More from the trenches of an upscale very blue area: two local grocery chains went mask optional, including for employees (thank goodness). Amazing to walk in and see essentially all the employees with no masks, and essentially every customer with mask on. Must be very bewildering to the virtue signalers, although that would assume they have some capacity for self-reflection. The class divide is so apparent, and it's so clear the continued mask-wearing is status-signaling. But I think it's on the verge of seeming so silly they won't be able to continue. Also you can feel the frustration, they want to signal "I'm vaccinated!" but they can't figure out how!
Well, I don’t know. I live in Boston, definitely not one of the fancy neighborhoods, and there’s still a huge number of people masked outdoors. It’s definitely not a class thing down here, but we *were* one of the neighborhoods where the mayor sent trucks with loudspeakers to drive around and scold us about all the dangers of COVID in multiple languages. So maybe people are still frightened? Dunno. It’s quite sad to see.
I live in MA and can vouch for this 110%. I had an interesting conversation with my plumber during our home renovation about Sweden's approach to C19. Then I drive through Wellesley and 30-40-something lululemon ladies are STILL jogging outside with facemasks on. I don't want to hear another word about the supposedly "educated" upscale suburbs here...
el gato malo, aside from what you say: the liberal schools have affirmative action curricula and every 'player' gets a trophy as long as they can borrow the tuition and fees....
Excellent. I have yet to meet any kinda of "worker" who gives too poops about masks or COVID. Not auto mechanics, not pest controllers, not contractors, not delivery guys, not farmers, not anyone who has ever worked a hard dangerous job, or relied on a "mask" to protect them from paint, sawdust, chemicals or cow manure. (they know masks don't "work.")
So yesterday, in Vermont, I went to the Tractor Supply store and no one was wearing a mask. Presumably all the farmers, Trump voters and other "rednecks" were fully vaccinated. Meanwhile, over at the "Healthy Granola Food Co-op," it was 90% mask-wearing. Funny, I'd figure that "those people" woulda all got vaxxed? Or else they are are worried someone from the pestilence-ridden Tractor Supply store might come over and contaminate them? The Gov still has not removed the mask mandate, as he wants "80% of the people with at at least one shot" before he does so. However, he says, per the CDC, that the fully vaccinated do not need masks. OK. And so the purpose of the mandate is to...encourage (?) that last little bit of people to get a vaccine so that they can finally take their masks off, even though the same people who never wore masks are the same people who will never get vaccinated? And how do any of these arbitrary rules and distinctions prevent disease? And what if we never get to 80%? Mask rules forever?
We're still focussed on the what and not the why or the who.
This virus has an IFR of 0.15% for all ages and an IFR of 0.03% for age 70 and under. While the original outbreaks in Wuhan, northern Italy, and NYC were scary (and, really, what happened?) soon became clear that they were the outliers not the norm.
The PCR cycle threshold was set very high to obfuscate the data about infections and deaths. The way in which C19 deaths were counted was changed. Per the CDC, about 5% of those who died had C19 as their only cause of death. The remaining 95% had on average four co-morbid conditions or causes of death.
The SARS-CoV-2 virus has never been isolated from a human being. We really have no idea what the PCR tests detect.
Has anyone seen reliable all cause death in the US for 2020? I keep hearing from people in other countries that they saw no excess deaths. The people who died from/with C19 would likely have died from something else during the year. Did the US have excess mortality and how much was caused by the virus...not the reaction? Did an 85-year-old with dementia, heart disease, end stage renal failure, and a +PCR really die of C19?
They convinced medical doctors (presumably intelligent and accomplished) with lots of letters after their names to demonstrate how to wipe down grocery bags to prevent the spread.
While we were a divided people before this "pandemic", they further divided us...masks/no masks...shutdowns/no closures/no school closures...and now injections/no injections.
Why did they attempt to destroy society for a virus that is less worrisome that the average yearly flu for most people?
And who, exactly, are they?
We keep talking like this is over. I don't think it is.
They haven't quite given up their attempt to implement the "vaccine passports". They're still pushing injections on children and babies. There tenderizing the masses with stories about the scariants and boosters for the fall. I saw a post on Fakebook this morning about injecting newborns, so I called them out as the demons they are.
Someone...lots of someones...are behind this. They know the virus isn't that dangerous. They know children and infants are at low risk for infection and transmission. They know the injections are hurting and killing a large number of people.
And yet they persist.
Greed, hubris, avarice, tribalism, group think do not make sense of this.
