Unfortunately, most people "consume news" mindlessly and do not remember what they heard a month or a year ago.

They do nor even want to be reminded. Why?

Because they "consume news" to get affirmation of their views and their feeling of self worth.

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Very weak minded people. What happened to critical thinking? Too many people rely on gov’t instead of themselves. What a sick society!

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Your piece yesterday proves the use of the word immunity in their ad is fraud. I fear for those who are still not awake.

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And the left, the media's favorite lie, is that of omission. That being said;

Trevor Noah: Media Should Not Cover Adverse Vaccine Reactions Because They Don't Fit The Narrative https://thefederalist.com/2021/05/04/trevor-noah-the-media-should-not-cover-adverse-vaccine-reactions-because-doesnt-fit-the-narrative/

It's all interesting but could be too long for some, so the news part starts at about the 8:50 mark. Most everything before that is the results.

How Obama Got Elected... Interviews With Obama Voters https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mm1KOBMg1Y8&t=5s

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"I can see Russia from my house"

People do want to be entertained. I had seen that video before; it takes us back to the beginning of young people preferring to consume news presented as entertainment via late-night comics e.g. Jon Stewart.

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Not just young people. My sister in her 70s thinks the only news worth watching comes from that obnoxious ass Stephen Colbert.

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Honestly, I did not realize what a snake Colbert actually is until this year. Sorry snakes, that's an unfair slur to you.

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Who doesn't enjoy high-brow late night comedy such as this?

Stephen Colbert Says Donald Trump's Mouth Is 'Vladimir Putin's C*** Holster'


Colbert on Question He'd Like to Ask Trump: 'What Does Vladimir Putin's D*** Taste Like?' - http://www.breitbart.com/video/2016/07/28/colbert-question-hed-like-ask-trump-vladimir-putins-dck-taste-like/

That passes for "leftists humor" nowadays? Amazing.

And, head sheep dog herding the dolts to their doom;

Pelosi to Media: Follow the Late-Night Comedians in Taking Down Donald Trump, GOP: http://newsbusters.org/blogs/nb/curtis-houck/2016/05/12/pelosi-media-follow-late-night-comedians-taking-down-donald-trump

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Amazingly puerile crap. Ironically, the sister is a schoolteacher and considers herself an intellectual and sophisticate, which I believe is true of his entire audience. They love nothing more than to mock working class America; the beer-swilling, tobacco chewing, overall and MAGA cap wearing, Trump loving image of "Billy Bob" is their favorite target.

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Yes, the very people with which they would have nothing and wouldn't be happy at all. Where do they think all their "stuff" comes from? Oh, yeah, I know that answer.....the store/amazon.

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I have the same thing going on with some in my family and some friends; highly educated, JD's, MD's, etc. yet they seem to have been influenced by Alinsky the most.

Rules for Radicals, especially rule five; ridicule is a powerful tool, is a favorite of all. It's easy, doesn't take much thought, seems to provide that satisfying feeling of participating in the grand debate:-) What a waste of time and money!

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Lefties insults aren’t even germane to any topic or issue. They just fling insults of rage and contempt, cramming as much vile slander as possible into every spew, like monkey flinging poo.

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LOL, so true. Sad but, true.

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😱😱😱😳I didn’t even click on the links and I’m already revolted and ashamed for him. So now I’m extra thankful I haven’t watched tv in decades. 😅

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The Obama voter survey is painful to watch, though hardly surprising.

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I told people in 2016 that Trump was Obama for white people. Still haven't changed my mind. Genius that they run the same con on both sides and nobody notices.

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OMG- stupid voters!

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And stupid voters give us;

Biden, July 19, 2021: No Serious Economist Thinks Unchecked Inflation Is on the Way https://www.nationalreview.com/corner/biden-july-19-no-serious-economist-thinks-unchecked-inflation-is-on-the-way/

New Orleans Mayor: I Spent $30k On Tickets Because Flights To Switzerland Are Unsafe For Black Women

READ: https://thefederalist.com/2022/09/12/new-orleans-mayor-i-spent-30k-on-tickets-because-flights-to-switzerland-are-unsafe-for-black-women/

The stupid, it hurts!

What’s the opposite of the Age of Enlightenment, Renaissance?

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You've hit the nail on the head.

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In Sydney, whenever I see a maskhole outside like yesterday on a beautiful spring day, I say to them "turn off your TV"

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A month is very generous, Igor. The news-cycle, unless actively upheld by journalists conducting a hunt, is about 72 hours.

