Varma went to Harvard and has pronouns on his LinkedIn. He also has the crazy sanpaku eyes. Anyone with a functioning amygdala can quickly tell he’s a sociopath, so naturally New Yorkers followed him like sheep.
I love the "careful, you bight grow into your face" warning I heard from my parents while growing up. I use it now and then (not out loud) when I see someone on a walk on a beautiful morning and they are scowling...smh
In my never humble opinion, a large portion of upper level government employees are sociopaths, and many suffer from varying degrees of mental illness. The last few years have made it very clear that those in healthcare are not even close to immune. I have noted before that the person who graduated dead last in their medical school class, one point above failing is called "Doctor." Caveat emptor. YOU do have a choice.
They're really not teaching them anything anymore, they are slowly chipping away at education and teaching them how to 1) decide on the right medicines to address all problems 2) be extremely angry in response to any rational questions. i.e. they've become more arrogant than ever, even hostile.
Any doctor who removes the wrong organ is an alcoholic and very likely drunk while performing surgery. They can be amazingly proficient while drunk during their "functional" stage, which can last for decades.
I believe that medical malpractice is a leading cause of death, and that's not even counting the Vaxxx deaths, because "that's just a right wing conspiracy theory"....🙄
Yes, the position attracts them, like the catholic church and cub scouts attracts pedophiles. The upper echelons of political office are now part of a sex cult club.
A physician friend of my grandmother’s claimed at least three medical school classmates were certifiable …morons, is the term he used, if I recall correctly. He was in his 80s when I was in my 20s half a century ago.
It’s been a long time coming, but that was one impetus. US medicine has been captured by business, and most hospital systems are run by MBAs, who don’t know anything about clinical medicine, patient care, or doctor-patient relationships, but do know spreadsheets, leveraging, and maximizing profit. Obamacare put the system on steroids, and vastly increased government mandates and intrusion. Believe me, most MDs that I work with hate being made into paper pushers, but feel powerless to change the system.
It’s the triumph of the C students over the A students. And now with DEI, you don’t have to be an A student to be an MD.
My friend went to med school before all this - and then, when she went out into the field to practice, this "billable" "insurance" "corporate" stuff crept in.
IMO, another angle is that some intelligent people who are constantly flattered for their status in this system, constantly implicitly and even explicitly told how special they are couldn't admit that the system is deeply wrong. Because if the system is deeply wrong . . then maybe they're not really that special.
If you want to understand the buy in from hospitals, look at the extra fees they collected for Covid positive testing patients - massive. Profits at all time highs despite terrible bed occupancy rates. Diagnostic companies and labs made huge bucks on testing. Docs getting incentives for pushing the "vaccine". Everybody was paid to not notice.
LOL. That is the figure the addiction doctors I consulted when researching my books gave me. Sure, it could be more, because it's usually under-diagnosed.
When I was a young teenager helping my neighbor serve her professional class guests at a dinner party one time they were discussing certain doctors in the vicinity(but not at the table). And the comment was made, "Well we all know doctors bury their mistakes!".
Addicts hang out with other addicts. Very common among alcoholics, who are functional over most of their drinking and using careers, committing one atrocity after another.
They get to high office because so many are psychoactive drug addicts, who have a need to wield power over others. What better way than to climb the ladder, regardless of who they push off along the way?
Yes! when I was about 14 I read an article how to recognize drug users. That man absolutely fits the picture. Sorry for the good Indian, Pakistani etc. docs, but I know of 2 that are no-no, and this one is the third. Never going to one of them again. The descent one I had was a black gentleman. Unfortunately he has now retired. This last one I tried a few years ago asked for pronouns. I should have left immediately but I was sore and hoped for help LOL
Yes definitely the condescending smugness seems universal amongst those who live a total lie yet believe they are special and untouchable. Trudeau springs to mind and Fauci and Macron and Obama and I could go on and on
What interests me is - what were their formative years like? How does someone get this way? As Micky Free stated above, in my not so humble opinion, this has to be mainly environmental. Somewhere, somehow this type of person has come to believe that his crap doesn't smell.
Actually, it's not so much environmental as innate--but only once they trigger their latent psychoactive drug addiction. Because that is what he is: a substance addict. That explains everything about him, from climbing the ladder to abusing others to thinking he's God and can get away with anything, and then bragging about it.
EL GATO MAYO and his subscribers are THE most erudite Commenters I have come across. There are at least one or two words per article on in a comment that I have to look up. Thanks for adding to my vocabulary.
Just like Gavin Newsom - he allowed himself to go out to a restaurant "The French Don't Do Their Laundry" or something like that - when he was forbidding all the little people to do the exact same thing. Insupportable!
She and her husband decided to get married on the anniversary of the Tienamen Square massacre.
"APCs then ran over bodies time and time again to make "pie" and remains collected by bulldozer. Remains incinerated and then hosed down drains," British Ambassador cable said. Go ahead and try and find a copy of that Wikileaks cable from the British Ambasador
Anyone who uses MDMA and who knows what else to fuel their debauched “blowing off steam” orgies is going to have crazy eyes. I’ve seen it before with meth heads in the hospital.
And to all the lefties who think it’s “unfair” to do undercover interviews, you guys loved this stuff when it was Woodward and Bernstein and the WaPo doing it. Sucks to be you!
I cannot think of a more contemptible profession than public health. A good percentage of them should be on trial or in prison for what they did during Covid.
Agree. Never shy away from a perfectly proper descriptor, lol. It is the collective timid and shy, those who worry about ‘offending’ the doctor (or some other in authority), who never call out those people on their BS, who permit those people to accumulate internal power. Yep, early training in ‘continuing to comply’.
One of the few professions that outwardly and nakedly - heh - rewards outright sociopathy. The ones in Canada were, in some ways, even worse as they wrapped up their powerlust with smug, self-righteous appeals to the "science" and "we're all in this together" without the hedonism of this turd. They were mostly dim, career bureaucrat females steeped in the arts of political grandstanding with no conception of the damage their decisions caused.
In Toronto, we had someone similar. I don't want to even say her name as the thought of her makes me ill, but every time I saw a photo of her with her rotating cast of scarves and that smug, self-satisfied look on her face as she destroyed lives and livelihoods, I was always hoping one of them would catch on a door ledge, and, well....
It brought to mind this *world class* quote from Aldous Huxley:
"To be able to destroy with good conscience, to be able to behave badly and call your bad behavior 'righteous indignation' — this is the height of psychological luxury, the most delicious of moral treats."
At the upper echelons, absolutely. But I know a couple of local Town Board of Health officials and they're just simple people doing the job they were told to do. I felt somewhat sorry for them.
I believed for a long time the phrase "public health" was National Socialist in origin, but when I went to my favorite Chatbot arena at and posed this question--What is the origin of the phrase "public health"?--the responses from the two competing LLMs indicated the phrase/concept can be traced back to the Egyptians. Somehow, I find it hard to place proper sanitation (elegantly designed shitters a la the Romans) on the same continuum as vaxx-to-you-drop (never safe, hardly ever effective, but ALWAYS lucrative), but if competing AIs say it, it must be true (or a hallucination, or completely made up from whole cloth), or, more likely, a carefully fluffed history of self-congratulation that creates millions of jobs and whole highways of career paths.
I think I'll continue to think the goosesteppers coined the term. Makes it easier that way....
Public health improvements in the 19th and early 20th century were profound: indoor plumbing, water from a private tap instead of a communal bucket. For these we have engineers to thank as well as those giants of microbiology who identified actual modes of disease transmission and effective prevention. These range from hygiene to immunization. In the latter part of the 20th century and this one, thinking in public health has become polluted with ideas from sociology and worse, and it has become a cascade of diminishing returns.
Agreed. The damage from vaccination may ultimately have canceled out any good it might have done.
