Left unsaid in this discussion is that "Not trusting government" is a pretty fucking good starting point.

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there are two kinds of people:

those who know history

and those who trust the government.

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Jan 23, 2023·edited Jan 24, 2023

Two kinds of people: those who love bacon, and sad people.

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LOL. I'm eating a BLT. With a bigger than usual smile now. No shit.

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Do the BLTs go down better without the shit?

Asking for a friend.

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LOL. Well I think we all got a shit sandwich over the last three years.

Most people washed it down with Kool-aid

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Too funny you guys 🤣🤣

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My kinda dude. 👍

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Three kinds of people: those who love bacon; those who recoil from bacon; those whose temporary religious derangements made them forswear bacon.

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Some people won't try bacon for religious reasons. I won't try religion for bacon reasons.

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I enjoy bacon religiously. It's a Sunday thing.

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I avoid church religiously.

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Never liked religion much myself.

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My religion - somewhere in the NT - says eating bacon is A-ok.

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Excellent, but you passed up the opportunity to coin a new word; "Baconous".

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Baconous! Added to lexicon.

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Wait, there's no Sky Daddies?!

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Unironically, I will hear no blasphemy against Dyeus Pater.

Who, by the way, heartily approves of bacon.

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No bacon, no trust.

It really is that simple.

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No Bacon, no science...

It really is that methodical!

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That's why we invented ersatz bacon. To prove our essential worthiness.

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As a matter of fact, the same people who love bacon tend to be the ones who earn it!

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Are you old enough to remember the commercial that has the jingle, I can bring home the bacon, fry it up in a pan, and never ever let you forget you're a man? Yowsa!

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And it continues “ Cause I’m a woman, W. O. M. A. N, I’ll say it again!” I went to an all girls high school. We loved belting out that song! It was fun

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There is a whole song

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Economy (and people) would be in better shape if that were true.

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Three kinds of people: those who love bacon; pigs; those who are controlled by the pigs.

Can't wait for warm weather to fire the smoker up. Smells like FREEDOM

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When pigs fly, will it rain bacon?

Warn me when the smoker is fired up!

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If you make them fly with gene therapy are they really pigs at all anymore? Eww, I just imagined a world where bacon is gross. BAD.

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There are 10 kinds of people. Those who know binary math and those that don't.

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There's an old Android joke that goes like this :

1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 0

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How do we count people who identify as non-binary?


how high can you count on one hand using binary math?

How about all ten fingers?

When's the next binary calendar date?

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Tom Robbins: There are two types of people in the world: those who think there are two types of people, and those who know better.

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Nice! It so happens my yoga teacher studied under Iyengar and went to India several times. She helped me get rid of sciatica in 6 weeks after the allopaths floundered around for a year and a half without improvement, not to mention a clue.

Giving up on those fraudsters was my response, and this was the beginning of my awakening though I didn't know it at the time. I'm still doing yoga daily after 40 years.

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Fabulous! Well done. I hope millions read your comment.

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I like bacon but it's the people that don't drink coffee that I don't trust.

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Put me on your danger list.

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None of the Karens (formerly) in my life have even changed jerseys. They’re doubling down on having been right about everything, all along, even all those times when being right suddenly meant the opposite of what it meant yesterday.

I guess that means the grassroots lemmings in my life are both dumber and crazier than those who’ve changed jerseys. No surprise I guess: These are the liberal-arts majors and dropouts who in March 2020 suddenly knew more about science and medicine than experienced scientists and providers, and weren’t bashful about telling me so.

As Michael Moore said of pro-lifers, ‘I can’t share the country with people like that ... and I’m not going anywhere.’ Forgiveness is way premature, at least in my personal setting.

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@Jack- my brother has a Masters in Nursing and is a lemming. I have a friend whose son who is a dr at the CDC. She claims she only went on his advice, no one else's. Sorry, Mommy. Your kid was lied to, too.

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ahh, bacon, the duc tape of food.

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I know sad people that love bacon, bacon cheers them up.

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I'll go with chocolate.

Did anyone ever do chocolate covered bacon?

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Yes. Expensive but amazing

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I haven’t tired but I see it a lot on the cooking shows. It is generally well received.

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RemovedJan 24, 2023·edited Jan 24, 2023
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Your English algorithm has been improved slightly, but no human native speaker of English speaks like that. Nice try.

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A third kind too, unfortunately. They know history but believe it doesn't repeat.

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And interestingly Scott Adams is one of those. Even if it doesn't exactly repeat it sure rhymes a lot.

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Scott Adams is a huge disappointment. He went from 'must watch' to 'can't watch' 3 years ago. He ignored all his own teachings and drank the kool-aid. Now he is flailing about for relevancy.

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A timely warning of what spending too many years in an office cubicle (or even drawing them) can do to your critical faculties.

Hugely disappointing, and one wonders what Dilbert would make of it.

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"To be ignorant of history is to remain always a child."

~ Marcus Tullius Cicero, De Oratore, II, c. 80 B. C.

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Has anyone tried to kill most of the people on the planet before?

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Well, our leftist friends had quite a go of it in the last century, slaughtering well over 100 million, mostly confined to the countries they infested, so arguably not.

On the other hand, the Soviet "international socialists" always dreamed of making the entire planet communist, and of course, the German "national socialists" also had grandiose territorial ambitions, so one can only imagine the horrors they would have unleashed had they succeeded.

Regardless of which side of the argument one comes down on, perhaps most would agree that socialists in general, regardless of which flavor, are murderous barbarians that should be abhorred and shunned by any civilized society.

The fact that their poisonous ideology has been allowed to take hold and fester in the Western world is the source of most of what ails us, and will be our undoing should it not be arrested.

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A good portion of the world might consider the Western world as the source of most of what ails them.

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John they're looking to create a dead-end for the virus by eliminating the host.

It could've been soooo much worse for our species....

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Yeah....that explains it! Good plan! Wait...this science stuff is over my head.

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Jan 24, 2023·edited Jan 24, 2023

"Experience keeps a dear school, but fools will learn in no other"

- Franklin

We didn't need to know science. Just to be skeptical and non-chickenshits.

They're just trying to fill the world with fools that are plugged to a teat, so that the mice never ask why the cheese in the trap isn't free.

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I still remember the propagandist Rachel Maddow saying the virus stops in the vaccinated. You have to admit, she's a pro!

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Stops humans dead in their tracks...er...viruses

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Simple solution.

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No. They never tried it until the very first second they had the technology to do it clandestinely.

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Genghis Khan made a good stab at it.

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They have killed enough in the "actually knows how to do shit" demographic range to trigger another Bronze Age collapse class event. Let that sink in in the following years.

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Yeah, I've noticed, believe me.

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I agree, there are two kinds of people. But they are those who agree with me, and those who are wrong! Snicker, snicker...

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That must be why I never fell for it. I know my history!

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In my opinion, the government almost always is the entity that starts crises rather than solves them. This is near universal.

Yes there was actual data for us to look at is well, which we all did.

It was always completely rational to say, hey I think I’m going to wait and see how effective the prototypical vaccines really are.

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Exactly. There was never any data at any time that suggested I needed the jab -- and that's why they pushed so hard on the "DO IT FOR OTHERS", even while knowing the jab didn't stop transmission and the virus would run through the population no matter how many people got stuck.

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I knew it was a con when the propaganda started. Such a huge tell.

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the more ads the less the product is worth. Goes for everything. Beauty products, meds, cleaning stuff, everything.

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Right, you don’t need to coerce people to take a good, useful product.

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"No one ever heard of the truth being enforced by law. Whenever the secular arm is called in to sustain an idea, whether new or old, it is always a bad idea, and not infrequently it is downright idiotic."

~ H.L. Mencken

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Right, it was THE most obvious con of all time. From miles and miles away.

I'm still shocked at the number of people who don't see that.

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Yeah, I can’t tell you how many articles I read about healthy young unvaccinated parents dying, relegating their kids orphans. I can go on for a day. Just disgusting, and obvious the entire time.