For most, it's simply too much on top of everything else going on in their lives: "news" on TV, radio or a paper or such, is just a form of entertainment.

As you know better than most given your tireless work on all things Covid/mRNA-jabs, reading a study, let alone reading several and comparing their method and conclusion is a full-time job.

Not something you do after working 40 to 60 hours per week, mopping floors or driving a cab or working the stock exchange.

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Agreed, that is why I am eternally grateful to those who do. I pass on as much as I can as well. I know many do the same

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And the rest of us are both grateful and better off for it, so thank you.

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Thank you Rikard. I don’t hear many nice things in my days,

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a hypothesis: the vast majority of news and raw information, by itself, is not actually valuable to the average consumer.

the average consumer doesn't have an easy, cheap, direct way to make money on most raw information. the vast majority of the time, the vast majority of people lack what they'd need to make a buck from the vast majority of information. and the vast majority of people are not interested in or curious about most information. for most people, most information is just noise.

by contrast, the vast majority of people can immediately benefit from being told a joke or having their serious philosophical biases confirmed. they react to it by feeling good. or feeling like they're not alone. and viewers don't have to invest anything or risk anything to obtain that benefit. they just have to sit there and watch.

what's more, they can use that "news programming" as a common experience with other like minded people to build stronger social bonds. that kind of "news" is something they can actually work with, on a social level.

if you're a media company and you want to provide immediate value to the end consumer, this sort of "newstainment" programming is a far stronger and more attractive offering than mere droll information about irrelevant things.

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Most news is just entertainment presented as something more important. Why do I need to know minute-to-minute updates on a car chase when I live on the other side of the country? How does that affect my life?

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And, that is the reason we are “consuming “ this too. Where is the action plan?

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There is a roundabout action plan here:


Step 1: use cash and hand out a piece of paper saying why you use cash

Step 2: buy locally from farmers/ farmers markets

Step 2 might not be affordable for many people, but... perhaps it will help if we each do what we can.

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Bro, you are insightful.

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Talk about mass formation, there it is.

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Really interesting article on mass formation here:


Spoiler: it's not psychological, it's people adapting to totalitarianism.

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Indeed. And those who control the media are very aware of that fact.

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Spot on, Igor.

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i think the battery analogy is spot on, takes huge resources, doesnt last long and may end up setting fire to your whole body

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and dont work well in the cold. Europe will be our test case.

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My sis lives in Ireland. Not looking good there. Brainwashed population that gave up rights without a peep. She is partially disabled and can’t drive. Depends on good friends. She’s going to need them even more. I do fear for her.

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Sep 12, 2022
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Haha. Sis can’t get peat now for her stove. It not a renewable resource. The peat bogs are mostly done in. The first time I visited in the 80’s we went out to her husbands peat gathering spot and dug some out using a special hand tool. The smell of it burning is very distinctive.

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This is a bit pedantic, but batteries conserve their stored energy longer in the cold. It’s the heat that saps them prematurely.

Saying this as someone who’s replaced many car batteries in Texas and Arizona.

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Yea, but when the batteries freeze, you have a big issue. Heat makes the reaction go too fast, but cold can keep it from happening fast enough to work at all.

Saying this as a person who lived in MN for a while, and had a car battery freeze solid and had to pray it was warmed up enough and wouldn't explode while I tried to charge it and start my car :)

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Not true, complete opposite. " from someone who's been in auto repair in Chicago for 40yrs"

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still wouldnt want to be stuck in a snow storm with a battery powered car tho

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You might want to spend a little more attention getting it right, before you pontificate.

Yes, batteries self-discharge more slowly as the temperature goes down, but so does the max current delivered. Are you really not aware of the limited range of electric cars in colder weather?

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There is nothing technically incorrect in my original response, but as I noted in a reply to Bandit below, I was coming at this from the experience of someone who has lived primarily in hot climates and whose experience of battery failure has always been premature draining, not adversely-impacted current in the cold.

In my mind, battery problems almost always = dead battery, so I wasn't thinking about a still operable but poorly performing battery in super cold temps.

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Is that why batteries go dead in the winter and you need to be sure to have your jumper cables with you at all times? 'Cause it's hot?

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I think the northerners and southerners are experiencing different problems with their car batteries that lead to the same result: a dead battery that doesn't work.

In the case of hot climates, it's well known that battery life is shorter than in cooler climates since heat accelerates the chemical activity within a battery, so they drain faster.