I've been reading the Substack by A Midwestern Doctor, who has gone back into historical documents regarding smallpox vaccination (variolation, inoculation, whatever) that are buried in print archives. The deaths, injuries, and "breakthrough" infections were obvious even then, except to the willfully-blind doctors who were making money off vaccines and to the fearful government officials.
And never forget how Dr. Ignaz Semmelweis was treated in the mid 1800s. I thought about that during Covidtime when the resistance doctors were warning us.
They worked themselves out of a job, and went looking for new tasks. They turned individual health into some kind of public interest. Like attacking smoking, for example. They framed it in terms of statistics, then pretended that an aggregate of individual health outcomes was "public health." It's not. Then they get an actual virus that spreads from person to person and jumped at the chance to be relevant and important. They couldn't do that by accurately communicating the threat of covid, because then nobody would be scared enough to pay them any attention.
It is a money printer, nothing more. Rockefeller saw to it. His money bought opinion. He invested in pharmaceuticals. He started a campaign to delegitimize actual health care. And here we are.
My health has nothing to do with the public. I am still waiting for definitive proof that my health affects the public and theirs mine. It's all guesswork to promote deadly drugs.
"Public health" deserves zero respect because there is no such thing. There is only individual health.
OTOH, if what you mean by "public health" are the improvements in the living conditions, especially in large, crowded cities, then yes. Better living conditions bring better health outcomes for individuals.
Indoor plumbing has to be among the greatest inventions (not of public health) for the improvement of life and health in urban living conditions. We have inventors to thank for that, not the likes of Walensky, Varma, in "public health." They're grifters...all of them.
Okay - hoping for a follow up article about the fallout from this. One never hears about what happens once these people are exposed. It's very unsatisfying. For instance, who has yet been held accountable for what they did to us during covid. There are supposedly lots of lawsuits happening but where are the results? You never hear about that. I agree we need more of this type of investigative journalism. We are where we are in part because people stopped being good journalists and instead became corporate shills for their bosses and printed whatever they were told to. Bring back investigative journalism!!!!! Thanks for the giggles... I especially loved the "what's wrong with conservatives" bit!
That’s when we knew to physically hide from people in authority and to wear a cloak of get the hell away from me. We had contact tracers come door to door. No. Just no.
When the whole truth exploded in my brain in a matter of days. I couldn’t sleep for some time when the magnitude of evil finally hit me. A friend actually said stay away from her because I could “kill” her.
That definitely is vile, but right up there with that? That bozo, Dubya, announcing that "you are with us...or you are with the terrorists." The vileness of that, and of course, the irony.
The idiots in CA would recall Gov. Newscellini after his $500/plate dinner with pharma buddies during the height of lockdowns. CA loves to be abused. Abuse me harder, DADDDY!
When Veritas went after the Pfizer guy with this kind of a honey trap, it kinda exploded, with James getting fired (and nothing happening to Pfizer guy, he went "under review")
So while he was buggering or getting buggered, we could not: attend school, weddings, funerals, graduations, large or small arena events, gatherings w/ family or friends & worst of all, we could not comfort & visit family or friends in hospitals & nursing homes, even if those family & friends were dying (or deliberately murdered by the “authorities” & “healthcare providers”)…. 🤬🖕🏻
I don’t know if this is the place for this, but I can’t shake the image of Rachael Maddow doing a monologue a few days ago, (she was introducing Hillary). I never watch her or MSNBC - Taibbi showed this 5 minute clip of her, and it was simply astonishing the way she breathlessly lied, twisted the truth, mislead, misdirected. It was stunning, she is so good at bending reality. I know her audience isn’t that big, thank God, but afterwards, I felt like I had witnessed some kind of cult leader. A sane society would keep her in an institution, she is feeding an addiction, and making sick people sicker. OK, I’ve said it.
Just remember - everything is relative - "...since Monday, September 8, 2008. Rachel Maddow Show is currently the #1 most popular show on MSNBC and 29th overall on TV, watched by a total number of 2,676,000 people..."
I saw that too by way of Russel Brand. They are all so crazy or deluded or just bad people. I bet it takes lots of meds for those people to get through the day or to sleep at night
Yes. Any drug capable of causing distortions of perception and memory in susceptible individuals. That clearly includes benzos. I am not certain of SSRIs, but it appears that way given the number of mass shooters who are on them (although I think most if not all of them are also alcoholics).
I've long said cocaine only appears as addictive as it does because, generally, only those predisposed to alcoholism try cocaine. And nearly every addict can become cross-addicted to other psychoactive drugs. In researching my books, I learned that 80% of addicts at the Betty Ford Center are cross-addicted; I suspect this is under-stated. Elizabeth Taylor famously went there for her pill addiction; two weeks in she announced, "Oh, I'm an alcoholic too!"
People who take psych drugs (some estimates that 30% of adult American population takes some form of these - even if it is for incontinence, pain, nausea, IBS, etc.) lose touch with their feelings. It is why and how the drugs work. If you flatten all emotions, then - you don't hurt as much.
However, it also flattens other things such as causality & self responsibility. It can cause inner restlessness (akathisia) and dissociation & numbing. The combinations of all of these, and yes. You're talking problems.
This is one of the reasons why I am all for free speech. Is really the best way to expose these people to stifle their freedom of speech? No! you want them to talk.
This is why "they" want to control completely the dissemination of information. If they had their way, this expose and all like it would definitely be censored!
I'm waiting for someone to simply and concisely explain in the simplest of terms, exactly why 1st Amendment/FREE SPEECH is the absolute foundation of the U.S. Constitution and key to true human flourishing. (allows dissent, exposes good ideas, exposes bad ideas, prevents self-censorship, resists censorship by others, demands transparency from government, etc., etc.) El Gato?
Thank you for your reply. I haven't taken the time to re-read all the links, which I pretty sure I've read previously. :) I'm distressed about the election. The reality is that we are presented yet another superficial binary choice between two sides of the same government coin, between two candidates of mediocre intelligence and leadership abilities. But one of them will be our next president. IMHO, the biggest issue of the election is free speech. Which "side" condones and has practiced censorship when in power? Which "side" has received more intense scrutiny from the press? Which "side's" candidate was selected by a grassroots process that included We the People? Which "side" reveres the Constitution and which "side" seeks to work around it?
Jan. '23, waiting for surgery, I was in pain all the time, to the point of crying; and no NSAIDs helped, My husband started putting bourbon into my morning milky coffee. By golly, it worked! And didn't take much to do the job, either.
I was simply taken aback that this worked—when pharma’s offerings were worthless. Broke wrist 6/29/24—most unpleasant accident—and over next 11 days until surgery consumed quantities of wine which soothed both wrist and the hand/arm nerves which were “upset” by the trauma. Not much accustomed to having nerves be upset. Of the 10 narcotic pills provided at hospital, I took 3 total. And have refused any NSAIDs since. Living through pain strengthens character, IMHO (and Apostle Paul [Romans 5:3] backs me up!).
I've been trying to figure out how to get just that little bit of whisky into me for pain....
Traditional martial arts remedy. Most masters take one whiskey at night. (but I'm an alcohol wimp, and can't quite face it neat, or watered, or iced, or anything)
For sure! One darned fine caretaker--and I broke wrist in June, so he had an opportunity to shine again in this arena. Back to being able to cut up my food again though!
What a scum-bag. On a related note, this film just became available yesterday on Vimeo. The crew followed Jay Battacharya around and did a great job of presenting just how corrupt Anthony Fauci --and the whole public health respnse--was. They also, I am proud to say, filmed a segment at our Free Speech in Medicine and Science Conference in 2022 (where Jay was the keynote speaker). The film is exceptionally well done. Watch the trailer here:
Also recommended: RFK’s THE REAL ANTHONY FAUCI & THE WUHAN COVER-UP. Here’s an interesting fact from the latter—CEO of Moderna Stéphane Bancel was the CEO of bioMérieux when that company built the Wuhan Institute of Virology (p. 3, first reference).
