5 hrs ago·edited 3 hrs agoPinned

substack was having some sort of technical issue this morning and emails did not go out.

the videos should be loaded now and available online or thru the ap (they are not in the email)

click the title of the piece in the email and read it online.

(you should do this anyway as i sometimes update things)

sorry for the inconvenience

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I've got my third email from bad cattitude so far...

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glitchy this morning.

just use the most recent one

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I got three of your emails, 23 minutes apart first to last. For at least one week, I have NOT received notification from Substack of any replies to my comments. I still receive notification of "likes". Is this a change in Substack? If so, why? This discourages conversation. Oh, that may be the intention! Seriously, is anyone else experiencing this problem? Could I have inadvertently changed a setting on my Substack? Any assistance any of you can provide will be appreciated. But please "like" my comment when replying, as I am not notified of replies.

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My “like” button has been disabled for months and months.

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Unbelievable. How do we complain? To whom?

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There is a chat line and I have gotten responses. Just search substack customer service.

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Mine works but I don’t always get full posts from my paid subscriptions. That is really annoying. I have less trouble since I ditched the actual app on all my devices. It goes to a browser and I can edit easily. Plus my paid shows paid. The app sucks.

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I haven't noticed if this has happened to me, but going forward, I will check.

It happened and is happening a lot on Facebook.

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Thanks, Tonya. Abandoned Facebook during Covid in 2021.

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Way before that for me. I started wondering who the hell were all these people I didn’t care a jot for. It was a time dump also. I’m happier.

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They kicked me off in 2021. Started another account. Just got that one kicked off, too.

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"substack was having some sort of technical issue this morning and emails did not go out."

It's the dockworkers' strike. In a job action in sympathy with the dockworkers' union, which opposes automation, the technical staff at Substack is demanding that emails be sent out via Pony Express to create more jobs. 😉

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Improvement? I thought they were using speedy tortoises. Wrong animal.

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Just like a cat....droppings all thru my inbox. Time to put you outside?

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3 hrs ago·edited 2 hrs ago

Were you even paying attention during the whole Cats Exist at a Higher Level than Mere Apex Predator level chats in the last week?

The Cat will decide where and when the droppings will be, um, dropped.

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No worries Gato . . . but your spellcheck seems to have the same glitch with "something" (shows as somehting) as it had with "everything" before you fixed it the other day.

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"Everything" also comes up as everyhting. I think it's just a Gato tick. My cat would always misspell "toe" as "toy", but, after many bitten toes, I eventually realized that it was intentional.

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The spellcheck function on Substack is second rate compared to DuckDuckGo’s; why would that be?

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I got 3 copies! This 3rd copy seems to have all functionality...

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l ran into another glitch but found a circumvention. When I opened this article on substack by clicking on its title in the email, any attempt to see more than the two or three comments resulted in a PAGE NOT FOUND error. The circumvention is to open your top page https://boriquagato.substack.com then select this article. After that, commenting and viewing comments works as expected.

This may be the result of my email's article url implying that it is linking to a draft. I dunno if this is normal or not.

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I ditched the app altogether on all my devices. Much more functionality when opened in my browser. The post goes to the middle opening that is the browser preliminary look see. I push the little circle up on the top right and it opens neatly in my browser. . I got 2 emails. They both worked. No glitches in my paid and not paid. Plus edit is easier. It does what I want anyway.

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No worries. I just wanted to let u know.

I got new email now, but still won't load.

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the email does not have the videos. i think they were too big.

click the through and read it on the website

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Lucky me, I got 3!

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“ it’s like someone did a gain of function experiment on patrician stupidity and entitlement, slapped a politician haircut on top, jolted the neck bolts to life, and sent it tottering down the hill towards some unsuspecting heiress.”

I mean, c’mon! Does writing get better than that?? Certainly not more vivid and hilarious!!

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and this line:

“consensus” in the context of a society is a shibboleth for “someone is about to get railroaded.”


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This was an awesome post. Very succinct with humor what these robots are doing. Kerry—what an entitled twat. He must have his crown polished every night before his jet leaves in the morning from his airstrip.

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I would rather torch the media and deep state

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20 years ago, we had an election between two Yale skull and bones men - Kerry and Bush. Now we finally have a real opposition party. We’ve come a long way, but still a long way to go…

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did you get this as an email?

it seems like the system is not working this morning. i'm not seeing a copy in my in box

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I did get your email at 9:45am ET, but there is a problem with the link to like in the email. Let me know if you want more specifics.