I believe the people in this thread trying to say I'm wrong are experiencing an altogether different problem where it's *so* cold that the liquid within the battery freezes and ruins the cells, rendering the battery inoperable for a totally different reason than what we experience in the South.

Since cold also slows down the chemical reactions inside a battery, I suppose people probably also experience difficulty starting their cars even when the battery isn't totally ruined, but again, that's not the same thing as having a totally dead battery whose energy has been completely spent more quickly in a consistently hot climate than one that works in a milder environment.

I stand corrected about the "not working well in the cold," although my original response is technically correct since cold temperatures *do* slow the chemical reactions within a battery, and thus prolong its life (if it doesn't get ruined by freezing).

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the vaccinated are like teslas then.

also, they have the capability to drive on autopilot but frequently crash when doing so.

also, they can be updated with new programs over the internet without even knowing it.

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and neither is marked hazardous so both get shipped on giant pallets under passengers on commercial airlines, and both could cause a rando passenger plane to go down at any moment

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Ok. I'm more anti shot than most people but I did get vaccines when I was a kid. I'm over 60years old so probably only 6 or 8. That being said at some point they, said us old folks needed boosters because the original shots had probably worn off. Um nope. I don't get flu shots so I don't want boosters. Now a days kids get like 70 shots before they are 18. Having said all that please ask yourselves, how many times in your life have you had to get a booster for any thing. And. Was the booster recommended after just a few months.

This whole thing is wrong on so many levels.

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"This whole thing is wrong on so many levels."

But not for the shareholders.

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Well there’s your answer for the dramatic upticks in ADD, ADHD and Autism!

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A bit of an anecdote: my husband has two sons from a prior marriage. Younger son is married and has a four year old who has been tentatively diagnosed with autism. We have read up on it, and there might be some things that can be done from a nutritional standpoint that could help. We think he is childhood vaxxine injured.

Older son works with autistic kids and has a psychology degree. He is skeptical that any kind of alternative therapy can work, and is having a hard time wrapping his head around the fact that it could be the childhood vaxxines.

So much for university degrees. That being said, the older son is smart, and may eventually be open to other ideas.

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Sep 12, 2022
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My stepson is smart, and I do think he will eventually open up to the idea that childhood vaxxines could be harmful; he is already skeptical on the CV vaxx and has NOT taken it. I've also watched a bunch of interviews with Judy Miskovits, and she's said the same thing regarding weird things in vaxxines. I don't have kids, so I never really had to confront the problem of vaxxes, but kind of thought about the "wait and spread out the vaxxes" approach. Now... I don't want any vaxxine near me.

On another blog, there was a conversation about polio; some indicated that it could be caused by something entirely different, like pesticides. At this point, I'm not going to argue that's no possible. The FDA/CDC has made me 110% skeptical now, and I'm questioning it all.

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I may be the one who posted that DDT and/or herbicides caused polio - that was directly from A Midwestern Doctor's Substack, and he/she (?) has done extensive historic research on jabs. I have many times over the last 2 yrs been grateful to my nurse friend who encouraged me to go see "Vaxxed" in 2018 - up till then, I thought all anti-V people were loons.

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Well... thank you for the information!

I've never heard of the movie Vaxxed; I just looked it up and surprise! I'm in the US and it says "this movie is currently unavailable to watch in your location."

Also... many of the search results say it is "discredited." I guess that was in the Before Times, when they did not use the words "disinformation" or "misinformation." In other words... likely true.

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The only booster I got was a tetanus shot. And now... no more of those either.

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Living in deep country I spend my life out-of-doors, and there's lots of old metal and barbed wire here. I had a bad cut from a knife last year and ended up getting stitches. I was fine with a tetanus shot - first one in eight years, after a bad cat bite. I'd never get one prophylactically but it seemed wise to get the shot after the event, hopefully the last I'll ever need. I'm glad the serum exists. Fighting tetanus after it has set in is not fun. I've had the rabies series as well. So I'm fit for a life amongst wolves.

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"A recent paper published in the journal Clinical Infectious Diseases suggested that tetanus and diphtheria booster vaccines are not necessary for adults who have completed their childhood vaccination series. This advice aligns with the current World Health Organization (WHO) recommendations. The researchers reviewed WHO data from 31 North American and European countries between 2001 and 2016, amounting to 11 billion person-years. (Person-years is a measurement that reflects the number of people in the study multiplied by years followed). After comparing the incidence of tetanus and diphtheria, they found no significant difference in disease rates in countries that require adults to receive booster shots compared with those that do not. Based on this, the authors suggest that childhood vaccination alone protects sufficiently against tetanus and diphtheria without booster shots." https://www.health.harvard.edu/blog/do-adults-really-need-tetanus-booster-shots-2020051219786

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Very good info, thank you so much!!

