If you really want to set that group off, put (Child of God) as your "pronoun".

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There's a direct line between the imposition of boutique pronouns as mandatory participation in obvious untruth, and the mass psychotic break of covidianism. Reality is not what you perceive, it's what you're told to perceive, and furthermore what you're told can change without a moment's notice. Today I'm a xe, tomorrow I'm a ze; today masks don't work, tomorrow they do. Each "my truth" is as valid as the other, and never mind the contradictions.

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This was perfect. I had an argument with someone who was insisting that using someone’s “preferred pronouns” was a sign of respect, and your essay beautifully explained that their desire to impose upon me the mandate to view them the way they view themselves is a violation of my autonomy and therefore disrespectful to me. Bravo!

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My feminine perspective as a nice suburban lady is that you hit the nail on the head except in one respect. For a certain percentage of the population, stating your pronouns is simply wearing-a-mask-level "being nice and not making waves." I'm not even talking about the Karens. I'm talking about pasting a smile on your face and approaching the white van to give directions to the group of creepy guys because attending to that nervous feeling and walking in the opposite direction might make you look impolite (or, worse and perhaps more directly comparable, racist).

I don't even pretend to understand the male equivalent-- the Piggotts of the world-- but my sense is that the misguided feminine sense of appeasement is being seized upon and radicalized by the gender zealouts...appeasement is a decent strategy sometimes, but right now it's time to call out Mama Bear. (And no, she's not wearing ridiculous toddler-style makeup and that thing she's carrying isn't a sign.)

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Well said, as always. I too feel that people are free to find their center, whatever that may be — and I expect this is true for all but a tiny proportion of the US population. But wile I empathize with their body dysmorphia, as I do with people who must amputate a perfectly healthy limb to feel whole, I will not participate in their psychosis. We must not let a small number of very loud mentally ill activists dominate the conversation. Until recently, school-age children exhibited transgender tendencies at a rate of 1 - 2%; now it’s 20 - 30% (as best I recall). This nonsense must end, and denying the pronoun lunacy is a good place to start.

Language matters, and the left has been perverting meaning for far too long. Time for the rest of us to buy a spine and vigorously oppose the repurposing of language and the redefinition of word meaning.

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As a teen girl in the 90s in an affluent Southern private school, I knew plenty of girls with eating disorders. Most of them received treatment when it got to a certain point, and in no case was the treatment to affirm their delusions that they were fat. Anorexia/bulemia were correctly recognized as mental/perceptual/control disorders, and no one “played along” to “be kind.” That’s not how you treat mental illness.

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May 7, 2022·edited May 7, 2022

My neice/nephew's wife tries to pull the pronouns and "my truth". My husband, the brutal- mocker- of- all -things- foolish man that he is cured her of that nonsense (at least for three days during Thanksgiving).

Turns out they/them are very fragile and skate on the thin ice of sanity.

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“I support the current thing loyalty card” meme is one of the best I have seen in a long time! Well done

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There’s a community garden in my neighborhood that I was interested in participating in. One of the questions in the application was, “What pronouns should we use for you?” I’m now growing my vegetables in five gallon buckets on my back porch.

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I wish I had the cash and associated attorneys to plaster this in every social media space, every day ,for the indeterminate lifespan of Cthulu...

( honestly...the use of the elder God of insanity as a device was a stroke of shear genius. )

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My pronouns are hee/haw. Am I bad?

Slightly off topic, but why do “trans women” (I always forget which way it goes; I’m referring to men pretending to be women) seem to so frequently make themselves up and dress themselves in a way that’s a almost a cartoonish caricature of the western patriarchal view of feminine appearance?

I mean, can they ever be feminists? Or lesbians?

I’m asking for a friend.

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"I'll make up my own mind, thanks. And since we're here, it's 'asshole' until you demonstrate otherwise. Nice to meet you."

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Trudeau's pronouns are He/Hid

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Isn’t it an attempt to normalise the concept that pronouns are self-determined rather than a universal language rule, with the eventual aim that the rules become defunct. At the same time affirming that sex is self-determined, not a ‘rule’ of biology.

All conquerors in history, as a matter of priority, impose their language and customs on the newly conquered and forbid the use of their own. It’s about control and subjugation.

We must use Wokespeak and believe the Woke dogma as a sign of our subjection to Wokerule.

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I keep wanting to use She/him/its as my pronouns. Why? I like to express my female in the subjective and male in the objective. Possessive case supports capitalist ownership society, rendering a person more an it than a gendered person.

But I'm afraid it would be seen as trolling, rather than pointing out idiocy.

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"pronouns in bio are the stigmata of authoritarian impulse masquerading as martyrdom."

What a great sentence.

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