The NYC Health Commissar is trying to mandate masks again because the spread and "threat level" has increased. Just like the terrorist color warnings, they are trying to make this permanent. DO NOT COMPLY.

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Same in Philly. A group of businesses and residents are suing over it. Here's hoping they win, but I don't have much confidence in the courts anymore. https://www.cnn.com/2022/04/18/us/philadelphia-mask-mandate-lawsuit/index.html

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Suing?! They should just burn their masks and refuse to comply. Period. We're way past courts.

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Exactly. Ditch the long drawn out court process - JUST STOP DOING IT. I've never worn a mask, not once, never took a test, certainly didn't take the jab. Other than feeling like I was living in a zombie apocalypse when 99% of every other face was covered at the store, it wasn't that hard to not comply. "Going along to get along" is the fastest path to the slaughterhouse.

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I am the same! I continued going to work until they forced me to work from home, never wore a mask, never got tested or jabbed and knew they were lying about everything! I distinctly remember when I was in high school, in the eighties, kids were scared to kiss because Fauci said AIDS was transmissible through saliva only to later find out that was false. Plus other complete lies he spread and truths he suppressed. He was incompetent then and he continues to be because he can. DO NOT COMPLY!

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AMEN. I can't believe people are still complying with any of this crap.

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I know I´m not in the position of giving advice. I am not american (I actually am from the country with the biggest mask compliance, Spain...)

But that said, I think there is a mistake in the way good intentioned legal battles are being planned. We are being fooled intobelieving that we must prove that our arguments are worth judiciary time. But our asset is understanding that when a new element is introduced in a system for a particular reason, the ones introducing the element are the ones who have to demonstrate that that reason exists.

It is my understanding that the best chance is a collaborative, interstate case, where national organizations are asked to show the data that proves the reported efficacy of mask mandates (which does NOT exist). Any other approach will fail in the long term.

I am trying to make Spanish friends understand this. Because we start the "no indoor masking" mandate just the day past tomorrow, but I know we´ll be blackmailed in October again.

Edit: Today I found out that Dutch journalists denounced a reported mail exchange that would prove that the government and "experts" would already know the inneficacy of masks when the whole charade started, during the first wave in the first half of 2020...https://twitter.com/Hochrisikopati1/status/1515701670805712897

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As someone with family in Spain who abhors masks... please do all you can!

The Spanish psyop around masks has been among the worst in the world. At least 90% of people were successfully brainwashed.

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Hello, Barekicks. Sorry to hear you got family who underwent Spain´s zombification process.

As a Spaniard, I know firsthand it was almost a hallucinatory experience to watch a nice country with plenty of joyful people, nightlife, culture, history, nature, social care, art, etc., suddendly become the center of a psy-op, as you say, from the media/politicians/scientists that has probably been the biggest in History in times of peace (then came Oceania and surpassed us...). the first year it was literally 24/7, even the sports programs... Strange enough, most fellow Spaniards seemed happy to have their lives directed like they´re sheeps.

Things have been much more relaxed in the last months, but I spent almost two years basically collecting all the serious data I could and studying it, calling political parties, journalists, confronting doctors, scientists, police corps, and walking barefaced when everybody wore them and you could get into economic trouble (fines) or really uncomfortable situations (serious street confrontations, etc.). So at least I got my conscience clear.

The problem is that although from tomorrow on, in Spain indoor masking is "only" mandatory while on public transport, hospitals, and also as a worker in those workplaces where they decide so, the legal frame that allows for the repetition of this nightmare whenever they declare emergency states, probably next October, has been created, and it´ll be tremendously difficult to throw it down. But there are a pair of bar associations who are working hard to overthrow this legal frame. So at least next time there will be a battle. Count on that.

Congratulations for having been able to reverse the tide at some degree (I assume you´re from the USA). It is inspiring.

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I am actually a dual national (UK/Spain) and live in London. Thank you for your response.

