Looks to me like they're adopting the covid model of bullshit. This is what The Swamp does -- it seeps into everything.

A hilarious skit about food advice:


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Nutrition science was the original COVID science so I'd rather say the pandemic experts adopted the food model. You're not wrong though. It's the same mess of bad methods/data and worse incentives.

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Look at how the food pyramid worked out. All I see is bipedal food pyramids.

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Yep. I grew up looking at that pyramid every day while waiting for lunch.

Then they just said "oops, our bad" and yanked the whole thing.

Probably contributed to my "authority doesn't know WTF they are doing" attitude.

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My awakening was that during wrestling season we would "cut" weight and the coaches would swear that eating a diet of grapes and diet coke was the only way I was gonna make weight on Saturday's.

What they didn't know is that I would stare at the dog food bowl like it was full of twinkies. I'm serious.

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I remember a couple of the super hardcore guys walking around in plastic trying to sweat out that last pound.

I played basketball, myself.

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I woke up Saturday mornings IN plastics and then would go to the sauna.

I was a late developer. My junior year was my "spurt". I wrestled at 112 lbs, but started the season at 128 lbs. and then grew 5 inches during the season. It was awful. The next year I wrestled 167.

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Plastic jogging suits. Ah, memories!

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yup. https://sagehana.substack.com/p/dolts-botching-shit-a-case-summary

Don't have to read article. I just like the Title 🥰😆

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I'd like to be able to blame my "authority doesn't know WTF they are doing" attitude on similar circumstances. The thing is, I just never really trusted them, almost without reason. (Now that I actually have reason, it's so rewarding!)

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Yes! You're in fine fettle today Sir.

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I owe the fine fettle to having the mettle that comes from knowing how to check the temperature of a fine steak with your fingers.

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It took me forever to learn that. I stayed away from steak lines though and focused on pastry (LOL). I can get pretty close nowadays unless the cut is weird.

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And don't forget; meat cooks for roughly 5 minutes after you take it off the grill.

It's all feel. If you feel like you're over doing it...you are.

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I like my steak blue. Just a slow walk in a warm kitchen is sufficient to get it in the "perfect" zone.

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Here is the thing about failed public health policy. It was never the policy that was bad. It was clearly the uncooperative, non compliant that spoiled the outcome. Clearly the problem was we didn't' do enough of what didn't work and the only thing left is to do more of what didn't work.

You took the vaccine and got COVID anyway? It's because not everyone took the vaccine. Here, take another booster. The vaccine didn't prevent you from getting sick because the virus mutated. So take another does of the same chemical that didn't prevent you from getting sick.

You can find this pattern in all aspects of public policy, especially when "health" or "safety" or the ominous "greater good" are invoked as justifications.

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Actually the pandemic experts used the pharmaceutic model of statins. The Bayh -Dole Act took academic researchers out of the world of research for science and social gain and allowed them to commercialize their research for personal gain. They wrote papers using pharma data (not independent) often manipulating subgroups or eliminating #s that didn't support their defined outcome only for the drug companies to pay them through reprints.

Just like the pandemic.

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Health sCare, cuz $

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Was that Bitch Bayh or his son, Even?

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Let's define a guideline that assures we sell drugs by constantly changing the target. We make these guidelines mandatory by threatening physicians with license revocation if they don't enforce the "guideline". The remaining "problem" is the patient: some obstinate patients challenge the guideline with pesky questions. The next step is simple: you deny health care to patients unless they follow your guideline which means take the drug to hit the target number.

Did that with COVID - take the vaccine or you won't get admitted. Soon will be the hammer to sell statins: if your number isn't at the magic target (which we will lower as soon as sales lag), whatever happens is YOUR FAULT.

The trend in this diet advice is exactly this: when the outcome is bad it is the patients fault. The tragedy is that real diagnosis doesn't happen and real causes are not found.

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In the UK, one of the biggest Covid zealots (and official adviser to the Scottish government) is Devi Sridhar. And what was her specialism pre-covid? Yep -- nutritional science.

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100% I figured this out when I worked in Canada at the Food and Animal Research Centre. They always push food propaganda depending on who sponsors their study. All complete bullshit.

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Food Science and smoking. I noticed how much the Covid Science! reports sounded like the sort of reports that told me smoking was bad.

Food science is the new Temperance and Morality movement for people without temperance or morality.

I think there is a difference though. The Original Temperance momvenent was based around the fact that drunks are not productive workers. Today however, the food suggestions hide the fact that inflation has made the standard beefsteak meal out of the reach of a lot of moderately successful workers.

Also, for the first six months or so, it seemed that all those things that are disapproved of in society today also seemed more likely to make Covid worse. Since I had looked at the public health releases on the Spanish flu and noted how the whole "these things make you sicker" were really similar to the points put out for the Temperance movement at the time, it stuck out.

