How thoughtful of them to create a control group to prove the inefficacy of the vax vs. the efficacy of natural immunity!

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Even better than a cruise! Real life experiment, not living on top of each other in a petri dish.

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File under: News the mainstream mis-leadia won't print!

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I wonder what did you mean by "control" in your "control group", Margaret. How apt.

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Touché 😆

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Why I think you’ve got it! It’s perfect.

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Margaret You're smarter than me

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This is genius. Every person who works at a company that is mandating vaxxines, but offers exemptions, should encourage their own segregation. Then watch the cognitive dissonance explode when the vaxxed start experiencing a "casedemic."

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I am a control group of 1 in a 60 person org; to evade the weekly test mandate, I have self-segregated since July 21 (long story; I work in a sub-basement with a private entrance; I am THE "computer guy", etc) - and that's just what's happening - at least one guy "sick" and a casedemic in progress and plenty of employee kids down with the sniffles, as well - the place is on the verge of shut-down.

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A Milton hey? Do you happen to have a red stapler like I do?

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Yeah, about that . . .

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I'm waiting for two folks to die at my workplace. ball busters who esp threatened me.

And I'm trying out for both AAA baseball team, pro soccer in town.

I'm 61, lost AAAALL Speed, but won't die from vaxxed heart.

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I'm sure all the vaccinated experienced "mild" symptoms and were very thankful for their boosters. Truly, these are miracle vaccines.

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No, they are GRATEFUL for the vaccines and the benefits they continue to provide, not "thankful". Did you not get a copy of the prayer book???

Vaccines won't work unless we all use the proper phraseology.

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YEAH but wait....there is more....your phone will ping " vaccine passport expired" "your phone cannot make nor receive calls, access internet, banking or travel- pass services until it has been updated. Would you like to schedule a visit to the nearest vaccination center? Click "yes" or "learn more".

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Don’t forget how PRIVILEGED they are to be able to have access to this brilliant technology

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Oh it "would have been worse without the jab" for SURE

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Corey... get real guy... these are gene therapies. Pfizer and Moderna had to patent them that way because they're not vaccines ! Vaccines contain a piece of the disease within them so our immune systems will learn to fight it off when the full blown infection comes along. These 'jabs' are not 'miracle vaccines'. They'e not even 'vaccines'. And stay tuned, as the immune systems of those who have been foolhardy enough to take them fail... and many cases of heart, lung, and vascular diseases start manifesting. But wait... Hundreds of thousands of people have died from Covid, so we must take these 'gene therapies' ! Not so. Hundreds of thousands have died due to the medical establishment refusing to employ EARLY TREATMENT using repurposed drugs, vitamins, monoclonal antibodies, etc. See 'Joe Rogan' for his experience with Covid and how early treatment had him cured and leaving the Hospital in 3 days. Done. Cured. Do the research Corey.

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I think he was being sarcastic ;)

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You almost have to assume sarcasm on this substack

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It's immaterial as to whether Corey was being sarcastic our not. The points I made are valid and worthy of consideration, discussion and action. Maybe it's just me... but the 'fight' is still on. And 'sarcasm' isn't going to win the day.

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I rather think that Corey was using a little bit of well placed irony, but hey what do I know.

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OOH OOH! Second derivative of sarcasm then. I like it.

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"Second derivative of sarcasm" ... nerd humor 😆😆😆

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You should know.

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Alrighty then. Whatever you do, stay off the Babylon Bee site.

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The actual news is so stupid here in Clown World that it has rendered the Babylon Bee redundant.

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New Babylon Bee headline:

"Babylon Bee at risk of going bust; no longer able to print satire due to stories keep coming true"

(Just to be clear, I made that up. But they could probably write an actual story with that headline.)

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I don't read it, but not so far fetched. Bee recently did an apparently serious interview with Elon Musk.