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Here is a link to what is in a tetanus shot now


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While I totally get your sentiment, my grandfather died of tetanus in 1980, while he was still able enough to feed and milk a half-dozen cattle every day. I think he was 82.

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So sorry to hear this. I too knew someone who died of tetanus. It's a terribly painful way to go. I think the peace of mind I received from getting the shot was worth the risk of taking it. I'm not someone who fears sickness and disease, not at all, but in the case of tetanus I just wasn't willing to take the chance, living as I do so close to the beautiful, bacteria-filled natural world.

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Totally get where you are coming from.

Here is a link to the other stuff now in a tetanus shot


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Infuriating. "ONLY in a combination shot..." = If you don't want a whole cocktail of other stuff, you'll have to die a slow, painful death. "Once every ten years" and "No more than once every ten years", and a whole series for children. I've previously heard that they are not necessary unless you've suffered a dirty puncture wound. I'm quickly turning into an anti-vaxxer, anti-modern medicine right-wing extremist....

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I’d like my kids to get the tetanus shot, but it’s always offered in conjunction with diphtheria and pertussis etc! How to get an isolated version of it?

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smokegetsinyoureyes did your children get any shots during infancy and toddler years ? If so they got tetanus. If not, there is no way to get a tetanus only shot. If they got in infancy it was a combo shot

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My older kids got all the routine vaccines. But my baby I am wary to do the same with, knowing what I know now. After I wrote my comment I realized he DID have 2/3 of the recommended tDAP (or Dtap or whatever they call it) vaccines. I don’t really want to give him anymore vaccines. So I guess he’s fairly protected against tetanus.

I stepped on a rusty nail recently! Here in the city, wearing sandals, right out in my building’s front lawn. So it’s on my mind now. I just wish you could get the tetanus vax / booster in isolation.

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In the U.S. today, tetanus vaccine is administered only in a combination shot (DTaP, DT, Tdap, Td) that contains vaccines for tetanus (T), diphtheria (D) and possibly pertussis (whooping cough) (P). The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has approved twelve different combination vaccines that include tetanus toxoid vaccine. There are different rules for use of these vaccines by different aged groups. The CDC’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) currently recommends administration of a tetanus containing vaccine (DTaP) at two, four, and six months old; between 15 and 18 months old; and between four and six years old. Another booster dose is recommended at 11-12 years of age (Tdap).

From a link I also posted

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Then he got tetanus too

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At first glance, the top graphic implies the vaxx improves your posture AND changes your sex.

Science for the win!!!

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The shots just may end up changing your sex, maybe even your posture but not for the better like in the image.

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Just thought of a new ad line to promote the vax - they could market it as a beauty aid, and the press would be happy to comply. Can't you see it? "Get boosted and watch the years drop away!" It would be nothing but the truth, and women would line up in droves.

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Keahi, If they said that the vax can completely stop the aging process it would be the first true claim they've ever made! ;-)

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"Take away the years!" IKR?

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“Watch the years drop away” - yes those will be coming off of the years you have yet to live.

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Thought the same when I saw that graphic

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Sep 12, 2022
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Fearful soyboy.

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Why is the FDA running pharma advertisements? I believe pharma cannot advertise EUA products, so our tax $$ are doing it for them. Does anyone know this for a fact?

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The law around emergency use authorization has been abused and violated repeatedly.

Even after remdesivir and paxlovid and various IV monoclonal antidobies were approved to treat covid, the FDA continues to grant EUA to the latest bivalent Covid jab and other jabs. Today, some doctors, like Vinay Prasad, are openly arguing for a formal end to the "emergency" and a return to normal FDA rules and regulations on new drug approvals.

But the EUAs keep coming. It's a period of FDA lawlessness. And I suspect it won't stop until lawsuits and federal judges make it stop.

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That is correct. Pharma can run "informational" ads for EUA products, but there are required disclaimers, e.g., stating that the product is not approved, is only authorized for emergency use, etc.

Per the Letter of Authorization dated May 10, 2021,

"All descriptive printed matter, advertising, and promotional material relating to the use of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID 19 Vaccine clearly and conspicuously shall state that:

• This product has not been approved or licensed by FDA, but has been authorized for emergency use by FDA, under an EUA to prevent Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) for use in individuals 12 years of age and older; and

• The emergency use of this product is only authorized for the duration of the declaration that circumstances exist justifying the authorization of emergency use of the medical product under Section 564(b)(1) of the FD&C Act unless the declaration is terminated or authorization revoked sooner."