It was a plan. And they're not done with us.
Have you ever read about the Georgia Guidestones? We can laugh at Schwab or Gates and the other psychopathic billionaires...but they have money and power and influence...
People in the States are being lulled into thinking this is over. I don't see anywhere else in the world that has the foot stepping off the throat. In fact, the exact opposite. Germany is imposing a strict vaccine passport, as is the EU now. Victoria Aus just went into another lockdown. Malayasia too. Vietnam has put into place compulsory testing. Even Tanzania is now starting to lock down its borders (I will have to get out of here if it gets too bad but right now its still like 2019 inside the country), and the UK's BBC is still on full blast propaganda, with June 21st as the carrot for opening. India, I mean, wtf.
"i don’t mean this in the “the left/elites tried to take over the world” sense (though to be sure some of that went on)."
Again, this seems to ignore what is actually going on outside the US. There is most definitely a global orchestration-- that's why we had 193 countries simultaneously lockdown last March. This may just be a Phase II that CJ Hopkins wrote about happening, with this coming Winter to be the real hammer.
If the scientists and doctors who have been warning against the injections are correct...and, sadly, they have been so far...the coming fall and winter might be terrible. Their biggest concern with these injections is antibody enhanced disease, which they expect will be used to scare people into booster injections.
I hope they're wrong. They hope they're wrong. But they haven't been so far.
We are in a sense protected in the US because of our distributed form of government. We must keep pushing, so the calmer, saner voices prevail. Some Republicans have introduced legislation to ban "vaccine" passports. Some governors/states have banned them.
You may be interested in these videos. Dr. Peter McCullough created the first treatment protocol for ambulatory C19 to keep people out of hospital.
McCullough testimony at the Texas State Senate a few months ago:
Thanks for the links. I will check those out. In India, right after the local elections, they ramped up testing to reinstitute a scare, as many were out and about during Kumbh Mela. But they also ramped up vaccines at the same time. The tipping point was when the Health Minister went on TV to show him getting the injection, only to die two days later. The gov't lost control of the narrative and mass hysteria took over, which is typical for there. They let in alt medicines to calm it back down, but I think they're on the verge of riots if this continues.
live in 1st town over border in nh. we been open nearly a year. our restaurants were crowded while ma was needlessly closed.
i have live in biden voting karen: anti right 'authority' [tes calls it agency] is always right, data don't matter, individual liberty is scaring her, when i open subject of extreme low probability fears, i am being mean, i do that when i need some free time.....
the cambridge 'elite' are basket weaving degreed with no prospects and $150k in student loans. none could tell a second derivative 'implied' from a 5 sigma out event that scares them to death.
When the media has been fully integrated into special services and espionage organizations (way, way past Operation Mockingbird, folks), you can do anything you damn well please. Here's a great example: K walking up a flight of airplane stairs with all the saluting and security. Only they made a mistake and showed that there is no airplane. All theater. We live in a post-truth world.
Yes, the mask mandates in MA went away over the weekend, but the kids are still required to wear them in school. Makes zero sense. People still wearing masks while driving alone! Then again, I can't swing un gato muerto without hitting a white liberal in my town (refer to graph above).
friend sent a notice from a ma health care provider, they still require you be masked bc: frail pts, who should all be vaxxed, and the kiddies can't get it bc vax is worse than the lab leak bug and the kiddies do not spread it.......
i do not use that particular provider, my next foray to a routine in ma is end of july which will be cancelled with comment if they continue to require face diapers......
Gato: kindly review "The Liberal Mind: The Psychological Causes of Political Madness" by Lyle Rossiter. (warning: it is longwinded and difficult to get through). He touches on the issues referenced in your essay. I cannot vouch for the scientific accuracy of his work, but, a fair reading would point a normal person to look in a certain direction to discover the cause of the political madness we suffer through today. I believe you have hit the "nail on the head" with the control analysis. But to keep it as simple as possible, I might add that the primary cause of this madness is narcissism. The reasons for opting for the paternalistic state as referenced in Category #1 listed above are classic symptoms of people who would be considered to be "covert/introverted" narcissists. Category #2 would be the "overt/grandiose" narcissist. While i am referring mainly to personality types, to a certain degree, both types of people may or may not have a full blown case of narcissistic personality disorder. They are definitely on the spectrum. Type #1 is neurotic, has fomo, and hence is jealous of other people, therefore want others to be as miserable as they are. Type#2 is malignant, bordering on psychopathy. Regardless, both live in their "own" world and want to make the rest of the world conform to "their own" fantasyland, because they can't control the real world, but can control theirs (or their delusion of what is their world).