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Good recommendation!-

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THey should have never been baptised vaccines, but that is what people wanted. I guess Trump started calling them that. You are totally right ! And some island country did this too. They could not get enough people to vax so they locked down the vaxxed! Unfortunately I could not find which country... I might move there LOL

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Richie, they already told you, but I will pitch in. Corey was obviously being sarcastic.

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I'm sorry Ivan... I guess I've lost my sense of humor about Covid. Thanks for the heads up.

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Oh... I have also lost my sense of humor. But I was able to tell the sarcasm. We are OK.

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Rogan never went to the hospital--except, I think, for the monoclonals, a quick out-patient thing.

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He was there for 3 days. Left on the 4th... but wait... I'm just being SARCASTIC !!!

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In Texas, my Aunt got monoclonal treatment at her house (she's has trouble with mobility). so grateful

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Yes, read Gato Malo's recent post on tribalism to get the joke.

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December 27, 2021
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While I haven't yet seen that, it does make me think of a podcast I saw with Dr. Koury a couple of weeks ago in which he stated over 200 members of Congress had thus far contacted him for early treatment with ivermectin. So...crediting the vaccine with sparing them a severe covid experience but conveniently not mentioning any participation in any early treatment protocol they may have taken.

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we all know how honest these people are. I also read they give it to immigrants. They only keep it away from their voters. Wait till those hear of that...

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Do you know what the podcast was?

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Without rewatching I can't say with 100% certainty but by searching my history I'm pretty sure it was: Vitamin C: The Banned Topic? on YouTube


But could have been one of the Alison Morrow videos with Pierre Kory on locals.com

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"...death or something worse than that." LOL. Yep.

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Yes, but it's a mild death.

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And your death is "rare" -- it won't happen again! Winning!

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Oh, I needed this! 😂

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definitely going to use this. Truly amazing to watch them burn thru 4 narratives so fast that all they have left is "Yeah, BUT they aren't dying!" What an amazing gauge that must be. I have a magic rock in my pocket to prevent mortality. Must be working because i'm still talking about it.

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"Not dying" from a virus with a 99.9% chance of survival without a vaccine.

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Lawd! That had me in stitches! 😂

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There are fates worse than death. History is full of examples. (I can't claim credit; Heinlein, perhaps?)

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What could be worse? Loss of grifting potential or even having to run in a fair election?

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More brain damage than they already suffer?

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Yes, Corey, yes! Finally a poster who gets it. The only thing that would make the lives of the vaccinated better is if they could only touch the hem of Pfauci's garment. Long live Pfizer!

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I actually know of three individuals who will not be boosting. Sometimes it takes a little convincing…

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Grateful, thankful, blessed. Passed out via email blast to ensure, "we are all on the same page" playbook. As they cling on to the last bit of hope, playing their last cards before the finale -- "Trumps warp speed caused this!" They desperately want to play this narrative now, but BigP has a current gag order on that tagline.

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They're miraculous in their ability to spread communist thinking.

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Yet, all the families of the increased dead from vaccines will disagree with you.

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Of course... when all info that challenges the propaganda is ruthlessly suppressed, what can we expect ? I've had some success with people who are seriously propagandized by raising the question of WHY have may doctors and nurses lost their jobs because they refused the mRNA 'vaccines' ? WHY ? What did they see ? What terrible reactions and deaths did they witness, connected to the 'vaxxes' ? Try it yourself. And WHY have we not heard the reasons why from these doctors and nurses themselves, being interviewed on mainstream media ? To me... this is 'the way in' with the many who believe the programming...

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Don't worry, Corey some of us understand that you were joking 🙃

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Omg.... This tag line has become the daily mantra to all the covid _crazy lunatics in the media🙄🙄🙄

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Thanks to God for giving us these miracle vaccines!!!!

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Yes that’s what they say

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Jajajjajaja. Deliciosa ironía...

The company I do contract work for mandated vaccines (they shortly after wanted to hire me, but I insisted on remaining a contractor because of the mandate). Just before Christmas they sent out an email with the news that two employees who'd recently been on-site had tested positive for COVID. But there was some good news!