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That right there is the truest thing ever said about this. And it's important. There is supposed to be a deception coming that is nearly impossible to see through. This is setting up for that.

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Easy rule: if the government or any large corporation is telling you something, it is probably both (a) false and (b) designed to increase _their_ power and profit at _your_ expense.

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Yes! I was suspicious of the vaxxes initially, because duh--we've never had brand-new medical tech tested and ready to go (on healthy people) in 6 months, but when they started the mega-push propaganda from all corners and then the forced vaxxing? That's when I knew for sure they were dangerous.

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Definitely sus… 🔥

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Carrot vs stick… ☠️☠️💥😡

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They will soon blame us for not speaking up louder…watch and see

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"I tried. You sent me back a picture of a tinfoil hat."

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And the irony is that the one way you really could hurt others was to normalize coerced jabs by encouraging and giving in to receiving these shots. It was definite the shots would injure and kill some people; it was a lottery about who it would be. And so many people were perfectly okay with that.

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I was most scared of the govt mandating everyone to jab. Going house to house with it. Then it dawned on me that because of the instability, they could not do that. Sigh. First the scare of the so-called life threatening illness, which turned out to be about as dangerous as a light flu, and then the bigger scare for an unreliable govt.

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At one stage, about 2 years ago, I did wonder if it would come to that. It depressed me, but did not sway me at all .. I had already decided I would be willing to loose everything, willing even to have been shot in the town square. Interestingly once I came to that acceptance, the more pressure they applied the more defiant I felt

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Same here, the more pressure they applied, the more defiant I became.

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Oh dear, I'm one of you. The harder they pushed, the more I dug my heels in. I would've gone to jail before submitting to the jab, and yes, I would've faced a firing squad to keep that poison away from my kids.

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I’m shocked at the parents who thought it was a good idea to jab their infants.

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You should not just go calmly to the firing squad. You should shoot back.

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for a while I have been looking into Mexico and Middle America, and renewed my passport. There is a large Mexican family living in the neighborhood and I thought, if they flee, so am I. They did not, and just went on business as usual. But if worst came to worst, I would have loaded my car and gone!

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You and JeffDavid, I love you people and am with you. I really believe it was this type of courage in those who had it that kept things from growing as dark as those in power wanted it to be. They got away with a lot, but not as much as they wanted!

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Yup, this is why we have the 2nd Amendment.

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There is a powerful serenity in a principled decision.

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You should buy a gun. Don't go down without a fight. When they know you can shoot back, they are much less likely to violate your basic human rights.

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Yeah, that was jarring for me as well. That was the worst of it for me because there was no way I was going to take it. And we all saw what was happening in places like Australia and elsewhere and wondering wtf. We all read and heard what they were saying. I recall at one point a poll came out reflecting that about 50 percent of dem voters thought children should be forcibly separated from their unvaccinated parents. I’ll never forget that.

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That's what made my head melt - the threats of coerced vaccination and our kids being taken away. They even had information going out to teachers (Scotland) about how to spot extremism - being anti-vax was listed as a form of extremism. Being labelled an 'extremist' would no doubt trigger social services and an investigation into your parenting. Even now, my stomach knots when other jabs are promoted at the school - flu, hpv, etc.

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I hear you. In U.S., Homeland Security put out a flyer linking domestic terrorists with opposition to Covid policies. I still can’t believe this stuff happened, it truly blows my mind.

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Proving that they are the terrorists!

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Never forget!

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Never let them forget. Serial abusers shouldn’t have positions of power.

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"I recall at one point a poll came out reflecting that about 50 percent of dem voters thought children should be forcibly separated from their unvaccinated parents. I’ll never forget that."

Absolutely! NEVER forget, and NEVER EVER trust anyone who even vaguely insinuates that they would support such an odious and extremely totalitarian position in the slightest!

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Never forgive them for the murder of children. Some like this clown got a bit of almost-instant karma. True believer or not, good riddance.


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I bought a gun for the first time in my life for exactly that reason.

If anyone tries to physically force an injection into me, I will shoot them. Everyone should shoot back when threatened with forced injections. This is truly why we have the 2nd Amendment.

The idea of buying a gun came to me when I watched an old black man in a video say exactly that: "If you come to my house with a needle and try to inject me, I will shoot you." Black people remember Tuskegee and other evidence that the medical establishment cannot be trusted at all. Ever.

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I can very well understand that. I also read the stories of Tuskegee, and living in ab majority black community, it felt good to be part of the majority, less than 50 % is jabbed here. The black population masks up easier though, it seems. But at least I was far from alone to refuse the needle.

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Same here. Never gave a darn about guns, until this crap

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Another big reason why they couldn't do it: the second amendment.

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the govt has stepped and crumpled the laws. what would keep them ? the govt are the criminals and probably always have been. Send your kids to war and have theirs in safety. Until they and their families are not the first to go I won't trust them, and even then, very reluctantly. Probably rather dig a hole in the back yard and hide.

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The US military should never leave US soil. They exist to defend the borders of this country, and that is the only reason they exist.

Smedley Butler says this in "War is a Racket".

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I totally agree. Military should not be but on the own grounds. What business do they have in another country ! Peace can only be if this rule is in effect. No country should ever be invaded. But tell that to the weapon makers and those that profit from wars !!!

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This is the biggest flaw in their cope: that we were driven entirely by reflexive distrust of authority. Like, sure, that's a solid heuristic and all, but we were also looking very, very closely at the data from day one and it was rapidly clear that something stank in the kingdom of Denmark.

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The "canaries in the coal mine" told the story and now they're all deader than a parrot in the Monty Python skit.

Israel, Seychelles & Gibraltar were all early adopters who bombed so bad and so early (April 2021) that it was obviously not working to stop infection or transmission.

Singapore admitted covid had gone endemic in June of 2021. Delta blew through there easy despite having 86% having two shots.

Iceland bragged about reaching herd immunity via vaccination in June of 2021 when they reached 71% having got their second shot. One month later Delta blew that away.

Most importantly to me was Pfizer's own Bio-Distribution study was made public by the courts & a FOIA request in May 2021. It clearly showed the lipid nano-particles did not stay at the injection site but went lodged in lots of organs.

I distrust authority of any description (political, media, medical, business, religion) because I didn't sleep through or skip my history classes. All authority abuses its authority always. It's just a matter of when, not if, and it's usually much sooner than you think.

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"you want me to inject an experimental product/technology developed in the course of a few months that might alter my genes and has killed most lab animals it was tested on when the disease you are trying to prevent kills less than 1% of the people it infects and those people are mostly over the age of the average life expectancy?"

all of this was known in the summer of 2020. the answer to this is so blindingly obvious. it is and always was "no thanks." it only required the smallest amounts of rational thought.

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government scared = people die

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Jan 24, 2023·edited Jan 24, 2023

Right. The company I used to work for quickly parroted the CDC mantras of "safe and effective", "for the safety of all our employees", "it doesn't stay in your blood very long". To the point of denying religious and medical accommodations in order to force compliance, even. though there was other data out there that showed otherwise.

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I wish people could sue their employers for coercing them to inject themselves with a toxin.

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Based on the stats 75-80% of them wanted the poison, didnt need a mandate. But Ive seen news of some lawsuits trickling out, hopefully they all win and force these companies to pony up for there bullshit mandates.

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They are already ponying up with increased disability and health insurance costs. Most businesses still require the bioweapon shot for new employees. Why? Cuz they don't want other shotted employees to feel bad.

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This is true, my company never lifted there mandate. AT&T. They did grant exemptions to everyone that I know of that applied for one however, me included. Otherwise I would have lost my 25 year career.

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It was always completely rational to say, hey this covid virus isn't all that serious and it is not harming those who are otherwise healthy, so shutting down airports and businesses is not only not necessary but completely insane. It is sad to see so many who think that they avoided falling down the rabbit hole by refusing the 'vaccines' but don't realize they had already been conned into thinking covid required a 'solution' at all.