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i took the old ones down as they did not appear to send.

this should be the only live one, but you need to use the site or the app to watch the videos

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Yes. Exactly

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Yes. 3rd one works perfectly

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But 3 on a match is bad luck.

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Use a lighter 😎

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Sent this to you as a DM, but also posting here in case others find it helpful:

Hey EGM - I received the same post in 3 emails from you at 945, 959, and 1008. Substack confirmed a system error. Recommend subscribing to this site for updates: https://substack.statuspage.io/

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Got the email fine.

The email is linked to hte list of entries, not the actual article. But the actual article is *listed* on the page of entries first, so you just have to click on the article at the top of the list and you are good to go (at least I was).

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I don't think you're going to get as much participation if the videos aren't working.

Might want to take a look at that

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are the videos working now?

they work for me if i read the piece on the website

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I would never abandon the Gato over a faulty video!

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But I tells ya, it was touch and go there for a minute until that third email dropped.

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I got both as an email. Both opened smartly in my browser because I have ditched the actual app on all devices. Editing is easy. All likes there and my paid and unpaid is not screwed up. This post was so awesome I am making sure I can get my paws on it always. Might cat bat it out to some friends. 😸😽😻

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Mine came as email

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Got it.

An email so nice, received it thrice.

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Got email. Opened in the Substack app just fine at 10:30 EDT.

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I got the email about 7:50 MT, but the comment button at the bottom didn't work correctly.

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have you tried clicking the title and reading this piece online?

videos seem to work there

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All good now. But, no it wasn't working in app or online.

Going to read the article now. Thx for fixing

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On the other hand, those who would allow the government to use the bully pulpit to enforce "consensus" are many. Here are the thoughts of one who has tenure for life.

"My biggest concern," said Supreme Court Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson on Monday, "is that your view has the First Amendment hamstringing the government in significant ways."

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The fact that a person with that view of the Constitution could actually ascend to the court that makes determinations about whether laws are constitutional or not is troubling.

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It's a crisis of confidence. If _we_ are capable of applying the Constitution better than an Ivy-educated JD, of what value are her credentials?

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Her “credentials” are really her “indoctrination.” Ivy-educated is Ivy-indoctrinated. It’s just more consensus. “Historically, the claim of consensus has been the first refuge of scoundrels...”

— Michael Crichton

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Proof beyond the shadow of a doubt that she should never, ever even been allowed near the Supreme Court.

And yet, here we are.

God help us.

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Consensus the way they use it is tyranny.

Would be nice if we could agree on core values like:

1. Do unto others

2. Honesty, integrity

3. Accountability

4. No lying, cheating, stealing, killing

5. Courage

6. Commitment

For example: The Marine Corps Values

Honor: This is the bedrock of our character. It is the quality that empowers Marines to exemplify the ultimate in ethical and moral behavior: to never lie, cheat, or steal; to abide by an uncompromising code of integrity; to respect human dignity; and to have respect and concern for each other. It represents the maturity, dedication, trust, and dependability that commit Marines to act responsibly, be accountable for their actions, fulfill their obligations, and hold others accountable for their actions.

Courage: The heart of our Core Values, courage is the mental, moral, and physical strength ingrained in Marines that sees them through the challenges of combat and the mastery of fear, and to do what is right, to adhere to a higher standard of personal conduct, to lead by example, and to make tough decisions under stress and pressure. It is the inner strength that enables a Marine to take that extra step.

Commitment: This is the spirit of determination and dedication within members of a force of arms that leads to professionalism and mastery of the art of war. It promotes the highest order of discipline for unit and self and is the ingredient that instills dedication to Corps and country 24 hours a day, pride, concern for others, and an unrelenting determination to achieve a standard of excellence in every endeavor. Commitment is the value that establishes the Marine as the warrior and citizen others strive to emulate.

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You have nicely laid out all that they want to destroy.

And a pretty good job has been completed thus far.

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Thank you, BEFisher525. Agreed. Staggering to see the damage they have done so far.

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The one thing I'm grateful about is that John Kerry and his fellow wannabee censors are too stupid not to say these things out loud. How anyone can still be willing to support these people after they self-incriminate themselves is beyond me.

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Maybe because NO one will hear what he said? (courtesy media ignoring).

Isn't that what is happening now - at all levels?

What else could explain all the Harris signs?