"It may seem reasonable to feel concerned but fortunately, in both instances, individuals were fully vaccinated and following mask, distancing and hygiene protocols. The objective of these protocols is to protect one another from contracting the virus while carriers are asymptomatic. The importance of following safety protocols at work simply can not be overemphasized."

I admit it. I laughed.

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I'm so sick of people thinking they know better how to keep me safe and how to minimize my risk. I'll choose my risk and I'll keep myself safe. If I want to. It's like life itself didn't become risky until 03/2020. Enough already.

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COVID is really the only bad thing that can happen to us and even if it's mild it is to be feared above all fates

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Agree 100% Rob... but I hope most here understand that the great FALLACY believed by those who are trying to force us to do these things (vaccinate, wear mask, social distance...) is that they are not trying to keep us safe. The problem - according to them - is that we selfish bastards are putting THEM at risk of all dying, with our refusal to get jabbed. This idea continues to be promoted... and many people actually believe it is true. Therefore, they feel they have a right to tell us what to do. It is a disgrace...

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Too funny! There is no way, NONE, that the Branch Covidians will not find a way to support their narrative. "A man of even moderate intelligence can justify whatever bovine excrement he believes."

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The vaxxed cannot admit that they were conned. If you have been "fully" vaxxed and you still need a booster, and you still need to get tested, and you still need to wear a mask, and you still can transmit the virus, and you still can end up in the hospital, TRY TO COMPREHEND THAT YOU HAVE BEEN "FULLY" CONNED.

“One of the saddest lessons of history is this: If we’ve been bamboozled long enough, we tend to reject any evidence of the bamboozle. We’re no longer interested in finding out the truth. The bamboozle has captured us. It’s simply too painful to acknowledge, even to ourselves, that we’ve been taken. Once you give a charlatan power over you, you almost never get it back.” – Carl Sagan

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Good quote. Mark Twain said almost the same (approximately): "It is easier to fool people than to convince them they have been fooled." I probably don't speak for the majority of humanity, but personally, I will gladly choose temporary embarrassment, perhaps humiliation, then enlightenment over permanent delusion that leads to a bad outcome for me.

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Will probably be blamed on "one of the evil 'unvaccinated' snuck in!"

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Yes. I have said it over and over... same thing with "studies". It does not matter what happens. The pre-concieved conclusion will be that "thanks to vaccination"... let's vaccinate more!!

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OMFG: "individuals were fully vaccinated and following mask, distancing and hygiene protocols." Cuz, science?

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Love those sympathetic corporate letters…🤣🤣🤣Thanks for sharing

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Progress is they don't blame unvaxxed so much these days.

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Do they even really READ that crap before they send it out?!!?🤦‍♀️ No wonder you laughed….

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They have to justify themselves somehow, I guess.

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You just cannot make this stuff up... On what planet does that make an iota of sense??

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Now that there is some genuine frontier gibberish

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I prefer Jim “Crovid”

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As I was reading el gato write "Jim covid" again my mind wandered to the fact that a suitably placed "r" would render it as "Jim corvid" which would literally mean "Jim crow" but I think I like your own better hahaha!

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If the comments here get any sharper…

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... I'll have to pour myself another martini and sink deeper into my recliner.

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I'm going to start using that!

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Just look at sports teams.... covid is now clearly affecting the vaccinated much worse. My Alma Mater (Arizona) has banned vax mandates, no covid issues. USC, UCLA, and UW all had vax mandates and massive outbreaks. This shit ain't a coinkidink

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“So many of our vaxxed players are out sick…with covid…can we change the rules and invite the unvaxxed back?”

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I had actually contemplated trying to pull together this data. Already know the answer, but would love to have it handy, as an antidote for lunacy. (No, it wouldn't help, but still...)

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This is a beautiful story.

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I keep saying about all the Kabuki with The Coof; if you wrote this all into a screenplay a couple years ago, it would probably have been rejected for being too stupid and implausible. "No one's going to believe this. Try again."