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yep, I was fooled at first too. But quickly realized the virus was not all that bad. I had a scare in July or so when suddenly a lot of people in town died and did not connect it to the jab. But by then I had read of a 115 year old nun in France who survived the virus (she died last week 118) and found that a healthy 62 year old would beat it too. Then the scare of the mandatory jab... that was worse ! Luckily we did not get that far, less than half the population of town is jabbed and deaths are back to normal levels.

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Yes, the virus was not all that bad. But its introduction, and the western world's reaction to it, were intentional. You are fortunate to live in area where half the population is not prepared to swallow insanity hook, line and sinker. I am not so fortunate. There seems to be an implicit understanding though that no one talks about it in polite company.

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several people I know had something like a mild flu. One was hospitalized for one day, one for a week, and one was bedridden for 2 weeks. Lots did not get it at all, including me. Unfortunately most of my former friends are needle worshipers. I found a few new ones and will not take up the old ones. And indeed, very little people except our small group seems to talk about it ! Taboo.

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Well, I’ll admit that they initially buffaloed me. But quickly figured out that masks don’t work; HCQ does; etc. Unfortunately also fooled by the initial vaccine reports into thinking the shots were effective. So, got vaccinated. But rapidly woke up. Fortunately no apparent after effects. Now, I wouldn’t trust the government, pubic health, Pharma to give me the time of day.

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The fake 100% VE was simply a result of the way we allowed Big Pharma to define "vaccinated" (two weeks from last dose). They literally took all the jabbed people who got covid before being "fully vaccinated" and threw them into the "unvaccinated" bucket.

Your graduation rate is 100% when you only count students who actually graduate, too.

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Jan 23, 2023·edited Jan 23, 2023

I dunno. Looking at that Alberta data that was on the web briefly, I'm more of the mind to think that Mathew Crawford's Type II Covid is a thing.

That is, you get the shot, then you get covid symptoms from the spike protein. Not sure if testing positive for covid at that point is a real thing caused by Type II covid or just an artifact of the PCR testing.

Anyway, that would mean the trials were completely screwed up. The jabs give you covid within the 2 week period after the jab _and_ you're counted as unvaccinated. Come to think of it, that's probably why they came up with the stupid "you're not vaccinated until 2 weeks after the jab" thing. Did any other clinical trials prior to covid do something like that?


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That's EXACTLY why they did it. People were testing positive in the 'worry window', so the answer was to label the worry window as unvaccinated. (Or in gato terms -- MARK IT FOXHOLE!!!)

This will OBVIOUSLY lead to a '100% effective' result, because every failure was dumped into that "unvaxxed" bucket. Of course, the 'effectiveness' will wane over time because they can't continue juicing the numbers. (Thus, 'breakthrough infections' were rare right up until they weren't)

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The tells for me were 1) finding a very early interview of Francis Boyle confirming it walked and talked like a bioweapon was instantly deleted from YT. 2) reading the clinical trials and realizing they measured "effectiveness" by a subjective reduction in ONE symptom. the serious f. who calls that a "vaccine" 3) remembering "WMD" 4) watching them bleat "oh we don't need long term testing anymore, that's so 20th century" ... the f we don't.

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Yep. I saw that interview with Francis Boyle, too, and also Dr Yeadon's very early videos of warning, and then Dr Wodarg's warnings.

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from many of what ive read they measured effectiveness simply by antibody response. No real time data about actually lowering death. Now that we have that data, heavily jabbed countries having huge all cause death spikes, it appears antibody response has nothing to do with safety or effectiveness of this poison.

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At least you can admit you got fooled. That puts you miles ahead of a lot of people, as the bad cat said.

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No doubt. I work at a company where 96% got jabbed without questioning it. I'd argued up and down like never in my life (with facts and self printed studies I'd highlighted by hand and handed out) until I lost my job Jan. 1, 2022. Arbitration got my job back after 6 months. Every single one of these idiots now act like no one has ever been more aware of what TPTB are trying to pull on them (but the jabs aren't part of those rationalizations). Many have a seething hatred for us, especially the union and management. Many are sick much more than normal.

I don't know one person who's said they were anything but perfectly correct about anything and everything. If I'd have made up a list before Covid of who I thought would go which way, from among all the people I know, I would have scored zero.

Reading this article I think I should compliment the few I know who saw it. I never thought it was that special a quality in them.

Look at that Dr. Maholtra guy. He says he realizes these are death jabs now but he hasn't admitted he didn't do his homework at the time. He got his own father killed by pretending to be an expert yet he mustn't have read the studies. He needs to repent and confess. Otherwise he can't be trusted. They just need to stop rationalizing this.

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That's a fair assessment. Him and Dr John Campbell amaze me. It took them how long to notice? I'm glad they got back to reality and hopefully in time to save themselves and others but their judgment was totally lacking for 18+ months.

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Glad they're not my doctor or nurse. I wouldn't want someone "slow on the uptake" in regards to medical issues, which is supposedly their "specialty."

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Dr Malhotra, was posting against the vax on twitter for a long time before he released his research and I think Dr Campbell also noticed it earlier than 18 months, you could see by his facial expressions and some of his comments.

He would have had his youtube channel cancelled if he had publically said on it what he thought, what it did by him not saying that earlier, was to allow his hundreds of thousands of viewers (who trusted him as an independent voice) to gradually accept the truth of what was happening as he showed them more and more evidence.

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No sense doubling down on mistakes. No sense hiding from the mistakes. They’re there whether you acknowledge them or not. I believed that in the face of a national emergency they would be honest and righteous. Now I know that they are either stupid or utterly corrupt.

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You learned everything you needed to. Well done. Can't have been easy.

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Glad you stopped at 2 because the IgG3/IgG4 anti-body pathways get real screwed up at #3.

Are you trying any remediation protocols? I'm unjabbed but still doing the I-Recover: Post Vaccine Treatment from flccc.net because I figure we're all going to be exposed to spike proteins.

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Yes on the I-Recover protocols. Actually took the #3 on the advice of a doc that I trusted. No more.

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I too thought they were effective and that the company I worked for would require the jab. I knew the who mask BS was just that. I only wore a mask when I had to go into a business that required it. I KNEW when they changed the definition of vaccine it was all a big like. Wished they had done this before I got the jab.

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Congrats. You are the rarest of animals. Welcome to the light.

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"You just flipped a coin and won the toss!"

"Yeah but the coin had two heads and both of them said 'no step on snek'"

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I have a challenge for everyone.

Let those you know how serious this was by letting them know how serious it is to people like us - to you. Ask them to listen to you and explain your experience. Ask them directly if they would feel okay with themselves if they behaved the same way a second time.

Most still don't get the big picture even though they know they followed the herd out of expediency.

There's really no way to move forward imo unless they "feel" that from us. But more importantly this will happen again if they don't understand.

I will say, out of experience, the people I've talked to know it now, if nothing else by the controlled emotion I brought to the conversation.

I think its incumbent on us to explain to people WHY this was so DANGEROUS. And that accepting these circumstances again is unacceptable for someone who considers themselves a decent person.

Who else is going to deliver the message?

Too many people got hurt for this not to be WRONG. They can process that how they want, but it's an inescapable truth.

This all can be done without making them feel like a coward or that you're judging them.

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Well said. We need to keep speaking out, politely but honestly.

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Something else I've let them know is that I understand that they just want this to be over.

But, that it's not over, because many of us have made it a priority to seek accountability.

I think it's better to let them know now vs them being surprised later.

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While it would be nice to think this is over…..it is not.

In a few days or public health agencies will be discussing a change up in the COVID vaccination protocol. Based on what I have read, it sure sounds like they are going to take two steps back and then three steps forward.