They are truly damaged people. That is not to say there are no conservatives that are on the narcissism spectrum, but those folks seem to have a different world view (one that focuses more on their own individuality and independence). I would argue that being a narc is more prevalent on the left than the right though. In any event, this cabal of control freaks are clearly in need of a rude awakening. Unfortunately, with the advent of social media (a haven for narcissists), and the fact that the vast majority of the legacy media have the same affliction, i am not optimistic there will be a change, and more likely, it will get worse.
I continue to struggle to grasp that fundamental *something* that makes one person (the majority) cast aside reason and capitulate to the mania of the moment and another person (the tiny minority) remain level-headed and objective in the face of overwhelming pressure. What is it about those ~10% who buck consensus and declare that one and one are actually two when everyone around them screams that it is three?
I've tried to figure that out myself. In my situation, I chalk it up to a set of life experiences and being brought up by a libertarian/skeptic with serious problems w/ authority. My sister, whom I have disagreed w/ for years on politics so we don't think alike, and I have agreed from the beginning that this was bat shit crazy, though she grasped how crazy it was before I did. I know people in huge groups are stupid and panicky, but I thought we had a constitution and civil rights. Boy did I get a wake up call. But I, like you, have muddled this over and I know people from similar circumstances to mine that bought it hook, line, and sinker. All I know is not long in, my sister and I were talking and we both agreed that we now understood how something like Nazi Germany happened, and that no one should be under any illusion it couldn't happen here.
I'm so glad you and your sister were able to arrive at that understanding together. Wit my my team of young people, built over 13 years, or my seems we really didn't know anything about each other when it came to something this important. I am grieving.
Sorry it took so long for me to comment. Just hang on. I care very much for all the people in my life that aren't there yet. I just worry about them, that they will wake up too late. But I don't envy you. I'm glad my family and I are on the same page. This would be so much harder otherwise.
I live in Massachusetts, and can attest to this. Although one of my best friends is a plumber and buys into all of the nonsense. He's very lefty though.
Thank you for a much-needed, laugh, Gato, as I am in the depths of Maskachusetts. Got my hair cut this weekend. The stylist and I were mask-free and happy until an uppity Boston elite lady came in. She immediately asked for my vax status and looked at me like I'm vermin when I I said I'm jab-free. She backed to a far corner of the room and I put on a loose mask just to keep the peace for the stylist. And there is still 95% compliance in Boston/Cambridge.
Maybe we could just stop now with the whole Karen thing? Because my name happens to be Karen and I am heartbroken to see that our society has gone mad, includig my teenage kids
Fact check! Hyannis is blue collar now and you will even homeless and vagabonds walking the street with their pants halfway down their ass. This is no place for the summer crowed of Wellesley. That is P-Town. Maybe Truro. They get their faster by boat from Boston. Hyannis would be a huge hike. They do it, but from what I know living in south MA, Hyannis was not balls-to-the-wall terrified like the upper Cape was. P-Town -- as of May 2020 anyway -- was loaded with Karen's in a panic. Hyannis no. Once you got passed Chatham it got worse and worse. I even saw some clowns alone on the beaches in masks.
More from the trenches of an upscale very blue area: two local grocery chains went mask optional, including for employees (thank goodness). Amazing to walk in and see essentially all the employees with no masks, and essentially every customer with mask on. Must be very bewildering to the virtue signalers, although that would assume they have some capacity for self-reflection. The class divide is so apparent, and it's so clear the continued mask-wearing is status-signaling. But I think it's on the verge of seeming so silly they won't be able to continue. Also you can feel the frustration, they want to signal "I'm vaccinated!" but they can't figure out how!
Well, I don’t know. I live in Boston, definitely not one of the fancy neighborhoods, and there’s still a huge number of people masked outdoors. It’s definitely not a class thing down here, but we *were* one of the neighborhoods where the mayor sent trucks with loudspeakers to drive around and scold us about all the dangers of COVID in multiple languages. So maybe people are still frightened? Dunno. It’s quite sad to see.