No suspension of disbelief would work here

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C'mon! How much longer can this Dumpster Fire go on until even CNN starts to call B.S.? (Rhetorical. Don't answer that!)

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Maybe we can start laying bets? Or would that jinx it?

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Until Shaman Pfauci goes on CNN and gives a definitive date, we just cannot be sure. Science!

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Struggling to square enjoying this ironic snack with rising above the 'viciousness of tribalism' in today's earlier post. Can I have a chuckle and still be a good person?

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Yes—you just can’t throw it in the faces of your vaxxed family and friends, and you can’t treat them like second class citizens. Laugh all you want!

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If you can’t chuckle…

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This just proves that the unvaxxed are witches and must be dealt with harshly.

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At this point the unvaccinated should demand to be separated from the infectious vaccinated for their own safety!


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I'm quite happy to be around vaxxed. It's unsafe societal wise to separate the two. The Vaxxed need out help. The Vaxxers also need our help to get their doses.

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This is truly becoming a pandemic of the vaccinated.

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Question your use of "becoming" but... #Ahem

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Efficacy shmefficacy. The “vaccine” IS covid. The spike protein IS the disease.

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This shit ain't a coinkidink

Kabuki with The Coof;

Efficacy shmefficacy

I am so glad I found you all !

You keep me laughing daily !

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I think it’s because they weren’t triple masked and quadruple v@xxed, or maybe they had their left foot in when all the rest of us had our left foot out while doing the hokey pokey. That’s why it happened, so what we need to do is MORE hokey pokey and probably faster would help 😏

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I saw a meme a couple years ago that asked; "What if the Hokey-Pokey IS what it's all about??" Truly life imitating art...

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🤣🤣🤣thank you 🤣🤣🤣

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We really need frontline health care workers to topple this Covid wall of lies. Every civil debate I have with pro shot people ends with…I talked to my Dr and they said I should get it.

They know what is happening firsthand but are too afraid to speak up (or are brainwashed). But they can’t fire, take licenses & de- platform them all.

After my father developed blood clots from Pfizer shot #2, he asked his hematologist in a follow up visit about boosting. He had no intention of getting one but just wanted to see what she would say. She actually recommended he get it & said well you’re already on blood thinners sooooo…perhaps just try one of the other flavors of shot.

She must follow her oath to do no harm. Or at this point, no further harm.

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I actually don't think the majority of them get it. The medical profession seems to mostly be composed of individuals of moderate intelligence following treatment protocols, and confirmation bias takes care of the rest.

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Thanks to diversity initiatives, the most intelligent and critical-thinking are no longer going into medicine. The most important qualification now is NOT being a straight, white male.

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Dr Robert Malone has stated that many doctors are refusing to see what's right in front of their noses regarding the "vaccine" carnage; he said that modern doctors are selected for their compliance to the rigid monolithic hierarchy of their accrediting associations (the AMA, WHO, etc.

My ex is a doctor (a cardio-thoracic surgeon), and I worked to put him through med school in the early 1980s and then his internship, residency, and subspecialty training, so I knew even then how much power Big Pharma had over the training of doctors. The only thing my ex learned about "vaccines" in med school was the schedule for when kids got what jab during his short pediatrics rotation.

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Individuals of no intelligence. If they had any they would reflect on what they were doing and seek to understand its consequences.

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None of my MDs (I see three, various issues) has suggested I get the vax. When one does, I have a canned speech sort of prepared. It'll go something like this: "Doctor, I'm surprised that you would recommend that. I grant that you are a generalist, knowing much about medicine in general. In contrast, I'm a layman, yet with much background knowledge on Covid-19 that you may lack. I will also allow that you are under various pressures to advocate the vax and furthermore, that you are likely the victim of false or at best incomplete information. If you wish, I can lay out why the jabs are dangerous experimental products. I can provide you with resources to research. Over a years' experience has proven that they aren't particularly effective or long-lasting. Why would any sane medical system advocate such a product, against a disease that is little risk to most patients, and that has evident short- and long-term harms? The medical profession, in its collusion with questionable corporate and government dogmas, has irrevocably damaged its reputation and trust. Are you party to that? If you are, then I will look for a new doctor."