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I know some people who will lap it up, but they think they are part of the "correct" ones who won't be silenced.

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Dear John & Katherine;

You had 99.999% of the radio, print, TV & internet under your censorship control. If you can't make that work then you are royally screwed. All it took to break through your wall of censorship was one small outpost on the internet called Substack. If that is all it takes then how do you plan to deal with the peer to peer networks like TOR & Qortal?

I leave you with the BEST Hitler Rant EVER - "And then there was Substack. How could we have not captured that platform like all the others. Free speech and truth." - ROTFLMAO


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You had me at "gain of function experiment on patrician stupidity and entitlement."

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5 hrs ago·edited 5 hrs ago

🤌 chef's kiss

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Pretty astonishing what Salon - which Paglia co-founded and wrote for - has become. It's essentially now a rushing sewer of cultural Marxist shit that has no shut-off valve. I would say it's self-parody but parody implies *some* level of self-awareness.

And Maher is a CIA cut-out, full-stop. A vile, empty shell of a skinsuit masquerading as a human being.

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When they say "unity" they mean "conformity." When they say "consensus," they mean "unquestioning consent." That's all anyone needs to know.

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I'm not going to fit in well in this new paradigm...

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I'd wear that like a badge of honor.

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Anyone else think Walz and Kerry look like Fester and Lurch from the Addams Family?

I'm from the UK and so i can only (vainly) hope we ever get the constitutional protections enjoyed in the US - but for how much longer?

Lurch's speech at the World Enslavement Forum was remarkable. It was basically "why can't WE be more like non-democratic countries?"

Note the point where he emphasised it was democracies *in particular* that were having problems in not believing the shite (sorry, the consensus) dished out by governments.

I simply do not understand at this stage after Walz, Harris, Brown Jackson and now Kerry have all intimated they want to weaken the 1st Amendment, how people still consider them to be the 'protectors' of democracy.

If the US falls to these tyrannical arseholes in November, then God help us all.

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The people who side with them think that they themselves are part of the club, that it's "us" (elites and lefties) against "them" (stupid conservatives).

They don't realize that it is actually "us" (elites) against "them" (the entire population they want to rule over.)

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"Anyone else think Walz and Kerry look like Fester and Lurch from the Addams Family?"

Creepy? Check!

Mysterious? Check?

Spooky? Kooky? Altogether Ooky? Check, Check, and Check!

It Checks Out.

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I never thought there could be an emptier suit than Kamala Harris. But yes, John Kerry is the "winner."

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*Gina Raimondo has entered the chat*

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"Doug Emhoff" and "masculinity" should never be used in the same book, let alone the same sentence. No offense to cats, but the guy is a total pussy.

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Consensus is a shut up word. plain and simple.

One used to be worried about conspiracy theorists - no we should all be terrified of the consensus theorist.


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“a shut up word”

Love that ~ so perfect!

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How in the world could I have ever thought john kerry was a decent human? I must have been delusional

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And also, isn’t one of his step sons one of Hunter Bidens business partners?? Let me affix my Jiffy Pop turban on my head and say , I don’t think it’s totally unreasonable to conclude that all these elderly hucksters warning us of totalitarian doom and gloom are simply doing so to cover their desperate corrupt asses.

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And to somehow guarantee that their increasingly nincompoop children can have the same benefits they did requires ever more control over the narrative!

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Right… and where will this Exclusive Enclave of these Extra Special Elites be located? They best hone some survival skills cuz I’m not enabling that scenario!

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"Jiffy Pop turban"

I love this

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Those magical silver turbans of Pop Corn washed down with a bottle of Coca Cola were quite the Saturday Night Treat way back when…

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Jiffy Pop was fun. My kids loved when we'd make it over the camp fire.

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We lived in Switzerland. My Dad worked for an American Defense contractor so he had Army Base PX privileges in Germany… he’d return home with American delicacies like Jiffy Pop, M &Ms and Vernon’s Ginger Ale… it was like winning the Lottery!

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Ever since the Taibbi speech, I've been wondering about Kerry- who has been off my radar for the better part of a decade now. I remember his supposed opposition to war and how he was somewhat involved in the anti-war movement. Now he is pro-eternal war and the old anti war movement is no longer to be seen. Intelligence agency mole comes to mind... and the willingness to arrest old people standing in front of their congressperson's office holding candles and singing kumbaya, which a great number of 'anti war' dems did almost in lockstep back in those years..

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