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Why is it still under EUA? Where’s the emergency??

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It is the never ending emergency. We've gone from "never ending terrorism" to "never ending pandemic."

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They are renaming California to Emergency. Because we are the state of constant.

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Are they naming the brands in the commercials, if they are and it's eua that's illegal.

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As if legal or illegal stop them. They don’t care. An EUA vaccine cannot be mandated to the military, but yet it is. This administration does not care a whit about what’s legal.

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They're probably not naming the brands--if you're 12 years old, there's only one you can get, and if you're 18 years old, there are only two you can get--but there are no regulations about the federal government pushing drugs. It's a funny little loophole, because I imagine when drug ad regulations were drawn up, nobody discussed the concept of "what if Uncle Sam fleeced the taxpayer and ran the ads on the pharma's behalf?"

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It's the charming dehumanization of that PSA, they're really into that vibe, ain't they?

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Yes. Could they be more Matrix-y?

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It reminds me more of the campy propaganda in Starship Troopers

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With the difference that here with the CDC and the FDA and Fauci, when you would like to know more, it's "request denied".

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Nicely done!

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I find it an interesting point of note that the app encourages people to "update" their protection, like a software update.

It is revealing of the mindset of the technocrats that now drive science and medicine, that they see humans as "hackable animals" [to quote Yuval Noah Harrari] and think of pioneering medicine-delivery platforms like mRNA as the idealised future of medicine — where our bodies are treated like computers or devices, and they've come up with an operating system (mRNA) that they now want to use for almost all disease, just switching out the 'software' running on the operating system. And they envision a lucrative subscription model for this new type of medical future, whereby they continue to push out 'updates' that we must 'install' to stay 'protected'.


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Yes! Both the "update" and the "recharge" are tech analogies, and horrible ones. Wait until they will try to "reboot" you...

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No thank you!

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As stories about the graphene and apparent circuitry forming in the blood of the injected, it sure seems like "install the latest update" is one of the few truths they are sharing.



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Once upon a time (it's been removed) Moderna called the CV19 vaxxine an "operating system."

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At this point I cannot imagine any physician can listen to Fauci say that we don’t have time for clinical trials and be remotely OK with that. I would think any doctor that recommends the injection to a patient at this point and that person has an adverse event to it should be liable. You have to have more clinical thinking skills than this. And you literally cannot call it a vaccine… It is just a therapeutic if all it is doing is boosting your immunity and not giving you long term immunity. It seems to me they created the problem by not allowing your body to make normal good long lasting natural immunity so that you have to get regular boosters. I was starting to question the flu injection since it was only giving us pretty short term immunity and not even really that. A lot of people still died from flu each year.

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It ain’t even boosting your immunity! It’s killing it!!!

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People in the medical industry believe in $$$$$

They will say whatever the Deep State tells them to say to protect their job and their $$$$

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My doc, the son of card-carrying Communists, went on our local FB page (though he is in a different town) with an announcement that his clinic will have the boosters soon. I really, really need to change doctors.

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The tell it like is guy is the quintessential specimen of a soy bugman: https://yuribezmenov.substack.com/p/how-to-be-a-soy-bugman

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The FDA has lost all credibility with a public becoming more and more aware that the product pushed by them as "safe and effective" is a horribly dangerous failure. Taking the new boosters is yet another unknown risk, the public knows mainstream news outlets won't be honest and forthcoming either.

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Then stop watching mainstream news! Better yet shoot your tv!!!

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FDA is running ads for pharma because OPDP would go after pharma if they ran them themselves. Current federal regulations forbid advertising of EUA products (which is what these new mouse shots are) without massive disclosures in the ads themselves about how they're EUA, not approved, and we don't know whether they're safe and effective. It must be so awesome to be Pfizer and have the taxpayer foot the bill for an ad that would get shut down in a heartbeat if you ran it yourself.

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Liars and grifters. All of them.

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Like Kim Kardashian, who said a drug was safe for pregnant women and babies in utero, when it had never been tested in that setting. Imagine someone saying a drug was safe when it was only EUA'd, or saying a drug was safe for a population in whom clinical trials had never been done, or hadn't been completed! Who would do that?!


Kim Kardashian West has been the unfortunate recipient of a warning letter from the Food and Drug Administration.