I'll throw in a plug for Rand Paul's, "Deception: The Great COVID Cover-Up". It's a very well resourced book. Warning: do not read around breakable objects.
If Varma went to prison it would be evidence of the effectiveness of this strategy. But he doesn't and won't. You would also need a prosecutor willing to jail the scum. They are all scum too.
You know what you call a hundred thousand government lawyers wrapped in chains at the bottom of the sea? A good start.
You know what you call a hundred thousand government lawyers buried up to their necks in sand? A sand shortage.
You know how to tell the difference between a dead skunk in the middle of the road smelling like rancid garbage and a dead government lawyer in the middle of the road smelling like rancid garbage? As you come up on the skunk sometimes you see skid marks.
Shall we delicately mention that he is the product of a very different culture....with very different attitudes toward the female (consider purdah and suttee).
He talks like he's American born, American raised. Maybe his Mamma remembers purdah, but I doubt he's seen it. Additionally, Hinduism & Islam kinda frown upon his debauched choices.
Wife? Didn’t know the progressive used such archaic state/church descriptors. But then, they do have a penchant for changing the meaning of words. Take ‘vaccine’ for instance - or ‘progressive’ even. The list is long.
I watched the video yesterday. He was gleeful. These are the people that told you that "masks work" to "stay home/stay safe." The hypocrisy wasn't surprising to me at all about this. It's that these are the people that are believed and people follow.
Public health in itself is a total lie. There is no such thing. Everybody is different. 4 people can present with the same set of symptoms, called a "disease" and yet these symptoms have 4 different roots. One could be unprocessed grief. One could be a weakened terrain from a round of antibiotics earlier in life. One could be an ancestral inheritance that is ready to be worked through.... the roots of health are vast and unique.
You're in Waltham? We escaped Waltham in May of 2020, never to return. Lived there since '96.
We had a very good life there, despite being supporters of liberty and freedom from government among the bootlickers. Yet, when the moron in the corner office on Beacon Hill issued his snot pouch "mandate," that was it...We left NE permanently in Aug 2021.
I have great respect for Dr. Ladapo. Wonderful that you'll get to see him in person. Enjoy!
No--we are just attending the conference there--Dr. Meryl Nass alerted her readers to this opportunity. I'm a Bay State native (western Mass) but we escaped Taxachusetts 47 years ago. Pennsylvania has a much better climate for growing your own food!
Oh, how great! Well, safe travels there. A beautiful time of year up there to be on the road.
Good for you that you left so long ago and that you're able to grow your own food. We're getting acquainted with the soil, insects, critters, and growing seasons in NW Florida so we can do the same.
We are blessed to be able to spend roughly one week in every 4-5 during the not-hard-frost season in that northernmost easternmost state of the US. Much more beautiful than congested eastern Ma.
Very few honest people in public health (and they are marginalized, demoralized for not following the party line). NYC truly IS a bastion of oppression. Read about Attorney Bobbie Anne Cox (she has a substack) and her lawsuits pushing back on NY Gov. Hochul’ s concentration camps during covid. She was successful, but there are continued appeals filed by government (which cannot accept that their evil plans were derailed).
MALE TV REPORTER: Tonight while Governor [of California] Newsom is telling all of us to have Thanksgiving dinner outside, he's facing some new fallout for that fancy birthday dinner party he went to at the French Laundry.[1]
GOVERNOR GAVIN NEWSOM: It was in Napa which is the orange status, relatively loose compared to some other counties. Ah, it was to be an outdoor ah, ah, restaurant.
ANOTHER MALE TV REPORTER: Raising some new questions about the governor's claims that the dinner was outdoors, as he has repeatedly claimed.
GOVERNOR GAVIN NEWSOM: And I let my guard down, and I apologize for it.
FEMALE TV REPORTER: Mayor [of Chicago] Lori Lightfoot has been adamant that people stay home and socially distance for weeks.
MAYOR LORI LIGHTFOOT: I can't make this any clearer. You absolutely must stay at home. We will cite you. And of we need to we will arrest you and we will take you to jail. Period. There should be nothing unambiguous about that.
WHOOPI GOLDBERG: I guess you would all imagine that a lot of people were surprised when she made a trip to the hair salon.
MAYOR LORI LIGHTFOOT: I take my personal hygiene very seriously. As I said, I felt like I needed to um, have a haircut.
VOICE OF FEMALE TV REPORTER: House Speaker Nancy Pelosi under fire tonight after security footage showed her inside a San Francisco hair salon that's closed to the general public.
SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE NANCY PELOSI: It was a set up. So I take responsibility for falling for a setup. And that's all I'm going to say on that. [cut] I think that they owe, that the salon owes me an apology.
TUCKER CARLSON: Almost immediately after telling the rest of New York City to stay inside for example, Mayor Bill De Blasio loaded up his SUV with government bodyguards and headed for the gym across town in Brooklyn.
MAYOR BILL DE BLASIO: I need exercise. And again, I have to stay healthy so I can make the decisions for the people of this city.
VOICE OF FEMALE TV REPORTER: The leader is embroiled in controversy for attending a party at 10 Downing Street in May of 2020. At the time, the country was under a strict government-imposed lockdown.
UK PRIME MINISTER BORIS JOHNSON: That I myself fell short when it came to observing the very rules which the government I lead had introduced to protect the public—
CANADIAN PRIME MINISTER JUSTIN TRUDEAU: Let's put into practice what it truly means to love our neighbors as ourselves by making sacrifices to protect their health. Let's stay home for them.
TUCKER CARLSON: Not long after recording the video you just saw, Trudeau left the capital and traveled all the way to Quebec to visit his family at their lake house. Just like you'd want to do on Easter, if you were allowed to do that. But you're not allowed. So stop complaining.
VOICE OF MALE TV REPORTER: Former president tweeted: "It might be Labor Day weekend, but let's all remember that we're still in the middle of a pandemic. Wear a mask, practice social distancing, and follow the experts. It'll save lives."
Former President can be seen in pictures hitting the dance floor without a mask or told that he danced all night and had a great time.
MALE TV REPORTER: San Francisco mayor London Breed was defiant today when asked about video of her without a mask at a nightclub earlier this week.
MAYOR LONDON BREED: I got up and started dancing because I was feeling the spirit. And I wasn't thinking about a mask. I was thinking about having a good time—
MALE TV REPORTER: Mayor Steve Adler's apologizing tonight for traveling to Mexico with a group of family and friends last month despite urging Austinites to stay home.
MALE TV REPORTER: As he issued this message on the night of November 9th.
MAYOR STEVE ADLER: And then we need to, you know, stay home if you can.
MALE TV REPORTER: He was doing it from a time share in Cabo San Lucas.
MAYOR STEVE ADLER: Sorry I took that trip. Ah, it was a lapse in judgement.
FEMALE TV REPORTER: Governor [of Michigan] Whitmer is facing some backlash after a picture surfaced of her dining at a restaurant with at least 12 other people at a table, a violation of the state Health Department's epidemic order.
GOVERNOR GRETCHEN WHITMER: It's, you know, it was an honest mistake and I, I have apologized for it.
ROD MELONI: Well, you know, the governor spent a lot of time asking Michiganers not to go on spring break, particularly in Florida. It took the governor's office a couple of months to confirm it, but she indeed flew from Lansing to West Palm Beach in a private jet on March 12th, spent the weekend with her father, and headed back to Lansing on March 15th.
TUCKER CARLSON: Again and again they do the very things they punish us for doing. When they're caught, they acknowledge no shame. They are entirely lacking in self-awareness. They have no idea how absurd they are.