The UK got a lot of things wrong (we had very long lockdowns, strict bans on mixing with people outside of our household, and crazy levels of propaganda) but hopefully our trajectory on masks can be seen as inspiring too. To start with, we never had outdoor mask mandates -- so people who wear masks outside have always been treated as oddities.

Then, the government always allowed a loophole to wearing masks indoors: you can self-declare yourself "exempt" and no one has the right to ask you to disclose the reasons why (nor do you need validation from a doctor). This includes employees -- they cannot be forced by their employer to wear a mask.

As a result, about 5% of people have always defied the mask rules (personally, I stopped wearing masks in January 2021), and the number only increased as time went on. The government also has a lot of MPs within its party that were never in favour of masks and so we never had the uniformity that you see in Spain, where all politicians seem to wear masks all of the time.

I am very impressed that you have defied the mask laws in Spain because I have never seen anyone go mask-free in Spain on public transport or in shops. You should be proud to have a clear conscience. Have you had to be in a medical setting during the pandemic? Have you been in any difficult situations as a result of your defiance?

I am happy to hear that a pair of bar associations will try to overthrow the legal frame. I had a major disagreement with one of my cousins over masks recently, because she is a teacher in Spain and is in favour of keeping masks in schools. I think mask mandates need to be outright banned -- we need people to see them as an unconstitutional assault on human rights and freedoms, because that is what they are. They were NEVER a public health measure. I cannot believe that this is even up for debate in a supposedly democratic country full of joyful people, as you say...

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I am well aware of the situation in the UK. Not only I´ve been all my life totally in love with its so unique architecture, the warm atmosphere it creates, the parks, country, music, etc., but I have family there, so I always keep an eye on you:) UK´s masking situation is also promising, since your opposition to mandates seems to be based on the unlawful and unnatural charachter of the mandates themselves, not on the particular sanitary situation in a given moment. Congratulations.

Did I experience trouble while in the worst moments? I just better don´t get into details. There were times where I really thought I got trapped in a movie shooting. Later in 2021 I got a semi-valid exemption from a kind neumologist whom I told what I was going through, but that did not stop the daily street arguments and especially the so weird feeling of having every single citizen around you looking at you in fear or anger. For you to have an idea of how Spaniard´s subconscious mind has been assaulted, today it started the "no indoor masking mandate" with a few exceptions. Well, I went to the streets and there was something like a 90% masking...outdoors!...

Masking thousands of millions for two years has had an unprecedented scientific outcome, especially comparative graphics and stats, and there is not the slightest speck of a doubt that there is a total independency between masking and infection likes, worldwide.

Nice to read you. I am so looking forward to visiting England again.

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I live in Philly. I haven't worn a mask in over a year, even tho the *mandate* has been in effect all that type, except for a few mandate-free weeks the mayor *gave* us, last summer, and then again this year a few weeks prior to Easter. I've ever only been ejected from a store once. Today...went shopping at a supermarket, and I was the only one without a mask. I kind of expected it, since during the reprieve so graciously *allowed* by Herr Mayor, way more than half were STILL wearing masks, and I mean people walking by themselves outside, driving, in the stores. At what point do people finally get insulted by this incessant game-playing by our *leaders*???? It's an insult to our intellects and dignity and I just don't understand why people are so damn compliant and malleable.

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Yes, and college campuses reinstating indoor masking requirements (in Upstate NY) with about 3 weeks left in the semester. These people enjoy the cruelty.

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Been saying this since it started. This ends when we say it ends, not when they give us permission for it to end.

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Never. Send me to jail. I’m DONE.

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Election season!

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Bless up 🙏, i got my megaphones ready

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Philadelphia just did it for all indoor public spaces

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Apr 18, 2022
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There are so many STILL complying

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This whole thing has succeeded in making me perpetually angry at the world.

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Not that I was high on trust before, but I will never trust another establishment institution again.