I live in MA and can vouch for this 110%. I had an interesting conversation with my plumber during our home renovation about Sweden's approach to C19. Then I drive through Wellesley and 30-40-something lululemon ladies are STILL jogging outside with facemasks on. I don't want to hear another word about the supposedly "educated" upscale suburbs here...
the line between education and indoctrination has always been a precarious one.
many of the most prestigious universities in the northeast began as seminaries.
they have become seminaries again.
they teach what to think, not how and brook no dissent.
should we be surprised that such uniformity now comes with a uniform?
el gato malo, aside from what you say: the liberal schools have affirmative action curricula and every 'player' gets a trophy as long as they can borrow the tuition and fees....
not sure teaching is what they do
i hear the above applies even to mit!
Exactly! I have much more thoughtful conversations with Uber drivers and bartenders than the elites.
Excellent. I have yet to meet any kinda of "worker" who gives too poops about masks or COVID. Not auto mechanics, not pest controllers, not contractors, not delivery guys, not farmers, not anyone who has ever worked a hard dangerous job, or relied on a "mask" to protect them from paint, sawdust, chemicals or cow manure. (they know masks don't "work.")
So yesterday, in Vermont, I went to the Tractor Supply store and no one was wearing a mask. Presumably all the farmers, Trump voters and other "rednecks" were fully vaccinated. Meanwhile, over at the "Healthy Granola Food Co-op," it was 90% mask-wearing. Funny, I'd figure that "those people" woulda all got vaxxed? Or else they are are worried someone from the pestilence-ridden Tractor Supply store might come over and contaminate them? The Gov still has not removed the mask mandate, as he wants "80% of the people with at at least one shot" before he does so. However, he says, per the CDC, that the fully vaccinated do not need masks. OK. And so the purpose of the mandate is to...encourage (?) that last little bit of people to get a vaccine so that they can finally take their masks off, even though the same people who never wore masks are the same people who will never get vaccinated? And how do any of these arbitrary rules and distinctions prevent disease? And what if we never get to 80%? Mask rules forever?
i will maybe get to the coop in Mpilier with my karen and yes she will mask..... i likely willgo in free face and see what happens, if she lets me...
the beer is too expensive there, and nh has no tax.
Okay, so now I've read it, some thoughts...
We're still focussed on the what and not the why or the who.
This virus has an IFR of 0.15% for all ages and an IFR of 0.03% for age 70 and under. While the original outbreaks in Wuhan, northern Italy, and NYC were scary (and, really, what happened?) soon became clear that they were the outliers not the norm.
The PCR cycle threshold was set very high to obfuscate the data about infections and deaths. The way in which C19 deaths were counted was changed. Per the CDC, about 5% of those who died had C19 as their only cause of death. The remaining 95% had on average four co-morbid conditions or causes of death.
The SARS-CoV-2 virus has never been isolated from a human being. We really have no idea what the PCR tests detect.
Has anyone seen reliable all cause death in the US for 2020? I keep hearing from people in other countries that they saw no excess deaths. The people who died from/with C19 would likely have died from something else during the year. Did the US have excess mortality and how much was caused by the virus...not the reaction? Did an 85-year-old with dementia, heart disease, end stage renal failure, and a +PCR really die of C19?
They convinced medical doctors (presumably intelligent and accomplished) with lots of letters after their names to demonstrate how to wipe down grocery bags to prevent the spread.
While we were a divided people before this "pandemic", they further divided us...masks/no masks...shutdowns/no closures/no school closures...and now injections/no injections.
Why did they attempt to destroy society for a virus that is less worrisome that the average yearly flu for most people?
And who, exactly, are they?
We keep talking like this is over. I don't think it is.
They haven't quite given up their attempt to implement the "vaccine passports". They're still pushing injections on children and babies. There tenderizing the masses with stories about the scariants and boosters for the fall. I saw a post on Fakebook this morning about injecting newborns, so I called them out as the demons they are.
Someone...lots of someones...are behind this. They know the virus isn't that dangerous. They know children and infants are at low risk for infection and transmission. They know the injections are hurting and killing a large number of people.
And yet they persist.
Greed, hubris, avarice, tribalism, group think do not make sense of this.
It was a plan. And they're not done with us.
Have you ever read about the Georgia Guidestones? We can laugh at Schwab or Gates and the other psychopathic billionaires...but they have money and power and influence...
And really, really evil ideas.
People in the States are being lulled into thinking this is over. I don't see anywhere else in the world that has the foot stepping off the throat. In fact, the exact opposite. Germany is imposing a strict vaccine passport, as is the EU now. Victoria Aus just went into another lockdown. Malayasia too. Vietnam has put into place compulsory testing. Even Tanzania is now starting to lock down its borders (I will have to get out of here if it gets too bad but right now its still like 2019 inside the country), and the UK's BBC is still on full blast propaganda, with June 21st as the carrot for opening. India, I mean, wtf.