# # #
[1] French Laundry is a 3 star Michelin restaurant in California's Napa Valley. It's official website is
Yep. And that, to me, was the whole covidian story, from lockdowns to masking to jab mandates, that one's rights (supposedly inalienable) don't matter for squat because [fill in the blank].
I can forgive a repentant person who genuinely thought they were doing the right thing by insisting on masks and clot shots to keep other people safe. Those people were misguided and trusted the "experts" when they should have applied a modicum of common sense towards the reality of the situation and common decency towards critical thinkers who didn't bow to "ta science"
The "experts" knew what they were pushing was ineffective and sometimes dangerous , pushed it anyway, and didn't even try to follow their own rules. They remain unrepentant. If we don't punish these people it will happen again.
The problem for me with forgiving the strident mask pushers, who later became 'shun-the-antivaxxers' people, is that they have a galling lack of remorse. It's easy to find montages of public figures disparaging the unmasked as grandma-killers. And we all have people who were like that in our personal lives as well. Set aside apologies, which we obviously aren't getting. Has anyone even acknowledged that they were mistaken? Chris Cuomo, of all people, is the only one I can think of.
Until those people admit that "hey, what I did to you and to others was wrong," they will never regain my esteem.
I agree. That's why I qualified it with repentance. I was speaking more of fellow citizens than those who were in positions of power. Most of those people knew the measures they put in place did jack squat or were unnecessarily harmful. That's why they didn't follow their own rules. I can still forgive those people if they repent but they still need to be punished, even if they made decisions in ignorance.
Rand Paul's book, "Deception: The Great COVID Cover-Up" details all of the emails that Fauci & Collins & the other 3 - 4 virologists shot back & forth to each other as the virus appeared on the scene. When I read how these 'scientists' - perhaps in mechanics but not in ethics - deceived the public, I became incandescent with rage. It was quite the sight to behold. 😉
There is no question that those people should be put on trial with the possibility of facing the gallows. They knowingly took actions and inactions that led to deaths and financial ruin of shutdown businesses.
Varma went to Harvard and has pronouns on his LinkedIn. He also has the crazy sanpaku eyes. Anyone with a functioning amygdala can quickly tell he’s a sociopath, so naturally New Yorkers followed him like sheep.
People get the face they deserve
He made that face for mistake! He looks several kinds of debauched...and utterly unapologetic. More bestial than human.
I love the "careful, you bight grow into your face" warning I heard from my parents while growing up. I use it now and then (not out loud) when I see someone on a walk on a beautiful morning and they are scowling...smh
Right? I forgot about that.
I think I heard: “Be careful your face might freeze like that”
The Joker had a backstory like this.
My Grandmother's oft repeated admonition!
The way the video was shot & the lighting I thought he had no front teeth!!! 😳
In my never humble opinion, a large portion of upper level government employees are sociopaths, and many suffer from varying degrees of mental illness. The last few years have made it very clear that those in healthcare are not even close to immune. I have noted before that the person who graduated dead last in their medical school class, one point above failing is called "Doctor." Caveat emptor. YOU do have a choice.
Did you hear recently about the doctor who accidentally removed someone's liver instead of the spleen? That guy graduated med school!
They're really not teaching them anything anymore, they are slowly chipping away at education and teaching them how to 1) decide on the right medicines to address all problems 2) be extremely angry in response to any rational questions. i.e. they've become more arrogant than ever, even hostile.
Maybe they know a good half of the population consider them criminals. The ones who prescribed/advocated for the Experiment, that is.
There’s the top of med school, and there’s the bottom of med school. And they’re all called Doctor when they graduate! Take it from an MD.
Any doctor who removes the wrong organ is an alcoholic and very likely drunk while performing surgery. They can be amazingly proficient while drunk during their "functional" stage, which can last for decades.
Sounds like a DEI graduate.
I believe that medical malpractice is a leading cause of death, and that's not even counting the Vaxxx deaths, because "that's just a right wing conspiracy theory"....🙄
Yes, the position attracts them, like the catholic church and cub scouts attracts pedophiles. The upper echelons of political office are now part of a sex cult club.
"Why do you rob banks, Willie?"
"Because that's where the money is."
-- Willie Sutton
A physician friend of my grandmother’s claimed at least three medical school classmates were certifiable …morons, is the term he used, if I recall correctly. He was in his 80s when I was in my 20s half a century ago.
I'm a retired physician and I'd say about 20% of docs have absolutely zero common sense. Doing well on exams in school isn't real life.
Seems like this all started happening right after the "balanced budget act" during the Clinton years.
It's like doctors and other healthcare professionals turned into lawyers overnight.
In other words, billable units became the focus...not individual care.
I guess that's why the first thing you do is fill out insurance paperwork. Seems like that's all they need to know now.
It’s been a long time coming, but that was one impetus. US medicine has been captured by business, and most hospital systems are run by MBAs, who don’t know anything about clinical medicine, patient care, or doctor-patient relationships, but do know spreadsheets, leveraging, and maximizing profit. Obamacare put the system on steroids, and vastly increased government mandates and intrusion. Believe me, most MDs that I work with hate being made into paper pushers, but feel powerless to change the system.
It’s the triumph of the C students over the A students. And now with DEI, you don’t have to be an A student to be an MD.
This is very true, unfortunately.
My friend went to med school before all this - and then, when she went out into the field to practice, this "billable" "insurance" "corporate" stuff crept in.
Thanks. Explains a lot about the pandemic. And why some really intelligent people bought in to the madness.
IMO, another angle is that some intelligent people who are constantly flattered for their status in this system, constantly implicitly and even explicitly told how special they are couldn't admit that the system is deeply wrong. Because if the system is deeply wrong . . then maybe they're not really that special.
Well put.
like the Pharisees
If you want to understand the buy in from hospitals, look at the extra fees they collected for Covid positive testing patients - massive. Profits at all time highs despite terrible bed occupancy rates. Diagnostic companies and labs made huge bucks on testing. Docs getting incentives for pushing the "vaccine". Everybody was paid to not notice.
And 20% are psychoactive drug addicts, who are capable of any atrocity or incompetence.
only 20%?
LOL. That is the figure the addiction doctors I consulted when researching my books gave me. Sure, it could be more, because it's usually under-diagnosed.
What do you call the bottom student in a med school graduating class? Doctor!
When I was a young teenager helping my neighbor serve her professional class guests at a dinner party one time they were discussing certain doctors in the vicinity(but not at the table). And the comment was made, "Well we all know doctors bury their mistakes!".
"...a large portion of upper level government employees are sociopaths, and many suffer from varying degrees of mental illness."
I'd even say they not inadvertently select for that type.
They hire their friends, so, yes.
Addicts hang out with other addicts. Very common among alcoholics, who are functional over most of their drinking and using careers, committing one atrocity after another.
true! I don't hesitate to call them out on the Dr. ranking sites....
Most people are too hesitant to say what they know....I am not.
Save others from them!
I was the only Nurse Practitioner in a practice of MDs. I was also the only one not on any mind altering prescriptions. Very common
Drug addiction is a serious problem among people who can write their own prescriptions.
or, if they have a thing called "ethics" - get their mates to write them.
Absolutely true! A large portion of upper level government employees ARE sociopaths!
Mickey Free - I have to agree with you. I've seen it for myself in government.
My late husband used to trigger people by saying that half the doctors in a given class were below average. They would always rise to the bait.
They get to high office because so many are psychoactive drug addicts, who have a need to wield power over others. What better way than to climb the ladder, regardless of who they push off along the way?
Yes! when I was about 14 I read an article how to recognize drug users. That man absolutely fits the picture. Sorry for the good Indian, Pakistani etc. docs, but I know of 2 that are no-no, and this one is the third. Never going to one of them again. The descent one I had was a black gentleman. Unfortunately he has now retired. This last one I tried a few years ago asked for pronouns. I should have left immediately but I was sore and hoped for help LOL
Please someone ask me.