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I thought i was distrustful of all institutions, because they were incompetent and full of assholes. I never realized before though, how they're actually evil.

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This!!! This is exactly me. I was born skeptical, but it was always due to a belief that the institutions were run by incompetents. Now I understand that while the institutions may be full of incompetents, they're being run by evil geniuses.

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In answer to the eternal debate over incompetence vs. malignance, my answer is always: why not both?

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It is an easy temptation, Ann. I'm trying to work on destroying this particular idol, but it is tough.

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As my blinkers came off (years ago now,) one of my very favorite truth-tellers, astronaut Dr. Brian O'Leary said, "The Truth will Set you Free, But first it's Going to Piss you Off!" (Had bumper stickers made and we need a new printing of those!)

I think that was the truest statement I heard in the whole time I was digging down into the validity of alternative, clean, free energy. Which by the way, appears to be real, just suppressed, by the "Powers that have been." Just like Ivermectin, lol.

And natural healing. We must wake up faster. Anger can help that a bit, but solutions take some peace and creativity. Be angry. Then get over it and get to work exposing all the rats now running scared while we also build the solutions to the problems they have given us. We need to double down on exposure, liability, and the rule of law.

Prison for many; Fouci, Gates and company, first of all.

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My anger is most concentrated on the USEFUL IDIOTS who complied and continue to. That's been one of the most devastating parts of this entire scam, watching the gullible help perpetuate this agenda.

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yes, def, trying meself to be perpetually amazed at the defectors and unruly control group and true docs and scientists who have risked all to tell us the truth....

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I am the same. And I want to let the people around me who complied know how pissed I am. They left the few of us to fend for ourselves.

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I retired in'13 and bought an Airstream and started traveling around the country. I was in Big Bend, Texas when the the whole mess started, and I remember watching the Chinese hauling screaming people out of their homes, video that disappeared shortly thereafter. Big Bend was closed by the National Pro Service, I went to Padre Island, it was closed, I went to the Padre Island National Seashore, with. sixty mile long beach open to camping. Of course the Park Service closed it. I ended up spending a delightful (not) month in Galveston and then continued to travel for the the next few years. It was interesting to see how different sites reacted to the foolishness. But I lost a lot of friend to stupidity, and they are no longer in my life. I am currently looking at land in an area that will never see development, at least in my lifetime. The nearest McDonalds is sixty miles away, and frankly, that is too damn close.

What this opera did though was wonderful, it allowed me to sift through my life and eliminate the clumps. Life is good, and I savor the days I have...

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Love: eliminate the clumps. I have a long memory for how “friends” behaved. But have added more than I eliminated. A great meme: “If you ever wondered if you would have complied in 1930’s Germany, now you know.”

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Living on the road gave me a freedom that few enjoyed in the past few years...somedays I think I should do it for the rest of my life, but a funny thing happened. I fell in love with astronomy and astrophotography, so now dark skies define my parameters of where I want to be. Alluminator on Instagram. My sole social media these days...I wish Elon would buy it.

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Careful what you wish for. Elon's no angel.

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There are no angels.

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No there are a few...I've met them...too pessimistic my friend!

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Elon is Neutral Evil in life's RPG. Most of the Western players in the global political game for the last couple of years have been Chaotic Evil. Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping, on the other hand, are Lawful Evil.

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@Vincent- we're working on the house now to sell to RV full time.

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It is a wonderful life. Try boondocking...

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It's the best life, stay as far away from RV Parks as possible.

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@Heidi- please explain since I'm new to the life

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We're having difficulty finding the Onan generator we want and want lithium batteries. Shoot, the dealer couldn't even get us the convection microwave that's supposed to come with the unit. 🙄

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I replaced that oven. Contact Dometic directly

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Lithium batteries-contact Battle Born in Reno, no.

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Bay Area?

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Well you will certainly need to be away from civilization to get the night darkness you require. May I recommend the top of Mt. Whitney?