"i don’t mean this in the “the left/elites tried to take over the world” sense (though to be sure some of that went on)."
Again, this seems to ignore what is actually going on outside the US. There is most definitely a global orchestration-- that's why we had 193 countries simultaneously lockdown last March. This may just be a Phase II that CJ Hopkins wrote about happening, with this coming Winter to be the real hammer.
If the scientists and doctors who have been warning against the injections are correct...and, sadly, they have been so far...the coming fall and winter might be terrible. Their biggest concern with these injections is antibody enhanced disease, which they expect will be used to scare people into booster injections.
I hope they're wrong. They hope they're wrong. But they haven't been so far.
We are in a sense protected in the US because of our distributed form of government. We must keep pushing, so the calmer, saner voices prevail. Some Republicans have introduced legislation to ban "vaccine" passports. Some governors/states have banned them.
You may be interested in these videos. Dr. Peter McCullough created the first treatment protocol for ambulatory C19 to keep people out of hospital.
McCullough testimony at the Texas State Senate a few months ago:
McCullough's recent interview:
Another recent interview:
IDK what is going on in India. Truthfully, I've wondered if it is a "natural" occurrence.
We'll see what the Fauci email revelations bring in the next few days. He needs to be fired...and then prosecuted.
Thanks for the links. I will check those out. In India, right after the local elections, they ramped up testing to reinstitute a scare, as many were out and about during Kumbh Mela. But they also ramped up vaccines at the same time. The tipping point was when the Health Minister went on TV to show him getting the injection, only to die two days later. The gov't lost control of the narrative and mass hysteria took over, which is typical for there. They let in alt medicines to calm it back down, but I think they're on the verge of riots if this continues.
live in 1st town over border in nh. we been open nearly a year. our restaurants were crowded while ma was needlessly closed.
i have live in biden voting karen: anti right 'authority' [tes calls it agency] is always right, data don't matter, individual liberty is scaring her, when i open subject of extreme low probability fears, i am being mean, i do that when i need some free time.....
the cambridge 'elite' are basket weaving degreed with no prospects and $150k in student loans. none could tell a second derivative 'implied' from a 5 sigma out event that scares them to death.
When the media has been fully integrated into special services and espionage organizations (way, way past Operation Mockingbird, folks), you can do anything you damn well please. Here's a great example: K walking up a flight of airplane stairs with all the saluting and security. Only they made a mistake and showed that there is no airplane. All theater. We live in a post-truth world.
Yes, the mask mandates in MA went away over the weekend, but the kids are still required to wear them in school. Makes zero sense. People still wearing masks while driving alone! Then again, I can't swing un gato muerto without hitting a white liberal in my town (refer to graph above).
excuse me miss corrine, but many of us experience ideas such as swinging dead cats as a form of hate speech.
it's extremely threatening to feline americans.
probably you didn't mean it, but i though maybe you should know.
friend sent a notice from a ma health care provider, they still require you be masked bc: frail pts, who should all be vaxxed, and the kiddies can't get it bc vax is worse than the lab leak bug and the kiddies do not spread it.......
i do not use that particular provider, my next foray to a routine in ma is end of july which will be cancelled with comment if they continue to require face diapers......
It's not theit fault. The mask mandate for healthcare facilities and public transportation is still in place.
They have in place until Sept iirc. The Transportation Authoriticy of our Travel said it's about "respect" cause there's no science.
Gato: kindly review "The Liberal Mind: The Psychological Causes of Political Madness" by Lyle Rossiter. (warning: it is longwinded and difficult to get through). He touches on the issues referenced in your essay. I cannot vouch for the scientific accuracy of his work, but, a fair reading would point a normal person to look in a certain direction to discover the cause of the political madness we suffer through today. I believe you have hit the "nail on the head" with the control analysis. But to keep it as simple as possible, I might add that the primary cause of this madness is narcissism. The reasons for opting for the paternalistic state as referenced in Category #1 listed above are classic symptoms of people who would be considered to be "covert/introverted" narcissists. Category #2 would be the "overt/grandiose" narcissist. While i am referring mainly to personality types, to a certain degree, both types of people may or may not have a full blown case of narcissistic personality disorder. They are definitely on the spectrum. Type #1 is neurotic, has fomo, and hence is jealous of other people, therefore want others to be as miserable as they are. Type#2 is malignant, bordering on psychopathy. Regardless, both live in their "own" world and want to make the rest of the world conform to "their own" fantasyland, because they can't control the real world, but can control theirs (or their delusion of what is their world).