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I seriously have friends who have beaten cancer and diabetes by mindful ingestion of organic meats with plenty of veg and low carbs (mostly brown rice, buckwheat or other whole cereal grains). One guy goes out every day to his property (not that big) and harvests a salad from edible native greens.

This study and the paid shills promoting it are full of shit. I'd love to get my 70+ year old survivors to jeer at them.

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Same bullshit, different subject.

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Backwards. The COVID model of bullshit was inspired by the dietary model of bullshit.

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Here's a recent video on John Harvey Kellogg, by Dr. Shawn Baker (one of many carnivore MD's) and the start of "nutrition science."

In it you will learn things you wish you never knew but it just may motivate you to throw out that box of cereal in your cupboard.


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Funny video.

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How did those people get into my kitchen?

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There should be a version of this video where the WEF Klaus Schlob guy comes out of the time portal and says "You will eat bugs, you will own nothing, you will be happy...and ve need to see your papers."

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That was awesome! :-)

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Great find, SC!!

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"the studies are junk, the data is worse, and it’s nearly all paid for by people with axes to grind and forgone conclusions to support." Bingo, right on the money, bullseye, give the man a cigar! You know those two pointed teeth on your upper jaw, called canine teeth? We have those because we are CARNIVOROUS. We are by nature MEAT EATERS! And last time I was in the market, beef was displayed on the meat counter. The leftists bad mouthing RED MEAT are radical communists out to destroy our traditional culture, and thus, capitalism. And if red meat is so bad, why then since we eat more than ever in our history, are we living LONGER than ever in our history? These are the same totalitarian radicals who claim America is racist, evil, rotten to the core, but cannot explain why we are being overrun by "brown, black, and yellow" people who are risking their lives and spending their life savings to get across our unfortunately open border.

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The bullshit has been going on since way before Covid. Decades. A century.

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incorrect, it's the other way round: the covid bullshit take a page out of the nutrition "science" playbook

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Hilarious skit…and oh, so true!

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The day they come for my medium rare filet is the day I storm the capital.

Hope ya'll support me in my Food Coupass!

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Gato, let us know when you found Gatomaloland. I cannot bear this avalanche of bullshit much longer. I am moving as soon as you give the word.

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But then you'll rot in jail for 5 years.

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Did you see the news about Tucker Carlson?

I guarantee him reporting the TRUTH about J6 was part of the reason he parted ways with Fox.

That and maybe him making fun of masks and calling BS on the vaxx.

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Yeah, Bongino now Tucker! Who's next 🤔? Looking like they have to trim some salaries to pay that lawsuit.

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It's just a purge imo. He was hitting a little too close to home for the suits to tolerate

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Bongino said it was just about his contract, so that's why I thought they were purging salaries. I also heard that Hannity might be in trouble too. I guess we'll find out soon enough huh? I'm dying to hear if Tucker is gonna talk about this at all.

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What I'm saying is it's doubtful it was contractual or financial because it happened over the weekend with no announcement. He had his show Friday and then...

I suspect there was some principle he was standing on - or some line the suits determined he crossed.

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Me too.

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BS, I'll bust him out.

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Easy Hoss, them's prison words for the Dem Dimwits.

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Soy army is formidable?

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It is almost like shitting yourself at the Vatican.

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are you feeling any better? I know last time we "talked" you were having a health issue.

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Well, a few months of chemo to go... hemlock is overrated.

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The Soiled Pants Army - Beware

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And spoiled

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Only to the extent they pay unscrupulous soylent thugs to to their bidding.

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I know who you mean. Rosenbaum, Huber, Grosskreutz

🔥Tyson James: Rittenhouse (2:34 mins)🔥 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bHAAA9gcso0

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Rittenhouse Pedophile Purification Patrol taking on the Moloch Mob.

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I continue to play “opposites” with regards to most government and alphabet industry advice. Stick to real, whole organic foods: meat, fish, veggies & fruit. Nothing that needs to be marketed!😆

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Should you be a bake-your-own bread type (as I have been since 8th grade in 1964) I can suggest Janie's Mill--a regenerative ag farm (thus obviously 'organic') producing stone-ground flour et al. in Ashkum Ill.

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There have been many public pronouncements lately about “red pilled” moments. Mine probably started in early 2018 when I started Keto, then moving over to “carnivore” later that year (for digestive and other autoimmune issues).

It was my introduction to biohacking (“ancestral health”). It is how I knew the pandemic was BS a few weeks in. It was where I really started to question mainstream narratives.

I am still mostly carnivore, for health, for vitality (not ideology, of any kind). Red meat (ruminant) is a true super good.