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Been there, actually spent years living in Yosemite, and the last seven summers nestled up in the eastern Sierra. But California...and Inyo and Mono counties were heavily invested in Covid fear.

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I backpack in the eastern Sierra- did the John Muir Trail. Climbed Whitney from both sides. Love Lone Pine, Bishop, Hwy 395. Lucky you for living in Yosemite- it is magic.

“We are in the mountains and they are in us.” Muir

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Lived and climbed in the valley for five years, two winters in Camp IV. Climbed with a great generation of climbers, worked for the Park Service before politics dominated their decision making...was offered and contemplated a career position with NPS, walked away.

My seven summers were in Green Creek. Still relatively undiscovered, but the Cold Campers (a virulent disease in itself) have found it.

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That meme: oooh, *SNAP*!. ... I dare not share it though - too close to the truth for the believers, and it may be too soon for the awakening masses. I would be hated. The western world has changed, and some of my old friends may yet come around to sane thinking again. We all might need every friend we can find in the days to come.

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You are right- it’s good to have friends, especially as things get worse. I’m keeping the ones who were cool about their stupidity but sifting out the clumps that were cruel to me.

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@Datagal- friends AND family. I don't forget.

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"eliminate the clumps"

Like so much used cat litter. :-)

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Best post I read in years...enjoy it all...it goes away so fast!

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Love you and love this post...all too true....these people are unadulterated evil and never forget it...I won't! I always felt that 95% of the people in the world were jerk-offs and this pandemic proved it !! Thank God for courageous people like you and brilliant ones to boot. You kept/keep everyone sane and give us a reality check every day. Love you El Gato!

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As you know the majority of people have been brainwashed. The horror of this in my mind was just how easy it was to do.

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I was more shocked by the fact that "c0vid" was so easily switched to "russia/ukraine." I know perfectly normal people who now hate Russia with a passion. I know another who took the vaxx for her job, and is now in full mass formation psychosis and wants to go to Ukraine to stop the suffering. Her husband, thank God, has not succumbed, and has managed to keep her from doing something insane.

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My experience regarding both groups of people supporting the covid narrative and the Ukraine narrative are exactly like yours. In my family all but myself are vaccinated and they all unquestionably accept the Ukraine narrative and hate Russia. Like covid, they also refuse to listen to all my opinions regarding this conflict. It seems the tolerance people have for differing opinions has devolved into derision and censorship. My own brother nearly hung up on me this morning on a rare phone call from him because I dared to question this war. Only by my shutting up about it did we manage to continue the call. Last night at dinner my 13 year old grandson asked my opinion about Ukraine. I answered him truthfully and later my daughter, his Mom, told me I was toxic and negative.

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I'm so sorry to hear that Helen. My husband, his sons, and I have all had c0vid but were all against the injections for a variety of reasons. His two older sisters and their husbands are all injected. His youngest sister is not, but on of her two grown daughters and her husband is.

We both spoke a lot to his oldest sister. She seemed reasonable, but then went out and got injected, and then took her granddaughter for it as well-- she had custody of her at the time. There are only a few others I know who are not; almost all my friends are. They know I am not injected, I know they are and we don't talk about it. We don't talk about Ukraine. So we have managed to have positive relationships. They are not afraid to see us, which makes it easier. That being said, I know there is a good chance very bad things are going to happen to people we love in the near future. We know of several people who have had bad reactions to the injections, and now, one of them (adult woman in her 40s) is having cognitive issues. But... if you suggest things like alternative medicine, she won't listen. There is another who can't shake an infection. Her son has "long c0vid" and he sounds like he is having major cognitive issues. But... the brainwashing is strong, and they WILL not listen to anything. So we don't talk about it. It's like an unspoken truth.

