given the number of times i have, um, “borrowed” his meme, it seems only fair that at some point i should feature some of steven crowder’s work.
well, buckle up, because this is a doozy. however much you thought you hated these people, they are worse. it’s as brazen as it is seemingly ubiquitous and as amoral as it is intrusive.
meet dr jay varma, NYC’s senior public health advisor, cuomo’s top guy during the “lock down, mask up, and vent till you die.”
this was the team locking you in the house, making grandma die alone, and force masking toddlers and teens in schools.
and it turns out that like so many others from gavin to SAGE to fancy nanci, it’s always “one law for thee and another for me.”
as astonishing as this text is (and as possibly explanatory of why these people get so worried about monkeypox) the video is worse.
it’s just amazing.
the utter sense of entitlement and exceptionalism is amazing.
“well, but i really needed this.”
oh, and a half a million kids did not?
sorry you found oppressing people so stressful. maybe don’t fricking do it next time.
it’s also an interesting idea on a path forward to defeating such people. stop and think about it: how do you fight a grandiose narcissist with zero self awareness and high attention and ego needs?
with the “beautiful stranger.”
it’s perfect jiujitsu to allow these people to just be themselves. give them what they want, what they think is a date with someone interested and obviously out of their league, and they will spill, dish, and disclose. anything to impress.
these less than super villains really do monologue. they cannot help it.
ever wonder where these “gotcha” videos come from?
that’s where.
it’s a wonderfully apropos and effective weapon and one for which politicos and ding-dongs everywhere have no defense. gay, straight, male, female, it makes zero difference. everyone dishes to the beautiful stranger they met on a dating app or the willing ear who took the time to listen.
i’m honestly amazed that 100X more of this does not go on. (maybe it does and is just not published)
but this seems to be the left’s achilles heel, the pitch they cannot lay off:
when you lack self awareness, you’re always one small step away from self-indictment, even self parody.
and this sort of revelation is powerful. it’s the way forward. we’re inhabiting an age of edits and manipulation, of soundbites and focus tested jargon and everyone simply being overfull of substances emanating from the southern ends of northbound cattle. it just keeps getting worse and we just cannot keep living in echo chambers and having our opinions about what others think described to us by either their defenders or their detractors.
neither is accurate portrayal.
it’s the age of primary source material, so let’s use it.
let’s go right to the speakers and endlessly elicit their own speech about their own views. and let’s pay attention.
this is how you learn, it’s how you ensure accuracy in terms of reporting, and it’s incredibly potent as a convincer. “partisan talking head says person he does not like is a bad person” just does not cut any real ice any more. it’s hackneyed. who cares? who is persuaded? it’s all choir preaching from a redundant clerisy.
but here is varma in his own words telling you that he’s an awful person, that he lied, that he did not believe any of his own dictates enough to actually follow them, and that worst of all, he knows this. THAT has impact. that changes minds. it’s objective proof that trust in public health should never be uncritical and that perhaps skepticism even outright distrust constitutes a better base prior.
it’s how you learn to spot the bad ones.
some have argued that this is unfair or unjust or somehow “dirty” and more akin to spying than journalism.
i heartily disagree.
this is real public interest public service work. this is finding the truth about the people who deign to rule us. if that takes a little spycraft, so be it. it’s good for politicians to feel like they are always observed. it encourages decent behavior.
how much might have been avoided if more of this occurred?
how many might have been caught out and revealed as what they are?
the purpose of investigative journalism is to investigate, to ferret out hidden truth and cast light upon the dark places erected around liars and hypocrites.
so much of what passes for government and technocracy these days is really just aristocracy.
they care little for impact and less for you.
it’s about position, about power.
and no one who brags like jay should be allowed anywhere near power.
and the more insecure and unsettled we can make these people the better.
it’s how you dissuade cluster B.
let’s make the game no fun, a terror for the braggart and the egotist. let’s make it fearful, not fulfilling.
the state should fear the people, not the people the state.
and the signs are always there.
keep digging.
who knows what we’ll find next?
Varma went to Harvard and has pronouns on his LinkedIn. He also has the crazy sanpaku eyes. Anyone with a functioning amygdala can quickly tell he’s a sociopath, so naturally New Yorkers followed him like sheep.
I cannot think of a more contemptible profession than public health. A good percentage of them should be on trial or in prison for what they did during Covid.