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Claiming red meat causes diabetes is HILARIOUS. The authors should check in with South Asians aka Indians, who have one of the highest rates of metabolic syndrome in the world. And... most are vegetarian and those who are not do NOT eat red meat.

But facts never get in the way of the eat-bugs tyrants

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The sugar consumption in the subcontinent is just a wonder.

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I watched a lot of Australian MasterChef on the internet and they featured a lot of cooking from southeast Asian countries: India, Thailand, Vietnam epsecially. I was surprised at the amount of sugar used in the cuisine when I'd always heard that their diets were 'soooo healthy'. BS meter goes boing!

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In the frontier areas of Pakistan, any man above poverty level eventually looks like he's permanently seven months' pregnant. Sugary tea, sweets for every occasion, and throughout the subcontinent they all love to drink soda.

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I think they handle it cause most of them are eating only twice a day.

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Also shouldn't go unnoticed that largely vegetarian Indians eat plenty of bugs as "bycatch" in those admittedly tasty lentil dishes.

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No, no. The hours one spends cleaning the dal before cooking.

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Thanks--I did not know that S Asia has high rate of MS. I did understand that when Asians immigrated to USA and begin to eat diets of higher protein, their children grew much taller.

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That poor boy at the end.

Anyway--any nutritional listing with kale as the very bestest choice goes into the woodchipper without even a short brief rest in the trash pile.

My poor mother believed all of this nonsense going back 50 years and lived on margarine, fake cheese, egg whites and the like, plus statins. The one intervention that worked was me supplying her with a grandchild. Transformed her life and extended it two decades.

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This is ridiculous. Red meat and fat are used by functional medicine drs to cure diabetes

I have mast cell degranulation. The only foods I can eat without triggering anaphylaxis is red meat and fat, and white potatoes.

I’ve been constantly losing weight but the only thing that stops me losing weight is only eating red meat and fat.

The human metabolism requires animal fat to maintain normal function. Animal fat is also used for signalling processes in the brain. It’s what our brain uses to maintain sound brain function and processes and no other food can do this

People all round the world with autoimmune disorders find all their symptoms disappear on a red meat and fat diet.

If red meat is outlawed as our western govts seem to be pushing for it will result in disaster.

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I saw a video where Mikhaila Peterson talked about an all meat diet curing her long standing health issues.

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Yes she has a Facebook page called the Lion diet. I don’t think she’s actually aware of the true nature of her health issues though.

She has an orthopaedic implant like me and if she got the Melisa test I believe she would find her symptoms are caused by the implant and she is susceptible to type 4 allergies to metals. Just like me. I’ve asked around in her group on Facebook and most of them seem to have orthopaedic implants too or dental work.

I’m suffering from a reaction to the alumina in bone cement. It’s also caused bad cardiac issues and I get out of breath just by lifting something. Exertion

In February I got a white composite dental filling removed and replaced it with a saremco ceramic composite filling. This was to try mitigate the harm caused by the bone cement in my spine. It worked. My pulse rate returned to 60 and my blood pressure returned to normal and had no more breathlessness or cardiac symptoms

Then in March I had to get holes filled in my top front 6 teeth with ceramic composites. New fillings not replacements I was worried that would bring the cardiac issues back. And they did come back with a vengeance

In the next few weeks I get the last four standard white composite fillings removed and replaced with saremco ceramic composites. This will get rid of my cardiac symptoms again.

If Mikayla got her implant removed all her symptoms would go away anyway and she could eat what she wanted. But obviously it may not be able to be removed.

I think most people’s bad health is caused by foreign objects like dental work and implants but propaganda from their drs has made them think they would be crazy to suspect a pharmaceutical implant as the cause of their bad health because they are safe and effective

People allow themselves to be corrupted with false claims when it’s the dr dishing them out but in isolation, govt and pharmaceutical industry propaganda does not stand up to logic at all. Their brains have been trained to ignore logic

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She hasn’t cured them. She has mitigated them. The diet works well for her because her body is not functioning correctly due to the metal implant. But sticking to her diet could very easily cause problems for other people who don’t have implant allergy. I think she is starting to realise that

We should eat what our body tells us to eat

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Yes. they are called ESSENTIAL Amino Acids for a reason. Hominids used to scrape by on carcass left-overs and bone marrow. They left their mark via Obsidian napping on bones (seen in fossil records).

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That’s really interesting. You gotta wonder what made them decide to forage on carcasses. I think it’s because our body knows what we need and directs us to seek it out. Our instincts are still vital for our survival just like it was for those early hominids. But too many ignore their inner wisdom in the modern world. And those people are suffering the consequences. Our gut feeling tells us if we are following advice that is contrary to our instinct. But too many allow themselves to be bullied or coerced into ignoring it.