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I think I'll use that if I need

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Always get the shot no matter what : that is the first commandment of the vax cult. Get another shot no matter how many you have already had : that is the second commandment.

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I hope he is looking for a new doctor... 😧

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sorry but I can tell you this: they are either brainwashed, payed for or simply afraid of the threats from authorities above including medical boards. This is true. Very few docs have raised their voice and opinion, some of them already fired or punished other under warnings. Here is a good one:


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The vaccination is the disease. They didn't catch it. It was injected into their bloodstream.

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Yes I've also come to realize this over the last few years.

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You would have a heart of stone not to laugh.

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Funny, ironic, creating a desire to feel and enjoy schadenfreude ... BUT keep in mind "pride goeth before a fall" or in more everyday jock language ... let's not do too big of an end zone dance as the game is still being played ... I desire to delight in stories like this (and honestly do) BUT a certain modesty, calm and class should be kept in mind and heart (just read the gatopiece on Tribalism so we can't be just as tribal lest we add to the problem!) ... if we mock and shame them too mercilessly then the tribal instincts will just be heightened - which is not the end goal imho.

The end of the story, let alone the next chapter ... has not been written - but me does like the way the story is trending, including anecdotes like this one :-)

Also, would like context for the sizes of the cohort groups here at MMM Health ... "zero cases" is pretty factual/concrete ... but "having a big covid outbreak" is left to the imagination as far as actual number and also severity ... can someone provide numbers/info for better context?

Just trying to remain balanced and think clearly about as much as possible is all ...

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Even if the unvaxxed building ends up getting an outbreak, that still won’t do anything to disprove the stupidity of the segregation to begin with and won’t disprove the indictment of the vaxxes.

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Their pride preceded this, their fall. This is the only way they'll believe what we've been saying, otherwise, they'd be turning the screws to us harder. Remember what came before this.

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MMM has about 2000 employees island-wide. The Kennedy avenue building is its main hq building. It has all of Human Resources and the IT department on two different floors. At the very very least, we’re talking about 100 people (and that’s just guessing from when I’ve had to visit HR or the IT department).

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We need to be protected from these filthy vaccinated people.

Anyone who would knowingly spread an incredibly deadly disease to their colleagues and patients has no place in polite society.

Maybe some kind of camp.

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I'd say its settled then. Vaccines cause Covid. Same rigorous analysis as would be used if the situation was reversed. "Those dirty antivaxers got Covid because they were unvaxed!"

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I spent a week (including two 3-hour drives) working with a vaccinated guy who subsequently spiked a 103.5 temp and was down with the coof for a week. Meanwhile in casa guy....nothin.

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kick ass immunity you got there

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So it seems. Not my first exposure, either.

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At what point does the ship of fools run aground completely? Or do the waves have to batter the hull into smithereens before they abandon ship?

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about 3 weeks ago.

the smart rats have been jumping ship for some time.

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It's a good thing for the rats that bad cats don't like to swim! Lol

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That's pretty specific.

What was 3 weeks ago?

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Seasonality. Just like we've been predicting all year.

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I'm beginning to think tyranny is seasonal, too.

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It's always tyranny season.

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I hate when you're right.

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"What's the problem? You said to get rid of the rats, so I hired a place called Scuttle's Exterminators." 😁

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More proof that the antidote is the poison.

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Irony so thick you could cut it with a cat claw.

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Yep. Have a woke mid-20's cousin who is double jabbed, then recently boost jabbed and now down with Le Rona Malo and unable to travel home to Christmas. Complete idiocy.

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"I'm not quarantined from you... you're quarantined FROM ME!"


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MMM will soon be severely understaffed, and it won't be due to the unvaxxed deaths.

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If this could be proven beyond anecdotally- as someone in the airline industry I would be very interested in company info on how many vaxxed vs unvaxxed employees are sick this winter with covid

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This is freakin EPIC.