That is, I expect a new approach that consists of marketing a COVID vaccine (concocted each year based on new strains) as an important vaccine that should be given annually like the flu vaccine. Looks like the proposal is to have the annual vaccine be a bivalent one. And the funny part, they talk as if this approach will solve all the “safe and effective” concerns. Just kidding. They are not taking up that issue at all. Rather, it sure seems like this new approach is being proposed in hopes of increasing uptake.

So yeah, this is not over. In fact. It seems those of us resisting and making noise are tolerated as background noise that has no bite.

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I agree.

Sorry. My comment was doubled up and then both were deleted for some reason.

Bottom line: imo it is more important than ever to get the message out. The data is on our side, despite being obfuscated.

There are people that are starting to see with their own eyes. At some point the dam breaks unless we lose our resolve.

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Part of the social engineering has been to denigrate data and those who seek to explain inconsistencies. We see data-drive conclusions being labeled dangerous misinformation. People who challenge the "correct" narrative are "deniers". Even pointing out inconsistencies is enough to get that label. I see way too many people still clinging to the narrative that all this was necessary and proper and that if we had not done all these crazy things "it would have been much worse", despite the logical inconsistencies upon which such a conclusion must be based.

I hope you're correct and the light will shine, the dam will break and the folks asking the right questions will win the day. I don't like to ponder the alternative, which is:

1. Those that trust "authority" learned nothing

2. Those that strive to dominate others learned a lot.

Because the totalitarian power seekers learned that the right crisis can justify anything, even to a greater extreme than they realized prior to 2020. World-wide they pushed the limits and found that there are non.

So I sure hope you're right and (1) is not true. I am 100% certain about (2).

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True, it's not over, but their mass censorship proves that they are indeed worried about the noises we are making. The American Revolution started with pamphlets. We have the internet, and memes. We can reach millions quickly, and that is a kind of power.

Given the craven criminality of the Pfizer-owned CDC/FDA/NIH, yes, I expect they will try to poison us with the toxxine in new and creative ways, such as putting it on the "test" swab they demand you stick up your nose, or putting it into genetically modified food.

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Or chemtrails.

“Oh my god, it’s a full-on double rainbow all the way across the sky!"

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As I keep asking, what happens to the 'emergency', is it going to be made perpetual ? No emergency, no emergency use authorization; no emergency use authorization, no indemnity from liability; no indemnity no shots.

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The "emergency" is forever, since it is an excuse to violate the Constitution and all laws in the name of "safety":


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Come to California and "resist" and you can be assured you will not be tolerated as "background noise". You will be demonized, persecuted, denigrated, and if you happen to be an MD likely lose your license.

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Don’t misunderstand me….the same thing is going on here. Perhaps it has just become so “normal” I expect that most people see us resisters as off our rocker and donning tinfoil hats. I have lost friends and family over the vaccine debate, even after my mother died from the vaccine and negligence in the hospital on a grand scale those friends and family remain wed to the narrative. Good riddance. Their approach is to ignore my grief or that my mother died at all. After all, if the vaccine killed her….well that couldn’t have happened. Right? I think they must think she is living happily ever after someplace else. (Insert eye roll). I am so angry at their denial also meaning that I am supposed to forget or ignore the horror my mother experienced. Then there were those who tried to have me fired as a high school soccer coach because I supposedly put their daughter in grave danger because I was unvaccinated. You can’t make this shit up. My in-laws ignore me because I must be wrong. Got their 4th shots and promptly came down with COVID, but what do I know. Gave the father-in-law Kennedy’s book on Fauci for Christmas. Do you think he’ll read it? Nah, he already knows all he needs to know—why listen anyhow or broaden the scope of one’s inquiry?

I guess when I say we are background noise at this point—for the most part things have returned to normal. School is in session. Most do not wear masks in public. We are now seen as those who can’t get over our ideas and insist on still being difficult. But those of us who understand the scope and scale of the bigger picture understand that even if the vaccine gets pulled/—the Great Reset, new financial system, new governance paradigm, and perhaps most importantly the coming social impact markets are in the horizon. Does not bode well for humanity.

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It's not over until Fauci, Collins, Bancel, Bourla, etc are hanged.

They really are mass murderers who damaged billions and killed millions for power and profit.

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I agree.

But those folks are fungible.

Do you think we have better odds of roping those people up or convincing our neighbors that it's not in their interest to be a spectator again?

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I think there won't be many volunteers to replace the mass murderers once the potential replacements see what will happen to them when they commit mass murder.

Of course we also need to convince neighbors not to just be spectators again.

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Better odds? Don't know about that. But the later would be a solution.

The first would be justice, but there are plenty more to take their places.

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I am going to disagree. Punishing the guilty is very appealing, and even just. I might even agree that it is essential But singling out a few and making them scapegoats will only protect the rest of the guilty. And make it look like the problem is solved. It is not. The abuse of power is systemic. This will happen again. Different faces, different names, same tactics. Sadly, similar outcomes too.

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I agree the that abuse of power is systemic, and that history rhymes even if it doesn't repeat exactly.

But I still think that the ruling class needs to feel some real fear of justice, so even merely talking about hanging the criminals who mandated the toxxine helps to protect the public. I'm not saying hangings will permanently solve the problem, but it will help ameliorate it. What we have right now is a ruling class which feels no fear whatsoever, and this is a very hazardous situation for the public.

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I gotta tell you…I have some friends who are medical types. They simply won’t admit the vaccines are trouble. It’s like religion with them. Vaccines are always ‘safe and effective’. You show them the data and they literally avert their eyes. Then there are others who will simply defer their thinking to the ‘experts’. They (both groups) won’t even consider that the ‘experts’ might be wrong. And the idea that the ‘experts’ could be corrupt is an unspeakable heresy. But, we’ll keep talking to them. Maybe they’ll see the light…eventually.

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Jan 24, 2023·edited Jan 24, 2023

I hear you.

My objective is just seeds of doubt and perhaps to get them to do a little self reflection.

For example; how many decent people shipped their kids off to school, for 1-2 years, with their face muzzled all day while they got to work from home mask free? Most people.

I've straight up asked all of my friends what compelled them to do that. And ask them if they ever gave it a thought. And then I tell them they are the victim of the PHA's taking advantage of their good intentions.

Then I ask them; would you do it again?

Tacit understanding is fine by me.

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I've known for years on an intellectual level that chemistry is the only real science but I never saw the danger. Now because of my reading I've found out Evolution and the Big Bang are not even actual theories. They're not even hypotheses because there's ten times more disconfirmatory evidence than confirmatory evidence and they cannot be tested. Now I can see how science originated with the occult and has gradually built itself up into being accepted by most everyone. They say they can make great leaps because we know what we're doing now, and our spectacular track record, but in 1980 they were trying to outlaw breast feeding.

It's similar to women's rights. No one in their right mind would think that women shouldn't have equality of opportunity. This goes on for ages and then gay marriage. Then almost overnight we've got dudes stripping in kindergarten, dudes using girls bathrooms and dudes putting on a one piece swimsuit, tucking his junk back, and destroying the "ladies" in the 100 meter freestyle. Which just goes to show it's all women's fault! Lol. Seriously, a judge in Florida ruled recently that a dude swimming against women doesn't deprive women of their chance of winning.

My point isnt to argue about these two things. It's to point out the curvature on a graph if you plotted both of them. Same curve. Different timeline.

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Do you have any sources that you could recommend regarding the sham of science and the evolution and big bang theories? I would love to dig in to that stuff.

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I recommend you start by googling 'germ theory vs terrain theory'.

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That's socialization. Maybe too a bit of fear. Bat things have happened to MDs that have challenged the official policy. So fear is justified.

Mostly it is the culture. The culture of "it's not my fault". An MD who follows the government approved recommendations, or the AMA guidelines, is not held to account if those turn out to be wrong. Conformance is a shield. The culture is not one of accountability, but one of compliance and conformance. We see the same thing in all regulated fields. Follow the rules, the rules are there to protect you.

You see this culture across the board in medicine. It isn't new. It is one factor that has enabled the plague of 2020.