Depending on the circumstances or my mood
1. I.Told.You.So
2. Angry B*tch
I’ve always answered “Your”/“Majesty”. I get some laughs, but usually a few blank stares. Lol
FOR me is HIS Excellency/Your Excellency.
Even had people use them...
That's an awesome response, I might have to try using that!!
Some of us have evolved, some of us haven't.
Not all adaptations lead to greater fitness in the evolutionary landscape.
I'm betting you're on the branch with better chance of making it.
I thought I already responded to this, but since I don't see it, I'll just say it once again - thanks, Pi. 😘
Absolutely, Ingrid, which explains everything he did.
Yes crazy eyes indeed. Many of them have that look.
And the condescending smugness.
Always the same with these creatures
Yes definitely the condescending smugness seems universal amongst those who live a total lie yet believe they are special and untouchable. Trudeau springs to mind and Fauci and Macron and Obama and I could go on and on
Great examples!
What interests me is - what were their formative years like? How does someone get this way? As Micky Free stated above, in my not so humble opinion, this has to be mainly environmental. Somewhere, somehow this type of person has come to believe that his crap doesn't smell.
Have you read much about cluster B personalities?
Or the Dunning Krueger effect?
It explains a lot.
I taught General Psych for 29 years at the college level, so I am familiar with them. Plus, I watched the Depp v Heard trial, so, there's that.
Dunning Krueger only partially explains how they get there.
Why they're allowed to stay - that is, why doesn't anybody eventually realize that they're Left-Tailed, or Don't Know How To Play Well With Others?
I think JitC hits it - they don't realize they stink.
Why, thanks, Pi.
great work describing and identifying Cluster B over at out of the Fog. I had no idea until one ran me over.
Actually, it's not so much environmental as innate--but only once they trigger their latent psychoactive drug addiction. Because that is what he is: a substance addict. That explains everything about him, from climbing the ladder to abusing others to thinking he's God and can get away with anything, and then bragging about it.
Routh seems to fit the profile as well
Well, they ARE better and smarter than the rest of us…
It's the pychoactive drug addict look.
Did you know that the deep nasal probe for "Covid" is a way to bruise the tissue over the amygdala and make independent thinking more difficult?
When in history have masses willingly allowed untrained (or actually ‘trained?) ppl to forcefully poke a stick into their brain.
"I support the current thing"
EL GATO MAYO and his subscribers are THE most erudite Commenters I have come across. There are at least one or two words per article on in a comment that I have to look up. Thanks for adding to my vocabulary.
“ “well, but i really needed this.”
oh, and a half a million kids did not?
sorry you found oppressing people so stressful. maybe don’t fricking do it next time.”
Bam. This is all we need to say.
And those eyes. Those eyes!! They are everywhere 🤣
Just like Gavin Newsom - he allowed himself to go out to a restaurant "The French Don't Do Their Laundry" or something like that - when he was forbidding all the little people to do the exact same thing. Insupportable!
This is spot on!
Tim Walz's wife at that speech the other day. Her eyes were insane looking.
She and her husband decided to get married on the anniversary of the Tienamen Square massacre.
"APCs then ran over bodies time and time again to make "pie" and remains collected by bulldozer. Remains incinerated and then hosed down drains," British Ambassador cable said. Go ahead and try and find a copy of that Wikileaks cable from the British Ambasador
The eyes were the first thing I noticed. He looks eerily similar to Anthony Weiner.
yes, yes he does
Not all of us, bub.
Well, 70% of the American public are nothing but sheep, and obedient to all authority....
You sound like a Niners fan.
Not all, Yuri, not all!
Anyone who uses MDMA and who knows what else to fuel their debauched “blowing off steam” orgies is going to have crazy eyes. I’ve seen it before with meth heads in the hospital.
And to all the lefties who think it’s “unfair” to do undercover interviews, you guys loved this stuff when it was Woodward and Bernstein and the WaPo doing it. Sucks to be you!
They follow because addicts, who have an undying need to wield power over others, often develop amazing charisma, which they use to wield that power.
Always with the crazy eyes. Every. Time.
I cannot think of a more contemptible profession than public health. A good percentage of them should be on trial or in prison for what they did during Covid.
Fucking scum of the earth
Or 'fucking scum of the earth'. 😉
I changed it. I think yours is grammatically correct.
Well, I generally don't use that adjective, but it was just so apropos, I couldn't resist.
Agree. Never shy away from a perfectly proper descriptor, lol. It is the collective timid and shy, those who worry about ‘offending’ the doctor (or some other in authority), who never call out those people on their BS, who permit those people to accumulate internal power. Yep, early training in ‘continuing to comply’.
Yeah me either...but's the only way to capture the disgust...
One of the few professions that outwardly and nakedly - heh - rewards outright sociopathy. The ones in Canada were, in some ways, even worse as they wrapped up their powerlust with smug, self-righteous appeals to the "science" and "we're all in this together" without the hedonism of this turd. They were mostly dim, career bureaucrat females steeped in the arts of political grandstanding with no conception of the damage their decisions caused.
Yes, so many of them are females. What's up with that? Even as a female myself, I find them creepy.
Failed upwards in DEI-friendly bureaucracies.
Agree. What’s up with that? Perhaps a lack of critical thinking skills, and a worldview steeped in ‘feelings’. No logic whatsoever.
Like Dr. Birkx with her desperate need to hide her turkey neck, I mean her love of scarves.
In Toronto, we had someone similar. I don't want to even say her name as the thought of her makes me ill, but every time I saw a photo of her with her rotating cast of scarves and that smug, self-satisfied look on her face as she destroyed lives and livelihoods, I was always hoping one of them would catch on a door ledge, and, well....
I think ‘pain management’ rates up there too.
So flipping true
They are professionally subpar in their field and were suddenly elevated into the limelight to regal scold status by the media. STFU became my mantra.
It brought to mind this *world class* quote from Aldous Huxley:
"To be able to destroy with good conscience, to be able to behave badly and call your bad behavior 'righteous indignation' — this is the height of psychological luxury, the most delicious of moral treats."
Agree completely, Corey, especially since there is no such thing as "public" health. There is only individual health.
I can. Pediatrician.
It's not just a good percentage of them. In my opinion it is over 90% and the same goes for the school administrative staff and many teachers.
At the upper echelons, absolutely. But I know a couple of local Town Board of Health officials and they're just simple people doing the job they were told to do. I felt somewhat sorry for them.
I believed for a long time the phrase "public health" was National Socialist in origin, but when I went to my favorite Chatbot arena at and posed this question--What is the origin of the phrase "public health"?--the responses from the two competing LLMs indicated the phrase/concept can be traced back to the Egyptians. Somehow, I find it hard to place proper sanitation (elegantly designed shitters a la the Romans) on the same continuum as vaxx-to-you-drop (never safe, hardly ever effective, but ALWAYS lucrative), but if competing AIs say it, it must be true (or a hallucination, or completely made up from whole cloth), or, more likely, a carefully fluffed history of self-congratulation that creates millions of jobs and whole highways of career paths.
I think I'll continue to think the goosesteppers coined the term. Makes it easier that way....
Public health improvements in the 19th and early 20th century were profound: indoor plumbing, water from a private tap instead of a communal bucket. For these we have engineers to thank as well as those giants of microbiology who identified actual modes of disease transmission and effective prevention. These range from hygiene to immunization. In the latter part of the 20th century and this one, thinking in public health has become polluted with ideas from sociology and worse, and it has become a cascade of diminishing returns.
I would remove immunization from that list.
Agreed. The damage from vaccination may ultimately have canceled out any good it might have done.
I've been reading the Substack by A Midwestern Doctor, who has gone back into historical documents regarding smallpox vaccination (variolation, inoculation, whatever) that are buried in print archives. The deaths, injuries, and "breakthrough" infections were obvious even then, except to the willfully-blind doctors who were making money off vaccines and to the fearful government officials.