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Thank you Shibumi for your comments. Much appreciated. I guess one of my concerns is what will be the next "unacceptable topic" that hits the mainstream. I guess I was fortunate to have two parents, now passed away, who encouraged free speech and opinions regarding politics, religion and health. I have a brother and sister who were raised the same way as myself but now they, too shut down any controversial discussions. I am going to have to learn to keep my mouth shut in the future or risk alienating my family further.

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I'm glad I could help Helen. I believe that something was done to the brains of the injected; in my mind, they are heavily brainwashed, and it happened before they were injected. They don't want to hear that they might have put themselves at risk, and they don't want to hear that we know what can help them. There is some sort of mental block, and I don't think there is anything we can do in terms of that. I feel as if they are controlled by the MSM narrative.

However, we can still listen to them and talk to them about all the other things in our lives. Maybe some day they will ask our help. Or not. I don't know. A friend of my husband's in Singapore asked my husband for info; he gave it to him and I think it's really freaked him out. But... he asked, and they still have a relationship. They just don't talk about that. If you can do that, the relationships can survive. However, you have to realize that you might very well be watching them damage their health and there is nothing you can do. It's maddening.

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Ha! that's just what I started to say in about June 2020: "90% of the population is terrified and the other 10% is terrified by how easy it was to do that" - ... in various ways, for various reasons, I have remained terrified - I cope with it pretty well, most days.

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Here's what terrifies me-- the people who have resisted the brainwashing can be identified. What do the globalists have in mind for those who have resisted? It can't be anything good.

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Don't be afraid. Be brave. It feels much better, and can actually make things better also!

Many, many pieces of the plan are now exposed, and falling apart. Yes, "they" can still cause us a lot of trouble. But good people everywhere are waking up, taking the Covid Criminals to court, and standing up for freedom and the rule of law.

Find some like minded people near you.

Subscribe to Children's Health Defense. Join a Freedom Group. A local food growing group. Or Moms for Liberty group. So many wonderful people are coming together.

It is our choice to support those killing and maiming us or to pull our support away.

Listen to Catherine Austin Fitts and Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

They will inspire you!

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I concur. I always felt a bit like an alien among a sea of people who don't think even similarly to the way I do. I knew I was a bit weird, but I didn't realize the huge percentage of the population that will unquestioningly believe whatever the authority-du-jour tells them. Now I am both amazed at their ignorance, and terrified by my fellow travelers on this world.

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I like to think there is hope. I watched a video yesterday with Catherine Austin Fitts, and her educated guess is 50% of the population is injected. So there is a large portion of society, a hidden portion, that has not gone along with the psyop. We just don't see them, which I'm sure is intentional as well.

Also... there are a lot of good substacks out there, and people are reading them. So we are out there, in a large number. It's just hard to see each other once and a while.

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I call these HIH. High Income Hypochondriacs. With the help of the tyranny if midwits.

I really don't think there is a easy way out of this.

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My husband's boss is a Dane; we're in the US. I think his boss went into the office maybe 2x TOTAL in 2020 once the pandemic hit, and at most, once a month in 2021. Probably less. Yet their factory is still running, because those guys have to go to work EVERY DAY no matter what. Same with the guys in the lab. My husband is convinced his boss is in full mass formation psychosis and is terrified he'll get sick and die.

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Apr 18, 2022
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Half the world population will follow whatever these people tell them, to a cliff into a abyss. I seldom plug my own substack under other people's subs, but just read some of my Beyond posts. Most of these people are fully unaware wtf is going on.

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It's true John Paul. I'll check your stack out. I wrote something similar, and yeah, shameless plug of mine too.


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The brainwashed portion of the population isn't coming out of it anytime soon. I don't think that's relevant. If even a quarter of us just refuse to comply with any of it, the whole thing comes crashing down.

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This and Jeff Childers (Coffee & Covid) breakdown today of all the FALSE claims are both epic for my Monday morning. Couldn't agree more!

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So I’m just gonna say it: Fuck You Leana

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15 days to slow the spread everyone. It’s gotta be getting close to the 15 th day yeah?