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Nice thought but they're worse than before. I've gotten nowhere and cut most people out of my life, even the few I really cherished. At work I just don't hang out with them anymore (plus I get mini colds if I spend time around them). I'm in Toronto and maybe people here are maximum virtue signalers.

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You are in the vortex for sure. I’ve gotten through to two people. Probably the greatest moment of this Scamdemic was one of them saying to me “hey you were dead on about all this Covid stuff”. It was like winning the lottery.

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You may need to move to Florida?...:)

I'm not sure Canada is ever coming back.

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I hope so. I'd like to visit Montreal again.

I've never been so proud as when I watched the Truckers.

And I'm American!

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What a waste of time. My experience is they STILL repeat the MSM lies and mantras. I have a friend who thinks it's all a laugh (false bravado) and treats his body like a pincushion....any and all vax, meds, painkillers. He refuses to consider the truth. All the while I can see his neurology breaking down, he seems belligerent and child like. I resent the Ahole. He has a giving heart, but powered by low self esteem. I keep wondering when that heart is going to fail

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Jan 24, 2023·edited Jan 24, 2023

I'm talking about the two-shot a done crowd (mainly the spectator crowd). It is pointless, as you say, to argue with an ignorant/stupid/arrogant people; they'll drag you down to their level and beat you with their experience.

For the right audience it works. But you have to approach it with humility and ask them to listen to you and tell them your experience (and how you feel) as well many of the stories we hear here.

They're not aware of those experiences. You have to make those experiences "real" to them. And ask them how they would feel if that happened to them.

If you can't then they are the ultimate waste of time; someone who has the inability to have empathy.

At the end of the day; I don't give a rat's ass. I'm telling them how I feel/think and let the chips fall where they may.

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But this misses the biggest point:

While the messaging around the vaccine from an effectiveness point of view changed dramatically, 95% effective, 75% effective, stops transmission, lessens symptoms, etc. the core message always stayed the same:

Get the vax and you are one of the good people, otherwise you are THEM. The anti vaxxers, the grandma haters, the science deniers, the people who THE VAST MAJORITY OF VACCINATE PEOPLE thought should rounded up and put into camps.

In the Ashe experiment, many people meekly changed their answers, but no one said, "the line is shorter you stupid length denier! You should be imprisoned!"

In the Milgram experiment, people felt genuine remorse for "torturing" others. No one said, "Can I turn the dial up to 11? Please, please, please! When he dies can I take his picture, tweet it to my friends and talk about what an inferior POS he was?"

In the Stanford experiment, people played their roles, and in the case of the prison guards that was harsh, but not over done for the role. It certainly does not explain self-imposed karens patrolling playgrounds and macing small children screaming "You are killing grandma!"

No one championed their roles post experiment, but almost everyone who got the vaccine, posted about it in some way.

It was the desire (reinforced endlessly though propaganda) that you are better than THEM, that was so enticing. That belief is the core supposition behind all liberals. (How many apologies have you heard? The vaxxers regret that the vax did not work, not how they abused the anti vaxxers. Ever heard even the slightest bit of humility or self introspection from a liberal college professor? on anything?).


And they are searching for a feel good way to salvage some positive emotion form the ordeal, and there is none.

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“The surest way to work up a crusade in favor of some good cause is to promise people they will have a chance of maltreating someone. To be able to destroy with good conscience, to be able to behave badly and call your bad behavior 'righteous indignation' — this is the height of psychological luxury, the most delicious of moral treats.”

― Aldous Huxley, Crome Yellow

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In all of the above experiments, the subjects, participants, confederates, etc all believed they were equals.

For a better example on what happens when one party is so much better than THEM, we should examine the little experiment that happened in Germany from 1933-1945.

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That’s what caused me to start questioning everything around 2014. I saw that seething condescension and knew that wasn’t my gang.

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I've been saying for a while that I'm waiting for the big "reveal" ala The Wave.

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Great knowledge SC. 👍

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El Gato, this is an excellent point!

The coercive nature of these events also should be considered. There are folks who were against it, but the well founded fear of providing for their children meant that they felt compelled to poison themselves.

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Don't you think poisoning your children is different though?

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Sadly, no. And this is the scariest point. Loyalty to the (whatever you want to call it, Matrix/world view) etc. EXCEEDS the bond of family and even that of Mother and child.

When people were told "don't take the Trump vaccine" they shunned it. A week later (on no new "science") they boast that they were designated 1A and couldn't wait to tell everyone.

When Trump would send out a (meaningless) tweet millions were told to be angry and TDS meltdowns would happen, especially the Womans Pussy Hat marches.

And here millions of moms are becoming aware they were tricked into killing their own kids... and the emotional response should be intense anger... but... nothing. Well, except Ukraine, they have been told to worry about that instead so... they do.

They are still wearing masks. They know it hurts their kids, but they still insist their kids wear them.

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Yup. My sister strapped on the P hat and raged when Trump was elected. Ummm, you realize that Clinton and Ted Kennedy are rapists and possibly murderers right sis? She organized a BLM rally in nowhere Vermont. Not a peep about the Scamdemic madness. “ I need my life back”. “Well, we have too….”

This from the intellectual giant who turned to Sara Silverman after the 2016 election so she could understand what people were thinking. Ummm, try Thomas Sowell sis. I told her that there were conservative thinkers that made a lot of sense and she looked at me like I was a filthy rat. I asked if it made sense that half the people she has known in her life were racist morons, blank stare. And of course she is off the rails about the climate. I enjoyed taunting her and my mom when we got our EV. “Nah nah na nah nah, I’m greener than you are”. Yeah, I’m a jerk. But they have treated me like trash throughout this Scamdemic. I can’t help myself.

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Jan 24, 2023·edited Jan 24, 2023

That is why the elite psychopaths decided to make their moves. They saw the sheep were primed, ready and willing. The elites had also noted that the sheep passed the litmus test for readiness when they accepted that men can get pregnant, and it was proper for middle aged men with stubbles and big swinging dongs to share their little girl's bathrooms at the supermarket.

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Excellent point.

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There's a tincture of tyrant in most people I guess.

I had no doubt it was going to happen. But I was spooked by the global coordination and how fast it happened.

Much faster than in the 30's

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These people are also Stockholm Syndrome sufferers. Not to mention the amount of cognitive dissonance they are dealing with ("it would have been so much worse").


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Damn. Well said

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How anyone can claim to have your best interests at heart when most of the time you don't know them yourself, is an oft unasked question.

As you say not trusting the government is the default position. Trust, after all, has to be earned.

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"Never worry about criticism from somebody you wouldn't take advice from"

Government falls into that category. They called me unpatriotic for not going along with Iraq, and since then I haven't seen a reason I should care what they think of me.

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I remember quite clearly the run-up to the Iraq invasion. For perhaps 10-11 months before "shock and awe" I noticed an escalating intensity of the propaganda directly against Hussein (Saddam, not Barack).

I remember telling my family and friends months before that for sure "we" would invade, most of whom did not believe me and were completely oblivious to the information campaign directed against them.

Then, after the invasion, I told them it was a terrible thing and would not end well, and like you, was pilloried as "unpatriotic", mostly by people who have no idea what real patriotism is.

"It is the responsibility of the patriot to protect his country from its government."

~Thomas Paine

Being a member of Team Reality is more than a bit of a bitch, but I wouldn't have it any other way.

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Well said.

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Unfortunately, that quote is incorrectly attributed to Paine. Unfortunately, it was made by Edward Abbey. Doesn't seem to have been the sort that would have arrived at the premise of our national founding being based in each of our creations in the image of our almighty Father.

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Oy, never checked the provenance, but right you apparently are.

Appreciate the correction.


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Cheers =)

I normally try to suppress my pedantry, but I like to use leftist-triggering quotes from the founding in my Team's status message at work. If any complain, it's nice to be able to ask "You have a problem with historic quotes from America's founding"?