You’ve also read Turtles I suspect. Love AMD
You've mention this book before.
I have indeed.
And never forget how Dr. Ignaz Semmelweis was treated in the mid 1800s. I thought about that during Covidtime when the resistance doctors were warning us.
They worked themselves out of a job, and went looking for new tasks. They turned individual health into some kind of public interest. Like attacking smoking, for example. They framed it in terms of statistics, then pretended that an aggregate of individual health outcomes was "public health." It's not. Then they get an actual virus that spreads from person to person and jumped at the chance to be relevant and important. They couldn't do that by accurately communicating the threat of covid, because then nobody would be scared enough to pay them any attention.
It is a money printer, nothing more. Rockefeller saw to it. His money bought opinion. He invested in pharmaceuticals. He started a campaign to delegitimize actual health care. And here we are.
My health has nothing to do with the public. I am still waiting for definitive proof that my health affects the public and theirs mine. It's all guesswork to promote deadly drugs.
"Public health" deserves zero respect because there is no such thing. There is only individual health.
OTOH, if what you mean by "public health" are the improvements in the living conditions, especially in large, crowded cities, then yes. Better living conditions bring better health outcomes for individuals.
Indoor plumbing has to be among the greatest inventions (not of public health) for the improvement of life and health in urban living conditions. We have inventors to thank for that, not the likes of Walensky, Varma, in "public health." They're grifters...all of them.
Meaning none at all.
Okay - hoping for a follow up article about the fallout from this. One never hears about what happens once these people are exposed. It's very unsatisfying. For instance, who has yet been held accountable for what they did to us during covid. There are supposedly lots of lawsuits happening but where are the results? You never hear about that. I agree we need more of this type of investigative journalism. We are where we are in part because people stopped being good journalists and instead became corporate shills for their bosses and printed whatever they were told to. Bring back investigative journalism!!!!! Thanks for the giggles... I especially loved the "what's wrong with conservatives" bit!
Nothing. Absolutely nothing will happen.
Have you heard one person of significance rebuke POTUS for this?:
"For the unvaccinated, you're looking at a winter of severe illness and death for yourselves, your families, and the hospitals you may soon overwhelm"
Most vile thing I've heard a President say.
That’s when we knew to physically hide from people in authority and to wear a cloak of get the hell away from me. We had contact tracers come door to door. No. Just no.
When the whole truth exploded in my brain in a matter of days. I couldn’t sleep for some time when the magnitude of evil finally hit me. A friend actually said stay away from her because I could “kill” her.
She was fully vaxxed too.
Same for me Janet! I could not believe what I was seeing and hearing around me!
That definitely is vile, but right up there with that? That bozo, Dubya, announcing that "you are with us...or you are with the terrorists." The vileness of that, and of course, the irony.
Bush and Cheney were murderers
Totally agree. NWO-all of them. They just had red shirts on-not blue.
It’s kind of satisfying watching his brain melt live.
"Nothing. Absolutely nothing will happen."
I wonder what Sam Brinton is up to:
Nothing happens to them. They're in the club.
Yes, it is a club, and we're not in it.
Our club is better
Lawsuits and prosecutions take forever. If we cannot vote our way out of this, now, we are in big trouble.
LOL vote for who? There are no viable voting options here.
The idiots in CA would recall Gov. Newscellini after his $500/plate dinner with pharma buddies during the height of lockdowns. CA loves to be abused. Abuse me harder, DADDDY!
We never heard about Jordon Trishton Walker again. I have long wondered if he met a fatal accident.
That’s exactly what I was thinking! He may have lost his job, but Pfizer just keeps rolling on…
When Veritas went after the Pfizer guy with this kind of a honey trap, it kinda exploded, with James getting fired (and nothing happening to Pfizer guy, he went "under review")
So while he was buggering or getting buggered, we could not: attend school, weddings, funerals, graduations, large or small arena events, gatherings w/ family or friends & worst of all, we could not comfort & visit family or friends in hospitals & nursing homes, even if those family & friends were dying (or deliberately murdered by the “authorities” & “healthcare providers”)…. 🤬🖕🏻
Yeah, but he needed to blow off steam to be able to work this job for the city!
Or “blow” something….
I don’t know if this is the place for this, but I can’t shake the image of Rachael Maddow doing a monologue a few days ago, (she was introducing Hillary). I never watch her or MSNBC - Taibbi showed this 5 minute clip of her, and it was simply astonishing the way she breathlessly lied, twisted the truth, mislead, misdirected. It was stunning, she is so good at bending reality. I know her audience isn’t that big, thank God, but afterwards, I felt like I had witnessed some kind of cult leader. A sane society would keep her in an institution, she is feeding an addiction, and making sick people sicker. OK, I’ve said it.
She has the crazy eyes too!
Just remember - everything is relative - "...since Monday, September 8, 2008. Rachel Maddow Show is currently the #1 most popular show on MSNBC and 29th overall on TV, watched by a total number of 2,676,000 people..."
That's actually a little discouraging, what that says about our fellow travelers.
Well all I can say is that those two million six hundred and seventy-six thousand people need their heads examined.
I saw that too by way of Russel Brand. They are all so crazy or deluded or just bad people. I bet it takes lots of meds for those people to get through the day or to sleep at night
It's amazing what these "tricksters" can do and people don't see thru it. SMH
They don't want to see through it. It's not hard to con people who beg to be conned.
Maddow has multiple indications of psychoactive drug addiction, but I have not found proof of use. I'd love to get the goods on her.
When you say this, you are including the SSRI /SNRI benzo classes of psychoactive, right?
Crazy eyes.
Yes. Any drug capable of causing distortions of perception and memory in susceptible individuals. That clearly includes benzos. I am not certain of SSRIs, but it appears that way given the number of mass shooters who are on them (although I think most if not all of them are also alcoholics).
I've long said cocaine only appears as addictive as it does because, generally, only those predisposed to alcoholism try cocaine. And nearly every addict can become cross-addicted to other psychoactive drugs. In researching my books, I learned that 80% of addicts at the Betty Ford Center are cross-addicted; I suspect this is under-stated. Elizabeth Taylor famously went there for her pill addiction; two weeks in she announced, "Oh, I'm an alcoholic too!"
You are making sweeping global statements such as "only" and "all."
I loved cocaine, I hated alcohol. So I'm one exception to your "only alcoholics like cocaine."
Learn about SSRI's, SNRI's, here:
People who take psych drugs (some estimates that 30% of adult American population takes some form of these - even if it is for incontinence, pain, nausea, IBS, etc.) lose touch with their feelings. It is why and how the drugs work. If you flatten all emotions, then - you don't hurt as much.
However, it also flattens other things such as causality & self responsibility. It can cause inner restlessness (akathisia) and dissociation & numbing. The combinations of all of these, and yes. You're talking problems.
That's the Cliff's notes, anyway.
This is one of the reasons why I am all for free speech. Is really the best way to expose these people to stifle their freedom of speech? No! you want them to talk.
"By thy words thou shalt be justified, and by thy words thou shalt be condemned".
Let 'em talk!
He also said (regarding hand washing or not before eating) that it's not what goes into your mouth, but what comes out of it which defiles you.
This is why "they" want to control completely the dissemination of information. If they had their way, this expose and all like it would definitely be censored!
Apparently, all these jokers seem to have a compulsion to talk. Wondering if anyone (everyone?) in their inner circles knows this about them? 🤔
I'm waiting for someone to simply and concisely explain in the simplest of terms, exactly why 1st Amendment/FREE SPEECH is the absolute foundation of the U.S. Constitution and key to true human flourishing. (allows dissent, exposes good ideas, exposes bad ideas, prevents self-censorship, resists censorship by others, demands transparency from government, etc., etc.) El Gato?