They are truly damaged people. That is not to say there are no conservatives that are on the narcissism spectrum, but those folks seem to have a different world view (one that focuses more on their own individuality and independence). I would argue that being a narc is more prevalent on the left than the right though. In any event, this cabal of control freaks are clearly in need of a rude awakening. Unfortunately, with the advent of social media (a haven for narcissists), and the fact that the vast majority of the legacy media have the same affliction, i am not optimistic there will be a change, and more likely, it will get worse.
Here in Newton people are still wearing masks even while walking their dog and several stores still require face covering.
I continue to struggle to grasp that fundamental *something* that makes one person (the majority) cast aside reason and capitulate to the mania of the moment and another person (the tiny minority) remain level-headed and objective in the face of overwhelming pressure. What is it about those ~10% who buck consensus and declare that one and one are actually two when everyone around them screams that it is three?
I've tried to figure that out myself. In my situation, I chalk it up to a set of life experiences and being brought up by a libertarian/skeptic with serious problems w/ authority. My sister, whom I have disagreed w/ for years on politics so we don't think alike, and I have agreed from the beginning that this was bat shit crazy, though she grasped how crazy it was before I did. I know people in huge groups are stupid and panicky, but I thought we had a constitution and civil rights. Boy did I get a wake up call. But I, like you, have muddled this over and I know people from similar circumstances to mine that bought it hook, line, and sinker. All I know is not long in, my sister and I were talking and we both agreed that we now understood how something like Nazi Germany happened, and that no one should be under any illusion it couldn't happen here.
I'm so glad you and your sister were able to arrive at that understanding together. Wit my my team of young people, built over 13 years, or my seems we really didn't know anything about each other when it came to something this important. I am grieving.
Sorry it took so long for me to comment. Just hang on. I care very much for all the people in my life that aren't there yet. I just worry about them, that they will wake up too late. But I don't envy you. I'm glad my family and I are on the same page. This would be so much harder otherwise.
It’s really tough when your own teenage kids are among the crazy ones.
I hate to say this, but I fear they get it in school.
I live in Massachusetts, and can attest to this. Although one of my best friends is a plumber and buys into all of the nonsense. He's very lefty though.
Thank you for a much-needed, laugh, Gato, as I am in the depths of Maskachusetts. Got my hair cut this weekend. The stylist and I were mask-free and happy until an uppity Boston elite lady came in. She immediately asked for my vax status and looked at me like I'm vermin when I I said I'm jab-free. She backed to a far corner of the room and I put on a loose mask just to keep the peace for the stylist. And there is still 95% compliance in Boston/Cambridge.
You should have lied.
I should have told her to F off, none of her business...but I don't like to lie and appease Karens, ya know?
Maybe we could just stop now with the whole Karen thing? Because my name happens to be Karen and I am heartbroken to see that our society has gone mad, includig my teenage kids
I am so sorry. It's awful to have your name appropriated like that. Lesson learned!
Thank you 🙏
The best response I have heard, which I can't want to use, is to just ask a super-personal question right back, like, 'do you like anal?'
I need to have something like that at the ready. I hate to do it, but people are so breathtakingly point in tiptoeing around.
Some of them want to use you
Some of them want to get used by you
Some of them want to abuse you
Some of them want to be abused
Fact check! Hyannis is blue collar now and you will even homeless and vagabonds walking the street with their pants halfway down their ass. This is no place for the summer crowed of Wellesley. That is P-Town. Maybe Truro. They get their faster by boat from Boston. Hyannis would be a huge hike. They do it, but from what I know living in south MA, Hyannis was not balls-to-the-wall terrified like the upper Cape was. P-Town -- as of May 2020 anyway -- was loaded with Karen's in a panic. Hyannis no. Once you got passed Chatham it got worse and worse. I even saw some clowns alone on the beaches in masks.
This piece is so f'ing good and spot on...I may have to subscribe!
I haven't had a change to read this yet, but I thought people needed to see/hear this information.
It's not good.
The Spike Protein - Dr. Byram Bridle Professor of Viral Immunology University of Guelph
Interview by Alex Pierson...
The study...