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Doesn't weaken the message. It's still a true statement.

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A lot of the quotes attributed to the Founding Father's can't be proven to be from them. They are still based AF sayings though.

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Yeah what a disconnect. WTF did Iraq have to do with 911? How obvious did it have to be? I remember ranting about that back in the day. Noone cared

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"Freedom Fries" was the dumbest thing I had ever heard of.

Then I heard about "Liberty Cabbage".

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me too. Then as now I was attacked from saying from the get-go "they're lying to us."

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Wish I had a thinking woman in my life :(

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lol. very very very few men do, really, irl, in my experience.

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Think? or want a woman such as you? :)

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I am an RN and my husband would have gotten the jab if I had recommended it. But I wanted us to wait and see. Then I got SO SO SO pissed off at the mandates...He usually leads. This time I stormed the gates.

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It's the only way I got through without hurting someone.

My wife was a Rockstar.

I can't imagine what it would be like in a house divided.

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An exercise I used when trying to expose students to critical thinking is to present two narratives from the "trusted" source which with clear inconsistencies and ask "does that make sense to you". The "if A is true and B is true but B contradicts A, what do you do?"

One may be right. Both can't be right. Neither may be right.

Example: For 4 decades now we've been told we must conserve electricity. Toss all your toxic lightbulbs int the landfill along with your old appliances. Going green meant using less electricity. The same sources are telling you now that "green" is electric cars. Electric cars use at least an order of magnitude more energy than everything else in your home summed (by the numbers). Does this make sense to you? What has to change to resolve the inconsistencies?

Try that experiment on a room full of kids recently graduated from most any university. The result will be interesting.

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Nowadays... not clear enough!


And even this one might not work...

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yeah that's just labeled misinformation from the far right anti-vax deniers.


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Wow, that's amazing! 😂

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To say nothing of "not trusting big pharma" and "not trusting legacy media" (yeah yeah ... they're all the same thing, ultimately).

Amazing how many people still don't get that.

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"The more certain government claims, the more dangerously wrong they are likely to be" is as close as makes no difference to being a fundamental law of nature.

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It's one of my "rebuttable presumptions." Although I can't actually remember the last time it was rebutted.

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@sim com

Another important aspect left out here: people who gave in to the Scamdemic and its attendant death shots cannot admit their error because such admission implicates their entire world view.

As an example, my oldest sister is a retired MD who bought it all. To admit error now means that every authority and pillar of science upon which her identity and world is built comes crashing down. How can she ever admit that these people lied and intentionally killed millions by withholding safe treatments, mandating known killers like Remdesivir and intubation, and mandating untested Merna shots? She can't. That would fundamentally crash her operating system. At most it will be, "Well...mistakes were made..."

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Very, very true -- and this is one of the dangers in allowing your political beliefs to dominate your self-identity. First they were forced to support lockdowns and school closures, then forced to support "vaccine" mandates, and recently have been forced to support the removal of gas stoves. Failure to do any of the above (and many more things besides) will get you thrown out of the 'group'. Makes you wonder what they'll be asked to support next.

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So they are now part of the "not cooking with gas" faction of their governmental affiliated party?

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..but not on both sides.

At this point, she has to ride the sunk costs train to the neighborhood of make believe.

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It was flaming leftist George Carlin’s first rule -- the modern “left” is an abomination, the bootlickers of government and corporate power

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As a former leftist, I concur.

What's crazy is, none of my principles have changed. And that is they key - the modern left has no principles.

- Anti war

- Screw the government

- Screw big corporations

- Screw MSM propaganda

- Antitrust all the way

- A basic social safety net

- Always be skeptical of everything from authority

I guess I'm classed as a radical centrist now, with some (small l) libertarian leanings. But I haven't changed. They have.

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It is kind of astounding that the rebels of the 60's evolved into the government propaganda machine.

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Those who distrust government did not just got lucky. Distrusting governments is strongly correlated with being a rational person that observes that most of what governments do is bad for the governed, filtering the usual propaganda that surrounds coercive government actions.

For such a person, every action undertaken from governments is immediately suspect, raising an alarm and promoting an investigation into the merits, or lack thereof, of the actuation.

Of course, there are also people that distrust government uncritically. They think all governments do is bad. You can say that they get lucky in those cases in which governments fail, but in reality uncritical distrust of government is a good heuristic because you will get lucky most of the time.

Actually, one of the few silver linings of the whole covid fiasco is that the number of critical thinkers might increase dramatically making it more difficult for governments and special interest groups to abuse their position.

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For the longest time, I ignored or did my best to ignore government. I thought to myself "they'll figure it out, rational minds will prevail." And I was saying this (wrongly) in the wake of all the insanity directed and surrounding Trump for four years. That surreal moment with Nancy Pelosi and her contingent bending the knee and wearing ceremonial African garb...

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It's no wonder a good many who "followed the science™" were those who were steeped in Russian Collusion and who believed that the orange man/fascist. I got to talk to one for a couple days on Twitter, and as soon as I said the word phrase "masks are ineffective" I received an assload of GOP this and MAGA that. I reminded them that Trump was responsible for the lockdowns and Operation Warp speed, but if felt like the transmission fell out of her "vehicle" and we went through a ream of whataboutism before she said that I could not use "whataboutism."

Oh yeah, and I am weak-minded, stupid, backward,redneck,white supremacist, fascist,etc

TDS or Trump Derangement Syndrome is an indicator of this proclivity.

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Here is where most people don't connect the dots...the psy op began right before Trumps presidency and continued all through it....you don't have 99 percent negative coverage on all the MSM tv and newspapers for four years and not recognize it for what it is...a form of brainwashing....and was done deiberately by the deept state and globalists ...who killed two birds with one stone...how many could they brainwash and now we know we can introduce the bioweapon and do the same thing, with the majority of the population following it.

Knowing that the entire US deep state was behind the Trump derangement syndrome....and it was a psy-op with total collusion on every front, made me very aware that covid was more a continuation of the same.

Turtles all the Way Down.

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It's true, before I was arguing with people about masks, vaccines, and lockdowns, I was ignoring them on their multitude of postings about Trump. I should have been arguing against the "mass formation" the came before it.

Trump derangement syndrome still exists. When I mentioned on twitter that masks were ineffective...apparently it triggered someone. To her I sounded like the Trombone teacher in the Peanuts Cartoons saying "Trumpity Trump Trump." She was the one who brought up Trump multiple times...and throughout the interchange I would say "Not sure how this speaks to the ineffectiveness of masks.." It's almost like their answer for why they were masks is because Trump.

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Amen. I’ve had the same experience. Vaccines bad while Trump in office. Vaccines obvious good when he is out of office. Amazing that educated people do this.

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Actually in some ways it’s less amazing that educated people do this, brilliant sheep and all.

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This little rule has worked well all my life: never extend more trust than you can exert control over the one you trust, should they violate said trust.

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Yes, because our current system selects not just for raw IQ, it also selects for cowardice. To get into Harvard, you need a 1500+ SAT. To stay at Harvard, you need to be cowed into saying that men can get pregnant.

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Pretty soon, Harvard won't select for IQ at all. Oppression points and virtue signaling will be the whole enchilada.

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That's been the case for many years now.

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It selects for "being a team player."

Which would be okay in a non-co-opted system.

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I disagree. Outside of specific domains like engineering, all systems that function well are adversarial.

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I could see "competitive" but I guess I'm not sure exactly what you mean by "adversarial"?

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Due process, natural selection, any kind of discourse meant to arrive at truth (even if provisional), markets... These are all distributed, adversarial mechanisms. We may be using different language to say the same thing.

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Yeah, possibly. I think these all describe arrangements with varying balances of competition/cooperation. A sports game is adversarial too but there has to be a shared agreement to and level of trust in everyone playing by the same rules.

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Correctamundo. Academics are selected for being conscientious and neurotic far more than for openness and intellect. Combine that with soft bodies produced by soft living, and the psycho-emotional effects of the testosterone collapse, and our thinking is being done by conformist cowards.