We shouldn’t even have to be talking about what foods are good for us or bad for us because we were born with that knowledge already. It’s just that people stopped listening to themselves

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It's Multifactorial;

-Population/Resource pressures of primates in the Jungles

-Volcanic activity in East Africa

-Fear of predators

-Greater Energy demands of big brain (smaller mandible)

-tool development - the Obsidian Knap

and I only took 1 class. I'm sure there's a few factors I missed. Any Paleo-Anthropologists here?

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My body tells me to eat ice cream. 😉😊😋

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Sometimes our body does tell us to eat ice cream or even drink Coca Cola but that doesn’t mean our body needs those things. It means there’s something in them your body needs.

It doesn’t mean it’s the best way to get those things your body needs in that moment though

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I just love ice cream. I'd rather eat that than anything else.

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thank you. awesome post.

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Yes - it's especially maddening that the push for less / no meat is happening as millions (billions?) more people are getting autoimmune disease. Can be caused by various things, but their poisoning via injection (and also infection even without injection) - is making a huge tide of autoimmunity. Scary time for food animals to be getting mRNA...

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Metals are the biggest factor. The pharmaceutical industry have had a very long campaign to deny metals are harmful as it could ruin them if it became widely known

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That disaster is what "they" want.

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The poor dog.

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Maybe if they gave the dog a choice.......


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That one's better than your above video!

We had a big German Shepherd many years ago. Dogs. like. meat.

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IKR?! No dog should be vegan. Mine will eat a few veggies, usually cooked, but they get dog food (we can't afford meat for ourselves most times) and some meat on occasions.

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Our (late) dog once embarrassed us at a farmers market over his dislike of veggies. This very nice lady who sold homemade dog biscuits offered him a “veggie treat”, and he actually turned his head away! 😂🤣. This was a guy who would happily chow down on bits of dead bird he found by the roadside, but veggies: no. I apologized, explained his position, and she offered him a meat flavored treat instead, which he gobbled down happily.

OTOH, I did fool him into eating carrots once -- they had been slow cooked for 8 hours in a fabulous lamb stew. I’m pretty sure he thought he was eating lamb...

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Our first dog, when I was a little kid, LOVED raw carrots. We said he thought they were orange bones. 😂

Edited to correct typo. 😒

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Check out the great book "Dogs, Dog Food, and Dogma". The pet food industry is exactly paralleling Big Food and Big Pharma.

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Oh, yeah. Be very aware of Purina. It's also the veterinary industry. They are no better than human doctors. Shots/drugs, needed or not, because they increase the bottom line.

Who wrote the book you mentioned?

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the gato malo has surpassed himself for brilliant, evocative phraseology today!

"clever marketing by glossolalia generator to find unoccupied venn intersects to politicize"

"the unerring noses of truffle hounds for pseudoscience and misattribution"

Give the cat a (meat) treat!

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Perfect for the obligate carnivores they are.

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So well written! Me, woman 63 years, total carnivore almost 3 years never felt better. All autoimmune issues gone. Body pain gone. Ability to love exercise up 100% Pain after hard physical work, hardly there. Broke the top of my tibia 2.5 years ago, bad break and various bad knee tendon, ligaments and foot parts sprains. Found out had a complete loss of chondra coveringl in many parts of knee from an MRI at the time of the accident. Knee now almost back to perfect. Meat is not addictive it just nourishes.

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That poor vegan dog . . .

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Red meat is the healthiest food there is and type 2 diabetes is easily cured with a carnivore diet.

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Just ask the Maasai…

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Didn't Matt Walsh talk to the Maasai? lolol

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Only the trans kids.

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We need organ meat, too, not just muscle meat. Hunter-gatherers preferentially eat the organs first. And the fat.

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When I was in grad school I met the Nobel Prize winner that worked out the dark phase of photosynthesis. He committed that he thumbed through the NRC Nutrient requirements of Beef Cattle and said it contained better information on nutrition that any book he’d seen on human nutrition. Always stuck with me.

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Unfortunately more and more we are feeding beef cattle (and all animals really) less than ideal foodstuffs. But to be fair we are trying to feed more livestock on less land for cheaper, and you can’t do that with a free range organic model.

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That's something I've never seen any of these food studies address. They never compare grain-fed feedlot beef to natural, grass-fed beef. It makes a difference!

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We need to remember that old warning expression:

"I'm from the government and I'm here to help."

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When it comes to red meat, I believe the phrase "from my cold, dead hands" may adequately summarize my response to the globalist cricket dealers.

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Same “modeling” for so-called COVID & climate change. It’s really getting tiresome. Haven’t they beaten this to death yet?

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Not if enough useful idiots keep buying into their lies.

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I know, & we seem to be outnumbered

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