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When they drag us purebloods off to the camps, guess what will be the only safe and healthy places?

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The guards will all have heart attacks eventually. :)

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Will it be like the Outer Limits episode where people in a prison camp finally break out, only to discover their captors were all long dead?

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They'll beg for us to come out to keep the lights on, feed and care for them while they nuts covid and vax injuries.

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How much evidence is necessary to prove these shots don't protect anyone from anything? And in light of that fact, how can there be any talk about a vaccine passport, or a vaccine mandate anywhere?

The last two years has been non stop outright lies, propaganda, and fraud, ending with a criminal, liability free, experimental medical product that represents consumer fraud

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All the evidence in the world will not be enough for the authorities, because the whole point is to have an excuse (however flimsy) to push through mandates and passports.

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Best news all week. As a pureblood, I keep trying to get covid and failing. Seems I’m not the only one (possibly have natural immunity - when you refuse to get PCR tested for your sniffles, you never know…)

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You probably had covid already and shook it off.

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karma is a bitch kitty

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MORE stories like this please!!! I promise I'll deliver mounds of catnip!!!!

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Yes! I'll throw in oat grass for the munchies.

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I'd put out a sign "Purebloods' Building. No vaxxed allowed!"

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I wish I could buy all the people in the unvaxxed building a drink of their choice. Cheers to them!

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Chortle! I love that this blew up in their faces!

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My husband and I are the only ones in our families who have not been vaxxed. It sounds like the vaxxed have broken their immune systems--so sad!

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This is where I work in marketing. Have been suspended for three months without pay in spite of bringing in two notes from my doctor, the first one back in April.

I cannot say this loudly enough: Fuck these guys!

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Is that kinda like a CONTROL GROUP. isn't that what they've been trying to prevent at Big Pharma?

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One would think they'd use this most excellent (if unintentional) experiment to further study the effects of the jabs. One would be wrong.

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Then there were those outbreaks in fully vaccinated cruise ships and warships; and night clubs in Sydney Australia. They need to blame Trump and Putin for those outbreaks.

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That navy ship in Cuba is 100% ‘immunized’ with a 25% outbreak rate 😂. It’s all mild thanks to the vaxine (or more likely thanks to the young and fit populace on board????).

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We had the Diamond Princess "gold standard" data back in Feb 2020. "They" KNEW what they were doing to us! Mens rea.

Cruise ships, except for those love boats, contain plenty of those who are past their primes.

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"The overfed, the newly-wed and the nearly-dead." 😁

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You deserve 4 vaxes for that line! They rhyme!

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Go Team ! The UNVAXXED Rule !

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Might be, might be... But surely not all the vaxxed were boosted. Everyone knows that immunity decreases over time. I bet you some of the vaxxed were radicalized but those anti science anti vaxxers in the other building and didn't have their booster when they were supposed to. This clearly shows that omicron is really scary and boosters should be given at least every 3 months. Can't miss your booster. And put back the second mask. We will beat this by 2096, just in time to get all Pfizer data used by the FDA to approve the life serum and finally prove to these pesky anti vaxxers the serum was approved in good faith...

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A koolaid drinking hook line and sinker MD I know would call this instance not clinically significant 🤪. That’s his answer to every study or information that doesn’t fit what Overlord Fauci told him (he literally refers to him as Jesus Fauci, and apart from Covid is a normal person).

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Wow. That's disturbing. Yet more evidence this really is functioning as a religion for some people.

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"En su edificio de la avenida Kennedy tienen un brote deCOVID-19 en el edificio de los empleados completamente vacunados, mientras en el edificio de los empleados no vacunados no han tenido ni un sólo caso."

Los empleados no vacunados no han tenido ni un sólo caso! Sweet!

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Closing their eyes to what should be an eye opener!

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ay Dios mio... you made my day, Gato!!! I wonder IF this will make it in the news.

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You definitely can’t make this up...

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