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15 days.. they just didn't mention which planet - Mercury

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LOL you made me laugh!!!! Thank you!!!

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It's dog years. Cause they think we're all mutts.

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Yes, just hold on and be patient. It'll be worth it.

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Her thinking “evolved”. Anyone who has to evolve on any topic is not fit to be elected. You are either free or you are not. There is no “evolving” to be free.

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She is using that "evolved" language because she had previously tried to just tweet through it and people were pulling up her old tweets and ridiculing her.

So on the fly, she is trying to act like this is an "evolution" and not just... a giant lie/psy op

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So glad people are calling her on her BS. Of all the Covid Astrologers (thank you, Eugyppius for that awesome nomenclature), she bothers me the most. She makes my skin crawl. And with other candidates like Anthony Fauci in the mix, that is saying something.

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she was one of the most evil ones....terrible human being!

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Obama started the “I evolved” bs when he “evolved” on the issue of gay marriage. How he got away with that I will never know.

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"Evovle," is Scientific. Or it sounds scientific. That gives it power and makes the speaker sound intelligent and sophisticated. That's the idea, anyway.

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Totally. Another tool in their gaslighting tool book.

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Big words from the sociopath who said the unvaccinated should be continuously punished with masks, testing, movement restrictions, etc., in order to force them to get vaxxed. Oh now she's over it and wants to get back to normal? Nah. We're not "getting over" this until her and those like her are permanently removed from positions of power.

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Ding ding ding!


Now that covid is dragging down poll numbers, the ‘leaders’ are going to declare victory and pat themselves on the back for the NPIs they claim were the key to defeating the virus. They will remain silent on states that lifted those NPIs long ago, or never even had them to begin with, because those states lay bare the truth — we never had control over the virus and destroyed untold lives pretending we did.

So when these ‘leaders’ demand credit for NPIs, let’s oblige them — in the form of obliterating all vestiges of their power.

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And publicly shamed.

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She's an ugly individual.

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I noticed her thinking initially evolved right around the time they were looking at recommending the vaxx for the under 5 year olds, a category which her children happen to fall into. She even commented on CNN how she wasn’t entirely sure that was wise. Hmm…

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Yeah she's evolved...sure...it's called facts!

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Lol the science has changed 😂

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These people DID THIS TO US, and now they want to back away from the wreckage THEY WROUGHT on the entire world. NO. NOO NOOOO NOOOOO. You don't get to do that. And it's up to US to make it so they can't!

Thanks, Gato, for this great reminder of just how culpable they are, and I urge every single one of us to do two things:


2. NEVER let them off the hook. SHAME THEM. REMIND THEM. VOTE AGAINST THEM. They ARE the current enemy of the human spirit, and they need to feel our wrath.

About face does NOT equal justice. You don't just get to pretend, tyrants, like you didn't do any of this.


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Exactly. These monsters literally wanted us fired from our jobs, banned from society and confined to our homes for not partaking in a literal medical experiment. And for which, we were right about the entire time!

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And last in line for medical care too, don't forget. Basically, KILLING was ok to them, if the person DYING was noncompliant. I will never forget.

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I'm just tired. And I know the technoctats are not even a little tired. It's a bad situation. And the "COVID centrists" have just as little appetite to look back and learn as they do to mask up and lock down again. I understand but detest how so many people can just uncritically accept the quiet walkback and also still believe that the thing being walked back is also valid.

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Preach, Wesley.

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Twitter put me in timeout for calling her a cunt for attacking our children. This woman is a bad actor.

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I don't know if it is her tone of voice, or the not quite human facial expressions she employs, but she is uniquely troubling.

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If it is possible for humans to create robots and computer animated depictions of humans that fall into an "uncanny valley," then it stands to reason that a small percentage of actual humans can also. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Uncanny_valley

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Her eyes. Cold, dead.

