ourselves, that we've been taken. Once you give a charlatan power over you, you almost never get it back." — Carl Sagan

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It is our lot in life to be the de-bamboozlers. A noble calling that has never been more sorely needed.

I would not have predicted that an obstreperous feline would be among those leading the charge. A fortuitous development, that, as one likely needs at least nine lives to challenge the gaggle of cretinous grifters that purport to rule us.

"All States are governed by a ruling class that is a minority of the population, and which subsists as a parasitic and exploitative burden upon the rest of society. Since its rule is exploitative and parasitic, the State must purchase the alliance of a group of Court Intellectuals, whose task is to bamboozle the public into accepting and celebrating the rule of its particular State. The Court Intellectuals have their work cut out for them. In exchange for their continuing work of apologetics and bamboozlement, the Court Intellectuals win their place as junior partners in the power, prestige, and loot extracted by the State apparatus from the deluded public. The noble task of Revisionism is to de-bamboozle: to penetrate the fog of lies and deception of the State and its Court Intellectuals, and to present to the public the true history of the motivation, the nature, and the consequences of State activity. By working past the fog of State deception to penetrate to the truth, to the reality behind the false appearances, the Revisionist works to delegitimize, to desanctify, the State in the eyes of the previously deceived public."

~ Murray Rothbard

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Wonderful! Sounds a lot like the Wizard of Oz

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This is also known as the "bandwagon logical fallacy." I completely agree.

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Consensus “science” is snake oil.

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Scientific consensus: sure.

But when political decisions need to be made, consensus is necessary. Quakers understand this.

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Apocalypse Never (by Michael Shellenberger) is a very good book on the claims and facts around climate.

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I'll have to check that one out as well.

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Michael Crichton has written a number of prophetic books. “Terminal Man” was especially eye opening. Thanks for reminding me.

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Beat me to it.

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