When Al Gore was born there were 15000 polar bears. Today there are only 25000 left.

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One thing the two topics have in common is an emphasis on scary anecdotes over actual data. A thousand scare stories about how hurricane sandy is due to climate change come out without anyone publishing easily-available data that there is no upward trend in hurricanes or cyclonic energy. In the same way, one tweet from some rando about overflowing emergency rooms is reprinted with absolute authority without bothering to check readily-available data on hospital capacity. Both share the post-modernist emphasis on feelz over facts

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Exactly! I wrote about this back in the spring. I don't know the first thing about climate science, but after a year of destructive lockdowns and school closures that Had No Measurable Effect on the virus are still being recommended by the same scientific establishment pushing the climate models and using similar scare tactics, I'm more skeptical than I've ever been. Simply put, I now reflexively oppose any "climate" measure that adversely impacts the lives of ordinary Americans.

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I had to tread water while reading this since my home is now underwater from the melting polar ice caps. ;)

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Gore has been a curse to anyone who wants a sober approach to environmental concerns. His hypocrisy, greed and fear-mongering have poisoned advocacy.

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OMG, hahahaha... Just like the Lab Leak theory.

That's a pretty analogous situation to the climate debate: The alarmist climate "scientists" by and large have vested interests in there being a problem. If people realized that (a) their projections are vastly off the mark (by a good factor of 3, on average), (b) they've fudged numbers all over the place to create a majority of the warming signal (look up 'gridding' and the resulting "historical" temperatures vs what was originally recorded), and (c) human contributions are relatively minor relative to natural cycles, they'd all be out of jobs.

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Have no respect whatsoever for authority; forget who said it and instead look what he starts with, where he ends up, and ask yourself, "Is is reasonable?"

~ Richard Feynman

Gore is nothing more than a grifter and mountebank who has become fabulously wealthy peddling the worst sort of junk science and end-times hokum. It is a testament to the depravity of our times that this turd, and all the other turds slurping up the enormous trough of our taxes, is not run out of society just ahead of an angry mob.

Gore is not fit to wipe Feyman's ass.

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Name a product, service, or problem that the government can deliver a better solution for, I'll wait

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So let's see, we had real pandemic plans and instead, "experts" pushed voodoo science. Now that same group is suggesting more voodoo science for...climate what?

We are now going to keep pretending we can control climate & temperature the same way we are pretending we can suppress a respiratory virus.

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Right now 6,000 acres of prime farm land is slated for solar, in a part of the country that gets 188 sunny days a year.

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Honestly, there are some people I wish would just go away and be quiet. Mr. Gore is near the top of that list. Many epidemiologists are there, too.

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Noah' s Arch. Only the ones who believe in covid vaccination and present climate change will be saved.

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Totally, utterly bonkers. COVID is the biggest threat to the AGW movement in history. No one will listen to scientists when this is over. And yes -- I do believe in AGW. And have worked on environmental issues my whole career.

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The face and voice of evil.

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Good grief. If the melt off the Greenland ice sheet wrecks the Gulf Stream we may all freeze. Some good wind and solar will do us if we get a renewed ice age.

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Translation "I should have got into the virus business, then I could have got away with lots of crazy shit"

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I just met with 30 other people in my ukulele group and we sang our hearts out! Go to HELL IPCC_CH and Al can come with you!

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Really? Because I remember the "experts" telling us to go to China town and "don't worry."

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Climate crisis? What climate crisis? Oooooooh, it's all the hot air from Al Gore's head. Gotcha.

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is Gore long solar and Li?

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since you're pretty smart and informed for a dumb cat, a serious question. Let's stipulate the earth is going to warm 1.5 deg C in the coming decade/century/period, and it's all caused by man.

My question is, if we look back pre Younger Dryas, which is 'recently' in geological terms, what's the big deal? the change isn't like getting hit by an asteroid. We can expect some extremes to moderate, and some moderation to move to extremes, but on a very slow scale - e.g. 1.5 C / 100 or even 1.5/10 years isn't a lot.

I'm attempting to steelman the argument, for why it's bad. And I'm left with Southpark underpants gnomes:

1. Temp goes up

2. ....

3. Crisis !!!

Can you try to steelman for us , el smarto gato?

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Surely a better lessson to learn is"don't allow or enable Chinese scientists to fuck about with shit when they can't be trusted not to fuck everything up"

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Al Bore? Isn;t he the guy that invented the Intertoobs?

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Clearer than ever? He said it was utterly, totally clear in 2006. I mean come on this doesn't pass a smell test.

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Well....Al Gore is a known moron... so we shouldn't be surprised, should we.

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Ahhh, explains TES’ post today.

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