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The most dangerous kind of evil....she is completely unaware that she is! She thinks she's an angel!

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Lea a Wen is also a member of Schwab’s kindergarten.

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so explain her about face?

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We’d need to ask Klaus. In any event, Covid-19 has done its job. People have gotten their digital IDs, by this time next year it’ll be coupled to the respective CBDCs and then Klaus and Bill and Mark can let you dance any which way they please.

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You speak every single meaningful truth here and all of it not subject to some alternate 'truth sharing'. This is all succinct and states facts, that is not refutable. This phrase may be the most important in the whole post: "they won’t be smarter or better or less conflicted next time. they have not been red pilled. they have been cowed into acquiescence and are once more seeking to join the herd". Keep pounding the table on this, I think it's the single most important thing to gird ourselves against.

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Yes, because they are going to do it again. They can't help themselves.

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Right after the election. If not strict lockdown to assist the steal before.

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“…they have proven themselves incompetent and outright dangerous stewards”

Au contraire mon ami, le Chat Mechant. They have been very successful and have largely achieved their near term goals.

The global economy is wrecked

Supply chains badly damaged

Billions of formerly healthy people now compromised by a nefarious injection

Fraudulent administrations empowered

War in the Eurasian breadbasket

Food shortages getting more dire—soon to be catastrophic

Government agencies going after the law-abiding citizenry

Mass invasions of illegal immigrants

Looks to me like anything but incompetence.

They run a tight ship.

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This is all true. The speed and power with which the Globalists struck is stunning. Businesses bankrupted. Millions murdered and millions more are the walking dead.

Supply chains cut. Weather abnormalities. Fuel and fertilizer shortages. Millennials brainwashed.

BUT------ never on Earth have more people been awake to the "evil among us," and never before have we had the chance to end THEM. WE can end them by simply pulling our support.

Listen to Catherine Austin Fitts and R.F.K. Jr., and take hope.

Together anything is possible!! And what do any of us have to do that's better than joining this fight for humanity's future?

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Really well said.

There is hope. But it is a war, and we’ll see it get worse before the end.

Best wishes. Godspeed.

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Thank you, Laurance. Again, I agree with you, it is a war, and will get worse before it gets better. But the great pillars of light, in human form, I see rising all around us, do give me great joy in the midst of the darkness. I personally believe we have "Assistance" helping us at this "moment of moments."

All who see what we are facing and stand strong, together, bring the light and the blessings into the picture.

I love Zev Zelenko's advice--"Do Good, and Live Forever!" Or the Christian version- "Build Your Treasure in Heaven!"

That is the reality. This world is the illusion, albeit a persistent one. : ))

Godspeed to us all!

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“My hope is built in nothing less

Than Jesus Christ, my righteousness”

The time is nigh.

Keep the Faith.

Grace to you.

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Well, since you put it that way... The class of people who have committed the crimes you list have been very effective. Assuming their goal is to replace the 'western liberal democratic' form of government with some kind of Orwellian totalitarianism. Which it seems to be! But I don't understand how they plan to transition to the slave state that seems to be their objective. They have not yet successfully taken away our guns. We still have (limited) freedoms of communication, movement, and assembly. I suspect there's a 'tipping point' somewhere in the not too distant future!

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Yeah, who knows if the globalists will ultimately succeed in establishing their desired Reset. But I’m confident that they will succeed—to a dreadful degree—in the wrecking phase. The “build back better” thing—who knows? It’s sickeningly like the Joker said in the first Batman movie, “You want to make an omelette, you gotta break a few eggs”. You’re one of the eggs in question. So am I.

The fact that we still have the right to keep firearms is something they certainly have taken into consideration. Maybe thinking we’ll turn in each other—as in civil war. Houses divided and all that.

The war in Ukraine will become a much bigger one, I think. They’re pushing for it, and it aligns with a very plausible interpretation of Revelation 6, as does the approaching global famine.

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