I dunno if this is exactly what you're looking for, but .........
I should probably stop there, but if you search for 'free speech' on my 'Stack you'll find a ton more.
Thank you for your reply. I haven't taken the time to re-read all the links, which I pretty sure I've read previously. :) I'm distressed about the election. The reality is that we are presented yet another superficial binary choice between two sides of the same government coin, between two candidates of mediocre intelligence and leadership abilities. But one of them will be our next president. IMHO, the biggest issue of the election is free speech. Which "side" condones and has practiced censorship when in power? Which "side" has received more intense scrutiny from the press? Which "side's" candidate was selected by a grassroots process that included We the People? Which "side" reveres the Constitution and which "side" seeks to work around it?
Interesting perspective. Which "side" is closer to the narrative?
Vote against that one.
It's EVIL that they keep pushing this on infants/toddler.
Just unadulterated EVIL!
Ryan, did you take your medication this morning? We know how you get when you forget to take it.
Meds need to be handed around to most of us here then. 🤬
Wine is a medication with a 5000 year record of use--all adverse effects have long been documented. Beer, too.
I'll drink to that!
*clinks Kentucky Mule with V^3*
I agree. My patience with these people is almost at its limits. I finally stopped throwing things at my TV.
“It’s nine in the morning!”
Jan. '23, waiting for surgery, I was in pain all the time, to the point of crying; and no NSAIDs helped, My husband started putting bourbon into my morning milky coffee. By golly, it worked! And didn't take much to do the job, either.
"My husband started putting bourbon into my morning milky coffee."
Bailey's is nice too.
I was simply taken aback that this worked—when pharma’s offerings were worthless. Broke wrist 6/29/24—most unpleasant accident—and over next 11 days until surgery consumed quantities of wine which soothed both wrist and the hand/arm nerves which were “upset” by the trauma. Not much accustomed to having nerves be upset. Of the 10 narcotic pills provided at hospital, I took 3 total. And have refused any NSAIDs since. Living through pain strengthens character, IMHO (and Apostle Paul [Romans 5:3] backs me up!).
I've been trying to figure out how to get just that little bit of whisky into me for pain....
Traditional martial arts remedy. Most masters take one whiskey at night. (but I'm an alcohol wimp, and can't quite face it neat, or watered, or iced, or anything)
Bravo to your hubby!!
For sure! One darned fine caretaker--and I broke wrist in June, so he had an opportunity to shine again in this arena. Back to being able to cut up my food again though!
The motto we had in college was:
We drink more before 9 AM than most people do all day.
I'm about ready to call it at week. Got a cocktail calling my name.
You can't drink all day if you don't start in the morning!
Thanks for the reminder. I’ll take mine now
Sounds like Ryan could use a Snickers.
Sorry Ryan, just ribbing you. Tell you what, I'll hold him down, you rip his face off.
Oh. No worries buddy.
But it's exactly how I feel.
Spade a spade.
concur, I'll help hold him down
I have to be careful about what I wish for those EVIL people - spouse says I live a rich fantasy life, lol.
What a scum-bag. On a related note, this film just became available yesterday on Vimeo. The crew followed Jay Battacharya around and did a great job of presenting just how corrupt Anthony Fauci --and the whole public health respnse--was. They also, I am proud to say, filmed a segment at our Free Speech in Medicine and Science Conference in 2022 (where Jay was the keynote speaker). The film is exceptionally well done. Watch the trailer here:
Also recommended: RFK’s THE REAL ANTHONY FAUCI & THE WUHAN COVER-UP. Here’s an interesting fact from the latter—CEO of Moderna Stéphane Bancel was the CEO of bioMérieux when that company built the Wuhan Institute of Virology (p. 3, first reference).
I'll throw in a plug for Rand Paul's, "Deception: The Great COVID Cover-Up". It's a very well resourced book. Warning: do not read around breakable objects.
Battacharya is a syndicate scumbag, too.
No, he is not. I know him personally. Never met a man with more integrity. And he's brilliant to boot.
He was all in on giving the CONVID death shots, especially to the elderly.
I bet he has repented on that, Kevin.
Huh? You mean he works in public health?
I don't think Battacharya is a scumbag, but I doubt his brilliance. He does, after all, actually think there was a "pandemic."
Gosh--he still does? I have been pretty much unaware of him for the last 3 years.
As does Dr. McCullough. My "evil twin" wants to scream every time she hears/sees that word.
Do you suppose they are just playing politically-safe? For some odd reason--what would be the value now of continuing to voice the pandemic narrative?
If Varma went to prison it would be evidence of the effectiveness of this strategy. But he doesn't and won't. You would also need a prosecutor willing to jail the scum. They are all scum too.
You know what you call a hundred thousand government lawyers wrapped in chains at the bottom of the sea? A good start.
You know what you call a hundred thousand government lawyers buried up to their necks in sand? A sand shortage.
You know how to tell the difference between a dead skunk in the middle of the road smelling like rancid garbage and a dead government lawyer in the middle of the road smelling like rancid garbage? As you come up on the skunk sometimes you see skid marks.
You think it don't be like that but it do.
And he mentioned going to these "events" with his wife. Still married? Married but still dating? He's a total creep.
And where is my boy getting his Molly? Last I heard, that sh-t was illegal.
Charles Bukowski, no prude he, had a particular contempt for the swinger crowd: thought they were dull, base, and lacking any warmth or decency.
Well, he said he's in an open relationship with his wife.
Shall we delicately mention that he is the product of a very different culture....with very different attitudes toward the female (consider purdah and suttee).
He talks like he's American born, American raised. Maybe his Mamma remembers purdah, but I doubt he's seen it. Additionally, Hinduism & Islam kinda frown upon his debauched choices.
Wife? Didn’t know the progressive used such archaic state/church descriptors. But then, they do have a penchant for changing the meaning of words. Take ‘vaccine’ for instance - or ‘progressive’ even. The list is long.
Good lord. What a horrible man.
I watched the video yesterday. He was gleeful. These are the people that told you that "masks work" to "stay home/stay safe." The hypocrisy wasn't surprising to me at all about this. It's that these are the people that are believed and people follow.
Exactly, Jimmy.
Holy crap. Are there any honest people in public health - or NYC government?
Public health in itself is a total lie. There is no such thing. Everybody is different. 4 people can present with the same set of symptoms, called a "disease" and yet these symptoms have 4 different roots. One could be unprocessed grief. One could be a weakened terrain from a round of antibiotics earlier in life. One could be an ancestral inheritance that is ready to be worked through.... the roots of health are vast and unique.
Thank you for this clarification. Will reconsider the term ‘public health’.
Public health seems to be an excuse to have power over other people.
You know the answer to that. You lived through the lies. There isn't any.
Ladapo in Florida is about the only government public health figure who isn’t a zombie for pharma.
He's presenting at the Back to Basics Conference in Waltham Ma Oct 19. Can't wait!
You're in Waltham? We escaped Waltham in May of 2020, never to return. Lived there since '96.
We had a very good life there, despite being supporters of liberty and freedom from government among the bootlickers. Yet, when the moron in the corner office on Beacon Hill issued his snot pouch "mandate," that was it...We left NE permanently in Aug 2021.
I have great respect for Dr. Ladapo. Wonderful that you'll get to see him in person. Enjoy!
No--we are just attending the conference there--Dr. Meryl Nass alerted her readers to this opportunity. I'm a Bay State native (western Mass) but we escaped Taxachusetts 47 years ago. Pennsylvania has a much better climate for growing your own food!
Oh, how great! Well, safe travels there. A beautiful time of year up there to be on the road.
Good for you that you left so long ago and that you're able to grow your own food. We're getting acquainted with the soil, insects, critters, and growing seasons in NW Florida so we can do the same.