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I think it was Epimetheus from Die Frakel 2.0 who talked about the ‘good girl’ phenomenon (applies to men too): the people we see do well in school because they always do what is expected of them. They ‘play the game’ without considering a bigger picture. They never challenge the rules, just follow them.

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well i’m a good girl with enough street smarts and a love of both stats and the human body that i smelled a rat from the get-go. sadly my family has ostracized me, but hey, awareness, authenticity and the truth are not optional. so i’m on my own path.

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Many of us in the same boat. You are on the right path.

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Yep. Head Girls. They're a plague on the land.

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1190 if you’re Black. 1600 if you’re Asian.

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It sucks that you're not wrong.

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The same people who giddily enslaved themselves at the first whispers of a cartoonish threat were simultaneously deaf to the blaring sirens warning against literal threats to their lives.

People who would never consider bungee-jumping were first in line to jump off the Golden Gate Bridge with a cord manufactured from novel material untested for its ability to withstand weight + gravity + inertia. Because Science!

I said time’s up and pencils down on the Obedience-Prison-Conformity experiment nearly a year ago in this piece:

• “Are You a Good German or a Badass German?” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/are-you-a-good-german-or-a-badass)

Scott Adams’s tone-deaf statement about “winning” and the delusion that he performed “analytics” means he will fail my 20 questions on the next test, forever remaining a Good German until he can acknowledge the root causes of his catastrophic inability to discern between legitimate and fictional threats.

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Exactly. Even if the "hard data" had suggested more people "needed" the vax to survive, there are still a million MORAL reasons for government NOT to do what it did. Now they're paying for those actions (and can't understand why).

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Thank the gods that my parents raised me to have a spine (much to their own chagrin at times).

It honestly baffles me how easily the fear riding over people overrid their own conscious and intuition. Upon looking back, if my own financial situation wasn't secure enough to ensure that I had food and shelter then I too may have gotten a treatment. It was a mixture of divine luck, working with fear, and learning to heed my intuition before the tyranny started that allowed me to pierce the veil. Accessing pf's EUA application and seeing that they weren't promising what they were selling was the first step on what has been a very long journey.


How many people would have been more willing to step up if their families weren't at risk? How many people in those experiments would have been cowed if their families WERE at risk?

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Team MAA vs Team Baa!

I choose you :)

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The Great Persuader succeeded only in persuading himself of his own greatness, which to be fair, he's pretty great at doing.

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LOL. I just made the bungee jumping analogy in my comment before I read yours.

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I (used to) like Scott Adams, but the argument he is making here is arrogant and petty.

Of course, el Gato is right - the decision to call upon yourself and others to lock down, mask and vax up was made out of fear and a rationalization of fear (YOU need to do this to protect ME).

And now that the damage is done, the petulance arises from the shame of having trusted the wrong data - or, more precisely, the wrong people - namely your own kind. That is Dunning-Kruger on steroids on a *personal* scale.

No amount of training whatsoever can save you from what I call the "Fallacy of Assumption"


namely the fact that it is principally impossible for human beings to know if their assumptions are right, which is why you at least have to state them: What you are basing your decisions on are assumptions that are based on signals you do not control (see "Platos's Cave").

Any short-sighted "risk management training" that leaves that out is, as we see, instantly potentially lethal (and that wasn't even necessary - they had ONE job, but they bungled even that one).

And all 'rational arguments' rest on assumptions - which, if wrong, (and their correctness cannot be proven in principle) will throw the argument. No matter how clever you are, it is principally impossible to know if you are right. ONE wrong assumption, and it's over.

Which is why the world was saved by a lonely soviet Russian officer who, on 26 September 1983, decided to distrust the signal he was getting from his own radar system, which showed him a shower of American nukes on the way to the soviet union, and did NOT set off the alarm chain which would had have annihilated the world (and we cannot hope to be so lucky this time).

He died almost forgotten, by the way.

Paradoxically, 'rational grounds' make you a sucker to any kind of belief systems, since there are always at least two sides to an argument, but only one truth. So 'rational grounds' could be, in truth, as we see so often, nothing but a rationalization of selfishness.

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To be honest, going with “everything the government does is stupid and evil” is not a bad baseline to start from. It has served me well for 40 years.

However, I saw through this bullshit (not from the very beginning, but by early April 2020) for a confluence of kinda-accidental reasons that went well beyond that.

1. I did my graduate training, and taught, economics. Not woo-woo Modern Monetary Theory, magical pull-a-government-multiplier-rabbit-out-of-John-Maynard-Keynes-ass economics. The kind of economics where you learn about the real nature of cost, making decisions with imperfect knowledge, and how voluntary mutually beneficial exchange produces far more wisdom than dictates from autocratic ‘experts.’

2. I have spent a long career in medical informatics, public health, and health public policy, and I have known for decades how deeply stupid most people working in these fields really are. You would have to dig deep to find someone more academically mediocre and less intellectually curious than the average MD-PhD on the Harvard Medical School faculty. 95% of the science cadre at CDC are dumber than a bag of hammers. Eric Feigl-Ding came as no surprise to me.

3. I have almost 700 hours acting as pilot in command of small aircraft. Most of flying is risk assessment, management, and mitigation. Not elimination. Risk is never zero, and it has to be constantly reassessed in the light of new information. Sometimes you don’t have a lot of time to make a decision, and you have to act confidently while under a great deal of pressure and experiencing serious fear. But there is a right amount of acting, and too much is as bad or worse than too little.

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“ Risk is never zero”. Thank you for that cogent comment. Please say it over and over again.

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Well said.

There were a lot of reasons I saw through this bullshit. But the foundation was this is WRONG. Morally wrong.

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Scott is so annoying. That’s his superpower now.

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To say nothing of Sam "there aren't enough dead babies in that basement" Harris.

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doesn't say much for a lifetime of meditation

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He's doing it wrong.

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Wait. What? Did Sam Harris really say that? When? Where? Yikes!

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He said something like, the Hunter laptop was irrelevant because even if Biden had a basement full of dead babies Trump was worse because Trump university was a scam or something.

Then he made the remark about how it would have been better if lots of kids had died from COVID, because then people would have been more scared of it, and he would have been correct to demand everyone get forcibly injected with science juice.

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Sam is not too far from saying “I don’t care how many people die, as long as I’m correct!”

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I mean, he sort of did say that

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Yeah he gave an interview on the Triggernometry podcast last year. If you ever wanted to a self declared ultimate rational thinker gleefully descend into the most base, primate tribalism that you was your chance.

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He is a fifth column POS.

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Perhaps not anymore?

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We shall see if the leopard changes his spots. I won't be holding my breath.

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this whole post is essentially a direct reply to adams. he hasn't changed his spots yet.

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I’m (thankfully) not on Twitter. Was Scott a pro lockdown/panic guy?

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Oh yeah. Masks, lockdowns, shots, the whole deal. Plus he tries to make sure anyone who disagrees with him feels very very stupid.

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Humble pie now.

When I watched Scott Adams' twitter vid I noticed he kept repeating himself. When people don't know what to say, but feel they haven't said enough - they just keep repeating themselves.

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right on,samo...it was akin to watching NASCAR...round&round...it would seem a whole bunch of IQ points were siphoned off by Clott's jabs...

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I hope what he said about worrying about his health from now on is true. I hope every morning when he wakes up his first thought is to the poison running through his veins. His life will be a living hell of worrying about the next hammer to drop. Just like what us lepers went through at the hands of him and his covidian cohorts. God teaches people like that - also known as karma.

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@ Napoleon

The God of salvation is not about karma; he's about mercy.

Operative word: REPENT. Proverbs 28:13 ESV Whoever conceals his transgressions will not prosper, but he who confesses and forsakes them will obtain mercy.

PS: Love your dominoes thingy.