On Tuesday, a letter from the FDA was released asking that the 34-year-old reality star remove an Instagram post from July of her promoting Diclegis, a drug she credited for helping with morning sickness. According to the letter, Kardashian West failed to mention any risks related to the drug.

The FDA took note of the soon-to-be mother of two’s inclusion of the drug’s web address, but said that it was not sufficient since her post implies that the product is safe and does not carry any risks for the baby.

A portion of Kardashian West’s original Instagram post read: “[My doctor] prescribed me #Diclegis, I felt a lot better and most importantly, it’s been studied and there was no increased rick to the baby. I’m so excited and happy with my results that I’m partnering with Duchesnay USA to raise awareness about treating morning sickness.”

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I'm getting whiplash trying to keep up, it feels like. Here, the big scare in the media last week, apart from the usual fear&smear-mongering due the election yesterday, was that using an iron stove for heating and cooking is a threat to pregnant women and children.

Smoke inhalation you see. Smoke particles in the air is bad for you if they get inside your body. So unknown mRNA-substance good for fetus, cooking and heating your dwelling bad for fetus, m'kay?

If smoke comes out into the room, either your chimney is busted or you're doing something wrong (could be as simple as having the wrong windows open) or using wet wood.

Next scare in the pipeline seems to be rat invasion. Heat turned down everywhere will apparently mean rats invading homes. Well guess what, those homes are already invade. By socialist democrat EU-stooges, non-european migrant criminals, and the (t)ax-man.

Me, I'd rather have rats than any of those. Edited so it doesn't say "eating your dwelling" anymore. That's probably unhealthy if you do.

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Dutch newspapers last week stated that sitting and driving a car can cause heart attacks. So what do they advise? Sleep all day ? It is getting to the point that everyone should wake up because of the ridicule !

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These days, it seems that anything can cause a heart attack except of course the shots.

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Too much sleep has been cited for heart issues. Now what???

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Stay home, stay awake. Try to watch television all day?

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"This just in! Watching alt-media increases blood pressure and hypertension, may be contributing cause of heart-attacks expert say!"

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while doing yoga ? standing on your head ?

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That will give you a stroke. safer to watch teevee.

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Dutch expats I've spoken too are afraid to go there to visit friends and family. They aren't sure they'd be allowed to leave, or be let into Sweden again.

Not going to write an essay on those points, how well- or unfounded such fears are: it says enought that such fear (which would have been laughed at just ten years ago) can even exist.

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I am not sure, but don't think the European countries are still doing that, but the US is. You can leave the country unjabbed but you cannot come back in. A German nurse tried it earlier on and wrote a blog about it. I am not leaving the US anytime soon ! God forbid I can't come home again !

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It varies by nation and vaccine-status if it's Covid-relatd, so you have to check the rules for where you're going from, any nation you pass on the way and your destination. They've ease off in lots of places, but moronic mandates may return whenever someone in authority wants it too.

Otherwise, main thing you may get hassled on here if you're a dissident targeted for Zersetzung is stuff creating problems for you, like customs insisting on doing a detailed full search of your car, making you miss your plane or ferry. Permits to being renewed for no reason. Tax audits. That kind of stuff.

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already told my family in Europe I might not come anymore. Don't like traveling, got animals, garden, hate airports and usually get chosen to have a full search of luggage LOL. One of those lucky ones !

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Sadly, none of these questions may be relevant to the approximate 19 million college students in the US who are being required to be boosted ("up-to-date") on their C19 jabs in order to resume their studies. I'm beyond angry about the abuse of power and they level of coercion used by all these corrupt institutions. It's easier for me (58) to say "f**k it", I'll stay home and figure out something else than it is for a 20 y.o. to give up a college degree that would likely boost his career goals and financial prospects. I'm trying my best to keep my kids unjabbed but the onslaught of govt ads and colleges pushing this crap is unbelievable. God help us!!

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How many will have immediate injuries and how much of those will actually get reported?

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Regulatory capture: Exhibit A

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EGM, In the headline, "promotion" is misspelled. It is so obvious you should really fix it. Love your work.

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Was watching "World Without End" yesterday, set in the 14th century when Europe lost 1/3 to 1/2 of its population due to plague . . . anyway, one of the characters was explaining to another why some treatments work and some don't, well, it is all God's will. If God wants you to live, then the treatment will work and if He doesn't, then it won't. Is that what is happening here?

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Perhaps for the "small g" self appointed gods.

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Excellent books and good movie. The books rock. I want that medieval nun doctor. Seriously. And her herbal garden.

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