We are blessed to be able to spend roughly one week in every 4-5 during the not-hard-frost season in that northernmost easternmost state of the US. Much more beautiful than congested eastern Ma.
I think NY leads the country in OUT migration--of course stacks of illegals are now choking the state. Get out while you can.
Very few honest people in public health (and they are marginalized, demoralized for not following the party line). NYC truly IS a bastion of oppression. Read about Attorney Bobbie Anne Cox (she has a substack) and her lawsuits pushing back on NY Gov. Hochul’ s concentration camps during covid. She was successful, but there are continued appeals filed by government (which cannot accept that their evil plans were derailed).
Grabien: Rules Are For the Lab Rats
June 16, 2023
Hat tip: one law for thee, another for me
June 16, 2023
MALE TV REPORTER: Tonight while Governor [of California] Newsom is telling all of us to have Thanksgiving dinner outside, he's facing some new fallout for that fancy birthday dinner party he went to at the French Laundry.[1]
GOVERNOR GAVIN NEWSOM: It was in Napa which is the orange status, relatively loose compared to some other counties. Ah, it was to be an outdoor ah, ah, restaurant.
ANOTHER MALE TV REPORTER: Raising some new questions about the governor's claims that the dinner was outdoors, as he has repeatedly claimed.
GOVERNOR GAVIN NEWSOM: And I let my guard down, and I apologize for it.
FEMALE TV REPORTER: Mayor [of Chicago] Lori Lightfoot has been adamant that people stay home and socially distance for weeks.
MAYOR LORI LIGHTFOOT: I can't make this any clearer. You absolutely must stay at home. We will cite you. And of we need to we will arrest you and we will take you to jail. Period. There should be nothing unambiguous about that.
WHOOPI GOLDBERG: I guess you would all imagine that a lot of people were surprised when she made a trip to the hair salon.
MAYOR LORI LIGHTFOOT: I take my personal hygiene very seriously. As I said, I felt like I needed to um, have a haircut.
VOICE OF FEMALE TV REPORTER: House Speaker Nancy Pelosi under fire tonight after security footage showed her inside a San Francisco hair salon that's closed to the general public.
SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE NANCY PELOSI: It was a set up. So I take responsibility for falling for a setup. And that's all I'm going to say on that. [cut] I think that they owe, that the salon owes me an apology.
TUCKER CARLSON: Almost immediately after telling the rest of New York City to stay inside for example, Mayor Bill De Blasio loaded up his SUV with government bodyguards and headed for the gym across town in Brooklyn.
MAYOR BILL DE BLASIO: I need exercise. And again, I have to stay healthy so I can make the decisions for the people of this city.
VOICE OF FEMALE TV REPORTER: The leader is embroiled in controversy for attending a party at 10 Downing Street in May of 2020. At the time, the country was under a strict government-imposed lockdown.
UK PRIME MINISTER BORIS JOHNSON: That I myself fell short when it came to observing the very rules which the government I lead had introduced to protect the public—
CANADIAN PRIME MINISTER JUSTIN TRUDEAU: Let's put into practice what it truly means to love our neighbors as ourselves by making sacrifices to protect their health. Let's stay home for them.
TUCKER CARLSON: Not long after recording the video you just saw, Trudeau left the capital and traveled all the way to Quebec to visit his family at their lake house. Just like you'd want to do on Easter, if you were allowed to do that. But you're not allowed. So stop complaining.
VOICE OF MALE TV REPORTER: Former president tweeted: "It might be Labor Day weekend, but let's all remember that we're still in the middle of a pandemic. Wear a mask, practice social distancing, and follow the experts. It'll save lives."
Former President can be seen in pictures hitting the dance floor without a mask or told that he danced all night and had a great time.
MALE TV REPORTER: San Francisco mayor London Breed was defiant today when asked about video of her without a mask at a nightclub earlier this week.
MAYOR LONDON BREED: I got up and started dancing because I was feeling the spirit. And I wasn't thinking about a mask. I was thinking about having a good time—
MALE TV REPORTER: Mayor Steve Adler's apologizing tonight for traveling to Mexico with a group of family and friends last month despite urging Austinites to stay home.
MALE TV REPORTER: As he issued this message on the night of November 9th.
MAYOR STEVE ADLER: And then we need to, you know, stay home if you can.
MALE TV REPORTER: He was doing it from a time share in Cabo San Lucas.
MAYOR STEVE ADLER: Sorry I took that trip. Ah, it was a lapse in judgement.
FEMALE TV REPORTER: Governor [of Michigan] Whitmer is facing some backlash after a picture surfaced of her dining at a restaurant with at least 12 other people at a table, a violation of the state Health Department's epidemic order.
GOVERNOR GRETCHEN WHITMER: It's, you know, it was an honest mistake and I, I have apologized for it.
ROD MELONI: Well, you know, the governor spent a lot of time asking Michiganers not to go on spring break, particularly in Florida. It took the governor's office a couple of months to confirm it, but she indeed flew from Lansing to West Palm Beach in a private jet on March 12th, spent the weekend with her father, and headed back to Lansing on March 15th.
TUCKER CARLSON: Again and again they do the very things they punish us for doing. When they're caught, they acknowledge no shame. They are entirely lacking in self-awareness. They have no idea how absurd they are.
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[1] French Laundry is a 3 star Michelin restaurant in California's Napa Valley. It's official website is
So, what these people are basically saying is “We have needs. They are more important than your needs. We are better and more important than you”
With Varma's habits, what are the odds of his getting an STD? Maybe one which is antibiotic-resistant.
One can but hope!
And we have somehow managed to place these sociopaths in charge of just about everything!
Maybe its time to reconsider how we choose our rulers.
Yep. And that, to me, was the whole covidian story, from lockdowns to masking to jab mandates, that one's rights (supposedly inalienable) don't matter for squat because [fill in the blank].
He outed his wife, too, by telling this story, so I’m pleased to think he now has no sanctuary.
Sounds like she was into it as well. He's going to get a lot of underhanded praise for that.
I can forgive a repentant person who genuinely thought they were doing the right thing by insisting on masks and clot shots to keep other people safe. Those people were misguided and trusted the "experts" when they should have applied a modicum of common sense towards the reality of the situation and common decency towards critical thinkers who didn't bow to "ta science"
The "experts" knew what they were pushing was ineffective and sometimes dangerous , pushed it anyway, and didn't even try to follow their own rules. They remain unrepentant. If we don't punish these people it will happen again.
The problem for me with forgiving the strident mask pushers, who later became 'shun-the-antivaxxers' people, is that they have a galling lack of remorse. It's easy to find montages of public figures disparaging the unmasked as grandma-killers. And we all have people who were like that in our personal lives as well. Set aside apologies, which we obviously aren't getting. Has anyone even acknowledged that they were mistaken? Chris Cuomo, of all people, is the only one I can think of.
Until those people admit that "hey, what I did to you and to others was wrong," they will never regain my esteem.
I agree. That's why I qualified it with repentance. I was speaking more of fellow citizens than those who were in positions of power. Most of those people knew the measures they put in place did jack squat or were unnecessarily harmful. That's why they didn't follow their own rules. I can still forgive those people if they repent but they still need to be punished, even if they made decisions in ignorance.
I'd understand it more if there was a desire for them to understand our experience during the c19 abomination.
But not after what they did to children for 2 YEARS!
Rand Paul's book, "Deception: The Great COVID Cover-Up" details all of the emails that Fauci & Collins & the other 3 - 4 virologists shot back & forth to each other as the virus appeared on the scene. When I read how these 'scientists' - perhaps in mechanics but not in ethics - deceived the public, I became incandescent with rage. It was quite the sight to behold. 😉
There is no question that those people should be put on trial with the possibility of facing the gallows. They knowingly took actions and inactions that led to deaths and financial ruin of shutdown businesses.