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Jan 23, 2023·edited Jan 23, 2023

@ Jeremy F. Clark

You don't have to join Twitter to visit there and/or take links there to see stuff.

You should take the link. This is something you have to see to appreciate.

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Sorry, I missed he posted that link in response. Thanks.

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Which link. Sorry I’m slow

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In the substack where you learned about Scott Adams "awakening" and "you win" statement, there was a video. Just click on that video.

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Jan 23, 2023·edited Jan 23, 2023

@ VeryVer


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Mulder got it right...

“Fear. It’s the oldest tool of power. If you’re distracted by fear of those around you, it keeps you from seeing the actions of those above.”

Agent Fox Mulder, “The X-Files,” “Blood,” 1994.

Well. We’ve certainly witnessed THAT principle in action over the past three years…


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Wife and I have been watching old X-files. Lots of conspiracy stuff they showed turns out to be true. We often look at eachother when it happens and sometimes even record it on my phone. The people that made that show had some pretty deep connections.

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And when you combine fear with propaganda (and people’s inability to recognize that propaganda), watch out. Thirty years ago I used the same paper in a PR class and a psychology class - subject was successful use of nazi propaganda in WW2.

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I was laughing at Scott Adams when he implied that I "just got lucky". There was always data to consider for COVID's lethality (from Italy & Diamond Princess) and then for the vaxxes. How about, "All previous vaccines required at least 7-10 years of testing before being approved. This brand-new tech has had 6 months. Hmmm...what conclusion might I draw?" 🧐🧐🧐

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For me, the test was when the initial fear turned chronic, after which it didn't pass the smell test. Fear's good to get your ass out of harm's way, but not much more than that. Whether a day or a week or a bit longer, if you didn't start questioning it as an unnatural state of mind, you were lost.

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Jan 23, 2023·edited Jan 23, 2023

@ Paul

"...if you didn't start questioning it as an unnatural state of mind, you were lost."

Yep! Lost right over the lemming cliff.

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And yet, there are examples, like Scott Adams, as imperfect as they are, where some degree of waking up (and learning therefrom) is possible.

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Just like an immune response, fittingly enough.

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I recall, when the jab was rolled out and they were like "to the back of the queue, white boy", I was more than happy to take my privilege, get in-line at the back and just wait and see.

I never imagined it would all unravel so quickly. I thought it would be years. Maybe decades. Fucking "experts".

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"People who are not trained in risk management"...Au contraire, I got this one right precisely because I was professionally trained in risk management (Naval aviation safety officer). Chances of a bad COVID outcome as a healthy person after having a natural infection, super super duper low. Chances of a rushed vaccine having unforseen side effects (with any knowledge of all the "too good to be true" drugs/products that have all turned out to be disasters), super super duper high. It wasn't hard unless, as you say, fear overruled critical thinking.

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Covid was a test run for what inevitably lies ahead. More importantly, the powers that be haven’t forgotten how easily people complied with their draconian over reaches. This dystopian nightmare is going to get much worse... 🤦🏻‍♂️

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The dry run was an epic success.

Let's see how unhinged people get when they're convinced you are responsible for killing planet earth.

Lot more than grandma's on the line then...

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At first I wondered if using a Dilbert panel for one of the pics was a coincidence. Then I finished reading.

Worth remembering that fear IS the "rational" response... if there is a legitimate, urgent threat. The problem is, what if an enemy can trick you into thinking there's such a threat? This is ancient Art of War type stuff.

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I can forgive people who were scared and could not see the most obvious scam of all time, but I cannot forgive people who DEMANDED that others get injected with the toxxine, on pain of job loss, no travel, expulsion from military or school, excommunication, etc.

No one is safe with those people in power. They will do it again, and your life is in _serious_ danger from them.

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Indeed, those people are too dangerous to ever trust again.

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Do not comply AND DO NOT FORCE OTHERS TO COMPLY. The second part of that sentence is the most important in defeating tyranny.

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Emily Oster did the same thing as Scott Adams did in her Amnesty article. She attributed anyone getting it right to luck.

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They're science know-nothings.

This one was easy. I saw the bullshit from Day 1 and told everyone who would listen. People told me I was no MD or MPH.


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Same here.

When confronted by Covidians blabbering nonsense about Following The Science™ as related to them by The Experts™, as in days of old when priests would explain bits, but certainly not all, of the Latin Mass to the great unwashed in the vernacular, I would retort with the following quote:

'Have no respect whatsoever for authority; forget who said it and instead look what he starts with, where he ends up, and ask yourself, "Is it reasonable?"'

~ Richard Feynman

Almost without exception, the response was: "Who?".


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And I say to them: 'model that, dickheads'

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Jan 23, 2023·edited Jan 23, 2023

It's like if your friend says, "Should I play Russian Roulette?" and you say, "No, that seems like too much risk for too little reward." Then your friend plays Russian Roulette and loses, and everyone says, "You were right, but you just got lucky. It could have gone a different way." The important thing to remember with this analogy is that even if your friend played and won, you were still right. You were right no matter how things turned out.

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Absolutely. If you play Russian Roulette and win, you have only won a very bad bet. And that is nothing to be proud of, let alone to encourage others to do.

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Ayup. This morning on coffee&covid I was ready to give Scott Adams amnesty. He sounded bitter, but admitted he was wrong.

Then I saw a longer clip of him saying it was guessing, 50/50 & luck.

No, Scott. I didn't graduate summa cum laude in medical lab technology due to luck or guessing. I learned the job & initially gave the gov a pass. I thought "There's something they're not telling us. This must be really bad because they are grasping at straws." I was right & wrong at the same time, & it wasn't long before I knew they were lying through their teeth with masking, lockdowns, & testing.

At first, with the quackcines I was intrigued with the technology. But within a short time I woke up. How long would the artificial mRNA persist? Couldn't find an answer, only hand waving. And then, what if the spike causes the disease.

Worst cases in my 1st 2 questions. And I figured out early on it would cause auto-immune disorders, at the very least.

None of it was guessing. None of it was luck.

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Good read.

FWIW, Milgram was a graduate student of Asch for the social normative experiments, IIRC, and Zimbardo [StanfordPrisonExperiment, funded by the Navy I believe] drew comparisons to AbuGhraib and other incidents in TheLuciferEffect, one of my early reads after leaving the military in 2007 when I was studying for the Psych GRE...again.

Obedience is the easy path to servitude, IMO, and the epitome of irresponsibility if not betrayal of self, and our little culture of lies has gone far enough that it's not only encouraged, but coerced, as the MaskArena & Vaccinistas will try to deny with a little help from the MandelaEffect and some insecure "friends".

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very cool fact. i did not know that.

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I'm not usually the sort, but I sent the video below to someone with a relatively big global audience in the summer of 2020 [Zimbardo discussing Asch].


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"I'm not usually the sort"

How many times did I think that during the past two years? Every time I was told to wear a mask, every fake Lat-flow test I submitted to go to work....

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I'm not usually the sort to say 'I told you so' or 'you've landed in my wheelhouse', but in a culture of insecurity and a democracy of lies, egotism is the only way to avoid getting run over & get paid, not unlike "we're all in this together" was/is an inversion of humanity.

My VA records have me listed as loon because I outlined the DANMASK19 study to a therapist.

My family is relectant to admit how scared they are after having taken the jab despite my outlining the reason not to do so.

The "community" [SEE: communication collective] tore my life-what there was of it after ten years calling out bullshit on economic dvelopments projects that they now know will never pay off-to shreds, including a delayed referral for neurosuregery to keep me from becoming a paralyzed from te neck down [I can walk, barely, but my balance is now shit] because they found their defining moment in COVID.

And now they want to be friends, and can't quite understand why I don't trust them, because everyone makes mistakes and accountability is job last in modern 'Merica.

This is not to advertise for radicalization with TeamG and setup for violence; I will contain my "revenge" to watching them struggle with anything going forward, and content myself with what is distant, filtered, and less unlike me.

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